#koltc book 1
chillychive · 2 years
Fade Fuel has Limbium in it. So, in a way, Dex saved Sophie's life by giving her Nogginease- which also has Limbium in it- and causing her to almost die from allergic reaction. Think about it- if they had found out about her allergy when she almost faded after escaping her kidnapping, she would have certainly died.
Thanks, Dex!
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tiredthistofor · 5 months
y’all I think Jollie or however it’s spelt might not be dead
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cecebookworm07 · 11 months
I’m just going to drop three KOLTC theories down here quick because I’ve had them on my mind forever and I’m hoping with the graphic novel coming out in a few days we’ll also get news on the next book.
Theory 1: The mysterious person mentioned on page 527 of Unlocked who Oralie can’t remember is going to be revealed to be Prentice. We know form Stellarlune that I seems likely that Prentice did end up working with Kenric, on what? Don’t know.
NOTE: I also can’t help but feel like whatever he was doing with Kenric is what got him arrested but that’s more of a blind suspicious dart than a definitive theory.
Theory 2: This is more of a statement than a genuine theory but I think Keefe has already sort of reached the height of his ability. At least when Sophie is enhancing him. On the bottom of page 50 of Stellarlune Lady Gisela says, “I don’t know. Do you think he’ll (Keefe) be able to influence someone’s emotions?” Keefe’s dad replies with, “No Empath can do that.” We’ve seen Sophie Enhance Empaths other than Keefe a few times before (Stina and Oralie mainly) but what Keefe describes (Being able to tap into someone’s emotional center and “guide” there feelings) is never brought up expect with him. You’d think during the whole “Learning to control her enhancing” thing with Oralie in Legacy Oralie would have brought it up, but she doesn’t really seem to notice (or have it.) Leading me to believe that this is a Keefe exclusive thing. Having nothing to do with the strength of the Empath, and more to do with Stellarlune. Which means that the only way Keefe can ever reach his full potential and complete his “legacy” is if Sophie (or some other enhancer but that’s no fun) is at his side. :)
Theory 3: I have had this theory wading around my mind since the night Unlocked came out and I scimmed through the files on all the Intelligent Species. It states in the one about goblins that no goblin has defected to join the Neverseen yet but doing so would, quote on quote, “If they did decide to break their treaty with the elves, it would be disastrous— particularly if any bodyguard turned against there charge.” Hmmmm… hmmm… HMMMMMMM. Now, obviously this is foreshadowing but the two main goblin body guards present in the series (Sandor and Griziel) are so loyal it can’t be them. But not every bodyguard is as loyal as them, particularly when there charge, shall I say, enjoys vanishing and running off? Yes, I am referencing Biana and Woltzer. Now, I can acknowledge that merely having a bad charge who constantly runs off isn’t enough to build that kind of resentment (I mean seriously, look at Sophie and Sandor. Girl has done that a lot.) but, at the bottom of page 498 of Stellarlune (which really just solidified this theory in my mind and left me screaming) when there loosing there collective minds over the dropping of the trolls treaty and they bring up the goblin treaty Woltzer says, “Is this peace? Or forced submission?” AND SANDOR IMMEDIATELY SHUTS HIM UP! *cue the “I am telling you! That mfer— that mfer” meme*. So yes, he is definitely the goblin traitor who will defect first and get a bunch to join him.
All around… seems like the next book is going to be interesting.
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sunset-telepath · 4 years
Yeah there’s Mr. Snuggles and Ella, but whatever happened to the stuffed Albertosaurus Sophie gave Fitz in Book 1 for Midterms?
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aceofstars16 · 8 years
Lots of tags!
So, I was tagged twice for two different meme things so I thought I’d do both of them in the same tag thing haha xD
Tagged by @book-and-comic-fangirl
Birthday: May 16th
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!!!! 
Time right now: 8:20 (guys, it’s 9:03...it took me forty minutes to do this...xD)
Lucky Favorite number: 16
Last thing I Googled: “feel again lyrics” I though it could apply to one of my OCs so I had to look up the lyrics...xD
Nicknames: Ace, Aceo, Swaya, Spammy (though no one has used Aceo or Swaya in YEARS xD)
Siblings: Yup! I’m the youngest of three, four if you include my sister-in-law. It goes my brother, my sister, then my other brother and his wife then me! (we are like the Pevensies in birth order, though not personality as much, though I’ve always related to Lucy...)
Height: Like 5′6 or 5′7, I have 5′7 on my permit so...I go with that xD
Favorite color: BLUE!!!!
Pets: Three cats, Alex, Ginger, and Juliet
Wake up and sleep time: Ha....hahah....ummm...it’s really bad right now...like...it changes every day but usually in between 12-2 am and then I get up like...between 10-12....hehe...*flops*
Average hours of sleep: I try to get at least 8, but I prefer 9 or 10
Love or lust: Love always
Coke or Pepsi: Both are pretty....eh...so Dr. Pepper or Root Beer or Sprite...like any of those, if I have to choose, Pepsi...but eh...not my favorite...xD
Day or night: Night usually, but I do like the daytime a lot too, at least when it’s not like freezing xD (but it’s been pretty warm recently so, both? xD)
Text or call: TEXT, calling is stressful...
Make up or natural: Natural, I only wear makeup on very rare occasions xD
Met a celebrity: Depends on your definition of celebrity? I’ve met Barlowgirl, Coach K, Penny Chennery, Ronnie Turcotte, John Flanagan, and Marissa Meyer...so??? And I’ve seen Rick Riordan, but I didn’t actually get to like...talk to him xD
Smile or eyes: Smile ^^
Light or dark hair: Both, I mean maybe lighter hair? But I don’t mind dark hair either?
Shorter or taller: Taller
Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence 
Chapstick or lipstick: Chapstick, I put on Burt’s Bees every night cause chapped lips are not fun xD
City or country: Hmm, I like both? Like, the city is nice because you are close to things, but I love the calmness of the country...but I also don’t like the bugs so...? Where I live is a good balance cause we live next to a greenbelt but we are like ten minutes away from downtown xD
Blankets I sleep with: Depends on the season, anywhere from one to like four (also depends on the kind of blanket xD)
Last song I listened to: Uhh, well “Live Forever” by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors is playing right now (it’s such a calming song <333)
Favorite bands/artists: I like a looot, NEEDTOBREATHE is one of my faves but recently I’ve been listening to lots of Moana and Hamilton xD
Dream trip: Probably a road trip/just country trip to meet a lot of my friends! Though, I’d also love to go to Iceland, and Argentina, London, Italy, Ireland, and Switzerland...(okay but my list grew from last time because my family was actually talking about going to Europe so...yeah, but I REALLY want to go to Iceland...like...really, AND I want to go to the place where they filmed the last scene in TFA because my brother told me it was like in Scotland and I geeked out a little xD)
Favorite fictional character: HA! One? You want me to pick one??? Haha nah...that’s not happening...I have wayyyyy too many....here’s a few...there are like...a ton more tho...Obi Wan, Kanan, Ezra, Hera, Sabine, Ahsoka, Anakin, Rey, Finn, Jyn, Cassian, Bodhi, Chirrut, Chopper, BB8, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Peggy Carter, Edwin Jarvis, Sokka, Bolin, Percy, Leo, Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, pretty much all of the Parks and Rec characters, Cinder, Thorne, Cress, Kai, Halt, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Wally West, Felicity Smoak, Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Kefee, and Biana...Okay I’m stopping now! (okay but Alden too...and Elwin...and like...okay I love a lot of KoltC characters...xD)
What I’m wearing right now: Umm, my church shirt, khaki pants, fuzzy purple socks, and my brown jacket
When I made this blog: October 20th, 2013, I only know cause I made a post the day I made it xD
How many blogs I follow: 132
Posts:....206,009....dude...I don’t even...that’s a lot...xD
What do I post about: Lots of stuffs! Most recently Star Wars, but all of my fandoms really, and then some nature and faith things too ^^
When did your blog reach its peak: *shrugs* a few months ago I was getting like a lot of new followers but I don’t know? xD
Why did you choose your URL: I watched a movie called Ace of Hearts, I thought Aceofstars sounded cool, so that was my username on howrse and mweor. When I joined dA, that username was already taken, I added the 16 cause it’s my favorite number, and now I use it for like...everything...xD
Bonus question: If you are transported to the world of the book you are reading now, where would you be? Keeper of the Lost Cities world yaaass!!!! I mean technically it’s still our world? But with like, lots of cool lost cities and elves with cool powers and HEY I could be friends with Sophie and her friends! Even though I’m older than all of them....I SHALL PROTECT Y’ALL! Even though...they would do a better job of protecting themselves then I could...xD
Okay...that was long....NEXT TAG! xD
Tagged by @buurd
1. How old are you? 20, but I feel like I’m still 16ish...xD
2. What’s your current job? Ummm, student, occasional petsitter and fanfiction writer...even though I don’t get paid for that last one...xD
3. What are you talented at? Drawing and writing? 
4. What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? I don’t know, finish school I guess? I also want to finally rework my novel and write a rough draft for it and one day publish it. And I have some longer fanfics I want to write and stuff, and continue to improve my writing and drawing? Also, get my license....you know why I’m adding this Buurd...xD
5. What’s your aesthetic? I love a looot, but my main ones are the stars, the ocean (particularly pictures inside waves as they are starting to fall), autumn, and anything blue, but I like a lot of other things too xD 
6. Do you collect anything? DUDE I collect movie tickets too! (though I may not have a place to keep them if I get a new itouch case cause that’s where I’m keeping them all...or a lot of them atm) And also stickers and socks...xD
7. What’s a topic you always talk about? Star Wars Rebels...and other various fandoms and my OCs
8. What’s a pet peeve of yours? I know one, I thought of another one a while ago...but I can’t remember...so, when people just stand behind me and watch when I’m on the computer...xD
9. Good advice to give? Go to sleep when you are tired...like...really, I was exhausted yesterday and I just kept not going to bed...also try your best not to procrastinate, reward yourself when you get something done if you need the motivation (even if it’s something small). I need to like...take my own advice..xD
10. What are three songs you’d recommend? “How Far I’ll Go” by Auli'i Cravalho (because MOANA), “Little Do You Know” by Alex and Sierra (I blame that SWR music video for my love of this song...xD) and “Be Here Long” by NEEDTOBREATHE (or “Great Night” if you want something super upbeat)
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