#koa fanfic
ihrtjiro · 1 month
hi hiiii! i decided to take mha matchups because i’m bored and why not :)))
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my only rule for these are that youre patient with mee! <3
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if you want a matchup please put an ask in my inbox with the following!
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gender preference
likes/dislikes (or just things about you)
love language
appearance (optional but it does help!)
group pref (class 1a, ua staff, etc)
any characters you want me to avoid!
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and what you’ll get in return is…
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headcanons personalized to YOU!
a small one shot/small set of dialogue (maybe)
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the more info the better! also there’s not slots for this so i’ll close them when i feel like it ^^”
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22 notes · View notes
mediocrearistophanes · 10 months
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me searching the internet for scraps of Elorcan
75 notes · View notes
islandtarochips · 3 months
Arthur’s Note: After watching that AWESOME trailer! I just wanted to do a small story or maybe a one shot about my Black Ops OC! I’m feeling so hyped up on how this one goes! Summary: Koa who was just spending time with his family. Who he had gotten back with again. Enjoying his off-time with his girlfriend (not being the wife YET for they were still divorced) and his two sons again. Until he got a call from his General wanting to talk about something. What is it that they’re going to talk about? Is it another mission threatening their home or is it someone else’s problem that he has to help out with? Let’s find out shall we?
Words: 3802
Clouds had darkened the blue sky during the day. As the rain poured onto the city of New Zealand. Where Koa had lived all of his life. Living in the house with his loving girlfriend who he had gotten back together after from the last mission he went to.
He was happy to see her and his two sons gathering in the living room. Watching the news on TV.
He was making some tea and some snacks for them as he took the tray. And walked over to them. 
As he set it on the table and gave the cup of tea to Aroha, his girlfriend. He saw the news on the TV saying about the riot that is going on in America.
“It’s CHAOS over there…” Aroha said worryingly seeing how messy it was. She took a sip from her cup as she looked at her boyfriend. “Doesn’t this worry you?”
Koa sighed as he gave the snacks to his younger son, who was laying on the floor while drawing, and gave the other one to his eldest son. “Kind of but don’t actually care. And that’s the thing about these Americans. Always causing chaos with NO reason.”
He grabbed his tea as he took a sip from his cup and pulled Aroha closer to him. He smiled at her. “But I’m not worried right now since I’m safe here with you and our boys.” Then he leaned closer and kissed softly on her cheek. “Mostly with you.”
Aroha giggles, feeling his lips against her cheek and then her head. “Oh stop it you.”
Their eldest son, named Kai, gagged playfully at the sight of his parents giving each other affection. “Gross! Get a ROOM, you two!”
The youngest son, named Ari, giggled a bit and also gagged. “Yeah! Get a ROOM!”
The couple chuckled to see the boy's reaction of them showing their love. Koa smirked at the two playfully before continuing to kiss Aroha on the lips.
The boys gagged even more before Kai covered his little brother’s eyes.
Aroha giggled at her lover’s playfulness before she joined in.
“Can you give us a BREAK?! We’re young over here!” Kai complained as he tried to look away from this sick love scene.
Koa leaned back and grinned at him. “You might act like this as well once you get a girlfriend.”
His eldest son rolled his eyes before they all heard the house phone rang. Kai went to get it as he walked to where the phone was hanging on the wall.
It kept ringing before he picked it up.
Koa let his lover lean onto him as he glanced at his older son talking on the phone.
“...um…ok. Hold on.” Kai looked towards the living room before calling out. “Hey dad! Someone is on the phone for you!”
Koa turned his head to where Kai was at. And then looked at Aroha before kissing her head as he said to her that he’ll be back. She nodded and removed herself for him to get up. And let her youngest son come up on the couch with her.
Koa slowly walked over as Kai handed him the phone. He told him to go sit with his mother before answering the phone.
“Captain Nakiu? It’s General Akahata.”
Koa felt surprised to hear his General’s voice through the line. “General? Why are you calling and how did you know my number?”
“I have my ways, Nakiu. But I need to tell you something. It’s important.”
“Oh um…of course, sir. Say it away.”
“An old comrade of yours is coming in around midnight. To give you a message about the mission that I…hope that you’ll accept and understand.”
Koa was confused at the General’s words. “Sir, I don’t understand. I thought the mission that I took two weeks ago is my LAST one. And I just started my leaves.”
“I know. But this is important, Colonel. And it’s not my choice to tell them that you don’t want to.”
“Then who am I going to speak with?”
“…it’s best for you to talk to them once your comrade comes.”
“Just talk to them, Nakiu. And if you choose to deny it. Then say so to THEM. Is that clear?”
“…yes, sir.”
Then he heard the General sigh softly on the other line of the phone. As he’s feeling old already. “And please…don’t make heated arguments with them. I’ll be going now. Have a nice day, Captain.”
“You too, sir.”
Soon he heard the General hung up before Koa slowly placed the phone back on the wall. He took a deep sigh before looking towards where his girlfriend and their sons were at.
He slowly walked over and leaned over the couch from behind as he smiled at them. “I’m back.”
Aroha looked up at him and smiled softly. “Hey.”
He saw Ari was already asleep in her arms and felt his own heart being touched. Then saw Kai was also asleep while sitting on the floor, laying his back against the couch in front of her.
“I guessed my snacks had put them to sleep.” Koa said with a light chuckle. As he gently traced his fingers on Ari’s little head.
Aroha giggles a bit. “Seems like I have taught you well on cooking huh?” She gently held Koa’s hand after he withdrew it from Ari. “Who was that on the phone?”
She noticed his expression when she mentioned it. She knows something is wrong. “Honey?”
Koa turned his head to look at her. “Oh um…that was…” He was trying to avoid telling her about his work. For he did promise that the last mission he went to would be the LAST time for him to go.
But he also knows that he can’t lie to her either. So he took a deep breath as he held onto her hand tightly. “That was my General. He said that one of my old comrades will be coming here at midnight to discuss with someone about…the mission.”
Aroha raised her eyebrow as she felt a bit surprised at this news. “But…I thought you’re not going back until in two months...”
“I know, pepi (baby). And he said that I can deny it if I want to. Depending on whatever dangerous mission they’ll put me in.”
“Then DENY it. You’ve worked so much.” Aroha pleaded. She gave him a concerned look as she gently tightened her grip onto his hand.
Koa sighs softly. “I need to see if this IS important. If not then I’ll deny it right away.” He leaned down over the couch and gave her a soft kiss on the head. “I promise.”
Aroha sighs through her nose as she calms down a bit. She understands her husband’s work but…she JUST got him back. Even their past relationship wasn’t so good. She saw how much he changed after joining the army.
And now he came back to her. Being a different man that she never knew he could. She softly removed her hand from his and placed it onto his cheek. As her thumb gently stroked against it. She looked into her lover’s eyes. As if she hopes that he’ll understand how SHE feels.
She doesn’t need to say it. For Koa could read well from her. He knows that she’ll ache if he leaves. But he also knows whatever missions that his General will send. It must be important.
Queenstown, New Zealand
Aroha was in the room, checking on their sons in each of their rooms. Smiling softly before walking back to Koa, who was sitting at the dining table. She saw him staring at the clock that was on the wall. Seeing the second hand was moving inch by inch in seconds.
She could tell that he’s feeling a bit anxious. Before she started to walk over. The two turned their heads towards the door, hearing the doorbell ringing.
Koa looked at Aroha. “Wait inside the room, pepi.” He told her with his soft voice.
Before she watched him stood up from his seat and walked over to the door. She slowly turned around and walked to the room as she glanced back. Before seeing Koa opening the door.
She quickly went inside the room but left the door crack open. She took a peek through it as she was curious of who was at the door.
“Sergeant Eruera? The General sent YOU?”
A young man, who looked to be in his 20s, showed a respectful smile towards the captain. He saluted in front of him. “Yes, sir! I am your old comrade, sir!”
The two were just staring at each other before laughing a bit. The two shared a hug while Koa patted his back.
“My god, it’s been a while!” Koa said with such relief in his tone. To see an old familiar face.
The Sergeant leaned back as he gave the old Captain a big old smile. “It HAS been, sir! And I’m so happy to see you!”
“Please, no need to be formal. I’m out of work.” Koa stepped aside for him to come inside. While Aroha was still watching. Being quiet so they won’t hear her.
As soon the Sergeant walked inside, Koa closed the door and locked it before getting a good look at him. “Look at you, Haimona! Getting taller! Almost to my height actually.” He smiled as he used his hand to measure between him and the Sergeant.
Haimona, who is the Sergeant, laughed a bit as he pushed Koa’s hand down. To stop him from teasing him about his height. “Yeah, I am.” He smiled softly at his Captain, after a long time from his long lasting mission. “Really miss you, Koa. Thought you will never come back from that mission in America.”
Koa chuckled a bit as he nodded. “Yeah…me too.”
There was a moment of silence between them before Haimona breaked the atmosphere between them. “Sir, General Akahata gave me this cell phone for you to call them.”
He gave him the phone as Koa took it. Aroha saw the phone as well and felt a bit confused as to why he would give him the phone.
The Captain looked at this phone before looking back at his Sergeant. “What’s the number?”
Haimona brought out the paper and gave it to him. Aroha could see the paper being handed to her boyfriend as she kept quiet.
And saw Koa looking at the piece of paper before dialing it. She could hear the phone ringing as she saw him laying it on the table and putting it on speaker.
Koa lay both of his hands on the table while leaning forward a bit. The two were waiting for the call to be answered before they heard a voice coming through after the fourth ring.
“Hello?” It was a female voice with a British accent.
Koa paused for a bit after hearing that familiar voice. “...Hello?”
“Captain Nakiu? Is that you?”
“Yes. This is him. Who is this?”
There was silence on the phone. After a few seconds, she answered.
“It’s Park. Helen Park.”
Koa raised his eyebrows in surprise before standing up as his expression changed from being surprised into annoyance. “What the fuck do you want, Park?”
The Sergeant felt a bit awkward to see his Captain looking so pissed already. Even Aroha felt surprised to see him like this.
“I thought I told you and the others to NEVER contact me.”
“I know! I know! But this is important! And we need-”
“Please! Just listen to me! It’s-”
“I said NO, Park. You and the others had done enough damage with ME around. So I’m not taking PARTS of it. Goodbye.”
“Wait! Nakiu!”
Koa was about to hang up before someone else called through the line.
“Not even for ONE minute to hear the reason, NAKIU?” A male voice had asked.
He paused. His hand stopped from reaching for the phone.
Haimona looked at Koa. Seeing him freeze like that. “Sir?”
Koa slowly put his hand down onto the table after hearing that voice. The voice he thought that he’ll never hear again. “Charles…?”
“Yes, Nakiu. It’s me. I’m with Park right now. And…she told me about this mission.”
“...why ARE you with her? Thought you don’t want NOTHING from them.”
“And you’re right, but…she has my attention when she mentions someone.”
Koa looked at Haimona, seeing his confused expression. Before looking back at the phone. “Who?”
“It’s Aleks.”
Koa’s eyes widened after hearing that name. “What? What happened? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Why is she INVOLVED with this?!”
Charles sighs to hear the Captain’s worried reaction. “CALM down, Nakiu. She’s alright. It’s just…Park had a feeling that Aleks was trying to find Adler. You saw the news didn’t you?”
Koa nodded. “Yes. Which was CHAOS. But what Adler?”
That’s when Park jumped in to answer. “He hadn’t responded to ANY of our calls or messages. And Aleks is being paranoid at the moment. So the first person that I could think of is…you.”
The Captain stood there silently as he processed what she said. Before sighing in annoyance. “Was he being kidnapped again? Because if he is then I’ll-”
“It’s not that, Koa. He’s gone rogue. Even Woods.”
Koa felt a bit surprised at this. Not for Adler but for Woods. “What? How? Why is Woods part of this?”
“I…I don’t know. Not even Charles could find out.”
“Ok. But where’s Mason, Hudson and the others? Why aren’t THEY helping the two?”
Koa was silenced from the phone. As if the two were trying to say something before answering that question. “Park? Moore?”
“Koa…Mason and Hudson…were KIA. From one of the missions.”
Haimona could see Koa’s reaction. With widened eyes.
Park sighed. “The two of them had died by the hands of that man named Menendez. But that would be another time. For OUR time is ticking. We just need your assistant, Nakiu. To help Charles and Aleks on this mission. To help us locate Adler.”
Koa was silenced after hearing all of that. He had never felt so shocked to hear the news of his dearest friend, not HUDSON though, had…died. The thought of Woods losing his friend from that mission. Made him feel sad for him.
But the thought of Adler. The man of whom he DESPISED ever since that day of finding out of him UNALIVING someone. UNALIVNG someone who he promised to help and protect. UNALIVING someone who he called them his own blood. But yet…he was too late to save them. All because of that man with a scar on his face and wearing sunglasses.
Charles heard no response from Koa. Which he knows that the Captain is still deciding. He sighed before speaking up. “Koa…I understand that you and Adler have…a DIFFICULT relationship. And so have I. With you as well.”
Koa rolled his eyes at that last sentence but continued to listen.
“But Aleks TRULY needed our help. Don’t you want to help her?”
Koa thought about it but then thought about his family. As he looked at the family photo of his girlfriend, his two sons and him. The photo which they took after being accepted again into the family. And then saw the photo of his daughter next to it. He thought about it so deeply. He sighed.
Aroha, who was still in the room and was listening, could see Koa’s expression. She could tell that he was going to deny it. They may not know how Koa reacted but she USED to marry him. And she knows him LONG enough. And also, remembering him talking about his old friends. She had never seen him change SO much because of them. Even seeing him looking so happy when he talks about them.
Knowing that he was the only child in his family and never had any other siblings. And dealing with his father after his mother had passed.
Imagining him being broken because of his father before marrying to her. And she knows that it’ll break him even more if he doesn’t decide to help his old friends. So she quickly got out of the room and walked towards him.
“I’m sorry, Charles…but I-”
Koa and Haimona turned their heads to see Aroha standing there. 
His eyes widened to see her before walking up to her.
“Aro? Pepi (Baby), what are you doing still up?”
Aroha looked up at him into his eyes before gently touching his hand. “Can we…talk?”
Koa saw how serious she looked but in a worried way. He looked at his Sergeant asking him to let them know that he’ll be back.
Haimona nodded and started to talk with them while Koa took Aroha into the hallway. 
He turned to look at her. “Something wrong?”
She slowly shook her head before she looked back to see Haimona was still talking on the phone with those people. And then looked back to look into her lover’s eyes. As much as she doesn’t want him to go but she doesn’t want him to live with the regret of not helping his friends who are so close to him.
“You should go.”
Koa’s eyebrows rose after hearing that. He was surprised. “What? Why?”
“Koa…don’t you care for your friends?”
“And do you wish for them to suffer all because of that ONE person who you will not forgive?”
“What? No!”
“Then GO.” 
Aroha took both of his hands. “Koa…you can’t just stop helping people all because of that ONE person that you can’t forgive.”
“Yeah, but he-”
“I’m not done.” Then she moved her hands up slowly from his hand and up to his face to cup his cheeks. “Koa, do you remember when you asked for MY forgiveness?”
He was silenced for a bit as he looked into his lover’s eyes. Those sweet brown eyes. As he slowly nodded.
“And I forgive, haven't I? I forgave you for I saw how much you’ve changed. And proven to me that you REALLY want to get back together not only for my sake but for the boys as well. And look how much you’ve gotten so close with them again.”
Koa was silenced after hearing all of that as he glanced away. Feeling uncertain.
“Hey, look at me.”
He slowly looked back at his lover and saw her soft smile.
“You don’t have to forgive him right away. But…can you TRY? For me and your friend?” Aroha pleaded with him as she rubbed his rough goatees.
Koa leaned into her soft touch as he sighed calmly. And looked back down to her soft gaze. Seeing that reminded him of those wedding nights that they used to have. Oh how much he missed those nights.
So he touched one of her hands and kissed her palm before looking at her. “If you’re sure, pepi.”
“I’m certainly sure, taku aroha (my love).” She said with a sweetest smile that he missed seeing.
Koa smiled back before kissing her lips as she did it back. Before leaning back and lay his forehead against hers. “I promise this time. That I’ll be back and I’m all yours.”
“Better keep that promise or I’ll have to rethink our relationship.”
Koa chuckled as he kissed her nose before walking back to where his Sergeant was at. And seeing him still talking with Park and Charles on the phone.
“Haihana, maku e whakahaere. (Sergeant, I’ll take over)” Koa told Haimono before seeing him nodded and stepped back before he got to the phone that was on the table.
“Captain?” Park started to call out for Koa through the line.
The Captain started to sigh as he looked back to see Aroha was standing nearby in the hallway. Seeing her soft smile before nodding.
He took a deep breath. “When do you need me?”
He heard the silence again from the phone. Knowing that they’re surprised by his answer.
“ASAP.” Park said before he heard Charles talking through the line.
“And you BETTER not be late or I’ll kick your ass for it.”
Koa chuckled deeply. “If you can even REACH, hoa (friend).”
“Shut up. Anyway, there will be a private plane at your base in New Zealand. They are on their way. So might as well get packing.” Charles said while Koa nodded.
“Sure. See you soon. And Charles?” He heard Charles humming in response. “Glad to hear from you again.”
“......same here, Koa. We’ll see you soon.”
Soon he hung up the phone before Koa leaned back from the table and sighs. And looked at Haimona. “Tēnā koe, Haihana. (Thank you, Sergeant).”
The Sergeant nodded with a small smile. “Of course, sir. And…do you need any assistance with this mission?” He gave the Captain a smile as if he was pleading to come along.
“Negative, Sergeant.”
“But sir-”
“Ko taku tikanga, Haihana. (I mean it, Sergeant)” Koa said with seriousness in his tone. Haimona caught that and understood before nodding.
“Sorry, sir…”
Koa sighed before looking at Aroha. Nodding her to come.
She walked over before feeling his arm wrapped on her waist. “Koa?”
He smiled softly at her before looking at Haimona. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Sergeant. But…”
Haimona saw his Captain looking saddened as he continued to listen to his words.
“I have lost too many people that I’ve known and cared for. Too many who were still alive who moved away from me and too many who already died under MY watch.” Koa looked at him with his pleading eyes to his Sergeant and begged him to understand. “So please…toku hoa (my friend). Understand that I’m saying this to you NOT because you’re not ready. But because this mission is too hard for me to handle if I lose another one who is so close to me.”
Haimona looked at his eyes, seeing the truth through it. And he clearly understands how his Captain has been going through. “Understood, sir. And I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.” He smiled at Koa before standing firm and saluting to him.
Koa smiled back at him before sighing as he looked at Aroha. “I’ll be seeing you when I get back.”
She nodded and quickly gave him a peck on his lips before smiling softly. “I believe you.”
After that night, Koa had already packed his things and went to kiss his boy's head, who are still asleep, without waking them up. As much as it pains him to leave them without explanation and hopefully they’ll understand.
But thanks to Aroha reassuring him that she’ll explain to them. And gave each other one last kiss before he walked with the Sergeant to head to the base of where his mission begins.
Characters (Left -> Right)
Charles "Charlie" Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Tagging these peeps for I promise them to finish these! (Already tagged Witch and Aly onto this as you can see up there!)
@welldonekhushi @imagoddamnonionmason
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pickel182 · 6 months
Astarion becomes Mahkloompah in Ch22 of This is a Gift, You Know
He sagged under the weight of their warlock friend. “Do you have any idea how heavy-“
“Look!” She insisted, pointing behind him.
He turned to see the Koa-Toa had all fallen to their knees in subjugation, save the priest, who was crawling toward Astarion’s feet.
“You’ve slain the pretender!” It gurgled. “We knew in our hearts the god BOOOAL was false. But you… we see you. We know you by your true name… MAHKLOOMPAH!”
He was appalled.
Shadowheart trembled with laughter behind him. “If you’re expecting me to drop to my knees before you, forget it,” she wheezed.
The priest tugged insistently on the leg of his trousers, which only made Shadowheart laugh harder. “What is to be your first commandment, oh great God?”
Astarion sighed heavily. “A better name than Mahkloompah, for one.”
The creature began to weep. “You are too modest, great one. This name perfectly captures your essence- your fury!” The other Koa-Toa began to rise and cheer at his words.
“We should go,” he mumbled in an aside to the Cleric, ��quickly.”
“We will spread word of Mahkloompah. Your glory will sing from ten thousand throats!” The priest called out as Astarion began a slow climb up the ladder.
“I can think of a better use for ten thousand throats,” he mused.
Shadowhert scrunched her nose below. “Pervert.”
Astarion gasped in mock horror. “I meant biting them?! Gods below. What do they teach you in the House of Grief? You might as well go to work in Sharess’ Caress!”
“Stop making me laugh, it fucking hurts!” She whined.
This and more in my fic on Ao3 ♥️
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zlobonessa · 1 year
so. i said that i'm gonna write a thesis on reinhard/regulus completely unprovoked. well i wrote a thesis on them completely unprovoked.
god if only my school english teacher knew what I'm doing with the lessons she taught me.....
0. The Prologue: why am i writing that?
because i want to. i have a brainrot. thanks for the attention.
1. The Parallels
To start off, the first thing we need is to establish who the characters are. i have little to no interest in recycling same old fandom wiki articles, which is why the approach i'm taking here is a bit different: let's study at these characters as paralles of each other.
When you look at Regulus character closely, it becomes apparent that he is written as a parallel, foil to Reinhard. Their upbringings are radically different, but in the such way that they mirror each other: Reinhard comes from a wealthy aristocratic family, since birth receiving privileges most people could only dream of; Regulus was born in a poor family with little to no opportunities; they both have alcoholic fathers, but Heinkel despises his son, while Regulus' dad loved him; some would say that Reinhard grew up having everything except that one thing that mattered, and Regulus grew up not having anything except the one thing that mattered.
(I actually have a couple of objections to this worldwiev, but we are not doing anticapitalism analysis here (yet), so let's interpret it like author intended.)
Their relationships with their own powers are also quite intriguing. The unstoppable force, the unmovable object (what if they kissed?). Their life paths are defined by Sword God and The Gospel respectively. Reinhard doesn't choose to have the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint, but it was destined to be his since day one; Regulus (presumably) takes Authority of Greed willingly, changing his fate from the unremarkable son to the archbishop of the Witch Cult; and yes, they both commit murder of their own family members right after.
Their personalities are also couldn't be more different. Reinhard is everything that Regulus isn't (📌), kind and forgiving, respectful, brave, modest. Regulus postulates that he possesses all these qualities, but in reality, well. And Reinhard, in turn, isn't really sure about actually having these traits.
(and that's where the interesting part comes!)
2. The Interactions
Well, the whole point of ships is to watch how the characters interact, isn't it? Let's look that we have here.
Firstly, the battle with Regulus is incredibly entertaining on its own. Regulus is born to be a chew toy, and it's unbelievably satisfying to see him being thrown in all sorts of garbage.
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Also, the very enjoyable part of this fight is a demonstration of Reinhard's..... well, i don't really wanna call it "bitch side". He deserves it! He applies it to people who are definitely deserve it!
Anyway, here is a compilation of my favourite moments where Reinhard is very politely destroys that little fucker:
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Speaking simply, interactions between Reinhard and Regulus are fun, and isn't it all that matters?
But also.... let's look how the parallels (see part 1) play a part here.
On the first glance, the fight is very classic "good guy vs bad guy". The masks stay on, and all the roles are played. But there's something.....
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.....interesting going on here.
For the brief moments, we get glimpses of the aspects of their personalities that they don't really like to display. Regulus says a lot of things that Reinhard thinks about himself; but the thing is that, at least at some level, Regulus also thinks all that about himself.
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(there is also an absolutely awesome revised version of Regulus' monologue in LN, where instead of mentioning Echidna (?) he keeps going "I'm not wrong I'm not wrong I'm not wrong I'm not wrong" on and on and on. my favourite part honestly.)
Being perceived as someone needing kindness is unbearable for Regulus: for him, deserving kindness means being pathetic, pitiful, lacking something. Reinhard craves kindness, but doesn't think he particularly deserves it: for him, deserving kindness means failing. Regulus dies alone, never understanding what he did wrong. Reinhard wins thanks to support of his friends, and yet his hero mentality also runs way too deep, and he comes out of the battle with the same inability to rely on other people.
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also, this part:
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it's hot, it's brutal and also really sad if you think about it way too much.
3. The Possibilities
So now that we explored that canon has to offer, the question arises: so what?
(or: this is the part where i throw my headcanons at you and make it sound like science.)
The undeniable comic potential of this ship is obvious: the Most Extraordinary guy who never once in his life said "fuck" (even though he is one who deserves it the most) and the Most Ordinary guy who need to have his mouth washed with soap.
(also i need y'all to know what one of the first ideas i had for this ship is very vivid mental image of reinhard holding on a leash a very small and very loud white pomeranian dog. do with this whatever you want.)
But also. Also. This ship has a possibility to be the biggest trainwreck ever. They could make each other worse. They could completly destroy each other's understanding of themselves. I run out of picture limit but that one post "would you date a hater" "in a heartbeat" is soooo reinhardcoded to me. The combination of emotional constipation is abysmal. They are ace4ace to me. The Reinhard's family situation could be the source of the most horrific forbidden romance where you can clearly see exactly why this was forbidden in the first place. They could send Wilhelm in coma. They could send Julius in coma. Do you remember the 📌? The 📌 was there to talk about the two-sided Jealousy: jealousy that the other is who you could never be vs jealousy that the other is who he voluntarily ceased to be. Have i mentioned the potential for Religious Themes? The Natural-Born god vs The Self-Made Devil? Also, the anticapitalism/anti-monarchism? The goldmine right here. The absolutely insane amount of body issues that comes from not being able to feel pain for years? Shaking from only imagining it. Themes of justice, the conversation of necessity to kill people to achieve it? Just waiting to happen. Also may i remind you that Regulus participates in all these conversations which means that all willing and unwilling listeners will get the brain damage but on the bright side this will be incredibly funny. And-
4. The Conclusion
In conclusion, i Am Chewing On Wires. they are So. h elp.
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lovesosweeet · 11 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter fifteen
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
december 22, 2017 sydney, australia orion
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to welcome you to sunny Sydney. The local time is 12:18 pm and it is 26 degrees celsius, 78 degrees fahrenheit. Thank you for flying United. We hope to see you on board again soon!” The flight attendant’s muffled voice squeaks through the cabin, and everyone who’d held on to those final moments of in flight sleep begin to wake up.
16 hours trapped in a box in the sky was definitely not my favorite experience, but we had a smooth flight. We didn’t have any crying babies, there was in flight wifi, and the snacks they provided were shockingly decent. I’m excited to finally be in Sydney, to visit a new part of the world, to meet Cal’s family, and get to learn a new side of him, the one where he’s home. I can’t wait to see how Sydney looks on him.
I look to my right and find Calum on his phone, his messages app open to his conversation with his mom.
“Is she here?” I ask. We still have to go through customs, and since I’m a foreigner I’m sure it’ll take a bit to get through, but maybe Joy is anxious like me and doesn’t want to miss the chance to greet us as soon as we get to baggage claim.
Calum sends the message he’s typing and then locks his phone, reaches over to grab my hand from my lap, and give me a tired smile. “She’s leaving the house now. Should get here right as we’re getting done with baggage and customs.”
I nod. Around us, people are standing up, slipping sweatshirts on and off, stretching, and starting to mill about the cabin, heading toward the overhead compartments where their carryons are stowed. The plane isn’t moving anymore, but the door is still closed, so all the movement and noises feel overwhelming, and to top it off, I’m anxious to meet Joy and David and Mali. I know they’re going to be nice, but they’re important to Calum and I want to make a good first impression.
As soon as the plane door is open, people slowly start to filter out. Calum and I unspokenly agree to stay and wait for most of the other passengers to get off, that way we avoid feeling like we’re in the way of the ones who are in a rush. Once most of the people are gone, we stand up and sling our backpacks over our shoulders, awkwardly stumbling into the aisle and trudging off the plane.
My legs feel wobbly after sitting for so long, and I’m so tired, but the air outside of the plane is pleasantly warm and the sun shines down brightly. It’s a nice wake up call. Calum grabs my hand once we’re outside, and I let him guide us into the airport and then through the terminal. He knows where things are here, so I trust that he can get us to customs without my help.
As soon as we step inside, a girl recognizes him. She’s polite when she asks for a photo, so I quickly snap one for her before we continue on inside. Cal’s a celebrity everywhere, but I had a feeling it would feel more like that while we’re in Australia.
When we get to customs, we have to go in separate lines since he’s a citizen and I’m not, so I get his parents’ address and contact info before we split up.
“I’ll wait for you right on the other side,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Just scream my name if you need me and I’ll come running.”
“I feel like screaming your name would just cause a stampede of people to want a photo with you,” I reply, trying not to roll my eyes.
He mockingly laughs at me and then we split up, but not without giving my hand a quick reassuring squeeze. The foreigners line is moving much slower and is a bit longer. While I wait, I connect to the airport’s wifi so I can tell my family I’ve arrived safely. I instantly get replies telling me to have fun and to send lots of pictures, and then I spend the rest of the time scrolling through Twitter from my burner account. I don’t interact except for liking a few Tweets now and then, but I love checking stan accounts for updates on 5SOS. I get to find random photos of Calum looking cute with his fans and, when we were first dating and they were on tour, I got to see what he was up to.
When I open the main 5SOS Australia update account that I check somewhat regularly, I’m surprised to see a very blurry photo of me and Calum walking through the airport just a few minutes ago. How are they so fast? I look like shit, but Cal looks normal and cute and everything. I don't bother to check the replies, since I know what they'll say and I don't need to feel bad about myself right now.
@5SAussieUpdates: Cal and Orion just landed in Sydney! picture attached
I refresh the page to see if there's anything else that's been posted, and then I see another photo of myself, much closer.
@5SAussieUpdates: Orion at the Sydney airport this afternoon. Holidays with the Hood fam?! picture attached
I jerk my head up and look around, trying to find a phone camera pointed at me. It's of me in this line, so they can't be far. Then I spot them, four or five people ahead. It's two girls and presumably their parents, the two girls sitting on their suitcases and whispering to each other, their phones aimed right at me. Jesus.
I give them an awkward smile and wave, then watch their eyes widen and they quickly put their phones down. Thank god. People are so bold these days, and I don't think those girls have any intention of actually speaking to me.
The rest of the time in the line is somewhat uncomfortable. I hate feeling watched, and it feels like every eye in this line is on me, even though I know it's not like that. It's just the two girls.
I hand my completed customs form to the kind woman at the counter, my passport soon after.
"Reason for visiting?" She asks.
"Spending the holidays with my boyfriend's family," I answer. I'm used to going through customs, so I don't get nervous about it anymore, but the Australian customs process is definitely on the more intense side. Besides the US, the UK and Australia are the only places I've been that have felt slightly nerve-racking to go through customs.
"That's exciting," she says. She's scanning my passport and reading through my form, making sure it all adds up. "Is this your first time to Australia?"
"It is."
"Have you met his family before?"
"No ma'am, this is my first time."
She stamps the form and my passport, writing the date inside the seals and then handing me my ID back. "Well, good luck and happy holidays. Oh, and don't say ma'am."
I laugh and take the passport from her. "Thanks for the tip. Happy holidays."
I walk through the next part of the customs line, following the signs for baggage claim, looking for Calum. I find him quickly. How can I not? He has a tiny swarm of girls around him, the two girls from the line among them. It's really only like six girls, their families standing off to the side while they wait on them.
As I approach, Calum somehow quickly manages to catch sight of me walking toward him amidst the chaos, and he gives the girl he's talking to a hug. "Alright, it was so nice to meet all of you, but I've got to go. Hope you have a Merry Christmas." He strides out of the group and straight to me, holding his hand out for me to take, and I gladly do.
"You made it through," he cheers, smiling down at me.
I laugh, giving his hand a squeeze while we walk. "I did."
"Welcome to Australia!" He giggles, gesturing to the airport like it's a sight to see, when it really just looks like most other airports I've been to.
"I can't believe I'm finally here," I marvel. Again, it's nothing crazy different, but yet, it feels so special.
He's directing us toward the baggage carousel for our luggage, intently focusing on getting us there. I don't think he even notices his mom and dad standing by the doorway with the sign that says "WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA ORION" in glittery bubble letters. I break out into a grin. They're so cute.
"Cal, they're here."
"No, they haven't put any of them out yet, see? Those people are from our flight and they're still waiting," he points to the family that had sat in front of us standing by the baggage carousel that will have our suitcases on it shortly.
"No, Cal, your parents. They're right over there." I gesture toward the door and Joy's glittery sign.
"Oh!" He realizes, also starting to smile. We redirect toward the door, and Joy starts running toward us. It's more of a jog, but still, she's quickly meeting us halfway.
Joy instantly wraps me into a bone-crushing hug, dropping her sign to the ground without hesitation. "Orion!" She cheers, squeezing me so tightly that it's almost painful. It's not, but it almost is.
We've met over Facetime a few times, and we have texted periodically, but this is our first time meeting for real. She mostly just sends me pictures of Calum from his childhood and tells me the context of the photo, which I love learning about. I want to know everything about Calum.
"Hi!" is all I can say, hugging her back as enthusiastically as I can manage.
David and Calum are hugging too, though their hug doesn't look nearly as tight as mine and Joy's.
"How was the flight?! How are you feeling? Hungry? Jetlagged? Should we stop for a coffee or a snack? Oh, we have food at the house too, and your room is all ready to go if you need a nap. We thought you'd like to go to the beach this evening and catch the sunset, Calum says that's one of your —" Joy starts rambling on, still hugging me, and Calum has to cut her off.
"Mum, breathe," he laughs, wrapping his arms around us so it's a small group hug.
I just feel kind of frozen where I am, so I just let it all happen.
"Okay, let her breathe now, too." Calum steps back, and I feel him pull me back by one of the handles on my backpack, forcing Joy to let go of me.
I turn to David then, giving him a quick hug. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you!"
Calum gives his mom a proper hug, and I can't help but just feel so happy to be here with them. He doesn't get to come home much, but he does absolutely adore his family, and getting to meet them and spend the holidays with them makes me feel so lucky.
"I'm so glad you are here! Mali is back at the house, we figured all of us picking you up would be a little overwhelming," Joy explains. "Here, Orion, let's go get the car and we'll let the men handle the luggage, how's that?"
I chuckle and glance at Calum to verify that this is what we should do, and he nods. "Sure, sounds good."
Joy and I start to exit the airport. She's not as tall as Calum, but she is quite tall, especially compared to me, but she's not at all intimidating. I follow her lead as she walks outside, into the parking garage, and toward their car. We stop at a silver sedan and she pops open the trunk or the boot or whatever they call it here so I can put my backpack in it.
"Wanna drive?" She asks, dangling the keys.
My eyes widen. "Oh, no, I don't think that's a —"
Joy laughs loudly. Her smile is the same as Calum's. "I'm kidding, you'd have a hard time, unless you're used to driving manual on the left side of the road?"
I sigh, relieved, and then I laugh with her. "Yeah, not the best idea."
She smiles, stepping up to close the trunk, and then she goes to the driver's door, which I almost forgot is on the opposite side of the car. "Hop up front; the boys can sit in the back."
I want to argue, say that Calum's legs are far longer than mine and would be much better suited to the front seat, but something tells me Joy won't take no for an answer. I take a seat up front, trying to come up with something to say, but for some reason, I come up blank.
"We're so excited Cal finally brought you home," Joy says, filling the silence with something so I don't have to. "He hasn't brought a girl home in quite some time."
"I'm really happy to be here," I confess. "I have always dreamt of coming here, and now I get to do it with someone I love very much. I get to see where he comes from, too, which makes it even more special."
Joy then doesn't say anything. She's just smiling as she backs out of the parking space and follows the signs to the exit. "I think he's right about you, you know," she finally says.
"What do you mean?"
"You're the one."
After we've all gotten into the car and the suitcases are tucked safely in the back, we make the drive to the Hoods' home. It's about an hour from the airport, and Calum and his family fill the time with catching up on the latest. Joy fills him in on the latest family gossip, who's having a baby, who moved into a new home, and whether or not certain relatives will be at the Christmas Eve dinner at their house.
I take in the sights of Sydney, or the outskirts of it. Not that southern California gets that brutal of a winter, but it's odd to see it being summer in December. It's pretty. I know it's just more suburban life, which we have plenty of in the US, but it's still nice to see. This is Calum's home. This is the place that shaped him into the person that I love.
We pull up to their home. It's a modest, regular family home, with two other cars in the driveway. It's got white siding with navy blue shutters, a bright yellow front door, and a recently mowed lawn. I wish I could've seen a tiny Calum running around, or even teenage Calum, kicking a soccer ball across the front yard.
As soon as we pull into the driveway, the front door opens and the tall, beautiful girl I recognize as Mali-Koa runs out to meet us outside. She waits outside my door so she can pull me into a hug as soon as I'm out. "Orion! Hi! I'm so happy you're here!"
"Me too! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
Mali's hug isn't nearly as tight as Joy's but she's still got a very strong grip on me. "You're even prettier in person."
I scoff. "Says you!" Mali is beautiful. She's tall and has Cal's same deep brown eyes and wide smile. I think she's far prettier than I'll ever be, but I feel that way about 90% of women.
"Oh, please, you're perfect."
"She's right," Calum adds, suddenly standing directly behind me. I can't see him, just can sense and hear him. "Hi Mal."
Mali lets me go then, tackling her brother into a hug. "Baby brother!"
"I've missed you," he says quietly, hugging her back just as tightly.
"Well, duh!"
I laugh, watching their sibling banter take over and then they're having some silly mock argument.
Calum has several forms. There's stage Calum, who's confident, strong, commanding, unafraid. There's almost professional soccer player Calum who's athletic and outgoing. There's antisocial butterfly Calum, who loves to be near the crowds at a party but doesn't want to say much or ask any questions. There's dog dad Calum, who's patient and sweet.
This is true Calum. I see him often, at home, when it's just the two of us, but this is him, too. Happy, goofy, cracking quiet jokes and showing his affection for his favorite people openly. He goes softer, melting into the environment, blending in, like it's exactly where he's supposed to be, and the environment melts into him, too. I love getting to know all of him.
Once we've unloaded the car, Joy makes us all lunch. I try to help, but she completely refuses it and commands that I go rest on the couch with Calum. I think it's a taste of my own medicine, since I never let anyone help me when I host guests.
"Orion, how does your family feel about you being here for the holidays? Surely they'll miss you," Mali asks.
I nod, smiling a little sadly. "Yeah, I know they'd like to spend it with me, but, y'know, I only live a couple of hours from them and see them often. We did our own Christmas last weekend. Couldn't miss the chance to spend the holidays with this goofball."
"Well, I speak on behalf of all of the Hoods. We're glad you're here."
Calum wraps his arms around me and kisses my temple. "I think I'm most glad, but it's not a competition," he whispers quietly enough that Mali can't hear.
A few hours later, we've eaten lunch, Cal's taken a nap, and I've gotten the full tour of the house Calum grew up in, complete with loads of baby pictures and stories. We then order a few pizzas and drive to the beach, even though it's a bit of a drive.
It's nice. We sit on a few blankets and share the pizzas, Cal, Mali and I drinking some cheap beers, and we play a few board games. While the sun sets, Joy and David take a walk down the beach, and the rest of us strip down to our bathing suits to race into the water.
Mali and I float with the waves, meanwhile Calum body surfs, wiping out completely at one point, making Mali die of laughter.
"You okay?!" I call out to him. He just sticks a thumbs up into the air.
Mali gets tired of the water quickly, explaining she's not a huge beach person. Calum joins me in floating, eventually just picking me up so we can stand with the waves washing over us. He lets me face the sunset so I can take it in: my first Aussie day.
And damn, is it a good one.
read next chapter
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sees-writes · 1 year
Mills and Koa (65 Movie)
A lil excerpt of what I think was going through Mills' head from the cave in scene to the quicksand scene... or how Mills comes to realize how much Koa means to him.
Koa called something back to him that sounded a lot like ‘move your butt’. He rolled his eyes as he pushed forward a few more inches.
He didn’t know what would await him either once if he got home. Alya was likely still mourning, he was still mouring. Their house would be empty without Nevine, the black hole of her absence would become crushing, even more so than it already was.
Mills cracked his head on the ceiling and grunted in pain. Koa twisted to look back at him with a snort of laughter. He glared back but couldn’t stop the twitch of a smile on his lips.
Maybe if push came to shove she could stay with him and Alya until she found someone-
The tunnel lurched underneath them and a crack formed on the ceiling.
“Stay there.” He ordered Koa.
The rumbling stopped but the rocks around them shifted.
He hadn’t even thought about the detonators damaging the stability of the tunnel, he’d only been thinking about moving forward.
“Go!” He told Koa and she quickly scrambled forward, small enough to move through the tunnel with much less difficulty.
The floor lurched again and the rocks above them dropped lower. Koa called something back to him as a rock in front of him broke off and dropped.
He pushed backwards, frantically backing away from the cave in. A large rock crashed in front of him, partially obscuring his view of the girl as she starred back at him in terror.
Her responding shout was cut off by the rest of the tunnel caving in. He tumbled out of the tunnel with a grunt before surging back to his feet. He clawed at the rocks in the entrance of the tunnel already exhausted and strained muscles throbbing in pain but he kept attacking the wall, desperation keeping him standing. He felt a scream building up in his chest, one of anguish, grief, helplessness, everything he’d been trying to keep buried ever since he’d received that fateful transmission from Alya.
This couldn’t be happening, not again.
“Koa!” He roared as he rammed his shoulder into the wall.
She couldn’t be dead. She couldn’t. Not after everything they’d already been through. She was the only thing keeping him going, keeping him alive. He could not fail again.
He leaned his head against the rocks, trying to catch his breath before going after the rocks again.
Then suddenly, he heard it. Koa’s whistle. He stared at the wall in disbelief before it sounded again. Without a second thought he grabbed his back and his rifle and took off back towards the entrance.
As he tore through the tunnels with one thought on his mind: get to Koa.
You can read the rest of Through Hell on AO3
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koa-z · 5 months
hey, u know how a lot of artists weren't appreciated in their time, and then everybody looks back and is like "wow haha I wonder who's the next unappreciated genius?"
i feel like the concept of fanfiction is actually it. It's frowned upon bc of social taboo due to the fact that fan culture itself is seen as cringe in a lot of society and it's strongly based in existing media, however there's a shocking number of quite frankly beautiful and artistically impressive fan work that's out there just for free. Give it a century and I think that's what people are gonna be talking about as a thing that was unappreciated in its time, but ridiculously impressive. I'm not joking, I've been thinking about this a lot.
Fanfic especially has a unique relationship to art as a whole, since writers have the freedom of pre-existing characters whom the readers are already familiar with, which gives them the unique advantage of being able to build more complex and interesting arcs without needing to establish that foundation. People who understand this and use the medium to its fullest are capable of creating interesting and well-developed media which couldn't be likewise created without writing prequels first.
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kidsoftarlos · 1 year
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I've been trying to get this picture to load all day, not even joking.
Now, one thing most of us can agree on is that Sarah J. Maas deserves to go straight to jail after leaving us hanging with nothing but "So Lorcan did."
But, luckily for all of us, your fanfic authors have been hard at work since Kingdom of Ash was published to give us all what we deserved, but did not receive!
These are the completed fics on AO3 that strive to tell us what Lorcan did, listed alphabetically by AO3 handle:
Elorcan by A_court_of_smut
Show Me Everything by Ellie04056
Not another "So Lorcan Did" Fanfic by faedriven
Beautiful by headcanonheadcase
So Lorcan Did by headcanonheadcase and VikingMagic_33
The Beginning of Everything by HLizR50
So Lorcan Did by kitwhitethorn
Show Me Everything by lady_riel
So Lorcan did... by lovemesomelorcan
NIGHT 1: Elide's POV by RausieStone
The Path Ahead by Rhysand_vs_Fenrys
Show Me by RunxInxThexRain
The Elorcan Smut We Didn't Get from KoA But DESERVED by sarah_bae_maas
So Lorcan Did by ThroneofASSS
In the Ever Falling Dark by untouchedandalive
So Lorcan Did by Write1_Or1_Wrong1
Gods Above by youngdaggerdick
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ihrtjiro · 1 month
hihi i wanna request a mha matchup ^^
character preference-wise i prefer male and i’d like it if you could avoid the adult characters!
as for me, i’m roughly 5’7, blonde w brown eyes (and a girl lol) i’m an ambivert, so im pretty comfortable in social situations but i get overwhelmed quite fast and often end up zoning out/ getting quiet. i’d like to think that i have a good balance between being loud and listening to others but at times i can be a bit of a yapper 🙊 i’m very emotional, so i hate seeing my friends upset (i’m the if ___ cries, i cry type of person).
interests wise, i love science and really want to pursue that as a career (specifically biochemistry). in the same vein, i take my academics really seriously because i don’t play sports at all and genuinely enjoy learning. i also love graphic design as a side hobby and do little projects in my spare time ^^ other hobbies of mine include painting, skiing and gaming.
likes: dogs, kpop, sleeping, playing roblox (lol), iced tea, nerds gummy clusters 🤤
dislikes: math (i’m just bad at it), spiders, needles, and very specifically the point in winter where it’s dark and cold and bleak
hope this is good and thank u smmmm 🎀
a/n; hey heyy! hope u enjoy this :))
your matchup is…
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hanta sero !!
sero always tries to be very aware of your behaviors while in social settings! like if you’re not talking/zoned out, he’ll try engage with you specifically to make you feel more welcomed! (he also loves it when you yap.. 🤫)
he also thinks it’s very endearing how seriously you take your academics! it reminds him of iida or yaomomo a lot and it’s very sweet to him :))
i personally hc sero to be good at math because i imagine while training his quirk he had to get really good at measurements when deciding how much tape he wanted to shoot for whatever reason, so he’d easily be able to help you with your math work if you couldn’t do it haha
he’d also shoot out small strips of tape for you to paint and doodle on during classes whenever you got bored <3
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to ihrtjiro. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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islandtarochips · 6 months
Talofa everyone! I am IslandTaroChips or you can just call me Taro or Chips! I'm just scrolling around Tumblr for any inspirations for me to make any kind of Fanfic story that I'm very interested in (Which it's mostly COD). Let me tell you more about myself before you went on ahead of looking at the rest of my blog here!
Introduction: General:
· I am 23-years-old who loves any fandoms that I'm interested in · Creating OCs in writing is what I do (I can't draw but I'm learning to) · Writing fanfic or a short story about my OCs or any other people's OCs (For I know we all wanted to have comfort characters in our life or we wanted to comfort them) ·I am currently working at the moment and trying to help my family. So please don't expect me to get things done from here. ·I'm Samoan who was born from America and lived the rest of my life down in the Island (Doesn't know ALL of the Samoan language T-T) ·I really do love making OCs on any fandoms that is base with the Polynesian sides (Mostly the Samoan ones) and would love to share my culture with you guys here ·can write Y/n x Canon characters ·I'm a sucker for angst, fluff and romance
Fandom/Interests that I'm into:
- Call of Duty (Only the Modern Warfare that I know about but didn't play :D)
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Resident Evil
- The Last of Us
Some things I’m not Interested in:
·Not into writing NSFW ·Not into writing MLM or FLF ·Not into writing Spice either ·Not into writing a threesome or more kind of relationship
·You can interact with me if you would like but please be nice and kind before doing so ·If you are not and you decided to say something negative towards me. I will have to respectfully to ask you not to interact with me but if you don't respect that than I have no choice but to block you. ·If you would like to request of me writing a short story with your OCs x Canon or a Y/n x Canon. I would GLADLY accept it! But there will be boundaries for me not to do it. ·Letting you guys know that there will be some swearing words in the story ·JUST because I said that I'm not into writing MLM or FLF DOESN'T mean I'm disrespecting of who they are. For I am a Christian but I don't push my religion on here. For I only wanted to do some fun writing in here and expressing of what I'm passionate of.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 OCs: (No Drawings I'm Afraid :,( I'm sorry...)
What is the Warriors Task Force?
Tiala "Shark" Toa 🦈📄 Captain Kanoa Toa 🇦🇸📄 Nigel "Squirrel" Harrison 🐿️📄 Agnes "Blast" Falagi 💥📄 Dr. Aelan Kalani ⛑️📄 General Alana Kalani 🎖️📄
Las Almas OC: Camila “Rosa” Flores 🌹📄
Shadow Company OC: Callie "Snipe" Graves 🇺🇸📄
Samoan Tattoo Ideas for my OC
Samoan Tattoo Ideas for my OC #2
Knowing the Toa Siblings (Oldest Edition)
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War OC:
Koa “Hunter” Nikau 🔪📄
Aroha Arehe Nikau 📄
Here are the story that I did so far if you're interested of reading it:
Opt In/Out: If you want to be tagged for the stories that I'm creating. Either Canon x Reader or OC x Canon or some of my OCs lore backstory or other story related post. Then you may pressed up there if you want to be part of it. If not then that's ok! Thank you!
Farm AU (141 x Reader):
Farmer!Price x Farmer!Female!Reader 🚬📝
COD Characters x Reader
Obsessed!Makarov x Female!Reader
My OCs Stories:
The Blame (Kanoa's Angst Story)
The Warrior Within (COD Fanfic Story)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Operation Red Tide
Chapter One
Ok! That’s about it! Thank you for reading this far! Love ya!😘❤️
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lucienarcheron · 2 days
The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
You're lovely for sending me this ask and for doing this in general ❤️❤️❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
I stumbled into TOG back in 2015-2016 and devoured them then from there inhaled ACOTAR/ACOMAF and stumbled onto tumblr to talk about it, joining the fandom from there hehe. I was obsessed with Lucien and Elucien, especially with how ACOMAF ended ("You're my mate." AHHH the scream I let out when I read that the first time haha) so I ate up any fanart/fanfics I found, though sadly it was a very small amount at that time. I then started writing my elucien fics and here we are, still doing it :)
I was actually reading TOG as it was coming out so imagine my stress when I finished EOS and had to wait two years to get to KOA because TOD was coming out the following year hahaha. What a time!
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
Lucien and Elain are my favorites so naturally I always gravitate towards them because I think they each have so much to offer as characters but honestly, all the Archeron sisters in their own ways. Feyre, Nesta, and Elain each have traits I see in myself and/or I love about them and I just love my girls so much. I love how loyal and smart Lucien is. I think he's a character with such a complex background and despite all the shit he's been through, he still tries his best and I love him for his resilience.
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
It's hard to pick one but ACOMAF and KOA. ACOMAF had such a beautiful journey for Feyre and Rhys and it was the book that made me really fall in love with these characters. As for KOA, as a final book, it had a lot going on but the way we've been with these characters for so long going through hell with them and we get to watch them cross the finish line will never not hit.
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Elucien. I've been on the elucien ship since 2016 and it's been a journey to watch what once was a small ship become so well-loved now. There were only a handful of people about elucien that were super active back then but seeing how others have also fallen in love with their potential is so awesome. I could go on and on about why I love them but it boils down to that as characters, I think they complement each other so well. I think they would bring out the best in each other and be what the other person so desperately needs. Their aesthetic is also my jam. I can't help but love them.
thank you again for the ask bby! ❤️
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Hey Koa. I hope you have been well lately!
Could I request some soft and fluffy Ushijima scenario/head canon ?
This man has been on my mind 24/7 lately I need help 😫
Im not okay but I need to write some self indulgent fanfic to keep up with life so get ready for some fluff!
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For you
There is many little things about Ushijima anyone can notice when you're around
Whenever you're near he can be seen smiling softly at you
He's more silent because he likes to hear your voice and is glad you're always excited to talk to him
Whenever you laugh anyone can see his freatures relax, even after a bad day of practice
There is something comical about your relationship with Ushijima
He usually speaks his mind and doesn't really care for what anyone has to say for him, but you?
If you tell him to smile often he will, if you ask him to hug you or hold your hand in public, he's on it
Actually he had memorized your behaviour pattern and will hold your hand anytime you seem a bit upset or sad
He doesn't speak much, but he definitely knows what you need and when you need it
Is more the kind of show his love through actions than words
You both fell on a small routine where he asks about your day and you ask about his training routine
If there is anything someone could say, is that you both act like an old married couple
You know each other, every glance, every smile, every furrow of brows
Sometimes Satori will tease you both saying you guys should marry soon
He also likes to help you whenever he has the chance, his favourite thing about helping you is when you give him quick pecks on the lips as thanks
Sometimes when you help him out or make his lunch he will politely ask if he can kiss you
It's not because he's scared of you rejecting him or something
He just likes the way you smile and blush, and he will craddle your face every time before kissing you softly
For you he will break his own personal rules, actually, whenever he's with you he breaks his own rules
He thought he will be training for the rest of his life, but since you came in the picture, well....
Now he has other plans and routine
However his kindness is extended only to you 💖
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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physalian · 27 days
Can I complain about modern fantasy book titles and covers for a second?
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I don’t like these books anyway. Why doesn’t matter, they have their audience and I’m not part of it. But eight whole books, and I read seven of them (not Assassin’s Blade) a few years ago now, and I could not tell you in what order they should be read if someone handed me a blind pile, or even what cover belongs to each book because they’re so painfully generic (and missing numbers on their spines).
Nor could I tell by the titles which are also painfully generic. Yeah they read like fantasy titles but there’s nothing distinct about them, they’re just fantasy buzzwords and they’re so vague that even Tower of Dawn leaves me vaguely recalling that kingdom with the giant birds, I think? Heir of Fire might be the romantic side quest that lasts an entire book, but that’s based more on my memory of the order of events than the title or cover would suggest.
Blank of X and Y she used for ACOTAR (which I did not read and know nothing about so I skipped them) is just so boring to me if the Mad Lib is nothing special. “Heir of Fire” could be a Game of Thrones fanfic for how unique and evocative the title is. A Court of Thorns and Roses literally stole the cadence of A Song of Ice and Fire but guess what?? Those aren't just nonsense words. Ice and Fire and how they're related are hugely thematic and relavent elements in those books. "Thorns and Roses" just ripped off a Poison song.
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I assume these were the original covers since they’re not so manicured and actually have character. The titles are the same but the colors are so much bolder and the imagery isn’t a greyscale girl for 7 out of 8 titles. They’re distinct and memorable and while they’re still not evocative of the actual story, if I was a bigger fan of the books I’d probably have stronger associations. They do try. I have fuzzy memories coming back of EOS having the cool pirate with the map hands, KOA being the climactic battle book, QOS... might be the boring side quest with the dragons. This does not look like assembly line popcorn fantasy. This looks like it has heart, and an air of mystery. They draw you in and have you asking questions, they have you wanting to know more.
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These books are, in my opinion, superior in many ways to anything SJM has written, but the covers? The exact same problem on steroids. And I only read four of them, there’s six total apparently. King’s Cage is the best title of the bunch. I know immediately from the title “that’s the one where the protagonist spent the whole book as a political prisoner in, you know, the king’s cage”.
But the covers, though they all share the same aesthetic and would look pretty on the book shelf, are absolutely devoid of any and all context within the book, save King's Cage. They’re all feminine crowns and tiaras, too. They could have at least given a man’s crown or at least something with harsher angles and thicker lines to evoke, idk, maybe the titular character the third book is about? It helps that the series (at one point) was only four books so it was less titles and ambiguous covers to juggle, but now there’s six so I guess that’s out the window.
Pretty, but purely window dressing. The best thing they have going for them is how distinctly minimalist they are that sets them apart from other fantasy.
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I have incredibly mixed feelings about these books but the colors. Very much carrying on the PJO tradition of titles that actually fit the books and art to go along with it. There’s so much drama and movement to each one and they are, once again, scenes from each book, so many little details to look at. Festus was a huge part of TLH, then Percy's back in action, front and center in SON, then... uh, MOA... then Percy and Annabeth looking scared shitless in HOH and then... uh, BOO. Exists.
They all draw you in and I very much remember the cover drop for House of Hades and losing my mind over it. Much more face-focused than the reserved originals, much bolder, but still, mostly, Percy Jackson.
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I looked this up on google images and couldn’t even read the titles there tiny at the bottom. The exact same color scheme for every single book. This is for the box set, I know that, so the spines all make one image when you line them up, but the spine doesn’t have to be the same image as the front cover.
That said, the cover images are still distinct and still hold true to the originals—showing actual elements from the books, like Blackjack and Polyphemus and the Labyrinth. Updated but a bit too sleek for my tastes (maybe that’s just nostalgia talking). The titles though, love the titles. At least they kept the series number on the covers (unlike TOG or RQ).
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Now this. This here. These have everything. Bold, distinct colors on the spines, beautiful unique and very fantastical art, art that actually pertains to the book it’s about with an air of mystery every single time. You want to ask why there’s a kid floating in Long Island Sound, who that giant eye belongs to, who has that pegasus so frightened, what’s in the golden coffin, and… well the last one is just noire and I like it.
The titles, though. The. Titles. “Sea of Monsters” cannot in any way match up with the plot of the rest of the series. These covers are perfection.
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Now I did not read these books, just saw the movies. These covers are dated, but there still wonderfully, charmingly whimsical, for an entire series about wizards and witches. The colors are distinct, the font choices reflect the vibes of each book, the art depicts the stories within the pages—Harry joining the Quidditch team, Fawkes coming to the rescue, Buckbeak, the mermaid egg thing and the other competitors in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the (I think?) prophecy room/Ministry of Magic, the Remembrall (I think??), and, you know, the last one is cool too. The style of the drawings are rather unique to Harry Potter. Harry also visibly ages across each one.
The titles themselves, like PJO (while predating PJO so setting the trend I’m aware) cannot be separated from their books. Order of the Phoenix? That’s the book about the Order of the Phoenix. Deathly Hallows is about, shocker, the Deathly Hallows.
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Putting Twilight here at the bottom. I like these despite them being minimalist because, unlike every other cover on this list, they’re minimalist fantasy. Barely urban fantasy. The red and white motifs are evocative of the romance genre and vampire fiction and at least the covers of Twilight and Breaking Dawn do reference scenes in their books, with Edward catching the apple in the cafeteria and them playing chess on their honeymoon.
They also speak to a more adult, mature audience with the sleeker look. These are romance novels with vampires, *not* fantasy novels with romance. You see any of those covers among other adult romance in a bookstore and they’re going to catch your eye. The titles… eh. Not so much. Nothing to do with the story they just sounded pretty and evocative but this is romance, not fantasy, they’re supposed to be sensual and evocative and “Bella Swan and The Broody Vampire Boy” would not at all fit that vibe.
It’s not like these modern fantasy novels are devoid of creative terminology. I don’t like SJM at all but her books did have some really creative and wonderful moments in isolation. It’s like the publishers were afraid to be authentic and sincerely fantastical, so they went with something safe and clean and uninspired both in title and in art.
“Throne of Glass” means nothing to me and could be applicable to like, four of the books in that series. If I squint I can see it as a metaphor for the fragile state of the ruling house but there is quite literally glass everywhere so maybe it’s just one cool element—that should have then been on the cover—but like, the whole book is about the Assassin’s trial, right? So call it The Assassin’s Trial or Tournament of Assassins. You know. The plot of the book, not just one random ass element in the background.
Be authentically fantastical, or don't write fantasy.
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fatelessonewrites · 1 year
me again
this ones more spicier
“If you were the hero of Mel Senshir, I would follow you.”
The words don't sound mocking when you say them. In fact, if Hugo was a madman, he might think they were even…affectionate. If he weren't so distracted by the way your mouth forms words that a clumsy, cowardly sheep farmer far too out of his depth could never deserve.
He doesn't know how the next bit happens; who makes the first move; but his mouth is against yours in a moment. You turn from the edge of the pool, letting your braid land against it as you open yourself to him. He takes the opportunity, moving between your powerful thighs and pressing you against the cool tiles with a whimper as his skin meets yours. He has no skill or experience, but you thread your fingers through his hair and guide his mouth with yours so tenderly that for once he can't be ashamed of himself for it. Confidence rising, he grabs two handfuls of your perfect ass and seats your hips right against his, swallowing your gasp as even more of your skin comes into contact.
If one of you was to be labeled a hero, surely it would be you. You rescued him from a life of torment and treated him as an equal. You took him under your wing when you knew he could only be a burden, have shown him the patience of a saint as you've taught him things he would never have learned on his own; how to defend himself, how to hunt, how to survive. “Hero of Mel Senshir” be damned. They were only ever an idea, an infatuation.
You're his hero.
… You're his hero.
You're the hero of Mel Senshir.
He has the hero of Mel Senshir; an existence he has idolized so thoroughly that he abandoned his family's generational farm to travel Mithros and become an “adventurer”; pressed naked against him, half hard, panting and gasping against his mouth.
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