#kobra kid x yn
your-averagewriter · 2 years
Sibling quarrels.
Summary: Kobra and (y/n) are sent out to get resources from a so-called abandoned stronghold. They return to camp and Party bandages (y/n)'s head. Throughout the day soft moments are exchanged between the siblings and (y/n) amidst the chaotic world. (Kobra Kid x (y/n) x Party Poison).
Warnings: Kissing? fighting, guns, weapons, blood.
Word count: 1.8K
Ducking down I narrowly miss a bullet fired at me. I feel my helmet slide down my head so I push it back up before pulling out my second blaster, killing a few of the Draculoids surrounding Kobra. He finishes the rest of them off and follows closely behind me as I approach the abandoned stronghold, or at least it was meant to be abandoned. I crouch down behind some rocks looking as a few Draculoids are packing away supplies.
“We need those.” I point out to Kobra in a hushed voice. 
I flip up my visor and watch as they pile the resources into trucks.
“What do we do?” He replies flipping his visor up aswell. I stay silent, thinking of a plan.
“Follow my lead.” I say before flipping my visor back down.
I hold out my gun in front of me as I walk slowly still crouched getting closer. I run to the wall of the stronghold and signal for Kobra to go the other way. He nods before going the other way. I watch him, craning my neck around to see if he’s okay. Turning back around I’m met with the butt of a gun hitting me in the head. I fall to the ground but the impact is lessened by my helmet. Shuffling backwards I shoot the masked man and try to shake off the feeling of dizziness from the head injury. The Draculoid falls to the ground and I hear gunshots from across the compound. Getting up, I nearly fall back down but manage to steady myself and continue the mission.
Kobra’s taken out a lot of them but he’s a bit caught up. Shooting the two in front of me I jump behind one of the trucks as they open fire on me. I flinch, ducking my head, hearing the bullets collide with the metal of the truck. Once the bullets halt I stand back up, looking over the truck I shoot the two that are reloading their guns. Kobra takes out the other three as they stand, unaware that there were two of us.
“Some plan that was.” Kobra says as he jogs over to me.
I look down at all the bodies and hear the silence that now surrounds us. “Well, it seems to have worked.” I say with a small smirk. 
“It was meant to be abandoned.” He says looking at the very much not abandoned stronghold. 
“Yeah, we should grab all the supplies quickly in case they send back up.” He nods grabbing a couple of crates packed with food.
Hopping onto the back of the truck I pass down the boxes filled with ammunition and guns. I open one of the boxes and it reveals a trunk full of bottles of water, I assume it’s water. I take one out and remove the cap.
“Don’t drink that.” Kobra warns but I ignore him and lift the bottle to my mouth anyway. “You don’t know what that is! It could be poison.”
“Only one way to find out.” I say tipping it into my mouth. 
Kobra throws his head back, pacing around, hands on hips as I drink the water.
“You’re stressing over nothing.” I assure him hopping down from the truck. “It’s just water.” I place my hand on his shoulder. “Want some?” I ask, offering the water.
“No, let’s just go back, we’ve got everything now anyway. Someone should probably look at your head aswell” He says glancing over at the cut on my head.
“Okay.” I say grabbing the box full of water bottles, I chuck it on the backseat and sit next to Kobra in the front.
He sits in the driver’s seat and I sit in the passenger seat admiring our score from the stronghold. I turn to Kobra and he doesn’t seem so happy. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask him as he drives us back to the caravans we call home.
“Nothing’s wrong.” He replies emotionless.
“You haven’t convinced me of that.” I say. He sighs before replying.
“It’s just, just that no one was meant to be at the stronghold, why were there Draculoids?” He asks and I chuckle quietly.
“Oh come on, is that what’s got you down?” He nods slowly. “Well, don’t worry about it, someone probably just got something wrong, you know with the information and all that.” I lean over and kiss him on the side of his lips. “Don’t worry about it.” I say with a smile. “Let’s just get home and we can tell the others all about our marvelous adventure.” I say mostly sarcastically.
I pat him on the shoulder and I could’ve sworn his cheeks had a slight pink glow to them but it’s most likely the light. The sunset colours reflecting onto him or something. The rest of the ride is spent in silence but not an awkward one, a calm, relaxing silence.
We pull up to the caravans, the glow of the fire illuminating the camp as the guys jog up to us. Party pulls open my door before I can even undo my seatbelt. 
“What took you guys so long?” Party asks as I exit the car.
“Turns out the abandoned stronghold was not so abandoned.” I say stepping out of the car. 
I step into the light and Party’s face is filled with concern.
“What happened to your face?” He says hands holding onto my face, one finger swiping against the wound. I hiss as he presses down to hard and he makes an apologetic face and whispers out a ‘sorry’.
“A Draculoid hit me with their gun.” I say sounding quite indifferent. “You know, the usual.” I joke. 
“Come on, let me clean it and bandage it.” He says, Kobra, Fun and Jet have already left, gathering around the fireplace about to cook some of the food me and Kobra retrieved.
“Fine.” I say begrudgingly as he drags me into our makeshift medical room. It’s not much more than a closet but it’s stuffed full of bandages and all of that.
I lean against the side as Party sorts through the stuff. He turns around, a damp cloth in one hand and some bandages in the other. 
“This might hurt a little.” He says before dabbing my head wound with the cloth.
“Shit.” I mutter quietly, flinching away slightly. 
“Sorry.” He says but continues to clean it.
Once it’s cleaned he moves onto the bandaging.
“Is a bandage really necessary? Can’t I have a plaster or something?”
“No, you need a bandage.” I huff but accept it as he starts wrapping it around my head. I watch in silence as he wraps the bandage around me.
“You look so pretty.” I say looking up at him, his face illuminated by both the glow of the fire and the shadows that carve the canals of his face. He looks a bit shocked before he smiles.
“You look pretty too.” He says and I lean forward to peck him on the lips.
“Alright,” I start seeing Party looking quite flustered by my actions. “Can I go now, doc?” I say jokingly.
“Yeah, umm, tell the guys I’ll be out in a minute.” He says before hurrying away.
“Okay.” I say trailing off as he leaves the room. Weird, I think before heading out to the firepit.
I get wolf whistled by Frank jokingly as he sees my bandage.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too excited.” I joke and don’t miss the way Kobra’s face creases as I do. “I think I might just wear my helmet for a while to cover it.” I say placing my helmet on my head but flipping the visor up. “Much better. Also Party said he’d be out in a minute, don’t know where he's gone.”
“Oh?” Jet asks genuinely.
“Think you scared him off.” Frank says.
“Oh yeah? I’m sure that’s why.” I say nodding my head. “I’m gonna get a drink, anyone want one?”
“Can you grab me a beer?” Jet asks and I nod.
“Anyone else?” They both shake their heads. “Okay.” 
I walk off, the conversation becoming a distant sound as I enter the ‘kitchen’. I head to the fridge and grab two beers but before returning to the campfire I decide to look for Party. I poke my head into the rooms, I look most places but he’s nowhere to be found. I head back out towards the fire and see Party talking with Kobra. It looks like they’re arguing, what about? I wonder.
I start to head over when I hear Kobra say my name.
“What are you doing with (y/n)?” Kobra asks with no response. “Leave them alone.”
“What are you talking about? Why would I leave (y/n) alone?” He sounds just as confused. I decide to hang back and listen for a while.
“They don’t want you.” He replies.
“How would you know what (y/n) wants?” He says scoffing.
“Well, they kissed me.” Kobra says and I feel bad for him, Party, if anything will feel angry about the interaction but Kobra will shrink away and become miserable. I decide to intervene and fain obliviousness. 
I walk over, into the light and sit down.
“Hey guys. Jet, here’s your beer.” I pass it to him and he mutters a quick ‘thanks’ before silence overwhelms us. “What’s got everyone so quiet?” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey Jet, can you, umm help me something real quick?” Fun says obviously trying to remove them both from the situation.
“Yeah, I’ll come help you.” They both get up and leave.
Kobra’s eyes are fixed on the floor as Party stares at him.
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” I say and they both turn to look at me.
“Well, it seems like we both like you.” Party says.
“Well, I’d hope so.” I chuckle. “We’ve been friends for a while now, it would be kind of awkward if you didn’t.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“He meant like, more than a friend.” Kobra fills in the gaps.
“Oh.” I say, realising what’s going on. “Wow.”
“I’m guessing you like us too, seeing as you’ve kissed both of us?” Party says with a small smirk.
“Yeah, you could say that.” I say with a slightly nervous smile.
“Okay, now. What to do with this situation?” Party ponders with a smile. “Now obviously, if this situation ends up in dating I’d like (y/n) all to myself but seeing as you’re my dear old brother I might make an exception.”
“Get on with it then, what do you propose?” Kobra asks getting impatient with Party beating around the bush.
“I propose we share (y/n), if of course, if (y/n) would like to have both of us.”
“I am certainly not opposed to this idea but I don’t want to drive a wedge between your guys’ relationship.”
“If it doesn’t work out then we can establish a new ‘deal’” Party says with air speech marks. “You alright with that Kobra?” He nods his head in response.
“This is gonna be fun,” I say looking at the two extremely attractive men who are now both mine.
AN: 100 follower special!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Thanks @padawanryan​ for the tag! Rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag your favourite authors.
The summer rain kept a beat steadier than half the bands on the Warped Tour could manage. - Tired
“Shit!” You gasped as soon as the knife sliced through the skin on your thumb. - Give Them Blood
(YN) was sitting at the kitchen table working on her algebra homework when the music that had been coming from the garage for hours finally stopped. - It’s A Love Story
“Thanks for coming with me tonight, I don’t mind going to shows alone, but if I don’t have to, I’d rather not,” (YN) smiled at her friend Dallon. - Certified Bad Boy Dallon Weekes
A cold wind blew through New Jersey, but inside (YN)’s childhood home, it was cozy and warm. - To The Vows You Take
“For your midterm, you will be completing a research paper. To make it easier on you, I’ve decided that it will be a group project. To make it harder though, I’ve selected your partners and topics at random. If you like your partner and topic, congratulations the universe is smiling in your favor. If not, welcome to the real world, don’t worry, it sucks for everyone at some point in time,” the professor deadpanned from the front of the room. - For You
The line literally out the door was the last straw for (YN). - The Untitled Jim Adkins Coffee Shop AU
“Alright, so this is the concept we came up with for the video. It’s a lot different from anything else you’ve done so far,” the director Marc started as everyone sat around a large conference room table. - If I Fall Down
Gerard paced his room, the clock on his bedside table reminded him that he’d been awake for damn near 48 hours. - Just Sleep
You were at your locker, gathering your books at the end of a very long, tiring week when you heard the teasing begin. - You’ll Never Fight Alone
(YN) chewed their lip nervously as they stared at the half-drunk coffee cup before them. - You Must Like Me For Me
You yawned as you sat up. You’d dozed off in one of the booths in the diner because the Venom Brothers and Fun Ghoul were out and for once it was actually quiet. - A Little Help
If you thought too long about it, it was sorta strange. - Had A Little Bit But I Want Some More
To be in a band meant that your bandmates were your most intimate friends. - Hold You Here
As you walked into your apartment building after work one night, you noticed something on the floor in front of the mailboxes. - Happy Birthday
“And cut!” The director shouted. “Hey (YN), can you give the guys some touch ups?” - Wipe Off That Makeup, What’s In Is Despair
“Good morning, Your Highness,” a pleasant voice roused (YN) from her sleep. “Big day today!” - Ivy
“I’m so bored!” You groaned from where you were sprawled on the tour bus couch. “Raaaay, I’m bored, help me!” - Worth It
You’d gone past the place a dozen times, slowing down each time, trying to catch a glimpse of something, someone that would confirm your suspicions. - Vampire-Tines Day 2021 Day 3
It was another bitterly cold night, but Gerard couldn’t feel it, and it didn’t matter anyway. - Vampire-Tines Day 2021 Day 2
So I dunno if there’s really a pattern, but I feel like I have a really consistent voice across all fics. Or maybe that’s just the voice I read words in? I dunno. Also I’m surprised I’ve written over 20 fics this year, It doesn’t feel like I have. I did skip over a scene that I’d posted of Kobra Kid x Killer Lux (my Danger Days OC) because it wasn’t a real fic, it was again, mostly just a scene. Not tagging anyone because I’m tired, but if you wanna do this, go ahead, and also tag me so I can see!
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