#kokujouji is another one
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
How would K change if Munakata were not in it?
Damocles fall, everyone dies :D The first question would be if Munakata isn’t there then do we have a Blue King at all, like is Habari still alive or is there just some random guy Blue King. It actually brings up an interesting question of would Mikoto still pursue his revenge if he didn’t have a failsafe person prepared to stab him, knowing his plan to avenge Totsuka would certainly result in the death of basically everyone around him. I feel like as much as Mikoto wanted to avenge Totsuka I really can’t see him deciding that killing Colorless is more important than, say, Anna’s life, and she would certainly never go far enough away that she wouldn’t get caught in the aftermath of his Sword falling. Particularly when we consider the sheer size of the Kagutsu Crater — in The First manga they specifically have Shiro take everyone off the island just in case but let’s face it, if Mikoto’s Sword fell everyone still would have died at that range. I don’t think Mikoto would be willing to take that risk, that he could end up killing everyone he loves just to avenge one person.
Which means he still needs someone to kill him, so if we have another Blue King presumably this would be that person’s job. Of course it also makes things messy if Habari is the King still, since his own Sword would likely still have destabilized in some manner from Kagutsu’s Damocles Down and he would be in danger of needing his head cut off by Zenjoh even if he did manage to kill Mikoto first. Actually in this case I wonder if Kokujouji would actually get off his butt and do the deed, since he doesn’t have a convenient Blue King to pass the duty off to and besides, he’s going to die himself soon anyway so if his Sword gets destabilized first so be it. I think the issue here would be that he needs to be able to rescue Shiro (though we have no idea how he saved Shiro from being, y’know, vaporized so maybe the Rabbits could just do that) and can he do both that and stop Mikoto.
Also in the aftermath I wonder if Hisui would even bother to look for Shiro first or if he would just go ahead and grab the Slate while the grabbing’s good. There’s no Red King, presumably no Blue King, and no Gold King, so does he even need to hold back in case Shiro is around, he may as well just take the Slate and see what happens. I think Hisui would really be way more likely to have won in a scenario with no Munakata just because he was at least a presence to hold Hisui back, a King that Hisui still had to keep in mind — Anna’s just awakened and isn’t at the height of her powers yet and Shiro is a wild card. Hisui obviously wanted the Silver King senpai to notice him but I think he would have been more willing to be bold if he only really had one seasoned King to worry about (and presumably he could have taken out Anna or at least weakened her in Mihashira, Munakata saves everyone there at the end). And even if Hisui did decide to take things slow Munakata does the bulk of the fighting during the Christmas attack on Mihashira, without him it seems like it would have been easy for Hisui to take the Slate — and without Munakata around does Fushimi even infiltrate the Greens, and if Fushimi doesn’t then there’s no way to open the gate to get into jungle’s hideout.
(And speaking of Fushimi — without Munakata, does he join jungle? There’s no indication that Hisui specifically needed the Minato twins scenario to go after Fushimi, so I imagine the whole hallucination thing would still have happened. Munakata’s hint about catching a cold is what let Fushimi figure out what was going on, would he still figure out the virus on his own here — and even if he does, does Mikoto arrive in time to save Fushimi from Hisui, or for that matter does Hisui even back down? He let Munakata take Fushimi precisely because he was aware that Mikoto was outside and Hisui didn’t want to face two Kings, but if it’s just Mikoto I could see Hisui going for it, taking Fushimi to his side, and now there really is no one to infiltrate jungle later on.)
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happythexceed · 6 years
Summary of K SEVEN STORIES Episode 1 「R:B ~BLAZE~」
Repost as I need ALL spoiler under the cut for edit later. The tumblr app isn’t helping exposing everything after I done a bit of text editing. Deleted the previous post. 
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It’s finally here in cinema. The Idol K was shown as an appetizer and R:B ~BLAZE~ the main course after that.
Spoilers ahead. Pardon me for any errors. I tried to put in whatever I remembered.
The Idol K
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Around 6 min. The scenes interchanged with normal (zoom in) and chibi (zoom out) forms of the characters throughout the mini episode.  
The setting was the same as K Project except that the characters are idols under Kokujouji Daikaku’s jurisdiction. The Silver Record was having a meeting about rice. Shiro decided to organise a charity event. Kuroh reminded him that they knew nothing about rice and agriculture and THEY ARE IDOLS. They are not suppose to deal with that. Shiro responded with “can’t they do that?” much to Kuroh’s dismay. Worse still, it was not kept among the Silver Record. Shiro wanted to involve the other entertainment companies much to Kuroh’s horror. Shiro would approach HOMRA Entertainment first and Kuroh warned him it would be very difficult to get them to agree to collaborate with them considering their passion. Neko claimed to be close with Anna (she would be easier to talk to). Kuroh highlighted that Anna and Totsuka Tatara were exception but it would be difficult to get the other HOMRA idols such as the one who just returned from America and that he is a walking furnace (hottest looking with his hair down) and an idol who was calculative (can’t remember the actual word used to describe Kusanagi).
But still since Shiro had decided, Kuroh would lend him a land and the scene ended with the three of them leaving for HOMRA.
Kiss kiss kiss was played as the ED.
Started off with a fighting between mafia and HOMRA.
Too much firepower. Bullets flying everywhere. Kamamoto must be an idiot to be running to the open and yelping over the bullets which missed him.
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The Red King Suoh Mikoto melted it down. His Sword of Damocles appeared. It appeared to be in better condition obviously. He started to lose control and the sword started to crack like Shiro’s in S2. It was stopped when he heard someone called him, “King”. Totsuka made his appearance and Mikoto regained his sense.  
Discussion about the new Blue King who quickly rebuilt Scepter 4 and how impressive he is to be taking command at scene.
HOMRA has been expanding very fast since Scepter 4 disbanded. The newbies had been acting irresponsibly causing chaos under the name of HOMRA which was an issue. They will accept anyone who can pass Mikoto’s test.
The newbies had been causing troubles enough to gain Scepter 4 attention.
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Kagustu Genji looks like this.
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Habari Jin obviously will gain more fangirls. ^^
Mikoto had a dream of the previous Red King, Kagutsu Genji losing control and the former Blue King, Habari Jin trying to stop him and the scene of Damocles Down happened. Mikoto saw himself transforming into Berserker a monster and losing control before awakening in the room behind the bar. The HOMRA trio discussed about the newbies of HOMRA starting the fight with the mafia as someone wanted to deal with drugs. Mikoto started HOMRA as he wanted to oppose those who oppressed them.
Mikoto was frustrated as he was finding hard to suppress his power. He felt he was hopeless and want to go all out to have a blast and destroy himself.
He was in the park smoking when another person stood beside him for sometime (quietly) startling Mikoto.
Mikoto kept muttering he felt very hot.
Mikoto was feeling very hot (it was summer) and to see someone dressing in full uniform suit was unimaginable. He instantly realized he was the law abiding new Blue King, Munakata Reisi.
Mikoto was provoking him calling him newbie and he had come to greet him as a respect since he was a senior who became a King before him.
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There was a short scene on the awakening of the new Blue King in a plane on fire with Awashima Seri onboard. They used to be ordinary civilians who didn’t know anything. Awashima has become his clansman since then and was helping him to train the new clansman to prepare for any clash with HOMRA. Munakata was wondering who he was and he only got it when he awakened as a King.
He came to Mikoto to ask for collaboration and Mikoto rejected as he didn’t want to follow anybody’s order. Mikoto wanted power to fight against those who oppressed them. Since when his power became a restriction.
Before Munakata left, he asked Mikoto his opinion about Kagutsu Genji. Mikoto merely replied he had not met him.
Mikoto and Munakata decided that they don’t see eye to eye with each other.
The slate kid had made an appearance.
Kusanagi leave Totsuka out to handle the newbie, Yamato Taichi (not Digimon) Yamata Daichi who just joined three months ago who was the source of the trouble.
Yata beaten a newbie up demanding for Yamata’s location. Fushimi was being sadistic. He threatened the newbie not to do anything and live like a corpse if not he would turn him into a corpse right there. Yata decided to take this on himself to find Yamata to teach him a lesson behind Kusanagi’s back. Fushimi agreed to be part of it. They did a knuckle bump.
They intended this movie to be a 2-part episode having the opening theme twice in the movie.
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Next half of the movie started out with Yamata reminiscing on his past on his first encounter with HOMRA and Mikoto like Sarumi during their Middle School days. Think it was a reused scene of Mikoto and group walking in the street (Fushimi included).  
Mikoto spotted Totsuka in the street. Totsuka was looking for Yamata and Mikoto decided to stalk follow him.
Yata barged into a cafe (I think) where Yamata was and Scepter 4 arrived in the scene and Yamata escaped. Yamata didn’t understand why it turned out like that.
He was stopped by a butterfly flame and Totsuka appeared before him. He wanted to talk.
The newbies of HOMRA joined for the wrong reason. Mikoto reasoned this out with Yamata Daichi when he showed up behind Totsuka. Yamata was happy that Mikoto actually remembered him (how will you react if your idol remembers you?). A lot of trouble was caused under the name of HOMRA by this group of newbie. There was nothing wrong to bully people so he would not be bullied, to snatch people’s things so his would not be snatched but still, things he had taken from other would be taken from him one day for sure. Mikoto concluded that Yamata and the newbies joined HOMRA merely because of pride.
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Mikoto wanted to disband HOMRA and Totsuka told him NO! His King who could not control his power need somewhere to dwell, somewhere to eat and sleep. Mikoto obviously couldn’t say no to him.
Scepter 4 arrived in the scene with Munakata Reisi. Munakara wanted Mikoto to hand Yamata custody over to ask some questions. Mikoto wouldn't budge in the name of he won’t follow anyone’s order. Mikoto decided to buy some time while Totsuka took Yamata and ran.
Munakata ordered Awashima to take the troop and run after Totsuka and Yamata while he would take Mikoto on.
Both Mikoto and Munakata underestimated each other’s ability or rather they were overconfident about themselves. It was a fight between two children granted with toys they shouldn’t have received.
Mikoto was thrown against a wall and he melted the wall down. Munakata insisted he would not unsheathe his sword and took him on. Mikoto stepped on Munakata’s sword which he used as a shield to block his kick declaring he would be on top. Munakata dodged and Mikoto was impressed by his movement.
Munakata noticed the damage their battle had caused and he “rationally” decided to retreat. He declared he would concede defeat to Mikoto leaving Yamata Daichi’s custody to him and thought he would like it. Mikoto was like “huh?”, “wtf?” and he got really pissed. They clashed again and Mikoto sent Munakata flying... Yes he went blasting off like a shooting star 😂😂😂. Awashima saw shooting star aka a man flying past up in the sky (it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s her King. The whole cinema burst into laughter. Sorry, fans of Munakata) She came to Munakata who picked himself up leaving a dent on the wall of a building acting as though nothing happened when she asked him about the Red King. Munakata decided that he “would finish him off” with an straight face.
Yata and Fushimi had a run in with the alphabet boys of S4. They were saved from being arrested by Kusanagi as Totsuka called him. The alphabet boys retreated.
He made his way back to Mikoto by walking as though nothing happened to continue their battles. Mikoto wanted to make Munakata cry while Munakata wanted to make Mikoto grovel on the ground. This time they released both their Sword of Damocles and decided to go all out. Totsuka said he believed in his King. The fight went on until someone dropped a sword and stood on it to stop them. The man was Miwa Ichigen, the Colourless King. He was the mediator sent by Kokujouji Daikaku and he should have come to meet them earlier. Mikoto did not want to follow anybody’s order and expanded his sanctum but it was dispelled instantly by Ichigen and that gave him a shock. Munakata being a good boy put away his sword.
Mikoto and Munakata with their second-in-command had a family meeting with Kokujouji Daikaku and Miwa Ichigen. Kokujouji let them off this time. They were the chosen ones by the Slate and he would leave them to do what they wished as long as they abide to protocol 120 (he did not come up with that). Munakata asked him if they would be punished since they released their Sword of Damocles. Kokujouji suddenly clapped his hands and laughed to lighten up the mood much to Mikoto and Munakata’s surprise. (They did not expect the no-nonsense old man will make that kind of face a silly old man would make). They should make peace with each other.
Comment: When the two young kings met, it became a fight between two kids granted with powers they shouldn’t be receiving. Mikoto clashing on walls, Munataka blasting off into the sky *facepalm*. 
Mikoto’s facial expression can be more amusing.
Kokujouji clapped his hand laughing sheepishly like a certain younger Silver King to lighten the mood. Ok, Reisi is not getting any punishment from fighting with Mikoto today.
Ok they are all “OOC”.
I wish they could expand more on the incident with Kagutsu Genji. Perhaps we will get more insight about it in Episode 2 「SIDE-BLUE ~天狼の如く~」when it gets released.
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chilly-territory · 5 years
K ~ Mini Episodes ~ Episode 8: The Two Youngsters
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The original text is still kindly provided by blueseraphima.
K ~ Mini Episodes Episode 8: The Two Youngsters by Raikaku Rei Prompt: Isana Yashiro and Munakata Reishi after season 2
Ever since the January Superpower Disturbance, as it had come to be called, in the course of which mankind in its entirety temporary acquired supernatural abilities, existence of such powers had become something intimately familiar to people.
It could no longer be written off as an urban legend. The knowledge had become much more than Tokijikuin and Scepter 4, as well as the government and police connected to them, could contain, making the pressing need for sharing information and establishing laws in relation to supernatural powers clear.
"Thank you for the report on superpower-related crimes for this month. As I thought, after the initial chaos in the wake of that incident settled down, the number of such cases started stabilizing, too. Cases related to accidental outbursts of power decreased, but premeditated offenses committed by the enduring power holders spiked in a sporadic fashion instead and have now became the norm, huh." "Seeing as not all supernatural powers necessarily disappeared along with he destruction of the Slate, this situation falls within the range of general expectations. And it is our duty to find ways to maintain law and order under these circumstances. We shall protect the peace of people who had weathered that storm." "That's so reliable. As to my duty, it's to help with development of laws that would warrant as little anxiety as possible and information exchange channels, but, uh... it's not going all that smoothly, to be honest." The young man was smiling as he scratched his head.
Watching his expression, Munakata replied, "To the higher-ups in the government, you're an 'enigmatic youngster riding on the coattails of Kokujouji Daikaku who suddenly dropped on them from the skies'. Naturally, they would be distrustful and try to antagonize you." "Spoken from experience, I take it."
The young man with uneasily knitted brows was a Caucasian in his early twenties - Adolf K. Weissmann, also going by the name Isana Yashiro.
To him, the man who researched the Slate during the WWII together with Kokujouji Daikaku, every last one of the people currently holding important political posts was his far removed junior.
However, very few had accurate knowledge of his personal history. And to the rest he was but a leading expert on supernatural power researched authorized by Tokijikuin.
Munakata Reishi gave the man's frame another careful onceover.
White skin and chiselled carefully arranged features typical of Germans. Silver shoulder-length hair. Gray eyes edged with silver eyelashes.
He was sure the man looked exactly the same as the soulless form of the Silver king that Munakata had previously seen inside a capsule resembling a coffin save for the length of his hair, and yet the impression he projected was entirely different now that facial expressions were added. And all those different expressions he made persistently called to mind 'Isana Yashiro' - a boy whose body he had previously inhabited.
"You may look young, but not only is that youth deceptive, you are also actually a person about as advanced in years as His Excellency himself." "Ah, well, believe it or not, I'm actually really just a youngster. Unlike Lieutenant, all I did for almost 70 years was just observing, without experiencing anything. ...Just like with my body, my mind's time was sort of frozen, too."
Munataka had to admit the man did have a point. Even with his appearance put aside for a moment, Munakata hardly felt any of that peculiar depth to this man that came with years like it was with Kokujouji Daikaku. What's more, the man still had a faint air of an easily hurt boy about him.
In contract to his amiably striking up a conversation with Munakata, it was, in fact, transparent that he had some misgivings about it. When they had formed an alliance as a countermeasure against the Green clan, Munakata didn't place any real trust in him, letting it show in his attitude. There was some negative history between the two that weighted on the silver-haired man's mind even at the present, so he ended up building something of a wall in his heart when it came to Munakata. He really acted just like your regular youth.
"Your time had stopped when you were 22, I believe? Which means both your mind and your body will now experience growth from that point on, won't they?" "...I sure hope so." The man, physically younger than Munakata himself, beamed at him.
Munakata showed a tiny smile of his own. "I see," he said pushing up his glasses. "Well then, let us go, shall we? As fellow 'unbearable youngsters riding on the coattails of His Excelency', let us play smartly and outmaneuver those sly oldtimers."
After this, they both had a meeting scheduled with the concerned government ministries and agencies about measures in regards to superpowers. In the first place, they had met before it specifically to get ready for it.
With a lopsided smile, the silver-haired man came up to Munakat, walking side by side with him.
"I'm counting on you, Munakata-san." "It is I who should have high hopes for your work, Professor Weissmann - or should I call you Isana Yashiro-shi?"
The Silver king stole a glace out of the corner of his eye at the other man, still looking a little uncomfortable around Munakata, but then smiled, brows shifting. "Please call me Shiro."
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weissman · 4 years
I was paid a fair amount for my research on the Slate, but I think I got a lot of support from Kokujouji, especially after he became the Gold (really, Yellow) King. He had a lot of money, and we stayed friends, even if we didn’t talk much for a 70-year period.
I didn’t ask for much, except he did get me quite a bit that I asked for. One of those things was my airship.
I don’t,,,really need another airship ever again (considering the fact that I don’t want to isolate myself in it the way i did anymore), but it would be cool to be able to see it again regardless. I have memories of it, and it was really nice on the inside
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endless-season · 5 years
Totsuka and Ichigen meta
This is pretty terrible but also Consta was really keen for it so *throws into wild* enjoy these shoddy bad translationsummarypoints 
- Humans have their own influence. - It's formed from their personality, upbringing, status and lifestyle etc and and determines how they live. - People with a lot of influence are often called influencers. Let's combine that with K's term 'Sanctum' to create the term 'Influenctum' - For a developed country's politician or a large company's CEO, their influenctum wouldn't be limited to just one country but can even be international. - But there's also influenctums that aren't dependent on social status. For a musician or novelist, their works can also influence many people. - The influenctum of a person isn't necessarily dependent on their own abilities or intelligence. - Now let's try think of this in terms of K. - Kokujouji Daikaku would have the biggest influenctum. Even if he wasn't the Gold King, with his efficiency and resourcefulness he would still be the political head. - Another person with a big influenctum whether he likes it or not is Suoh Mikoto. In his case he didn't actively use his influence but rather others gathered around him because of his charisma. Not refering to Idol K, but if he were to be musician he would be ridiculously popular. - On the flip side let's talk about two people with small influenctums. Neko also has a small influenctum, but what makes these two different is that if they so desired, they could influence people in all sorts of ways. - That is, Totsuka Tatara and Miwa Ichigen. - First off Totsuka Tatara. Among the three executives of Homura, he's the most social one. Not just towards the members but ordinary people as well and even the opposing Scepter 4. - He doesn't put up a guard, or rather he pretty much doesn't have one, and quickly gets along with anyone. He's got an strong personality and is in the minority when compared to the many unsociable characters of K. His many hobbies also affect his influence. - Totsuka has a soft and whimsical image but in fact isn't incompetant and if he felt like it could grab a few people around him and run a restaurant. - Izakaya "Tatara". With his curiosity and personal connections, he could gather skilled cooks for a cosy izakaya serving international cuisine. 'Surprisingly popular huh' the 2nd staff member (Manager Kamamoto) and 3rd staff member (Manager Shouhei) would say. - Growing in the food industry, surpassing Kusanagi's income, living in an expensive luxury apartment... it's hard picturing that kind of Totsuka, but at any rate, he wouldn't be interested anyway. Basically, he wouldn't unnecessarily expand his own area of influence. If anyone wanted him to, he would, but nothing beyond that. - At its foundation, is 'Following the status quo'. Now that Suoh'd become King, he wanted to show him fun things. The days they had, he wanted to live to the full...(?) He didn't want or need anything more than that. - When others suffer in turmoil, he doesn't avoid reality but faces it head on, standing by them with a soft smile. He has the mentality that things can be made possible through determination alone. (i prob translated this point completely wrong tbh) - This also applies to Miwa Ichigen. Before his body weakened, he made a lot of money through business. Originally he was probably an even more capable member of society than Kusanagi or Munakata. Plus he's the colourless king, the wild card that can disrupt all other kings. - Although he wasn't as lively as when he was younger, if he felt like it he could probably be as influential as Kokujouji. Although not as wide as Kokujouji's his own influenctum was originally incredibly. - Instead he settled down with a smile like in a semi retired state in a small village as a teacher and devoted himself to raise just two disciples. - He wasn't giving up or running away. He liked Haikus. The passing seasons, the everyday life, he wrote them all his own unique (sometimes too unique) sense. He quietly and unwaveringly cherishes, follows and protects the status quo. - It's a hobby similiar to Totsuka with his camera, taking snapshots of the present. (... something about ichigen haiku cherishes the world, while totsuka finds the world interesting) But what they have in common is they go along with the world as it is. - Knowing he's going to die soon, understanding the possibility of ruin now that his important friend had become king... the two accept and face them. They don't look away. - More than any others, they are the ones that don't run away. They will protect the small moment called the present. They cherish the moments they have with others more than anything. - And if anything were to disturb the small present moment, they would take action, without making a racket and without unnecessary action. insert something about K gathering those two + neko idk. bai.
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x0401x · 7 years
K SIDE:GREEN Interview with GoRA Orange
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The “Green King”, Hisui Nagare, who made his official appearance in the anime’s second season and claimed that he would “turn all of humanity into ‘Kings’”, had his dream rooted in the Green Clan, JUNGLE, which had been secretly on the move in order to knock over the order of until then and create a new world. While being in the position of opposing Shiro and the others, who are the protagonists, they earnestly ran on towards their dream, and their intense lifestyle deeply pierced the hearts of those who watched “K”, granting even more depth to its story. And this fall, we are delivering an interview with one of the people who composed the original work “K” and who wrote the much-awaited spin-off novel about JUNGLE, “K SIDE:GREEN”, GoRA Orange – as in Suzuki Suzu-san. We have had him discuss quite a lot about his impressions when writing and about the characters that form JUNGLE.
(Raw Version || K SIDE:GREEN novel translation index)
“We thought that we had to write about who were the characters of JUNGLE – which had showed up in the anime that way – and what kind of feelings they were living with.”
——What were the circumstances behind the choice of JUNGLE as the subject of this novel?
There were several topics in the world of “K” that had not been described, but amongst them, the one that made us think, “we have to write about this” was JUNGLE. We thought that the level of urgency in making it our top priority, in the sense of writing about who the characters of JUNGLE – which showed up in the anime that way – were and what kind of feelings they were living with, was higher.
——And after you were picked for writing about JUNGLE, why is it that you placed Gojou Sukuna in the position of main character?
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Because, within JUNGLE, Sukuna is the only one who isn’t a super human. In the midst of Hisui and Iwafune, who are “Kings”, and Yukari, who is the best clansman and possesses a peculiar sense of aesthetic, there is the fact that Sukuna alone is a character who can become conflicted and frustrated. In order to write about Yukari’s conflicts and frustrations, we have to go back to his past, so it wouldn’t settle in the story of JUNGLE. I am a former Light Novel writer, so I enjoy writing and reading about stories in which the characters properly grow while worrying and suffering, as well as accomplishing something in the end. So there’s also the fact that I wrote about Sukuna while thinking that he was the one most suitable for this.
—— As a part of the “K” series, was there anything in this novel that you were self-conscious of wanting to write about?
“What kind of clan is JUNGLE?” and “What kind of person is Sukuna?” – I thought I had to write about these two thoroughly. I specifically thought that, since Sukuna appears as an executive member despite being a child and fights while vigorously swinging around his super powers, one of the mysteries was what circumstances he had gone through to get to that position, so I was like, “it would be nice if this was properly written about”. Another thing is what Hisui was thinking. I believed that I had to write about the context of what the dream Hisui that carried truly was and why he had the desire to turn the entirety of humankind into “Kings”.
——In the story, JUNGLE’s system was portrayed clearly, but how was said organization created?
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When it was decided for us to write the second season, at first, we talked about presenting the “Green King”. The “Green King” is the “antagonist”, whose image is of lurking behind the internet while making his moves, which is a little unfair of him, so, as a clan, we came to think that we wanted to make them connect in a different way than the “Reds”, who are a horizontally-structured group, and the “Blues”, who are a vertically-structured one. And so, we thought that it would be good if the “Greens” were a network group that is connected from a point to another – a mysterious organization in which people interact without even knowing each other’s faces. Back then, I was the one in charge of creating their setting. As it was selected as the topic of this novel, it felt like its system was crammed up in a more detailed way from that point on.
——Then, please tell us about your impressions on each character that you have attempted to portray.
First of all, Sukuna was a character that had me a tad worried this time. Just by watching the anime, it felt like he had made fun of Yata and Fushimi a bit, and I think it made him look like he was a surprisingly bad guy. The scene in episode 12 of season 2 where he plunges toward the two of them after saying, “I’m fine as long as I have Nagare” was, of course, also a very good scene for Sukuna, but I thought that he would probably not receive empathy if I wrote about his character in such a way for the novel. That’s why I was self-conscious of how I had to write about the background of Sukuna during that scene, so to speak, and of the fact that the story accumulated the contexts that had led to such behavior. I had intended to write a story in which Sukuna, who had become exasperated with the betrayal of a friend, gradually climbed up the rankings of JUNGLE, was acknowledged by the king, acknowledged the king himself, would throw his life away for that person, and his resolve of going solo until then would consolidate.
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——Looking only at the anime, the phrase “I only have Nagare” does seem like a child’s thinking, but when reading the novel, something akin to determination in Sukuna was conveyed very strongly.
Thank you very much. Sukuna is a J-ranker, so he is there while carrying enough willpower to stand beside the king as a proper executive member.
——About the episode 12 scene that you mentioned just now of him trying to exterminate Yata and Fushimi, when I wonder about what Sukuna, who had always been solo, must have thought of the two “partners”, it strikes my chest.
Yata and Fushimi saw the images of their past selves overlap with Sukuna, so I think Sukuna also saw in them the figure of a possible self. If someone watches the second season’s twelfth episode after having read “SIDE:GREEN”, they might take something different from it.
“That ‘pseudo-family’ was written about with JUNGLE’s executive members in particular as its theme. They would sleep over at the same place, and there’s only four of them, so they have exclusivities, and I’d wanted to write about how they have that much of a firm bond.”
——Then, could you tell us about the “Green King”, Hisui Nagare?
In “SIDE:GREEN”, Hisui was already a “King”, so I didn’t write about the parts where he becomes frustrated or conflicted. At first, I thought about writing the story of JUNGLE rising after he had created it, but I realized that Hisui doesn’t fret (laugh). All the more if it’s Suou or Munakata, the kings mostly don’t seem to become apprehensive (laugh).
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That’s why, in this novel, I thought about showing what kind of life Hisui led until JUNGLE was able to become the way we depicted it in the anime, in a way that those four, despite being the ones who defy the characters presented until that point, would be like a pseudo-family that had a lot of fun together. That “pseudo-family” was written about with JUNGLE’s executive members in particular as its theme. They probably have an aspect that resembles “Homura”, but they would sleep over at the same place, and there’s only four of them, so they have exclusivities, and I’d wanted to write about how they have that much of a firm bond.
——Also, about Hirasaka Douhan’s position, it was portrayed in detail as well.
Hirasaka was a character that I created to be taken into account in the movie and second season and be a pawn of the Greens, but in a different way from Sukuna, she’s an exemplary user of JUNGLE.
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She doesn’t hesitate to use others, and doesn’t mind being betrayed by someone in the slightest. She’s a type of character that’s like, “I care not about bonds!” and hadn’t yet been shown in “K”. During the stage at which the movie ended, she’s unexpectedly discarded by Hisui, but she herself isn’t bothered at all by it, and though she joins Fushimi in the second season, she doesn’t pay any mind whatsoever to being used by him, and is a person that thinks like, “well, it is fine as long as I get paid”, so I thought about making her into a character that would baptize Sukuna into JUNGLE.
——Then, could you tell us how you take the relationships between each member of JUNGLE?
Firstly, about Sukuna and Hisui, this time, the two of them have become the foundation. Primarily, Sukuna thought of Hisui as an “eerie bastard” and didn’t trust him, but after becoming a J-ranker and while having to live together with him, he empathizes with the magnitude of Hisui’s ambitions, became smitten of him, and comes to embrace the objective of wanting to become an equal player that would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him once he also became a king. From Hisui’s perspective, in the first stage, Sukuna probably felt like a “board piece that he could make use of” as he kept contact with the latter, but once he saw Sukuna’s figure as he fought, suffering with his own strength upon escaping from society, I think he embraced something akin to compassion in the end. I wonder, especially at the part where he watched Sukuna being challenged by Yukari, if he didn’t see his past self who had defied Kokujouji overlap with him.
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Hisui is that kind of character, so he never makes compromises, but I believe that, as they talked to each other, they gradually got along. Hisui’s first friend is Kotosaka, so they become each other’s second friend. Their relationship turns into something along the lines of “can kings and vassals be friends?”.
——Well, what about Sukuna and Yukari?
Those two opposed one another at first, but it’s not as if Sukuna hated Yukari; I think it was a fight for the sake of letting his own will through. Yukari also doesn’t go easy on anyone at all, so Sukuna crumbled and lost, but for him, that felt really good. Until that point, the aura of the adults that he had been around was always looming over him, and it was a world of only lies. But Yukari is a childish person who beat him up without asking questions, was somewhat cool, did grandiose feats, and the things he said would properly come across. That’s why I thought as I wrote about them that Yukari was to Sukuna someone like a big brother he could rely on. In the anime, when Yukari evaluated Kuro, Sukuna did become distraught and left, because he is jealous of Kuro.
——Certainly, there was a point in which he saw Kuro as a rival.
But that’s also valid for Yukari. Sukuna and Kuro are completely different types, but in the end, I think that, when he was asked to “train him” since Sukuna had come right after he had and as he trained him, he became nostalgic from remembering Kuro and wound up treating Sukuna as a little brother. Well, the way he treats Kuro is completely different, though (laugh).
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He does and says outrageous things to Kuro, and as the latter is the type that goes “Ichigen-sama, Ichigen-sama” all the time and follows his dreams without looking where his feet are headed, I think he was irritating to Yukari, but the things that Sukuna says and thinks are stable. Except, Kuro finds his position in the movie with the phrase “being someone’s vassal is my nature”, while Sukuna had not yet found his own, so he is struggling to run away from the place he’s at in that moment. From Yukari’s perspective, wasn’t that figure of his probably seen as more likeable? I think it was something like, “his wallowing form is beautiful”.
——Next, what about Sukuna and Iwafune?
Their relationship already feels like “a runaway boy and his guardian”. Iwafune’s reactions are pre-determined, and he gives short-worded complaints like “okay, okay, I’ll make some food”, or “didn’t I tell you to go grocery shopping”, but he’s the guardian, so it’s obvious that he would say such things. Sukuna hates adults, so at first, he repels Iwafune, but I think that, as they chatted, he came to find out that the latter wasn’t an “adult” but an “improper big guy” and opens up to him. Those two don’t have many interactions in this novel, but they get along well, and Sukuna’s reactions didn’t change much even after he learned that Iwafune was a king.
——The part where Sukuna discovers that Iwafune is a king was quite amusing.
I was fretting over that scene. When Iwafune reveals, “by the way, I’m a king”, the degree of seriousness jumps up. But until the last stage, I’d wanted to write about the fun side of JUNGLE, not with a serious feeling.
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And so, I thought of writing about the relations that they worried over and what kind of ambitions they bore while creating a living space in that secret base. The first thing I got fired-up about Hisui was the last scene, in which he talks about his dream. What Hisui is trying to do is something like knocking over the current order of things, and if I had to describe it, I’d say he was like a terrorist, but I believed that writing about just the background of how he came to think that way would be fine. From that scene, I think one can tell how solitary Hisui is.
——That also became clear in the episode where Hisui challenges the “Gold King”, Kokujouji Daikaku into a fight.
We hadn’t written that story anywhere else, so I thought it’d be suitable as adornment for the outset of “K SIDE:GREEN”. Regarding the scene in which Kokujouji gets half-naked, I got asked, “Who is this kind of fanservice aimed at?” and I responded with, “It’s fine, it’s fine, this is just...” (laugh).
——(Laugh), we had also not gotten to see much of Kokujouji and Miwa Ichigen’s relationship.
In the main story, Ichigen had already passed away, after all. Most likely, in “Ground Zero” (the novel that Furuhashi Hideyuki-san is scheduled to write), this will be portrayed more deeply. I’ve written about them as sworn allies who carried with them a past of being unable to stop the “Kagutsu Incident”. Of course, Ichigen humbles out, but I believe that Kokujouji saw him as a friend as well.
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Ichigen is a whimsical person, but the way he quietly penetrates into people’s hearts is probably similar to Shiro, and I wonder if Ichigen wasn’t in a Shiro-like position back when he served as “mediator”. Seeing it that way, I thought that it’d be good if there was an aura of old friends around the two of them.
——Then, what about Iwafune Tenkei
Iwafune is basically Hisui’s guardian and the number one adult in that space, so I wrote him as a person who perceives and is mindful of many things. There’s the fact that he seriously doesn’t understand what Hisui is thinking, and that Yukari understands but doesn’t do anything, which is why only Iwafune thinks about Sukuna, the child that had joined them all by himself, in a “he is a child and is hurt, so I wanna be nice to him” kind of way and looks after him as a dad/mom quasi-guardian. The most difficult was that, just like how Hisui appeared in “K – Lost Small World”, for example, he’s a king who is quick to act ruthlessly, but when I pondered over how Iwafune thought of this as he watched him, I wondered if he wasn’t thinking that, since Hisui is a “King” and “Kings” are people that live for their goals, it was hard for him, who had once died and become a shadow, to say anything. That’s why, in this work, Hisui does trample onto Sukuna’s wounds, but Iwafune is also acquiescent with that. I think they have that kind of relationship.
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——Although kings mostly don’t become apprehensive, Iwafune is full of distress.
That’s right. All of Iwafune’s clansmen ended up being exterminated in the Kagutsu Incident, and he feels the invalidity of having been unable to protect them even though he was their safeguarding king – he failed completely once. He might be a “King that frets”. Shiro is the same in that aspect, but it feels like he failed much more conspicuously than Shiro. He has these circumstances, so I think he should depicted as a character who has a slight bitterness to him. However, around the time that the anime’s second season starts, he has taken a position like, “Nagare can do as he pleases”.
——And about Mishakuji Yukari, I wound up laughing first-thing at that wonderful handle name (laugh).
Back when everyone from GoRA was thinking about the handle names, the one we gave him during our excitement was decided just like that (laugh). Iwafune also has the handle name “Chicken Oyaji” (Chicken Old Man). Sukuna was also set to have a chuunibyou-like handle name like “Lucifer” at the beginning. But people refer to each other with their handle names as they don’t know the real ones, so with a name like “Lucifer”, people would end up laughing no matter how serious the scene is (laugh). That’s why we thought of making just Sukuna be normal and left it as “Five”. We also thought that Yukari was fine like that (laugh). I think he’d have chosen it in all seriousness, and him naming himself so coolly is a little laughable, but I think it’d be pretty enough to become a painting.
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——Sukuna not wanting to call him by said handle name was entertaining.
I thought it’d be great if Sukuna’s stern look surfaced in the reader’s heads at that part (laugh).
——Hisui’s handle name also appeared in “Kingdom of Red”.
Hisui is the antagonist, so it has the double meaning of “handle name” and “Hisui Nagare”. He does straightforward things like disseminating the missions of JUNGLE, using people and deploying them, so he needed a handle name, and it was decided that “H.N” would be used in many places.
——The backstory of Yukari losing in JUNGLE was also portrayed in depth.
In the drafts of the “K – Dream of Green” comic that Rairaku (Rei)-san was in charge of, Yukari was scouted by Hisui, but firstly, I thought that the beauty that Yukari saw back when Hisui fought against Kokujouji had stayed with him all along, so he fits into the story while keeping with him the feeling of that time. I think there are definitely several people who read “SIDE:GREEN” after reading “Dream of Green”, and I thought it’d be nice to have scenes that would please them, so I made sure to bring up connections. For instance, their liking for karaage (laugh). Also, at the end of the comic, the feelings of Sukuna and Yukari after Hisui had died were depicted, so I’d been thinking about what they had been feeling until they got to that point.
——Seeing JUNGLE so lively like that, the story of season 2 becomes sadder.
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As result, this has become that kind of comic descending, so I’d be glad if people enjoy it (laugh).
——What about Hisui and Iwafune, as well as Hisui and Yukari?
These two don’t change much in the anime, so as I said just now, with the interpretation of a “king who threw away his aspirations in the past” and a “king who is currently filled with aspirations”, the two have a relationship in which Iwafune is the card under Hisui’s sleeve, while Hisui was Iwafune’s dream. About Hisui and Yukari, in the end, I think their relationship was consolidated in the scouting scene. The number one truthful reason why Hisui wanted Yukari was that he “wanted pawns at disposition”, and Yukari was drawn to the magnificent dream that Hisui embraced, so I believe it’s better to think of them as “partners” rather than “friends”.
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As king and vassal, there’s the fact that what they see is the same, but those two don’t get that deeply involved with each other, so it’d be fun if we could write more about this.
——Yukari is a character with many parts that have surprisingly not yet been revealed.
In order to depict Yukari’s upbringing, we have to write about scenes from when he was Ichigen-sama’s apprentice, after all.
——I think it’d be good if we could see this story somewhere! By the way, regarding the hive system that Hisui unlashes in the main story, Munakata asked, “You would not have used something like this if I were Habari Jin, right?” but what meaning did that have included?
That hive system was illegal. It completely ignores people’s privacy and human rights, and is a system that spies on cellphone and SNS conversations, so I was self-conscious of the fact that it wouldn’t affect Habari in the first place. Habari is a person of justice, so he believes that complying with the laws is righteous. On the other hand, although Munakata is also a just person, he doesn’t nitpick methods to reach his objectives, and has a rather dangerous sense of justice. I think that a person like Habari, who is “full-fledged justice” and who carries out his cause more sharply than Munakata, who doesn’t choose his means, would have been to Hisui someone harder to deal with. Munakata doesn’t leave openings in the things he does, but he’s bold, and doesn’t care about menaces, so from Iwafune and Hisui’s viewpoints, I wondered if they weren’t thinking that they could make use of that riskiness. It could be that Zenjou-san had also been able to sense that side of Munakata at the start, so I was pondering if he wasn’t thinking, “He can’t be trusted!” (laugh).
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——I see. Then, considering what you have been involved with in “K” until now, regarding what the “K” series is to you, what kind of role do you believe that you perform?
This is something that Miyazawa (Tatsuki)-san says often, but I seem to be someone who specializes in “breaking stories down” (laugh). There was a comic titled “Gakuen K”, which original work I had been in charge of, and I did it however I pleased without regrets. I thought that maybe writing comedy parts and the cute side of girls was my role there. But I did not break “SIDE:GREEN” too much, and was self-conscious of writing it in a way that it’d be faithful to the atmosphere of the main story. In the past, I was writing while thinking, “I’m actually writing a story as serious as this”, but it became something that I grew to be quite satisfied with, so although I like making people laugh, I thought that it was fun to write about people who earnestly shoulder their dreams and ambitions. I think it’d be good if I get to write many more slightly serious scenes that strike home.
——Then, lastly, please give a message to the readers.
This was my first time writing a long “K” novel, so I’m partly anxious as to how everyone will take it, but I think I managed to write about the relationships of the people from JUNGLE to the peak of my abilities, so I’d be happiest if they’re able to enjoy it.
——Thank you very much.
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187 notes · View notes
dennou-translations · 7 years
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The King and the Beast
When the sliding doors were opened, nightly winter air made its way inside.
He was looking up at the sky, hands joined behind his back. Since a while before, innumerable light needles surfaced in the jet-black sky. He merely observed the stars that could not be seen through naked eye over the city lights from the place where he normally led his life.
At the center of said night sky stood the silvery Moon. He narrowed his eyes while staring at it.
Although he was an elder reaching his nineties, his body did not denote the slightest hint of decay. He was a giant over two meters tall, standing straight as a tower and heavy as a castle. The only thing that delated his age were wrinkles engraved on his reddish copper skin, and the fact that his hair was of the same color as the Moon.
The elder’s name was Kokujouji Daikaku. He was the king of his country.
“My Lord.” A servant that had been squatting by his side all along called out to him. “The ‘Colorless King’ has arrived.”
“Let him through.”
At the curt order from his superior, the servant lightly bowed and disappeared. A little after, there was a sound of doors being opened behind him.
Kokujouji turned around. Beyond the door in the opposite side of the tatami room, a man was standing at the end of the corridor. He was clad in a worn-out hat and traditional clothes. Even though he had not reached his forties yet, his features had grown old, and a hermit-like atmosphere wafted from him.
The man’s name was Miwa Ichigen. He, too, was a king.
“Happy New Year.” Ichigen took off his hat, giving the New Year’s greetings with an uplifting smile.
Kokujouji Daikaku would spend the first three days of the year in the Kokujouji family’s other residence. Although about a hundred people had come to greet him on the first and second days, the only one allowed to visit on the third day was Miwa Ichigen.
Kokujouji stared fixatedly at his complexion and opened his mouth, “Is your sickness all right now?”
“I would not say ‘all right’, but it does not seem to be worsening, either. In any case, it is an incurable disease.” Speaking of the matter as if it were nothing, Ichigen laughed.
Kokujouji did not. He usually did not laugh much. He simply turned on his heels and went back into the tatami room. The sliding door behind him was closed, the cold air shut out.
“I have tea ready. Take your time.”
“I appreciate the extreme hospitality.”
“Is there such thing as a King entertaining another too much?”
“You are right.” Ichigen giggled. Although he looked older than he was, there were occasions in which he would show a rather childish side. Kokujouji did not dislike that part of his.
Kokujouji and Ichigen sat facing each other. The tea was boiling.
Kokujouji and Ichigen were both well-versed in the various etiquettes of all kinds of places. Had they been somewhere else, they would have fixed a flawless appearance and acted as the perfect host and guest. Yet they would not do so when left by themselves. Regardless of which was the host and which was the guest, they made into their principles to merely help themselves with good tea and savor it to their heart’s contentment. It was not out of ill manners, but they would end up taking such conduct one way or another.
That was because Ichigen and Kokujouji were both kings and friends.
They were the existences called “Kings”. As a fact and not a metaphor, they reigned in their respective territories, and had their respective vassals obey them.
At the end of the last World War, an enormous stone was excavated in Germany, named the “Dresden Slate”. It was not clear why the Slate existed and with what kind of logic it operated, even after long years of research.
The only known fact was that the Slate made people into “Kings”.
The Slate would choose seven Kings. Silver, gold, red, blue, green, gray, colorless – they were referred to by the color of the aura each emitted. Kokujouji Daikaku was the second and “Gold” King, and Miwa Ichigen was the seventh and “Colorless” King.
“Kings” would pick vassals, creating their kingdom. The vassals were called “clansmen”, and the kingdoms were called “clans”. As the “Gold King”, Kokujouji Daikaku was the strongest and greatest “King” among them. His clan, “Timeless Palace”, ruled Japan with its tremendous influence, leading the latter into the prosperity of developing from the burned lands of a defeated nation into of to one of the world’s most advanced countries.
“Five years, huh?” unwittingly, a sigh mingled with his whisper.
Ichigen, who had been sipping the tea, halted his hand. “I have heard that the restorations are nearly over.” His words were quiet, but bore deep creases onto the middle of Kokujouji’s forehead.
“Still, lives don’t return.”
There was a hint of pain in Ichigen’s gentle expression. Kokujouji assumed that a similar one had probably spread across his own face.
The memories that they would seal away when they were alone came back vividly when they were in each other’s company. That was because Kokujouji and Ichigen were sworn allies who had faced “it” together, as well as the losing side that had been unable to prevent “it”.
Five years before, a battle of “Kings” had happened. It was between the former “Red King”, Kagutsu Genji, and the former “Blue King”, Habari Jin. The two Kings with opposite attributes, “violence” and “order”, had put their lives on the line and clashed against one another.
Whenever the power of a “King” went beyond the threshold, a sword-shaped energy crystal would materialize over their head. It was called “Sword of Damocles” and recognized as a symbol of the mighty power of “Kings”.
But said power required compensation.
Should a “King” break their limits and exercise their power continuously, they would eventually run out of control and the “Sword of Damocles” would fall upon their head. Just as what became the source of a historical fact, the sword would pierce through the king and bring about ruin.
The sword that had fallen was Kagutsu’s.
None of it mattered anymore. At any rate, both Kagutsu and Habari had died at that time. There are no laws to punish the dead in this world, and those left behind had no choice but to accept that reality.
Kagutsu’s “Damocles Down” had annihilated the southern part of the Kantou region in a radius of tens of kilometers. The total number of deaths was of about 700,000 people. Such statistics were already more than a tragedy. Even with Kokujouji Daikaku having such a grandiose body, he could not take on the number. Who could have imagined that a single “King” egoistically running wild would create an amount of victims comparable to the number of civilians killed in the last war?
Kokujouji had been the one to bring the “Dresden Slate” to his homeland. The use of reconstruction, his power as “King”, was one of the abilities that had blossomed large-flowing glory into this country. As he had once swore, he became an ideal “King”, and prided himself in that much. It would also mean he had invited that scourge himself. Had he not brought the “Dresden Slate” to his nation, the topography of south Kantou would have never changed. The people who used to live there would have still been alive now.
He wondered what the difference was between himself and the ones who had caused that war while aiming for opulence. Kokujouji had been having such thoughts since who-knew-when.
“You have... done your very best.” Ichigen murmured, perhaps due to having perceived Kokujouji’s anguish.
He, too, was one of the people who had, along with Kokujouji, struggled in order to avoid the “Damocles Down”. With his own power of “prophecy”, he had exposed the circumstances to his friend. Just from that, Ichigen’s words were filled with verity.
Despite Kagutsu’s “Damocles Down” having produced so much damage, it had not been the “worst case”. Had any mistakes in dealing with the situation been made, what would have fallen was not only one sword, and not just south Kantou’s but Japan’s entire topography itself would have been modified – the two were mutually aware of that.
Nevertheless, Kokujouji shook his head. “Nobody knows what would have been best.”
“What is clear is that I must bear the burden. I intend to accept the responsibility with these shoulders of mine for what I myself brought about.”
The death of 700,000 people was not something one person alone could stand. It was most likely an accountability so heavy that it could not be held by anyone if not a “King”.
That was precisely why Kokujouji uttered the following words, “Five years ago, the very instant that man’s sword fell, I took on the burden to remain a ‘King’ until I die.”
“Denied.” A voice coming from outside negated.
Ichigen and Kokujouji stood up at the same time. The sliding doors were swiftly opened by the hands of the servant, who had been silently recoiled.
In the garden full of nightly winter atmosphere, shining lightly above the white sand beneath the gleaming moonlight was a green beast.
“Green──” overcome with surprise, Ichigen whispered.
Kokujouji observed the boy. Yes, a boy. He was probably still in his mid-teens. He had black hair and a sleepy gaze, clothed in a bizarre straitjacket-like outfit, sitting on an electronically controlled wheelchair.
He was surrounded by sparks of green lightning.
The boy spoke without a single drop of timidity, “Pleasure to meet you, second king, ‘Gold King’, and seventh king, ‘Colorless King’. I am Hisui Nagare, the fifth and ‘Green’ king.”
The “Green King” – his existence itself had been investigated.
Oddly enough, five years before, a new “Green King” had been born during the Kagutsu incident. However, the reaction disappeared immediately, and from then on, there was no longer a way to keep him under watch. Even theories of his death had circulated.
Why did the “Green King”, whose whereabouts were unknown, show himself in such a place?
Before anyone could ask, Ichigen stepped forward. “Well, nice to meet you. Is it okay to call you ‘Hisui-kun’? You’re younger than us, after all.”
Miwa Ichigen, the “Colorless King”, willingly carried the role of mediator between “Kings”. It was due to said role that he had replied calmly even to the obvious intruder.
Hisui answered without changing his facial expression, “Please call me as you like. At the end of the day, it is not something that matters.”
“The way people refer to you is important. Outsets are crucial in human relations. Since they’re largely involved with one another.”
“I do not plan to have human relations with the two of you.”
The air piercingly tensed.
“Ichigen-sama. Please step back.”
Before anyone noticed, a man was standing beside Ichigen. It was a youth with purple hair. He was Miwa Ichigen’s clansman. Most certainly, his name was Mishakuji or something of the sort. Without displaying the slightest hint of mercy, he had his hand on the sword that hung at the back of his waist.
The mediation time was over. He was probably aware of that much. His perception was the same as Kokujouji’s.
“When you put it like that, it doesn’t seem like you’ve come to ratify any agreement.”
Hisui responded to Kokujouji’s heavy tone without fear, “Positive, ‘Gold King’.”
“Then, what is your business?”
“I have come to defy you. For a challenge.”
The lightning storm rushed violently with snaps.
Kokujouji walked forth.
Uncharacteristically strained, Ichigen’s voice sprang, “Lord. He still─”
“You are a survivor of the Kagutsu incident.” Kokujouji ignored Ichigen, who attempted to stop him, and went out into the open corridor.
Hisui’s expression did not move an inch. As apathetically as he had been from the moment he had arrived, he returned Kokujouji’s words, “Affirmative.”
“Have you come for revenge?”
The “Green King” had been revealed during the same time as Kagutsu’s sword had fallen. That meant he was a victim of the Kagutsu incident. He had been able to live on through being chosen as “King”, but anything other than that had been stolen from him. It was easy to imagine what someone who had been deprived of his family, friends, place to belong, everything would think.
Kagutsu had passed away. There was no way to pay the dead back. In that case, the one to become his target should be Kokujouji, who had directed the Slate into his country and invited the huge tragedy. The souls of the 700,000 deceased sought compensation through the boy who had become a “King”.
Hisui’s figure was reflected in Kokujouji’s eyes.
“Negative, ‘Gold King’. I do not ask for revenge.” Hisui shook his head gently.
“What I am after is the ‘Dresden Slate’. The miraculous relic that can evolve all of humanity to the next stage. I aim to own it.”
Hisui’s orbs peeked from the gaps of his black bangs. They were as devoid of emotions as his facial features, but it felt as if something similar to heat hidden somewhere within them.
Such heat was familiar to Kokujouji.
That was something from the past, of already half a century before. Something from the time when he was not yet a “King”. Two friends of his welcoming him with smiles in the land of a different nation resurfaced in his mind.
But that was only for a second. Kokujouji soon reverted to his position as “King” and asked Hisui, “Why do you seek the Slate?”
“I do not intend to tell you.”
There was no space for either amicability or approach. From the very beginning, he had it internalized that such things were not necessary. It was not as if Hisui had come to take possession of the Slate peacefully. He had come to rob it.
By killing Kokujouji.
That was rather satisfying. It had been long since anyone had last brought out such evident hostility toward him. That was exactly why he had to reciprocate the feeling. Kokujouji descended from the open corridor, stepping onto the white sand.
Hisui’s straitjacket-like clothes melted away by themselves, setting his body free. Standing on the same ground level as Kokujouji, Hisui declared, “‘Gold King’. It is fine for you not to hold the responsibility of controlling the Slate anymore. I will kill you and release you from this pressure.”
A smile suddenly broke on Kokujouji’s rock-hard lips. “You just try it.”
A green “Sword of Damocles” appeared over Hisui’s head. From beyond the undrawn restraining outfit, a glimpse of shining white garments was allowed. Although he was as stunning as a celestial being, he was filled with a beast-like danger. The green sparks crackling around him seemed to symbolize that.
From behind Kokujouji, someone whispered, “Beautiful.”
The next moment, kicking up the white sand, Hisui dashed towards Kokujouji. Meanwhile, no changes happened with Kokujouji himself. As usual, he had his hands joined at his back, and, standing in place on the ground, he liberated his power. The force released to the entirety of the surroundings swept over like a hurricane.
“Kuh!?” Ichigen’s muffled voice could be heard from behind him.
As the repulsion unleashed at random seemed about to take Ichigen’s body away, Mishakuji was supporting his back. Even without turning to look at them, Kokujouji could tell. That was because he was currently seizing the “destiny” of all humans in that place.
The “Gold King” governed people’s “fates”.
“Fates” were countless “currents”. Just as wind swirled into whirlpools and water streamed through being pulled by gravity, each person flowed within their “fates”, colliding, mingling with and influencing one another.
However, Kokujouji, the “King of Destiny”, bore an overwhelming power, even in comparison with other people – or rather, other “Kings”. Like a celestial body with a tremendous mass, he simply pulled closer the people in his vicinities, and occasionally sent them flying. He did not get caught in the flow, but was the source that created the flows itself. When he released that purely as “strength”, it acted as an explosive repulsing force.
Still with his hands joined, Kokujouji did not even tremble. His silver hair was not affected by the force, and not a single thread raised. On the other hand, Hisui clung to the spot. He braced himself on is two feet and arms, desperately persisting as to not to be blown away. As his two hands pierced into the ground, his nails left ten marks on it.
There was a crushing power difference between the two “Kings”. There was no way Hisui would not understand that much. The “Damocles” had not appeared above Kokujouji. Despite him not getting serious just yet, there was almost no possibility of winning against the “Gold King” as he demonstrated this output.
While being aware of that, Hisui tried to press forward. Keeping his posture low on all fours, he advanced towards Kokujouji with crunching sounds. His right hand raised in front his face, flickering in loud sparks. With his power of “modification”, he alleviated the force that Kokujouji struck him with. His figure was similar to a traveler confronting northern winds.
Hisui was literally cutting open his own “fate” as he attempted to move forth.
Kokujouji had witnessed such scene in the past. During the days of turbulence and strife spent in his country, which had once turned into burning fields after its defeat, Kokujouji had faced several obstacles in his trials to quell the nation’s chaos. They were enemies who had challenged him, and enemies he had had to challenge. Hisui’s figure overlapped with the one of the enemies Kokujouji had confronted and with his own former self.
If so, then...
The distance between Hisui and Kokujouji was shortened to about a meter. Like a wild animal on the verge of leaping, the green beast bent his body down. Taking on his harshness and murderous intent, Kokujouji offered a steady gaze to his eyes, which twinkled with energy.
A golden “Damocles” materialized, so as to match the green one.
At that instant, the repulsion force, with double the amount of until that point, was rampaging about. Taking in the force that felt like a counter-power, Hisui’s body was blown away without being able to withstand it. Spinning midair in arcs, the sparks danced. It was a reaction control to his ability of “modification”. With a movement impossible under normal physical laws, Hisui landed at the spot he had primarily been at and raised his face.
Kokujouji’s power, which had raged on like a tornado, stopped completely.
“That was rude of me.” With the golden “Sword of Damocles” shining brightly above his head, Kokujouji opened his mouth, “It is courtesy of a king to use their maximum power on a challenger.” He then unclasped his hands and stripped down to his waist.
The reddish copper-colored skin of his torso became exposed. His flesh was trained to perfection. The dense steam enshrouding him in spite of the winter chill was not heat released from his body. It was the “gold” aura that Kokujouji possessed. Once the individual named Kokujouji Daikaku concentrated his power, which had been unleashed in the surroundings, he disclosed an ability that could manage even to alter space.
Kokujouji readied himself. Keeping his opened left hand in front of his face, he firmly gripped his right hand next to his flank. The toes of his left foot dug into the white sand, and, with his right heel as foundation, he slightly lowered his hips.
Conversely, Hisui’s appearance started to distort unstably. Green energy danced irregularly around the environment, blinking sometimes rough and sometimes dimly. His figure was reminiscent of a time-out – or, in other words, energy exhaustion. Perhaps there were some restrictions on the Hisui’s powers, which had dramatically increased combat capabilities.
Should time go on as things were, Kokujouji’s dominance would become progressively fixed. That was why Kokujouji arrogantly said, “Come at me.”
Fights between “Kings” should not be settled with time-outs. It was common rule that one had to crushingly defeat the other in such straightforward and critical manner.
Again, his power swept over. This time, it was the other way around. Rather than flicking things off, it was pulling them in. Everyone in the place was drawn towards Kokujouji alone. It would seem that no one could resist that gravity. Hisui did not resist, either.
“Here I go.” After briefly saying so, he jumped.
His body, which had lost support, was caught by Kokujouji’s force and pulled in. While using the power of his enemy, actually accelerating through his “modification”, Hisui swung his green claws.
At that instant, Hisui saw stars.
What lay in front of him were not human beings. Not even the other “King”. They were objects that did not have senses or organs like living beings, but were simply massive, colossal and magnificent. They merely produced their own light in the darkness of the universe.
Red, gigantic stars that were at the end of their prime but continued swelling. The moment he laid his eyes on them, Hisui realized his own defeat. After all, there was no one in the world who could win against a star. Upon such realization, after several seconds of blankness, Kokujouji’s fist hit Hisui’s chest.
The sound of an explosion rumbled.
In response to an impact comparable to the fall of a meteorite, Hisui’s body was blown away like a bullet. Cutting through the nightly darkness with green tracks, he flew in a straight line, smashing the stone lanterns as his trajectory curved, landing into the woods in the outskirts of the residence and disappearing from sight.
A little bit after, noises of trees falling could be heard. At that time, the two “Damocles” had already disappeared.
Kokujouji stood unmoving like a statue. He remained quiescent in the posture with which he had delivered his thrusting technique. The golden aura swaying from his body gradually melted away and dissipated into the air, as if being carried by the wind.
At the call, Kokujouji finally undid his stance. He turned back.
Ichigen had on an unchanged smile. However, only his eyes were faintly gloomy. Respectfully, he produced a piece of kaishi paper. “For the treatment of your wound.”
Before Kokujouji realized, his cheek was wet with his own blood. It was not a deep scratch. However, it was certain that Hisui’s nail had reached Kokujouji.
Once he brushed it against his cheek, the paper became stained with red. A slight pain ran through him. That was also a first in a long time. For several decades, not a single person who I who could scratch Kokujouji had appeared before him.
Kokujouji muttered in amusement, “My lifespan has shortened by three days. That brat is something.”
“What... happened to him?”
“He’s not dead. No...” he denied his own words inside his mouth.
Hisui Nagare was dead. Most likely, his heart had been motionless even before fighting Kokujouji. When striking his fist into the latter’s chest, Kokujouji could tell that something else was beating in the area where Hisui’s heart should be. That most likely was what currently allowed Hisui to move. Nevertheless, he did not yet understand what it was. There may be some connection between it and the ability of “modification”.
Kokujouji looked back at his friend and asked, “How did that man look to you?”
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Ichigen closed his eyes serenely and shook his head. “He’s young, hence hasty, but not that much of a fool. Today will turn out as a valuable experience for him, but his ambitions will probably not change.”
“Guess so.”
The injured beast would grow more cunning and vigilant.
Things were still all right for the moment. Kokujouji’s reigning was sturdy, and no one could oppose him. Even if Hisui showed himself once more, it would be easy to crush him. But what about five years after? Or ten years? Would he be able to maintain his power balance as “King” until then? Would people who could become the absent “Red” and “Blue” kings appear? Even if they did, where was there any guaranteeing that they would not have the same aspirations as Hisui? And at that time, how much would the young “Green King” have grown? Would it be possible for the aging Kokujouji and the sickly Ichigen to suppress Hisui then as they had today?
Kokujouji looked up at the heavens. The silver Moon stood in the night sky. Not knowing about anything that happened on Earth, it merely looked down at the latter with affection. It reminded him of an old friend, who he had parted ways with in the past, and who still kept wandering around that very sky.
As if being burned down by a shameful feeling, Kokujouji opened his mouth, “This country will end, Weismann.”
His predictive whisper was carried by the nightly wind and blown away without being delivered anywhere.
 “Gah... hah... gh—uuuuuuh...!”
Heels struck the floor tiles, slipping slickly and leaving a trail of blood. There was no tray anywhere to catch the blood he vomited, and so it was simply scattered about. With his whole body bending like a spring – or, in other words, crumpling together –, Hisui was fighting against bitter agony.
Kokujouji’s blow was crushing Hisui’s whole body.
There were ten or more broken bones just in his ribcage. Perhaps he had several other comminuted fractures. His muscles screamed and his internal organs were stiff. Although he had the ability of “modification”, he felt pain like everyone else. Usually, he was supposed to be able to heal his wounds with said ability, but Hisui was currently exhausted.
He had fought one-on-one with the “Gold King”, after all. Just being able to stay alive was already a plus.
“Hey, Nagare! You okay!?” Along with gradual harsh knocks echoed the voice of his guardian, Iwafune Tenkei. “Open up! These are painkillers; I bought every kind! Once you take them, let’s go to an acquaintance of mine who is a medic from the black market—”
“Thank you very much, Iwa-san. However, that is unnecessary.” Despite his face twisting due to the severe aching, Hisui spoke calmly, “My body lives through ‘modification’. The current types of medicine treatment have little effect.”
His internal organs churned as he talked. He spit out blood, coughing intensely. Shaking violently, his field of vision became darker, and he thrust into his own vomit headfirst. The slimy blood and the tiles of the bathroom were both warm and cold.
Behind the door, Iwafune grid his teeth. “You moron! Being reckless behind my back! There’s no way you’d able to beat that old man!”
Face covered with blood, Hisui let out a gruesome laugh. “Positive, Iwa-san. I saw stars. The ‘Gold King’ is an outlier. Right now – no, even ten years in the future, it is probably impossible for me to thrive over him.”
“Still, the one to win in the end will be me.”
He could sense through his skin that Iwafune was speechless.
“The ‘Gold King’ is invincible, but not immortal. He is aging. Regardless of being a ‘King’, he is human. When the time for him to die comes, he will die for sure.”
The pain eased a little. Hisui raised his upper body and leaned his back against the door. It seemed that, should he close his eyes, the image of Iwafune’s face distorting with worry on the other side would surface in his mind.
“I apologize for not saying anything, Iwa-san. I am sorry.”
“You would have impeded me had I told you. I thought that another option was that Iwa-san would end up going there with me. I wanted to prevent that. It is not yet time to fulfill the promise of back then.”
In the past, Hisui and Iwafune had exchanged a promise. That someday, once the necessity arose, Iwafune would use his “power” for Hisui’s sake. It was not that time yet. In all seriousness, until the time of using their trump card came, Iwafune’s whereabouts had to be kept hidden. Five years before, the existence of the sixth king, the “Gray King”, who disappeared in the day of the Kagutsu Incident, should not be revealed to anyone.
Hisui reached out his hand. He tried to unlock the keyhole, and while it did not work well with all the blood, he finally managed to open it after numerous tries. The door opened as if being repelled, and Hisui collapsed backwards outside the bathroom. Iwafune’s sorrowful expression reflected in his line of sight as he looked up at the ceiling.
Hisui said with a frown, “From now on, I will consult you properly, so please do not make that face.”
“Idiot...” Iwafune mumbled with a weak voice and fastened his straitjacket.
There was a huge open hole on Hisui’s unconcealed chest, in which a green energy mass pulsated. The gleam that moved instead of his heart had become so feeble that seemed like it would vanish.
By “modifying” his body on the verge of death, he compensated for his lost heart with his special power. That was Hisui’s present situation. In order to preserve his life, Hisui had to use a great amount of power. However, for the current Hisui, who had become wasted in the battle against Kokujouji, even that was beginning to become a difficult task. Without the help of the straitjacket, which had the function of confining his power inside it, Hisui’s life would most likely eventually dissipate and be gone.
Fortunately, that did not happen. When Iwafune tightly attached the metal fittings of the straitjacket, Hisui’s power stabilized albeit still faint, the beating also becoming constant.
Taking a deep breath, Hisui smiled. “You have saved me. I can remain in a state of abeyance with this. You have my gratitude.”
On the other hand, Iwafune asked with a sour face, “Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?”
“The bathroom is easier to clean. If we are to erase the proofs that we have lived here, it is better to use the place that is easiest to straighten out when vomiting blood.”
“Did I go wrong... in the way I raised you?”
“Iwa-san has raised me well. You bestowed me with flawless education, and my dietary nutrition balance is top-notch too. Quite healthy.”
“Heck. You’re one to talk, looking like that.” At last, a smile broke on Iwafune’s lips.
He then began “cleaning up”. Pushing the bloody Hisui back into the bathroom, he started washing the impermeable straitjacket with a warm shower. The warm water and blood mixed and formed a whirlpool as they flowed down the drain.
While being scrubbed with a bathroom sponge, Hisui discussed about future plans, “‘Timeless Palace’ should be keeping track of me. We must shake them off. Let’s move on to a new residence.”
“A new residence? Where do we find such a thing?”
“I registered the location in our car’s navigator. Iwa-san only needs to drive it.”
“Really, you...”
The room could be seen from the half-opened door. In a corner of the four-and-a-half tatami apartment where they had lived up to that point, he spotted a parrot sleeping inside a cage. It was Hisui’s friend and first clansman.
The thought that had flashed through him during the time he had taken on the attack from the “Gold King” and confirmed his own defeat blurted out of his mouth, “Iwa-san, I will make my own clan.”
“A clan. In order to hide from the ‘Gold King’ and carry out the preparations to steal the Slate, I need clansmen that could become my arms and legs.”
Iwafune furrowed his brows. It was not hard to imagine what memories the word “clan” reminded him of. However, Iwafune shook his head as if it were nothing and said, “If so, you have to give it a name first.”
“A... name?”
“Yeah. There’s no one who’d like to join a nameless clan. Think veeery well about what kind of clan you intend to create, and then name it.”
Hisui stood in contemplation.
Should he be asked what sort of clan it would be, it would probably be a secretive one. Hisui and Iwafune, who had already become fugitives, could not easily show themselves to the clansmen. They would always lurk in the shadows, keep in close contact and be constantly cautious. He had to conceive a kingdom which roots would grow quietly in the ground, spreading its territory without being noticed.
With a snap, electricity burst in front of his eyes. The moment he saw the green color, Hisui mustered out, “‘Jungle’.”
Iwafune stopped the hands that were washing him and asked, “‘Jungle’? As in... a dense forest?”
“Positive. My clan’s name will be ‘Jungle’.” Hisui narrowed his eyes. Reflected in them was a four-and-half tatami floor, as well as the parrot sleeping on it. However, what he was really gazing at was beyond it, in the future extending from that point on.
He would rob the “Dresden Slate”, inflate its power and create a huge dense forest spreading all over the world. Each one of the trees that formed it would take the shape of a new king, a new human race. Eventually, it would turn into a network that would cover the entire Earth. Feeling it sprout within his opened chest, Hisui made a declaration.
“Now, this place is... the beginning... of my clan, ‘Jungle’.”
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mikototsu-trash · 7 years
When does K Ground Zero come out? Also does anyone else think Kagutsu Genji and Suoh Mikoto look similar? Like before Anna became Red King I had this personal Headcanon that all Red Kings were red heads, all Blue Kings were bluenettes, all Green Kings etc. but Kokujoji doesn't follow that and neither does Anna, I mean she has red EYES, but not red hair. I'm a bit sad.
There’s no info atm about when Ground Zero is expected- AFAIK it was supposed to be released in 2016 but it wasn’t, and there’s been no revised release date that I’m aware of. @secretsoftheslate is a good blog to follow for side material updates. 
And I get what you mean- there’s a pretty strong resemblance, which is part of the reason I ended up writing Kagutsu as Mikoto’s father in an AU fic I wrote- tbh Habari Jin looks a lot like Reisi as well- if he had dark hair, he could be his brother, they have pretty similar faces. 
It’d be p cool if the kings had hair that matched their clan colours, and I guess it’s possible that’s still the case but Anna has albinism, but might have had red hair if she wasn’t albino?? She’s very pale and has reddish eyes and white hair so it’s possible, and we don’t know what her parents looked like. But yeah it’d be kind of weird if Kokujouji had gold hair?? Tho I guess some of the other clans fit that theme too- Adolf W. has silvery hair, and I guess black hair is colourless and Ichigen Miwa had greyish/black hair. Idk, I kind of like that the Kings look a little different from one another even within the same clan, though I like that they tend to have similar aesthetics and their colour schemes all match their clan colours. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
munashiro post-rok, Imagine the big, bright smile on Adolf's face when Reisi finally says ‘I love you’ for the first time to him.
This is another one that’s interesting to think about in the context of Shiro having been flying around in a blimp for decades and not really having these kinds of interactions before. He’s never really dated, even when he was a young man in Germany Shiro was always more interested in his experiments than really getting to know anyone. He was aware that Kokujouji had feelings for his sister and always thought it was interesting in a clinical sort of way, looking at the two of them as if this was some new fun experiment. Klaudia was also aware of how Kokujouji looked at her and used to laugh, telling her brother he’ll understand when he’s older. But now he is older, much much older in years but still very young when it comes to experiences and feelings and mental maturity, and he’s only just started to think about romance. So when Munakata says it, easily and sincerely, those are words Shiro hasn’t thought about in a long long time and suddenly he’s smiling so wide he can’t stop, and he thinks ah, sister, I get it now.
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ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
What if Yata was sent to a insane asylum after Saruhiko betrayed him. But the asylum did inhumane experiments on its patients, and they know Yata's a red clansmen, so they try to make his powers stronger than the red king's powers???
Who sends Yata to the asylum though, I don’t think Homra was that worried about his mental state. Oh maybe he like decides to start seeing a therapist, he’s been struggling to understand why Fushimi left and Kusanagi suggests that talking to someone might help. He gives Yata the card for a reputable place but Yata accidentally loses the card and tries to recall from memory where the place was. He tries asking around and some Strain guy mentions a place that ‘specializes in powerful people.’ Yata figures okay this must be the place Kusanagi mentioned and heads there, not realizing that it’s actually a shady place. The ‘doctor’ he talks to suggests Yata go to another location where they can help him even more and Yata has no idea the trouble he’s in until he’s jumped in the doorway of the other place and put in power-dampening restraints. 
Yata is told that the place he’s in is an insane asylum for people like him, people who think they have superpowers. Yata’s like wait but I do, isn’t this supposed to be a place where people like me can go. The doctors smile at him all oh dear he’s further gone than we thought and Yata finds himself locked up alongside all these Strains that have gone missing as well. The doctors are pleased to have finally managed to get their hands on a clansmen, these guys are maybe like disgraced members of some previous clan (like survivors of the previous Green or even Red clan or something, people who have only been very loosely monitored) who decided they want to do some experiments on the Slate. Since getting past Kokujouji isn’t possible for them they decided to try using Strains first with the hope that eventually they could even snag a clansman, and Yata’s ‘lucky’ enough to be their first Guinea pig. 
Obviously Homra soon becomes aware that Yata’s missing but maybe they don’t even pay it much mind at first, thinking well he’s still hurt by Fushimi leaving he must need some time alone. However Fushimi has noticed it, because of course he wants to find Misaki and be hated but there’s no Misaki. Maybe he’s even been feeling really odd and restless lately, like his scar feels as if it’s burning painfully and his heart keeps skipping a beat and he doesn’t know why. At some point Anna starts to feel uneasy and tells Mikoto they need to find Misaki and Kusanagi sends guys out to keep an eye out for him, becoming worried when he learns that Yata hasn’t even been seen at his part time job or at his apartment in ages.
Meanwhile poor Yata is being all drugged and tortured by the doctors at the asylum, who want to try and make their ‘own’ Red King, thinking like if they can crack the code to how one makes a King they can enhance their own powers. Maybe one of the guys worked for Mizuchi and thinks Mizuchi had the right idea but chose poorly, he tried to force someone who didn’t have the qualifications to be Blue King onto the throne. The Red King’s throne may be occupied but they figure what if we make someone who is a better candidate, who can usurp the throne, and Yata is the perfect test subject. Yata’s being tested on so much that he barely knows what’s happening, imagine he keeps thinking Fushimi is there and calling for him because he’s forgotten that Fushimi left. As the doctors start to experiment more though they become more lax with their safeguards, which is how Anna started to realize something was wrong and it also gets the attention of S4. Munakata thinks this might be a good chance for Fushimi to show off his worth and tasks him with gathering intel on what could be going on, Fushimi thinks this should be easy and of course was not expecting to find a familiar face inside the building….
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
You live alone, high in the mountains where it snows most of the year, only hardy plants surviving in the area. This morning, as you wake to the sound of beautiful silence, another blizzard finally having passed, the scent of fresh roses fills the room. You find three beautiful red roses, freshly cut and delicately tied with a silk tie, resting carefully on your pillow, beside your head. 
Reference: https://www.tumblr.com/write-it-motherfuckers/175237059436
Imagine Shiro as this lonely scientist living up in the mountains, rarely ever having any interaction with other people. He became something of a recluse after the death of his sister Klaudia, preferring to live alone without anyone else nearby who could get hurt because of him (though his old friend Kokujouji lives down the mountain and periodically brings Shiro supplies). One evening Shiro goes out to check his hunting traps and he finds this beautiful green bird caught in a net that isn’t one of his. Shiro assumes some poachers must have been in the area and he carefully sets the bird free. It sits there staring at him for a long moment and Shiro is worried that it’s injured, but soon it flies away. Shiro is glad that it wasn’t hurt but thinks he’s never seen a bird like that before. He doesn’t have time to think about it much though because a storm is coming and he really needs to get back home before that.
The next morning he wakes up alone as always, yawning as he says the storm must have passed overnight. There’s a strange smell in the air though that he doesn’t recognize and as he rolls over he realizes something is on his pillow: three beautiful roses, tied with a green ribbon. Shiro smells them and they’re fresh, even though there’s no roses anywhere on this mountain. He lightheartedly decides well, a mystery is fun, and goes about drying the roses so he can save them. As he’s outside his cabin cleaning up from the blizzard he spots the green bird again and waves. The bird flies down and looks at him, cocking its head curiously and Shiro laughs, it’s like the bird is paying attention to him. The bird watches the whole time he cleans and afterward Shiro brings out some spare seeds he has for it to eat.
After this Shiro finds new flowers almost every morning, not just roses but a variety of other flowers that don’t grow on the mountain, always tied with a green ribbon. He sees the green bird a lot too and he’s starting to have suspicions but decides no, it couldn’t be that, don’t be silly. One day as it’s getting dark though he decides to try and secretly follow the bird through the forest, quietly trailing it to see if he can find its nest. The bird finally settles into a clearing and there’s a burst of green light, and suddenly instead of a bird there’s a young man dressed in white with green wings. Shiro is a bit bewildered but he’s also the kind of guy to roll with these kinds of things so he just steps out and says if this person wanted to talk he should have just said so in the first place. Shiro introduces himself again and the winged man introduces himself as Hisui Nagare, a spirit of the mountain. He’s impressed that Shiro isn’t scared and Shiro laughs and says Hisui doesn’t seem that intimidating, and if he’d like to come in for tea he’s welcome, his flowers are already adorning the table after all.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
Nagashiro with this prompt:
Everyone is born with a mark on their body that matches their soulmates.
You've just found your match, only problem is, its from a painting of a noble done over 300 years ago.
Reference: https://www.tumblr.com/write-it-motherfuckers/174680854582
I don’t know why but somehow I immediately imagined this as like Victorian vaguely-steampunk AU where there’s still a Slate and Kings it’s just everyone is in fancy clothes and there are paintings in big mansions and all that. Like Hisui pretends he’s a frail Victorian child but really he’s the elusive Green King, the other Kings are aware that he exists but no one knows who he truly is. The soulmate marks are actually something created by the Slate as well and it’s one of many reasons why Hisui does not trust the Slate to continue being the foundation of their world. He has a soulmate mark himself, faded after an incident in his childhood where he ‘died’ before being awakened as a King, and only his guardian Iwafune knows about it. Hisui plays the weak wheelchair-bound child so that no one suspects him of anything and he doesn’t even entirely believe in soulmates, this is just another one of the rigid hidebound structures of their current world that he would like to smash.
Then one day Iwafune is invited to the mansion of the oldest King Kokujouji, who rules over all the others and is basically acting monarch of the country. Iwafune leaves Hisui in the ballroom as he goes to his meeting and Hisui idly wheels himself around, which is when he spots this picture of a man with white hair — and with a soulmate mark on his neck that matches Hisui’s own, perfectly. Hisui finds himself captivated by this person, wondering who they are and can he meet them, and he asks one of Kokujouii’s attendants about it. The attendant says that is the Silver King, painted three hundred years ago, the man who flew off into the sky (and someone claiming to be ‘related’ may have appeared once or twice in Kokujouji’s youth, and Kokujouji doesn’t speak of it). It’s only after leaving the mansion that it occurs to Hisui no one ever confirmed that Silver King is dead. Some time after this imagine Hisui crosses paths with Colorless and he knows that the silver-haired boy has no visible soulmate mark…but then later on, after that boy is accused of murdering the Red King’s retainer, Hisui sees that person again and he can’t miss that soulmate mark, the one that matches his own and the one in the picture, visible on that person’s neck.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Kuro suddenly gains the same time travel ability that takemishi from Tokyo Revengers have and arrives in the past a couple of months before Totsuka's death. What would he do and do you think he'd be able to make an "everybody lives" future?
Kuroh’s actually an interesting choice here because there’s a lot that goes on between Homra and S4 in particular in season one that he’s just not present for and may not have really strong knowledge of. Say this is an AU where Colorless actually won and at the last minute Kuroh is sent back in time, maybe this is like some kind of Slate shenanigans and Shiro grabbed his hand right before Kuroh time jumped. He knows he’s in Shizume and sees the date, realizing that he’s been sent back in time and needs to find a way to stop everything bad from happening. He’s aware that this all ‘starts’ when Totsuka Tatara is murdered on the rooftop of the Hirasaka building so I think that would be his time limit, he needs to find a way to change things before Totsuka is killed.
Kuroh being a straightforward and honest type I could see him initially trying to go to Homra directly and it doesn’t work out well,  no one knows who he is and referring to himself as the clansman of another King just gets him a hostile reaction. Say he has the misfortune to show up at the bar when the Homra trio and Anna are all out, so he ends up facing a fairly hostile Yata, Kamamoto and the Homra alphabet. When he starts talking about ‘the death of Totsuka Tatara’ everyone is immediately on guard and he probably ultimately has to retreat, realizing that none of these people are going to listen to him. 
His next consideration is he could go to S4, but then he thinks about it for a moment and decides maybe not, he doesn’t know if the Blue King would believe him either and even if Munakata did he might make plans on his own without telling Kuroh which could lead to more danger. That’s when it occurs to him that he’s been overlooking his most obvious allies all along and heads to Ashinaka. He finds Kukuri and convinces her that he’s an exchange student (he doesn’t like lying to her but this is an emergency after all), then once he’s secured use of a dorm he cooks some delicious fish and starts leaving it around, he knows Neko was on this island before Totsuka died so he just needs to feed her and be nice to her and he should be able to get her help. In the meantime he tries to feel things out amongst the students and that’s how he eventually learns about the ‘candle,’ a way to summon the person in the airship down. Kuroh isn’t sure that Shiro will believe him either but he feels like if he can at least get allies on his side he’ll be able to take care of this.
Kuroh finally manages to coax Neko into showing herself, she’s pretty happy to latch herself onto the weird person who keeps giving her all the fish. Together they go to the Hirasaka building and Kuroh uses the candle app, watching and waiting for the airship to land. When it does I imagine Weismann would be rather amused to see a Strain and another clansman waiting for him, he nearly leaves right there assuming that Kokujouji or one of the other clans is behind this until Kuroh introduces himself as ‘a clansman of the Colorless — no, a clansman of the Silver King.’ Weismann raises an eyebrow and then laughs sheepishly, he apologizes but he hasn’t got any clansmen and he’s not interested in having any. Kuroh looks him right in the eye and says ‘you did, in another timeline.’ Weismann thinks he’s joking but then he realizes that Kuroh is incredibly serious and finally he nods and welcomes the two of them inside, he isn’t sure how this happened but it seems they have a lot to discuss. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart AU please? Nagare as Jack, Iwa-san as Madeleine, Fem!Shiro as Miss Acacia, Colorless King as Joe, and Yukari as Georges °^°
So imagine tiny child Hisui, who is born on the coldest day ever with a frozen heart. His parents choose to just abandon him, handing him off to a wandering drunken priest Iwafune. Iwafune thinks it’s pretty poor of those parents to just give up on the kid, especially when they could just replace the heart with something even better. Iwafune happens to be the caretaker of a particular magic rock and he places it into little Hisui’s chest but warns him that he has to follow a couple rules so that the Slate in his heart doesn’t get destabilized and kill not just Hisui but everyone around him. The number one thing he must never do is fall in love and Hisui thinks that’s fine, he’s not particularly interested in love anyway.
Iwafune proceeds to raise Hisui as his own, maybe because of the Slate in his heart Hisui is still kinda weak and sickly and is often wrapped up like a burrito child. Iwafune does want the kid to have something of a normal life though and he decides to send Hisui to school eventually, allowing Hisui some time to actually move around on his own and get out of the basement where Hisui’s been living with his drunken dad and their pet bird. As soon as he starts school Hisui meets Fem!Shiro, the smartest kid in school with a big interest in science. Hisui totally wants senpai Shiro to notice him so he starts watching her in secret because he’s too shy to say anything. However another student, Colorless, also has an eye on Shiro and wants to get closer to her in order to take all Shiro’s accomplishments for himself. 
One day Hisui attempts to intervene with Colorless’s attempts on Shiro (because only Hisui gets to stalk her okay) and he accidentally ends up emitting some lightning due to the magic Slate in his heart. Shiro isn’t scared of this but instead is more intrigued and wants to study him under a microscope. Unfortunately Iwafune becomes worried that magistrate Kokujouji will find out about this, Kokujouji originally owned the Slate and if he knows there’s a kid around with that as his heart Hisui will be in trouble. They decide Hisui should flee the country, Iwafune sending him off on his own. Hisui eventually meets Yukari, who thinks the Slate in Hisui’s heart is beautiful and who encourages him to make that beauty even brighter by seeking love.
Hisui decides to go find Shiro again, initially disguising himself by dyeing his hair and pretending to be a mysterious white-haired stranger. Shiro has enough of white-haired doomed anime boys though and just says her heart belongs to someone else. Eventually Hisui realizes that the person from her past that Shiro is in love with is in fact himself and he reveals himself. He tells her about the Slate in his heart, giving her some schematics which explain all about it. He wants to run away with her but Colorless finds out about the whole thing, he’s been watching them all this time still trying to get to Shiro. Shiro ends up leaving Hisui behind because she doesn’t want Hisui to die due to her loving him and Hisui is all distraught, especially when he finds out that Iwafune died after helping him escape as well. With nothing else to live for Hisui figures he’ll just let the Slate destroy everything and be done with it, which is when Shiro appears again to confess that she’s been aware of his affections all this time and cares for him. She thinks she can fix the Slate in his heart with the schematics he gave her but actually those just allow Hisui to finally destroy his heart completely and he dies holding her hand.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Title: Lovely, Dark and Warm (14/15)
Fandom: K Project
External: AO3
Pairings: Sarumi
Ratings/Warnings: M
Summary: Totsuka Tatara was dead, Homra was certain of that. But rumors persisted, that he had been seen wandering the alleys of Shizume, with blood on his shirt and a mouth hanging open.
In retrospect, that was how every zombie apocalypse started, after all.
Notes: My outline notes for the chapter read ‘no flashback this time because shit just got real.’
Neko’s horrified scream echoed off the cavernous walls of the chamber of the Slate. She scrambled forward towards Shiro’s fallen body, tripping over her own heels and darting forward on her hands and knees like a cat, reaching for him.
“Fools, fools, fools!” Kokujouji — no, the Colorless King — laughed and whirled, kicking her roughly in the stomach and sending her flying. A moment later he raised Kokujouji’s sword to block Kuroh’s strike, grinning widely at Kuroh’s grave expression.
“You have stolen the body of the Gold King.” Kuroh’s voice was cold, the barely controlled fury simmering underneath a layer of worry, but the hands that held Kotowari remained steady. “It was a trap all along.”
“That’s right,” the Colorless King said, tone lilting up and down. He was swinging Kokujouji’s sword almost wildly now as if he’d never used one before until this moment, all the grace that he’d shown below gone, and yet even so he was still parrying each of Kuroh’s strikes with ease. “This body is mine, the Slate is mine, it’s all mine, mine, mine! I’ve been waiting for the rest of you to get here, so I can finally take the powers of all the Kings, and become the only King! The undying King!”
“I will not allow it!” Kuroh dodged a strike and then pressed forward, forcing the Colorless King to retreat slightly. “In the name of the Silver King and of my master Miwa Ichigen, I will slay you here!”
“Oh?” The Colorless King laughed again, stretching his arms wide. “You’ll do it? You’ll kill the Gold King, the oldest King, just to take me down?”
Kuroh flinched at that, hesitating, and Colorless took advantage of the moment. The floor suddenly seemed to disappear, replacing by swirling stars and galaxies, and Kuroh found himself unable to see anything but the Colorless King standing before him.
“Shiro! Neko!” Kuroh looked around, trying to get his footing, and one of the floating spheres around him broke off from its rotation to fly right at him. He barely managed to dodge, only to jump right into the path of another one that knocked him off his feet.
“See? This old fart’s powers are fun, aren’t they?” The Colorless King’s voice echoed around him and Kuroh tried to get his equilibrium back. Suddenly he heard a loud grunt and the illusion disappeared, the expanse of stars fading away to reveal the hard floor once again. Kuroh glanced backward towards where Shiro still lay slumped beside the Slate and then to where Neko was crumpled by the wall, curled up in pain and clutching her stomach where she’d been kicked.
“Stop it!” The Colorless King grabbed at his head and was shaking it wildly, as if something had latched onto his skull. “You aren’t needed here! Go away, go away!”
Perhaps…he is not in full control of that body? Kuroh’s hand tightened on his sword and he ran at the Colorless King, blade ready to strike.
The Colorless King moved aside at the last moment, blocking Kuroh’s sword with his own. There was a yell from nearby and the Colorless King made a wide sweeping motion with the blade, almost skewering Yata who had run up behind him with fists blazing. Yata jumped backwards and a knife flew past the Colorless King’s face. Fushimi clicked his tongue quietly at the miss and reached into his coat for another knife.
“Working together…that’s cheating!” The Colorless King’s face had settled into a mask of annoyance, eyes darting between the three of them.
“You cannot defeat all three of us,” Kuroh said, face set and serious.
“Idiots!” The Colorless King raised his arms and there was a rush of power. A gust of wind rose up, nearly knocking the three off their feet, and Fushimi turned to glance out the window. Kuroh followed his gaze, paling.
“That is…”
“The Sword of Damocles.”
Outside they could just see it, the enormous Sword now hanging above the building. For a moment it glowed golden and then suddenly that light was swallowed by something darker, as if being eaten from the inside out, until a different Sword emerged — slimmer, with a crooked hilt, and in a color like poisoned metal, almost gray, almost silver, almost rainbow with the sickly sheen of pollution. Colorless.
“I am a King! I am the only King!” Moving faster than it seemed he should have been capable of the Colorless King slammed into Kuroh, throwing him off his feet. Before Kuroh could even begin to recover the Colorless King’s sword knocked Kotowari out of his hand and then he was thrown against one of the windows hard enough to make a crack in the surface. Kuroh fell to the ground, hands open limply towards his fallen sword.
“You…!” Yata ran wildly at the Colorless King, heedless of the fact that he had no weapons but his fists, and the Colorless King turned and slammed a leg into his stomach. Yata reeled, falling back with his arms wrapped around his torso, and suddenly the Colorless King was behind him again, delivering a punishing blow to his back. Yata choked, spitting out a handful of saliva and then found himself picked up bodily and thrown, hitting one of the pedestals and shattering it, landing in a heap of twisted metal and flower petals. Yata curled up defensively, trying to catch his breath as the Colorless King approached.
Two knives flew past the Colorless King’s shoulders and he whirled just in time to block the third that would have embedded itself in his back.
“Don’t waste your time on him. I’m your opponent.” Fushimi’s voice was cold and threatening and Yata tried to raise his head to look at him.
“Oh?” The Colorless King raised a hand and then paused. The smile on his face seemed to grow wider and he crossed the space between himself and Fushimi in a heartbeat, grabbing Fushimi’s arm in an iron tight grip with one hand and taking hold of Fushimi’s neck with the other, tilting Fushimi’s head upwards. He pulled down Fushimi’s sleeve, baring the scar which was all that remained of where the infected zombie bite once had been. “I see. I’m in you too.”
“What…” Fushimi’s face twisted in disgust and the Colorless King released him, allowing him to stumble a few steps forward. Fushimi’s hand suddenly opened, knife falling to the ground. Fushimi made a sound of surprise and stared down at his own hand as if it belonged to someone else.
“I can see it.” The Colorless King chuckled. “Someone tried to get rid of it but it’s still there. The little piece of me that can control everything, and there’s nothing you can do.”
“That’s—” Fushimi gave a soft hiss as his wrist twisted painfully all on its own. He staggered and the Colorless King raised an arm. Fushimi’s whole body went rigid, breathing hard, moving jerkily like a crooked puppet. The Colorless King snickered, head tilted to one side, the Gold King’s stern face stretched and unnatural with the scimitar curve of the Colorless King’s smile.
“Mine, mine, mine! You belong to me too. Once part of my power is inside your body even Kings can’t resist. Because I’m the strongest King!” He raised both hands to the sky triumphantly and Fushimi’s body spasmed again. The Colorless King raised an eyebrow, watching him. “What should I do with you? My puppet. I can make you do anything, you know? Anything I like. As long as this power is a virus inside of you you’re all mine.”
“Bastard…” Fushimi grit the word out through his teeth, nearly biting his tongue. The Colorless King barely seemed to notice, pacing around him in a wide circle.
“This will be easy. I know just what to do with you.” He clapped his hands together and Fushimi’s arm disappeared inside his coat for a moment before pulling out the gun he’d taken from the prison room earlier. “Who should we take care of first? I don’t even need to lift a finger to deal with the rest of the ants. You’ll do it for me, won’t you?”
“Die.” Fushimi tried to turn the gun on the Colorless King but his arm refused to obey him. Instead he lifted the gun, aiming the barrel right at his own head.
“Saruhiko!” Yata managed to catch his breath enough to yell, his heart suddenly beating so fast he almost felt dizzy. He tried to gather his legs from under him but he couldn’t quite manage, pain spiking through his knees as he fell back onto the floor.
“Shut up, Misaki!” Yata could almost swear he’d heard an edge of panic in Fushimi’s voice and it made him feel even more anxious. Saruhiko never panicked. Saruhiko was the calmest guy Yata knew, cold and merciless like a knife in the dark. If Saruhiko was panicking then they really were screwed.
“You don’t want him to worry? Why don’t you take care of him first then?” The Colorless King’s voice was soft this time, amused like a child, and suddenly Fushimi’s arm moved again, lowering the pistol away from his own head and pointing it straight at Yata instead. Fushimi’s eyes were wide and bloodshot, and he seemed to be growing paler by the minute.
Yata tried to get up again but this time he felt a strong burst of power weighing him down, the Colorless King exerting just enough of Kokujouji’s power to keep Yata held in place.
“Go on.” The Colorless King stood right behind Fushimi, the twisted smile of a fox splitting his face, and Fushimi’s breath seemed unable to come out except in short gasps. He reached out with his other hand and tried to force the barrel of the gun down but his body wouldn’t obey, finger just brushing the trigger. “Little puppet. Kill him.”
“Fuck you.” The words came out clearly but there was a hollow cast to Fushimi’s voice that made Yata’s body move instinctively to rise — he had to get over there, he had to help Saruhiko — but the power pushed him down hard again and he couldn’t get his feet under him.
“You’re mine,” the Colorless King said, right in Fushimi’s ear, and it felt like the words were resonating in his entire body. “You have to do what I say. Just like this body, and all the other ones in the entire city. All of you are just my soldiers, doing what I want. And I told you…to kill him.”
Saruhiko… Yata’s voice wouldn’t work but he tried to convey it with his eyes, hoping that maybe just this once the two of them could understand each other. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.
Fushimi’s finger pressed on the trigger and Yata closed his eyes, waiting for the shock of pain he knew was about to come.
One shot. Two. Three.
Then silence, broken by the rising hysterical laughter of the Colorless King, and the sound of Fushimi’s knees hitting the floor as his legs gave out.
Yata sat there crouched on the floor, the sound of the shots ringing in his ear, and steeled himself…and then he realized that the Colorless King was still laughing, and he hadn’t felt a thing. Yata’s eyes flashed open and he stared, uncomprehending — the Colorless King was laughing and Saruhiko was there on his knees, breathing hard with a haunted look on his face, and three bullet shells lay there on the floor two feet away from Yata’s position.
But…he missed, so why…
“Nyaa…” The smallest sound made him turn, and that’s when Yata noticed it: Neko, still curled up against the wall where she had fallen, but with one eye cracked open and a hand outstretched towards where Yata was lying.
The Colorless King had been so focused on Fushimi that he hadn’t even realized that Neko was using her powers, and the bullets that had been meant for Yata had hit an illusion that only the Colorless King and Fushimi could see. Even now the Colorless King was more focused on gloating than on making certain those bullets had hit home and the pressure that had been holding Yata down had completely disappeared. Yata slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, trying his best not to make any noise, and one of his hands brushed against cold metal. A long metal rod had been dislodged when Yata hit the pedestal, and Yata gave a grim smile as his hands closed over it. It was no baseball bat but it would do.
Thanks for the save.
“No one can stop me now!” The Colorless King threw his head back and power hummed in the air. “I am the one and only King! Everything in this world, it all belongs to me!” He turned to look at Fushimi, still collapsed on the floor, and raised the Gold King’s sword. “One last thing to take care of…”
“Don’t you lay one fucking hand on him!” The scream tore itself from Yata’s throat. The Colorless King didn’t even have time to react, sword tumbling from his hands as Yata’s metal pole slammed against his body and sent him flying. He hit the ground roughly, skidding a few feet and landing in a heap of golden robes.
Yata stood between him and Fushimi, metal pole held tight in his hands, glowing on and off with bright Red sputtering power. The Colorless King lay motionless for a moment before curling in on himself, grasping at his stomach. Behind him the Dresden Slate’s light flickered like a dying flashlight.
“How? How? How dare you lay a hand on the greatest King!” He stood, legs unsteady underneath him, and Yata held up the metal pole defensively. “I’ll kill you!”
“Just try it, asshole.” Yata was keenly aware of Fushimi still dazed behind him and Neko further away crawling slowly towards Kuroh. He needed to keep the Colorless King’s attention on himself, no matter what.
“Heh.” The Colorless King’s face twisted again, mouth stretched impossibly wide, and he reached for his fallen sword. “I’ll kill you. I’ll kill all of you!”
Munakata dodged another punch, parrying with the hilt of his sword. Mikoto’s movements were stiffer than he remembered, clearly moved by a power beyond Suoh Mikoto’s normal violence, and the dissatisfied look on Mikoto’s face proved it.
“Draw your sword already Munakata.” Mikoto gave Munakata a flat look. “You’re not gonna get anywhere with just that.”
“You have been bitten, that much is clear,” Munakata said, voice steady. “But you are not dead yet, are you, Suoh?”
“Might as well be,” Mikoto said as his body moved on its own again, attempting to strike Munakata in the head, and once more Munakata parried.
“The Colorless King has been feeding you, has he not? He hasn’t allowed you to die, because he cannot take your power if it is lost in death.” Munakata’s eyes darted briefly to one of the trays thrown haphazardly in the corner.
“I get to send his little minions running every time they bring something.” Mikoto tried to shrug but his body wouldn’t entirely let him, and he aimed a kick at Munakata instead. “It passes the time.”
“But you are alive.” There was something almost triumphant in Munakata’s smile, as if a theory of his had been confirmed.
“Depends on how you want to look at it,” Mikoto’s voice was mildly exasperated, as if Munakata was a traveling salesman who wouldn’t stop his pitch. “Does it matter? You know what your duty is, Munakata. Didn’t think I’d have to be the one to remind you of it.”
“The duty of the Blue King is to keep the peace,” Munakata said stiffly. “I am aware of the condition of your Sword, Suoh. But I also feel there must be another way to solve the puzzle in front of me.”
“Hmmph. You’re an idealistic guy after all.”
“The Blue King’s job is to kill you. However…” Munakata’s voice was firm and his gaze didn’t waver, defending himself again with only his scabbard. “As Munakata Reisi, I will save you.”
“Gonna take more than those ideals to save anything. Don’t be an idiot.”
“Perhaps that is unlike me, to indulge in this kind of sentiment,” Munakata admitted. “Even so. There are some things on which I will not waver.”
“Such an annoying guy.” Mikoto chuckled, hands lighting up red. “It’s a shame I don’t get to kick your ass on my own, Munakata.”
“I look forward to a proper match once the Colorless King has been defeated,” Munakata responded, grinning. “Truly we did not have as much time to become acquainted as I would have liked.”
“What a shame,” Mikoto responded dryly, moving to aim another punch at Munakata’s midsection.
Suddenly the power in the air seemed to waver and Mikoto paused mid-movement. He raised his arms above his head and sent a wall of flame upwards, through floor after floor.
“…Suoh?” Munakata blinked, confused.
“Heh. Looks like that guy’s been distracted.” Mikoto’s movements were labored but clearly his own, forcing control back over his own body. “Don’t know what did it, but he’s not focused here anymore. You better go while you can.”
“You should come as well,” Munakata said quickly and Mikoto shook his head.
“He’s not all gone yet. You stopped here for a reason, right? To give those guys a fighting chance. You gonna waste it by being stubborn?”
“I do not intend to waste anything,” Munakata stated, hooking his sword back onto his belt. Blue power shone in the air, creating stairs leading upward through the hole Mikoto had created. “My own powers seem to have regained some strength as well. Hopefully this means Fushimi-kun and his companions are holding their own.” He paused, one foot on the blue stairs, and looked back at Mikoto. “Suoh…”
“Go on, Munakata.” Mikoto waved a hand at him dismissively.
“I expect you to be present when I am ready for our rematch.” With that Munakata disappeared up the stairs, running as fast as he dared towards the top the of the tower.
Mikoto slid back down onto the floor, hands behind his head. He reached into his pocket and then gave a heavy sigh. He was finally out of cigarettes.
Outside, the Red Sword of Damocles remained hanging in the air, slowly crumbling to pieces.
Yata’s body tensed, hands tightening on the metal rod. It was still glowing Red, this time strong and steady, but his eyes didn’t move from the Colorless King, waiting for the next strike. Even so he just barely managed to defend as the Colorless King swung his sword, the full power of the Gold King weighing heavily with each movement of the blade. Yata parried the sword and then jumped out of the way, ducking under another sword slice and trying to bait the Colorless King into following him.
I’m not gonna be able to keep this up very long. The Colorless King’s movements were a little stiffer than before but he was still moving so fast that Yata could barely keep ahead of him, the Gold King’s body clearly far stronger than Yata had anticipated. The only advantages Yata had were the surprise attack he’d just inflicted and the Colorless King’s clearly unhinged mental state that was causing him to swing the sword wildly, all the cold and calculating power that he’d used when he’d ambushed them earlier totally gone. The Gold King’s sword flashed through the air again, inches from Yata’s head, and Yata did a clumsy backflip to avoid it. His eyes darted back towards where Fushimi remained on his knees, seemingly in a daze and completely unaware of what was going on around him.
Saruhiko… Yata bit his lip, unable to swallow down the worry crawling up his throat.
“Keep your eyes on me!” The Colorless King howled at him and Yata quickly threw up the metal rod to block the sword again. It glanced off his weapon, metal screeching against metal, and again Yata fell back and rolled to his feet, breathing hard. The Colorless King took one step towards him and then stopped, turning to follow the line of Yata’s gaze. The wide grin split his face again and Yata realized a moment too late that his earlier glance had been noted.
“Don’t—” The words hadn’t even left his mouth before the Colorless King turned away from him, heading towards Saruhiko instead. Yata dashed forward, heedless of the danger, cutting in front of the Colorless King and throwing up the metal rod.
The Colorless King’s sword glanced off of it again and there was a sudden spike of pain down Yata’s arm, his wrist twisting painfully as the metal pole was wrenched from his grip. A glancing blow sent him flying, landing hard on his hands and knees inches from where Fushimi remained kneeling.
Yata painfully forced himself to his feet. He was weaponless beyond his fists, bruised and bleeding and it hurt to stand. Even so he got to his feet, swaying, and spread his arms wide.
“I already told you, bastard,” Yata said through gritted teeth, eyes burning. “Don’t you lay. One. Fucking. Hand. On Saruhiko.”
“Misaki…?” The voice behind him was soft, wavering like a lost child’s, and Yata couldn’t even turn around to smile at him. The Colorless King approached and Yata stood his ground.
Suddenly the entire building seemed to shake and the Colorless King stumbled, hand clutching at his chest.
“Impossible…” The words came in pieces out of the Colorless King’s mouth. He looked up and beyond Yata. “Impossible! I am the only King!”
“No.” Kuroh’s voice behind them made Yata turn. Kuroh was standing on the Dresden Slate, Neko at his side, the two of them supporting Shiro’s unconscious body. Kuroh’s hand hovered above the sword that pierced the Silver King’s chest. “You are not suited to be a King at all, much less the only one.”
“Get away from that!” It was nothing but a shriek as the Colorless King stumbled forward, Yata and Fushimi all but forgotten. Kuroh didn’t even flinch, placing Shiro’s body against that of the Silver King. Kuroh’s hand closed over the hilt of the sword and in one single practiced movement pulled it out of the Silver King’s chest.
The Slate glowed a bright blinding silver, and Adolf K. Weismann opened his eyes.
Two bullets sunk into the skull of the approaching undead and Kusanagi heard the trigger of his gun click emptily as he turned to face more of the horde. Out of bullets, and this was the last of the weapons he’d brought with him. With a sigh he reached into his jacket, hand on his lighter, and his eyes darted to Mihashira Tower in the distance.
The Red and Blue Swords of Damocles had appeared in the sky some time ago, but his powers weren’t anything like steady. Still, just seeing Mikoto’s Sword had given all of Homra a new burst of strength, the proof there in the sky that their King still lived.
Hopefully. Mixed in with the Red glow Kusanagi could just make out other marks on that familiar Sword — the cracks that wove along the surface, crumbled and broken in places, but also held together by some sort of cloud that Kusanagi couldn’t entirely make out, a hazy black that made his eyes hurt if he stared too long. It wasn’t a good sign and he was well aware of it but there was no time to think about that now when they were still surrounded by undead, not even when a third Sword appeared above the tower. It seemed as if every remaining undead in the city had converged here at this spot. Scepter 4 and what remained of Homra were managing to hold their own, barely, but it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
Blue flashed past his shoulder and Kusanagi turned his head in time to see a zombie behind him get sliced in two. He smiled thinly, backing up to stand beside Awashima.
“Thanks for the assist, Mademoiselle,” Kusanagi murmured and Awashima gave him a cold look.
“Pay attention to what’s around you,” she said sternly and Kusanagi clicked his lighter.
“We’re not lookin’ so good, are we?”
“We will hold the line.” Awashima’s voice was firm, thick with unshakeable resolve, and Kusanagi blew a fireball of Red at the zombies heading towards them.
“As long as we can,” he agreed. Awashima glanced at him, one eyebrow raised, and then she finally smiled.
“If we can only buy enough time…” Awashima’s voice was cut off by the sound of shuddering earth and she looked up suddenly at Mihashira Tower.
Three Swords of Damocles still hung in the air: Blue, Red and Colorless. There was a bright light spilling forth from the very top of the tower, shooting upward before forming into a bright silver Sword.
“Huh,” Kusanagi murmured, and before Awashima could even reply all of the zombies in front of them abruptly dropped to the ground, unmoving corpses once more.
“We…won?” Off to their left Awashima could see Hidaka standing shakily, still holding his sword. The other members of Scepter 4 and Homra exchanged exhausted glances, everyone still tense in anticipation of some sort of trick, but the undead all remained where they had fallen.
“Captain…” Awashima said softly, looking back up at Mihashira. “Were they successful?”
“Seri-chan.” Kusanagi put a hand on her shoulder. They were both weary but he knew that neither of their duties were done yet, not when they were still in the dark as to what had just happened. “Come on.”
Awashima nodded, yelling out some quick orders to Akiyama as she sheathed her sword. Kusanagi gestured at Kamamoto to take things over for now and then he moved alongside her, and together they made their way towards the tower.
Mikoto…you’d better be alive.
“No!” The Colorless King’s screech of anger echoed through the room, the Gold King’s Sword falling from his hands as he stumbled wildly towards the Dresden Slate. “Give it back! Give that power back!”
“I think you’ve done enough now.” Weismann’s voice was soft but with a stern undertone — and still Yata recognized it, the voice of Isana Yashiro. One of Shiro’s hands lay across his previous body, silver strands coalescing around the open wound from the sword and stitching back together skin and bone. The same thin silver strands danced along the edges of the Slate, and where they touched it the strange dark mist that seemed to be hovering over it dissolved like a fog cleared away by the sun.
“It’s mine!” The Colorless King raged and Kuroh stepped protectively in front of Shiro, sword drawn. “I woke it up! I put pieces of me everywhere, controlled it all! I am the only King! I am—”
He cut off, staring down at the sword piercing his shoulder.
“I’m afraid that you are not fit to be a King.” Munakata’s voice behind him was firm and final.
“You!” The Colorless King’s face shifted and changed, brows knitting together as if in concentration and when he spoke again his tone was the low serious voice of Kokujouji Daikaku. “It seems…you took your time, Weismann.”
“My apologies, Lieutenant,” Shiro said quietly, stepping forward towards him. “I suppose I needed a little….push, is all.”
“Stop it!” the Colorless King screamed again, Kokujouji’s body jerking forward as he wrestled for control. “I will not—” The voice changed mid-scream. “I believe it’s time for you to remove yourself, young ‘un.”
“You…you…” The Colorless King swung his head back and forth, fingers digging into his forehead. His eyes suddenly landed on the figure slumped by the doorway — the single dead Rabbit guard, who had not moved all this time. Kokujouji’s face twisted momentarily in a smile and then there was a streak of white and the Gold King collapsed, Munakata’s sword still in his shoulder.
“My apologies, Your Excellency,” Munakata murmured and Kokujouji chuckled, breathing hard.
“You missed the vitals on purpose. You’re soft, Munakata.”
Before Munakata could reply the body of the Rabbit in the corner rose stiffly, a familiar laugh rising into the air.
“Not finished! I’m not finished yet! I will still—”
The sound of a gun firing echoed in the air and the Colorless King’s body was suddenly stained with blood. He raised his head, following the line of the shots.
Fushimi was on his feet, gun in hand.
“Shut up, bastard.”
“Worms!” The Colorless King’s voice rose in pitch as he clutched at the wounds, mask falling askew as blood spilled from his mouth. The body lurched and stumbled, trying to make for the door. “I can still…I can still…”
“Don’t think so.” Red power flooded the Colorless King’s vision and as his body began to burn away he turned his face towards the window where he could see the Red Sword of Damocles still hanging in the sky, held together by a soft silver light.
The Colorless King screamed one last time and then his body was completely engulfed by flames. The scream rose higher and higher in pitch and then cut off abruptly, and at last the Red power faded to reveal that nothing remained of the Colorless King. Mikoto leaned against the doorway, a slight smirk on his face.
“No blood, no bone, no ash.”
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Ridia-san, i hope you had a lovely day! You've done a lot of reaction what if of three dad au!saru murdered by colorless. But what about son of blue king!saru au being murdered by colorless instead? What would munakata and s4 do? And how homra and the rest of the kings handle a livid munakata? Thank you!
I think the biggest difference here is that unlike Mikoto Munakata's Sword of Damocles is in good shape and could presumably handle the strain of him killing another King so it's a bit less of a 'we need to stop him or everyone dies' situation. Going with AU where Fushimi gets to be Munakata's kid, maybe this was a scenario where Munakata became King earlier and Niki was like a Strain that S4 arrested, at which time Munakata sees young Fushimi and decides to take him in and raise him. Fushimi basically grows up as Scepter 4's communal child, once he's a little older he gets to join the clan and shows everyone that he takes after his 'dad' Munakata and is a super talented person. Munakata is particularly close to Fushimi, always treating Fushimi as his precious child and basically being even more doting than in canon. Fushimi usually just rolls his eyes and complains that Munakata's annoying but he's attached to Munakata as well, I imagine he'd be less standoffish and much more willing to accept the affection that the members of S4 give him.
Then one evening Fushimi goes out to buy a drink at the convenience store and never comes back, meeting the Colorless King on the way. Fushimi manages to call Munakata while he's bleeding out and Munakata and Awashima get to be the ones who find him and hold him while he dies. In the aftermath Munakata immediately uses all of S4's resources to figure out who killed Fushimi and that's when they're able to retrieve the video feed from the place where Fushimi died and they find out about Colorless. At this point I imagine Munakata putting all of S4's resources towards seeking out the Colorless King in order to bring him to justice, to a degree that there's probably an uptick in criminal Strain activity because S4 has more important things to do. Even so Kokujouji at most sends him a half-hearted missive about it and then lets Munakata do as he will, seeking out the Colorless King is also part of S4's duty in this case so he'll allow Munakata to make his own decisions.
On the Homra end this would probably be a lot less personal in this AU versus a 'normal' Fushimi Dies AU, since presumably Yata and Fushimi never became friends here and Fushimi never joined Homra. Instead the main question would be what do they do about Munakata and honestly I could see Mikoto largely letting Munakata go ahead and do whatever he wants, as far as Mikoto's concerned if this is what Munakata wants to do Homra has no standing to step in and stop him. I could even see them helping S4 in the right situation, like maybe instead of Fushimi just getting randomly killed by Colorless he gets killed saving Totsuka and now Homra has a feeling like they 'owe' it to Scepter 4 to help find the guy who killed Fushimi.
I think Mikoto would have Kusanagi keeping an eye on things with S4 (and if Colorless decided to try and strike at Homra at all that would definitely get Mikoto to actually step in and go after Colorless as well to defend his people) and I could see him at least talking with Munakata at some point, expressing surprise that Munakata is letting this get to him so much. Munakata denies that, claiming he is perfectly in control, and Mikoto notes that Munakata's been burning through everything he can in order to find Fushimi's killer and it isn't like him. Munakata finds it rather funny that Suoh Mikoto of all people would be lecturing him on losing his cool, Mikoto shrugs and says no one else will tell Munakata the truth so it might as well be him. Mikoto tells Munakata that he should know what could happen if he loses control, like 'don't make me be the guy to have to clean up your mess' and Munakata can't help but chuckle a bit at that. Munakata says he will keep that in mind, but even so he will not waver in his resolve to bring Fushimi's killer to justice.
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