#koneko is the cutest kid
everyryuujisuguro · 3 months
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forcebookish · 6 months
i love watching videos of japanese kiddos because i can actually understand the conversations it's like wow see i'm at least as fluent as a toddler
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catherinesnyder · 6 years
41 cute logos that are totally aww-some
You’re scrolling through Instagram and you pause to look at a new pic of your friend’s baby. You decide to run down the workday clock looking at gifs of baby elephants on Reddit. Why? Because they’re cute. And because you’re a human, you love cute things. Cute things—like babies—automatically jump to the front of our mental queues because this ensures their survival. But our sense of cuteness doesn’t just cover babies of our own species, or even just sentient beings. We love all things cute, whether that’s cute animals, cute drawings or even cute objects because they grab onto our brains and demand that we pay attention to them.
A cute logo instantly grabs your attention and makes you go ‘aww’. Logo design by 3AM3I.
So how do you get your logo to demand attention? Make it cute. Cute might be the norm for your field or you might be the first one to try it. Using a cute logo in an industry that typically doesn’t use cute logos can be a way to set yourself apart or to target a demographic that industry doesn’t usually target.
Keep in mind that you can take cute too far. In most industries, opting for a cute logo means giving up some of your position as an authority in your industry. Notable exceptions are industries that literally run on cute, like baby products. But if you’re going cute to advertise a line of office furniture or gardening items, there is absolutely such a thing as too cute. Recognizing too cute is a know-it-when-you-see-it kind of situation that happens when a cute image undermines the product it’s representing.
Take a look at these different ways to do cute logos. Cute can be somewhat subjective, but because our sense of cuteness is rooted in psychology, it’s not as purely subjective as our senses of what’s cool or what’s beautiful. You can use elements that trigger our cute senses to build a cute logo, and here’s a few ways to do it:
Cute n’ cuddly logos —
We all love cute animals. Otherwise, they wouldn’t make up most of the internet. As a species, there are few things we love as universally as other animals… especially baby animals. We love imagining what animals think about and giving them voices to speak their minds. If we didn’t, talking animal movies wouldn’t be some of the highest grossing films we create.
We love our pets. We love wild animals. We love animals so much that we created new ones to populate our folklore and inspire our imaginations. A cute animal logo is a great way to connect with pet owners or really, anyone, even if your product doesn’t directly have anything to do with animals. The Car Fox is one example of a product that has nothing to do with animals cementing itself in our minds with a cute animal mascot. Geico is another.
You really can’t go wrong with a cute animal logo, and if you’re marketing to pet owners, nature lovers or kids, it’s one way to guarantee you go right.
Personifying animals makes it easy for viewers to project emotions on them. What’s this cat feeling? Relaxed from a hot cup of tea? Energized by its coffee? Logo design contest entry by Spoon Lancer.
A cute animal logo will always be a hit with pet owners. Logo design for Exercise my Mutt by Cross the Lime.
Deliciously adorable logos —
You ever see something that’s so cute, you just wanna eat it up? Like a baby’s squishy thighs or a big-eyed baby bunny? You can thank your brain for that—research shows that the smell of a newborn triggers the same reward center in the brain as biting into a delicious piece of food. Cuteness is already intricately linked with chowing down in our brains, so capitalize on these crossed wires by choosing a cute logo for your food brand.
Keep in mind that cute probably won’t work for something you’re branding as high-end or artisan. When somebody’s shopping for caviar, they don’t want to see packaging with adorable baby fish looking back at them. Choose cute for sweets, snacks, inexpensive foods and anything aimed at kids because cute is fun and youthful, not established and authoritative.
And just like making animals cute, making food cute often involves giving it human characteristics. Logo for Cookiestomize by Nico Strike.
Cute cupcake logo design by Naomi Theresia
Nonthreateningly neoteenie-weeny logos —
In evolutionary biology, neoteny is the retention of juvenile traits into adulthood, like a proportionally larger head, shorter limbs, and larger eyes. Humans are attracted to animals with more juvenile traits, pushing them to protect and eventually, domesticate them.
This type of change doesn’t happen automatically. But millennia of humans picking out the cutest pups can change a species dramatically. Via ksta.de.
In design, neoteny refers to characters drawn with purposefully exaggerated, youthful features. Logos that make use of exaggeratedly cute “baby” characters are great choices for baby products, toys, products for little kids, and products aimed at parents-to-be and parents of babies and little kids. These characters are non-threatening and friendly. They’re the perfect ambassadors for connecting with new audiences, especially when you’re connecting across language barriers. Cute is cute, no matter what language you speak.
Over time, Mickey Mouse got cuter. This art evolution happened alongside his personality development, as he went from a mischievous character in early cartoon shorts to a family-friendly, wholesome figure. Via Tribe Tech magazine.
Even with certain adult characteristics like antlers and horns, these animals have oversized heads and eyes, two juvenile features that translate to “cute.” Logo for Moosey & Moo by Art and Pixels.
Kawaii logo design —
Cuteness as a concept, known as kawaii, is prominent in Japanese culture. It has its roots in the 1970s, when high school girls using mechanical pencils popularized a childlike handwriting style known as marui ji, or round writing, also known as koneko ji, or kitten writing. Now, kawaii is everywhere, even at dinner theaters.
Hello Kitty is kawaii. Many pokemon are kawaii. But what sets kawaii apart from Western interpretations of cuteness? Kawaii is simple. Although it’s deliberately childlike, kawaii aesthetics have found their way onto a wide, wide range of products and carved a special niche among adult women. Lots of different things can be kawaii, but everything that’s kawaii shares a few key characteristics:
Rounded edges
Minimal details
When kawaii means anthropomorphization—and it often does—it means big eyes
When you go kawaii, you go specific. You’re not just targeting an audience that’s drawn to cute things, you’re targeting an audience that’s drawn to things that are cute in a distinctly Japanese-inspired way. This can be an important distinction for you if you’re in the video games or comics field.
Kawaii eyes are big like western cute eyes, but often, they don’t have irises. Logo design contest entry by K Arts.
Fun-size logos —
One of the easiest ways to make something cute it to make it small. Yes, there’s more to cuteness than size, and as we mentioned above, shrinking something to cuteify it generally involves changing its proportions, but don’t underestimate how important size is to cuteness.
When somebody says “I want a cute car,” what kind of car comes to mind? Probably a Smart Car, a Mini Cooper or a Volkswagen Beetle, not a full-size SUV or a pickup truck. Now think of a cute house. You’re probably envisioning some kind of cottage or cabin, not a sprawling mansion with multiple wings. The fact is, humans love little things because little things are cute. They’re unintimidating. Compare regular golf to mini golf—one of them’s typically reserved for serious business types and real sports enthusiasts and the other one’s for families and teenagers on dates looking to drive fun-colored balls through clowns’ mouths and under rotating windmills. Little things are fun and make us feel like kids again. They make us feel safe and in control.
If you’re looking to capture cuteness without getting too big-eyed or babyish, try simply scaling down the elements in your logo. Playing around with scale can take it from cookie-cutter to cute enough to capture the audience you want to capture (in a cute net!)
This combination of two little kids sitting on a tiny moon is just adorable. Logo design by Mainstream Account
Calling all the cuties —
Cute kitten in a box. Logo design by John Baiatul.
There are a lot of things a cute logo can do for your brand. It can carve you a permanent spot in your core demographic’s heart or it can be a signal to new audiences outside your core demographic who might not otherwise notice your brand or know that there’s a place for them in your consumer base. How a cute logo works for you depends largely on the product it’s representing.
And sometimes, that means a cute logo won’t work. Maybe your business is about banking or law. Cute and the law can mix in an abstract, ironic cartoon way, but using a cute logo for your inheritance law firm might just make people uncomfortable. No matter how big the eyes you draw on your lawyer mascot are, there’s a chance it ends up looking forced.
Cute also doesn’t work when it crosses the line into cutesy. Cute makes an automatic connection, cutesy tries to force a connection by being overly sentimental. Think a nauseatingly, sickeningly sweet feeling like you just finished a cotton candy the size of your head, then translate that feeling to an image. That’s cutesy. Basically, if the cute is forced, it’s not cute. It’s cutesy.
When you’re not sure how a cute logo will work for you, sketch out some of your brand’s core values. If your aim is to make viewers comfortable with your product without taking it too seriously, cute is for you.
Want a cute logo that will make people go ‘awww’?
Our designers can create the perfect adorable brand mark for you.
Yes please!
The post 41 cute logos that are totally aww-some appeared first on 99designs.
via https://99designs.co.uk/blog/
41 cute logos that are totally aww-some syndicated from https://www.lilpackaging.com/
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duskwitch · 8 years
Dusky watching episode 9-12
Yes, I have indeed not watched this since episode 8. Well, actually I did see 9 already but I haven’t written a rant about it. So, let’s do this, so I can rest in pieces until the next chapter!
Episode 9
Not even childhood makes Yukio tolerable.
Todo is ruining Victor’s voice for me.
I’m trying really hard to feel sorry for Yukio. I do. But the fact that he blames everything on the one person who knew NOTHING about what he’s been doing just makes it impossible for me. Sorry not sorry!
“Yukio is salty” is kind of a redundant statement at this point.
Awww, there comes out precious baby Satan. You go, Rin!
Could the Impure King please just take a dump on both Todo and Yukio? God...
Cue the intro!
Todo has a point in that Yukio avoids self-reflection. Otherwise he would have noticed what a massive dick he is towards his brother.
On the other hand, he spends waaay too much time thinking about every little shit his brother does. Get a hobby, Yukio!
Please don’t start counter-monologuing now...
Yeah, yeah, can we please go back to the more interesting characters now?
Karura... is it too much asked for you to show a little more concern?
Aaand there’s another kid who really needs to chill.
Dammit Rin, quit acting like a stereotypical Shounen protagonist!
Am I the only one who’s dissatisfied with the mediocrity of the animation?
You did well, Princess Suguro!
Dammit, Mephisto! Keep your comments to yourself if you are not going to lift a single finger!
Well, Yukio, maybe if you tried to show off a little less and summoned fewer demons, this would have worked out...
Burn the bitch!
Twin telepathy!
Shima, this is not the time for having a flashback!
Ah, my poor kitten son. Somebody give him a hug.
Hey, Shima! Don’t leave him alone, you asshat!!!
I can’t decide whether I like him better with dark hair or not. The pink is more unique. (PFFT, well, he did say he dyed it because the girls like it...)
I love how Shima always gets put in the front. lol
Yeah, I’d be annoyed, too.
Well, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Stop being Tsundere and let Blondie McTits save you!
OH NO! The tiny foxes!
I don’t understand why it was so hard to summon Nee. They seem to be rather happy to be around.
Nyoa! Pfft! The cabbage eyes!
Oh, dramatic music!
Aaand the white stuff is everywhere! Eww.
Oh, yeah, we were about to get crispy Yukio earlier...
DRAMATIC MUSIC INTENSIFIES! Choirs make everything 10 times more epic.
K’rik to the head!
Juzou is here to steal the show! Roll credits!
Episode 10
And this week: Shit is still going down!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Impure King is indeed drawn and not CGI as I originally feared. It still looks kinda goofy.
No comments from the peanut gallery, Mephisto! (jk he needs more screen time)
Is this a Game of Thrones episode?
Boobie jiggling!
How does she know that’s its true form anyway?
Kinzou, shut up!
Is this a fight fire with fire thing?
In a Shounen anime, everyone comes up with their attack names as they go...
Hey, how about you guys in the back... idk... HELP HIM?!
Todo has a point. Again.
First dude dies!
Okay, but that flying chicken head is really ridiculous.
Draw Todo like one of your French girls.
PFFFFFFFFFFFT OMG that fireball is DBZ level ridiculous!
Aaand of course that attack is also named.
THE CHICKEN IS EXPLODING!!! AHAHAHAHAH! OMG! This is something straight out of Skyrim modding. “Can you kill it with explosive chickens?“
Well done, four-eyes! Too bad you aren’t cool.
You guys are taking too long...
HOLY FUCK, Todo is just creepy.
Shura is moving out. Hell yeah!
I feel you, Renzou... I want her to smother me with her rack, too.
Ninja Shura! ... oh, wait.
Meanwhile, Izumo still needs saving.
Do something useful, Karura!
What are those teats anyway? Is the Impure King an Impure Queen after all?
Hey, 15 minutes is pretty generous. That’s like 3 seasons of DBZ!
Oh no! Kuro!
Not sure why he can’t draw the sword right now but either way Yukio is probably part of the problem. And Rin’s lack of shoes.
This situation is too heavy. Time for some comedy!
Awww, Rin is too precious for this world.
Bon is laughing. Which is not as apocalyptic of an omen as, say, Yukio laughing... but things are still pretty bad.
HE DREW THE SWORD! Everyone stop whatever you doing!
Episode 11
Friendly reminder that the Impure King looks really ridiculous.
“Hey Okumura! The white stuff is getting into my face!“
Yeah, you drew it. Now do something useful!
Shura is so pretty. =w=
The close ups are good but they really cut corners everywhere else in the animation. *sigh*
... Okay, I’m gonna say it, those things attacking Rin look like penises.
Oh no! Princess Suguro! You had one job, man.
Shine bright like a diamond...
I love every second of Mephisto’s screen time but I want to choke him for being a lazy asshole.
And there he goes quoting Nietzsche while Rin is dodging giant demon dicks and Yukio is trying to avoid surprise buttsex from Todo.
You are not his type, Todo! Take a hint!
K’rik to the head!
Okay, time to move the plot elsewhere.
Mephisto is having the time of his life.
Ucchusma has enough of your human bullshit and is here to get shit done. Also, he’s been waiting hundreds of years for his balls to drop.
Se interrupt this episode of Ao no Exorcist to give you... Shaman King!
Rin... you should have learned by now that hell chicken don’t give a single fuck ever.
Elsewhere, Nee still has the cutest butt ever. Look at that tail!!!
Shiemi to the rescue!
Damn, this scene is kinda hot. Forget the guys, Shiemizumo is the shit!
Hey! Don’t ignite other shipping feels over there! We just had a moment here!
Everyone calm your tits!
AAAHHHHH! The mediocrity of the animation makes me cry whenever they show Mephisto. It’s not as bad as the jail scene but eeehhhh.... why?!?! He could have been beautiful!
Did... he just switch legs? He totally just switched legs just now.
God, that LAUGH! I love it!
OMG did you see the way the ears shrunk when he sheathed the sword? Somebody gif this!!!
Bon probably thinks “Shit, now I have to show him Kyoto Tower after all...“
They are making up!! I CAN’T!!!!
*snort* Here comes the head rub!
“Oh, hey, Yukio! While you were busy fighting Todo, I drew my blade!”
"Who let him out of his cell?” Dude!
They sentenced him to death already. There isn’t anything worse they can do to him. What the fuck are you mad about? Seriously, calm down and fuck off!
... he punched him hard enough for Rin to spit blood?!? That’s the most serious injury he got in this fight! DUDE!
Oh, NOW he’s all “Nii-san!“? FUCK YOU!!!!
Not sure if bad or excellent parenting...
Episode 12
Here comes the clean up crew. If only the people who fought the Impure King all night had been this well equipped....
What is that kangaroo dragon thing?
You jerks had helicopters all along?
I love how Torako always gives the impression that she’s about to make a gentle gesture when she’s really about to blow up in your face.
Aww, poor Mamushi!
Nooo, don’t cry!!!
Pffft, Kuro!
Here comes the ship-tease!
BFF-ED! God, Shiemi, that was savage... *cackles*
Shima, you dick!
THE THING! THE SCENE IS HAPPENING! (Well, I already watched it twice but eh!)
The mediocre animation... oh, the pain!
Mephisto... y u lyin’?
Shura is so pretty!!!!
Am I the only one who always wondered about Mephisto just randomly starting to drink in the middle of day? Is this a Japanese thing?
They really had to zoom in on her... well, that is where her pussy is, no way to sweet it. Creepy animation guys...
At least we got the heart socks.
Sorry, our animation cannot do the hotness of this scene any justice. Have some tits to put you off!
Excuse Mephisto while he’s having a boner and being a dick.
gdi how can a woman be so beautiful!
Yukio needs to chill!
OMG Koneko’s parents were so cute!!! Look at his mom! She was a total cutie pie!
Making my way downtown, walking fast... walking back. WHAT!
What is Koneko WEARING?!
”We porked so now we have to get married!” What century are you from, Juzou?!
Dad Hojo’s reaction oh god! xD
Looks like everyone has their priorities together.
WHAT ARE THOSE SNAKES?!?!?! Uwabami what?
I’m so happy for Uwabami but I can’t stop laughing!!!!!
And now they are going to milk the joke. Ahhh, poor Rin!
Is that... a carpet floor on the top of Kyoto tower. WHAT?!
Everyone is friends again! I’m happy!
Aaand they are showing it by being dicks. Huehehe. How did they rope Salty-o into this, tho?
Oh, so because they did that Kraken arc in the first season they move up the conversation between Rin and Yukio to now? Does that mean they are not doing the canon Kraken arc? SUUUCKS!
Don’t think too highly of yourself, Yukio! You did jack shit to “force him into using Satan’s power“! If anything, you were part of the reason he was insecure about using it!
... this ending was shoehorned and awkward. I’m disappointed. But overall the last couple of episodes were okay. Now we wait for the next chapter.
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everyryuujisuguro · 9 months
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duskwitch · 8 years
Dusky watching Episode 3
I am sufficiently spoilered, let’s do this!
Rin’s bed hair is just the cutest thing! Those teeth tho.
Everyone is still acting like an asshole and ignoring Rin.
My precious kitten son!
Wait, he really has Thank You 39 written on his short?! lol what?
Rin, stop being adorable!
Whatever that flying kick was for, Renzou deserved it.
Juzou is like “Is that a tail? Well, whatever! Hey, Konekomaru!” That’s priceless!
He has a TAIL, Konekomaru! Juzou and Kinzou had to be complete morons not to notice that the kid has “demonic heritage“ written all over his ass!
FIFTH son? I did read in the wiki that Renzou has a lot of siblings, including two sisters and a brother we never saw. But I was taken aback at first.
Am I the only one who thinks Bon is much more tolerable in the latest chapters? He used to be so angry...
That one image of Mamushi in the intro gives me an “I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going“ sort of feeling.
Only Japanese people make chairs without legs. THEY LOOK SO RIDICULOUS!
Renzou’s dad sounds like the old man from Prince of Egypt, I half expected him to start singing.
MAMUSHI! <3<3<3
Todo looks so unhappy on that photo pffft
The eyecatchers of this season are pretty.
So they are doing that scene with Shiemi and Izumo after all! Yay, I feared they had forgotten about them!
Feeling down? Mom Izumo got you covered!
Shiemi... if you want to be useful, don’t fucking stand around and smile while while Izumo is picking the herbs!
Shura: “I’m not a model, the camera turned on by itself.”
Remember kids: a bikini is supposed to cover more than just your nipples!
Poof! xD awwww
PFFFT! Why is his gargling so funny?
Precious babies!!!!
Dad Hojo, despite looking kinda scary, seems like a pretty chill dude.
The candy shop photograph is rather telling. Bon tires to get the candy he cannot reach, Renzou only has eyes for the poster of the sexy lady and Koneko is fine as things are.
Rin is too good for this world, too pure!
Shura please stop lying in that pose!
Precious Hojo sisters! Can I adopt them please?
This episode was... actually kinda boring because nothing big happened. I know all of this was in the manga and is important but eh!
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