#komi shoko x reader
materialgworlas · 2 years
Gojo: Hey Shoko, is black shit normal???? *Nanami left the chat* Shoko: THE FUCK?! Y/n: THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK YOU'VE MADE HIM LEAVE GOJO!!!!
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
How do shouko nishimiya, Kae, shouko komi, Satou Matsuzaka, Kazuya, Yumeko react when the reader kisses them and runs away?
Reader kiss them and run away
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Nishimiya, Kae, Komi, Satou, Kazuya, Yumeko ]
[ A silent voice ] [ Kiss him not me ] [ Komi can't communicate ] [ Happy Sugar Life ] [ Pumpkin Night ] [ Kakegurui ]
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Such a cute prompt ❤️ Recently we have become very romantic huh ~ I kinda like it ❤️
I feel like that drama and angst is more my thing, but I like getting romantic too uwu
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Shouko Nishimiya
Shouko is really shy, she isn't too affectionate because the only thought of doing it makes her nervous and blushy, even if you two are already a couple
Being physicaly near to you already make her nervous but a kiss is a whole different thing, is more direct and intimate and it was taking a long time for her to even think on it (even when you two are couple)
It will be more easier to handle a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, is a soft and cute gesture, and still that makes her really flustered, but a kiss on the lips is to much for her, that kiss is more direct and is obviously an expression of love, in that case her mind go blank and she feel like her chest will explode for her racing heart, or maybe she will burn for the inmense blush on her cheeks
Shouko doesn't even notice that you had run away for some minutes, when she finally came to her senses she feel like she will faint because this is to much for her, slowly and shyly she touches were you had just kissed her with her delicate fingers and melt for the overwhelming feeling of happines and anxiety
If you were already a couple she will try to contact you, she is too nervous to go after you so after she calm down (at least a little) she will text you asking you were you are, not exactly knowing what to say (specially if this is the first time you two kiss, she want to see you but she can't bring herself to go to you). If you two aren't together yet then this is going to be different, she will be so nervious to even approach to you, she will be so anxious wondering why did you run away, trying not to believe that is for a bad reason (when Yuzuru find out about it she will insist that you actually like her too and that was why you did it)
If you had run away out of shyness then you two will have a hard time while trying to talk to each other (specially if you aren't a couple yet), none of you being able to say anything for your shyness, but if you did it for being mischievous or playfuly she won't fully understand it, and still it makes her flustered again while remembering it (but will ask you to don't do something like that again, it scared her)
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Kae Serinuma
Kae is really shy when it come to romance, whenever she get clingy or affectionate she do it unconsciously otherwise she won't be able to do it
She doesn't mind it to much in the anime, but when is directly to her it make her really nervous, even if is just that things start to get a little romantic, it doesn't matter much if you two are already together or not
A kiss is to much for her to handle, if you surprise her with one she will be so shocked, her blush and nervous will grow slowly, if is on the cheek or the forehead it a just little shocking for her, but if is on the lips she will stop working, Kae will have luck if she doesn't just faint there
She just stare at you while you run away since she can't move, and even if she could she doesn't know what to do, the only thing she can bring herself to do is touch were you had kissed her while saying incomprehensible things, not even she understand what she is trying to say
She will have a hard time trying to confront you about it, she want to ask you why did you did it and why you did run away, but she can't even bring herself to look at you in the eyes, but if neither of you say something it would be your friends who force you to talk about it
If you two were already a couple later on she will shyly ask you about it still with an inmense blush, and probably will give you an small and soft kiss on the cheek (when she calm down about the whole thing she will rant about it with A-chan). But if you aren't a couple yet then she will be so hesitant to confront you about it, even if she likes you she just can't bring herself to do it (and you probably will be persecuted by Nanashima, Igarashi, Shinomiya and Nishina)
If you had run away out of shyness she will find it rather cute and probably brag about it to herself internally since she can't do it externally, too shy to do it, but still giggle at it. If is the case that you had run away for being mischievous she will get really flustered again, not knowing how to answer to that, specially if you continue teasing her, she will ended hidding her face with her hands and cling onto you (so you had no other option than hide her with a hug)
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Shouko Komi
As much as she want she can't bring herself to show her affection and care for you, her shyness and anxiety always stop her and make her doubt about if she even should. It would take her a long time to finally even give a try, and even so it would be something little at first
Shouko is usually wary of her surroundings, mostly when she gets anxious, you will have to surprise her when she is distracted or relaxed, otherwise you aren't going to even get near without she noticing
By the very moment she feels you lips on her soft skin she panics, it doesn't matter if is a soft and gentle kiss, if you two are together or not, she panics, it isn't like she didn't like it, she does but she doesn't know what she is supoused to do now, she feels to overwhelmed by her shyness and happiness that she can't do anything
Honestly, if you weren't the one who run away she will, instead she just watch you run, it was like if time just had stoped for her, she is just unable to move, not to continue walking and neither to write down to explain what happen (not like she will be able to write exactly what happened)
She want to ask you about it but she can't, she will be the rest of the day too worried of it, wondering why did you kiseed her, and even more why you had run away, is that you were embarrassed of it? or maybe you didn't really wanted to kiss her? She is overthink too much that is obvious, everyone start to get really worried for her
It would be more easy if you are the one who approach to her to explain yourself, if you two are already together it would be more easy for her to ask you, and you can see her even a little eager to ask you, in the other hand if you aren't a couple yet then you will have to make efforts to talk to her otherwise she will be the one who run away this time
If you had run away out of shyness she can actually understand you somewhat and she will start to feel more relaxed about it, but if you did it for being mischievous she get nervous again, getting a little anxious of it wondering if you will do it again or what else are you going to do (but she feels a little excited somehow)
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Satou Matsuzaka
Satou is super clingy and affectionate, she isn't shy at all and she doesn't have troubles with showing her undying love for the person she loves, so this kind of gestures would be more frecuent from her (even if you aren't shy)
Satou will be wishing to kiss you a lot, if she can she will do it all the time but if you are shy or don't feel to comfortable doing it she will back off (just least a little)
The moment you manage to surprise her with a soft kiss she really was shocked, when she feels your soft lips in her skin it's like the time has just stopped and the rest of the world has disappeared, for her only the two of you exist in that moment, only the two of you matter (specially if this is the first time you two kiss), it could be a small kiss or one more tender, one kiss on the cheek or on the lips, it doesn't matter too much for her, her reaction it will be the same
When you two get apart from the kiss she will be so busy melting on the overwhelming sweetness that she is feeling that she won't notice that you had started running away until you were far away enough for her to stop you, and even so when she get back to her senses she will start running to catch you
She isn't wondering why did you run away nor doubting you, she just doesn't want you to go, she wants to be in you arms, she wants to bask in your presence and express her undying love for you, she wants to kiss you again and again
If you two are already together then she probably will take this in a more playfuly way, she will be even be giggling and calling your name playfuly while running to you, but if you aren't a couple yet she will be a little more serious, mainly becouse this could be easily a love confession from your part and she doesn't want to waist any time when she could be finally with you
If you had run away out of shyness she will find it really cute, she will cling onto you while she rant about how cute you are, but if you did it for being mischievous she will be so flustered, she loves this side of you too and will be expectant of what you are going to do next
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Kazuya Makino
Kazuya is more introvert and a little shy, so even if he want to be more affectionate he just can't do it directly, he tries to stay close to you but he still have some troubles to be more open with the affection
Whenever you take the iniciative to start this things you take him by surprise, everytime without a fail, so when you kiss him he get shocked, for him time stoped too but because he can't believe what have you just did, even before you had run away Kazuya is still trying to process what happened, he unconsciously caress where you kissed him and when he finally get back to his senses you were already gone
If it where a kiss on the cheek it would be more easy for him to regain his composure, he will trying to calm down while trying to act like nothing (even if he cannot stop smiling like an idiot), but if it was on the lips it would take more of him to calm down, there is an inmense blush in all his face and he is overthinking the kiss, wondering why you just run away after kissing him and even more since the sensation of your lips don't leave him alone
He will be so hesitant to talk to you about it (specially if you two aren't a couple yet), it would have to be Naoko who force him to talk to you since he doesn't do nothing more than putting excuses of why you had did it or how he seems to be too busy right now so he can't just go after you
If you two are already together it would be a little more easy for him to approach to you, and still he doesn't say much at first, even if is obvious that he want to talk about it, but if you two aren't together yet then he will be so hesitant and shy that he won't be able to even look at you on the eyes while talking to you
If you had run away out of shyness he can understand you, and he may even say it directly too to light up the mode a little, if it was for shyness it would make him feel more at easy and relaxed and he will be able talk about it more naturaly, but if you had did it for being mischievous he will get super flustered again and even flattered, he will start to sutter too
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Yumeko Jabami
Yumeko is rather clingy and affectionate, she has no shame so she have no problem with showing her love and apreciation, it would be pretty common for her to have this kind of gestures with you
Although, she doesn't expect them much from you, mainly because she doesn't mind to much if you are shy or more reserved
She is bubbly and act inocent most of the time, so that could give you the opportunity to take her off guard when you kissed her, it surprise her, but not enough for her to go blank, her suprise is quickly replaced by excitment, if you did kissed her on the cheek or on the forehead she find it rather cute and and just make her excited, but if you had kissed her on the lips that will shocked her a little since this is more intimate, but still she gets really excited (and will be more distracted for it)
You had to react pretty quickly or else you won't be able to run away since she will cling onto you, but if you manage to run away that will surprise her too, she will just stare at you for a moment, watching you run while she enjoy the excitement your kiss leave her before she start running after you, she will follow you around the whole school if she needs
The fact that you had run away make her think of this as some kind of challenge, she think that maybe you had something on mind or you are being playfuly, and she isn't going to say no to the challenge
It doesn't matter too much for her if you are already together or not, her reaction will pretty much the same, although if you two aren't together yet then that will give her a little more of motivation to catch you
When she finally catches you she will kiss you too, and probably even give you more than one kiss before even thinking on asking you about it
If you had run away out of shyness she will find it super cute and rather funny too, and she will tease you non stop for it along side with ranting about your cuteness, but if you had did it for being mischievous then she will take this as a challenge, she can play this game too and it would became a little play between you two
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atierrorian · 19 days
Hii I hope you’re doing well!! I’d like to request Ruggie, Jade, and Jamil or Kalim (you can choose between kalim or jamil) x a Komi Shoko! Reader that is also malleus’s younger sibling
PARING: Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al Asim
˗ˏˋGENRE ´ˎ˗ — Romance/platonic, Fluff
˗ˏˋCW ´ˎ˗ — Misunderstandings, mentions of bullying, stalking? ooc.
˗ˏˋNOTES ´ˎ˗ — Helloo! And I hope you're also doing well too! And btw, I'll do both Jamil and Kalim if you don't mind! Ps, I haven't actually watched "Komi can't communicate" yet so I might get this wrong and because I just researched what Komi's personality was! Btw, I'm sorry if I didn't do any of them justice.
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♡ "You're not scared of me?"
♡ "Not anymore"
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At first, Ruggie avoided you because you were the youngest sibling of Malleus Draconia; one of the top 5 strongest mages and he certainly did not want to get on yours or your brother's bad side...
But, when he actually got to interact with you, his opinion on you changed. Slightly.
you're shy and you don't talk. That's the first thing he notices about you. But, he doesn't pry into it and just leaves it be, It's not any of his business is it?
The two of you got closer when Ruggie was doing the dirty work for Leona and you were merely passing by while holding box of donuts.
You noticed he was working really hard and you decided to why not give him one donut. You did heard he enjoys eating donuts!
Where you got the sudden confidence, you don't know. But! You do know you've been quite curious about him for some time now and you thought that this was the best opportunity to get to know him better!
Ruggie was a bit wary when you approached him; but it quickly disappeared faster than he was suspicious of you when he saw you holding a donut. Where you perhaps offering him?
Well, this is an opportunity he definitely won't decline.
He quickly took the donut from you and from then on, you both became the best of buddies! (Or lovers, you pick)
Ruggie likes to tease you from time to time and he doesn't really care when you don't respond to him. He likes having you to listen to him complaining about Leona anyways.
Of course, he doesn't go overboard with it. He knows boundaries and you're a female too. And a very powerful one at that.
Overall, he finds it fun with you around!
BONUS: He won't admit it unless you bribe him, but, he felt a bit proud when he heard you say something with your voice! He's cunning so he'll try to hear more of your voice.
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Jade met you during his first year at the orientation while you were also a first year too.
And to say the least, he was interested. I mean, the Malleus Draconia's younger sibling goes here as well? Doesn't this make it all more intriguing.
Throughout your first year, you both rarely ever talked to one another unless it was for something. But even then he had yet to hear your voice. It truly was a mystery for him what you sounded like.
Did you sound high pitched? A deeper voice? Mute? Do you like mushrooms? Was all the thoughts going through his head every time he saw you or talked to you. Although he mostly did the chatting whilst you listened and nodded in acknowledgement.
If Jade had to honest; although you are blood-related with Draconia, he thought he'd lose interest in a heartbeat after a week or so observing you from afar when you least expect it. (Rook that you?)
Yet low and behold, he didn't just yet. Which was a record for him!
Instead, he found you even more fascinating the more he kept up conversations with you somehow despite your lack of words.
Most of your conversations consist of mushrooms, mountains, flora, and whatever else he found interesting that he could share with you.
He invites you with him to the Monstro Lounge as that's where you mostly hang around whenever he is on break. Azul doesn't mind, but just because you're really good friends or even more with Jade doesn't give you a discount, but being Malleus's Draconia sibling does. (His words not mine)
His brother aka Floyd, doesn't have that much opinion on you besides on calling you sea bunny due to your appearance but also you could be just as dangerous as your brother. But also he finds you boring considering you rarely talk or never really.
Overall, Jade finds you interesting and does wish to hear your voice.
BONUS: The first time he heard your voice was during your second year, and my! What lovely voice you have, he noted. He wondered if you'd be willing to work alongside with him at the Lounge, but maybe next time.
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First things first, he didn't think much of you besides the fact you could possibly endanger Kalim especially with your abilities.
However, his opinion on you changed when he first interacted with you. And to say the least you were really... shy and reserved. Rarely did you ever speak but he respected it.
Although he was still wary, he slowly but surely felt more relaxed around you especially whenever you're hanging out with Kalim.
Still, he keeps a close eye on you both whenever you're chilling with Kalim as he kept going on and on while you listen intently, interested in his other stories he had to share.
It took about a few months for Jamil to get use to you. Though he was still slightly prepared if you tried anything.
Jamil doesn't want to admit it, but he really does like your presence! Some may have found it awkward being in the same room as you not only being a draconia but also because you didn't talk and that scared people, but Jamil likes the silence you bring to the atmosphere. On rare cases where you can take a break, you sit beside him and listens to whatever rant he has to say if he had too much built up. (Which increases his respects for you even more)
You're the complete opposite of Kalim, and he likes that. Kalim has too much energy while you on the other hand stay reserve.
Whenever he cooks for Kalim, he also cooks for you but stays silent while you nod excitedly at him as he tries to hide his flustered face.
Overall he finds your presence calming and loves spending his free time with you!
BONUS: First time hearing your voice was even more calming than he could ever imagine. Hell he couldn't help but feel a bit prideful knowing he was the first in the entire school(Besides Diasomnia) to hear your voice. Even before Kalim.
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Listen, Kalim is always excited to meet new people and that includes you!
No matter your status, Kalim will always treat you as a friend and you really appreciate him for that. And even after discovering you don't talk or never really talked all that much with other people, he didn't mind at all!
He loves hanging out with you as you listen to his stories he always has to share and he knows you listen so well because he could see the sparkles in your eyes whenever he enthusiastically talks about his past experiences. (Yes including the bad ones)
There is never a moment where people don't see you two together whenever you both don't have any duties to attend to. Either you two go to classes together with Jamil keeping a very close eye, or none at all.
Kalim hates it whenever people talk bad behind your back. He will always comfort you whenever it gets too much and lets you rest on his shoulder as you both sleep the night away.
Malleus to say the least is very grateful to Kalim for not only being his friend but you as well. He knows the feeling all too well of being lonely and he hated the feeling, so for you to have someone is reassuring to him.
Especially someone as amazing as Kalim!
Anyways, Kalim always takes you out for a magic carpet ride and finds joy in the fact you enjoy doing things with him. Seeing you smile is all he needs.
Overall, he loves spending time with you even with your opposite personalities!
BONUS: It wasn't a surprise the fact you talked to Kalim first for the first time with your voice, but man did Kalim almost cried and threw a party in honor. (You had to stop him before he did it)
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fluttersheek · 2 years
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-latte (stimboard)
-cappuccino (moodboard)
-frappuccino (headcanons)
-americano (playlists)
-black coffee (oneshot)
-cinnamon (lgbtq)
-mocha (fluff)
-pumpkin (x reader)
- french vanilla (x oc)
- peppermint (x s/o)
-egg pudding/custard (mlp: FiM)
-chocolate chip cookie (Komi can’t communicate)
-small lemon cake (TBHK/JSHK)
-small french vanilla cake (sailor moon)
~choose (a) friend(s) to eat with!~
-komi shoko
-rainbow dash
-najimi osana
-yashiro nene
-hitohito tadano
-usagi tsukino
-ami mizuno
-rei hino
-minako aino
-makoto kino
-aoi akane (fem)
-pinkie pie
•Disclaimers/Extra Info•
*we only serve what is on the menu! please don’t ask for anything that isn’t on there!
*if you are not satisfied with your order, please let us know, we will fix it!
*we accept tips ! (reposts, likes, comments)
*remember, we are only human, if we make a mistake or you disagree with us because of something proven, let us know, but don’t expect us to make edits to our published work.
Thanks For Stopping by! Come again!
-Flutters Cafe 🌸
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dressing-pafe · 2 years
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rookie’s thoughts <3
(*´Д`*) dang my internet rlly doesn’t like me :/ posted this by accident lolz sorry rikka (`_´)
warnings b4 u start <33
✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) vampires, blood
character(z) <333
vampire!shoko komi & vampire!najimi osana!!!
anything to add? <3333
gn!reader, vampire au, "pride" colour palette recommended, @sweetxochaco
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You gave a soft sigh, letting your legs finally rest after a long day at school. There was an extra long gym class that day, lasting three periods after lunch. It was exhausting and you felt as if you would fall asleep at any given moment.
"MC?" You heard from a direction you couldn't quite place. "Are you doing okay? Just from hearing you walk in, I can tell you're super tired!"
Najimi bounded into the living room, Shoko trailing behind them quietly. Shoko's eyes widened at your state, though she didn't say anything. Najimi, on the other hand, let out an exaggerated gasp, eyes filling with crocodile tears as they wrapped their arms around you.
"What's wrong, my sweet baby, are you cold? Hot? Thirsty? Hungry? Sleepy?" They cooed, fussing over you playfully.
You gave a laugh as they cuddled into your waist, dull fangs dragging along your sides affectionately. You didn't even notice how Shoko slipped away to the kitchen until she was back, settling into the couch on your other side, with two bags of blood and a slice of cake.
Nervously, she leaned into you, body quivering. She still wasn't great with physical affection, but she tried her best, brushing her lips against your cheek, before distracting herself with the straw of her blood bag.
The three of you were silent for a moment, or as silent as you can be with Najimi's loud drinking, before you broke the silence. "Hey, do you guys get tired?"
Najimi stopped their slurping for a second, looking up at you, then Shoko. "No? I don't think so, right Shoko?"
She stuttered a quick staccato, before shaking her head. "N-no."
"That's so not fair!" You sighed, leaning on her shoulder. "I wish I could be a vampire too!"
Najimi refused to turn you, and so did Shoko. "No way! You're gonna have to wait till you graduate! There's, like, no way to go back to being human, dummy!"
Shoko nodded vigorously, eyes widening.
"Hmmph. Fine." You stabbed your fork into your cake again, not long before having it stolen by your partner. "Hey!"
"Aw, don't be sad! At least you can enjoy the sun without baking like a potato!" They joked, taking a bite of your cake.
You took your fork back, finishing off your cake. "But I still have to take P.E!"
"Tell you what, me and Shoko'll give you a kiss and then we'll take a nap together!" They negotiated with a laugh. "Sound good?"
You groaned, cuddling closer to Shoko, who was still unnaturally warm for a vampire. "Fine."
Najimi lifted themself closer to you, leaning over your face. They kissed you playfully, swiping their tongue along your bottom lip. The metallic-sweet taste was odd, but not particularly bad.
Pulling away, they stretched their arms out wide, yawning loudly. "Sleeping's nice, I wish I got tired so I can enjoy it more!"
Shoko looked at you, trembling with her lip caught between her fangs.
"What's wrong? You wanna say something?" You asked, combing a hand through her hair.
She looked away, cheeks warming. "K...k...iss."
"I think she said she wants a kiss!" Najimi noted from their spot on your lap.
You smiled, catching her jaw between your fingers, looking at her for confirmation. "You don't have to ask me every time, y'know."
She nodded, still a little hesitant. "B...lood."
"I don't mind the taste of blood, you know that, Shoko!" You reassured her. "Or is it that you don't want a ki- mmph!"
She pressed a sweet, chaste, kiss to your lips before pulling away as quick as she instigated it, sinking into the couch and closing her eyes in a fake slumber. You laughed, making yourself comfortable for some much-needed sleep as well.
Their kisses may taste like blood, but their love was sweeter than saccharine.
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angelic-dew · 3 years
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yandere! komi shoko headcannons !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 💌 ୧・request :: Hello <3 I hope your doing well!!! By chance-- do you write for Komi Can't Communicate????? Can I get yan Komi hc's?? If not it's fine I understand -o-
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🍡 ୧・author's note :: yes, I do take requests for this fandom and many others I haven't listed as yet (sorry on my part.) <3
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🍨 ୧・pairing :: komi shoko x g/n! Reader (you/your pronouns)
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ✖ ୧・trigger warnings :: isolation, stalking, murder, yandere, jealousy, rivalry and grammar mistakes. if you are sensitive towards these topics, dni.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
🍡.It's not that easy nor is common for someone such as Komi to fall that deeply for another but it doesn't mean it isn't impossible but she has to trust or have some connection from before/in the past.
🍨. Probably a childhood friend (before middle school and/or before middle school) for some kind of relationship or you either had a similar interaction like Tadano. Either way, you have managed to charm her.
give me a chance~
🍡. At first she just...stared. You know the stare I'm talking about.
🍨. It's usual for Shouko to do this after all you've known her for quite some time so it's not anything out of the ordinary,, it was really a simple crush nothing more, sure she may have stared at you but it's Komi
🍡. But soon that itself became overbearing, there were always eyes piercing through you every breath, blink, movement you made Shouko observed. Everything, she may have the best memory but when it comes to you, you mean everything.
"I love you more than slitting your enemies' throat"
🍨. Komi starts to act delusional (although not detected based on her calm and quiet demeanor) thinks that every action you do is for her. You've been a good friend/significant other treating her with so much kindness, the simplest things such as assisting her to carry some books,, you're doing this for her you are her's. Why should you help the others as well?
🍡. Then comes the clinginess. She needs to be with you it's a must be with her you are only hers you just don't know it yet. She would even make up excuses of a sleepover to see you more often. The only moment you're alone is in the bathroom and even there she's outside the door waiting patiently.
"I don't mind being around you, but I do mind if others are"
🍨. Komi is a very calculated person tho, she has no idea what she's actually doing,, yet every gesture is precise and calculated with the excuse of her just liking you. Sooner or later Komi will become a third arm.
🍡. shows her affection and love you in...ways. Nothing too out of the regular mostly gift-giving since she can't really talk ( doesn't want to) and the next way is taking things of value from you such as hairpins, fav T-(shirt), pens things like that to make a shrine of you, which she keeps hidden in God knows where.
"Stay with me please"
🍨. If you were to confront Komi on any of these topics she would deny it immediately. With an excuse along the lines of, "I just like to be around you" "I'm annoying aren't I, I knew someone such as wouldn't like a freak like me"; now she knows what she's doing
🍡. To be fair she can't really talk around anyone but it is far worse with; there's always a slight blush on her face. Not to mention Ren hates your guts.
🍨. Now, as for rivals, she doesn't kill them, no. Her method is far safer and more strategic,, something like in yandere simulator where Ayano weakens/destroy's the relationship between the rivals and Senpai each week. Yeah that's what she does
🍡. Shouko would never ever kidnap you however, she will do the closest thing to that, isolates you. You don't realize how much she controls your life.
"it's better if you stay here with me. I don't like when others look at you that way."
🍨. Eventually, you would see nothing but Komi. She is everywhere; she's the only one that stuck by your side when no one would, all she did was love you was it so hard to return those feelings back? Shouko lives for you everything is done specifically for you.
🍡. In the end, you either accept her feelings and play it safe; or have an even more overbearing Komi following you everywhere whose
tendencies are growing more violent every day.
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© angelic-dew :: please don't reclaim or translate without permission! reblogs are appreciated though! <3
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tr1ckntr3at · 2 years
bored so here's some celeste x gn socially anxious reader
and by socially anxious, i mean, reader is kinda like shoko komi from komi cant communicate.
warnings: none
celeste lorenta x gn socially anxioy reader
girlie would probs tease you a bit
` `what's up? cat got'cha tongue? ah, sorry, just felt like i had to say that.` `
and ofc, if u stutter, she'd probably laugh a bit and hand you some paper so you can write what you wanna say down.
but she does care about you. cel asks you if you need anything when you're out in public
sometimes, celeste even asks if you wanna go somewhere else.
` `you're not lookin' so good...wanna go get some mcdominics or whatever it's called? i'll pay. we can take it home. ` `
leif has sone experience with people like you bc he had a friend who was mute, but he wasn't very anxious
` ` ugh, you know what, i'll take them. you don't seem to- ` `
` ` NOOO!! not my favorite snack!! ` `
so basically, she's the type who will slightly tease you, but celeste is def gonna take care of you v well. in both ways;))
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materialgworlas · 1 year
Snap Stories- Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader
Synposis: After his Parents cut him off, the only way Gojo can afford to live in his apartment is by getting a new roommate. You <3. He's been posting daily Snap/Insta Stories about it every since...
Warning: ugly Gojo siwa pic jumpscare😃
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materialgworlas · 2 years
VALENTINES- Suguru Geto X Fem Reader
@jordanahart GURL IM SO SORRY FOR THE HIATUS HERES THE NEW FANFIC, plz message me again when I'm slackin off its the only way I'll remember to post
Synopsis: It's Your first Valentine's being Suguru's Gf and you think it'll be an uneventful day.
Warnings: foul language, HEAVY fluff
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Receiving chocolates from their crush in Valentine's Day
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hitohito, Shoko, Makoto, Najimi ]
[ Komi can't communicate / Komi-san wa komyushou desu ]
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I always loved seeing those episodes with have the valentine's day theme and the whole thing about the chocolates, so here we go ❤️
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Hitohito Tadano
Hitohito isn't too shy and you two can easily became friends rather quickly, however, he is really shy when it comes to romantic stuff and it take a long time for him to accept that he has crush on you, also he is someone who gets clingy to his crush (if you two are friends, if not he will be the type to just admire you for afar)
Just knowing that valentine's day was soon he was getting nervous but excited. He was expecting this, but is more like a desire, deep down thats what he wish, but at the same time just the thought of you giving him chocolates make him feel like his heart is gonna explode! (even so, he try to calm down saying himself that something like that not sure to happen)
When the day came he stay attent at his surrounding, and yet when you approach him you manage to surprise him (even if you do it calmly or even shyly, is the fact that is you what startle him) . Calming himself down he says good morning like nothing, trying to ignore his blush and his racing heart
It doesn't matter if you give him the chocolates right there or go somewhere private, if you do it shyly or right away, either way you make his mind go blank, he's hearing you but not completely comprehend what are you saying
When he get back to his senses he quickly thank you efforly a thousand of times, he is a blushing mess
And if you tell him that those chocolates weren't exactly for friendship then he froze in his spot, your words replaying in his head like a broken record, but when he finally manage to react you were already gone
He can't bring himself to stop thinking of what did you say to him ALL DAY, everyone notice how distracted he seems to be, even Shouko gets super worried for him
In his house he will just stare at the chocolates for a while (he sister thinks his going crazy), he almost can't bring himself to eat them especially if they are homemade chocolates, but at the end he eat them (he swears they are the most delicious chocolates in the world)
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Shoko Komi
Shoko is rather new to any type of relationship, so even if she feels like her heart go faster when she is with you or how she wants to spend more and more time with you she will just brush it off as being just out of friendship
It took her a long time to accept that her feelings go more far from just a friendship, mainly becouse she is really shy and feel anxious about the whole thing
Knowing that Valentine's Day will be soon make her so nervous but at the same time excited, the very idea of making chocolates for you for her friends make her excited
She's putting all her efford in making the chocolates, hoping that you like them! She is doing chocolates for all her friends too, but deep down the thought of giving you chocolates is what give her motivation
Shouko is trying to be brave and give it to you personaly, but she's to nervous, even Hitohito is trying to cheer her but she just can't even bring herself to approach to you!
To be honest the thought of you giving her chocolates never cross her mind, so when you approach her and give her the chocolates she froze
Trembling she slowly reach to take the chocolates from your hands, she brush your hands a little and that just seems to make her even more nervous
She's trying to understand what are you telling her, but she can't! her mind is to busy overthinking the whole situation, at the end you say goodbye to her and go away, that make her come back to her senses but, even so, she can move
At the end she was too flustered to give you the chocolates so she just put them in your locker with a note thanking you for the chocolates
Late that day she just lock herself in her room rethinking the situation, and even regreting not reacting properly at that moment and don't giving you the chocolates herself as she planned to do
She stares for a moment at the chocolates you give her, and shyly start eating them and thats seems to comfort her. Now, she's smiling at the thought of you giving her the chocolates
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Makoto Katai
For Makoto relasionships are difficult, so he is confused with his feelings, not exactly knowing if there were for love or just care and admiration, either way what he is sure of it is that he truly appreciates you
When Valentine's Day was near he was sure of wanting to give you chocolates, even if he isn't sure of his feelings for you, he wants at least give it to you in a friendly mean
He really put effort in it, even if he wasn't was the one who actually made them he try to search for some that he knows you will like, and he even take time to make them seem cute (maybe a little and cute bun)
The day before he was mentally preparing himself to do it, thinking in what he will do and how he will do it, he even think on what to say to you, wanting to be prepare
When the day finally comes he pass all the morning trying to calm to himself down to be able to give you the chocolates (and to Hitohito too) while searching you
If he sees you first his nervious will grow little by little while approaching to you, but if you where the one who find him he will become a nervous wreck in a second
The idea of you giving him chocolates didn't crossed his mind (or at least he didn't take it seriously becouse the only thought of it made him so shy and embarased), you can give him the chocolates right away or wait for privacy, he will still freeze in the spot when you give them to him not knowing what to do
He wants to thank you but he is so nervious that he can't even talk, if you didn't know him enough you could easily misundertood his reaction as a rejection
If he get brave enoght he will give you the chocolates he have for you too in that moment, he do it shyly and trembling but he do it, if it not then he will do it during the day, but in either case he won't be able to say anything more (even if already had plan what he wanted to say to you)
When he get to his house he will stare for a while at the chocolates you gave him (specially if they where wrapped in a nice wrap), trying to process the butterflies he feel in his stomach and the warm of his cheeks before eat them
He will makes sure to give you nice and cute gift for white day
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Osana Najimi
Najimi is anything but shy, she is so friendly and has no shame, shyness is not something you can describe her with. She makes friends everywhere she goes, is easy to open up with her
Also, Najimi will notice right away when she have a crush on someone and she won't be suble with it either, she will cling to her crush and even give them hints that she like them
When valentine's day came she didn't give it much importance aside to take advantage of it, she decide to give a lot of chocolates just so they will return the gesture in the white day, even with her crush (she have no problem with confessing her feelings towards them so she doesn't see a need to give a big gesture in valentine's day)
So when you approach her to give her your chocolate she gets all excited, she will thank you quickly and start braging about how she loves valentine's day just for the chocolates, even so she won't eat them right away, she will keep them and when she is in private will look at them more carefuly (putting attention to the wrap) before eating them
In the moment you give them to her she will tease you (specially if you did it shyly) saying that they are probably home made and that you put all your love and effort in them so you can confess your undying love for her (you know, just Najimi being Najimi)
And if you actually use them to confess your love she will stare at you for a second with a blank face before scream that she know it and start braging about it, to end saying to you that you don't have to do something so chesy she obviously return the feelings
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Shouko with a S/O who help her with anxiety
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Shouko Komi ]
[ Komi can't communicate / Komi-san wa komyushou desu ]
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I've been suffering for anxiety my entire life, I had to learn how to handle it. When I saw Komi-san I feel identified, I just want to hug her 🥺
Also this is like a little gift for how suffer for anxiety
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You tell her that you understand how she feel, everyone feels anxiety once in a while thats why she dont have to feel ashame (or alone), she was really surprise!! she didn't expect this!
When ever she think that everyone is looking or talking bad about her (u know, intrusive thoughts) you assure her that's not true, people love her and she have nothing to worry about!
When she want to join other to try new thing (like games or just chat) you make sure to stay by her side just to reassure her
Also cheering her when she wants to try things alone, and congratulating her later for her effort, even if she don't manages to do what she wanted, she still tried and you're proud of her
Speaking off this if you tell her that you're proud of her you make her whole week! She will feel warm inside, heartbeat going super fast, a cute blush in her cheeks with a shyly smile so cute!
You and Tadano team up to help her around
You learn to read her body language so you notice when she need your help and have to interviene. Always ready to distract her when she seems to be overthinking
The first time you help her to calm down during a anxiety attack she ended feeling embarased, but you asured her that its fine you're happy to help her (and that became one of her favorites memories she have with you, its something really intimate for her)
You teach her different techniques to handle anxiety (like keep a slow breathing or 54321), and make sure to tell her that not every technique is for everyone, she just have to find the one she feels more comfortable with
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atierrorian · 1 year
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Hi hi!! Welcome to my W.I.P page, this page will provide you with my writing works that are being worked on for the time being!
The list will be updated from time to time!
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My own Works
Fairytale Madnes | Yan! Heartslabyul | AU!Alice in Wonderland | 1-Twst
Context: You awake in a different place than you were before and start to notice your appearance is different, you awfully have an outfit that resembles a certain character and surroundings from a book you used to love reading as a child...
♡ 2. Fairytale Madness | Yan!Savanaclaw | AU!Lion King | 2-Twst
Context: You awake in a different place than you were before and start to notice your appearance is different, you suddenly have ears and a tail and you feel your teeth are sharper than usual and your surroundings are different...
3. The Aroma of a True Delicacy | Lilia Vanrouge | Normal AU | Twst |
Context: You'll be the one cooking.
1. Komo Shoko!Reader | AU!Normal | Twst |
Request: Hii I hope you’re doing well!! I’d like to request Ruggie, Jade, and Jamil or Kalim (you can choose between kalim or jamil) x a Komi Shoko! Reader that is also malleus’s younger sibling
2. Under Anesthesia | First years | AU!Normal | Twst |
Request: Is alright if I request the reader getting out of some sort of surgery (small surgery not a major one) and being under anesthesia and just genuinely being funny? With the first years but platonic if you can?
Thank you and I hope you have a good day!
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✎-Update Status: 011/17/23-✎
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