bulletzulhaqim · 6 years
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Where are they now?
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hemanchong · 3 years
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In 2015, #KokiTanaka and I exchanged works with each other. We decided that the works we would exchange are #sentences that we will #write with each other in mind. I wrote, The first thing you saw and the last thing you will hear. He wrote, Touching the surface you love and remembering the texture you feel. #HemanChong @koki.tanaka #Exchange (at Vitamin Creative Space) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQpec0VFJou/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sculpture-center · 7 years
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WHAT’S ON: Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to Live Together and Sharing the Unknown, June 10 - October 1, 2017. Skulptur Projekte, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Domplatz 10, 48143 Münster.
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to Live Together and Sharing the Unknown, 2017. Installation view, Skulptur Projekte, Münster, Germany. Courtesy Skulptur Projekte. Photo: Henning Rogge.
This post is part of our Intimacies series.
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laurathefangirl · 7 years
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I went back to get more kat-tun dvds. 😋😊#kattun #jpop #kazuyakamenashi #jinakanishi #junnosuketaguchi #kokitanaka #tatsuyaueda #yuichinakamaru
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Koki Tanaka 1975- History is written from someone else’s perspective, someone you don’t know. Making our own history requires each of us to rewrite it from our own point of view (2010)
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smak7 · 7 years
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Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to Live Together and Sharing the Unknown Koki Tanaka  Skulptur Projekte 2017 “Tanaka brings people together in unaccustomed situations that are often unsettling. In these unusual collective moments, he tests the possibility of defying existing routines. The documentary footage that was produced in these situations and workshops serves in various forms as the basis for his multichannel video installations.”
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follow-me-hyphens · 8 years
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Happy KAT-TUN Day to all of the hyphens across the globe. We are here celebrating KAT-TUN's 11th debut anniversary! We made it this far and will support them no matter what. To be jonest I miss them and am desperately waiting for their return, but I will be patient. KAT-TUN no minsan, Ganbate Kudasai! And Arigatou guzaimasu! #kattun #kat_tun #kamenashikazuya #kazuyakamenashi #kamenashi #kazuya #akanishijin #jinakanishi #jin #akanishi #taguchijunnosuke #junnosuketaguchi #taguchi #junnosuke #tanakakoki #kokitanaka #koki #tanaka #uedatatsuya #tatsuyaueda #ueda #tatsuya #nakamaruyuichi #yuichinakamaru #yuichi #nakamru #kattun11周年おめでとう #kattun11thdebutanniversary
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kokitanaka · 8 years
2016.7.10(Sun) INKT SUMMER CIRCUIT LIVE 2016 produced by Kei Part 2
Have to write it before tomorrow otherwise memory overlap. LOL.
You can check the first part here.
Kei said it was very nervous today. Even when he was playing Flower of Life, he kept thinking about "okay..so what's the lyrics for BASKET CASE? What should I do later? Is there anything I forgot?" Koki then said, "you had too much distracting thought!!!" LOL.
SASSY then said he was the same last week (being nervous). Basically he thought about MC for 80% of the time and the guitar he had to play for 20%. Kei was like "nothing for drum?" LOL.
Kei said that every time he tweeted things about live, fans always RT with "I'm going today! Very looking forward to it!" or "I can't go today but I will send my support!" However, for Kei Day all he got was "I can't go but please ganbatte!" LOL. So he was worried about the turnout. Kei was like what if people came just for the rin-chan t-shirt? Like they came to buy the t-shirt and then just went home. LOL. Koki then said, "that's cruel!!" Koki "then next time we will sell cat for goods." LOL. Seriously rin-chan is soooooooooo cute though!!!!
Then Kei was like "should we go to the next song? But I don't want to go yet." OMG Kei was just too cute!!! Kei asked mACKAz "do you have anything to say?" mACKAz "It's your day, Kei Day." Kei "You are also part of Kei Day!!" Cuz they kept saying "Kei Day" then Koki was like "how difficult it is to say Kei Day!!" LOL. Kei "I know right!!! I was very hesitated, too!! SASSY Day, mACKAz Day, KOKI Day, they all sound fine but Kei Day is difficult to say!!"
Seriously the talk was so long and so relaxing Koki was like "is it okay that we have this kind of lazy live?" Kei "well...why not? it's nice to have this kind of live sometimes." Koki "well..this is INKT!" Kei "this is ALSO INKT!!! Don't say this is INKT! That's sad!" LOL. Koki "yeah...this is ALSO INKT!!" Too cute!
I think maybe Kei was nervous or feeling a little weird to be in the center so during the last section of the songs he kind of stepped back and let Koki to be in the front. However, I think Koki also paid very careful attention to the members and make sure he didn't take too much spotlight from them on their days. I just really love their balance!!!
There was no HELL NO rap for FTW. Also I felt guitar's note was a little different. It was a good twist!!! I wonder if Kei will do it again :)
During The Gift, Koki all of sudden shouted English asking us to sing louder. LOL. He was like "one more time! one more time! not enough! Motherfucker!" (with good pronunciation :p)
Encore started with Keizap (Kei's diet. It's a play of word on a diet program in Japan called RIZAP) and everyone came out but Kei. Koki "if you pay attention to twitter, you know that Kei was trying to diet. Ever since we met, he has gradually increased his weight." LOL Koki "then during the two-man lives back in Feb/Mar he has reached his highest. He increased his weight by 7? kg in only one month!!! He was like increasing 1kg every four days!!"
Then Kei came out with black scarf covered his whole body!!!!! kya~~~~~~~~ Koki "is it okay? you are not completed naked underneath the scarf right?" mACKAz "why not?" LOL.
They had two photo card boards one with the photo Kei posted on blog (of him showing his belly) and another one with him weighting 72kg. Kei "to be honest for people my height, this weight is normal I think. However, no matter how much I gain weight, it doesn't show on my arms or legs." Koki "same here!" Kei "like a kid! just belly!" LOL.
Then they weighted him on stage and Kei weights 60.9kg!!!!!!! That's 12kg!!!! In one month!!!! Everyone was so surprised!!!!! Is that even healthy? LOL. To be honest I don't even know why he started this project in the first place. LOL.
Finally Kei took off the scarf (yes he didn’t wear a shirt but he was wearing pants. LOL.) and omg seriously he became so thin!!!!!!!! Kei said that he basically didn't eat any carbohydrates. If he was hungry, he drank diet protein. Koki was like "wow! you are really thin!! If I were this thin, seriously everyone would really think I do drug and has me tested all the time." LOL.
Kei said that after SASSY DAY he got a lot of comments saying he looked a lot thinner so he got carried away and ate a lot after the live. He gained 3kg within two days. He was like OH NO! and then ate nothing later to reduce weights again (seriously was it even healthy? LOL.). Koki was like on this pace Kei will go back to before within a week. LOL.
Some fans shouted "Kei looks better now!" WHAT!?!? Kei was like "really? ummm...... it's difficult to keep" Then Koki shouted "I don't want to see Kei eating salad only!!!!" YES!!! Kei is too thin now!!! Good job, Koki!!!! LOL.
Kei then started to complain that we were being very mean during his diet period and always RT him with food photos. Yeah...I think I did that a couple times...(I'm sorry..:p). Members were mean, too especially Koki always sent him LINE message of food he ate. LOL.
mACKAz was like "but you reduced weights with no exercise, right?" Koki "that's right." LOL. Koki "let's gain weight with muscles together!" YES!!!! btw, Koki said he gained 4kg. FINALLY!!!!!
mACKAz was like "so what's the most difficult thing during diet period?" Kei "You!!!!" LOL Kei "Usually mACKAz never invited me to go drinking/eating but during diet period mACKAz kept inviting me to go drinking/eating a lot!!!! What's that about!?!?" mACKAz "I was testing you if you can hold it!!! I was trying to act like your parent to challenge you!!!" Koki "mACKAz was trying to act like your parent and I was trying to act like your child." Kei "Uh? I have no idea what you are talking about." Koki "Everytime I sent you message on me eating is a way telling you I am doing well! I eat well! Don't worry! See! I am being a nice son." LOL. Seriously I couldn't stop laughing.
mACKAz "so actually SASSY is the nicest among us." Kei & SASSY "well....." SASSY "actually I think I was doing the same thing to Kei-san as well with my SASSYLOG(the food review he is doing on blog). I think Kei-san and I have similar interest on dessert." Kei "yes!! Your blog is horrible!! It always makes me hungry!" SASSY "yeah.. I think I am also like Kei-san. I will die without chocolate." Koki "yeah...don't worry. I really don't think you will die without chocolate." LOL. OMG seriously too cute.
Kei then said that he did well with this diet because the protein shake is chocolate flavor. If not, he really couldn't do it (cuz according to Kei, he must has chocolate every day. LOL). On the other hand, Kei had no ice cream at all the whole time. Koki then was surprised, "really? I think I have ice cream every day, even in the winter." Kei "why?????" This is the funny part cuz Kei asked why and I was like cuz it's delicious! (I love ice cream :p) The second I said that Koki then answered "cuz it's delicious!" LOL. Feel connected. LOL.
First song of encore is the shuffle song, "My First Kiss." You can read more about the shuffle song on my last repo here. Seriously Koki was just toooooooooooo cute while playing bass!!!! And this time he also joined the chorus singing "chu~~~." Too cute!!! After the song, Koki was like he couldn't help himself but to sing the chorus but after he sang, he forgot how to move his fingers. LOL. Don't worry! We couldn’t tell :p
Kei then talked about next week is mACKAz Day so he wanted him to say something. mACKAz was like "yeah...umm...you know...next week is that...oh well..never mind." We were like uhhhh????? mACKAz "that day!!!" It was mACKAz's birthday! :) Kei "oooohhh.. that!! yeah...the anniversary of you coming to Tokyo, right?" Kei "that's a lie by the way." LOL. Koki "anniversary for coming to Tokyo? never heard of it!!" LOL I'm so looking forward to celebrate mACKAz's birthday!!!!
Then I think someone was asking Kei's boxer and mACKAz said "Kei's boxer has panda illustration." Fans "we can't see!!!! we want to see!!!" Koki "what can't you see?" Fans "Kei's boxer!!!!" Koki "are you guys idiots?" LOL. Koki "sorry that I called you guys idiots but wanting to see Kei's boxer? LOL."
Last song was Shangri-la. Perfect for ending this live. Everyone was waving their hands and heads and everyone was so happy.
Kei Day was just perfect! Kei also kept saying "should we continue? but I really want to chat more!" the whole time. It's just sooooooo cute!!!! It really made me love INKT even more! :)
That's it! Thanks for reading! :)
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art-it-blog · 8 years
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Koki Tanaka: Possibilities for being together. Their praxis. @ ART TOWER MITO #art #contemporaryart #kokitanaka #arttowermito #artit #アート #アートイット #田中功起
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stateofth-e-art-h · 9 years
Koki Tanaka - Someone’s junk is someone else’s treasure.
The public instantly relates to the piece. Something is passed.
The public doesnt need to know a lot about art and the way art works to understand it.
it’s effective. it works.
junk might be a strong word.
treasure might be even stronger.
Someone didn’t need that object anymore / Someone needed to sell that object.
Someone needed that object / Someone wanted that object.
There’s not much to tell about a flea market, we pass by it, we might look at one or two objects, that’s it.
The “junk” Koki was selling made that flea market not so ordinary.
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kokitanaka · 8 years
2016.7.10 INKT SUMMER CIRCUIT LIVE 2016 produced by Kei Part 1
2016.7.10(Sun) INKT SUMMER CIRCUIT LIVE 2016 produced by Kei Part 1
I know I probably say it every time I finish watching INKT that this is the best live ever :p But this is seriously what I feel everytime I finish. The FC live produced by Kei was just soooooo much fun and you can feel so much member love!
Btw, the MC was super long so longggggggg repo. But it was very funny so maybe you will enjoy it :p
Set List 1. Hide and Seek 2. A Whole New World 3. Physaris 4. Wanderlust 5. New Song(Ugly Duckling) 6. Past & Future 7. Flower of Life (acoustic ver.) 8. BASKET CASE by Green Day (cover) 9. Nobody Knows 10. FTW 11. The gift 12. Trigger encore 1. My First Kiss 2. Shangri-la
The set list of Kei Day was totally different from any other lives. Kei arranged this set list and after Physaris, he was like, "yeah...now I regret having those songs to start the live. I am so tired now." LOL. Usually songs like Physaris are ending songs so it was very special to hear it in the beginning.
Kei then said that usually during MC time he was drinking water and wiping his sweat but since today was his day, he had to be in charge of MC as well.
Kei said to Koki, "how do you do it!!??" Koki then said "now you guys know how difficult it is! Also every time I have to arrange what to say depends on the lives we had." Kei "You are really good at it!" LOL. So cute when Kei complimented Koki. Koki "Thank you! Well, after all I've been doing it for the past 18 years." LOL OMG!
Kei then turned to SASSY, "how was SASSY DAY last week?" SASSY "Last week we had the drum to be set in the front center. It was a little embarrassing but fun. Today the drum was back to normal position and (since the shape of the stage) I am kind of all by myself. I am feeling a little lonely." OMG SASSY was just too cute!!
Kei "Last week SASSY said the live was super relaxing and lazy but I think today was even worse. I don't even want to go to the next song." LOL. Kei "I'm so tired now...." Koki "well...maybe you guys will be surprised but he is actually a lot older." LOL. I love how Koki always made fun of Kei's age.
Kei also said that the bgm for the live today was songs that he helped produced or played before INKT. Seriously Kei is so talented and such a great guitarist!!!!
They chatted a bit and then Kei was still like "yeah...I still don't want to go to the next song yet." LOL Koki "well..fine with me...it's your day. Before live we were even talking about maybe we will go to the bathroom during MC." LOL. Wayyyyyyyy too relaxing. LOL.
Kei said that today's limited good is the T-shirt of him and his cat, rin-chan (you can see the image of the t-shirt from his twitter/blog). However, he also wanted to add some text so he asked Koki if he can use the title of his song(dangerous cat). OMG OMG OMG!!!! Can't believe they were having this conversation!!! LOL.
Koki "go ahead use it. Well...to be honest I didn't ask them but it should be okay cuz I say so." LOL Kei "I don't think you can make that decision anymore." LOL Koki "true. not anymore." LOL OMG!!!
And then we were like "sing it! sing it! sing it!" Koki had this cutest embarrassing smile ever!! (omg I could die) and said, "well...you know the song is difficult to do acapella." LOL. So true! 
Kei was like because it's FC live so they could say a lot of things. Even for one man live, usually there are a lot of "grown ups(LOL)" and they can't just talk about, "yeah..you know the song dangerous cat...." LOL. Since it's FC live it's family so Kei was like he wanted to talk more about these kind of stuff. Koki then, "urghhhh.... It's difficult for me to talk." LOL.
The new song apparently is titled "ugly duckling." Someone saw the title written on the set list on the stage. Now I am just super curious about the lyrics since it is such an interesting choice of title!!! Well...my Japanese is not good enough to understand what he sang so I guess we'll just have wait for the new album :p
During Past & Future there's a part of bass solo and mACKAz usually comes to the front. However, today he actually went to Kei and Kei was a little surprised. LOL. So after the song, he asked mACKAz what that was about. mACKAz was like "I just want to show you that I am playing bass." LOL. Kei "I KNOW!!!! I CAN SEE!!" LOL. They were seriously too cute.
Then they were talking about Koki was on this show that will be on air the end of July, where he had to do urine analysis for drug testing. LOL. OMG I HAVE TO WATCH THAT SHOW!!!
Kei was like, "Thanks for the show you finally got that test." LOL Kei "when we heard that you had to do that test for the show, we were like it's positive, right?" LOL. Koki had no trust from his members, either. LOL. Koki "it's weird if it's positive, okay!!!!" Kei "Come on!!! Make headlines!!!" Koki "If it's positive I am sure it will be headline and INKT will be famous. However, INKT will also be finished" LOL.
Koki "well...I am still here so of course it's negative....I don't know what to say it's so weird!" Kei "But in your case I think you should definitely say it out loud so your fans don't have to worry anymore." OMG! Kei knows us so well. LOL. Koki then said loudly "IT'S NEGATIVE! I DIDN'T DO DRUG! Everyone, please don't worry!" LOL. Too cute!!!
Koki then said that during the show he had to use a potty to get his urine sample and there was this doctor by his side while he did it (to prevent he changes the urine). LOL. SERIOUSLY I WANT TO WATCH IT! (It's cable TV though so hopefully someone will upload it.)
And then mACKAz was like "can I use the bathroom now?" LOL. SASSY "can I go, too?" So they left the stage. LOL. But actually the next song was a corner that performed by only Kei and Koki. Before going to the song, Koki was trying to remember the lyrics (why he always forgot the lyrics of that song. And he wrote the song!!! LOL).
Then they started to talk about kissy. Kei "So this guy kissy was in INKT before." Koki "that kid is really piece of sh*t(カス人間)" LOL Kei "Yeah! Let's talk about him!" Kei "So he and his friends rented a place to record songs and he called me inviting me to go. I was like no I am not going. Then he borrowed my stereo and the next day 7 o’clock in the morning he texted me and complained that the neighbor said they were too loud and he didn't know how to turn it down. WTF? Why complaining to me?" LOL. Koki "I don't know if you guys knew but this idiot was in INKT before." LOL. Kei "Yeah... super idiot but made great songs and the following song is made by him" awwww...kissy love. Kei "so we haven't been doing this song for a long time but I think it's a good chance."
Koki then forgot the lyrics again and asked Kei about it! LOL. The song was Flower of Life. I'm soooooooooooooo happy that Kei decided to do this song. Even more, do it acoustically. Flower of Life is probably my favorite song of INKT. I love the melody and the lyrics. I love Koki's voice when he sings it and I love his expression. This is such a beautiful but sad song. I just wanted time to stop right at that moment. Koki’s voice was so sweet in it.
Koki "this song was his(kissy) posthumous work." LOL. Don't say that! LOL. Kei "this is a special occasion so we made this special arrangement. We will probably not do it anymore." We were all like ehhhh?????? NO WAY!!!!!! Kei then said "well..maybe? maybe not? since it's relaxing and lazy live, I just feel like saying whatever." LOL.
After Flower of Life, Koki left the stage and mACKAz and SASSY came back. Kei was like "so did you guys go to the bathroom?" mACKAz "no." Kei "why? It was a great chance!!! No more bathroom break okay!!" mACKAz "well.. I want to test how long I can hold it." LOL. Then he started to explain how he held it and stuff. In the middle of his talk he was like, "do you guys even want to hear it?" LOL NO WE DON'T!!! LOL
Then they were talking about sweat and Kei was like why you guys don't sweat!! SASSY said that people in Okinawa usually don't sweat that much. If they sweat as much as Kei, they will probably die from dehydration (Okinawa is very hot). LOL. If you've been to INKT's lives, you know Kei sweats sooooo much and seriously mACKAz doesn't sweat!!! Crazy! LOL.
Kei said that he used to think sweating while playing in the band is very cool and the fans will be like kya---------(screaming) when the sweat is on them. LOL. mACKAz was like but when you did it, they were like kya------ with fear. LOL.
Kei then talked about last week SASSY did a song that represented his youth time and today he wanted to sing a song that he listened in high school. It was BASKET CASE by Green Day!!!
At first Kei had the wrong key on guitar (but his vocal key was correct. LOL) and he was like I am so sorry can I do it again? LOL. Kei is such a good singer!!!!!!! OMG! I never knew he could sing that well. His voice is young and lively!!!! He was perfect singing BASKET CASE!!!! Good pronunciation, too!!! SASSY said in his blog that when Kei invited him and mACKAz to do band, Kei was like if we can't find a vocal, I will do it! LOL. I think Kei must loves INKT so much. Kei has been working with other bands/artists and now he finally has his own band!!! So happy for him!
BASKET CASE by Green Day↓
After the song, Koki came back. Kei was like "you took the video while I had the wrong key, right?" Koki "yeah...cuz you were cute!" Awwwwwwwwww Koki Kei interaction! Too cute! :p
Sorry it's getting way too long I have to cut it half. LOL. If you've been reading, thanks for reading this long report. :) Part 2 later :p
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follow-me-hyphens · 10 years
Entag Pirates! 😊 》Wan Wan《 #kattun #kat_tun #kamenashikazuya #kazuyakamenashi #kamenashi #kazuya #taguchijunnosuke #junnosuketaguchi #taguchi #junnosuke #tanakakoki #kokitanaka #koki #tanaka #tatsuyaueda #uedatatsuya #tatsuya #ueda #yuichinakamaru #nakamaruyuichi #nakamaru #yuichi #johnnysentertainment #kattuncm
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art-it-blog · 8 years
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Koki Tanaka: Possibilities for being together. Their praxis. @ ART TOWER MITO #art #contemporaryart #kokitanaka #arttowermito #artit #アート #アートイット #田中功起
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g-ishi · 10 years
Enjoy! ^^
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mharmznicolette · 10 years
Tears of happiness when KOKI TANAKA @koki1105t named KAT-TUN fans as "HYPHENS" way back KAT-TUN 2010 World Tour Concert🇯🇵🎤🎌😂KOKI said: "Will you guys always be a HYPHENS? well I will be always KAT-TUN" It's really made me cries reminiscing on what he said co'z even he's not in KAT-TUN now and he have a new band right now! "KOKI TANAKA will be always a KAT-TUN and we will always be HYPHENS!" All of Hyphens will always continue supporting you now! Ganbatte! Otanjoubi Omedetou! Joker!🎉🎊 #KokiTanaka #KATTUN #INKT #KoKame #KoNishi #KoChi #TanaDa #TaNaka
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jessy-hyphen-blog · 10 years
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お誕生日おめでとうございます My precious Lord!! My better wishes for you in this new year of life and in your new professional project. 私はあなたを愛して! 💖🎶✨🎂🎉🇯🇵 #KokiTanaka #Lord #INKT #HappyBday #Hyphen #4ever #T #Japanese #Singer #IdolOfIdols
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