#kon is so confused but figures dick just means bruce thought it was a convenient excuse to come see clark or something
mamawasatesttube · 11 months
Bruce awkwardly trying to “dad” Kon is so funny. The batkids would def make black hair blue eyes jokes about it when they realize.
Bruce: so do you like fishing?
Kon: uh idk? I’ve never done it. (And internally he’s wondering if this is some kind of test or bat code) why?
Bruce, already planning a trip to his lake house: no reason
Kon gets details to come to a random house out in the country and thinks it a safe house and comes ready for a mission, only to find Bruce with fishing poles
both dick and clark are watching this happen with a giant bucket of popcorn between them i think.
no but the idea of bruce trying to take kon for a fishing trip is so funny njdksjbk like... its FISHING. you just sit there for a bit. and he's BATMAN. so he'll just be sitting there in silence punctuated by the occasional "hn." or "hrng." as kon, in growing confusion, just Does Not shut up. does batman want to hear about his opinions on the star wars extended universe versus legends canon? probably not but he's going to because kon can't just sit here in a boat with batman in SILENCE, that's basically TORTURE,
but also makes me think of kon doing the move like katara in s1e1 in atla, where he can just. ttk a bubble of water with a fish in it right up into the air. haha look batman i got one!!! what do i do with it??
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g-on-ef · 6 years
Hi! You mentioned in your blog that you needed a distraction and that fic-requesters were free to come your way? If this is convenient, then can I request a damijon fic? One where batfam is overprotective and keeps interrupting the time damian and jon spend together and the two get frustrated? Thanks!
A/N: Of course you can sweetie ^^
So there is no confusion Jon is 14 and Damian is 17
He knew it was a mistake to tell Dick that he was dating Jon, he should have listen to his instincts when they told him that it was a bad idea but Jonathan thought he was embarrassed of him because he didn’t want to tell his family about them.
The truth was in the Batfamily you learn that you share everything, the bathroom, food, your dad’s attention; anything you could think of the family shared even when the girls and their personal problems, okay that was mainly Steph but the point is if one had something they had to share with everyone in the family.
So, it was natural that Damian wanted to keep something to himself for as long as he could but Jon wanted everyone to know and Damian just couldn’t say no to those big blue puppy dog eyes so he gave in and told his family.
Of course, the last thing he expected was for Grayson to tell Todd, who told Brown, who told Thomas, who tried to keep it a secret but Drake figured it out himself and told Damian that he was going to need a lot of luck.
Now he understood why he said that.
His worst fear was that he might have to share Jon’s attention with everyone, he never thought that his brothers would do everything they can to keep him from enjoying his time with Jon.
“I guess it could be-”
“Don’t say it,”
“Say what?”
“Don’t say it could be worse because every time you say that something worse happens,”
Jon puffed his cheeks in anger and Damian did not think that was adorable…okay he did but he was not going to say that out loud.
“That’s not true,”
“Our trip to the zoo?”
“Oh, right that was…I mean it wasn’t…okay so it could’ve…”
The look on Damian’s face told Jon that he was right and nothing Jon could say would prove him wrong.
“Shut up,” he said while grabbing a fry and throwing it at Damian, Damian just laughed as he looked around the food court and saw that the close was clear, he then reached for Jon’s hand however, before he could another hand landed on the table making a loud banging noise, poor Jon nearly wet himself at the loud sound that appeared out of nowhere.
“Hey you guys! Tim, Duke, Jay, and I brought you guys some food,”
If Damian had heat vision he would use it to burn Grayson’s smug look off his face right about now.
Meanwhile, Jon was hoping against hope that he didn’t look like he was seconds away from soiling himself.
“I thought I told you Grayson that Jon and I would be getting our own food,”
“True…but since me and your brothers are already here why not get you guys some food,” he said with a huge smile.
Damian wanted to slap that smile off his face.
The rest of the batboys came with Duke giving him an apoligic look, Tim giving him a smug look, and Jason glaring down at the baby supe.
“Ummm…that’s so nice of you Dick,”
“Of course it is, I mean my baby brother is on a date and I really want to make sure you guys have a good time,” he said with a sweet smile, a little to sweet for Damian’s liking.
When Jason placed the food down he also gave Jon a sweet smile.
“I took the liberty of ordering for you hope you don’t mind,”
“N-not at all,” Jon was about to grab his plate before Damian grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“Don’t eat that,” was all he said before he gave him his own plate.
“We can share from mine,”
Jon just smiled and didn’t want to admit that he was scared to eat the food Jason got him, mainly because he could smell the spicy condiments coming off of the plate.
Dick and Jason glared at the baby supe while said supe was doing everything not to pay attention to their glares even though it was easier said then done.
Duke and Tim looked at each other before they slapped the back of their brother’s heads.
“Why don’t the two of you go to the arcade while Tim, Jason, Dick, and I finish eating,” Thomas said smiling at the two boys.
He had to admit, Damian and Jon were the cutest thing and while he can somewhat understand Dick’s need to be overprotective with Damian the older boy needed to let go and let him be on his own.
Damian smiled and grabbed Jon’s hand.
“Thomas, you are officially my favorite,” he then pulled Jon away from the mess that was his brothers and headed for the arcade.
“What the fuck Duke?!” Could be heard from the other side of the restaurant and Damian and Jon couldn’t help but laugh.
He thought of all people Drake would be the most understanding, the one who would let them be and not bother them but he was wrong, he was so wrong.
He turned his gaze to Jon who also looked annoyed and was holding himself back from burning off his brother’s face.
Connor and Tim overheard Jon telling Damian that they should spend some time at the park. Damian agreed and couldn’t wait to spend a nice day out with Jon.
The it was a nice day, the weather wasn’t to hot or cold, not to mention that Alfred prepared them a nice home cook meal, informing the boys that he hopes they have fun.
The plan was simple, eat some food play on the swings-Damian would never admit it to his brothers but he loved the swings they were really fun-and flying kites together. Overall, it was supposed to be a relaxing day…until Drake and the Clone showed up ate their food and asked them what they were doing at the park.
Jon had to bite his tongue to not say anything rude but he was close to snapping and if it weren’t for the fact that he was a little intimated by his big brother he probably would have gone off on him.
“So, where you two planning on flying kites?” Tim asked gesturing to the kites on the floor.
“What do you think?” surprisingly it wasn’t Damian that answered but Jon.
Kon and Tim looked shock for a moment before laughing it off, clearly Damian was rubbing off on Jon.
“Okay right silly question, so what else where you two planning on doing here?”
“Nothing,” the two said simultaneously both wearing matching glares. Tim just shrugged it off and kept eating when neither Tim nor Kon were looking Jon used his ice breath to freeze both their drinks, both of the older boys were shock to see their tongues stuck inside their drinks, Damian was shocked and laughed as he realized that his boyfriend just played a cruel trick on them.
“Wanna go back to my place and play some video games?” Jon asked.
“Sounds like a plan,” 
Jon smirked as he took Damian in his arms princess style and flew off, ignoring the muffle screams from his brother and Tim.
It’s been two years since young Masters Wayne and Kent started dating and it still surprised Alfred how overprotective his siblings were of him.
With Jon being 16 and Damian being 19 you would think that his other grandchildren would stop harassing them and leave them be, Jon has proven time and time again that he wasn’t going to leave Damian and Damian continued to show everyone how important Jon was to Damian.
And yet his other grandchildren-minus Duke and Cass, and everyone wonder why those two were his favorites-and Bruce decided to always interrupt Master Kent and Master Wayne’s dates and it was beginning to take a toll of both boys. Not that he blamed them, two years of having older sibling interrupt your date can get to you. It was a miricale  that Damian hasn’t killed any of them.
 Tonight was Jon’s 17th birthday and Damian decided to throw a huge party at Wayne Manor, of course this meant that all the batboys and girls were gonna keep a close eye on Damian and make sure that Jon behaved himself, surprisingly Damian invited every superhero but none of Jon’s or his friends which was weird in their eyes.
“Okay guys it’s almost time for the birthday boy to get here,” Lois said, if Dick didn’t know any better he would’ve assumed that Lois had a mischievous look on her face but dismissed that idea. Lois was an amazing woman who would never do anything to harm anyone right?
An hour into the party and Jon nor Damian were nowhere to be found, even Clark looked surprised before he and Bruce approached Lois, Dick and the rest of his siblings followed close behind them.
“Hey Lois?” Lois turned away from her conversation with Diana to look at her husband, his best friend, and said best friend’s adoptive children.
“Yes?” Lois asked with sickly sweet smile.
“Where are Jon and Damian? I thought you said that Jon would be here soon, so where is he?”
“And Damian?” this time it was Dick Bruce looked at his eldest with a disappointed look for interrupting him.
Lois looked at them before shrugging her shoulders.
“I don’t know, I mean Damian just texted me saying he was on his way but I guess they might have made a stop somewhere in Smallville?”
The two families looked at each other before flying off to Smallville, there was no way their baby was going to lose his virginity to some asshole
(Both families failed to see that they were having similar thoughts)
Meanwhile Lois smirk as she send Talia a quick text
Talia watched as Damian, Jon, Maya, Kathy, and the rest of the tiny heroes danced around having a good time, she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket.
Pulling it out she saw she recieved a message from Lois who let her know that their families are on a wild goose chase and won’t be back home until morning.
Talia laughed as her son’s plan to keep Bruce and Clark occupided worked. 
She looked up to see Damian and Jon kissing one another while everyone else was having fun and not paying attention to the couple since they knew their friends needed some peace.
Talia made a mental note to give Jon his present later, after all a private island where no one, not even Tim Drake himself would find would be the best thing he’ll ever get since he can use it to spend some time with Damian with no interruptions.
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