orphancookie69 · 3 years
At Home Workouts: Beginner
Now that we have an idea of what our cardio options are, let’s delve into level one routine...
Strength/Upper Body: Incline Pushups
Set up a bench or stable elevated surface. Begin with both hands on the bench at shoulder-width or just outside of shoulder-width.
Place your feet straight behind you while you tighten your abs and engage the hips. Your hips should not dip or elevate too high during the movement.
Slowly lower yourself towards the bench. Once your upper arms are parallel with the floor, pause, and return to the starting position.
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Strength/Upper Body: Knee Pushups
Come to the ground on your knees. Tighten your core and maintain a flat back.
Position your hands on the ground in front of you, directly below your shoulders. Cross your feet in the back.
Lower your chest towards the ground. Bend your elbows at a 60-degree angle until your chest is just above the ground. You should feel a stretch across your chest. Hold for a count of one.
Without locking your elbows, push yourself back to the starting position by straightening your arms.
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Strength/Lower Body: Alternating Bodyweight Lunges
Stand straight — that’s the starting position. Step forward with your left leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees, while your rear knee is just off the floor. Keep your torso upright the entire time. Look forward.
Pause, then push off your left foot off the floor and return to the starting position as quickly as you can.
On your next rep, step forward with your right leg. Continue to alternate back and forth — doing one rep with your left, then one rep with your right.
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Strength/Lower Body: Box (or Chair) Squats: 
Place a chair behind you. Stand up straight with a tight core and flat back. Fold your arms in front. Your feet should be shoulder-width and toes and pointing forward.
Slowly descend by bending your knees and driving your hips back. Keep your chest and head up.
Touch the chair with your butt then slowly rise back to the starting position.
Strength/Core: Knee Plank
Lie face down on the ground with your legs together and your arms at your sides. Position your hands beneath your shoulders.
Tighten your core and elevate your upper body off the ground, stabilizing yourself with your forearms. Your feet, shins, and knees will remain on the ground.
Do not allow your hips to drop down. Hold the tension in your core for the prescribed amount of time. Slowly release back to the starting position.
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Once you master beginner, move onto intermediate...
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