kappatengu · 6 years
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send me a ✏️ and my muses (specify which) will draw a picture of your muse
“I hope it looks okay.. I don’t colour my stuff very often, so I mess up on colouring a lot.”
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kappatengu · 6 years
(for the meme) shiny@koban: /in a police uniform/ i know what u did 👀 - dailymarshtomp
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“I’m not sure what to be flustered over anymore..”
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kappatengu · 6 years
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“Don’t tell Li... But I really took this egg to hatch for myself. It’s a long story, see... it’s just something about it just felt so familiar.”
@fairy-dreadnaught @daily-cubchoo
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kappatengu · 6 years
(@ghostly-remains) @ Koban “Surely you were not a mercenary your whole life. What was different before becoming a mercenary?”
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“Everything that happened before I met Li is pretty much gone from my brain. All I remember is sparkles of colour and light, but I can’t really tell much from just that, can I?”
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kappatengu · 6 years
why did you steal that egg
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“I lied that it was for a mission so Lianhua wouldn’t question why I was so obsessed with stealing the egg. But in reality, it’s something more than that. Y’see, when Li woke me up when he found me unconscious that day, it immediately felt like I was missing something. Like, I had something with me but nothing was around... So when I saw the egg with that frog, I don’t know, something just sparked. It looked and felt so familiar, as if it has some sort of significance.. I thought, that maybe, this egg was the answer to where I might’ve came from?
But then again, I might just be hoping a bit too much, heh.”
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kappatengu · 6 years
what are the plans for the egg? prank? didn't like the frog guy? you gonna hatch it and raise it for some sort of scheme while you slowly realise how much you love your new child and fall for each other?
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“I guess it’s sorta a scheme? If someone went an’ found your missing child for ya, you’d givvem a reward, would you not?”
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kappatengu · 6 years
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“The feather and the tune stuck in my head… I wonder if they’re connected.”
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