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Here's a mock orange blossom. I was nominated for the #foragingchallenge by@paforaging.... So I have to eat completely WILD FORAGED FOODS ONLY for a day.... For me that means me and my family;) You have to choose a day in the coming week....I chose Thursday. And if you get nominated you have to pick 3 other nominees!!! So I am nominating @metamoonastro @atmosstratus22 and @holistic_wildflower Y'all game???? I guess you could just fast on a few mint leaves in water for the day😂 The mock orange... It's not known to me to be of any real medicinal value, but it is quite pretty and wonderfully fragrant and the leaves can be used as a soap. The essential oil holds the vibration of "releasing old patterns I the forge the way of the new". I suppose that is very good medicine after all....indeed. #foragingchallenge #veganaf #wildharvest #foraging #freefood #rewild #plantbased #survivalist #knowthyyarden #knowthyneighborhood #findtheforest #theresfoodoutthere #eldersisterorganics #herbaldownloads #graciasporlamedicinamama
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