kmheart · 6 years
So...like...dare we all be so bold as to assume that something did happen in Paris? Because these two...the vibe here is reminiscent of the one from last year during around this time when they’d just came back from their honeymoon Tokyo trip, references/receipts offered below:
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Inseparable and giddy and practically glued to each other, there is just such a fresh, warm, adoring air around them and it sure seems to be stemming from something a little more than just the prestigious, honorable award ;)
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kmheart · 6 years
i really hope no one tries to downplay the importance of the fact that AFTER the members had to leave Jungkook for privacy reasons, Jimin was allowed to stick around and stay close by Jungkook's side. The other's left, not because they didn't care, but because they understand, they have a schedule, they know and respected JK's need for privacy and space. Whereas Park Jimin was not budging. At all. I'm sure he knows that JK would appreciate just having the presence of his favorite hyung close by.
If this doesn't prove the closeness of their bond, their relationship, idk what will. the staff that were there were more than capable of taking care of JK, but Jimin refused to leave, being there just to offer care and support, for both Jungkook and himself, because we all know Jimin cares so much for his maknae that JK's pain is his pain.
This charters an actual display of love and fondness that goes beyond shipping; it is deep and healing, quiet yet strong. This may read like a fanfic, but, my dears, it is so very real.
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kmheart · 6 years
sometimes i think about jikook and my heart hurts because they are so sweet like omg
idk whether to laugh or cry with this relatable af ask. 
These two...really are just something else, aren’t they? Like they don’t even have to be standing next to one another...they can be halfway across the room and just catch one another’s eyes and the tension in the room becomes absolutely palpable.
I mean....how many people can actually lay claim to chemistry like that?  It’s so obvious and so blaring, it becomes deafening and blinding to surrounding parties i.e: the rest of bangtan lol
i love how recently, the member’s expressions are dead-giveaways when KookMin talk to/about one another.  You can see their inward prayers that these two lovesick fools don’t fcuk shit up on live tv lol. i am LIVING for them though!  you know what they say about love...the more you try to hide it, the more it shows.  elevator eyes, heart eyes, all around :)
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kmheart · 6 years
Whhhhyyyy are ppl/fans getting upset and worried and stressing unnecessarily about “over-hyping” BTS... did they forget that the boys comeback is right around the corner and as a fandom, it’s kind of our JOB to hype them up and get involved and get excited..??!!
What fandom do u belong to that doesn’t hype up a comeback...that just sits back and say: “Oh them yeah. Comeback, yay, big things coming. Woo.”
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kmheart · 6 years
Hi noona. Are u stressing over the vibes of the comeback as well?
Ummm… no. Absolutely not. I think many people are reading into too many factors but i do understand people are entitled to their own opinions and thoughts.
Although while everyone is stressin’ and wondering and adding their two cents, I’m just in the happiest state of mind possible. My boys are coming back, a full ass album, new choreo, new hair, new styles, NEW MUSIC … like can we just appreciate instead of speculate? Bask in the joy, life is too short to worry about things that are out of your control. I’ve been a BTS follower since their humble small beginnings and BH has never failed me or the boys so they have my trust 💯%.
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kmheart · 6 years
Shall we all take a moment to bask in all things Kim Namjoon?
This episode just further elaborated in the eloquence and beauty that is BTS’s young leader. He is truly a young boy living with a wise mans mind.
The fact that he touched upon being two entities into one, how he has to separate Kim Namjoon from RM...it’s so damn relatable...like how many of us have facades we hide behind in our daily grind? Just that he chooses to let us in on that, that what we see is not always what we get is realism of fame at it’s finest.
A huge plus-point for BTS, in my opinion, is that they don’t shy away from their flaws. They never pretend to be something they are not, always choosing to deliver with what they are rather than what they are perceived to be:
Bad dancers? You bet. Bad actors? We got those too. Skillful dancing? This how i broke my back to get to that level. Fame? Stardom? Here, let us show you the people who put us here.
BTS’s dedication and perseverance is really no joke. They push through so much for us... how can people still ask what makes them so special? Why BTS? Is it that they understand us? Can relate with us? Give up so much to make their fans happy? Yes Yes and Yes. They ARE us...they make sure we are not just watching this journey, viewing it through rose colored glasses...they are TAKING US with them, holding our hands, every step of the way...that is one of the many reasons why this fandom is so strong, why we grow so much everyday. We trust one another to not let the other down. BTS is more than just a band. They are 7 boys who have reached out to us, language barrier, distance, gender, not withstanding.
When you love BTS, you learn to love yourself as well...because their messages are all about positivity, about being OK with being yourself and taking all the pros with the negs, that darkness will fade and light will come.
These 7 boys, they are that light for us...as much as we are to them.
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kmheart · 6 years
Key Points EP 4 BTS
Jimin never believing he is good ENOUGH. His perfectionist attitude worries me, but I also understand and sympathize with him because we really, truly are, our own worst critic. When i was his age, things not going right for me was: not turning in an essay on time, returning due books, making it to class on time ...whereas his pressure is making sure everything goes smoothly for his performance in front of millions (yes, i'm counting streaming viewers as well) because he is the main focus and if he fcuks up anything, even minutely, it can throw off the whole choreo. I love and hate that he is so considerate. The fact that he cried about it just makes him even more relatable, even more human. I believe it's ok to cry, it's ok to feel bad, it's ok to not feel good enough...as long as you have a good support system who only let it go so far...and he has that, thankfully. We can hear all the boys being vocal about their support, how good he was, how they can't even tell anything is off...etc. We always joke about Jimin's praise kink, but i think we all know, as well as BTS does, that it is very well deserved.
The breakroom, where Jimin is feeling all kinds of helpless and Jungkook goes out of his way to help, making the boy laugh in the midst of his insecurity. In a way, this does open my eyes a lot about why Jungkook always looks to Jimin to make sure he is laughing. You don't ever want the people you love to be sad.
Joon buffering the situation, de-escalating it as much as he can. I truly appreciate that he didn't force the kids to kiss and make-up right then and there, rather he chooses to diffuse it by saying it can't be solved right now, we have other priorities, but you bet we'll talk about it after. That's a leader doing what a leader should be: Acknowledging but putting priorities first. This can alleviate and allow each party to cool down. He/we can see how frustrated Tae was, he didn't even respond positively to Jin's apology.
Jimin truly is the heart that keeps Bangtan beating, the glue that keeps them together - he constantly hovered over the two as well, checking with each party as if to let them know he cares and it'll be alright in the end.
The fact that there was no running off and slamming doors, throwing temper tantrums because everyone was pointing out their wrongs and not their rights, that they truly gathered, like a family, at the end of the night to discuss, diffuse and learn from their errors is just awesome reality. All while just being wholesome guys - some were eating, some were drinking, all were tired, but all were listening and throwing in their 2 cents. Who does that? A family.
I love that when all is said and done as OT7, they manage to change the atmosphere entirely by taking a tense situation and making it light-hearted by cracking jokes about all the other fights they've had...which says without utilizing so many words...that in a few months, they will look back on this and laugh about it too.
And then all that remained was OT2, who still needed to apologize appropriately, with space and sincerity.
I absolutely am so endeared that Jimin, the heart, couldn't stay away and had to return and hover and butt in to make sure everything really is right again between OT2 so that it can continue to be OT7.
This ep really resonated with me because in that little 1/2 hour, I learned about how strong their bond truly is, how they got to where they are now and how much deserving they are of their status.
Burn The Stage is truly a blessing, it opens our eyes to so many things, so many realities that we tend to dismiss because we only see the glamour with our idols. We tend to forget that we subconsciously put them on high pedestals, forgetting that the higher we place them, the harder they will splinter when they fall. Remember that supporting and loving someone means accepting them at their worst as well as at their best.
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