#korra says straight up ���amon was right’
jettreno · 7 months
there obv IS a prevalent and aggravating trend of stories having an antagonist who correctly identifies a flaw in society and aims to fix it but also commits atrocities along the way that the narrative claims to undermine the entire goal and then when the hero defeats them it is in the name of the status quo - but people sometimes point to legend of korra as an example of this which is so annoying bc like man how can you not understand a show written for children. every single season ends with korra defeating the villains and then saying "they had some points tho!" and then changing the status quo to address the flaw the villain identified
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m0use123 · 2 years
"Guys, Asami ! I'm back"! Korra yelled as she ran across the park, to their usual hang out spot by the duck pond.
The group of teenagers all looked up at the sounds of that all to familiar voice.
"Korra"! Five sets of voices called at once.They all stood and staired open mouthed at their friend.
"What happened"? Bolin asked in amazement, "you were kinda chubby before you left and now ...... ".
"You're ripped"? Wu supplied, rushing over and hugging his friend.
"Oh, well. Yeah. You kinda do alot of running in military school", Korra blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I'll say, great to have you back Kor" Mako smiled and hugged her tightly. "Are those abs I can feel"? He teased her.
Blushing like mad, Korra lifted her t-shirt slightly to show a well defined 8 pack that had certainly not been there before the teen had left.
"Those clothes are massive on you Kor, we'll have to go on an emergency shopping trip", Opal told her sternly.
"Sure Opy, that'll be fun" Korra told her with a half hearted smile.
"You're a terrible liar" Opal told her, pulling the younger girl into a bone crushing hug.
Once the huddle moved back, Korra came face to face with the one person who had kept her going for months of mountain top runs at 4 o'clock in the morning.
"Hey Sami" Korra said quietly as the two were drawn together magneticly.
"Hey Korra" Asami all but whispered as they stepped closer and closer to one another.
"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss" Bolin chanted.
Opal hit him, but soon "awww'd" when the two kissed.
"Finally" Mako muttered and his boyfriend just shush'd him.
- - - - - -
"Finally alone" Korra mumbled into Asami's long black hair as the two snuggled together on a sun lounger next to Asami's swimming pool.
Asami giggled and crawled further up her girlfriend's body and pecked her on the lips. "We've been apart all school year baby, I'm sure you could've waited a bit longer, you didn't have to kick our friends out".
Korra chuckled and wrapped her arms around Asami's bikini clad body.
"Easy for you to say Sams. The thought of your soft kisses is all that kept me going on those winter marches".
Asami paused, she nuzzled into her girlfriend's neck and said softly, "I'm sorry you were sent away because of me".
"Asami. What are you talking about"? Korra questioned her, glancing down from her comfortable position.
"It was all my fault you got into that fight. That's the reason you were expelled and sent away to that military academy".
"Wow, wow, wow. Sami, baby calm down. It wasn't your fault. I punched Amon of my own free will, you didn't MAKE me do anything.
"But nothing Asami, it was my own fault, I messed up, not you. Now. I only have the summer to make you feel as loved as humanly possible, and I for one, don't intend to miss a single moment of it".
- - - - - -
The young couple kissed, hugged and held hands right up to the first day of September.
- - - - -
It was starting to drizzle as Korra stood in her full military school uniform on the station platform, surrounded by her friends and girlfriend.
With her military green kit bag positioned securely on her shoulder Korra gave her friends each a strong one armed hug.
"Do you have to go"? Asami asked softly into Korra's dress uniform.
"I don't want to baby, but I have no choice, please, don't make this harder than it has to be".
- - - - - -
"Attention"! Captain Kuvira Beifong yelled to her troops.
Korra scrambled off her top bunk and landed with a thud on the hard wooden dormitory floor. Lining up, and standing ram rode straight with her troop, along the bases on their bunk beds.
"Avatar, commander Bumi's office, on the double".
Korra marched double time out of the dormitory and up to the headmasters office.
She knocked and waited.
Korra gulped and opened the door, she caught a glimpse of the office, before her vision was obscuried by a maine of black hair.
"Asami"? Korra asked quietly, she could recognised that perfume anywhere.
"I've pulled some strings, your coming home baby, your coming home".
Korra's face broke into her first true smile in weeks.
"Thankyou Asami, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou".
~ Fin ~
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runimanio · 4 months
2024 Game Clear #21 The Legend of Korra
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Not the show, the digital only 2014 video game by PlatinumGames and published by Activision that was delisted in 2017 that I bought in 2016 for very cheap but has sat in my steam account unused for 7 years because my laptop at the time was so bad it couldn't handle this game somehow!
It's also very important for the ATLA lore because we learn that Iroh became a filthy capitalist during his time in the spirit world
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So this is an interesting one because this game got absolutely demolished by reviewers at the time, just checking the reviews on the wikipedia page some outlets were giving this game 2's and 3's. I remember a lot reviews remarking that it was this cash grab stain of the franchise... which feels very weird to me because i think this game is better then the Avatar games that came before, and certainly better then whatever that Gamemill slop that came out recently... I almost wonder if reviewers thought they were reviewing a full priced game because sure I could see them taking issue with the lack of content under that context but the game launched for $15 US.
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I do have a fair amount criticism: The game starts with your bending blocked which uhh isnt the game putting it's best foot foward, some bosses are spongy and no subtitles track is always annoying, there's also not much enemy variety for a 4 hour game that's not a big deal i don't think. Not platinum's finest work but it's decent 6 out 10 that's worth a look if your a fan. You just might need to do some digging to get it these days (please don't buy a old steam key for $7000) and I can't get mad at a korra game that lets me parry a guy off his motorbike and do a fist of north star style ten thousand fists on him.
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The game does a good job looking and feeling like the show, the proper voice actors are here (though admittedly it's mostly just Korra and Jinora) every level has animated cutscene that look like the show, I'm pretty sure I recognized some of the level music being pulled straight from the show so it's sound like the show too. You can feel pretty powerful using your bending to wipeout everyone around you.
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There's also a plot! I don't really have much to say about it really, it takes place after season 2 and it's really just kind of one of those "all your old enemies are bad" video game plots, not in the "Amon is randomly back" but you gotta find out why there a bunch of Equalist, Triple Threat Triad and dark spirits goons attacking you. it's pretty basic but I like the new villain design at least
Last thing I gotta say that's more of a tangent but I have a memory of a couple of reviewers holding up the Naga chase segments to make a dig against Sega being like "Wow they made a better sonic game then Sega in minigame" and now that i've played it... It's just Temple Run???? like lane changes and swipe turns in all? Guy if you want a Sonic auto runner you can play one right now! in 2014 even! very silly time
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0 notes
randomwritingguy · 3 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader UNREQUITED) Part 4
It's been a few days since the "revelation". I've tried talking to Korra about it, attempted to get her to open up, but she hasn't budged. I don't want to force her to talk about it if she doesn't want to, but it's clear what we saw really shook her up. Every time someone even mentions Amon or the Equalists she becomes more distant or starts sweating. I've also noticed the bags under her eyes. If this becomes out of hand, I guess I have no choice but to confront her straight up about the problem.
Ever since my fights with the Equalists I realised I needed to become a better fighter, so I can defend myself and my friends. I borrowed a chi-blocking tutorial book from a library and I've been practicing the techniques. Surprisingly I've learned the moves pretty quickly. I don't want to sound arrogant or anything but if I keep this pace up it won't be long until I fully master it.
Speaking of chi-blocking, I'm currently practicing the moves right now whilst Korra is attempting to airbend again. We brought the radio outside to play some fun music whilst we do our training. We haven't spoken a word yet, fully focused on what we're doing.
Suddenly, the music begins to be filled with static as a voice pours out of the radio.
"Good evening, my fellow Equalists. This is your leader, Amon."
Korra and I both freeze. It's him again. That voice still sends shivers down my spine.
"As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear."
And after that terrifying speech, the voice fades away, cutting back to the jolly music we were listening to moments ago.
I look at Korra. She hasn't moved an inch.
I take a deep breath and slowly approach her. Spirits, she looks terrified. Eyes widened, sweat on her face. She looks like she saw a ghost.
"Korra," I say in a calm, quiet tone, "are you okay?"
My voice snaps my best friend out of her trance, as she looks away from me. "I'm fine, Y/N. I'm going to stop training for the night."
I sigh heavily. "Korra, we both know you're not fine. It's fine to be scared. I'm terrified! I just want to make sure you're alri-"
"-Why?" Korra interrupts me, her voice stern.
I pause for a few seconds, processing what she said. "I'm sorry?"
"Why are you terrified? You can't even bend." she says to me coldly.
I widen my eyes for a second and then relax. "Korra," I say cautiously, "just because I'm a non-bender doesn't mean I can't be scared. I'm terrified for you, I don't want to see you getting hurt. I know how much this means to you."
Korra sighs and drops her head. "I know, I'm sorry for what I said."
"It's alright." I assure her, "Is there anything else you want to talk to me about?"
Korra hesitates for a moment, before tensing up. "No, I'm fine Y/N. Have a good night."
I look down to my feet. "Have a good night, Korra. I'm always there if you want to talk." I say to her, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.
As she walks away, I think about whether I should go to bed too. I look back and see the chi-blocking book on the stool I placed it on.
Korra is horrified by Amon. I want, no, NEED to protect her at all costs. I will not let anyone harm her as long as I breathe.
I walk back to where I was and begin practicing the moves again.
I'll train all night if I have to.
For Korra. Always for her.
Its sunset now, as me, Korra and Tenzin's family are prepared to have our meal. We all close our eyes as the usual blessing occurs.
"We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion and-"
"-I'm not interrupting, am I?"
I open my eyes and see a tall man dressed in water tribe clothing, with three ponytails on the back of his head.
Tenzin doesn't look pleased by his appearance as he frowns. "This is my home, Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner."
This Tarrlok guy ignores the implication of the sentence and continues walking in. "Good, because I am absolutely famished. Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?"
Tenzin sighs, the frown on his face remaining. "I suppose."
The man approaches Korra and I, a smile on his face. "Oh, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is truly an honour. I am Councilman Tarrlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe."
Korra gets up and they both bow. "Nice to meet you."
He sits to Korra's left and Ikki immediately begins to interrogate the poor man. As that is going on, I begin to wonder what Tarrlok's intentions are on being here. It has something to do with Korra, doesn't it?
My suspicions are confirmed when, after the interrogation with the young airbender is over, he begins talking to Korra.
"So, I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative." Tarrlok proudly comments.
Well...I didn't see that one coming. I'm surprised he actually appreciates what we did.
"Oh...thanks." Korra responds hesitantly, "I think you're the first authority figure in the city who's happy I'm here."
And the compliments from Tarrlok keep on coming. "Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived."
"Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok." Tenzin says in a stern voice. "What do you want from Korra?"
"Patience, Tenzin." the councilman calmly responds, "I'm getting to that. As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force. I will strike at the heart of the revolution. And I want you to join me."
Woah, what?!
Tarrlok continues, "I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger, and that someone is you."
"Join your task force?" Korra quietly asks.
This is great! This is the perfect way to catch Amon! Of course Korra is going to accept, that's a no-brainer right there!
"I can't."
See? I knew she would accept right aw-HOLD UP WHAT?!
I turn to Korra, my mouth wide open and eyes so big they could pop out of my face. She refused?! Why?!
Tarrlok seems to share my shock too. "I...must admit, I'm rather surprised. I-I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon."
"Yeah, same here." I speak up.
Korra's face remains neutral as she responds. "I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now, I just need to focus on that."
The councilman is relentless though, as he urges Korra to reconsider. "Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on-the-job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city."
"Korra gave you her answer." Tenzin says, stopping Tarrlok from continuing any further, "It's time for you to go."
Tarrlok finally accepts defeat and stands up. "Very well. But I'm not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon. It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra."
I'm conflicted. I can see why Korra turned down his offer, she does need to finish her training, but this is the perfect opportunity to defeat Amon. And like he said, it would be on-the-job experience too. She'll be killing two birds with one stone.
My mind flashes back to Korra's face when we heard Amon's message. How horrified she looked, how she looked so vulnerable. I remember the bags under eyes, the sweat of fear on her face.
I know what I have to do.
Suddenly, I stand up from the table, all eyes on me. "I'll be right back."
I speed-walk outside of the building until I see the northern water-tribe representative about to get on a boat.
"Councilman Tarrlok!" I shout at him, hoping to get his attention.
He stops and looks at me, confusion on his face. When I finally get close up to him, he speaks up. "May I help you?"
I hold out my hand, in which he takes. Time to do what I came here to do. "I'm Y/N, I grew up with Korra at the South Pole. I'm sorry that she refused to join your task force, but I really like that you are planning to fight back against Amon. I may not be the Avatar, but I was wondering if I could join? I'm not a waterbender, but I'm quite good at chi-blocking. Plus, me being on the force will be good non-bending representation, especially with me being best friends with Korra."
As we let go from the handshake, Tarrlok's eyes are wide and his mouth is open. He then relaxes and for a few seconds he is silent, thinking his next move.
He finally speaks up.
"Alright, I accept your offer. It would be good to have a chi-blocker in my task force. Meet me at City Hall tomorrow at 9:00. I have a feeling we will do great things together, Y/N."
His mouth forms a small smile with a hint of mischievousness . He's planning something, I can tell. But I think Tarrlok's task force is the perfect way to combat the Equalists, and I want to be a part of it. I'll worry about the councilman later.
As Tarrlok leaves Air Temple Island, I walk back inside to where everyone's attention is on me.
"Are you alright? What happened?" Korra asks me, concern in her voice.
Well, might as well not beat around the bush.
"I've joined Tarrlok's task force." I announce, confidence in my voice.
Everyone's eyes widen, their jaws dropping to the floor.
"What? Why? The force will only further divide benders and non-benders." Tenzin replies, shock in his voice.
"Not if I'm on the scene." I reply quickly, "I'll be the perfect non-bending representation for the city. It will give all of the non-benders assurance that we are on their side. It's perfect!"
Tenzin still doesn't look convinced. "It's still too aggressive. And knowing Tarrlok, he'll probably use you to manipulate Korra to join him."
I sigh deeply. "Maybe, but I think its worth the risk. I can't stay here and do nothing whilst Amon is out there!"
"Oh, like I'm doing nothing?" Korra cuts in, her tone dripping with annoyance.
I can't believe this, not her too.
"No! You have a reason for staying here: to complete your training! I don't! Which is why we can kill two birds with one stone! You finish your training, and I help hunt down Amon! It's a win-win" I exasperate, waving my arms around.
Despite my explanation, Korra still isn't listening. "You shouldn't be the one to do it! I'm the Avatar!"
I groan, loudly. "This isn't all about you Korra! You can't fight Amon and the Equalists by yourself!"
"I know that!" Korra barks out.
"Then why won't you let me..." I begin to say, only to trail off.
Wait a second.
I sigh heavily. "Korra, we both know you're not fine. It's alright to be scared. I'm terrified! I just want to make sure you're alri-"
"-Why?" Korra interrupts me, her voice stern.
I pause for a few seconds, processing what she said. "I'm sorry?"
"Why are you terrified? You can't even bend." she says to me coldly.
She thinks I'm too vulnerable to help.
"Oh, I get it now! You think I'll be too weak to fight them because I'm a non-bender, huh?!" I angrily let out.
Korra's face flashes to surprise and shock. "No! That's not it!"
"Really?!" I reply, not giving her a chance to continue. "Because that's the only thing I can come up with other than you being stubborn! I've gotten a lot better since our fight with the Equalists! I've learned chi-blocking! I practiced it all night so I could help protect you! YOU, Korra! I'm in Tarrlok's task force now and that's final! Don't talk to me for the rest of the night!"
I quickly walk away from everyone and enter my room. I put all of my stuff away and get in bed, attempting to fall asleep.
I'm not weak. I'll show her. I'll show them all.
I arrive at City Hall 30 minutes early. Councilman Tarrlok was already at the area too, and he seemed impressed by my dedication to the task force. I got myself suited up. Not going to lie, I look pretty good.
At the moment I'm currently sat with the other members of the force. The room is filled with intense silence as Tarrlok walks in.
"Good evening, my fellow Task Force deputes." he says, his voice calm and collected, "Thank you all for your dedication of stopping Amon. If we're going to defeat him, we need to follow every lead we can get, no matter what. My sources have informed me that there is a going to be a local Equalist meeting near the docks. It is imperative we apprehend these criminals and see if we can gain any vital intel on Amon's plan."
My hands ball into fists as I frown slightly. Last time I fought them I was pathetically took down. Not this time.
We arrive to the location as quickly as possible. Its nearly pitch black out here, but I can just see multiple figures near the edge of the docks.
We all move into position silently. Tarrlok glances at us as he signals the count down on when to strike.
I take a deep breath.
My fists tighten.
I lock onto my target.
I close my eyes.
It's show time.
We all charge forwards as we begin our ambush. Due to the stupidity of the Equalists by having their meetup close to the sea, the task force had plenty of ammo to waterbend. I, on the other hand, moving as fast as a Kyoshi Warrior, struck opponent after opponent in their weak spots until they collapsed in defeat, not having a single scratch on me. I dodged, blocked, and parried everything they threw at me, my attacks having the force of a comet. After a few intense minutes, they were all down.
I did it.
I actually did it.
I look around the scenery, piles of unconscious bodies everywhere.
"Excellent work, Y/N!" Tarrlok excitedly tells me as he approaches me. "You have exceeded my expectations. Just like the rest of us, you are a hero of Republic City."
I smile brightly, the adrenaline beginning to wear off.
Hero, huh?
I like the sound of that.
It was a bright morning today as I sat down with Tenzin to begin our breakfast. If only my mood was as jolly as the weather.
It has been two days since Y/N and I's argument and they haven't spoken to me at all. When I try to confront them, they just walk past me and isolate themselves in their room. I just want to tell them that I don't think they are weak, I just don't want them to get hurt. I'm the Avatar, I should be the one dealing this. It's my duty.
It also doesn't help that I get constant reminders that Y/N is doing well in Tarrlok's task force.
Like the newspaper for example.
Last night a Equalist meeting near the docks was quickly taken down by the new Task Force, created by Councilman Tarrlok. The Northern Water Tribe representative and his men were quick to bring these menaces to justice, as he promises that they will face constant interrogation. Another noteworthy figure of the scene was the force's new recruit, Depute Y/N, childhood friend of Avatar Korra, who was responsible for the Equalists' quick defeat. Councilman Tarrlok has praised the...
I sigh as I place the newspaper down.
"Korra?" Tenzin speaks up, concern in his voice. "Is something the matter?"
I drop my head down. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
He knows I'm lying, but he drops it for now. Finishing my breakfast, I get up to see if I could distract myself by playing around with Naga. However, my peaceful silence with her gets interrupted by a approaching Bolin, who seems to be holding something behind his back.
"Hello, fellow teammate!" he says loudly.
"Hey, Bolin" I quietly respond back to him.
"Missed you at practice this week."
Oh shoot, how could I forget that? I guess what's been going on with Y/N and Amon has been getting to me.
I quickly apologise to the earthbender, but he doesn't seem bothered by my absence in the arena.
A smile forms on Bolin's face. "Anyway, reason I came by was to give you this. Ta-da!"
He holds out a cupcake in a bag and a rose. He's so sweet.
"Wow, thanks" I reply. "What's this for?"  
"Uh...oh, I can't remember now. Oh, yeah, now I remember. You and Y/N saved me from Amon!"
Oh no...not him. Please not him, not now.
"Oh, that? It was no big deal." I say, hoping that it will be the end of it.
Despite my efforts, Bolin continues. ""No big deal"? Are you serious? I was totally freaking out when he was coming at me. With his creepy mask, all "I will take away your bending forever." I mean, that's scary stuff. I still can't sleep well."
Neither can I.
"Delivery for Avatar Korra!"
Bolin and I look forward as we see a woman carrying a massive pile of gifts.
"Tarrlok sends his compliments and urges you to reconsider his offer. You and Depute Y/N will do great things together in the force!"
Spirits, not now.
"Tell him I haven't changed my mind." I say in response, shutting her down completely.
As she walks away, Bolin starts getting annoyed.
"Who's this "Tarrlok" guy? Is he bothering you? Huh? 'Cause I could have a word with him." the earthbender says, quick to defend me.
I chuckle. "No, it's not like that. He's just some old guy who works with Tenzin on the council."
Bolin looks relieved by my comment. "Oh, good. Good, that sounds better. I like that better. Oh wait, did she mention Y/N? Where are they anyway? I brought something for them too as a thank you."
I sigh. "I don't know. Somewhere in the city."
Bolin seems to notice my discomfort. "Are things okay between you two?"
I look down, staring at my feet. "Y/N has joined Tarrlok's task force."
"Oh yeah, I remember now!" Bolin loudly replies, "Mako mentioned it when he was reading the newspaper earlier. Sounds like they are doing great!"
"We had a argument about it two days ago." I sadly continue. "They think I believe they are too weak to help. I don't! I just don't want something bad to happen to them. Y/N has been my best friend for most of my life, if anything happened to them..."
Bolin walks up and sits down next to me. "I'm sure Y/N knew the risks of being pals with you. I mean, you're the Avatar! You trust them, don't you?"
Do I trust Y/N? That's a no-brainer.
"Of course I do!" I quickly respond. "I trust Y/N with my life!"
"Then you know that they will do anything to help you, just like you'll do anything to help them. Hey, like Mako and I will do anything for you guys!"
He's right...
I face him, a small smile forming. "Thanks, Bolin."
He shoots a grin back at me.
Tarrlok has organised a gala in honour of Korra. Honestly, I'm not even surprised at this point. Earlier I saw a pile of gifts and a satomobile being delivered to Air Temple Island! He really wants her to join the task force, huh? Whatever, he seems to be pleased by my performance. He also invited me to this gala as well. He's probably doing this to manipulate Korra again. Oh well, at least he bought a suit for me.
I walk around the place, trying to find anyone I recognise among the wealthiest of Republic City.
"Hey, Y/N!"
I turn around and see Bolin, Mako, a black-haired woman, and Hiroshi Sat-
Hold up.
Hiroshi Sato?
THE Hiroshi Sato?!
Oh spirits, act casual.
I walk up to them, a smile on my face.
"Hey guys, it's nice to see you."
"Y/N, you're not going to believe this! Mr Sato has sponsored the Fire Ferrets! We're going to be in the championship tournament!" Bolin quickly says, obvious joy in his voice.
Oh crap, really? Awesome!
"That's amazing! Thank you, Mr Sato." I say to the old man, gratitude in my voice. I hold my hand up for him to shake. "I'm Y/N, it is an honour to meet you sir."
We shake hands as he smiles. "It is an honour to meet you too. I read about you in the papers, you are a hero and the perfect representation for us non-benders!"
"Oh, uh, t-thank you! You're too kind!" I nervously respond as I rub the back of my neck.
"You deserve all the praise! You really are a hero!" the black-haired woman replies. She holds out her hand. "I'm Asami Sato."
Wait, Asami SATO?! Wow, I never knew Mr Sato had a daughter.
I shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Asami. I'm Y/N." I say. I quickly realise that she read about me in the papers, so I add on "But, uh, you knew that already."
She chuckles. "No worries, Mako has told me a lot about you."
"Oh, really now? Good things I hope." I look at him with a teasing smile.
The firebender chuckles. "Don't worry, nothing bad. I just told her how you, Korra and I saved Bolin from Amon."
I chuckle. "Well that's a relief. How did you two meet anyway?"
Asami looks away bashfully, a blush forming on her face. "I sort of accidentally hit him with my moped."
Hold up what.
"Wait, really?" I say, shock in my voice. "Mako, are you alright?"
"Don't worry Y/N, I'm fine."  Mako quickly replies.
As the conversation continues, I see Mr Sato walking to Councilman Tarrlok in the corner of my eye. Next thing I know we approach them and-
In a southern water-tribe dress.
She looks beautiful. Absolutely breath-taking.
I blush deeply as I look down to the ground, as Korra gets introduced to Asami and is told of the good news of the Fire Ferrets' sponsor. Spirits, Y/N, what's the matter with you?
However, before I could have a word with Korra alone, Tarrlok and her walk away to the very top of the stairs at the back. Suddenly, a large swarm of journalists, cameras, and more, surround the area.
This can't be good.
"Avatar Korra, you witnessed Amon take away people's bending first-hand. How serious a threat does he pose to the innocent citizens of Republic City?"
Korra clears her throat and speaks up. "I think he presents a real problem."
"Then why have you refused to join Tarrlok's task force? As the Avatar, shouldn't you be going after Amon instead of relying on your friend, Depute Y/N, to do it?"
Oh no.
"Well, I-"
"-Why are you backing away from this fight?"
My best friend's face shifts into anger. "What? No! I've never backed away from anything in my life!"
"You promised to serve this city. Aren't you going back on that promise now?"
"Do you think pro-bending is more important than fighting the revolution?"
"How do you think Avatar Aang would have handled this?"
"Are you afraid of Amon?"
"I'M NOT AFRAID OF ANYBODY!" Korra shouts out, her anger at its peak. "If the city needs me, then...I'll join Tarrlok's task force and help fight Amon."
"There's your headline, folks!" Tarrlok proudly announces.
As the cameras flash, and flash, and flash, I clench my teeth and tighten my fists.
That asshole. He did this on purpose.
After that was over, I quickly walk up to Korra, a sad look on her face.
"Korra, are you alri-"
"-Not now, Y/N" she interrupts, ending the conversation before it started.
I glare at Tarrlok, who shoots back a arrogant grin.
I sigh heavily, as I look down at my feet.
This night has been terrible.
Korra, the other deputes, and I, are sitting around the table in City Hall. She hasn't spoken a word to me since the gala. I can't blame her.
Tarrlok arrives, standing tall and pride.
"My fellow task force deputes, tonight we will execute a raid on an underground chi-blocker training camp located in the Dragon Flats Borough. According to my sources, there is a cellar underneath this bookstore where Equalists train chi-blocking in secret."
After the short drive to the location, we all approach the building where we can see into the cellar. The sources were right. The Equalists are training people how to chi-block. It's time we did something about it.
One of the deputes releases water from the tank we brought with us, as the waterbenders take some of it as ammo. I don't need it though, obviously.
I take a deep breath.
Let's do this.
The water crashes right into the cellar, freezing most of the people inside.
We all target our own opponents as we engage them. I chi-block one down as I see another throwing tear gas into our direction, making their escape.
Korra freezes the cans of tear gas and throws it away. "I'm going after those two!"
"Right back at you!" I reply, and I start to follow her.
However, not long after we began our chase, I see Korra trip on a line.
"Korra!" I shout, as I see a Equalist drop down out of nowhere. We begin our fight as Korra quickly deals with another. As I kick my enemy away, they are suddenly encased with ice.
I look to my right and see Tarrlok.
"Thank you." I say to him. Despite my frustration with him, at least he helped us out.
"We make a good team, Depute Y/N and Avatar Korra."
"Yeah, we do." Korra confidently replies. I turn to look at her and I see that she is sending me a small smile. I smile back at her. Even though we're still a bit annoyed at each other, at least we're good for now.
Korra and I are with Tarrlok, who is making a speech to the press. Ever since we caught those Equalists, we've been all over the news. Seriously, I've been approached by some strangers and they've been thanking me. It's quite nice. However, I haven't really had the chance to work things out with Korra yet, since we've been so busy lately.
"Avatar Korra has bravely answered the call to action." Tarrlok proudly states, "With the two of us leading the charge, Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists."
And, unsurprisingly, the questions emerge.
"Amon remains at large. Why have you failed to locate him?"
Unlike last time at the gala, Korra answers with no hesitation. "You want to know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. Amon, I challenge you to a duel. No task force, no chi-blockers, just the two of us, tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang memorial island! Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing...if you're man enough to face me!"
As she walks off the stage I quickly follow behind her, ignoring the swarm of journalists.
"Korra, have you gone crazy? You do know what Amon is capable of right? This is irrational, even for you!" I say to her with shock and worry.
"No, Y/N. I'm finishing this once and for all. Amon is just a weird, non-bending man with a creepy mask. As long as I keep my distance, I'll be fine."
"Avatar Korra" Tarrlok says as he appears out of nowhere, "for once I have to suggest that you do not go through with this. This is too dangerous."
"I've already made up my mind, Tarrlok. Don't try to stop me. You too, Y/N."
The councilman and I look at each other with concerned looks on our faces.
This isn't going to end well.
Tarrlok, the other deputes and I, are by the docks as we see Korra getting ready to sail to the island. I keep trying to convince her to not do this, but she won't listen to me. I see Tenzin on his glider as he lands next to us.
"Korra, this is madness."  the airbending master sternly tells her.
My best friend is having none of it though. "Don't try to stop me and don't follow me. I have to face Amon alone."
Tenzin's face morphs into rage and he glares at Tarrlok. "This is all your doing!"
The councilman is quick to respond. "Y/N and I tried to talk to her out of it, too, but she's made up her mind."
Before I could try and convince her one more time to stop this, she waterbends away.
"BE CAREFUL!" I shout at her, desperation in my voice.
"We'll be watching the island closely. If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down." Tarrlok says, assuring us that nothing will go wrong.
I sigh heavily. My heart is beating quickly.
Please...please be alright Korra. If I lose you, I...
I shake my head violently. Korra will be fine. She'll be okay.
My heart is still beating rapidly.
For a while there is intense silence. And then...
Midnight. It is time.
Be safe Korra.
It's been thirty minutes since midnight and nothing has happened. My heart somehow begins to beat even faster.
"Something's not right." I nervously say. "I'm going to see if she's alright!"
"Depute Y/N, you must stay here!" Tarrlok sternly orders me.
"No! Korra might be in danger! I'm going to help her!"
I jump in the sea and swim as fast as I could to the island. The water is so cold it could freeze my whole body solid, but I don't care. I have to get to Korra, no, I NEED to get to Korra.
After a long, agonizing swim, I finally make it to the island, as I see Tenzin landing from his glider. He must have got worried too.
We both rush inside, where we see Korra on the ground.
"KORRA!" I yell, pain and desperation echoing around the walls.
As we reach her, Tenzin grabs Korra and holds her up straight. "Korra, are you all right? What happened? Was Amon here?!"
Korra hesitates for a moment, fear on her face. "Y-Yeah. He...ambushed me."
Spirits, please no...
"Did...did he do it?" I ask her, Korra knowing full well what I meant.
Korra produces a bright, orange flame in her palm. "No. I'm okay."
Thank you spirits. Thank you so much.
But then...she starts crying.
Suddenly, she grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug, holding me like she'll die without me. I immediately reciprocate it.
"I was so terrified! I felt so helpless!" she cries out, voice full of sadness and horror.
"Shh, it's fine. I'm here now." I quietly assure her.
"You...you two were right. I've been scared this whole time! I-I've never felt like this before and...Y/N, I don't know what to do!"
The pain and terror in her voice breaks my heart. I hold her tighter. "As long as I'm here Korra, nothing will ever hurt you. I promise." I say with gentleness.
Tenzin places a hand on Korra's shoulder. "Admitting your fears is the first, and most difficult, step in overcoming them."
As my best friend continues sobbing, my face hardens.
Amon hurt Korra.
He made her cry.
He will suffer for this.
I'll make sure of it.
And that's it! Hope you all enjoyed it! :D
Constructive criticism is always appreciated!
Hope you all have a good day and see you all in the next chapter! :D
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Ultimate Ship Meme: Azulaang
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until I say so. I can see them being together after death as spirits.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Ooooh boy. Azula struggles to understand friendship. I think she'd fall in love fast and hard but take the longest to realize. Aang wouldn't let himself get attached at first because Azula is unapologetic and one of the things I like about Azulaang is how it would push Aang to deals with the nitty gritty gray, not in a The Fire Nation was right all along way but in how even Kyoshi and Roku's conflict resolution let to disagreements. I think it would take Aang longer to fall in but once they reach a semblance of common ground he'd be well aware he's falling in love and would enjoy the ride.
How was their first kiss? - Let's see my fanfics. In Blue it was awkward. In Weightless it was sweet. In Smut it was horny and hate filled. In canon I think their first kiss would be very passionate and then they snap back to reality and Aang would evade while Azula denies so they wouldn't talk about it but they'd for sure be thinking about the kiss.
Who proposed? - Technically Azula. As soon as Aang hears about a Fire Nation wedding, either his friends or he learns about Ozai and Ursa's wedding, his mind would be set on a wedding. He wouldn't say anything but he'd squirrel away relevant wedding information like he'd hear a song and go "I want that instrument to play at my wedding." But Azula would have her life planned out by other people and there'd be a set date where Ozai now Zuko are supposed to comb through suitor requests (it was probably Ursa's role. If she's there she'd talk to Azula directly instead of Lo and Li. I don't think Lo and Li are high enough rank to determine the suitor but I think it would be customary/expected for their input to be asked). Azula would tell Aang something along the lines of "I should be wed." and he'd agree and then Azula will spend an abnormally long time wondering if he married her because he liked her or because it's his duty until she asks him while he's discussing potential baby room colors pre wedding.
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka and Toph. Azula was going to pick Momo but he made a better flower girl. Yes she did this to annoy Zuko (and because Toph didnt want to wear the bridesmaid outfit) it's okay though Fire Lord Zuko was the guest of honor.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Katara, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee. Mai pretends she hates the outfit but she's secretly pleased.
Who did the most planning? - Aang did the most thinking but Azula did the most planning.
Who stressed the most? - Externally Aang. Internally Azula.
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
100% Azula's fault. Aang has no clue what Fire Nation weddings are supposed to be like.
Aang: Wow I can't believe all weddings in your Nation are this big.
Azula: They're not. It's because I'm Royalty and you're the Avatar.
Though I hc that Aang wants to get married in all the different Nations and Azula secretly wants to experience a small wedding so they get married 3 more times with one of them being a very small Air Nation wedding.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Hmmm I'm not sure. On one hand, Ozai redemption. On the other hand, Ozai death.
Who is on top? - Aang. Azula thinks she wants to be on top but she'd rather be pampered and Aang is more comfortable communicating and attending to needs. Aang has no strong preference either way and they do switch but this is their usual dynamic.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Azula but she denies it.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I think it's up to the reader's preference but I can see them being very private (Azula) and naturally talented (Aang) to the point where they assume every couple has sex daily. Hc that Aang and Suki talk about sex freely (ex: When I do __ should I __ or do girls prefer ___? I can never tell with Azula. Why do guys do ___ after ____ ? I've tried asking Sokka but he doesn't give me a straight answer.) Much to the fear of Sokka and Azula.
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
Again up to the reader. They both like learning new things and are prodigies so I think they'd end up reading about things to try in bed (Azula) and would try things out to see what they like (Aang) until they learn what they and each other generally like/dislike.
How long do they normally last? - 
Does the Avatar State remove your refractory period? >;3c
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - No. Aang likes overstimulating.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
Neither can dirty talk. Azula is rougher. Aang likes to take it slow. She sets the pace in the beginning but he decides when it ends.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Azula refuses to cuddle in public but in return they cuddle all night.
How many children will they have naturally? - hc them having twin boys at first with one firebender and one airbender because poetry. But Azula really wants a girl so they have a third child she is an airbender with Aang's charm and knack for getting in trouble and Azula's ruthlessness. Amon kidnaps her and instead of easily escaping (Aang's genes) she instead viciously mocks him the way only a preteen can (Azula's genes.) It's traumatic enough for Amon even before the parents show up. Then Aang wants another one and Azula wants another firebender so they do the do and surprise triplets! (maybe it has to do with ejaculatimg in the Avatar State lol) So 6 in total and lets say its 3 boys 3 girls with 3 airbenders 3 firebenders.
How many children will they adopt? - None. Azula is wary of motherhood and I know people like to hc Aang as adopting and while I can see him acting as a father figure to several kids I think he'd greatly prefer biological kids especially airbenders. It's a flaw that was barely touched upon and def not handled well in Legend of Korra.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Servants or Aang. After a kid or two Azula would be comfortable enough to change the diapers but it would still be mostly Aang.
Who is the stricter parent? - Depends on the kid. Aang is more lenient with airbenders and Azula with firebenders or girls. I can see Azula being strict with training & studies but not with sharing whereas Aang would have less rules but they'd be more heavily enforced (ex: no airgliding without supervision until you've mastered the safety course)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Azula. She's pretty lenient with the term dangerous esp. when it comes to firebending as long as basic safety measures are applied (ex: you can pracrice lightning as long as it's not pointed towards yourself aka dont be Zuzu) but Aang is of the mindset "How are you gonna learn airbending without dangerous stunts?" And after the first few incidents she started stepping in.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Azula but Aang cooks them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Appa
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Azula. When Aang attends the teachers shower him and his kids with compliments ("You're doing so well teaching your kids the values of the Air Nomads. It must be so hard being The Last Airbender"). They do the same with Azula but unlike Aang she sees through it and manages to get an accurate assessment of how their kids are doing.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Aang was more happy than sad. Azula cried before and after.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Aang. He is a notorious lawbreaker. Azula would bail the kids and she could do so quicker than Aang in a few cases because of her connections but she'd be mad so their kids would rather call Aang or break themselves out.
Who does the most cooking? - Tied. Aang at first but then Azula wants to learn and after Aang teaches her since she has less experience she finds more enjoyment in cooking.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - 
Technically Aang since he's a vegetarian. Azula hasn't tried as many foods and she's used to not making a fuss at the family dinner table to the point of which Aang notices.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both. Aang has a better eye for vegetables/fruits and Azula is better with prices (it's not about the cost it's about the value).
How often do they bake desserts? - Aang bakes them when he can/weekly. They're fruit based so if Azula doesn't want dessert he gives it to Momo or flings it at a target.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Gee I wonder. Aang eats salad Azula eats meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Aang but Azula tends to figures it out. Azula is more likely to plan a dinner but she wouldn't make it a surprise.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Aang but Azula is a close second. It would be a tie if it wasn't for the bathhouse.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Accidentally? Aang. On purpose? Azula.
Who cleans the room? - Servants or Aang.
Who is really against chores? - Azula hates cleaning up but she's neater.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Aang.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Aang.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Azula.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Aang.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Azula. In the Fire Nation Palace Aang has taken to chatting with Azula in the Royal Spa while he feeds her (and mostly himself) cherries.
Who takes the dog Appa out for a walk? - Aang
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Never. Once they like the room they like the room. If its an event they'll go to a different location for it or leave the Air Temple as is.
What are their goals for the relationship? -
To stay together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -
Aang slept for a hundred years so I'll give it to him.
Who plays the most pranks? - Tie. They've both pulled elaborate pranks as kids.
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years
Oh my heart part three
-Summary: Lin never expected to have a soulmate, in a world where your mark appears whenever your soulmate is born she grew up completely blank. So when she’s thirty and it finally etches itself around her arm, she vows to never be with the one meant only for her.
A/N: soooo I’ve never written a kiss before, please give me constructive criticism on it so I can better my writing. This is the last part and I’m really happy with the ending, please let me know which part of this whole series was your favorite!
Word count: 6k
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When Lin wakes up, all she feels is the mind splitting pain from her blow, flashes of what happen play in her mind, the last thing she remembers is hearing you scream her name. You, Lin, forces her eyes open which is a task an of itself, and tries to sit up, her muscles spasm and give out, causing her to fall back down onto where she is laying, wherever she is its moving; Tenzin comes into her eyesight, he leans over her as he checks her pupils and her pulse. “Thank spirits you're all right, I was worried for a minu-”
“You just left my sister?!” Lin hears Korra scream from somewhere nearby. No, no she can’t have heard her correctly, Lin tries to sit up once more but Tenzin tries to push her back down.
“Get off of me” she growls out, sitting up so she can finally see the group in front of her. It’s Korra with her fists clenched and her face all pinched and red, she looks like she may very well kill everyone on board, yes, Lin realizes now that they are on the police force blimp. “We couldn’t find her and tanks were shooting at us, we didn’t ha-”
“Where’s y/n?” Lin asks, all heads turn to Lin and Korra points at Bolin and Mako, spitting out “ask them, they just left her behind! Amon probably has her now!” Korra storms off, hitting the wall with her firebending on the way out.
Mako rubs the back of his neck, he does look sorry and Bolin looks like he’s on the verge of tears. Asami is the one who speaks up “When we got down there they were loading your officers into some trucks, they must have already put y/n on there because she wasn’t with you three.” Lin’s heart stops, your gone and the last words she may have ever said to you was “don’t be a nuisance,” fuck. Lin’s head falls into her hands as she tries to keep her breathing even, she pushed you away like everyone else, and like everyone else you left even if it was against your will. All those silly daydreams that she had scolded herself for having, all those desires, she never even got to say how your laugh makes every little worry on her mind vanish.
Tenzin places a hand on her shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze “we’ll find your officers Lin.” Oh right, fuck, not only did she let y/n down but also her officers. How is she going to tell all their families? How will she face the citizens of republic city after failing to protect them like she swore she would? Tenzin tries to push Lin back into laying down and this time she relents, her mind is swirling with the possibilities of what's happening to you right now but none of them are good, even if you do come out alive your bending will be taken away.
“From the looks of it she put up a fight, there was water everywhere…” Asami murmurs out somewhere behind her, Lin squeezes her eyes shut, maybe if she tries hard enough you’ll magically appear, maybe if she promises the spirits she’ll be nicer to everyone, especially you, they’ll give you back to her.
Back, Lin never had you in the first place, she shut you out and squashed any chance there may have been, at the time it seemed smart but now she lays here wishing she had kissed you at least once. On the tram she almost did, when you stepped closer to her Lin's thoughts were engulfed in you, her senses were filled with you, the scent of your perfume, your voice, and even your touch. She’d wanted to pull you into a never-ending kiss right there in front of everyone, wanted to throw all caution to the wind and finally let herself be yours.
Instead, she’d snapped at you with some vicious reply that she doesn’t even remember all too well, just that she called you a nuisance and the devastating look on your face at her response. She had to turn away from you, she couldn’t look into your eyes or else she knew she’d have caved. She would have held your face in her hands and given a million sincere apologies in hopes of erasing that look from your face.
Lin uses the last of her strength to turn her back on the bickering group of teens and falls back to sleep, except this time all she dreams about is finding you dead in some ditch.
Lin spent her time on bed rest with you and her officers on her mind. She was deeply ashamed of her failure, she even had nightmares about if she did find you. In them you were either dead or close to it, in one you even declined her help to get medical attention and told her you’d rather die than live your life with her as a soulmate. That one had truly shattered her. There's a radio beside her bed, for the most part, it played nonsensical talk shows with mind-numbing segments, the only reason she had it on was that sometimes a police report was given.
“We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report. Late last night equalists attacked city hall subduing councilman Tarlock and capturing avatar Korra details are still coming in but-” Lin turns it off and forces herself out of bed, pain erupts in her right arm and she has to stop for a second to hold it and let the pain subdue, it doesn’t completely disappear but it’s enough to get her out of bed.
She lets out a pained groan and heads over to the closet that has her clothes inside, her uniform stares at her mockingly, reminding her that she’s no longer chief of police but right now isn’t time for a pity party, so she gets out of her pajamas and into her usual white tank top and pants then metal bends the armor on. Lin looks down at her breastplate and stares at her pin that marks as such and rips it off, tossing it onto her nightstand. She has to find Korra, you’d want her to find Korra.
Lin leaves the hospital with a coat over her armor to not so subtly hide what she's wearing underneath and storms off to retrieve Asami from her cell. She metal bends the door off and soon the two are off, Asami is walking next to her, trying to keep up with the pace “we’re gonna find them, I know we will” Asami says, Lin sighs and squeezes her eyes shut for a moment. She hope’s so.
She busts Bolin and Mako out next, reluctantly but she knows her best bet at finding everyone in time is with them by her side. Her next destination is Tenzin's office, once inside she finds him sitting at his desk on the telephone, he eyes them, a surprised look appearing on his face which causes Lin to roll her eyes. Did he expect her to pout until someone else fixed this mess?
“I… have to go,” he says to whoever is on the other end of the line. “Call me back the minute you hear anything-” he immediately ends the call, going to stand from his seat with his hands up in the air. “- Lin what... What are… what are you” he sputters out before his shoulders sag and he gives her an exasperated look. “You should be in the hospital! And you three-” he begins, pointing his fingers at the younger three of the group, “- should be in prison!”
“I figured you could use our help finding Korra” she replies, she wants to say find you, but she knows her best bet at finding you is through your sister, and if Lin found you first, you’d be enraged to find your little sister missing. They all theorize on how to start the search, Asami, Bolin, and Mako run off after Mako says he might know where to go. Lin looks up at Tenzin, letting out a deep sigh “wherever Amon is keeping Korra, I bet that's where y/n and my officers are too.”
Tenzin looks into Lin’s eyes and says with the utmost confidence “let's bring them all home Lin.” Everyone eventually boards Oogi and Mako directs Tenzin where to go. Besides his directions it's utterly quiet on the back of the sky bison, everyone is tense and buzzing with the hope that his hunch is correct. Eventually, they land in a city square and upon climbing down Mako immediately runs over to one of the streets “the truck that took Bolin went this way” he states, pointing at the winding road.
They walk down the street for at least two blocks before coming to an intersection, everyone slowly comes to a halt as Asami breaks the silence “which way?” Bolin strokes his chin as he steps closer to the street in front of them and replies “this way seems familiar.”
Lin, not wanting to go out on a hunch, especially one made by him, bends one of her shoes off and slams her foot down, she closes her eyes as she tries to see what's beneath the surface. A tunnel! It's to the left instead of straight and Lin bends her shoe back on, pointing left “there's a tunnel nearby!”
They break off into a sprint once more and come upon an unused storm drain that has a massive tunnel covered by a metal grate. Motorcycle tracks are leading into the tunnel, confirming their growing suspicions. “Korra has to be in there… somewhere,” Mako says as Lin bends the gate upwards with a bang.
They walk for at least fifteen minutes before they come to a grinding halt, in front of them are five separate tunnels splitting off into different directions. Mako is bending some fire in his hand to help illuminate their path. He doesn’t stop though, he points to a tunnel and tells them he thinks it's this way. With no other option, they all follow after him and continue their descent into the unknown. Soon they hear the revving of motorcycles behind them, Lin orders them all to hide and they all press themselves into a hidden nook. A secret door opens up for the cyclists and they speed inside without a single idea of what they’ve just done.
That pesky feeling of hope blooms in Lin’s chest once more, she runs over to the secret door that has since been shut and feels around before bending it open. It slams open and without a second to lose they race down this secret tunnel with abandon. There's a large room before them with equalists working inside, there are multiple vehicles inside and a tram system leading down three tunnels straight ahead.
One of the trams arrives and an equalist with a feminine voice walks up to the one holding a clipboard and says “everything was delivered to the prison, sir.” Both are fools, far too comfortable with the area because they walk away leaving the contraption unattended. “That’s where they must be keeping Korra” Tenzin whispers. And y/n, Lin thinks, she squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, forcing herself to focus and says “we need to get down that tunnel.”
She waves at them, signaling them to follow her as she sneaks towards the tram. Once onboard, Asami drives it for them, going as fast as she can while Tenzin and Lin stand upfront, on guard for anything that may be lurking in the shadows. Once they see a light ahead seeping into the otherwise dark tunnel Lin orders them off and everyone presses their backs against the wall as the tram continues speeding down to the landing.
“It’s empty,” one idiotic officer says, and another reply in a snarky tone “yeah, I can see that.” Before either can investigate further, Lin shoots out her metal wires and yanks them into the darkness with them. She knocks them out, perhaps a bit too harshly but she’s beyond caring and ties them up so they can’t run off to warn anyone else. Using her aseismic senses, she’s able to locate her men… but not y/n.
“What about Korra?” Mako questions, his tone borderline irritable. Lin keeps a calm composure and replies “I don’t see her yet.” Mako and Tenzin follow Lin as she leads the way through the prison, all of the cells they pass are empty, strange. When they turn a corner two guards are waiting, as they ready themselves for a fight, Tenzin uses his bending to knock them out against the walls. Too easy.
When Lin finally finds their cell, all of them are sitting on their bunks with their heads down. Lin bends the bars apart but none of them seem to care as they stare up at her. “Chief Beifong?” officer Song asks, his voice is weak and Lin immediately knows that she’s failed her men.
“I’m too late, aren’t I? That monster already took your bending, didn’t he?” Song nods, his face solemn and Lin clenches her fists, having to look away from him or else she might just crack. “I’m so sorry... Come on, let's get you out of here” Lin turns her back on them and hears them follow after her, that means yours is gone too, wherever you are.
When Lin rounds the corner, she finds Mako holding one of the guards against the wall, one of his fists alight with fire. “I scanned the entire prison, Korra and y/n aren’t here.”
“Why would Tarlock make up a story about getting attacked?” Mako drops the guy and the guard falls to the floor, there's liquid on the floor beneath him that wasn’t there before, that wimp pissed himself. “Because he has Korra” she replies, Lin pushes past Mako and squats down to be eye level with the shaking guard, she wraps her hand around his neck but doesn’t put any pressure on him, it’s a threat and his eyes widen in fear as he realizes it. “W-We don’t have the avatar! I… I swea-”
“Where is y/n, she most likely came in on the same truck as my officers” Lin demands. The color drains from his face at her question, he begins stuttering out some kind of incoherent reply about how he doesn’t know but she can tell he’s lying through his teeth. Lin applies pressure and asks again. “Where. Is. She?”
“Sh-she killed her guards, they took her to a special place!” the guard has spit falling out of the side of his mouth, tears racing down his cheeks, she loosens her hold just a bit. Did you kill someone? It must have been before they took your bending away. “Where?!”
“It’s done below, you have to take an eleva-”
“Show me” she growls out, she yanks him up to his feet and pushes him away from the wall, he stumbles a bit but Tenzin catches his forearm, she can tell he’s not too pleased with her but she doesn’t care. Mako leads Lin's men back to the tram while Tenzin stays with her, keeping his hold on the blubbering guard. He leads them back down where the officers were held but keeps moving forward. There’s a locked door made of solid platinum, the guard pulls a switch out of his pocket and flicks it, causing the door to harshly slide open with a bang. He keeps leading them, his shoulders shaking.
They go down a twisting staircase and stop at an elevator stationed at the halfway point. He opens the metal sliding doors up and the three climb inside. There are a million buttons on the panel in front of them, if Lin came alone she’d have no clue where to start, but thankfully this wimp knows exactly what button to press.
“Oh man, Amons gonna kill me” he sobs out, snot drips into his mouth as he throws his head into his hands. Tenzin gives Lin a look of discomfort, neither are good at comforting people, both can’t be around someone whos crying without becoming incredibly uncomfortable. Tenzin lets out a sigh when he realizes Lin won’t give in.
“We’ll take you with us, so he can’t,” he says softly, the guards head flies up to look at Tenzin, the air bender takes a step back as snot and spit going flying, Lin scrunches her nose up in disgust. “Really?” he whispers, Tenzin nods and before he can even stop it, the guard flings his arms around him and squeezes him tight. Lin feels a chuckle bubbling up her throat at the sight of Tenzin's horrified gaze, he mouths ‘help me’ but Lin just turns her head to look at the door. The elevator dings and the doors creak open to reveal a dark hallway ahead of them. The guard pulls away from Tenzin and pats his shoulder, offering him a smile full of gratitude.
He leads them down the hall before they stop at another door, also made of platinum. Once again he pulls out his controller full of switches and flicks one, making the door slam open. Its pitch black inside, Lin takes a hesitant step inside. The sound of something scraping against the floor echoed through the room and Lin steps out of the way just seconds before you appear, holding up a metal chair, you swing it where she once was.
“Y/n,” Lin says, she sees your arms shaking as you drop the chair, you fall to your knees from exerting to much energy, “Lin?” your voice is hoarse, and when you lift your head to glance up at her, something inside of her cracks. Your hair is matted with dry blood, the side of your face is caked in it and there are bags under your eyes, your skin is so pale and despite only being locked up for a week you look so weak, your cheeks are hollowed out.
Lin finally knocks herself out of her thoughts when she hears you whimper and she scrambles down onto her knees to cup your face, she inspects you for any open wounds, or signs of illness, you bring one of your hands up to loosely grip her wrist and Lin gasps at the sight of your bloodied fingers.
“She… uh she was scratching a lot when we first put her in here,” he says hesitantly. Lin’s head swings over to him, suddenly the promise Tenzin made seems impossible, she wants to kill him and anyone else involved in your suffering.
“Why?” Lin spits out before he can answer her you reply softly “it was so dark.” Lin pulls you into her arms, burrowing her head into the crook of your neck, you fall into her arms, letting go of any tension within you as you become pliant to her will.
Someone clears their throat and Lin lifts her head to see Tenzin staring at her in confusion. “We should hurry,” he says, Lin nods and goes to stand but you grip onto her shoulders, she looks down and sees you try to stand, but your legs shake and you almost fall back down. She catches you and picks you up bridal style, you rest your head on her shoulder and close your eyes when you come out into the light. You hiss due to the pain and burrow your face into the fabric of her coat.
Something warm lights up her heart at the action but she smothers it, now's not the time. On the way back to the others Tenzin continues to stare at Lin oddly as the guard continues to lead them out.
You're sure this is a dream, you screamed for anyone down below, begged the spirits for a savior, and sobbed for mercy. But you gave up hope after a few days inside, it seemed you’d been left to rot, every few days someone would stop by with a small bowl of what can only be described as kitchen scraps and a sip of water. They were prolonging what felt like the inevitable, you felt so close to death, with your bending gone you had become weakened and you didn’t have any water to help strengthen you.
Halfway back to the others an ear-splitting siren went off as the lights in the prison repeatedly flashed red. Everyone broke into a sprint and ran down the stairs that reunited them with the others.
“Let's go, people!” Bolin calls out as everyone boards the tram, once inside Asami speeds off, behind them a set of headlights flashes as another tram picks up speed, Lin sees Bolin bend the tunnel into collapsing right on top of the second tram and if not for the situation she might have given him a pat on the back. Lin gives you to Tenzin who carefully holds you close as she shouts out “We got more company, hang on!” she shouts as she bends a metal vent to act as a ramp for them. Due to the speed of the tram, it keeps its momentum, she then bends away from the earth in front of them to allow them to enter another tunnel above.
The tram screeches as it's off its tracks and now on the stone before abruptly coming to a halt, everyone groans, the impact has caused them to either fly from their seats or in poor Asami’s case, bang her head into the metal wall in front of her. Tenzin had used his air bending to keep both of you seated, adding enough pressure that when everyone went flying, you both just experienced a jolt.
Lin opens up a hole above, letting the sun shed light on the otherwise dim tunnel. Tenzin gets everyone out with his air bending, including the officer that Lin is most definitely arresting and sentencing to life if she can have anything to do with it. Once up above, Lin goes to take you from his arms but Tenzin pulls back and stares her down.
“What was that about down there?” he questions. In another world Tenzin would have been the one fretting over you, he’d taken you both in and sworn to your parents that he’d protect you. Whilst Korra was a bit rough and hard to handle, you’d play with his children, you kept Jinora company when she felt left out, and helped feed the sky bison whenever you could.
You’d already talked to Pema about how you’d help with the delivery of their next child you’d briefly trained at a healing school in the southern tribe before you decided to follow Korra here and had helped many women deliver healthy babies into the world. You were like a daughter to him, so Lin's unusual display of affection almost unnerved him.
Before Lin can come up with some kind of retort, you turn your head, your eyes squinted as you try to adjust to the light. “Lin?” you say, you reach out for her and without thinking of Tenzin she steps closer and grabs your hand. “I need to take her to the hospital Tenzin and you need to deal with Tarlock.”
Tenzin scowls before carefully handing you to Lin, almost immediately you clutch her coat and snuggle in as close as you can. His brows knit together as the pieces of the puzzle finally snap into place. “But…” he begins, Lin stops him before he can bombard her with questions. “I need to get her to a doctor as soon as possible.” She knows later down the line she’ll have to have a long talk with him, explaining herself and… this thing between the two of you. She rushes off in the direction of the hospital, it’s four blocks away which isn’t too far but she’s filled with fear that somehow you’ll die in her arms if she doesn’t hurry. Once inside the waiting room, Lin calls out for help and two nurses rush forward with a wheelchair once they see you in her arms.
They whisk you away, or try to, one of the nurses tries to convince Lin to stay behind but she won’t be separated from you, not until she knows you're completely safe. “She’s my soulmate and I’ll arrest anyone who tries to keep me away from her right now.” That shuts her up. Lin’s never pulled that kind of card before, and honestly, she wouldn’t arrest someone unless they’d done something illegal but you're getting farther away and her heart is beating faster. The nurse blanches and Lin takes that as her queue to run after you.
The same doctor who looked after Lin, which he repeatedly tries to convince her to go back to her room and rest, to which she declines, looks you over for any injuries. The back of your head is healing, very slowly though and it doesn’t look like it’s been properly cleaned so he has one of the nurses do that as he checks the rest of your body.
“Does it hurt anywhere besides your head and your hands?” he asks, to which you can’t offer a proper reply. Everywhere hurts, you're sore and weak and you feel like if you close your eyes you may never open them again. The doctor sighs, “we need some bone broth and -” he starts listing off medicines to the nurses who scurry off and he orders two others to clean your fingers which elicits a pained groan out of you.
Lin kneels and stays there the whole time, once the nurse arrives with a warm bowl of broth Lin takes it from her and helps you sip it. She nudges her arm underneath your neck to prop your head up and gently brings the bowl up to your lips before tilting it slowly to allow only a little at a time. You happily drink it but can only get about halfway before you claim your too full to continue.
She frowns but relents, not wanting to push you. Eventually, the nurses move you to a proper bed, one like Lin’s, after they clean you up and tuck you underneath the blankets. You’ve long since fallen asleep and the sun is beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow throughout the room. You already look a bit better, one of the nurses gave Lin a warm, wet cloth when asked so she could gently wipe your face clean of all the dried up blood. It’s been roughly two hours since Lin entered the hospital and she already wants out, but not without you. This is a public place and therefore means it's easier to attack, if she lets her guard down Amon may very well try to steal you away once more.
Tenzin and the others, sans Korra, enters the hospital room as Lin finishes wiping up the dirt above your brow and when she hears them, she immediately sets the cloth onto the table, embarrassment floods through her at being caught and she knows she shouldn’t care but she does.
“Tarlock is a blood bender,” Bolin says, raising his hands in the air “and he has Korra!” Mako jabs Bolin in the stomach as everyone shushes him, you stir, letting out a groan before stilling once more, thankfully he didn’t wake you, or Lin definitely would have knocked some sense into him.
“We should all go to air temple island, we’ll be safer together-” Lin goes to speak up, she won’t leave you behind “- y/n will too. I spoke with a nurse outside who says she doesn’t have any serious injuries, just malnourished and therefore very weak. Food and rest will help.” He clears his throat and looks Lin in the eyes “I’d like to speak outside for a moment.”
She stands up, knowing that she needs to get this talk over with. Asami takes Lin's seat beside you as she walks out of the room and down the hall just enough so that they are out of earshot. “She’s my soulmate” Lin starts, her hand once more grazes the burnt mark that now fills her with so much regret. Tenzin looks away before letting out a deep sigh.
“How?” he questions. She lied to him for so long, he’s seen her body bare and knows that she doesn’t have a mark, anymore. His eyes follow her hand and a look of shock takes over his features “It wasn’t a work-related accident, was it?” His jaw clenches as he stares her down. She burnt it right before they went out for the first time, he’d claimed he would find the man responsible for her scar but she’d always shrugged it off. It makes sense.
“No… I was ashamed” she grits her teeth as she remembers sobbing over the burn, telling herself to get over it and that it was for the better. That she’d be happy with Tenzin and wouldn’t need some infantile immature young adult in her life. But you aren’t immature, you're so strong and courageous, she’s seen how you care for those around you and honestly, she doesn’t get how your friends with Bolin and Mako since they are both downright annoying whilst you are anything but.
“And now?” he questions, she knows he probably has a million little judgments he wants to spew out, most likely scold her for something that she can’t control and she’s grateful for him reigning it and trying to remain calm. She doesn’t think she can handle anything else that requires even an ounce of effort after how today has gone.
“I tried to push her away, I told her it wouldn’t work but…” Lin tries to find her next words but there's a lump forming in her throat and she will not cry, not in public, and definitely not in front of Tenzin.
“But she was captured” he finishes for her and she sharply nods, staring at some water stain on the wall up above his right shoulder. “I want you to be happy Lin, even if this does seem strange to me, if you both make each other happy then I’ll get over my preconceived judgments and support you both.”
Lin simply nods, tears are threatening to fall from her eyes so she mutters a “thank you” and heads to the bathroom to compose herself. Tenzin understands, he heads back to your hospital room as Lin barges into the thankfully empty bathroom and begins to cry. You're fine, you're safe and relatively healthy and you will be fine. All she can hope is that once you’ve recovered you’ll forgive her, Lin never apologizes or admits she's wrong but for you, she’ll do so in an instant. She’ll get on her knees for you, beg you even. She’ll be humiliated but it will have been worth it if you give her another shot, one that she’ll make sure she doesn’t screw up.
Tenzin’s approval means so much to her, he probably doesn’t realize it either. She might never be close to him again after what happened but she still sees him as her family, if he’d have shamed her Lin wouldn’t have been able to go on, which she’ll never let him know.
Lin wipes the tears out of her eyes and waits until the redness and puffiness die down before leaving the bathroom and heading back into your room. You're sitting up and are listening to Tenzin with a tired smile on your face as he talks to you about who knows what. Your hair is still caked in dried up blood with bags under your eyes but still, you take Lins breath away.
Tenzin ushers everyone out of the room to give the two of you privacy, Bolin puts up a bit of a fight but relents when Lin fixes him with a glare that has him racing on out of the room before anyone else. Tenzin places his hand on Lin’s shoulder, giving it an encouraging squeeze before shutting the door behind him on the way out.
“Lin” you begin and in an instant, she’s rushing over to your side, she stops herself just as she’s about to take your hand, worried about your reaction. You slowly reach your hand up and interlock your fingers, there’s this look on your face like you're waiting for Lin to pull away in disgust. Instead, Lin gives your hand a gentle squeeze and slowly sits on the stool beside her bed like before.
“I’m sorry,” she says earnestly before you can say whatever was on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes widen but you don’t respond, you're waiting for her to continue, to elaborate so you don’t end up getting hurt again.
“I..” Lin gulps, “I thought I’d be a burden to you, I’m old, practically married to my job, I definitely won’t be winning any awards for my personality-” you crack a smile at that, it warms her heart “-and I don’t want kids. I thought maybe you’d want someone like Bolin or Mako because they could give you those kinds of things I can’t, I like to be in bed by nine and I’ve never even set foot in a dance club before. I’m… I’m not young like you.”
“Are you done?” you ask, Lin furrows her brows but otherwise nods, your other hand, the one not holding Lin's hand comes up to rest on her scarred cheek. “Did you ever think that maybe I want everything you can give me? No matter how much or how little it may be. I don’t want kids, sure they're nice but they are messy and time-consuming, it’s a job for life with no weekends.” Lin laughs at that, spirits, she doesn’t know if she believes you, it seems too good to be true.
“I can’t take someone else leaving me” she states, a pained look settling on her features. Your eyes soften and you pull Lin closer to you, she’s leaning against the bed now, your noses almost touching. You rub your thumb soothingly across her cheek, you're trying to find the right words to say. You can’t mess this up.
“I can’t promise I’ll never get mad at you or I'll never irritate you. We’ll probably have a string of fights throughout our years together but… I’ll never leave you, Lin, you’re all I want out of this life.” Lin’s eyes widen as unshed tears brim at the corners of her eyes. She’s never been told something so heartfelt, so romantic before.
She leans up further until your lips are inches apart and waits for a breath, waits to see if you’ll pull away, and claim that this is all a joke. But instead, you close the gap and let go of her hand just so you can cup both sides of her face. Your lips are so soft and delicate as you pull her closer until your chest to chest like back on the tram. Lin deepens the kiss, her hands resting on your waist, she’s too scared of gripping you in fear of hurting you in your fragile state. You lick the bottom of her lip and she opens her mouth all too eagerly, her knee is now resting on the edge of the bed so she can wrap her arms around you, pulling you flush against her.
Too soon you pull away from her, panting against her mouth and when Lin opens her eyes she has to fight the urge to pull you back into another passionate kiss. Your pupils are blown, cheeks flushed a deep red with swollen lips. She tries to capture it within her mind for safekeeping
“I think I love you” you whisper, your voice is hoarse and you thread your fingers through her hair, lightly gripping it. Lin has to keep herself from moaning at said action. That cynical side of her brain shouts within her skull that you're lying but Lin ignores it, she pecks you on the lips which you eagerly try to deepen but she pulls away just a few inches so she can talk.
“I think I love you too,” Lin whispers, too scared of breaking this moment that almost feels sacred. A smile spreads across your lips as you pull her into a kiss once more. Lin happily kisses you, her heart blooms with a million budding roses, all for you as she finally lets go of all her fears, all her insecurities, and enjoys the feel of you against her. Finally, she thinks
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Korrasami x Reader
Summary: Telling your kids how you met their mothers.
Warning: Light cursing?
Ages: Korra- 29 (Flashback 1- 17) Asami-30 (Flashback 1- 18) You- 31 (Flashback 1- 19) Kids- 5
(You are a female.)
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"Alright guys, you get one story each before bed." You say to your son and two daughters as you tuck them into bed. "I'm already in enough trouble with your mommies so we gotta play by the book tonight." Your kids laugh remembering what happened 2 nights ago. "Y'all need to chill, this is my last night on the couch, so bedtime needs to go perfect." They nod their heads in understanding. "Okay, youngest to oldest tonight." Your youngest daughter nods her head, "It's only by three minutes but I want to hear the story about how you and mom met and got together." "Okay, buckle up kids, it's gonna be a wild ride."
*Flashback Start*
You had been undercover in Amon's group for two years before you met Asami. You were the perfect person to go undercover, no one knew that there was a fifth air bender. No one also knew that you were related to Lin and Tenzin. That was fine with you because it means you could fly under the radar and do undercover missions. It also helps that you declined getting your master air bender tattoos, even though your dad was pissed about it. Meeting Asami was a complete accident. You had just worked your way to the third in command position under the lieutenant and were now more involved with Amon's plans. You had gone to a facility for the day to over see some training. This was also the same day team avatar decided to sneak in and see if they could learning anything more about Amon's plans. One thing about being one of the top leaders in Amon's group is that you always travel with a group of high trained equalists and that was not something the group was prepared for. You made sure you didn't fight because you didn't want to hurt the group of teens your dad had talked so highly about. It was hard not to jump in and aide the group when Asami got knocked out and they were forced to retreat without her.
You had taken her back to a secondary main base, not wanting Amon to get mad at you for taking her to the main base. Now it was just a waiting game for you, waiting for team avatar to come and rescue her. But until then you got to know her a little. She didn't trust you at all what so ever, until you showed her your air bending, small air bending tattoos that were easy to cover, and told her who your parents are. She was a little skeptical at first but started to believe you, it probably helped that you were cute too. By the second week, you were getting kind of worried. "Where are your friends? I didn't think you would be here this long." Asami sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I thought they would be here by now too." You bit your lip in thought before crouching down. You put your hand on Asami's cheek and she leaned into it. "I'll have you out by tonight." You say with a look of determination on your face. "But your cover could get blow, who knows what Amon would do if he found out you could bend." "Well I better not get caught then."
You arrived at one in the morning to get Asami, you also had a shift then so it wouldn't seem suspicious. You had brought sleeping powder and used your air bending to spray it on all the guards. You grabbed the keys from one of the guards and unlocked the door. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw Asami still there, she was supposed to be getting transferred tonight to the main base. She looks up when you walk in and smiles. You return the smile before rushing to get the ropes off of her. "I got new Intel that they were moving you to the main base tonight, some time soon. So we need to get you out of here fast. If anyone asks, I did not help you and you never met me during your time here." You say and once you finish untying her, Asami turns around and hugs you. You allow your self to relax a little in her hold before your phone starts beeping. You tense and pull away from the hug, then push her a little towards the door. "You need to go now! The trucks are less than five minutes out." Asami nods and you start leading her towards the back door. "If you follow the alley down and take the third right, it will lead you straight to the docks and I left a boat there for you to use to get to Avatar Island."
Asami nods and hugs you again, "Are you sure you can't come with me?" You sake your head with a small smile, "I wish I could but the end is near and we will meet again soon." She gives you a kiss on the cheek before sprinting out the door. You take a second to watch her run away into the night before finding a place to lay and knock yourself out with the last of the sleeping powder.
*Time Skip*
It was over. You couldn't believe, after two years of hard work, Amon is finally gone. You had heard from some officers that Lin, team Avatar, and the air bending family were on Avatar island (I just realized that its Air Temple island but I've wrote Avatar Island too many times to go back and fix it. So just know when I say Avatar Island, I mean Air Temple Island.) You were ecstatic to be able to see your mom, dad, and half siblings for the first time in two years. You had heard that your mom and Avatar Korra lost their bending and you wanted to be there for your mom. You were so excited you didn't even think about changing clothes, which might have been a bad idea. After using air to make you run fast over the water, you landed on Avatar island to see Lin, team avatar and the rest of your family in a group talking. "Guys!" you yell in excitement. When they turn to you most of them (Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo) get into a fighting stance. You look behind you confused before realizing you hadn't taken off your mask yet.
"Ohhhh, sorry forgot about that." You say as you reach up to take off your mask. As you do Mako sends a line of fire at you. "Whoa! Chill out man!" You say as you air bend and disperse the fire before it hits you and yank your mask off. Tenzin, Lin, Asami, and your siblings all get big smiles on their face. Before Tenzin, Lin, or your siblings can move, Asami runs at you and jumps into you for a hug. You laugh as you put your hands under her thighs to hold her up as she wraps around you like a koala. "Well it's good to see you too Asami." Asami leans back and rolls her eyes before pulling you into a kiss. Your eyes widen for a second in shock before you close your eyes and return the kiss. When you both pull back you have a big goofy smile, "If it was gonna be like that, I should have just left with you."
*Flashback End*
"Alright which story do you want next?"
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captain-azoren · 4 years
Legend of Korra books 3 & 4
Finished rewatching books 3 and 4 of Korra. Here on my thoughts on them and the series as a whole after seeing it again after so many years.
I think books 3 and 4 are pretty solid. Aside from a few flaws, I think 3 is the overall best with the best pacing. I think a big issue with book 2 was that it was trying and failing to juggle a very big cast and multiple subplots that made it feel like a mess. That’s not an issue with 3 or 4, where every character has a relevant purpose and plot threads come together more naturally. 
4 does this a little bit worse as I think the plot kind of starts and stops a couple of times, but it’s not terrible. Kuvira’s build up as a villain is very shaky when compared to Amon and Zaheer, but still better than Unalaq’s arc going down the drain. It really does seem like the worst parts of her villainy are told and not shown (those being the reeducation camps and slave labor). I think they could have shown at least one of these camps instead of just seeing the escapees that Varrick and Bolin meet.
I still think the Red Lotus are the best antagonists in LoK just for having the best arc overall. They had Amon’s intrigue, stayed consistent in their motivations like Kuvira, and they have the most dimensions overall just from the little bits of interaction we see of them. What’s more, they didn’t disappoint me in the end.
The Colossus I didn’t mind or find out of place. It just doesn’t bother me when the show has had Koizilla and giant drills in AtLA. I can understand how the mechanics of it work as well. I didn’t feel like my suspension of disbelief was broken considering everything else. I think fans who dislike it are more bothered by it breaking the setting further away from fantasy and into sci-fi.One question though, why does a spirit energy canon need a rifled barrel?
Mako is a much better character in 3 and 4 because he’s finally allowed to be someone other than a love interest. His interactions with Bolin can be really fun and it’s kind of a shame how often they’re separated. I also noticed on a rewatch that he does make a good detective, having good perception and coming up with ideas. It’s better than the pro-bender he started out as and probably his best strength. 
I think I actually like Mako now whereas before he was the most forgettable, and I think he deserves some looking into. A lot of the hate comes from him being put into really tough spots where he just can’t win. Mako goes from being extremely aloof to being a loyal but beleaguered straight man to the group.
Raiko I feel similarly to Mako. I think he’s another guy who keeps getting put into tough spots with no easy solution. He doesn’t really deserve hate either, and honestly probably made the best decisions he could as a president (I know from experience how bad they can be...) Him being hated and voted out in the comics seem like Bryke was over correcting, something they seem to do a lot.
Suyin I have mixed feelings on. She really does seem like someone Bryke really wanted fans to like and agree with, but they shilled her a bit too much and at the expense of Lin. Su’s apology to Lin at the end of their dispute felt kind of half-hearted, and despite being justified, the whole thing is framed as Lin being the one in the wrong, stuck in the past, unable to move on after Su had changed. We don’t see Su change though, and Su keeps acting like what she did wasn’t that big a deal, so it falls flat.
What’s more, Su continues being a big presence into book 4, and I think I have to agree with Kuvira that Su should have at least done something to help the EK out. It really does make Su come off as kind of a cowardly hypocrite who’s so afraid of looking like a dictator that she doesn’t even try to help. She doesn’t want to be treated like royalty or an authoritarian, but if you look at Zaofu the place is already set up like a small kingdom, with the Beifongs being the divine bloodline descended from Toph, the strongest bender to ever live. Su is a queen in all but name, and if she was so afraid of looking like a dictator she could have just given up the power like Kuvira was supposed to have done. Su just rubs me the wrong way from start to finish, and it’s partly because the show doesn’t challenge her or make her change. It just expects us to see her as being right, and she just isn’t.
Bolin being a lava bender I remember being really excited for, because it was something I predicted when I first saw it years ago. I don’t have a problem with how he discovered it. It’s not the best way I’d like see someone discover a new power, but I think it’s better than when Korra finally got airbending (though that didn’t bother me too much either). It just kind of made sense to me and finally gave something else to stand out besides comic relief.
The air kids got better in 3 and 4 too. Meelo got less annoying, Jinora was more fleshed out, and I actually really like Ikki in book 4.
Now Korra and Asami. I think Korra is maybe at her most static in book 3, but her arc in book 4 is the most interesting as she had to build herself back up. I don’t agree with some of the things that are just told to the viewer, like how she needed to learn from her enemies. At the finale Korra says she had to suffer to learn compassion, but it’s not like Korra wasn’t a compassionate person already. Korra’s arc seemed more centered on dealing with trauma and finding her purpose in a world that seemed hellbent on telling her she wasn’t needed. I don’t know if that was some kind of meta commentary, but it does work.
I do like Korra’s overall development from where she was in book 1. If I had to put it into words, I think her story is about trying to fulfill a role that she’s been groomed for her whole life, trying to live up to expectations, pushed into doing what others want her to do, failing those things, then finding the strength and resolve to achieve success on her own terms, even if it’s not what everyone wants. Korra gradually learns to stop being a tool for world leaders to use to keep order or power. It’s not always done well, but it’s there.
It’s nice to see her and Asami be friends after the love triangle stuff. It’s kind of surprising, but they didn’t really interact all that much in the first two books all things considered. Asami doesn’t change a whole lot throughout the series, but her reconnecting with her dad at the end felt satisfying.
I’ll be honest, I never really saw Korrasami happening and didn’t view much of their interactions as being romantic in nature. I think only the letter writing and their reunion seems a little shippy, but not very obvious. That said, I can buy the two of them finally realizing they might be attracted to each other at the finale, as a beginning to their relationship. The real problem is that shippers and even Bryke overhyped this moment up as it being ENDGAME rather than treating it as what is was, a spark of attraction. Korra and Asami aren’t in love yet, they’re just going on their first official date.
I do like them being together though. It seems a lot healthier than other potential relationships, and let’s be real here; Asami NEEDED something to make her happy because holy shit has she be through a lot by the end of the series. Dumped by Mako twice, almost lost her company and lost her dad after she forgave him. Give the poor rich girl a break.
So, final thoughts on the series as a whole; it’s not as good as AtLA, but that’s mostly on the execution. LoK was messy and had issues, but it did eventually smooth things out after a lot of course correcting. There are things I don’t like, but not enough for me to write it off, and it has plenty of strengths that make it deserving of a watch if you keep an open mind. 
I remember ThunderCats 2011 getting a lot of flak too, and that’s one of my favorite shows ever despite its glaring flaws, so I really can’t work up the energy to trash LoK. I know plenty of people can connect to it even if I don’t, at least not fully, and I honestly do believe that overall LoK’s strengths outweigh its flaws, even if it can be inconsistent and unpolished.
LoK may take place in the same world as AtLA, but it is a very fundamentally different series, and beyond a few very core basics of storytelling I think it’s a little unfair to compare the two. It’s not the masterpiece it could have been, but at the end I still enjoyed it. I might have more thoughts later, but these are what I have for now.
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Under Pressure 1|15
Six months after the Equalists Revolution, tensions start to rise in the South Pole with the water tribes. Friendships and relationships are put to the test when trust is questioned. How will you and Lin find some ground as you try to set some foundation to your new sort of relationship. Can you handle Lin or will you hesitate and lose patience.
This goes along season two of TLOK it contains scenes and dialog from the animated series.
Chapter 1
Six Months Later
You and Mako are chasing a robbery chase, thanks to Asami she gifted some cycles to the police force. I on the other hand, kept mine and just upgraded it to the latest model with detachable sirens. Both of you are gaining on the large truck when the culprits start water bending at us and one freezes the street.  
“Mako watch out for the ice!” You yell out, you drive over towards the sidewalks while Mako keeps driving head into the ice. He starts to skid and quickly fire bends, melting the ice and gains control of his bike. Another trucker pulls into the street and comes out, you take the ramp and jump out the way. Mako follows and uses his fire to give him a boost, does a flip and sends a ball of fire towards the truck causing it to flip on its side. You and Mako make an abrupt stop and unmount your bikes looking at the guys knocked out. “Looks like you have some car trouble…good thing the police are here” Mako smugly says as he takes his helmet off. You take your helmet off and groan at his comment, putting your head down smacking your face. Mako looks over at you and shrugs “what?” You roll your eyes and annoyingly walk over towards the perps “nothing, let’s just call a squad car and get these guys to bookings.” You climb into the truck and check out the stuff they robbed, “pretty nice stuff, I can see why they were in such a hurry.” You quickly jump back out the truck as a squad car comes pulling up and two officers come to arrest the perps. You walk over to your bike and put your helmet back on “alright well, see you back at the station,” before Mako can even get a word in you speed off in the direction to headquarters and you look in your rearview mirror and see Mako grudgingly getting back on his bike. You scoff muttering nonsense under your breath as you ride down the streets of Republic City.
You park your bike and head up to the desks and head towards your desk and start getting ready writing the report on the recent arrest. Lin walks out her office and notices you “See you’re back y/n, where’s Mako?” she looked around nothing seeing Mako around. “You did come back with him right?? She eyes you raising her eyebrows. You roll your eyes and cross your arm, “he wasn’t far behind, last I checked” you muttered. Lin groans as she pinches the bridge of her nose, “Mako is under your watch as your shadow, y/n. When I reinstated as Chief of Police I promoted y/n as Lieutenant and you as officer because of your work on Amon and the triads.” You sighed and push your chair back then look up at Lin “I get that, chief, but it’s taking some getting used to. Plus, doesn’t help when he’s annoying” you mutter as you bring your arms up on the desk and rub the sides of your temple. Before Lin can add anymore Mako comes in a huff as he runs up the stairs then stops when he sees Lin, “Chief!” he gave her a salute. Lin rolled her eyes “Where were you? Taking the scenic route back to the station?” she glared at him. “uh, no chief…I…” he looked over at me and I gave him a shrug nonchalantly. You found it entertaining to see Mako sweat but then Lin gives you a look and you sigh before standing up “he was just making sure the criminals were secured in the squad car and escorting them back to the station, isn’t that right Mako” you look at him raising your eyebrow to him. Mako gains his composure and relaxes a little from the save “right, I did that, y/n went ahead to get a jump on the report.” He stood at attention. Lin just glanced at the both of you before she turned away and went back to her office, you catch her just simply shaking her head before she closed her door. You look over at Mako, “took you long enough, I thought you would’ve wet your pants” you stifle a laugh. Mako gets red in his face “hey, you didn’t have to leave me behind. If it wasn’t for me we would still be chasing those guys” he is getting angry. You huff and cross your arms again “oh please, you mean that little showboating stunt you did? Sure let’s praise Little Mako on that” you annoyingly mutter as you give him a fake round of applause. You and Mako bicker at each other but stop right when you hear the click of a door opening from Lin’s office both of your eyes dart to that direction, “If you bickering dumb-nuts don’t have that report on my desk in the next half hour, you don’t even want me to finish that sentence.” Lin barked out from her desk before she metal bended her door slammed shut. You looked at Mako and gave him a shove before you head back to your desk and quickly finish the report then gave it to Mako to read it over and sign it.  Mako still afraid of Lin makes you go walk over to drop off the report and you roll your eyes and grab the papers from his hands and walk over. You knock on the door and wait for Lin to let you in and you open the door and walk inside, closing the door behind you. Lin looks at you and sighs as she puts down her glasses, “is that the report?” she eyes the papers in your hand. You nod “yup, even Mako had to put his hand into the report so it’s good.” You handed it to her, and Lin set it aside. She pushes herself back from her desk and turned her attention to you. “is this going to be a constant problem between the both of you? She gave you a knowing look. You lean against her desk and sigh before you open your mouth to speak you stop and ask, “Wait am I talking to Chief Beifong or Lin?” she blinks blankly at you then responds “Chief Beifong, since we’re at work…” you sit up straight and shrug “then, no, there won’t be any problems. take time to get used to Mako as a colleague, is all.” You start to walk towards the door and put your hand on the door handle, Lin speaks again “You can talk to Lin, after work though?” you smile softly before you erase it from your lips and walk out the office.
After work you and Mako walk out the station together, he is the first to speak up breaking the silence, “can we please sort whatever issues or problems we have with each other. I hate getting in trouble with the Chief” He rubs the back of his neck feeling embarrassed. “really? I quite find it funny and entertaining watching you get your ass chewed out by Chief Beifong.” You smile looking down at the sidewalk as you guys walk. Mako stops and looks at you, getting annoyed “come on, what’s your problem, y/n. I’m trying to be a good partner.” You sigh annoyingly “You’re not my partner, Mako. You’re just shadowing me…wow, Men are really stupid, huh? Look….” You rub your face as you try to gather your thoughts before you guide Mako to keep walking beside you as you start to speak “you are great cop and I think you got the skills to become Detective, after I got promoted to Lieutenant Li—Chief told me she wanted to take you on as Detective depending on your work in the force. I’ll admit I was jealous because I’ve been at the force for about a couple months to a year and here is some rookie off the streets and he gets the prospect of the position right off the bat, but I admit the way you worked during the whole Amon situation and then your work with the Triads. It was a no brainer that your talents and skills would be better suited on the force as than to let the triads have you.” You look over at him as you both take a seat at a bench at a nearby park. “okay, so if you agreed with the Chief on hiring me then why have you been so cold. I thought we worked well together when fighting Amon.” You nodded agreeing with him “yes, we did work well together, and I think we still work well together as fighting partners now. It’s just… personal reasons to why I don’t like you, which is bad since I always try not to bring personal matters into my work.” You sigh deeply. Mako listening at your works and trying to understand “ok, so what personal stuff you have against me?” you look at him like you really want to give him a slap. “ugh Mako, you’re just so…. annoying! I know everything is fine between you and Asami and you and Korra are good, but I can’t help but say that the way you handled that whole thing was complete trash. You literally closed the door on Asami walked two steps across and opened the door for Korra. You gave yourself no buffer, no time for a breakup. You literally jumped from one relationship to another relationship before the breakup could even be processed.” Mako tries to say something but you keep talking “…and don’t get me started on how you are at work, you act like you’re Mr. Hotshot. Trying to look cool and coming up with these horrible catch phrases for whenever we arrest criminals. Like it’s sort of embarrassing on my part to see my shadow do that. It’s probably just from the excitement of a new job and catching criminals and feeling important in the city that has you acting like this. But yeah that’s my problem” you inhale deeply and exhale you feel surprisingly light and like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. “heh, you were right, I didn’t think talking with you would work, but sorting out our problems was good” you look at Mako and smile feeling loads better. Mako just looks at you surprised with her jaw dropped on the floor. “uhhh Mako, you wanted to tell me something?” you squint your eyes at him, he has yet to respond you give him a light tap on his cheek. That seemed wake him up “huh, what? No I’m good. Nice talk. Glad we sorted that all out.” He stretched his arms out then stood up. You followed standing up, “alright, so friends? For real this time” you extend your hand over to Mako. He looks at you then down at your hand and takes your hand “yeah, friends.” You both give each other a smile then you pat his back “maybe when you become Lieutenant, we’ll be partners” you wave each other off as you walk in opposite directions.
You look around as you push your cycle into the nearby alley and grab a tarp covering it. You bend your cables and pull yourself up onto the terrace and softly knock on the door. The door clicks open and you step inside closing it behind you then walk throughout the apartment. You look up at the clock, midnight and walk into the kitchen and see Lin drinking some tea. You take your jacket off and set it on the coat hanger, “hey…” you walk over to the kitchen and sit beside her. “you seem in better spirits” Lin mutters while she reads her book. You smile softly “yeah well I spoke to Mako about our work relationship and worked things out. So there shouldn’t be any more problems at the station.” You sigh as you pour yourself a bit of tea, “well that’s good. You both were bickering like children.” Lin flips a page from her book as she continues reading but active listening to you. You don’t really mind it and you sit back down as you inhale deeply “I know…it was embarrassing. I bet that wasn’t my most attractive moments” you groan while you rubbed your face, “the important thing is that now you don’t have to listen to any more of my vents on the problem.” You smile and motion your hands as if you’re washing away all the negative vibes away from your body. “hmm oh no…I’ll miss those talks” she deadpans you eye her and mocking tone “you got anything stronger than tea?” Lin raises an eyebrow then stands and sets down a glass with a large piece of ice in front of you and pours you some whiskey. “thanks” you mutter and take a small swig. Lin pours herself a glass before you start a conversation “Mako mentioned that he and Bolin are going to join Korra for the Glacier Spirits Festival in the Southern Water Tribe. Maybe we should go, you know like a little trip…” you mutter softly and listen intently to hear if Lin would respond, “I don’t know, I have so much to do in Republic City. I can’t drop everything for some festival.” You nod softly, “I understand, but I do have to go anyways to the Southern Water Tribe with Asami, she was able to get a sit down with Varrick. I figured I’ll go and help out on that business meeting.” Lin looks at you with a bit of conflict “you have to go?” you smile and give her a nod “yeah, ever since the whole ordeal with Hiroshi Sato, Asami has taken over the company. I offered to help out as much I can, designing her new projects and any ideas to bring Future Industries back on the market. but, more and more businesses are pulling out of their partnerships. I don’t know how much more Future can withstand before Asami has to call for bankruptcy.” You sigh deeply as look down but then look back at Lin’s eyes “I sent the report to one of the lead financial advisors, they’re going to talk to Asami tomorrow after her test run on the planes.” Lin looks at you in thought but softly nods, understanding your reasons, “Are you traveling with Korra and Mako?” you shake your head “No, I’m going to ride with Asami, we’re only going for the weekend.” You smile as you reach over and place your hand on top of hers “you know if you’re going to miss me you can just join me.” you smirk as you slowly lean in closer to her. Lin gives you a small smile “you already know why I can’t.” you chuckle a bit “I know but it wouldn’t hurt to try.” You remove your hand from Lin as you finish your second glass of whiskey and start to get up and grab your jacket, “I should start heading out.” You state as you slide your jacket on, you don’t notice the face of conflict appear on Lin. You pop your collar and look over at Lin giving her a small smile, while looking at her you remember what has happened between the two of you.
Ever since you shared your first kiss; things haven’t been the same, but it hasn’t progressed either. Mostly, because of Lin’s refraining, you began to think it was her maybe confused with her emotions or believed her when she mentioned she wasn’t thinking straight during her vulnerable time. So, you never pushed further even after your little test in the kitchen. You know Lin has some sort of deeper feelings for you, but you’re not going to pressure her into something she doesn’t want, but you’re also not going to give up on her. If anything the both of you have become better friends, you hang out at her place mostly every night after work, share a drink or talk. There have been nights where you’ll spend the night on her bed, sometimes because you’re too drunk to get home. After a couple weeks you started to get suspicious that maybe Lin would get you inebriated so you’ll have to spend the night. You always tried to sleep on the couch, but she’ll keep telling you basically give you an order as chief to sleep on the bed. Saying along the lines to “always be well rested for work. I won’t stand you being tired on the job”. You’ll both end up waking up in each other’s arms or spooning one another. Maybe she likes having a warm body to sleep next to or maybe it has something to do with those nightmares she keeps having?
So tonight you try not to drink more than the two glasses of whiskey. You clear your throat as you walk over and place your glass in the sink then turn to head “I’ll catch you at the station” as you walk toward the door. “uh-you can stay the night, since you’ve been drinking…” Lin muttered as she got up from the table scooting the chair back under the table.  You laugh a bit “come on Lin, I’ve only had two glasses. You and I both know it takes more than that to get an effect on me” you slide your hands into your pockets sliding your right hand out to take your keys out. You turn around to grab the door and start turning the knob “y/n….” her voice soft causing your hand stops turning the knob, it’s just resting there your body standing still. “yes, Lin?” you responded back. “stay…please” You’re eyes widen at her request; she’s never asked you to stay it’s always been these little situations with alcohol or sleep deprivation. You’re perfectly fine to make it home so now Lin had no reason but to ask for you to stay. Should you press her to why the sudden question or just give in. There is no denying the emotions between the two of you and you’ve exchanged a few kisses and make outs since that time at the south pole. But it’s been only that just kisses, nothing more, and you’re not sure if anything more will happen. You care for Lin, deeply. You grip on the knob before you let go and turn around to look at her, “how come?” you look at the floor before looking up and look at her jaded eyes. Your eyes open more as you see the slight fear appearing in her eyes, but she is quick to hide it again, “you’ve been drinking and it’s getting late” you smirk and chuckle at her lame excuse “ok, but only if you give me a ride to Sato airstrip” Lin seemed relieved and nodded.
So I stayed.
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e-e-e-s-the-avatar · 4 years
(I don't know if this was raised before - if it was, sorry for repeating.) I just can't get this thing out of my head. Hama, who was practicing and perfecting bloodbending for years, said that "it can only be done during the full moon when your bending is at its peak". But then, in The Southern Raiders, Katara just straight up bloodbends without the full moon, after only doing it once before. Like how much power does this girl really have?
Howdy howdy!
One of the things I love about ATLA is just how much attention they pay to these kinds of details and in-universe rules. Because look:
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When Zuko goes to talk to Katara (and she basically tears him to pieces) they make sure to fit in a shot of the waxing moon. It's a dramatic setting for a confrontation, but it also foreshadows what's to come. The next night, on their mission, we see this shot of a full moon:
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And the next night:
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She bloodbends the southern raiders' captain and scares the crap out of Zuko.
I did a quick Google and apparently the technical full moon lasts just an instant, but to the naked eye, the full moon lasts for three nights. So if we see a waxing moon on night one, and a full moon on night two, then the moon would be full again the night Katara bloodbends.
All that is to say: Katara isn't overpowered - she's just using the power of the full moon and the technique Hama taught her. The episode is actually really careful to keep within the rules that were set up for bloodbending!
Unlike what happened later.
!!!Spoiler alert for LoK s1!!!
I'm trying to not be salty about Legend of Korra since I know a lot of people are discovering it and enjoying it rn, but...... It really really bothers me that Yakone and Amon could bloodbend whenever they felt like it.
The whole defense case for Yakone during the courtroom scene was "nobody can bloodbend outside a full moon. So he couldn't be the culprit!" But then he was bloodbending outside a full moon, and there was no explanation for why, besides Sokka saying "some people just have powers!"
It felt like the writers were staring us right in the face and saying "remember that rule we told you about in ATLA? Yeah, we just don't feel like obeying it anymore."
Which is a large no-no in world building, I believe.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 years
I saw you reblogged the post with ideas about evil!Ben. Do you have any thoughts/ideas you want to add to it?
I know it’s been like, two weeks since I got this ask but I’ve been thinking about it a LOT. Because I love Ben, I love Ben being genuinely kind and good and wanting to protect people and do what’s right. But I think Evil!Ben has so much potential. 
(for those out of the loop, we’re talking about this post which eventually resulted in this fic)
I can see it having a few different sources - the residual magic leftover from the love spells and the dark magic of the scepter have to have something to grab onto, and as you said, it held onto the part of him that’s angry about being manipulated and forced to give up the VK program. I think there are other things as well: Ben wants to help people, and I don’t think that would change even as a villain. The scepter tells him that with its power, he can help far more people than he could as a simple king. The scepter notices Ben’s desire for power - but it’s not a desire for power, not really, it’s just a desire for people to recognize his power.
People forget Ben is king. They see his kindness and his gentleness and they think they can use him, or that his power is meaningless. His parents and the godmother undermine him, they don’t trust his judgement, they look to Mal for answers and don’t listen to him. Ben isn’t the type of person to demand respect just because he’s king, he follows the Game of Thrones “any man who says ‘I am the king’ is no true king” motto, but he is the king and people forget that. 
With the scepter, no one will be able to ignore his power ever again. 
(If we want to make it sad, there’s the other part of him the scepter prays on, and it’s his own fears - he’s been manipulated and kidnapped and spelled too many times by now, and he has no idea when it could happen again, because previous experience tells him it will happen again. With the scepter’s power, that will never happen again.) 
I think that Ben would be a terrifying villain. I don’t think he would go into Beast-type rages, but that’s just my opinion. I think he would be the opposite, very controlled all the time. He would be the opposite of normal Ben. There’s no warmth or natural kindness in him anymore, he’s cold and stony. He wouldn’t be ruthlessly or unnecessarily cruel, but he would be ruthless, and he wouldn’t hesitate to take out people who get in his way or try to stop him. He’s not dramatically evil like most Disney villains, he’s straight-up scary, chilling evil. (I’m thinking of The Beast from Over the Garden Wall, if you know that show, or Amon from Legend of Korra.) I don’t think he’s the type to have a big dramatic villain song, but if he did have a song, it would be like “Control” by Halsey, slightly fear-inducing and slowly ramping up the creepiness.
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dontcountyourwords · 4 years
The voice that instills fright
Tenzin shows remarkable compassion in this episode. For a character that is voiced pretty straight-forwardly, abruptly, and distantly, I must say I was positively surprised.
The council thinks they are doing the right thing cracking down so hard on Amon. However, it really does look problematic when a council of 5 benders decides that they shall not be oppressed. It would be best if the council included at least 2 non-benders. Currently it just mirrors rich senators breaking up riots, and painting the narrative in their favour. Granted, Amon is a douche-bag, but at this point they just keep giving him talking points.
Tarrlok is the worst of them all. I don't like Tenzin explicitly saying he's just doing it for the power. That was too on the nose for me. Tarrlok doesn't seem to think two steps ahead, when trying to recruit Korra in his task-force. Again, it just gives Amon talking points.
It could also be the case that he knew Korra had a feisty personality and would challenge Amon before soon, and so this was his way of getting rid of Amon quickly. But one can easily reverse what Amon said to Korra: catching him now would turn him into a martyr, and people would rally behind his defeat. There's no winning, not yet anyway.
Tarrlok also doesn't seem to care what Korra thinks about this whole ordeal, or how ready she is to fight it. He's not interested in whether she might be scared or what effect meeting Amon had on her. The Avatar is just a tool, not a person to him.
This dynamic pays off when Korra eventually breaks at the end of the episode, and rightfully so. All that built-up tension finally got free, and I was happy to see that Tenzin was there for her. She is so used to being strong and handling things on her own. But now she has the weight of the world on her shoulders and a personal threat to her identity - I cried with Korra on this one.
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writinginstardust · 5 years
Accidentally In Love
Pairing: Mako x reader
Request: anonymous asked “ Do you write for Lok/Atla?Maybe can you write an imagine where the reader is the daughter of Iroh (Izumi's son) and she meets Mako and they fall in love? ”
Warnings: nothing really
A/N: It’s two for one on Mako fic today 😂 I rewatched LOK much sooner than I’d originally thought, like I honestly thought I wouldn’t get to this for another couple of months but for once I suprised myself in a good way. hope you like it, it got a little longer than i’d expected it to.
Word Count: 3002
My life could be summed up pretty well as a long series of accidents. Some good, some bad, some neither one nor the other, all changing my life in inexplicable ways with consequences I'd never intended. I was born an accident for starters, the product of two 18-year-olds scared they might never see each other again when one left with the United Forces on a particularly dangerous assignment. 9 months later, there I was. 
I discovered I was a waterbender when I was five and accidentally knocked a candle over, managing to set the kitchen on fire. The water came to me in my moment of panic and I doused it without a second thought. Then I accidentally flooded the kitchen when I couldn't stop it and got myself sent to the southern water tribe to be trained.
It was there I met Korra although I was never supposed to. She'd slipped away and gone exploring and so had I. We bumped into each other and quickly became friends in the way kids do which somehow led to us being trained together. It also led to the rather unfortunate almost-drowning as we both pushed ourselves further than we were able to when we were 8. 
Republic City became my home again not long after that. 
There was no more life-changing accidents for a few years until I got my first boyfriend when I was 12. That didn't end well. Turns out I accidentally dated the son of one of the most elusive crime lords in the city and found out enough to help Chief Beifong take them down. 
And the accidents didn't stop coming. 
I got knocked over by Asami and her father chasing a dog across the road. That got me a new best friend. I almost got myself expelled from school by turning the gym into an ice rink and getting half the student body to cut class. That got me a ton of new friends, many of whom turned out to be bad influences. Thanks to them I got caught fighting in the street and only avoided punishment by Beifong at my dad's intervention. That's what landed me under constant supervision training in the United Forces and what finally let me redeem myself by saving everyone on my warship during an attack. 
At 16 I became an officer, serving under my own father - the great General Iroh - and it's as odd as you'd imagine. I might have asked for a different assignment were it not considered such a great honour, especially for someone as young as I was at the time. It meant I got to spend more time with my dad at least, even if he was shouting orders much of the time. That wasn't something I'd had the luxury of growing up.
A few months ago I'd helped Korra and her friends defeat Amon and the equalists and met Mako. That changed everything for me yet again. I'd gone with him and Korra when the team split up and accidentally developed a bit of a crush as we worked together. So obviously I had to stay in Republic City after all that.
Beifong hired me without question when I asked and I ended up working alongside Mako. A lot. It should be no surprise that my next accident was a big one. I fell in love.
Who knows if he felt the same though.
We were grabbing dinner after a long day at work, both of us too tired to actually talk as we ate. I was watching him intently though. I did that a lot. 
It was one of those rare occasions when he wasn't frowning even a little. He was like that when he was tired enough. The harsh angles of his face softened and the seemingly constant worry in his eyes eased. It was my favourite time to be with him. 
He was more honest in those moments, more willing to open up about himself and his feelings. He was more willing to do that generally as of late actually. I wondered what new information I'd glean tonight.
"Hellooo," he dragged the word out, "You listening, (Y/N)?" Crap. I wasn't. I didn't even realise he'd started talking.
"Hmm?" I made sure to pay attention to what he was saying this time.
"I said, Beifong is letting me have the evening off for the Future Industries relaunch party in a few days-"
"Wait, there's a party ?"
"More like a gala but yeah, I thought you knew. Asami sent an invite." He frowned. I wish he wouldn't.
"I forgot to send her my new address."
He shook his head fondly and a small smile slipped onto his face. "Of course you did."
"Hey! I'm not normally that forgetful." He levelled me with a disbelieving look. "Okay fine, maybe I am. So what about the party?"
"Are you working Friday night?" I shook my head. "Good. Because I was going to ask…" He looked nervous and, dare I say it, a bit flustered. "Would you like to go...to the party...with me?"
It took a minute to compute that, it was the last thing I'd expected to hear. I watched as the hopeful smile that he'd been wearing slowly slid from his face as he mistook my silence.
"I'd love to," I finally blurted out.
"Yeah. It'll be fun." Our waiter came over and we quickly paid the bill and stood to leave.
"So, I'll come pick you up at 7?" 
"Sounds great." 
"I'll see you Friday then."
"See you Friday." I couldn't wait. He hugged me goodbye quickly and we went our separate ways home. It wasn't until I was getting changed for bed that I realised I hadn't asked one incredibly vital question. I hadn't asked if it was a date.
I radioed Asami in a panic the next morning and she dropped everything to come over and see me.
"So what did he say exactly?" She asked as I set a tray of tea down on the coffee table.
"He just asked if I wanted to go with him."
"Did he seem nervous?"
"A little I guess."
"Well then my guess is date."
"But he didn't do anything else to suggest it was. And maybe he was just worried I'd think he was asking me on a date and not as a friend."
"This is Mako so you might have a point there." She stirred her tea thoughtfully for a minute before looking up at me suddenly. I could practically see the lightbulb above her head.
"Okay so we don't know if it's a date but you want it to be, right?" I nodded and took a sip of my drink. "Well, in that case we need to go shopping." 
I looked at her quizzically. "Shopping? I have clothes from the last party."
"Yes shopping. If we get you the right outfit we could easily turn 'friends hanging out' into an actual date. And if it's already a date, a great outfit can't hurt."
"You really think a good outfit can do that?"
"I know a good outfit can do that."
"Okay. Let's go shopping then."
"Bolin, I need your help." I didn't bother knocking and walked straight into my brother's apartment. 
"Mako! It's great to see you bro! You gotta learn to knock first though."
"You should stop leaving your door unlocked and then maybe I would."
"Solid point. What can I do for you?"
"I have a date with (Y/N)."
"Well finally! You've been going on about her for months."
"I haven't- you're right, I have a bit." I flopped onto his couch and he took a seat beside me.
"Nice to see you admit it. So you've got a date, what's the problem?"
"I'm not sure she knows it's a date." He frowned.
"What do you mean? How could she not know it's a date?" I explained quickly and Bolin had his head in his hands by the time I was finished. "And you say you're the ladies man of this family."
"This is different. (Y/N) is different."
"Not a good enough excuse but we can salvage this."
"Okay, how?"
"First I'll say, from what you've told me she may well think it's a date." I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn't completely messed up. "But we don't know that for sure so you've got to be observant. Look for signs of attraction, flirt a little, see how she reacts, you know the drill."
"That wasn't as helpful as i'm sure you thought it was."
"Wasn't meant to be."
"What?" I sat up and glared at him.
"You're an idiot. (Y/N) likes you, has for ages."
"How do you know?" He rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh.
"Aside from it being obvious every time she looks at you? I'm her friend, I know things."
"She's better friends with me than you."
"That hurts bro."
"Fine! Asami told me. But I knew anyway!"
"I've got to go." I stood abruptly and Bolin shot me a confused look as he got up too.
"What? Why?"
"Need to go shopping." I glanced at my watch quickly and cursed. "Actually I need to go to work. I'll see you later Bo."
"Bye!" He called out but I was already out the door. I'd be late if I didn't hurry and Beifong would probably make me work on Friday if I was. At least the conversation was worth it. At least now I knew she liked me.
Friday. 6:50. I was trying not to be sick. Nerves were getting the better of me. Honestly I'd feel so much better if I just knew what this was. Although, if it was a date for sure, I'd probably be hunched over the toilet by now so maybe this was just a little bit better.
I finished applying my makeup the way Asami had taught me and fixed my hair a little before sliding on my new dress. A dress I never could have afforded myself. Asami insisted though.
There was a knock at my door and I startled as I looked at the time. It was seven and the last 10 minutes had somehow gone in a snap. I rushed to find my shoes, yelling to Mako to come in as I did. The door clicked shut and he yelled out a greeting as I finally located the shoes under my bed.
"Sorry, I'll be out in just a minute," I called back and hastened to finish getting ready. I checked how I looked once more, tucking back a stray hair, and took a deep breath before stepping out into the living room. I could do this. It might not even be a date, I reminded myself again.
"Hey, (Y/-" he cut himself off and I was instantly worried. Well as worried as I could feel past the block in my brain that was screaming over how good he looked.
"Hey Mako," I smiled self-consciously and fiddled with my dress. He recovered himself at the sound of my voice and stood from my couch.
"Hey, (Y/N)." I bit back a grin.
"You already said that."
"Oh, right...uh, you ready to go?" I nodded and we left my apartment, walking down the stairs in an only slightly awkward silence.
"Woah! Nice wheels. Where'd you get that?" I was shocked when I saw the car he led me to. It was way too fancy to afford on our salary.
"Asami let me borrow it. Insisted I did actually. She said we should show up in style."
"She's not wrong. Let's go then." The drive was short and thankfully less awkward than the walk down. Whatever weird tension had been in my apartment - probably my fault - had dissipated and we chatted like we usually did.
We arrived at the party slightly late and the venue was already packed. A valet took the car keys from Mako and he offered me his hand as we walked up the steps together. A few photographers took pictures and the nerves from earlier started coming back. People knew who we were. People were going to talk, the papers speculate. What were they going to assume about us? And more importantly, would they be right?
I tripped on the last step, falling into Mako's arms as he moved to catch me automatically. His face was too close to mine and I struggled to breathe. Heat flared in my cheeks as I scrambled to get my footing back and pull out of his embrace. He shot me a concerned look but I just shrugged it off with a small smile and continued inside, tugging him along with me. I almost wished I hadn't when we entered and people turned to look.
The first hour was a bit off a mess. I mixed up people's names, spilled a few drinks, almost knocked over a table full of cakes, and tripped over just about everything. Eventually we ended up talking to Bolin and Asami. I excused myself to the bathroom with a pointed look to Asami. She got the hint and came with me.
"Are you okay?" She asked as the door shut behind us.
"Not even a little bit. I'm freaking out and I keep messing things up and I'm so nervous I think I might be sick and I still don't know if this is a date and if it is I'm on my way to making it the worst date ever and I know this is ridiculous because it's just Mako and he's one of my best friends so this shouldn't be awkward but I love him and he looks so good tonight and it's making me want to kiss him but I can't because I still don't know if he likes me too but I really want him to and I just think I'm going to ruin everything somehow-" the words kept tumbling out in a jumbled mess as I slowly got more hysterical and Asami finally had to cut me off.
"Breathe. Just breathe." She held my shoulders and took deep breaths herself for me to follow. I felt myself beginning to calm down. "Just keep breathing. You're fine, okay? You're not messing anything up. I've been watching you two since you got here and Mako definitely likes you too."
"How do you know?" I asked in a small voice
"It's obvious to everyone here. Honestly, if you could see the way he looks at you, you'd understand."
"You're sure?"
"Yes. Now go out there and get him."
"Am I messing this up?" I asked Bolin when the girls disappeared off to the bathroom. "(Y/N) seems so uncomfortable. Are you sure she actually likes me."
"I'm sure bro. If anything this proves it."
"She's nervous, Mako. She likes you and you know that but I don't think she knows that you like her."
"Oh. Oh."
"Now you get it. She's hoping it's a date but she's not sure and she obviously doesn't want to mess anything up which is making her nervous and awkward."
"How in the world could you know that?"
"I'm very smart and observant." I gave him a pointed look. "Fine! Asami told me again. You know it hurts you don't think I could figure it out myself." 
"You'll live." I patted him on the shoulder and he rolled his eyes before glancing behind me.
"Watch out, they're coming back."
"Well, it was good to catch up with you guys. I'll see you a bit later but I've got more guests to talk to now. Bolin?" He looked over at Asami. "You mind coming with me?"
"Of course."
"Enjoy the party you two." Asami hugged me then. "Good luck," she whispered in my ear before letting go and heading off with Bolin. I watched them leave, still slightly nervous to face Mako again. He cleared his throat and I turned my head.
"Would you like to dance?" Breathe, I told myself, you can do this.
"Sure." I took his hand and he led me to the middle of the room. The song playing was slow, thankfully since I wasn't a great dancer. I knew the steps and where to put my hands at least. His hand settled on my waist and electricity raced through me. I swallowed hard to control my nerves, trying not to get distracted by the warmth that spread from every point of contact as we started to dance. I was lost in him for a while and the silence went on. Finally it was broken.
"Mako-" we both spoke at the same time and I grinned at how ridiculous this all was.
"You go first," he said.
"Okay. I need to ask, I can't stand not knowing anymore, is this a date?" 
"Okay." Okay? Why was that all I said?
"Are you alright with it being a date?" He looked a little worried. Unsurprising since all I said was okay. I wanted to smack myself for being such an idiot.
"Okay." A few seconds passed in silence again.
"So...does that mean you like me the way I like you?" I asked finally.
"That depends. Can I kiss you?"
"Please." And he did. 
His lips were soft against mine, softer than I'd imagined actually, and the kiss was unhurried. He pulled me closer and I leaned into his body, letting his familiar warmth and comfort permeate my skin. It didn't last long but we stayed close when our lips parted.
"So is that a yes?" I whispered.
"I think it's a yes." He smiled and pulled me into another kiss. It occurred to me that people were watching and we'd probably have to suffer through the ordeal of it being in the papers but I found I didn't care all that much. Getting to finally kiss the guy I'd fallen in love with was more than worth it.
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Everything: @wonderfilledness
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girlsaturday · 6 years
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korrasami summer exchange → @edenthoang
She approached the table, and Asami looked up, shockingly bright green eyes and long lashes languidly blinking at her.
“Well, hello darling,” she said, leaning forward in her seat, red lips curving into a smile. “What’s your name?”
Nervously, Korra smoothed down the fabric of her black suit, took a deep breath, pushed her shoulders back, and strolled into the Fire Club like she had every right to be there.
The patrons shot her curious looks, but she kept her eyes straight ahead. She was here for one reason only, and nothing could shake her from her goal.
“Name?” The bouncer guarding the club’s private room was almost as wide as the door itself, and towered over her, but she refused to back down.
“Korra,” she said. “I’m on the list to see Miss Sato.”
His eyes still on her, the bouncer flipped through his paper to check. “So you are,” he said, and shot her a glare. Korra wondered if he was hoping he’d be able to throw her out. “Right this way.”
He pushed open the door, and she stepped inside. The room was illuminated by dozens of candles, casting shadows on the wealthy who’s who of Republic City who frequented the club. They sat at their own tables and had their own conversations, but they were like planets, orbiting around the sun that was the woman in the centre of the room.
Asami Sato, Korra thought with clenched fists. Heiress, industrialist, CEO of Future Industries at only eighteen years old, she might have been the most famous woman in Republic City. Unfortunately for her, Korra had uncovered considerable ties between her company and the Republic City mob. Hopefully by the end of the night, she’d have enough evidence to put her firmly behind bars.
She approached the table, and Asami looked up, shockingly bright green eyes and long lashes languidly blinking at her.
“Well, hello darling,” she said, leaning forward in her seat, red lips curving into a smile. “What’s your name?”
“Korra,” she answered, fighting against the heat rising in her cheeks. “We’ve got a meeting scheduled.”
“Do we?” Asami smirked, but before Korra could argue, she waved away the rest of her guests. “Sit down, honey. I don’t have all night.”
Reluctantly, Korra obeyed, determined not to let this woman fluster her any more.
“You’re the detective, aren’t you?” Asami continued, examining her fingernails. “Youngest ever, and a woman to boot, even if you don’t dress like one.”
“You’ve figured me out,” Korra shrugged, eyes catching on the way Asami’s black hair spilled over her shoulder. Mentally, she shook herself. Concentrate!
Asami chuckled. “And what do you know about me?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Korra said, spreading her hands. “Daughter of Hiroshi Sato, inherited his company at eighteen, one of the richest women in the world, but . . .” she trailed off.
“Oh?” Asami leaned forward, delight writ clear on her face. “But?”
Korra copied her, leaning closer until her lips were just a breath away from her ear. “But I hear Miss Sato’s involved in some shady business. Some say she’s even in deep with the mob.”
For a split second, Asami froze. She was shocked, clearly, and Korra allowed herself a tiny smirk.
“Who told you that, hmm?” Asami asked. Her mask was back in place, but Korra could tell she was shaken. “It’s a serious accusation.”
“Don’t worry,” she said, sitting back in her chair. “I’m not the type to throw around rumours. But I’ve got proof.” Now here was the dangerous part-if she shared too much, she’d become a target. It was a fine line, between teasing Asami with how much she knew to learn more, or just giving up all her secrets.
But Asami only laughed. “Oh, darling, I wouldn’t count on that. A girl has her ways, you know.”
And just like that, back to square one.
A waiter offered her a drink, and she took it, sipping slowly under the weight of Asami’s gaze. She reminded herself to focus, again. All her hard work leading up to the night would be worth nothing if she didn’t succeed now.
“Like when the key witness in the Amon case just . . . disappeared?” Korra asked nonchalantly. Of course she didn’t expect Asami to start confessing to her crimes in front of her, but she wanted to rattle her, just enough for one tiny slip-up or mistake.
“A girl’s gotta have her secrets,” she smiled mysteriously, and took a sip of her champagne.
Korra pressed further. “But you do have them, don’t you?”
But now Asami just looked annoyed. She leaned forward again, almost conspiratorially. “Look, darling, I know what you’re trying to do here. You’re on some righteous crusade, ready to save the day. But you’re going to get yourself in trouble if you keep going down this road.”
“Why tell me this?” Korra whispered, unsure under the full strength of Asami’s gaze.
Asami smiled sadly. “I like you, Korra. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Korra was silent, stunned by her reveal. Asami . . . liked her? She didn’t want her to get hurt? It was hard to reconcile what she had said with the powerful, uncaring mob boss she had imagined.
“I think we’re done here, darling,” Asami said, not unkindly. She pressed something into Korra’s hand, and quickly turned away, appearing entirely disinterested.
Korra stood up, fingers clenched tight around whatever Asami had given her. She backed away from the table and didn’t stop until she was outside of the club, the cold night air whipping through her hair and cooling her cheeks.
She unfolded her hand, revealing a tiny slip of paper resting in her palm. Written on it, in delicate handwriting, was a short street address, somewhere in the Dragon Flats.
Korra clutched the paper to her chest, and exhaled slowly. She should bring it to Beifong, let her deal with it. That would be the right thing to do, wouldn’t it?
But childishly, selfishly, she wanted to see Asami again. She wanted to be near her and talk to her, to feel the thrill of the chase as they traded secrets.
Korra breathed out slowly, watching her breath fog in the air, and made a decision. The paper clutched in her hands, she strode purposefully down the cobblestone street and into the night.
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ourimpavidheroine · 6 years
Hmmmm. So my thoughts on the sneak preview of the new Korra comic on EW.
Well, it has to be an improvement over Turf Wars, right? My god I loathed that entire thing. The crappy half-assed story, the drawing that was downright embarrassingly bad by the third book (not that I blame Irene Koh for that, she did her very best under apparently pretty lousy conditions), the flat, ugly coloring. Ugh. All of it.
I have to say, though, that I do appreciate here that Kuvira is not at all remorseful for what she did as the Great Uniter. She’s lawful evil; she genuinely believes that the “sacrifices” she made were both honorable and necessary for the greater good. That’s why some fans think she’s good deep down and/or redeemable; she’s lawful! Lawful means there has to be good in them somewhere, right?
Eh. Not so much!
I mean, that’s why she did her level best to kill Baatar Jr. She loved him, in her own way. But his death was a sacrifice for the greater good, because in killing him she’d also kill the current incarnation of the Avatar, the one person who could potentially slow her down, if not stop her. It had to be done, no matter how she might feel about it. Her cause - the Earth Empire - was far more important than his life or her feelings for him. The ends always justified the means as far as the Earth Empire went. (Baatar Jr, not being lawful evil, did not consider the Earth Empire more important than their love for each other. Poor fucking deluded bastard.)
Kuvira was certainly not interested in killing anyone for the sake of killing them. She didn’t do it for revenge; she didn’t get off on it. She’s not chaotic evil, after all. She might have even regretted the necessity. Not enough not to do it, of course. But she wouldn’t have relished killing, though.
If Opal had died (along with Bolin and Zhu Li) because she happened to be where the spirit cannon was blasting during its trial run I am sure Kuvira would have apologized to Su about that as well. She was not aiming the gun at Opal - unlike Zhu Li, who was a traitor, Opal just happened to be in the way. However, she certainly wouldn’t have stopped the weapon from firing, despite Baatar Jr’s frantic call for her to stop as soon as he sees Opal. Nothing personal. Sorry about it. But the weapon needed to be tested because it was a necessary means to the end and Opal shouldn’t have been there helping a traitor anyhow. And that’s exactly how she sees everything.
Lawful Evil: Kuvira. Delores Umbridge. Lucius Malfoy. Magneto. Thanos. Darth Vader. Tarrlok, even! Amon, for sure. All of them followed the rules, their own code, firmly believing that the ends justified the means. I mean, the ends included wholesale evil and frequently murder, for many of them! But it was still, in their minds, lawful.
In other words, Peace And Order Through Destruction isn’t really peace at all. Sorry, for all of you that like to believe that Kuvira is actually good under it all. No, my dudes. She’s just lawful. Not the same thing in the slightest.
I do believe she is sorry, in a Lawful Evil way, for causing personal pain to the Beifong family, by the way. She’s not sorry she did the things she did, because they were necessary for the good of the Earth Empire. However, she’s sorry if she hurt their feelings by attacking their city unprovoked, putting most of them in a wooden cage for who knows how long, and trying to straight up murder Baatar Jr. And I do believe that because she has a really, really, really fucked up moral compass, she genuinely does not understand why the fuck Su Beifong won’t just accept her apology and be good with it. Nor does she understand why these people who are putting her on trial won’t accept the fact that she stepped down and surrendered to Korra - not because Korra was right, but because Korra demonstrated greater power and for the record, those two things are not even the same - as being enough. She does not know why they expect her to be sorry/guilty of war crimes because in her mind, she committed no crimes. She just did what needed doing. In her own mind, she is a fucking hero and a martyr. She really believes this, as is made very clear in that little snippet of text. 
The fact that she clearly DOES have some personal feelings about the Beifongs and how they did and/or did not treat her is also clear. However, it is also clear that she herself rejects those feelings as having anything whatsoever to do with what she did to them, Zaofu, Republic City, or the Earth Kingdom/Empire in general. In her mind, she and Su should be able to apologize to each other - “Su, I’m sorry for the hurt I caused you by doing what I needed to do AKA overthrowing your city, imprisoning you and your husband and your teenagers and attempting to murder your firstborn,” “Kuvira, I’m sorry for the hurt I caused you by not being the Mommy you really wanted,” and everything would be copacetic between the two of them.
Because, once again, she does not think what she did on behalf of the Earth Empire was wrong. Because she is lawful evil; not redeemed, not good under it all, not misunderstood. She is lawful evil.
Other notes just based on the small teaser:
So Mako is no longer wearing the weird sling which held his wounded arm but not his hand which apparently was fine just weirdly dangly in Turf Wars? So I take it at least his arm is working again, if not his bending?
Apparently he’s still stopped combing his hair, however.
WU IS THERE. Being King Wu and having medals on his chest, bless his adorable little heart. Will he have any contact with Mako? I am not holding my breath. Apparently there are only about 60 people total who ship Wuko and that does not include the creators. Never mind, my good friends, I will keep giving you fanfic. WUKO LIVES.
Where the fuck was Lin? Not at the trial? I assume Baatar Jr is hanging out in prison,waiting for his own trial.
I did like the identical arms crossed and Beifong death glares from the twins and Huan.
The Earth Kingdom’s transition to democracy will be rockier than expected, and when Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin disagree on the right solution to rising tensions, drastic measures might be required to prevent another war.
With all due respect, what the fuck do Asami, Mako and Bolin have to do with the Earth Kingdom’s transition to democracy? Aren’t all three of them citizens of Republic City? Doesn’t Asami have a business to run? (Which she never does seem to do, one wonders how it is thriving when she’s constantly taking time off to swan around for months in airships and vacations in the Spirit World.) Isn’t Mako a local cop who would have exactly zero to do with anything regarding the Earth Kingdom (who apparently can also get unlimited time off of work to fuck off around the world)? Isn’t Bolin...well, Bolin? Who the actual fuck cares if they have solutions to anything? They don’t matter.
I mean, do not get me wrong, I think it’s good to deal with the whole Earth Empire vs. Earth Kingdom vs. dissolving the monarchy and the entire fucking mess that would be. (What are we doing with Kuvira’s army? How about all those people left in camps? What about all the people who liked her and what she did and want her back? And oh my lord, the economy! It takes countries years to recover from wars like that.) But that’s Wu and Korra’s business, not theirs.
But damn. Either stick to the Krew and follow their lives or branch out and deal with the larger problems at hand that Korra has a responsibility for as the Avatar, but quit putting the Krew into situations they actually have no business being in just for the sake of shoehorning them into a story. BAD WRITING.
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djinmer4 · 6 years
Untitled 4/? (Korra)
Of course, having gotten away from Amon, the next person Korra ran into would be Tarrlok (or Tarrkik or Tarlon or whatever that alias was).  He was outside of town, in the shallow plain before the hills started.  She could see some guards watching near the walls, but they were far enough away that the two of them couldn’t be heard.
He was practicing his Airbending.  She recognized those forms, mostly basic parrying and dodges designed to take advantage of the Airbenders greater mobility.  Even as she watched though, the katas changed.  From the evasive-heavy Airbending katas to the equally fluid, but more aggressive Waterbending forms.  As she continued to watch she saw more changes, like the way he shaved his hair on his right down to a few centimeters, to improve his senses on his blind, scarred side or combined the whirlwinds with the more static waterbending stance to give himself full 360 degree coverage even while missing a leg.
Korra felt a frisson of envy go through her.  Even now, her forms weren’t nearly so fluid and graceful.  And seeing the way he had merged the styles and compensated for his handicaps, it reminded her that Tarrlok was really a monstrously talented bender.  Amon’s statement that he was harmless was looking less and less like truth, and more like delusion.
She took a step forward, and he whipped around, using the air around him to speed up the turn, then cushion him when he stopped.  Carefully propping himself up on his prosthesis, he executed a stiff bow.  “Avatar.”
“Tar-Governor,” she replied, barely remembering the guards stationed only a few meters away.  They probably couldn’t hear them, but it was best not to take chances.
“And what may I do to assist you, Avatar?  I’m afraid the Wo family is still not back from their reunion.”
Korra went straight to the heart of the issue.  “I just spoke to your brother.”
“Ah, I see.”  He resumed his training, albeit at a slower pace.  “I take it he said something that disturbed you?”
“He asked . . .  he asked that I show mercy on you.  Leave you here to continue your work as governor and leader of these people.  He even offered to stand trial back in Republic City if that would get me to leave you alone.”  Korra never could resist pushing buttons.  “I’m considering accepting his offer.  You do seem to be popular around here.”
“Don’t take him back with us?  The hypocritical lying leader of the Equalists would be quite a prize.  And you could continue living here free of any punishment.”
“No, what I mean is, don’t just drag him back alone.  You’re the Avatar; you know very well that the right thing to do is to bring us both back to face the consequences.”  She was surprised by how even his voice was.
“Why not?  You seem do be doing well here.  Opal and Kai always had glowing reports about you.  Even Tenzin, before he realized you were . . . you.  Even he was defending you and the way you acted during Kuvira’s reign.  Why shouldn’t I take that into consideration?”
“Tenzin’s always been that way.  Did you know we were allies in the Council?”  Korra shook her head.  Tenzin had always called Tarrlok a snake.  She didn’t think they had gotten along at all.
“Indeed.  Oh, I’m not going to argue that he always loathed me in private, but when it came to policy and passing laws, we were usually on the same side.  You never saw that because the big issue when you arrived was the Equalist movement, which is one thing we disagreed on.”
“Tenzin is skilled and compassionate.  He tries to see both sides of a problem, and prefers non-violent solutions so he makes an excellent diplomat.  However, he’s not so good at being a politician.  He has a hard time talking people around to his point of view.  Especially if it’s not someone who answers to his authority or if he can’t demonstrate the consequences of a decision immediately.”
Well that was . . . actually true.  His teaching methods certainly hadn’t done her any good when she was first trying to learn Airbending, he had gone completely control freak on Jinora when she started reaching beyond merely being an Airbender into communing with the Spirit World, not to mention how difficult it had been for him to attract and train new Airbenders.  Tenzin could be effective, but sometimes he was way over his head.
“Not to mention he never really got down that aspect of trading tit for tat in politics.  He never seemed to understand that most of the Councilors were prioritizing their people first.  The Earth Kingdom rep wanted what was best for the Earth Kingdom, Earthbenders, and non-benders of Earth Kingdom descent, in that order.  Same for the Fire Nation rep.  Tenzin’s ideas were for the benefit of everyone, but if the Council member couldn’t see how it would help their people, they wouldn’t vote for it.”
“And here I thought you just bribed them into doing your bidding.”  He smiled, the same oily grin she remembered from the Task Force.
“No matter what Tenzin thinks, the only thing I bribed anyone with is with votes.  If I wanted say, something like banning child labor to pass, I’d either have to sell it as a benefit to another councilor, such as convincing the Fire Nation rep that it would cause a wage increase for Firebenders or by by promising my vote in a future issue, like allowing tariffs to fall for Earth Kingdom imports.  That’s why the other Councilors were so willing to support my Task Force, under the assumption of future favors.  Not because I paid them to do what I wanted.”
She paused while he finished his final katas.  “Still, that doesn’t explain why you think I should expose both of you.  You’re still doing good here.  Doesn’t that mean you’ve reformed?”
“Do good actions wash out the harm or do bad actions wash out the good?  But no, it’s not the past that bothers me.  It’s the potential for the future-”
“You’re not a Bloodbender any longer.”
“And how did Zaheer kill Queen Hou-Ting?  I’m sure every aspect of bending has at least one technique that is equally monstrous as Bloodbending.  Besides that’s not what I’m talking about.  What’s the worst thing I’ve ever done?”
“Persecuting and locking up innocent non-benders, and stripping them of their rights and turning Republic City into a police state.”  Korra paused, and then thought of her kidnapping.  Then discarded that fact, against being de-powered by Noatak, having her connection to Raava attacked by Unalaq and Zaheer almost killing her, Tarrlok’s kidnapping was chump change.
“And what’s the worst thing Noatak’s ever done?”
“Take over Republic City.”
“Those actions weren’t caused by us being Bloodbenders, they were caused by us having power.  By being leaders and convincing people to follow us.  Without the Equalists, Noatak would have just been some vigilante assassin, taking out Triad bosses on his own.  If I hadn’t been a councilor I could never have been able to create the Task Force and get those anti-Equalist measures passed.”
“Our greatest ability was making people believe in us, making them willing to follow us.  And here we are again, doing the exact same thing all over again.  We were shipwrecked refugees, now Noatak’s the expert in civil engineering and water management for the region, and I’m the governor.  And we’ve done that in less than ten years.”
“It’s like we haven’t learned anything.”
“But you have!  I see none of the terror, none of the persecution or violence that dominated Republic City here-”
“Only because we’re not fighting each other.  How long do you think that will last?  Until Noatak takes up his goals for equality for all again or I decide I want to be more than just the regional governor for some backwater in the Earth Kingdom.  How long before we fall to temptation again?”
She had no answer for him.
“Did you know, when we escaped from Republic City, we took a boat?”
“Amon mentioned that.”
“That boat, it was filled with Equalist shock gloves and batons.  He took the blueprints for all of Hiroshi Sato’s designs.  Noatak hadn’t given up his dream for Equality, the loss of Republic City was a setback, not a failure, not for him.”
“That’s why I blew up the boat.  I hoped to take us both out.  But I failed.  Now it’s time for you to do your duty, Avatar, and clip away the hanging threads.  Don’t be like Avatar Aang.  Don’t let threats like us get away to  haunt your successor.”
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