classicalsongbirdknits ยท 3 years
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Knitflixing for Canadians suggestion for March: Avatar, The Last Airbender
Fair warning- this is a kid's show, so be prepared for that. I don't want you walking into this expecting anything else. That being said, I still think you should watch it, and you can read below for why. (Also, I think cartoons are perfect for watching while knitting, because if you look away for a few moments, you won't miss anything super important.)
I didn't watch Avatar until I was in university (since I grew up without cable), but had heard great things about it from friends, had recently enjoyed watching Gravity Falls, and was looking for something to watch instead of studying for my music history exam. I wasn't convinced after the first episode, but was interesting in procrastinating enough that I continued, and I'm glad I did. While the show is certainly for younger audience, the characters are complex enough to be interesting, and there are some excellent life lessons mixed in (pretty much anything Iroh says is just as applicable to my life as an adult as it would've been when I was a kid). The humour is fun, the world building is cool, and it has one of my favourite villain redemption arcs in any medium.
And we're still in the midst of a world-wide pandemic and Ukraine is being invaded and who even knows what else, so I don't feel at all guilty for enjoying the simple pleasures of this show.
You might like this show if: you feel nostalgic for your childhood in the early 2000's; you're looking for something simple and unchallenging but still interesting to watch; you already enjoy cartoons such as Gravity Falls or Hilda; you watched this show as a kid and forgot that it was on Netflix.
You might not like this show if: you don't enjoy cartoons or anime; you're looking for something intellectual, highbrow, or sophisticated.
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