#knowing which battles to fight º ask meme
damnthetitle-blog · 6 years
@aconstellationofsinsx [ some hella creative ocs, plus a hella adorable mun ]
@waldenborn [ we only have 1 thread so far but I ADORE Helo Morris and would die for him?? plus just a great person to have on my dash tbh ]
@motherbuilt [ another BEAUTIFUL oc, she and marcus are probably saltmates (like soulmates except they’re salty to each other) ]
@cockrch [ A+++ portrayal, esp as a fellow character with a great character arc that can sometimes be hard to write. I have so much love and respect for one (1) John Murphy ]
@cosmicfell [ MORE GREAT OCS WOW I love the variety of characters here and must stop myself from doing things with every single muse ]
@lethalintelligence [ lately there have been 70000 Ravens on my dash but hello you are the first one I followed and I love reading your posts/making you cry over Sinclair with me ]
@jobikilled [ I have 99 feelings and all of them are about jasper jordan thank you for your portrayal ]
@icebitxh [ a truly lovely Echo, despite all the negative things people see in her. I always appreciate people who can write characters I didn’t like before, and make me care about them. like, thank you??? ]
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damnthetitle-blog · 6 years
Every third symbol
🍠 = Do you consider yourself to be a potato or a sweet potato?Just a regular potato. lol
🍑 = How do you feel about the upcoming zombie apocalypse? I hope it doesn’t happen because I am out of shape and useless and would die quickly.
🚜 = Do you have a drivers licence of a sort?No, actually. Fun fact. 
⚜️ = What makes you feel proud?When my writing is good! When I read something over and think “damn that is a good post/poem/story/etc” are super good moments
▶️ = Do you often have one song on repeat?YES. Usually whatever my newest favorite song is. or when I get in a sad mood I have a go to sad song that I play over and over. 
👽 = What is your aesthetic? Hufflepuff- flowers and sunshine and positivity and tea and baking 
🙃 = What is the weirdest experiences you had last week?One of the kids I worked with (he’s in 2nd grade) asked the bus driver if she was single. >.>
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damnthetitle-blog · 6 years
If I said you had a great body, would you hold it against me?
“Why would I hold it against you? It’s nothing to be ashamed of- Oh.” 
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