#korë blogging: playlists
isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
My spirit will never be broken or caught
THE SEER: a playlist for the proud daughter of a defunct dynasty.
In the course of double-checking old posts, I saw that @elwing had requested a link to the playlist for the pictured character a long time ago (19 January 2021!). So here it is—probably the playlist I listen to the most often as I write, when I listen to anything.
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
Don't think I'm ever gonna make it home again
THE WITCH: a playlist for a banished mage.
This playlist is the direct "sequel" to The Seer, and I think may also have been prompted by @elwing at the time, though it's been awhile! The witch in question is the POV character of my entire novel; I'm quite fond of her and definitely enjoyed revisiting the list.
(The art in the icon is of the actual character and was created by my good friend @alias-sqbr. Their original version is here.)
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 1 year
Why not think about times to come? And not about the things that you've done?
THE ENIGMA: a playlist for a troubled but well-intentioned survivor
Awhile back (a long while back >_>), I followed up @elwing's requests for playlists for the other main characters of my novel with this list, which is for the last of the main trio. The artists are mostly the same, but the tone quite different!
(The art in the icon is of the character in question, cropped from @croclock's picture of all three main characters plus their dragon frenemy. It's here.)
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
[Original date: 6 August 2018]
A playlist for one of my short stories novellas, this one involving an expedition of mages and a botanist who rises to leadership in the face of disaster.
The references are pretty clear if you're familiar with the story, and probably a bit baffling if you aren't! But I think it was @elwing who asked if it was rebloggable for anyone interested, and indeed, it is!
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
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[Original date: 31 August 2016]
A long time ago, @elwing prompted me to make a playlist for the most iconic leaders in the matriarchal culture my novel is set in. So I did! For maximum personal enjoyment, all the leaders I chose are women, and I deliberately selected songs (mostly instrumental tracks) that refer specifically to men.
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
Organizational post!
I primarily use tags for my own organization, and do it pretty consistently, though they only show up on my blog theme if you click "show tags." For blacklisting/whitelisting purposes, I've listed a bunch of them in this post. Let me know if you want to know the tag for something not listed here!
General Tags
#isabel talks: basically any post where I say things, either in reblogs or (more often) original posts.
#isabel's pictures: pictures that I post; usually these are not drawings/paintings/etc, but screenshots or pictures of pets.
#isabel responds: replies to pretty much anything.
#isabel does memes: memes!
#isabel's games: anything about gaming. Specific games are tagged #game: x; for instance, #game: dungeons and dragons or #game: guild wars (both for their entire franchises).
#isabel's pets: pictures or conversation about my family's pets (mostly pictures).
#isabel's blogkeeping: organizational or blog-related stuff.
#music!: pretty much anything related to music.
#petty gremlin blogging: complaining about things or, as might be expected, general pettiness.
Writing Tags
#damned mob of scribbling women: general writing tag, mostly writing advice reblogs and posts.
#the glacier speaks: stuff where I talk about writing as a writer, or about my own work or writing process.
#korë blogging: anything related to my main original fiction universe. There are a few sub-tags: korë blogging: art (for my friends' art for it), #korë blogging: moodboards, and korë blogging: playlists (both exactly what you would expect).
Writing Inspiration Tags
#inspiration: faces and fashion: pictures or gifs of people or costuming I find inspirational for writing purposes (surprise).
#inspiration: scenery and architecture: ditto but for scenery and buildings.
#plants: basically anything with an emphasis on plants of any kind. I also use #flowers sometimes.
#water my beloved: the one element to rule them all!! I mean, anything in which water is prominent, mostly just because I love water.
Other Stuff I Chatter About Sometimes
#disability talk: anything related to disability, though usually related to mine (I'm autistic with bipolar II, anxiety, and asthma).
#lgbtia chatter: anything related to, well, LGBTQIA+ issues. I'm lesbian myself.
#gender chatter: anything related to gender.
#academic chatter: I'm several years into a PhD program in literature, for my sins.
#linguistic chatter: stuff about language.
#pacific northwest chatter: stuff about the Pacific Northwest, where I'm from and have spent nearly all my life.
#sff chatter: stuff about science-fiction or (most often) fantasy in general.
#greek chatter: my grandmother is Greek and this is a big deal in my family, so I sometimes talk about related things.
#artist: x: all art of any kind (novels, film, etc) is considered to be created by an artist for tagging purposes, so you'll see artists in the usual sense in this kind of tag, but also novelists, etc.
#text: x: I started by tagging works of art by their titles (usually—all of Tolkien's stuff is under #text: middle earth for convenience) and ended up just calling them all texts.
#ch: x: characters are all tagged in this format. If the character is played by an actor, I sometimes tag the actor (when I know them off the top of my head) simply by their name.
For example, Pride and Prejudice (1813) would be: #artist: jane austen and #text: pride and prejudice. If it included something from the 2005 P&P, I might add (say) #ch: jane bennet and #rosamund pike.
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