know-fear · 19 hours
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I finally did it! I successfully sped run SH4, twice! Once to unlock one weapon mode, and then again to unlock all weapon mode. I was a bit nervous at first, as I always am with any speedrun...but I managed through. Now I can enjoy all the infinite nutritional drinks and ammo as I try to unlock Cynthia's secret costume.
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know-fear · 2 months
I happened upon this fun little "What Silent Hill Character Are You Quiz" why not take it yourself and share the results?
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know-fear · 3 months
Hey everyone, I'm sorry if the blog’s sudden disappearance caused a scare. I had some things I needed to sort out and think through, but everything's okay now, so the blog is up and running again.
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know-fear · 3 days
Today I just remembered that Walter Sullivan went to Pleasant River University...so I wonder...based on his peculiar interests, did he study medical...OB/GYN...?
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know-fear · 2 months
Ugh, I feel miserable, me and my family caught covid again...I hope it won't be has horrid as last time, I had it for over two weeks fighting off 103 fevers. So far the current symptoms are headache, sore throat, muscle and stomach aches, along with red eyes, brain fog, and a woozy sensation...
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know-fear · 3 months
After all this time, I finally had enough saved up and bought a PS5 today! I'm so overjoyed! Sadly, I can't afford any new games at the moment so I guess it's time for me to play RE4Remake again, but this time there will be no lag and the graphical textures won't look so shitty...
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know-fear · 3 months
Tag Game: Five favorite characters poll.
[Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.]
Okay, so no one tagged me but this tag game has been circulating around my dashboard for a few days and I wanted to join in on the fun…so let's begin!
Tagging: @silenthill2ps2 @fm-synthesizer @fonulyn @firstaidspray @thecodeveronica
Don't feel obligated to do the tag game if you all don't want to though! 
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know-fear · 28 days
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know-fear · 1 month
Is @overseer-alberetta you?
No, that is my sister, however she does sometimes help with the blog by drafting posts and she used to help make some of the edits a few years ago. I've mentioned awhile ago that my two siblings sometimes help out with the blog, but I (Vivienne) is the main admin and only one who speaks.
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know-fear · 2 days
Hey everyone, I've noticed some are struggling to find the Silent Hill games for PCSX2. If you send me an ask, I can share them with you.
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know-fear · 2 months
silent hill
Favorite Male Character: Henry Townshend. I've always found him to be kind of cute, but also relatable with his quiet yet kind personality, plus he's a photographer that's pretty awesome.
Favorite Female Character: It's a tie between Eileen and Heather, I admire their strength and resilience.
Least Favorite Character: James Sunderland.
Favorite Ship: Henry and Eileen! The good ending makes me think they'll get together…
Favorite Friendship: Harry and Cybil I guess?
Favorite Quote: “Some things we forget and some things we can never forget. It's funny…I'm not sure which one is sadder.”
Worst Character Death, if any: Harry. It was so unexpected and made me very upset the first time I played.
This made me so happy you have no idea moment: Hmm…Silent Hill 2’s Dog Ending. It's hilarious.
Saddest Moment: Having to listen to Mary reading the letter always gets me teary eyed…
Favorite Location: Ooh, definitely the Lakeside Amusement Park, it's such a creepy yet fun setting.
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know-fear · 2 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 💖💖💖
Thank you! 💝
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know-fear · 4 months
Hey, everyone.
I wanted to bring to notice that Know-Fear is going on a indefinite hiatus.
As of late, other life matters have preoccupied all my time, and with what little free time I have, spending it on Tumblr hasn't exactly been captivating. Tumblr in its current state for the gaming fandom feels like a ghost town, the site lacks the spark it used to have.
Anyways, before I leave I'd like to say thanks to everyone for their support. I never thought this blog would get so much attraction as it did.
See you around.
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know-fear · 9 months
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Hey everyone, since a vast majority of my followers here are Resident Evil fans I thought you all would be interested in this amazing RE modding project I've recently discovered called BIORAND. It's literally the most ultimate randomizer ever made for the classic trilogy.
I've been playing it for the past few days, and so far it's been really impressive! Apparently, the project was released (and is still being frequently updated with more content) quite some time ago but I've unfortunately only found out about it now so I thought with as much fun as I've been having with it I should spread the word.
Basically, BIORAND comes with a launcher that gives you the ability to play all the first 3 OG REs along with a wide range of in-depth settings for randomizing options like ammo, characters, voices, enemies, etc. You can learn more about it on its official site linked above.
With its endless possibilities and unpredictability, it's been a whole lot of crazy fun to play, so if you're a classic RE fan (or if you've never played the original trilogy before and have always wanted to, now is your chance as they included the un-modded versions of the games as well...) and want something wild to spice the old games up, I highly recommend you try it out!
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know-fear · 10 months
What platform are you playing these games on?
Depends on which games you are asking about? The one's I'm making edits of?
Well, the Code Veronica I'm playing is the PS4 port. The Silent Hills are the original PS2 versions, I am playing my own copies on PC through PCSX2 and Duckstation. Same goes for the other PS2 and PS1 games.
I usually play most modern games on either my PS4 or Steam.
Now for OG RE2, I mainly play the Platinum Resident Evil 2 version on an extremely old Windows Vista, as it is unfortunately the only computer I still own that can run the game without constant crashes or losing save data. I've grown up solely playing this version of RE2 so I have developed a preference for this port's graphics compared to any of the other versions, plus it's the only port with the hardest difficulty modes! I will mourn the day that laptop dies.
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know-fear · 11 months
Do you have a main blog?
Yes, but I abandoned it in preference for this one. It was a non-fandom aesthetic blog, nothing special.
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