#kojiro ashikaga
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wonderidolhaze · 13 days ago
Gardengram Prisoners and Their Love Lives (or lack thereof.)
hi guys it's your guy, wonder/viktor. back at it again with ocgram info-dumping. this is really long so all the info is under the cut. this is for my friend @mukuroom, but my other mutuals can see it.
anyways onto the relationships.
01 / Suzume Daimon: not much to say about her romantically. In her mind she’s a seventeen year old who doesn’t have time for crushes bc more important things matter. I kind of headcanon her as thinking she’s just not that interested in romance but later she finds out she’s aromantic. She has love for her brother if that counts 😶
02 / Akuji Reishin: You already know enough about him so I’ll skip this part.
03 / Ichigo Wakabayashi: one-sided crush on ‘yuki’ (she doesn’t know about the system so she’d actually have a crush on emiko) and one of her former bandmates. Bandmate dead and she’ll never confess to yuki bc of the internalized homophobia inside of her. Not much to say about her romance-wise too. I guess she wouldn’t be that interested in sex? But that’s kind of it.
04 / Hayato Tenma: boykisser. had several crushes on some of his classmates but never ended up confessing them. He was in a relationship with a man much older than him at the time for half a decade but he ended up killing the older man. Has worked in host clubs and engaged in compensated dating for money. Not big on sex but loves going on dates :3. I think he’d be interested in akuji if he wasn’t such a freak.
05 / Mitsuru Hayakawa: I ship her and Yuki together. They aren’t a couple in canon but Yuki is definitely interested in her. Mitsuru is a bit of a celebrity pre-imprisonment so she wouldn’t really date anyone since she wouldn’t want them to get harassed by media press or smth. I think she’d be into girls tho imo. She and yuki’s joint song is Loveit by Pinnochio-P. (i’ve associated it with both of them)
06 / Shinji Miura: not really interested in relationships and actively tries to avoid romantic, familial, or platonic bonding due to his trauma. Especially physical contact, do NOT give this man a hug if he doesn’t trust you or know you. He, Miju, and Suzume are all teens but it’s more like a messed up brother sister relationship with him and Suzume and Miju’s blonde so she’s automatically disqualified. So yeah no romance for him.
07 / Yuki Koyanagi: same with what i said about mitsuru. 0507 yuri :3. Yuki and emiko are both lesbians (Yuki realizes it later in her life since she’s been dormant for so long) jeanne doesn’t really care about relationships and yuu’s a child so she’s excluded from this conversation.
08 / Kojiro Ashikaga: OH BOY. cracks knuckles i’ve been waiting to talk about this. So kojiro’s had like four other girlfriends from every production he’s done. None of them worked out well. His trauma is kind of related to his girlfriends as the last relationship with the last girl killing herself and the others ended up in them getting harassed. Heavily changed the way he thinks about himself. I don’t have much to say about his girlfriends unfortunately. :/ i don’t think he’d be into dating or relationships for a while 🙁
09 / Seiko Indou: she had a crush on another patient while she was in the hospital after her incident. They bonded over their shared similar injuries and had a good relationship before he died. Seiko thought he died at the hands of a doctor and she hates doctors because of that. (sorry shidou. Not like it matters cus you’re dead now) they would’ve been a couple if he hadn’t died. Doomed straights /j
10 / Kenji ‘Ken’ Yamamoto: OH BOY. cracks knuckles i’ve been waiting to talk about this. oh kenji my sweet boy.. You didn’t deserve anything that happened in your love life. kenji and his soon to be girlfriend met while she was working at a cafe and they were both at the same college. He took one look at her and instantly was smitten. She was like “how can i help you today? :)” and he was like “oh my god she’s so pretty and so out of my league.” he went every weekend when he was free just to see her. Eventually he works up the courage to ask her out and then they start dating from there. They had a pretty good relationship despite both of them drinking a lot. Their dates ranged from buying clothes together (his girlfriend’s an agejo gyaru) to going out and partying. Too bad she died and haunts kenji in his dreams. Also i lied about him avoiding yuki. After rethinking I think he would be a little obsessed with yuki cus she reminds him of his girlfriend. He wouldn’t be flirting with her but he would try and get close to her. I think he’d use yuki as a way to find closure in his guilt after his girlfriend’s death (it’s not going to work at all.) Anyways um that’s a majority of what i wanted to say relationship-wise.
11 / Takara Amano: she wouldn’t be in a relationship pre-gardengram but not for the reasons you think! It’s because she’s in a cult and they’re very particular about their relationships. Especially since takara’s considered a saint in her cult and they don’t want her ‘purity’ to be taken away by the temptations of life. Or smth like that I haven’t worked out all the beliefs of her cult besides religious sacrifice of family members. Anyways yeah. I don’t have much to say about her romance wise since I don’t think she’d be that interested in romance even if she wasn’t in a cult tbh.
12 / Arata Usui: okay i know i’ve talked a lot about aramiko’s relationship but i want to talk about arata’s canon boyfriend. Arata’s canon boyfriend is an american who came to japan for an art job. He works as an art teacher and met arata when they were buying art supplies at the same store. They started hanging out after that and even though the soon-to-be boyfriend showed a lot of interest in arata, arata didn’t think he liked him back. (you’ve seen my fics, it’s hard for him to ask for more in his relationships and his partners often have to take the lead) eventually they do get together (the confession/night aramiko fanfic is kind of how i imagine their confession going) and they live together in arata’s apartment. Unfortunately the relationship’s riddled with codependency due to them both having depressive disorders (and arata’s depression getting worse once his boyfriend dies.) but arata still thinks back fondly to their relationship and misses his dead boyfriend dearly. I think he’d like hayato and kenji in the gardengram canon (pretty boys who are self-assured in their skills are arata's type, sorry mikoto but you can still kiss him in my fics.)
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years ago
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notasfilosoficas · 20 days ago
“La disciplina es el puente entre los sueños y la realidad”
Miyamoto Musashi
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Fue un destacado artista marcial, importante señor feudal y guerrero famoso del Japón Feudal, reconocido por haber escrito el famoso tratado de artes marciales titulado “El libro de los cinco anillos”.
Su nombre completo es Shinmen Musashi no Kami Fujuwara no Harunobu, 
Los detalles de sus primeros años son difíciles de precisar. Según el propio Musashi en su famoso libro de los cinco anillos, nació en una provincia que se ubica en la actual prefectura de Hyogo en la isla de Honshu en 1854.
El padre de su padre era un famoso señor feudal de la época. Musashi no Kami, era un título judicial que lo convirtió en el gobernador nominal de la provincia de Musashi.
Cuando Musashi tenía 7 años de edad su padre murió o desapareció (no se sabe con seguridad), y dado que su madre había muerto un año antes de la desaparición de su padre, Musashi fue puesto al cuidado de un sacerdote tío materno suyo.
Hijo de Samurai durante una de las épocas mas violentas del Japón, los escritos lo describen como un joven de gran carácter, con gran fuerza de voluntad y con un físico sumamente desarrollado para su edad.
Por insistencia de su tío, estudió las artes del guerrero y esto, unido a su físico y a su carácter violento hizo que pronto se viera involucrado en participar en combates. Según sus propias palabras; “Desde mi primera juventud mi corazón se inclinó hacia el camino del guerrero”.
En su célebre libro, Musashi afirmó que su primer duelo exitoso fue a los 13 años de edad, combatiendo contra un samurai de nombre Arima Kihei quien era un experto samurai de la zona perteneciente a la escuela de artes marciales Shinto Ryu de Kenjutsu.
El segundo combate serio del que se tiene registro, ocurrió cuando Musashi contaba con 16 años de edad, derrotando a un samurai de la provincia de Tajima. Es por ese tiempo que Musashi abandona su casa para buscar experiencia y conocimiento a través de todo tipo de duelos y concursos de los que resultó siempre triunfador. Casi siempre las disputas se coronaban con la muerte del rival.
En su libro afirma que participó en mas de 60 duelos con diferentes guerreros de todo tipo y formación. Por ese tiempo había muchos ronin (samurais sin amo) que al igual que Musashi, solían vagar por el país y durmiendo en el suelo raso, sin preocuparse de nada que no fuera su entrenamiento físico.
Musashi abandonó este tipo de vida a la edad de 50 años cuando consideró que ya había que aprendido lo que tenía que aprender a base de vagabundear.
Musashi participó como guerrero en el ejército de Ashikaga en la batalla de Sekingahara, siendo parte del bando perdedor, no obstante a pesar de que la batalla duró tres días y en donde murieron alrededor de 70,000 soldados Musashi logró salir con vida.
La escuela de Miyamoto incorpora el uso de un sable corto llamado wikizashi o soto, que es un sable corto y que se usa como proyectil. Esta misma escuela también considera el uso de un sable largo llamado katana el cual se lanza como si se tratara de una jabalina a una distancia maxima de 4 metros.
Se dice que Miyamoto alcanzó una gran habilidad para lanzar tanto el sable real como un sable de madera llamado Bokken.
El duelo mas famoso de Musashi fue a la edad de 30 años contra Sasaki Kojiro, un destacado espadachín japonés en 1612. Sasaki Kojiro era un samurai con fama de invencible, quien había conseguido desarrollar una técnica de combate basada en el movimiento de la cola de la golondrina en vuelo.
Musashi es conocido por los japoneses como Kensei que quiere decir “esgrimista divino” o “santo de la espada”.
En 1643 escribió “El libro de los cinco anillos” en referencia a la tierra, agua, fuego, viento y vacío (los 5 elementos del universo del budismo) Es el único entre los libros de artes marciales que trata no solo de la estrategia militar o el combate individual con espada, sino ademas es un libro que trata de cualquier situación en donde es necesaria una táctica.
En 1642 Musashi sufrió ataques de neuralgia, indicios de su futura vida de enfermedad. En 1643 se retiró a una caverna en el monte Iwato para dedicar su vida a la contemplación. Murió en la cueva Religando posiblemente el 13 de junio de 1645.
Su cuerpo fue enterrado con su armadura como era su deseo.
Fuente: Wikipedia
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nijigasakilove · 5 months ago
Last episode of my twink bf Tokiyuki 😢.
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That was a hell of a way to end the season! Brought together everything Tokiyuki has worked on over the season and all the allies he’s made. Definitely an escape for the ages. Defeating Yonemaru took Tokiyuki using all the skills he’s honed so far and Cloverworks as usual cooked with that. Leaving his head on is also a testament to how kind Tokiyuki is.
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Kojiro not knowing his subordinate names and just calling them by their descriptions is killing me. Can’t effectively lead people if you don’t even know who they are! But it’s a learning experience. If this season of Nigewaka was a class, helping the Hoshina party escape was the final exam and they all passed. Still a ways to go but the elusive warriors are on the right path.
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Tokiyuki taking up the rear guard as they retreated was a good decision because it gained him even more respect and trust from the Hoshina. Now when it comes time for the big battle against Ashikaga, they’ll have no qualms about helping him out. Good idea by Fubuki to leave the incompetent general alive too, another seasonal, Maogun had a similar situation come up earlier this season and I remember being annoyed the MC left the guy alive, but it does make a lot more sense to let them destroy themselves. Work smarter not harder
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Really gonna miss this show and the cast so much. It’s such a long path ahead for Tokiyuki and his friends to retake Japan and get revenge, but I’m happy to be right there with them 👍
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therealsoulking · 1 year ago
The Elusive Samurai Chapter 145
The battle against Toki reaches its final act!
Tokiyuki earned his stripes as a commander, but a monster still lurks on the battlefield, and Akiie will have to use all of his allies to bring it down...
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This whole mini-arc has also shown how good Matsui-sensei is at drawing creepy characters (but then again, fans of Assassination Classroom know this all too well)
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Akiiee looses a precise arrow, so Hojo Tokiyuki and Kojiro Nezu can land the incapacitating blows!
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That's worrying...
But hey, Akiie's forces took Aogahara, and are one step closer to bringing down the Ashikaga!
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shysheeperz · 4 years ago
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bunka-japan · 4 years ago
Top Famous Japanese Samurai Names And History
The famous samurai is a famous character in Japanese culture. Samurai have been around for centuries and they are often the center of attention in many films, novels, and video games that are set during this time period. However, not everyone knows who some of these famous samurai were or what their stories entail. This article will list some famous samurai names and give you an overview of their history with the hope that it will help you get to know Japan's most famous warriors better!
There are many great samurai warriors in the Japanese history, such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. But there are other greatest to learn about Miyamoto Musashi or Tomoe Gozen - a fearsome female Samurai of Japan.
The samurai were a very well respected and powerful group of people. They followed the bushido code which is an honor-bound set of rules that prescribes how to live as a warrior, emphasizing practices such as martial arts mastery, integrity in life and death; courage; respect for one's opponents or superiors regardless of rank or social status (read more here). The Meiji Revolution abolished their power but they still had some influence on Japan way into present day because many became businessmen, professionals etc., while others helped shape Japanese culture!
If you are looking to learn more about samurai fighting styles, read this "What Type Of Martial Arts Did The Japanese Samurai Use?"
Here are a list of famous Japanese samurai names and history:
  1) Miyamoto Musashi (1584 – 1645)
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Born in 1584, Myamoto Mushashi was a famous and accomplished soldier, swordsman, and artist. When he was on the losing side of Battle Sekigahara in 1600 then he became ronin samurai which meant that his lord no longer recognized him as an official member of their army because they had lost this battle.
Miyamoto Musashi was a Japanese swordsman and philosopher who developed the two-sword technique known as nito ichi ryu. His reputation is so great that he has been referred to by other names, including kensai meaning sword saint or satsujin shoji which means killing machine in English.
He had many duels against rivals but his most famous fight occurred on an island with Saski Kojiro - ending quickly when Miyamato struck him over the head with a wooden sword after this duel, he retired from society despite teaching select students and helping suppress rebellions such as Shimabara of 1637.
Myamoto Mushashi was a great painter and author of the famous Book of Five Rings. He also wrote many other books on his martial art, philosophies, or sumi-e style paintings as well as bird paintings which are renowned in particular for Shrike Perched on Withered Branch (Kobokumeikakuzu) and Wild Geese Among Reeds (Rozanzu).
Myamoto Mushashi is most famously known for being an influential Japanese warrior who mastered multiple forms of combat from different cultures such as kenjutsu to jujitsu.
  2) Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 – 1598)
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi lived from 1536/37 to 1598 and served as chief Imperial minister. He helped finish to 16th-century unification of Japan, helping create the country we know today.
Born a peasant in Azumato Province (modern day Nagoya), Toyotomi Hideyoshi left home when he was still a boy and became page at one feudal lord's mansion where he met Oda Nobunaga who would become his mentor for life - or so it seemed until this great man rose through ranks becoming samurai under him before joining armies fighting other clans trying unify all of Japan with their own rule into what you see now on your map.
Hideyoshi, the man who would later build a castle in Osaka and become one of key figures in Japan’s unified government. He clashed with Tokugawa Ieyasu during Nobunaga's attempt to unify the country but their alliance remained strong. Hideyoshi was then appointed as an important minister by his lord Toyotomi Otomo so that he could continue pacifying regions without conflict from other lords like Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was responsible for solidifying the caste restrictions that marked Tokugawa Japan. Farmers, merchants and monks were forbidden from taking up arms while warriors as well as artisans, farmers and tradesmen could only be found in their own areas of towns or villages due to strict segregation enforced by law.
  3) Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 – 1616)
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The son of a local lord, Matsudaira Takechiyo was born in 1542. He came into his own during the era when Japan's civil war and feuding lords left it mired with violence and death.
After being sent to the Imagawa clan at four-years old, Ieyasu was raised with education in their court for 15 years. In 1567 he finally took over his family’s position and changed his name to Tokugawa after returning home from a life of exile.
He had a successful military career and ran his own town in the east of Japan. He was given governance over Edo where he established Tokyo, transforming it into what we know today as an international city with millions living there.
After the unfortunate death of his ally Toyotomi Hideyoshi, civil war broke out again. Ieyasu won the war and gained the title of shogun, becoming a military governor in Japan as well as its ruler with few limits on power. So began Tokugawa's rule over all but name for what would be three centuries to come until he passed away at age 80 in 1616 after having been ill for months beforehand due to illness or old age is not precisely known.
His mausoleum at Nikko has become one of most important shrines and was commissioned by Shogun himself from an artist who had taken up residence near Nagasaki during his time there trading with foreign merchants while simultaneously keeping firm control over Christianity-dominating Europe.
  4) Oda Nobunaga (1534 – 1582)
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Oda Nobunaga's story is the source of many others, but it’s well worth knowing on its own. Born in 1534 and living through a deeply fractured Japan where warlords frequently clashed against one another often causing much death and destruction before he came to power, Oda nobunaga was viewed by some as both an oppressive tyrant and a national savior.
Nobunaga was an eccentric figure. When his father died and left him to take care of the family’s land, he took it with a strange sense of entitlement, associating freely with peasants below their station as well as shunning many traditions that were important under feudalism such how wearing funeral garb at one's own elaborate burial rites. Nobunaga would also break protocol in other areas like when Hirate Masahide committed suicide after being offended by Nobuna ga during said ceremony--the first time anyone had ever done so--- but this event seemed to shock into reality for the young boy who then went on to unite Japan through force instead of diplomacy or succession rights established within Yamato clan itself .
With the help of a few uncles, Nobunaga gained control over his land. He was not in power for long before he faced challenges from one brother and later another that only ended when both were killed by him. All of this happened while other feudal lords sought their own place among them.
The legacy of Nobunaga led to Tokugawa Ieyasu and his allies' unified, more stable Japan. This was because Nobunaga died before he could unite all of the country with a single government.
  5) Kusunoki Masashige (1294 – 1336)
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When Kusunoki Masashige was born in 1294, he had already been indoctrinated into the Akuto. This group of samurai banded together to form a new government that did not belong to the present regime and despised how under-rewarded they were for their actions fighting against Mongolia. A man with such passion would be destined for greatness - and so it is no surprise when one learns about his early life as an active member of this organization after being raised by parents who belonged themselves.
The Emperor, Go-daigo (96th emperor of Japan) was forced to flee when his plot for take down the government was revealed. He found refuge at Mt. Kasagi in south Kyoto and declared war on the Government who were against him because he wanted revenge after what they did to him years ago which is why he's been plotting this since then. Masashige pledged loyalty towards GOdaijo as one of first people who would help overthrow those cruel men from power so that no more innocent lives are lost just like how many others had died before them too due to their selfish behavior!
The soldiers of Kusunoki Masashige were not like other warriors. They didn't wear fine armor or swords, but they threw rocks and poured boiling water on those who tried to assault their castle in Kawachi! With the tide turning against them after news of the Emperor's arrest, he opted to burn down his castle and flee without ever being captured by government troops.
Masashige rallied his men and 1,000 locals in Osaka. The government responded in force by laying siege to the small army cutting off their supply lines but Masashige anticipated this and created a secret path for supplies that led to victory as starving forces instead starved with no new provisions from outside sources coming into play which also prompted Emperor Go-Daigo's return who then lead renewed efforts against the Shogun regime.
The samurai had been shortchanged and did not receive the land that they so desperately needed to get them out of poverty. Another rebellion rose in Kysusu, led by Ashikaga Takauji, whom Masashige was able to escape with after he saved his life during this time period.
Masashige encouraged the emperor to make peace, but he refused. He then tried to walk the Emperor into fleeing into exile, but that was refused as well. In the end Masashige led an army with a slim hope for victory against Ashikaga’s forces of 200,000; his own were 899 men strong and lost many on their journey in battle when they finally met near Osaka by 1336 AD where he succeeded suicide after being outnumbered so greatly..
Masahide's devotion and cunning have made him a very popular samurai hero especially within his native city-state (Osaka).
  6) Hattori Hanzo (1542 – 1597)
Hattori Hanzo was a fearless warrior who performed many feats in service of the Tokugawa clan, including rescuing Tokugawa Ieyasu's daughter from a castle and laying siege to another. Born around 152 AD, he served until his death at 55- some sources state that this happened suddenly while hunting or died during battle with pirates on an island off the coast of Kyushu.
  7) Sanada Yukimura (1567 – 1615)
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Yukimura was born in 1567 and was known as A Hero who may appear once in a hundred years” and “Crimson Demon of War. His clan, the Sanada, caught up with wars between Oda Nobunaga forcing themselves to fight on different sides when Tokugawa took power after his death. Yukimura fought valiantly against them during Winter Siege at Osaka Castle causing many losses for enemy forces while he himself had smaller force size than that of enemies there.
I think you're tired of hearing about how Yukimura died, but in case it's not clear: he was fighting against Tokugawa forces and they managed to get him. The siege on Osaka castle went well for a while with him leading his troops during the battle until he finally conceded defeat after being completely outmatched by an enemy force that vastly outnumbered them at nearly 10-1 odds.
The defender of Osaka, exhausted and low on supplies but still as formidable as ever. Yukimura Sanada was a powerful general in the late Sengoku period who defended Osaka Castle against overwhelming odds before finally capitulating to Tokugawa Ieyasu's forces after months' worth of bitter fighting.
This heroic warrior is said to have made one last plea with his enemies: "I am Sanada Nobushige."
  8) Uesugi Kenshin (1530 – 1578)
A long time ago, a young man named Nagao Torachiyo led an army in the fight against Takeda Shingen. He was born to be one of Japan's most powerful warriors and leaders when he changed his last name as refuge for Uesugi Norimasa who then adopted him as his son.
After his power had reached its peak, the mighty Uesugi sought to overthrow one of Japan's most powerful lords. He bravely faced all odds but unfortunately died before he could start a battle with Oda Nodabunaga.
  9) Takeda Shingen (1521 – 1573)
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Takeda Shingen, a 1521-born feudal lord of Shinano Province and one of the warlords who struggled for power over the valuable Kanto Plain in eastern central Honshu. He is best known for his series of battles with another famous warrior by Uesugi Kenshin that became legendary. The two fierce commanders clashed fairly indecisively but cemented Takeda's influence as he became one of the most powerful military leaders in region.
He was most feared by Oda Nodabunaga, and after defeating an army led by Ieyasu he began to make inroads into Tokugawa territory. A year following his victory over the armies of both men, Takeda died at age 39. To this day many people celebrate him as a genius who had skills that should be celebrated throughout all Japan due to the film Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) directed by Kurosawa Akira being created about him.
  10) Date Masamune (1567 – 1636)
Date Masamune was an incredible tactician who led the Date clan to power. He had a remarkable ability for warfare, earning him such nicknames as "One-Eyed Dragon of Ōshu". At one point he broke alliances and conquered land in his quest to hunt down a defected vassal from Ashina clan. After this campaign, many battles ensued against neighboring clans.
Tokugawa Ieyasu showed no fear when he was forced to choose a side during the Tokugawa-Toyotomi civil war, but once his overlord Hideyoshi died and left him with nothing. A man of great character, he eventually took up arms on behalf of Tokugawa's faction after finding that there was not enough food for both himself and the people in his domain. He then lead them all to an unexplored location which would grow into Sendai City thanks largely due to its proximity from fishing waters--an ideal place for those who are hungry or need work!
Masamune was known for his great sympathy for the Christian population growing in Japan, only reluctantly allowing their persecution in his domain when Ieyasu outlawed Christianity. It is because of Masamune's patronage that there are now a small community of Japanese descendants living in Spain as they fled to escape from religious prosecution on home soil.
Masamune was a powerful samurai who changed the political and cultural landscape of Japan forever. He has been represented in many media that chronicle both real and imagined versions of his life, but this is only scratching the surface to how influential he really was!
  11) Honda Tadakatsu (1548- 1610)
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Honda Tadakatsu was a loyal servant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and his contributions aided the success of countless battles. Perhaps being most noted for successfully leading evacuating troops from advancing Takeda forces before their decisive clash in 1584 during the Komaki Campaign, he would also go on to have great successes like breaking through an enemy's defensive line at Nagashino Castle with only 2 outposts left standing by nightfall after engaging them all day long.
His courage is said to have so impressed Toyotomi Hideyoshi, his foe in that battle, that he ordered a general ceasefire. Ieyasu was left with only a few troops but rode out and challenged the vast enemy host himself-and won! He continued to fight for Ieyasu through many battles and campaigns including Sekigahara where future shogun Tokugawa finally defeated him. It's hard not be inspired by this brave samurai who died protecting his lord at age 106 after serving him faithfully all those years ago.
12) Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 – 1189)
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Yoshitsune was born in 1159, and is one of the most famous samurai's to have ever lived. He fought alongside his half-brother during Genpei War that led him on a path towards fame as he helped consolidate power with both humans and gods alike. Yoshitsune faced many challenges before embarking on this journey such as death at age 10 when overthrowing an attempted coup by court nobles leaded by Minamoto no Yoritomo who were seeking revenge for their father being killed from illness. It wasn't all bad though because after escaping execution himself thanks to monks taking care of him while residing within Kurama Temple.
Yoshitsune is a skilled samurai, the most respected and talented of his time. He took up arms against those who would take what belonged to him - that which was rightfully his by law. Against all odds he won every battle, liberating Japan from tyranny in the process as well as freeing it for himself following so many years spent without power or authority over anything at all."
Yoshitsune fell out of political favor when his brother Yoritomo schemed to end his growing power and forced him to flee Kyoto. He found refuge with Fujiwara no Yasuhira, son of the childhood protector he cherished so much. However, under pressure from Yoshitsune’s own brother-Yoritomo-he had a residence surrounded where Yoshitsune was staying at the time; defeated all retainers that were fighting for their lord in order to escape alive; and finally committed suicide."
A tragic hero as depicted by Japanese culture who has been deeply revered over many centuries: it is an open question whether or not Genghis Khan could have succeeded if without them knowing about this man's life story beforehand!"
  13) Shimazu Yoshihisa (1533 – 1611)
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One of the greatest leaders to ever live, Shimazu Yoshihisa was lord over Satsuma Province. Born in 1533 and died on March 5th 1611. He led his brothers uniting Kyushu which they claimed until Toyotomi Hideyoshi took it from them in 1600 but were defeated by him a few years later leading to their final years as Buddhist priests composing poetry that is cherished across Japan for its humility and skillful tactics!
from Bunka Japan - Japanese Samurai Bushido Culture https://ift.tt/3mdJQoB from https://ift.tt/3sEeGb1
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nexu101 · 5 years ago
Matsunaga Hisahide facts!
I thought it might be fun to compile some of the information I have learned about Matsunaga Hisahide into one post. If anyone would like more information beyond what is summarized in this post, feel free to contact me, and I can provide you with more.
#1.) Hisahide was a retainer to Miyoshi Nagayoshi, also known as Chokei. Chokei’s heir Yoshioki died under mysterious circumstances, and it is theorized that Hisahide may have poisoned him. Additional deaths he may or may not have been involved in include three of Chokei’s brothers and possibly Chokei himself; thus, Hisahide was well on his way to living up to the idea of gekokujou, a term used to describe someone of lower status upheaving someone of higher status (1, 2)
#2.) After the Miyoshi heir’s death, the next clan head was too young to rule, so authority fell to the Miyoshi Triumvirate who were also manipulated by Hisahide to an extent. Together, they coordinated a siege attack in Kyoto that resulted in the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru's forced suicide (3). Hisahide also had conflicts with the Miyoshi Triumvirate that were further polarized by the arrival of Oda Nobunaga (Elison and Smith, 1981).
#3.) Hisahide is notorious in the annals of history for burning down the Todai-ji temple which contained the Great Buddha daibutsu-den. However, Missionary Luis Frois claims that Hisahide did not burn down Todai-ji, but rather, it was a Christian samurai who acted independently while the Miyoshi were stationed there. I, however, am a bit skeptical of this claim of his innocence since Hisahide had reasonable motivations to be involved in the incident (4; 5; Elison and Smith, 1981). This comprises the last of the “Three Evils” Nobunaga condemned Hisahide for - killing the shogun, revolting against his Miyoshi lords, and burning Todai-ji (6).
#4.) Hisahide occupied Shigisan Castle and built a castle of his own - Tamon Castle (Elison and Smith, 1981). An artist’s depiction of what Shigisan Castle may have looked like can be seen here. It was noted as being particularly steep and defensible (5). As for Tamon Castle, it is alleged that it contained Japan’s first tower keep, but I personally am uncertain as to the validity of this claim (4).
#5.) Hisahide was frequently invited to Noh performances and other ceremonies by Oda Nobunaga (5). It was allegedly after one such performance where Hisahide was in attendance that Nobunaga received word of his brother-in-law Azai Nagamasa turning against him. Hisahide advised Nobunaga to retreat away from Kyoto, and it is said that this was made possible by Hisahide convincing a castle lord in Omi to assist them with Hisahide being fully prepared to kill him should he refuse (7; 8).
#6.) Hisahide may not be quite the evil villain he is portrayed to be... Letters from Nobunaga indicate that his son Matsunaga Hisamichi was actually the troublesome one. Hisahide apparently offered Nobunaga gifts of swords to appease him when Hisamichi would do something that angered him. Hisamichi was also forced to cede Tamon Castle to Nobunaga (5). Additionally, Nobunaga had suspected the infamous Matsunaga revolt against him that resulted in Hisahide's death was instigated by Hisamichi (6). Because of this, Nobunaga is recorded as having executed two of Hisamichi’s sons in an attempt to force compliance (5). Different accounts exist regarding the manner of death of Hisamichi as well as his brother Kojiro, though it appears as though some of Hisahide’s descendants may have survived, with several political and military figures in modern-day Japan claiming Yamato Matsunaga ancestry.
#7.) The famous Sengoku Era physician Manase Dosan appears to have written a sex manual for Hisahide with the specific purpose of how to use sex to benefit one’s health (9). What interests me about this manual is that it has several passages devoted to how to best please someone with a clitoris/vagina.
#8.) Hisahide invited Jesuit missionary Gaspar Vilela to a debate with two respected scholars - the astronomer Yuuki Yamashiro-no-kami Tadamasa and the Confucian tutor Kiyohara Ekata. Gaspar impressed them so much that they converted to Christianity. Gaspar’s escort to the debate, Takayama Tomoteru, also converted, and he raised his son Ukon in the Christian faith. Ukon is currently in the process of potentially becoming a saint recognized by the Catholic church. Some accounts alledge that Hisahide also converted, but I think it is more likely he remained a member of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism despite any superficial Christian indications he may have given (10; 11; 12).
#9). Hisahide led attacks against the Tsutsui clan, the clan Shima Sakon served before entering the service of Ishida Mitsunari. (13). This in part led to the decline of the Tsutsui clan. After Hisahide’s death, the embittered clan head Tsutsui Junkei razed Tamon Castle in what many interpret to be an act driven by the motivation to erase any traces left of Matsunaga Hisahide (14).
Book Source:  Elison, George and Smith, Bardwell. Warlords Artists and Commoners: Japan in the Sixteenth Century. University of Hawaii Press, 1981.
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nekkyousagi · 7 years ago
Sengoku Basara OC Master-List!
Reference Catalog for the Sengoku Basara Tumblr Fandom Community
~ Compiled by Nekkyo Usagi ~
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @dearmadalice
Character Info: X
Date Shigezane - Cousin of Date Masamune, one of the 3 Great Men of Date
Kotori - Date Shigezane’s three year old daughter 
Omori - Mother of Date Shigezane
Shimazu Tadatsune - Third son of Shimazu Yoshihiro
Katakura Kagenaga - Father of Katakura Kojuro 
Akihime - Daughter of Otani Yoshitsugu. Historical wife of Sanada Yukimura
Hoshi - Daughter of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Chiyoko - Daughter of Momochi Tanba of the Iga Ninja
Isao - Iga Ninja. 
Harumi - Married to Omura Ginmaru, a man who sides with the Soma Clan for glory against Date Masamune
Mine - Ujimasa Hojo’s granddaughter
Sen - Daughter of Ikeda Tsuneoki. Oda faction, Toyotomi faction
Chikayasu – Motochika’s Brother
Next Gen OCs:
Katakura Shigenaga - Son of Katakura Kojuro and also the “second” Kojuro
Sanada Yukimasa - son of Sanada Yukimura and Irohahime
Otamahime – Motochika’s Daughter
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @tsuncarrot
Kohaku - son of Okuni, beautiful Kabuki dancer.
Yuuma -mercenary, takes care of his two sisters-in-law and their children after the death of his brothers. 
Ryuuto - he is a dirty, dirty bandit.
Ayako -Beautiful woman who might actually be a demon. She and Hisahide are the gross power couple
Misaki - Foxy wife. Kojuro married her and he didn’t tell Masamune
Junko - Ridiculously lucky. Even getting kidnapped by a dirty hobo somehow works better in her favor. 
Sumiko - A wet blanket who is ridiculously good at numbers. She’s head of her family after her father died from being a wet blanket. 
Hiroko - Beach bum. Shimazu Yoshihiro’s granddaughter. He takes care of her after the death of her parents.
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @dai-rokuten-maou
Yamato Hisanaga - Oda affiliated (though could go on to serve under the Toyotomi banner at Hanbei’s insistence)
Oda Nobutada - (Eldest son)- Oda affiliated
Oda Nobutaka - (Youngest son, middle sibling)- Oda affiliated
Oda Tokuhime - (Only daughter, youngest sibling)- Oda/Tokugawa affiliated
Hattori Hanzo - Tokugawa/Ashikaga affiliated
Akiyama Nobutomo - Raging Bull of Takeda Clan
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @vengrych
Ishida Masatsugu - Father of Ishida Mitsunari
Ishida Tatsu - Mother of Ishida Mitsunari
Ishida Masazumi - Older Brother of Ishida Mitsunari
Manase Rion  - Talented mistress of medicines and poisons, works under Toyotomi banner, close relationships to Hanbei and Mitsunari
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @dorksoftakeda
Kirigakure Saizo - Shinobi allied with the Takeda and Sanada Clan
 Kamanosuke Yuri - Shinobi allied with the Takeda and Sanada Clan
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @norageonlypancakes
Kosuna, Oda affiliated. Chubby smash-it-all girl. Radiate communist vibes right in 16th century.
Tomoe, Imagawa affiliated, then after Yoshimoto got a lil dead, Takeda affiliated. A Good Girl with mess of a face. Does her best
Baba Nobuharu, Takeda affiliated. Old grump who once helped Shingen get the power. Doesn’t like any warfare or to move in general.
Yamamoto Kansuke, Takeda affiliated. A Cool Uncle, strategic talent of peasant origin. Barely can write and has no fashion sense.
Satake Yoshishige and Oka, from north-east, in some sense Date affiliated. Want to overthrow Date domination, are not successful. Oka is a stern, composed older sister, Yoshishige is a wild, energetic little brother.
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @kitalphahart
Kana & Hana - Trickster ninja twin sisters rumored to be in league with Fuuma Kotaro
Senai - Guardian and teacher of the twins
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @brookie4cookies
Sanada Akihime - Quiet wife of Sanada Yukimura and daughter of Ōtani Yoshitsugu. Small and cold, but actually cares a lot just doesn't know how to show it.
Katakura / Yanai Tsuta - Wife of Katakura Kojūrō and eternal babysitter of Megohime. A sarcastic balance to her husband, though hiding an awkward side and passion for doing the right thing.
Saigo no Tsubone / O-ai -
 Kushihashi Teru - Tiny wife of Kuroda Kanbei and current maid of the Toyotomi. An avid gardener and lover of greenery, she has been biding her time stuck with the enemy to find her husband again.
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @drazudrazz
Date Megohime - wife of Date Masamune
Chosokabe Nana - wife of Chosokabe Motochika
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @salemnightz
Character Info: X
Akane Fujioka - A ragtag tomboy taken under service by Goto Matabei in his days as a Kuroda General. Later on became his mistress.
Takeshi - Matabei and Akane’s firstborn.
Kotori - Goto Matabei and Akane’s second(?) child.
Motonori - Goto Matabei and Akane’s third child.
Ruri - Youngest living child of Matabei and Akane
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @Masa
Shoku -  - Skycloak - Date Clan Affiliation
Aeon - Skycloak
Adrian - Cursed Skycloak
Seto - Seacloak
Raiu -  Feathercloak - Skycloak- 
Kaigan - Seacloak - Chosokabe Clan Affiliation
Itsuuki  - Skycloak - No Clan Affiliation
Hasuko - ninja
Sakuya - Blessed Human - Own Clan
Mori Nichirin - Older twin - son of Mori Motonari
Mori Kosuke - Younger twin - son of Mori Motonari
Date Munezane - Dragon Prince - Date Clan
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @nekkyousagi
Soma Yoshitane - 16th head of the Soma Clan, rival of Date Shigezane
Lady Soma - Mother of Yoshitane, the Queen Bee of Soma Clan
Otake - country girl warrior fighting for Anegakoji Yoritsuna
Yasuke - African samurai who serves Oda Nobunaga
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @uesugiterutora
Takayama Ukon - ally to Xavi, Otomo Sorin and Kyogoku Maria
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Created by: @nexu101​
Kazama- Son of Kotaro and Tsuruhime. Is a lot like his father in both mannerisms and appearance
Momoe- Kazama's twin sister. Is very sassy and outspoken.
Hisamichi - Matsunaga's eldest son (from history). Very sweet, but bears scars from torture he endured by enemy forces.
Kojiro - Matsunaga's second son (from history). Had a long ponytail and was very moody. Was also distrustful of his father. He was held captive like Hisamichi but died 
Saburo - Matsunaga's third son (not really a historical basis for this one). Was born in captivity and died later on
Original Sengoku Basara Characters Crated by: @eriksartworld
Moniwa Tsunamoto - one of the 3 great men of Date clan
Ishida Masazumi - brother of Ishida Mitsunari
Matsudaira Iemoto
Date Masamichi
Sanada Nobuyuki - older brother of Sanada Yukimura
Thanks to everyone who contributed!! All of your characters are so unique and awesome! Let’s give them all the love they deserve!!
If there are anymore Sengoku Basara OCs you would like added, adjusted or removed from the Master-List, please message me and I will edit this post!
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adiwisaksonoadi · 4 years ago
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Kehidupan Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi Juga dikenal sebagai Kensei, Pedang Dewa, Miyamoto Musashi mengabdikan hidupnya untuk mencapai kesempurnaan di seluruh Ilmu Pedang. Dia berjuang dan memenangkan lebih dari 60 duel hidup atau mati dan mengakhiri karirnya yang tak terkalahkan. Dia terus berhubungan dengan berbagai macam seni, termasuk lukisan, patung, kaligrafi dan puisi, serta meditasi Zen dan Buddhisme. Dia pergi untuk generasi masa depan tidak hanya gaya bertarungnya tetapi juga warisan karya besar pada lukisan, patung, kaligrafi dan puisi, serta risalah Jepang yang paling penting tentang strategi, Kitab Lima Cincin (Gorin no Sho).
Kehidupan Awal dan Masa Kecil
Musashi Sensei, atau Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami Fujiwara no Genshin, saat ia memperkenalkan dirinya di Kata Pengantar The Book of Five Rings, lahir di Kabupaten Harima selama masa yang sangat bergejolak di Jepang, ketika pertempuran yang menentukan terakhir terjadi pada Era Emas Samurai itu.
Kembali ke masa itu di Jepang, sangat umum bahwa individu yang sama mengubah namanya selama periode yang berbeda dalam hidupnya sendiri (seperti yang biasa kita lakukan dengan nama panggilan dan pasangan / nama menikah versus nama lajang / pembantu saat ini). Selama masa kecilnya, Musashi Sensei disebut Shinmen Bennosuke. Diasumsikan bahwa ia menerima instruksi pertamanya tentang kenjutsu dari ayahnya sendiri, Shinmen Hirata Munisai.
Seperti yang bisa kita baca di Buku Lima Cincin dia menjelaskan kepada kita detail duel pertamanya ketika dia baru berusia 13 tahun. Pada usia 16, ia mengalahkan seorang prajurit yang sangat terampil bernama Tadashima Akiyama.
Pertempuran Sekigahara dan Duel Kyoto
Pada 1600, Pertempuran Sekigahara terjadi, menentukan nasib Jepang selama 3 abad berikutnya. Itu dalam pertempuran ini bahwa Tokugawa Ieyasu naik ke tampuk kekuasaan, dengan asumsi Shogundugas – itu adalah awal dari Periode Edo (1603-1868). Musashi Sensei menghabiskan masa mudanya selama Masa Edo awal yang kacau ini. Kredit sejarah menceritakan bahwa ia bertempur di pihak Daimiô dan Warlord yang kalah, Ukita Hideie, bersama dengan tentara yang kalah dalam Pertempuran Sekigahara. Meskipun hasilnya negatif di medan perang, ia mampu bertahan hidup dan mendapatkan scape dari para pemburu hadiah saat itu
Pada 1604, pada usia 21 tahun, Musashi Sensei muncul di Kyoto dan ketenarannya menyebar ke seluruh Jepang setelah ia mengalahkan tiga duel penting melawan tiga anggota Keluarga Yoshioka yang terkenal, yang bertanggung jawab, bertahun-tahun sebelumnya, atas instruksi House dari shogun Ashikaga. (semacam “Sekolah Swordsman resmi” untuk Shogun sendiri).
Dia memeluk tiga duel. Dalam dua yang pertama ia mengalahkan “Kenpo Brothers”, Seijuro dan Denshijiro. Setelah mengalahkan keduanya, pengikut Yoshioka melihat Musashi Sensei bukan sebagai lawan yang sederhana lagi, tetapi sebagai ancaman yang benar dan hidup. Mereka mencari balas dendam dan mengatur duel ketiga melawan Matashichiro, putra Seijuro, anak berusia 13 tahun. Matashchiro akan dihitung dengan bantuan dan dukungan semua siswa dan pengikut Yoshioka School. Perlu diingat bahwa selama duel ini, Musashi Sensei berperang melawan 60 lawan pada saat yang sama, semuanya bersenjatakan pedang, tombak, busur dan panah dan bahkan senapan.
Musashi Sensei mengalahkan semua lawannya, termasuk Matashichiro dan siswa Yoshioka yang melintasi jalannya pada hari itu. Ini adalah akhir dari Yoshioka House yang bangga dan awal dari legenda Miyamoto Musashi.
Prajurit Peregrinasi
Selama tahun-tahun berikutnya, Musashi Sensei terus melakukan perjalanan ke seluruh Jepang sebagai Musha Shugyo – prajurit yang sedang mencari duel. Dia menghadapi banyak penantang, terutama setelah ketenarannya menyebar karena kemenangan melawan Yoshiokas. Selama periode ini kita harus menekankan duel berikut:
Hozoin Temple Warrior Monks, terkenal dengan Sojutsu mereka (atau Yarijutsu) School (teknik tombak);Muso Gonnosuke, pendiri Jojutsu (teknik Staf) Shindo Muso Ryu, teknik yang juga dilatih di Institut Niten. Gonnosuke menciptakan Jojutsu setelah dikalahkan oleh Musashi Sensei sebagai cara untuk mengalahkannya. Ada tradisi panjang yang mengingatkan tentang kemungkinan duel kedua melawan Musashi Sensei, di mana Gonnosuke telah mencapai pertempuran yang diikat, tanpa ada pemenang yang dinyatakan;Shishido Baiken, seorang spesialis kusarigama (senjata sabit rantai). Kusarigama (sabit dengan rantai logam dengan berat besi yang berat pada akhirnya) adalah senjata yang sangat eksotis dan juga sangat sulit untuk ditangani, yang juga dilatih dalam beberapa gaya di Niten Institute.
Duel melawan Sasaki Kojiro
Ini adalah duel yang paling relevan dan penting yang diperangi oleh Musashi Sensei, yang terjadi pada 1612 ketika ia mengalahkan Sasaki Kojiro, pendiri Sekolah Ganryu dan seorang samurai terampil yang terkenal. Keterampilan Kojiro berkomentar sebagai salah satu samurai paling dihormati sepanjang masa.
Sejauh dari Musashi Sensei, yang mengembangkan Sekolahnya sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman duel khususnya, Kojiro adalah pengikut garis keturunan dan tradisi yang sangat dihormati. Dia belajar ilmu pedang dengan Master Toda Seigen yang terkemuka, dari Chujo Ryu School dan Kenemaki Jisai, muridnya. Jisai adalah master dari Swordmaster Itto Itosai yang terkenal dan dihormati, pendiri Itto Ryu yang terkenal, salah satu gaya ilmu pedang yang paling penting sepanjang masa.
Selama masa duel, Kojiro adalah instruktur Hosokawa Tadaoki, seorang Daimiô yang sangat penting (seorang Dewa Feodal). Musashi Sensei memperoleh izin untuk berduel melawan Kojiro di seluruh Nagaoka Sado, seorang teman lama keluarganya yang merupakan penasihat lama untuk Lord Hosokawa.
Duel terjadi di Pulau Funajima. Strategi Musashi Sensei untuk duel ini adalah dengan sengaja menunda pertarungan pada titik maksimum yang mungkin dan menjaga penantang dalam menunggu lama. Dua jam setelah waktu yang ditentukan, ia muncul di pantai dan membelai lawannya secara langsung dalam satu gerakan tunggal. Musashi Sensei juga tahu bahwa Kojiro menggunakan pedang Extralong dan digunakan untuk mengambil keuntungan dari jarak jauh saat menggunakan senjatanya. Untuk membatalkan keuntungan panjang ini, Musashi Sensei memahat kayu yang bokken dalam dayung yang patah selama perjalanannya ke pulau.
Pertarungan sangat cepat dan intens. Keduanya saling membelai secara bersamaan. Musashi Sensei memukul dahi depan Kojiro dengan gerakan yang sangat tajam dan tepat. Perlu diingat bahwa serangan Kojiro mencapai jilbab yang digunakan Musashi Sensei, menyebabkan sayatan kecil di bagian depannya. Setelah Kojiro jatuh, ia mencoba serangan kedua dan terakhir ketika berada di lantai, bertujuan untuk memukul kaki Musashi Sensei, yang melompat untuk menghindari serangan terakhir ini, mengenai Kojiro di pinggul, dengan pukulan mematikan yang instan yang membuat Kojiro mati.
Ini adalah deskripsi, menurut saksi mata mengingat, apa yang pasti terjadi selama duel sejarah dan ingatan Samurai yang paling terkenal dan terkenal.
Selama waktu itu, Musashi Sensei mendekati usia 30-an. Duel melawan Kojiro memiliki efek besar pada pikiran Musashi Sensei. Menurut ingatan Musashi Sensei sendiri tentang Buku Lima Cincin (Gorin No Sho), ia merefleksikan semua kemenangannya yang telah dicapai sejauh ini, tetapi tidak dapat mengetahui mengapa ia mengalahkan begitu banyak duel. Apakah itu karena kekuatan fisiknya? Atau apakah itu karena kelemahan lawan-lawannya? Atau, mungkin, apakah itu karena kehendak Tuhan?
Menantikan dari titik awal pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, Musashi Sensei menghabiskan sisa hidupnya – lebih dari dua pertiga sisanya dari perjalanannya di Bumi, dalam mencari jawaban. Jadi, dia mendedikasikan dirinya untuk pergi ke generasi berikutnya warisannya di seluruh tekniknya yang dia baptis sebagai Niten Ichi Ryu.
Dari saat ini ia berhubungan dengan bentuk-bentuk artistik lainnya, seperti lukisan, patung, puisi dan bahkan arsitektur dan urbanisme.
Masa Hidup Tua
Pada 1621, Musashi Sensei mengadakan duel legendaris, tetapi itu bukan karena penantangnya, tetapi terutama karena ini adalah catatan resmi pertama duel dua pedang yang menjadi ciri khasnya di Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu. Miyaki Gunbei adalah lawannya, yang mencoba untuk menyerang Musashi Sensei beberapa kali dalam satu roll, diblokir di masing-masing dari tentatif yang gagal. Gunbei mati-matian mengayunkan tusukan langsung, terhalang oleh pedang pendek yang dibawa di tangan kiri oleh Musashi Sensei, secara bersamaan ke serangan langsung ke wajah depan Gunbei dengan pedang panjang yang diangkut oleh tangan kanan Musashi Sensei. Gunbei menyadari bahwa dia kehilangan duel dan meminta maaf mendalam kepada Musashi Sensei, membungkuk padanya dan meminta untuk menjadi muridnya.
Musashi Sensei tidak menikah, tetapi mengadopsi dua anak, Mikinosuke dan Iori. Keduanya menjadi pengikut Tuan-tuan Feodal yang penting.
Musashi Sensei bukan ronin sederhana. Dia dianggap sebagai Master of the Way dan seseorang dengan kepekaan dan kebijaksanaan yang besar, penasihat yang selalu didengarkan dan seorang Pemimpin yang harus diikuti. Dia sering diundang untuk tinggal di Castles dan memiliki kepercayaan pribadi yang dihormati di lingkaran dalamnya, sebagai Takuan Soho Monk (penasihat untuk Tokugawa Shogun), Honami Koetsu (selebriti yang sangat penting dari gerakan artistik yang disebut “Kyoto Renascence”) dan tuan feodal Ogasawara Tadazana dan Hosokawa Tadatoshi. Bersama dengan Tuan Hosokawa, Musashi Sensei memeluk persahabatan yang sangat panjang dan mendalam.
Musashi Sensei mengenang Book of Five Rings bahwa pada usia 50-an ia akhirnya mencapai pemahaman penuh tentang strategi. Tingkat pemahaman yang dicapai tentang Jalan begitu dalam sehingga, sesuai dengan kata-katanya, ia dapat “melihat” Jalan dalam segala hal dan pada setiap detail kehidupannya, mulai dari saat ia bangun hingga kembali ke tempat tidur untuk tidur. . Beberapa lukisannya, patung dan karya kaligrafi mencapai kita saat ini. Dia mencapai kesempurnaan pada teknik ilmu pedang dan, setelah itu, dia mampu mencapai tingkat kesempurnaan yang sama dalam semua Cara ini.
Tahun-tahun terakhir Grand Master
Warisan Musashi Sensei yang diserahkan kepada generasi-generasi berikutnya terutama difokuskan pada Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, yang dihasilkan dari pengalaman hidupnya dalam pertempuran dan persepsi hidupnya yang mendalam berkembang selama puluhan tahun praktik dan pengamatan. Di Sekolah kami, kami mengikuti bentuk dan posisi (katas) dengan cara yang persis seperti yang diciptakan Musashi Sensei sejak lama.
Musashi Sensei menghabiskan tahun-tahun terakhir hidupnya di Kumamoto, sebagai tamu sesama teman Hosokawa Tadatoshi. Berkat permintaan Lord Hosokawa, Musashi Sensei mendaftarkan teknik dan pemikirannya dalam sebuah artikel pendek berjudul “35 bagian tentang Seni Kenjutsu”. Sementara di Kumamoto ia mengajar Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu kepada murid-muridnya dan berdedikasi untuk mempelajari agama Buddha, meditasi, dan pengembangan artistik.
Pada akhir hidupnya, Musashi Sensei hidup sebagai seorang eremite di Cagar Alam Reigando, di mana ia mendedikasikan untuk meditasi dan latihan gaya yang konstan. Dia menulis Kitab Lima Cincin, meninggalkan semua ajaran kepada muridnya Terao Magonojo.
Musashi Sensei meninggal pada 19 Mei 1645. Dia dimakamkan (atas permintaannya) menggunakan Gaun Perang lengkap (baju besi yoroi) di desa Yuji, dekat dengan Gunung Iwato. Perlu diingat bahwa selama kebaktian pemakamannya, sambaran petir yang keras ke langit, saat Dewa menyambut Prajurit Kuat.
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years ago
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years ago
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years ago
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notasfilosoficas · 2 years ago
“Es difícil comprender el universo si solo estudias un planeta“
Miyamoto Musashi
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Fue un destacado artista marcial, importante señor feudal y guerrero famoso del Japón Feudal, reconocido por haber escrito el famoso tratado de artes marciales titulado “El libro de los cinco anillos”.
Su nombre completo es Shinmen Musashi no Kami Fujuwara no Harunobu, 
Los detalles de sus primeros años son difíciles de precisar. Según el propio Musashi en su famoso libro de los cinco anillos, nació en una provincia que se ubica en la actual prefectura de Hyogo en la isla de Honshu en 1584.
El padre de su padre era un famoso señor feudal de la época. Musashi no Kami, era un titulo judicial que lo convirtió en el gobernador nominal de la provincia de Musashi.
Cuando Musashi tenía 7 años de edad su padre murió o desapareció (no se sabe con seguridad), y dado que su madre había muerto un año antes de la desaparición de su padre, Musashi fue puesto al cuidado de un sacerdote tío materno suyo.
Hijo de Samurai durante una de las épocas mas violentas del Japón, los escritos lo describen como un joven de gran carácter, con gran fuerza de voluntad y con un físico sumamente desarrollado para su edad.
Por insistencia de su tío, estudió las artes del guerrero y esto, unido a su físico y a su carácter violento hizo que pronto se viera involucrado en participar en combates. Según sus propias palabras; “Desde mi primera juventud mi corazón se inclinó hacia el camino del guerrero”.
En su célebre libro, Musashi afirmó que su primer duelo exitoso fue a los 13 años de edad, combatiendo contra un samurai de nombre Arima Kihei quien era un experto samurai de la zona perteneciente a la escuela de artes marciales Shinto Ryu de Kenjutsu.
El segundo combate serio del que se tiene registro, ocurrió cuando Musashi contaba con 16 años de edad, derrotando a un samurai de la provincia de Tajima. Es por ese tiempo que Musashi abandona su casa para buscar experiencia y conocimiento a través de todo tipo de duelos y concursos de los que resultó siempre triunfador. Casi siempre las disputas se coronaban con la muerte del rival.
En su libro afirma que participó en mas de 60 duelos con diferentes guerreros de todo tipo y formación. Por ese tiempo había muchos ronin (samurais sin amo) que al igual que Musashi, solían vagar por el país y durmiendo en el suelo raso, sin preocuparse de nada que no fuera su entrenamiento físico.
Musashi abandonó este tipo de vida a la edad de 50 años cuando consideró que ya había que aprendido lo que tenía que aprender a base de vagabundear.
Musashi participó como guerrero en el ejército de Ashikaga en la batalla de Sekingahara, siendo parte del bando perdedor, no obstante a pesar de que la batalla duró tres días y en donde murieron alrededor de 70,000 soldados Musashi logró salir con vida.
La escuela de Miyamoto incorpora el uso de un sable corto llamado wikizashi o soto, que es un sable corto y que se usa como proyectil. Esta misma escuela también considera el uso de un sable largo llamado katana el cual se lanza como si se tratara de una jabalina a una distancia maxima de 4 metros.
Se dice que Miyamoto alcanzó una gran habilidad para lanzar tanto el sable real como un sable de madera llamado Bokken.
El duelo mas famoso de Musashi fue a la edad de 30 años contra Sasaki Kojiro, un destacado espadachín japonés en 1612. Sasaki Kojiro era un samurai con fama de invencible, quien había conseguido desarrollar una técnica de combate basada en el movimiento de la cola de la golondrina en vuelo.
Musashi es conocido por los japoneses como Kensei que quiere decir “esgrimista divino” o “santo de la espada”.
En 1643 escribió “El libro de los cinco anillos” en referencia a la tierra, agua, fuego, viento y vacío (los 5 elementos del universo del budismo) Es el único entre los libros de artes marciales que trata no solo de la estrategia militar o el combate individual con espada, sino ademas es un libro que trata de cualquier situación en donde es necesaria una táctica.
En 1642 Musashi sufrió ataques de neuralgia, indicios de su futura vida de enfermedad. En 1643 se retiró a una caverna en el monte Iwato para dedicar su vida a la contemplación. Murió en la cueva Religando posiblemente el 13 de junio de 1645.
Su cuerpo fue enterrado con su armadura como era su deseo.
Fuente: Wikipedia
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