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lukenoss1978blog · 12 days
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The Influence of Herodotus on the Political and Moral Philosophy of Aristotle (II)
Dimka Gisheva-Gocheva (Sofia) “The influence of Herodotus on the practical philosophy of Aristotle”  (Labyrinth, Vol. 18, No. 2, Winter 2016, available on https://www.academia.edu/37571279/DIMKA_GICHEVA_GOCHEVA_Sofia_The_Influence_of_Herodotus_on_the_Practical_Philosophy_of_Aristotle)
“2. Fundamentals of the thinking of ἡ δικαιοσύνη and τὸ δίκαιον in the Histories
 For the sake of conciseness, in this paper several fundamental ideas of Herodotus, adopted later by Aristotle, will be sketched as follows. Let's begin with the unjust as casus belli gerendi, with which the chain of the great conflict is conceived: one unjust deed was followed by another, by a third and then by one more unjust deed (І, 2, 1-3). Herodotus is positive: the sequence of unjust events and the sequel of reciprocal acts of revenge do not lead to a just solution and do not resolve any conflict righteously. See (in І, 2) the report of the successive kidnappings of Io and Europe, of Medea and Helen. This message sounds already as conviction in the second book, where Herodotus proposes an alternative to the epic of Homer with his version of the real and true story of the beautiful Helen. It is worth comparing Herodotus' apology of Helen in this alternative story (ІІ, 113-115) with the En-komion for Helen by Gorgias (Diels-Kranz 1934, 288, 294).
3. The just as a result of subjective human judgment
There are at least three examples in the Histories, which might be read as the foundation of the Greek juridical and philosophical thinking of the subjective role of the person who judges properly (or not) for the attainment (or the failure) of a justified decision: a)The verdict of the judge Proteus in Egypt, reported in the true history of Helen and Menelaus; Proteus issued what is to be done after the awful crime, committed by Alexander in Egypt; b) the story of the gradual rise of Deioces from a humble judge to the power of authoritarian ruler (І, 100); c) the depiction of the merciful Egyptian ruler Mycerinus, son of Cheops (ІІ, 129).
If we remove all the details from these stories, we will see that beneath them lies an important idea, later developed by Aristotle in book Epsilon of the Nicomachean Ethics as one of the forms of the just. The just in the decision of any judge is a possibility, which might be actualized, but also might not be.(ІІ, 31) NE, E: ὁ γὰρ δικαστὴς βούλεται εἶναι οἷον δίκαιον ἔμψυχον (1132a 21-22). A judge is meant to be, as it were, justice personified 5 , sums up Aristotle. The readers familiar with Herodotus are reminded at this point of the prototypes or the impressive personifications of the embodiment of the just, portrayed by Herodotus. 
There are also shocking pages in the Histories of quite the opposite. Let's recall this horrifying episode: Cambysus punishes cruelly the corrupt judge Sisamnes, but puts his son Otanes in his place (V, 25):Therefore Cambyses slew and flayed Sisamnes, and cutting his skin into strips, stretched them across the seat of the throne whereon he had been wont to sit when he heard causes. Having so done Cambyses appointed the son of Sisamnes to be judge in his father's room, and bade him never forget in what way his seat was cushioned.
Another similar, but not analogical example is the punishment, imposed by Darius, who ordered the crucifixion of Sandoces, but later interrupted the torture (VІІ, 194) because the punishment must be commeasurable with the crime. The commensurability of the crime (or in milder cases of the unjust deed, the wrong doing with the punishment becomes one of the milestones in the NE, book Epsilon. The just solution of any case is in the middle between the wrong or the unjust deed and becoming a victim of wrong or unjust judgment.6
5 Here and elsewhere in the paper the translation of Roger Crisp is quoted (see Aristotle 2000).
6 ἡ δικαιοπραγία μέσον ἐστι τοῦ ἀδικεῖν καὶ ἀδικεῖσθαι (1133b 29-30) Acting justly is a mean be-tween committing injustice and suffering it  (transl. by Crisp); this is the conclusion of an argument from a previous chapter. “  
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akb48-komi · 4 years
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kagenohikari · 8 years
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Komiyama Haruka 170120 G+ Translations
I went to watch Mion’s solo concert “I want to tell you something in a loud voice” !✨ 
I saw that she was really worrying about the concert So I was glad to see her shining on the stage( ;  ; )✨✨
Thanks for your hard work💖
I can feel her awesomeness in this concert!
And it makes me think that there is no way I can be like her
people always said that she is a honored student who can do anything. Because of that, she always try her best in everything.
She worked hard playing the big guitar with her small body when she was singing “Tsubasa wa Iranai”
With that small body, she carried a lot of stuff on her back
When she’s back to the backstage、 and saw us who were watching the concert she said, “I didn’t expect that there will be these many people that’ll come to watch! People love me this much!" and cried
On the stage, she said that she doesn’t want people to hate her But she doesn’t need to feel like that because everybody loves her There is no way I couldn’t love her💗
I was watching behind Mion’s fans and I could see their love for Mion, somehow that made me really happy✨
4 years ago this day, we passed 15th generation audition
I’m really happy to meet my fans who always support me and saying that they love me✨
And I want my fans to see me standing by myself on the stage (。uωu)
Together with Mion, I will walk forward  with this love for AKB48 in my heart
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blightffxivss · 5 years
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salmanania · 7 years
Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara
Salma Nania Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara
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Pegawai sampai komioner KPK dilarang bertemu dengan pihak berperkara. Mengenai dugaan tujuh orang penyidik dan seorang direktur di KPK, yang mencuat dalam rekaman video pemeriksaan terdakwa Miryam S Haryani, seharusnya adanya izin dari atasan untuk melakukan pertemuan. http://www.unikbaca.com
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Tokoh dan Ulama Islam Dikriminalisasi, Lembaga Hukum Ini akan Panggil Presiden
Tokoh dan Ulama Islam Dikriminalisasi, Lembaga Hukum Ini akan Panggil Presiden
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Pengaduan atau dukungan berbentuk petisi atas penyelidikan tuntas dugaan kuat kriminalisasi terhadap ulama, tokoh agama, atau aktivis kemungkinan menemui titik terangnya. Hal ini misalkan saja sebagaimana yang diakui oleh Komioner Komnas HAM yang hari ini (Selasa) menemui Kapolri.
“Tetapi dalam konteks ini saya tidak ikut. Hal ini saya lakukan karena ingin menjaga perasaan publik,” kata Natalius Pigai, Senin (8/5/2017), di Jakarta.
Menurut dirinya, kasus yang tengah dihadapi oleh para tokoh/ulama dan para aktivis diduga kuat terencana. Bukan hanya itu, ia mengatakan kemungkinan juga ada kekuatan besar yang menjadi pem-back up-nya.
“Kasus-kasus yang sedang dihadapi itu terlihat terencana, sistematis, atau ada kekuatan besar di belakangnya. Dan tidak menutup kemungkinan intitusi negara akan kami mintai keterangan soal ini. Pun termasuk ke Presiden,” tambahnya jelas.
Sebelumnya beberapa tokoh hadir di Komnas HAM untu mendukung sekaligus mendorong lembaga tersebut agar menyelidiki kasus-kasus hukum yang diduga kuat telah mengkriminalisasi para ulama dan tokoh Islam serta aktivis. 
Sebagaimana pantauan voa-islam.com, petisi nampak sudah ditandatangani oleh masyarakat cukup banyak. Ukuran kain untuk tanda tangan kira-kira mencapai 20 meter.
Sumber : Source link
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sumutberitaaja · 5 years
Besok, KPU Umumkan Hasil Audit Dana Kampanye Peserta Pemilu 2019
  JAKARTA – Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) telah menerima hasil audit Laporan Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Dana Kampanye (LPPDK) peserta Pemilu 2019. KPU akan mengumumkan hasil audit itu ke publik, Sabtu 1 Juni besok. Komioner KPU RI Hasyim As’yari mengatakan hasil audit LPPDK akan diserahkan dulu ke peserta Pemilu baik pasangan calon presiden-wakil presiden maupun partai ... http://dlvr.it/R5nnLD
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bellanurmae-blog · 6 years
Wakil Wali Kota Lantik Komisioner KIP Langsa
Bella Nurmae Wakil Wali Kota Lantik Komisioner KIP Langsa Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Wakil Wali Kota Lantik Komisioner KIP Langsa Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Wakil Wali Kota Lantik Komisioner KIP Langsa Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Wakil Wali Kota Lantik Komisioner KIP Langsa Kelima Komioner KIP Kota Langsa yang dilantik tersebut, yaitu Ridwan ST, T Faisal SH, Syukri ST, Samsul Bahri, dan Marzuki. http://www.unikbaca.com
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Komion MYO Contest
AMAZING fluffy lizards contest!!! GO CHECK IT OUT
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akb48-komi · 5 years
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Find someone who looks at you as Komi looks at Miion lol
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kagenohikari · 7 years
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Mukaichi Mion x Komiyama Haruka
BOMB 2015 July *issue* Edition Magazine Interview Translations (1st half)
From now, we want 15th gen to pull AKB and we want to spread 「komion」☆
—These 2 are really close among the same gen
Komiyama: She’s the closest to me
Mukaichi: I’m happy It’s also the same for me
K: Actually she is the one who made ‘Komiharu’
M: Right, during our kenkyuusei time, we met in the station, at that time I said something like, “ Komiyama Haruka is Komiharu, right”
K: Because of that, the other people around me start to call me ‘Komiharu’
—Ohh, Miion is the one who started ‘Komiharu’
M: It’s also because of me Komi call herself ‘Komi’
K: Back then, it was ‘Haruka’. In one casual moment, I accidentally said ‘Komi’. After that Mion said, “Komi is cute” to me. I was happy, so it becomes Komi from there. Now, I even said ‘Komi’ at home.
Leaving her height aside, Mion is really an adult. Because of that, being together with her is peaceful. I also jealous that she has the body of an adult (or let’s just say sexy to put it simply). Isn’t that a gap? Once she takes (her clothes?) Off, she becomes to looks like an adult.
M: The one who is jealous is me. I have something to say for people who are looking at this gravure. I’m not fat, Komi is the one who is too thin!! (laugh)
—Hahaha. Since you are good friends, is there some side (of the other) that’ll be better if (she) fix it?
M: The way she makes the hotel room dirty (laugh)
K: Since I can’t clean up, and Mion is quite severe, when I got on to her bed while my hair is wet, she’ll get mad at me. (Laugh)
M: Because I feel like, ‘that’s my bed.’ As for Komi, wherever is fine. But for me, 'this is my area’
K: it’s approximately like that. (Laugh) Mion is neat, isn’t she...
---By the way, the day 15th generation will become AKB’s core members is soon to come
M: Well, it’s been 3 years after all.
K: Even though there are the Draft 1st and HKT48′s 3rd generation, people still see us as the youngest generation. But since AKB is keep changing, I really hope that the day 15th gen will pull AKB will come soon.
M: What a good word you said there!! By the way, 15th generation is rich in personality, we also have 12 members which is the largest amount of member in one generation (among AKB). Since a lot of the seniors have graduated, I hope we (the juniors) can keep what they have left us and make it even better.
---So you are the biggest generation (laugh). Do you often do a 15th generation members meeting?
K: We do it quite often.
M: We usually do it at Yakiniku IWA.
K: There, we talk about a lot of things.
M: Since we are in the different team, there are a lot of things that we don’t know about each other (laugh). We look just like a class at school.
---Is there something you want to do together, just two of you?
M: I want us to perform a unit song together.
K: I want to perform“Tonari no Banana” or “Heart no Dokusenken.”
M: You really like those songs don’t you? Also, I want to go to Disney(land) and pool.
K: And wear matching clothes.
M: Just like a twin (laugh). I also want more people to know about “KoMion.” By the way, KoMion is Komi+Mion.
K: Since we always use it on G+, I really hope that a lot of people will know it
I actually posted it before, but it wasn’t full.
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blightffxivss · 5 years
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feral-cider · 7 years
What what is that a MYO i here, seriously check this thing out its worth it,
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grypwolf · 9 years
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Komion Gregory (mine *o*). sketched him, took a photo of the sketch and colored it <3
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