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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Perfect productive workspaces with minimal office setup.
Productivity is the heart and soul of a business. However, it could come to the structure and setting of your office, If you want your workers to expand their productivity. Not just the position, either, but the layout of office cabinetwork and outfit, the inflow between hand space, and the overall vibe of your office. Luckily, there are coffers out there to boost your business's productivity situations and make your office a place where your workers want to get their work done. Keep reading for tips and advice on how to negotiate that.
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"An office is further than just its structure. It's important for companies to award progress, assure flexible working and encourage the crucial people in their company their workers,"Hansen said.
Occasionally it does come down to the design of an office, however. Kayla Pendleton, proprietor and author of coworking space Her Space, recognizes that and incorporates it into the physical design of her locales.
"As the creator of a coworking community, it was extremely important to produce participated spaces that used the stylish features of flexible workspaces to promote community but also helped my members be extremely productive,"Pendleton said."I have learned that if you have an open office space or participated productive workspaces, also you must also have meeting spaces where people can have sequestration for concentrated work or for phone calls."
To produce a space where workers can be productive and original, you need to make sure that there’s proper lighting throughout. After all, if it’s so dark that workers ca n’t indeed read their notes, also they are n’t likely to be veritably productive.
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Immaculately, a workspace should have large windows or skylights and plenitude of natural light.However, also it would be ideal to start a construction design to install windows, If your space does n’t have this. Unfortunately, budget and structure restrictions do n’t always allow forthat. However, but you ca n’t add any further windows, also bring in artificial lighting that looks natural, If you ’re noticing that your office space is dark and teary.
Install large outflow lights that shoot out natural- looking light to a wide swath of the office space, and bring in bottom lights wherever differently possible. It’s stylish to have multiple sources of light.
Still, also bring in some lights designed for use in light remedy — they can be helpful to boost hand mood during downtime months, indeed for workers who do n’t have diagnosable seasonal depression, If you really want to step up your game.The former four tips have concentrated on effects that you, as a director or administrator, can change about the office space. Still, it’s important to also admit workers’ capability to make their own space productive for themselves.
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Within assigned and individual workspaces, encourage and allow workers to put up film land, bills, time tables, etc., and to bring in any remembrances, knick- knacks, or other office accessories. To promote this, give free thumbtacks, paper clips, masses, and vid, so that workers can embellish their spaces without having to buy introductory office inventories.
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
A Women Workspace: The Need of the Hour
Female founders and employees are turning to women workspaces such as Kontor Space for a safe, collaborative, inclusive and picture-perfect environment.
The number of remote workers in modern companies is on a rise for some time now. In recent years, the freelancers have moved from their coffeeshop or kitchen tables to a spot at co-working spaces. Until recently, these co-working spaces were run by men, with male-dominated boards. Even the workspaces were designed with a blind eye to the women’s essentials. In the first-generation co-working spaces, women workspace were still left behind.
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As we witnessed the #metoo movement kick in, a new kind of co-working spaces became trend-setters, a women workspace that gives a female-friendly environment and supports women to achieve success. With more awareness about workplace sexual harassment, women are looking for office hubs that are safe and supportive.
Along with creating a safe workplace, it is also about our confidence that women-owned businesses are bringing the next wave of growth and prosperity in India. At Kontor Space, a women workspace, we provide a healthy dose of amenities, benefits and expertly designed spaces that would look forward to coming to work from.
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Our women-only events help female founders and professionals get in touch with mentors, who have successfully built their businesses or climbed the corporate ladder. Everyone needs a support system, people who they can rely on for advice and fall back on, in bad times.
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Whether you are a founder building your business as a solopreneur, or working with a small team of women, or a consultant setting up her freelance venture. At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Big companies prefers Ready to move office in thane.
Coworking spaces provide small businesses, freelancers or contractors to work collaboratively or independently in an office with basic amenities at a minimal cost.
The last few years have seen exponential growth in coworking facilities and members using this service. It has shown an increase of around 6-7% in the productivity of people. Youth is now opting to Ready to move office in thane instead of spending heavily on renting or owning. Today’s millennials prefer getting into work instead of being forced to work.
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Here are a few reasons that add coworking to a productive working space.
Flexibility is one at the top for rendering highly productive professionals working in coworking spaces. Not all enjoy the monotony of a fixed office desk and time. The freedom to work at your own time and in your preferred space brings out the best in professionals.
Employees need flexibility in time and space to be happy and to render better performance. Coworking spaces provide the facility to work anytime-anywhere as they are open 24/7. They don’t even reserve seats for you, allowing you to explore new desks. Professionals are thus open to new adopt and inculcating new ideas.
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Cost-saving is another major factor that indirectly affects productivity. No fixed contracts save your pocket from big holes. This in turn saves you from worrying about the future and working in the present.
Coworking spaces allow you to pay only for the space used. They also allow you to expand or contract depending upon your requirement. They even provide you with basic refreshment facilities at a minimal cost which otherwise sums up to a huge amount.
Cost-Effectiveness of the rented space puts a break in the operational cost of small companies helping them evaluate more profit.
Networking is becoming an obsession, especially after the covid-19 situation. People are now not willing to stay alone or work alone. Coworking spaces provide you with an opportunity to network with people from different professions. They give you a chance to connect professionally as well as socially, something which could not have been possible if there was a boss behind you.
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Networking helps people learn and implement new and effective things to thrive professionally. It also helps them collaborate on new ventures.
Coworking spaces have shown beneficial in increasing productivity. Also, there was a great increase in such facilities, especially after the pandemic that forced people to stay alone
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Co worker space is the important factor in the pandemic.
Getting all the way to a new location while upgrading the existing one is a waste of time and money.
Aside from that, you can always use coworking spaces for temporary office space. A coworking space is a co worker space with a different foundation than a traditional office. Open-plan formats are common in these places to enable unrestricted development and adaptability in work style. In any case, everyone is bound together by their desire to succeed and the desire to work how and when they want.
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Benefits of Starting a Business
Getting your temporary office space set up in a coworking space has tremendous benefits, whether you're just getting your startup off the ground or you've just gathered a group. The benefits of setting up your temporary office space in a coworking facility are immeasurable.
Working with like-minded businesspeople and other talented professionals can have a significant impact on development in the short and long term.
Let's take a look at what that means in terms of strategy:
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Increased Motivation
Startup groups that use coworking spaces are more likely to stay energised and satisfied with their work than those who operate in traditional office settings. In general, the research will attribute this to more communication with other startup groups, as well as a stronger sense of belonging to a larger inventive biological system. Furthermore, organisations who are energised are virtually certainly going to generate their finest work.
Opportunities and Events in System Administration
When you're working in the startup industry, your system is just as important as your abilities. The opportunity to interact with peers in your sector is probably the best benefit of working from a cooperative space. New ideas are developed on a regular basis, difficulties are resolved, and company organisations are framed in collaborative environments. There is no feasible substitute to surrounding yourself with goal-oriented, motivated people who are constantly inventing, testing, and collaborating on ideas with one another.
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Today's collaborating spaces recognise that their users are there for the system as well as the workspace, thus they hold frequent network events.
Not only does this provide a plethora of system administration and learning opportunities for startup reps, but it also means you, as the organiser, won't have to worry about organising social activities for your team.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Rentable offices are best choice in the pandemic.
Over the once many times, the commercial world has witnessed more and more services opening their doors for women-specific services around the world. The trend first started in the West and is spreading its bodies to every corner of the commercial world.
The commercial world has always been a sphere controlled by the men and women foraying and to say, adding it trifold, has left the men astounded (no offense to the joker working population). And, nearly every woman will enfeeble of the frequency of sexism in the manly- dominated services. Well, there's o chances of sexism passing in services where only women work.
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When women from different fields work together, they're bound to discourse, network, and unite. Women prefer to partake ideas, chops, knowledge, and gift with one another and can give suggestions grounded on experience. Also, in a manly sharing office, a woman always feels held back.
An empowered woman can empower other women. In utmost cases, utmost of the rentable offices for women is created by a woman who understands what working women bear from their plant and can give that fluently. A working woman requires a workspace that has some character, some splash of color, amenities that make life easier for them. Also, participating the space with other successful entrepreneurs and professed women around helps to boost their morale and gives them the boost to move ahead.
The world of business and entrepreneurship has seen a rise of women workers. The rise of the women entrepreneurs has also created the need for workspaces that are especially designed for the lady working community. Spaces, where they feel safe, secure and free enough to have bettered productivity.
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Numerous service have started earmarking working space for women from different fields work in an terrain that's conducive to their productivity and overall satisfaction. When women are handed with especially designed and fitted workspaces they're suitable to work more.
To guard women from the ever growing rise in the plant importunity the conception of devoted co-working space for women has been designed by Kontor space in thane. The patriarchal culture in the plant has made it a delicate place for women to work and the intimidating nos of reported work importunity in India alone s given rise to this conception of co-working space especially devoted to women. Having a separate plant which can also be participated by women of colorful fields will help in creating a safe and solid work place for women.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Everything you need to know co working for woman in Thane are important.
People are choosing to become freelancers to escape the grueling from 9 am to 5 pm corporate firms. The benefits of freelancing being, the flexibility to work from anywhere and getting the opportunity to choose your clients and working hours. Many studies show that freelancers are happier and more productive than their peers who work in a traditional office environment.
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Although freelancing as a career appears to be the best choice, the biggest challenge freelancers’ faces while starting up is getting more clients. Many do not have the required sales skills to sell their services or a network that would want to hire them. This is where Kontor Space, a women’s co-working space in Thane comes to your help.
At a co working for woman, you get the opportunity to network with professionals working in large companies, startups and solopreneurs. You can either help them first, show your technical expertise or let them know that you’re looking for more work and opportunities. For many companies working from the shared workspaces, hiring freelancers is more cost-effective and feasible in comparison to full-time staff. As a freelancer, you can explore synergies with fellow freelancers, consultants’ and solopreneurs.
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Better opportunities to network – In the events hosted by Kontor female’s co-working space, the invitees being women-only, there is no pressure to be a part of the “boy’s club”. The struggles of women are managing their personal lives, family and their career, starting a business and raising funds, which are often similar.
A safe place to speak their heart - At our female-friendly networking events, and in our coworking space in general, it is a safe place for communication. A study shows that men dominate most of the conversations in the workplace. A female-led and female-only co-working space empowers women to speak without being perceived as bossy, dominating or overbearing.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Hybrid rent shared office is new choice of every entrepreneurs.
While transitioning from a full-time to a freelancing career, the biggest challenge is finding clients and companies to work with. The women’s co-working space in Thane, Kontor Space, has a network that you can leverage to jumpstart your freelancing career.
People are choosing to become freelancers to escape the grueling from 9 am to 5 pm corporate firms. The benefits of freelancing being, the flexibility to work from anywhere and getting the opportunity to choose your clients and working hours. Many studies show that freelancers are happier and more productive than their peers who work in a traditional office environment.
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Although freelancing as a career appears to be the best choice, the biggest challenge freelancers’ faces while starting up is getting more clients. Many do not have the required sales skills to sell their services or a network that would want to hire them. This is where Kontor Space, a women’s co-working space in Thane comes to your help.
Support for working mothers-
A major reason why women find it difficult to flourish at work after becoming mothers is the lack of facilities at work to cater to young children. A rent shared office area for women at Kontor Space includes private areas where mothers can nurse or change their infants in comfort, thus allowing them to look after their children and work at the same time.
Enhanced safety-
Particularly in countries like India, women are often at risk of verbal or physical harassment at the workplace, which adds to their stress and may even compel them to leave their jobs. Having a women-only space allows female employees to work in security and comfort, thus relieving them of mental pressure and helping them be more productive.
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Freer collaboration-
It is often observed that women are reluctant to express their views at meetings or come up with new initiatives for fear of being overlooked or discouraged by male colleagues. At a dedicated office area for women such as Kontor Space, every employee can share ideas and be sure of a supportive female audience. This will help boost their confidence and encourage them to speak up in mixed-gender settings. It also benefits the business, as innovative new ideas can come from these women-only collaborative sessions.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000 / 1.
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anita0027 · 3 years ago
Coworking sector to emerge stronger in the post pandemic.
Coworking space is a workspace or office designed for workers who operate in self directed, collaborative, flexible and voluntary work styles. They enable multiple companies to operate out of one location and share resources. This way, the companies get access to a pool of resources at a fraction of cost which would have otherwise cost them a fortune to own. This is one of the most prominent benefits which is making coworking spaces famous among start ups, freelancers, remote workers, business travellers and even multinational companies.
Thane coworking space is now said to be the future of office. Certainly, cost effectiveness is not the only factor making them so revolutionary. According to multinationals, this kind of workspaces give their employees more job control, allow them to be a part of a community, give them better work flexibility which eventually increases their productivity and efficiency. It is a win-win for both, the employer and the employee.
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Shared Office Space is the new kid on the block who is really cool and instantly loved by everyone. A recent research states that there are currently 2 million people working in shared offices and this number is only set to escalate and even double. Shared Office Spaces are not just a product but now being consumed as a service. They are all inclusive offices which enable the customers to access a pool of resources which are essential for their respective business growth at a fraction of cost.
Offices haven’t changed much since the era of baby boomers. Their ideology of work was different. Their workspace designs were harshly white and corporate. Their workforce mainly consisted of mid aged white males suited up for a 9-5 job. Now, the workforce has drastically changed. It is more diverse than ever. We have females breaking the glass ceiling in more and more industries. We have multi cultured and young enthusiast running the world in their pyjamas and MacBooks. The way business is conducted has changed too, with new age technologically advanced start ups blowing up Silicon Valley and Business Hubs all around the world. How could you possibly contain this highly explosive dynamite in traditionally made obsolete structures? This was the advent of shared office space thane location.
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An inherent system: Whether you have to subcontract occupations, discover colleagues, or simply get a considered referral, cooperating space system can be priceless. They're home to an assorted exhibit of experts who are commonly glad to collaborate on tasks or offer assets.
Proficient improvement occasions: Whether it's an easygoing party time, a huge systems administration occasion or a week by week meetup, collaborating spaces have an assortment of occasions to help experts.
Network building occasions: Coworking space regularly have work runs, responsibility gatherings, skillshares, lunch and learns and that's only the tip of the iceberg. This easygoing social gathering reinforces the cooperating network and offers chances to associate with your kindred individuals outside of increasingly formal systems administration occasions.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about check our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. To choose right office space call us: 02262790000.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
3 Must-Haves for a Female Desk at a Co-Working Space.
In less than a decade, the traditional office that was accepted as a standard corporate space has changed drastically. The modern workspace, co-working offices are the preferred workspaces for millennials. Let’s take a look at what the female desk should have, in your co-working space.
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At Kontor Space is a dedicated workspace for women professionals. From entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants to remote employees and artists, our space caters to women from all occupations. The key benefits of working from a co-working space over working from home or a coffee shop are increased productivity because the workspace is distraction-free and social interactions that you would otherwise not have. A co-working space adds structure to your day and being surrounded by driven and focused individuals gives you motivation.
If you’re looking for a female desk at a shared office for rent, look for the following must-haves:
#1. Storage space – Look for a female desk that gives you space to store your belongings in a locker. You would need space that would hold your stationery, gadgets and valuables when you are not around. So that you don’t have to carry them everywhere, nor worry about them getting misplaced.
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#2. A clutter-free desk – At Kontor Space, our female desks are spacious, ensuring that they do not become overbearing. The dynamic interiors along with the desk are designed to keep your productivity to the maximum.
#3. Ergonomic seating – As we know that you spend the majority of your day at your workspace, our seating is designed ergonomically. We also offer standing desks and collaboration areas, thereby offering health and well-being benefits.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
A Quick Guide to Co-Working for Women: The Pro’s
Co-working for women has lots of benefits as compared to traditional offices. At Kontor Space, we want more women leaders to succeed in their professions and hence we offer all the necessary workspace assistance.
Building a business or launching your consulting career for a woman is challenging, and even harder without a dedicated workplace. Freelancers, solopreneurs, remote employees and entrepreneurs know it well. How often have you found yourself buying a latte just to use the table space at your local coffee shop? Working from home is also an option, however, with the constant distraction of the chores, kids and the temptation to lie on the couch, focusing on work can be hard.
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The solution is Co-working for women. These are shared office spaces where you can pay membership and access their resources. Women from various professions and businesses work side-by-side, either from the open floor desks or private cabins. If you are a member, at Kontor Space you can pay monthly or annually or you can opt for a day pass, to access the space, our amenities and the network. Our co-working for women space gives you all the benefits of a shared office, without being dominated by male co-workers.
There are many reasons why women prefer a coworking space over working from home or a coffee shop. Starting with the fact that you aren’t alone. You are surrounded by driven, creative and hardworking women who will motivate and inspire you. Chances are, your next business partner could be sitting right beside you.
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Traditional office space is pricey when you are working solo or having a small team. Hence, co-working for women, such as Kontor Space is a good fit. You can opt for shared office space, a serviced office, a virtual address for your office or a private cabin. As per your team size, you can add or remove the seats.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
Is a work sharing space Right for your Business?
Evaluate the pros and cons of a work sharing space before choosing one. While open offices offer more communication and adaptability , privacy is restricted .
Shared offices are replacing the normal cubicle offices of yesterday. Although trendy, the shared office space layout isn’t for everybody . Consider the pros and cons before you shift your office to the more social and happening space.
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The Pros of work sharing space:
#1. Better communication between team members – Without physical barriers, employees are more likely to speak and work as a team. All the coworkers, including the manager, become more accessible. As a result, your employees are more creative, supportive and foster a way of community.
#2. Cost-effective compared to non-public offices – once you rent a work sharing space, like Kontor Space, you are doing not need to buy furniture nor do the interiors. These are managed offices that are fully furnished and have private offices to open desk layouts. With amenities like high-speed internet, printers, cafeteria and recreational zones already built, it's a way cheaper option than leasing a whole building or a floor.
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You can add or reduce the amount of seats monthly, supported the amount of employees you've got .
#3. Better aesthetics – during a cubicle-office, space is smaller and confined. sharing space, on the opposite hand, is more spacious, has trendy interiors and is surrounded by green plants and ergonomic furniture. Indeed, a workspace where your employees anticipate to coming, daily!
The cons of a work sharing space:
#4. Distractions – A drawback of shared office spaces is that the number of distractions. With multiple conversations going around during the day, it could draw your attention faraway from work.
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The solution being, choose a co-working space that provides you the choice of performing from private cabins or distraction-free zones once you require privacy or got to specialise in something.
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
Save your time and money with nearby coworking space.
With the expanding amount of co working space near me , it's required to pick the best one. Office Space for rental can be found by many companies at very inexpensive prices.  But while picking out the ideal for your enterprise, taking under account the next things is vital • Location- The very first thing that's of utmost important for you as an area of business or function is your place.
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 Deciding on a place that's possible, readily accessible to your customers and one which leaves a fantastic impression is essential.  Nonetheless, in the event you're a freelancer or operate depending on your convenience, then pick a place that's readily available for you.  An area that is close to your residence. • Inhabitants- It'd be worth it to understand about the other people in the area which you will select.  Picking a location with individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries will provide you a chance to form a great community and so help your small business. • Commuting- Should you look outside to get an office space for rent, bear in mind that the commuting variable.  Pick a place that's closer to a location and is well connected to all modes of transportation.   You could use exactly the identical period in being successful. • Cabinets - A great co-working area is one which is bracing including all the modern conveniences that are essential to get a wok area.  Most co-working spaces can promise stars but may really not stick to it. • Budget-Last but not least; funding will be the top most variables you need to keep on top on your priority list.   So select an area that fits in to your financial plan and is gratifying as well.
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organizes events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
Coworking space with event space for networking and marketing.
Conducting business events within the usually boring and expensive event halls, or hosting a workshop during a stuffy meeting room, or employing a college auditorium is so out dated. For your next event, try conducting it at a coworking space. Why? Read on to understand why. • Loads and a lot of networking opportunity Coworking spaces in thane west is an amalgamation of execs from different fields and conducting a business related event in there'll offer you new audience and batch of networking opportunities and prospective leads.
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• Place yourself as a resource Coworking spaces are a hub of small businesses, tech employees, remote employees, freelancers, and startups and there'll no better place to put yourself as a resource amidst potential customers and clients. it'll help in growing your business. • Coworking spaces have all the specified amenities A coworking space will function an excellent event space for your business event since it's all the essential amenities you would possibly require like chairs, tables, air con , projectors, printers, and speakers. You save tons of efforts and time in arranging for refreshments or chairs and tables and such and may properly specialise in the event.
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• Comfortable and viable space Coworking spaces are designed for comfort since many of us work longer hours and therefore the décor is typically vibrant and alluring, thus providing you the simplest place to host your event where you don’t need to consider decorating the office shared space and searching after the comfort of your guests. • Advertisement Since the event is being hosted at a coworking space, the space provider may assist you advertise for your event through the host of individuals working there. Coworking spaces boast of giant amalgamation of individuals , thus reaching bent more and more people becomes easier.
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organize events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 4 years ago
The increasing Popularity of Co-working Spaces
The co-working concept has become during this COVID-19 pandemic one of the foremost popular things in a very short span of time. Initially it had been only the start-ups and tiny scale businesses that stepped into co working place. However now corporate giants and well established MNCs are also embracing them with open arms.
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The popularity of co-working concept has gained popularity because of various reasons. The new generation workforce has modern thinking and prefers mingling with people of all kinds . This not only makes them social, but also helps exchange of ideas and creativity increases. When business minded people come close there's so networking will go strong. The environment of co-working is much different than a typical office with cubical. The free flowing and open atmosphere makes people working feel happy and cozy . Working was never such tons fun. Kontor offers modern amenities and excellent interiors. They also provide serviced office in thane at affordable prices. Equipped with high speed internet and each one modern, up-to-date communication technology, the meeting rooms are just perfect to conduct business. First impression is that the last impression, and he meeting rooms at Kontor are sure to impress your clients. Conducting business meetings was never very easy . But with Kontor, you'll experience the best!
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At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. To boost collaboration, we organize events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 7304987262.
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coolanita0027 · 5 years ago
Get quick membership post Covid-19 era in Thane coworking space.
Co-working in Thane offers a feeling of inspiration for employees which they would otherwise not receive while working from home. Spending long times isolated, at home, while working can often become depressing. In today’s work environment, companies are giving excessive importance to ensuring the mental well-being of their employees, as it is directly related to the company’s growth.
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Additionally, the perks offered by Kontor Space, that offers Thane coworking space include community building exercises for their member’s motivation. The ability to network, build connections and engage with other members boosts’ the employees’ confidence.
Today, not just startups but even larger enterprise organizations prefer co-working over traditional cubicle offices. Their staff has access to interacting with other companies. Flexible timing for better productivity, a vibrant ecosystem and contemporary interiors at the co-working space such as Kontor Space help companies attract and onboard the younger talent.
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Given the traffic situation in metro, Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities, employees want to work from a workspace closer to their residence. This gives them a work-life balance and the flexibility of working remotely from their preferred locations. Besides, Kontor Space offers co-working in Thane with facilities such as dedicated areas for video conferences. For someone working from home, this could be tricky, with the distractions around.
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans.
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To boost collaboration, we organize events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customised managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. We can help you call us: +91 73049 87267.
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coolanita0027 · 5 years ago
Do women thrive in a female oriented coworking space?
In this technologically driven world, the sharing economy has been welcomed by the business fraternity with open arms. Shared workplaces are widely popular and are now gaining momentum over the traditional office space. With as many as 1/4th of the women of the total population working as independent (freelancers, artists, contractors and entrepreneurs) workers, working from home, it’s no surprise that the growing trend of coworking space is becoming a  more excepted permanent fixture. Coworking spaces serve as a useful resource for independent workers, especially women fraternity. The work culture no longer states “boys club” alone instead the modern furniture, beer pegs, coffee mugs, ping-pong tables and concrete floors all speak  a unique blend of the male as well as female workers.
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Women entrepreneurs on the rise Women today have been launching business at nearly twice the rate of men and have been making a mark in the market segment.  Many start-ups have been emerging and are on the rise and almost like all start-ups female start-ups too cite the need for mentoring and are looking to collaborate and identify with the rest of the businesses around.  Women tend to thrive better in an environment which is more conducive to learning, warm and welcoming, fosters networking and growth.
Dedicated coworking area for women at thane Kontor space The job market too to boost the entrepreneurial strata among women and also, the freelancers has thus created a workspace with the aim to provide the women a veneer of comfort in their professional arena. Kontor space in thane location is one such co-working space designed by the women and has a dedicated area for women in workplace with a deep understanding of women who might want to work from their co-working workplace.
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Safeguard against sexual harassment To safeguard women from the ever growing rise in the workplace harassment the concept of dedicated co-working space for women has been designed by Kontor space in thane. The patriarchal culture in the workplace has made it a difficult place for women to work and the alarming nos of reported work harassment in India alone s given rise to this concept of co-working space specially dedicated to women.  Having a separate workplace which can also be shared by women of various fields will help in creating a safe and solid work place for women.
Boosts productivity and confidence An area that is designed for women by the women, in case of kontor space thane has the aesthetics well suited to women. It has all the amenities that women require from their workplace, the décor and the color co-ordinates have a great impact on the performance. Women, when feel safe, tend to grow and excel in an environment that is conducive to their nature and sensibilities, tends to compete better and more efficiently. Dedicated co-working space for women fosters opportunities for women to participate in intensive business planning workshops, and grow and excel in an open-minded space where women can share business challenges and goals facilitated by several other professional from different spheres of work culture. Creating women only space will give women opportunity to rise and shine in their chosen career paths without the hassle of dealing with workplace physical harassment and drama.
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Women inspire each other In a space designed for women is not only safe and attractive to many it also serves motivating and inspiring to work around other inspiring women, in a judgment free environment that not only encourages vulnerability but also challenges them to grow. A sense of pride and ownership being women further accelerates growth and stimulates mentorship, collaboration and productivity.
At Kontor Space that provides co-working in Thane, we provide assisted incubation, with additional services to help you build your company. to boost collaboration, we organize events where you'll network with industry peers. If you’re trying to seek out a customized managed space, we design the space according to your requirements. Do get in-tuned with us today to understand more about our plans. We can help you call us: +91 73049 87267.
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