xbeatjumperx · 9 years
Beach Trip
Sorry everyone! I’m going to the beach for three days, so I won’t be able to respond to my threads. When I come back, I’ll respond to them as soon as possible.
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eisdrachenerbe-blog · 9 years
New Boy in Town
Moving was annoying. The white-haired boy lifts another box and hauls it in. His father ruffles his hair fondly, taking a few boxes from his hands, only for the boxes to be taken back with a huff by the younger boy.
“I said I could carry it.” He says grumpily, and his father laughs at him.
“Sure ya’ can kiddo.” Gin chuckles softly, allows his adopted son peace as he marches diligently to his new room. “Look at you, all adult-like – You’ll even be attending Seiyo Secondary Academy on a scholarship!” Gin grins as Toshiro marches off, face red despite himself. “I’m so proud!” Gin grins down at his son, and embarrassed, the pre-teen puts his boxes in his new room, marching back out.
He notices a girl as she rolls by, and he lifts a hand to greet her. “Hello.” Her hair was bright bubblegum pink, much to his surprise.
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xbeatjumperx · 9 years
→ kokoronokorekushon
     “That really took a while..” Nagihiko muttered softly, as he quickly ran down the sidewalk and panted lightly. School ended a few hours ago, but he stayed behind to help with paperwork that was piling up. Unfortunately, it took much longer than it was suppose to and was running late to get home.
     Luckily, Nagihiko sent a message to his mother that he’ll be late. Otherwise, he’ll get a scolding of a life time if he comes home without a reason. Lost in his own train of thoughts, Nagihiko was completely unaware of his surroundings—in which, led him to bump into someone.
     “Oof!” Nagihiko flinched at the impact and took a step backwards. He quickly steady himself and looked up at the person with an apologetic expression on his face.
     “S-Sorry. I wasn’t paying atten—“ Nagihiko apologized before stopping mid-way and widened his eyes with his mouth partly opened. “T-Tsukiyomi?” Nagihiko questioned surprisingly, as he looked up at the blue-haired male.
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eisdrachenerbe-blog · 9 years
Frozen Resolve
Toshiro cradles the frost-covered egg in his hands, the gentle flickers of warmth the only sign that the egg he held was anything more than an odd little trinket. He tucks it away into his jacket, the black material thick enough to hide the faint glow the frosted pattern made. He picks up his bag, and resumes lugging it through the courtyard of the school. He glances up at the building, before sighing and making his way through the halls, ignoring the muffled snickers and pointing in his direction, the shock of white hair making him easy to spot in the crowd of – taller! Much, much taller – teenagers.
He finds his locker next to another boy with dark blue hair, and he stares up at him. People were making fun of his white hair and there was a boy with blue? This was almost as bad as Karakura High.
“Excuse me please.” He whispers.
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