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thecreaturecodex · 4 years ago
Demon, Klurichir
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Image by Puddnhead, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Fiend Folio Art Gallery here
[Commissioned by @razzelmire​. The klurichir appeared first in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio, where it is said to be the tool of the demon lords. This is likely a case of one hand not knowing what the other hand is doing--demon lord statistics appear in the Book of Vile Darkness, released the same year. The klurichir sits comfortably in the middle of the demon lords in terms of CR on paper (CR 25 against a range between CR 20 and 30), but even the weakest demon lord in that book has more hit points, a better AC and more nasty abilities than the klurichir. The klurichir also seemed to have gone through several major revisions before publication, leaving it a bit muddled. It has Multiweapon Fighting but only one weapon, claws but no claw attacks, and no range given on its spine attacks.
So my take on the klurichir is plopped in the middle of the CR range for nascent demon lords in PFRPG, weak enough to be a valuable tool for the true demon lords but not their equal. It also streamlines and clarifies their abilities (why did they cast spells as a 10th level sorcerer?) and borrows the malign aura from the D&D 4e version. ]
Demon, Klurichir CR 23 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This hideous fiend stands as tall as a building, with four clawed arms. Two of these arms hold an oversize axe. Its head is like that of a snarling beast, with a pug nose and crooked teeth. Spines cover its shoulders, back and crown. Its skin is a dark, unhealthy green, and its membranous wings are the color of arterial blood. Most horrifying is its chest and stomach—a gnashing maw with multiple rows of teeth and a pair of scissor-like mandibles splits the beast open like a gaping wound.
A klurichir is sometimes called a catastrophe demon, as the effects of a single one of these creatures are truly cataclysmic. They do not form from mortal souls directly, instead being sculpted by a demon lord when it has need of a powerful catspaw, inquisitor or general. They are as strong as or stronger than nascent demon lords. The history of the Abyss is littered with nascent demon lords whose ambitions outstretched their powers and were slain by a klurichir assassin. When not on missions, a klurichir may incite wars between demons and other planes for the sheer fun of it. Some demon lords allow this behavior as a distraction from their own internal plotting, whereas others attempt to stymie it and kill any rogue klurichir they can.
A klurichir is an absolutely devastating combatant. They carry great axes or other two-handed weapons, but prefer to leave some of their hands free in order to grab opponents. The maw set in their stomachs is too awkwardly placed to attack creatures that a klurichir hasn’t grabbed, but it can do overwhelming damage to held foes, even severing heads in a single bite. Opponents that are faster or more agile are barraged by spines infused with negative energy. If facing multiple foes at once, a klurichir uses its impressive magical abilities, in particular its ability to evoke symbols with a mere thought. A klurichir almost never flees from combat once it is joined, choosing to die rather than surrender to mortals.
All klurichirs look almost identical, and they rarely make their allegiances to a particular demon lord clear. Lesser demons scurry for cover at mere rumors of a klurichir’s presence, and are typically obsequious if the beast appears directly. They are fiendishly intelligent and excellent judges of character, and do not tolerate being lied to. Klurichirs lead armies of fiends when their goals dictate so, and even balors bend the knee to a klurichir’s orders (albeit reluctantly). A klurichir considers its greatest enemies to be solars and other klurichirs.
Klurichir                  CR 23 XP 820,000 CE Huge outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +10; Senses darkvision 120 ft., detect good, detect law, Perception +35, scent, true seeing Aura malign (30 ft.), unholy aura (DC 28) Defense AC 38, touch 18, flat-footed 32 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +20 natural, +4 deflection) hp 471 (23d10+345) Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +26 DR 20/good and cold iron or epic; Immune electricity, energy drain, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 34 Offense Speed 50 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor) Melee +3 greataxe +39/+34/+29/+24 (4d6+25/19-20x3), 2 claws +31 (2d6+7 plus grab) or 4 claws +36 (2d6+15 plus grab) Ranged 4 spines +27 (2d8+15 plus enervate) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks multigrab, planar champion, rake (bite +36, 4d6+24), powerful blows (bite), vorpal maw Spell-like Abilities CL 23rd, concentration +33 Constant—detect good, detect law, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 28, self only) At will—greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. objects only), mass charm monster (DC 28), mass suggestion (DC 26), slay living (DC 25), telekinesis (DC 25) 3/day—quickened blasphemy (DC 27), empowered fire storm (DC 28), quickened greater dispel magic, master symbol (DC 29) 1/day—gate (planar travel only, DC 29), meteor swarm (DC 29), summon (9th level, 1 demon of CR 20 or lower, 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 29) Statistics Str 41, Dex 23, Con 40, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 31 Base Atk +23; CMB +40 (+44 grapple); CMD 60 Feats Combat Reflexes, Empower SLA (fire storm), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (greataxe), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quicken SLA (blasphemy, greater dispel magic), Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +32, Bluff +36, Diplomacy +33, Fly +24, Intimidate +44, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, history) +32, Knowledge (planes, religion) +35, Perception +35, Sense Motive +43, Spellcraft +32, Stealth +28, Use Magic Device +33; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate, +8 Sense Motive, +4 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, telepathy 100 ft. Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization solitary or warband (1 plus 2-5 mariliths) Treasure double standard (Huge +3 greataxe, other treasure) Special Abilities Enervate (Su) A creature struck by a klurichir’s spine attack must succeed a DC 31 Fortitude save or gain 1 permanent negative level. A creature with a number of negative levels equal to its Hit Dice dies immediately. Malign Aura (Su) No creature can gain hit points within 30 feet of a klurichir. A klurichir is immune to this ability, as is a demon lord. Master Symbol (Sp) As a standard action, a klurichir can trace a symbol in the air, which automatically resolves as a triggered symbol of death, fear, insanity, pain, stunning or weakness. A klurichir is immune to the effects of its own master symbol, and it can choose to attune a number of creatures equal to its Charisma modifier as part of the action made to cast the spell. Creatures can resist the effect with a successful DC 29 saving throw, as appropriate to the symbol represented (Fortitude for death, Will for fear or insanity, etc.). This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell. Multigrab (Ex) A klurichir can choose to grapple a Large or smaller creature using two free arms without taking a -20 penalty for not using its entire body in the grapple. If it has two creatures held in its four arms, it can make rake attacks against them both. Planar Champion (Ex) A klurichir can bypass the damage reduction of all creatures with the outsider type, save creatures capable of granting divine spells, with its manufactured and natural weapons. It has a +4 bonus on all caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders. Spines (Ex) As a standard action, a klurichir can fire four spines. Treat these as thrown weapons with a range increment of 100 feet. A klurichir has an effectively infinite supply of spines, and does not risk running out. Vorpal Maw (Ex) If a klurichir rolls a natural 20 and successfully confirms the critical hit with its bite attack, it severs the head of its opponent. This kills most, but not all opponents instantly, as per a vorpal weapon.
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rperboni · 4 years ago
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Important Note: All the demons and creatures of the Demonktober are part of a narrative of their own, which maybe one day I will delve into here
Day 24: Vassago
The Gentle Barbarian Great Duke of Acheron Eblis’ Scion 
Like Valefar and many others, Vassago is a qlipot, one of the servants and children of the Umbral Queen. But, unlike so many others welcomed by the Lady of the Abyss, he was not a repentant spirit, but one of his terrible mother's generals, leading a horde of deformed ghosts against the Twelve Hells on several occasions, sometimes facing his current Queen in singular combat. Vassago had been a prisoner at Avernus on his last endeavor, given the choice to leave the paths of the Umbral and serve the Twelve, becoming a champion of the Lady of the Abyss and Lord of Acheron. Although viewed with suspicion by some of the oldest nobles, Vassago was loyal to his Queen, being not only a formidable general but also a diplomat, versed in the art of negotiation, even though his domain, the Flaming Lake, is reserved for those who don't know how to negotiate. The 5th Cycle is where Vassago and his men punish the souls taken by the sadistic desire of Wrath, punished with the same brutality that they had in life.
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thirdtofifth · 4 years ago
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Klurichir Huge fiend (demon), chaotic evil Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Hit Points 312 (25d12 + 150) Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Str 24, Dex 15, Con 22, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 23 Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +13, Wis +10, Cha +13 Damage Immunities fire, poison Damage Resistances cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities poisoned Senses truesight 120 ft. passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft. Challenge 22 (41000 XP) Magic Resistance. The klurichir has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapons. The klurichir's weapon attacks are magical. Innate Spellcasting. The klurichir's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 21). The klurichir can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: darkness, dispel magic 1/day each: finger of death, fire storm 3/day each: mass suggestion, wall of fire
Actions Multiattack. The klurichir can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes either four attacks with its battleaxe, or four attacks with its claws and one attack with its pincers. Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d8+7) slashing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8+7) slashing damage. Pincers. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (4d12+7) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 22). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the klurichir can't use its pincers to attack another target. If the klurichir scores a critical hit, it rolls damage dice three times, instead of twice. Spines. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (4d4+2) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or take 24 (7d6) poison damage. Frightful Presence. Each creature of the klurichir's choice that is within 120 feet of the klurichir and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the klurichir's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Perhaps the only thing balors fear, klurichir demons are four-armed demons whose flesh looks frostbitten, and has a massive toothy mouth in its abdomen, flanked by two scythe-like pincers. They are lieutenants of the greatest Abyssal lords, commanding entire armies in the blood lord. They are employed only at the direct request of the most powerful entities of the Abyss, and do not hestitate to command even mariliths or balors, slashing those too slow to obey their orders. Klurichirs stand around 30 feet tall and weigh many tons. 
Originally from the Fiend Folio.
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dicecast · 7 years ago
Demonic Families
The Abyss
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Demonic Nature
It is important to understand that demons are objectively the most powerful outsiders in the multiverse, and the reason isn’t quite known, they just have more people than anybody else.  Normally when a mortal dies, you can split their soul into a certain number of outsiders.  1 NE soul becomes 4 Daemons, and 9 Devils.  However a single CE soul will be split into 666 least demons (CR ¼-5), 660 lesser demons (CR 6-10), 600 intermediate demons (CR 11-15), 66 Greater demons (CR 16-20) 60 Major Demons (CR 20-25) and 6 Supreme Demons (CR 26-30).  This is...blatantly unfair and the Devils have sued more than once trying to get this solved (the demons laugh at your law suits).  This isn’t counting the demons created via contracts or thanks to Abyssal gods.  It is believed that should the Abyss unite its efforts for merely 20 mins, they could likely take over the entire world in that time, so great is their numbers and powers.  But fortunately for everybody, demons focus most of their efforts upon themselves, to the point where even the blood war is a secondary priority for them, the Devils ability to hold off the Abyss is in large part because the demons distract themselves with wars between themselves, most famously the Triple War between Demigorgon, Grazz’zt, and Orcus.  However there is an older conflict in the Abbys, the infamous “Brood Wars” between the different demonic families.  Most (but not all) Demons are born into various “broods” which determine their relative power, and long ago these broods fought for domination over the abyss.  Currently the Tanar’ari have thoroughly won that conflict, so much so that the word “demon” and “Tanar’ri” are often seem as equivalent, but the Abyss is nothing if not ever changing.  
The Tanar’ri
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The Brood of Tanar (Tanar’ri).  The youngest and by far the most populous of the Broods, the Tanar’ri.  They were created to be a slave race of the Oobyrith, the old rulers of the Abbyss, primarily as hoards of war spawn to wipe out the devils so they could focus on understanding and mastering the abyss.  Thus it was to their own shock that they were suddenly overthrown by their own spawn, and driven deep into the Abyss.  The Tanar’ri then used their massive numbers to dominate almost all of the Abyss until now they make up about 85% of all demons (as much as statistics can be seen as accurate in the Abyss)
races- Adaru, alkilith, alu-fiend, anzu, armanite, arrow demon, babau, balor (all types), Balron,  bar-lgura, barlgura, bulezau, cambion, cerbrilith, chasme, dretch, Evistro, gadacro, glabrezu (all types), goristro, hezrou, jarilith, jovoc, kastighur, kelvezu, klurichir, mane, marilith, maurezhi, molydeus, mymyxicus, nabassu, nalfeshnee, orlath, palrethee, rutterkin, skurchur, solamith, sorrowsworn, succubus, incubus, turagaathshnee, uridezu, vathugu, vock, Armanite, Konsul, knecth, pathwarden, Tanar'ka (the most powerful by far, CR 25), Chitterling, Teradrozu, Predaska, Glodretch Alastors, Alrunes, Armageddon beast, Chernobue, Daeobelinus,  Darba, Enveloper of the Innocent, Harlequinn Demon, Herensugue, Hydraggon, Inmai, Irecundia, Jahi, Jilaiya, Locust Demon, mandragon, Nyogoth, Orusula, Paigoel, Radiant Boy, Schirim, Shoggti, Skulldugger, Solesik, Soulkeepers, Spawn of Marbas, Spineseeker, Stygian interloper, Vilisemen, Warped One, Raptu, Whore’s Curse,and yochlol.  
Demon Lords- Countless, but some of the most famous include the 3 Demon Kings Demogorgan, Orcus, and Graz'zt, the Demon Princes Yeenoghu, Juiblex, Malcanthet, Baphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Kostchtchie, and Zuggtmoy, the Demon Lords,  the Demon  Finally there are the Arch Demons, including creatures like Ugudenk, Shaktari, Chrystalis, Ardat, Dwiergus, Abaddon, Abraxas, Anarazel, Astaroth, Azazel, Azidahaka, Behemoth, Dacarabia, Eligor, Flauros, Gamigin, Haagenti, Ipos, marabas, Nocticula, Raum, Sabnach, Seere, Shax, Socothbenoth, Vepar), wih archdemons being Cresil the Impure, Eurynomus the Corpse Eater, Malohim the STrangler, Merihim, Philotanus the Seducer, Rahu the Tormentor, and countless others
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The Obyrith: The primary rival to the Tanar, the Obyrith for millennia were the dominate demonic race, having won the Brood Wars and established total dominance over almost all of the Abyss.  They were far more in tune with the Abyss itself as a spiritual entity and hoped to spread the realm itself to conquer all of the multiverse.  They tolerated the other broods as long as they kept in their prace, and even created their own, the Tanar’ri to serve as their muscle.  After their attempted conquest of the lawful Planes failed, they found themselves overthrown by their former slaves.  They are still very powerful and have been able to maintain control over 12 realms and so make up a major opposition faction to the Tanar’ri, and many of them plan to eventually retake the Abyss and establish their control once again.  Until they, they have to operate within the existing politics, often allying with a few Tanar’ri who serve as Patrons.  Due to their age, their forms sometimes have a tendency to drive mere mortals mad.  They aren’t the dominate race of the Abyss, but where they do still rule, they rule absolutely, nobody wants to mess with Dagon.  
Individual species: Draudnu, Ekolid, Zionyn, Golothoma, Laghathti, Sibriex, Uzollru, Verakia, Xes, Bilaceratyxes (who are the only Obyrith who are actually doing better off now), Firecracker Demon, Oculus Demons, Demonic Fireball, and the Festerlings.  
Known Obyrith Princes- Obox-ob, Dagon, Queen of Chaos, Pale Night, the Malgoth, Ugudenk, Bechard, Vroth-Khun, Ubothar, Asima, Sertrous, Kizarvidexus, Veshvoriak and Cabiri.  Finally there is Pazuzu, the only Obyrith who has adopted to the way of the Tanar'ri, and wildly seen as a traitor.
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   The youngest of all the Demonic Broods, and the only ones to emerge post Tanar domination, their birth briefly heralded a new brood war, the three great princes briefly putting aside their own differences to try to wipe out this brood out of fear that they might be replaced as they themselves had replaced their parents.  However after effortlessly killing about half of them in the span of a century, it became apparent that the Loumara had little interest in Abyssal politics, and the Tanari’s returned to their own wars.  The Loumara came into existence in one of the most vicious Planar wars in recent history, and a cruel example of the power of gods compared to that of the Abyss.  A millenia ago, the Sumer pantheon, long weaken by neglect, went to war with Demon Lords trying to take their followers.  They killed the Princes and then wiped out a layer of the Abyss to serve as an example.  This angered the Abyss itself, and suddenly a great rift opened into their domain, and billions of demons poured out to avenge the insult.  Within a century, seven members of the pantheon lay dead, and their domain was utterly destroyed, and most of their Servitors and Petitioners slain.  This provoked the gods as a whole who didn’t want a precident t to be set, and they launched a great raid on the Abyss, killing 13 Demon lords, destroying 3 layers and killing tens of millions of demons, but many walked away feeling that the Abyss had had the last laugh.  The dead god’s last thoughts rose and a new brood of demons emerged from the mess, these creatures at first glance seem utterly made and fixated upon corrupting mortals more than killing them.  What their ultimate goal is hasn’t been determined, but they do hope in their own way to kill Demogorgon, Grazzt and Orcus, though how they hope to do so is unknown.  They mostly dwell in small communities across the abyss and focus more on possessing mortals than fighting in planar wars.
Princes: Sifkhu
Types: Guecubus (Law), Dybbuk (nightmares of Love), Caligrosto (peace), Manitou (feritlity), Fenwraith (Nature), Bontyke (Weather).  
Brood of Van’g
During the Brood Wars, this family was one of the longest lasting contenders due to their tremendous martial prowess, however their weakness to magic eventually lead to their ultimate defeat and humiliation at the hands of the Obyrinth and then later the Tanar’ri.  Before the final battle came however, they surrendered and now offer their services as mercenaries to various Demonic Princes.  Now they can be found all over the Abyss as guards or sellswords, though groups can also be found in the Blood Wars or the Grey Wastes.  They have a long standing grudge with the Yugoloths, since the Van’g charge less.  They have no princes, but the race as a whole hopes to eventually establish control over a layer of the Abyss to start to build back their power, and so they are known to prey on weaker Demon Lord layers, in the hopes of seizing one, ideally in such a way they won’t draw the Tanar wrath.  The Oybrith view them as one of the best ways of getting back at the Tanar’ri.  
Types: Vyin, Van’gka (Leaders), Yavodai, Vengadi, Udvati
Brood of Jar’taska
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These demons are made out of darkness and shadow itself, and are notorious among demons for being actually good at subtly. They serve as assassins, spies, and information brokers, and prefer killing from a distance rather than reveling in it directly.  They are one of the most powerful broods for they surrendered when only about half of them had been destroyed, and now “serve” the Tanar’ri as they further their own schemes.  They focus most of their energy on trying to conquer the plane of Shadow and the Plane of Darkness, for with these realms as bases, they hope to take over the Abyss once and for all.  In the meantime they hope to get the Tanar’ri to wipe themselves out, ideally bringing the Devils and Obyrith down with them.  They are one of the great unknown evils of the world, and a great deal of conflicts among evil are at their behest.  For some reason, Shadow Demons aren’t part of this brood, which annoys them.
Rulers- Iyavviht
Types: Jar’taska’ka (leaders), Dark Latern, Shade Demon, Kar’ugr, Jethulet, Hamedu, Haratru
The Brood of Nuyul
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These psionic demons were almost entirely wiped out in the Brood Wars, but survived primarily because they weren’t seen as a serious threat, since they seem to stick to themselves.  They have two layers to themselves and mostly focus on just tormenting mortals.  THey can ignore Demonic spell resistance so while they tend to stick to themselves, Demons are wary about them.  The Nuyul’s goal is to eventually spread out and retake more layers, ideally by allying with the Van’g and Jar’taska, but due to their own internal madness this alliance is hard to form, and in the meantime they are mostly focusing upon building up their strength by torturing mortals.
Types: Nuyul’ka, Diazhit, Pyarian, Mad Winds, Pereveshti
The Kelipot
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These were the main rivals in power to the Obyrith back in the day, and for millennia served as the main rival to the Tanar’ri.  Unlike other broods, they weren’t thoroughly defeated, but remain firmly in control over their domains, but their power is limited. They hope to someday return and avenge themselves on the mortals.  Long ago, they ruled over the 1st level of the Abyss and were able to create Demonic servants to fight against their enemies, and it was this war between them and the Obyrith that defined the Abyss.  In order to gain an edge, the Kelipot created a race of mortals to harness their power for war.  However these mortal’s started to do good acts and this attracted the attention of the Eladrins, who were able to cause an uprising which lead to the Kelipot being driven deep into the Abyss.  The Eladrins then similarly destroyed the Obyrinth by causing the Tanar’ri to rise up, and have tormented the Demons ever since.  The Kelipot dwell in 5 layers that they control absolutely, and are creatures of shame and sin.  The Kelipot are mostly bestiral in some capcity, and look like a mix/match animal monsters.  They still maintain their status as the third great demonic family and fight incessantly with the Obyrith and Tanar in order to gain an edge.  They view the lesser families with contempt and while they will work with them temporarily, intend to wipe them out should they emerge victorous.  
Rulers: The God Hand
Types: Crow Demon, Taurus Demon, Bull Demon, Goat Demon, Capa Demon, Statue Demon, Slug Demon, Ape Demon, you get the idea.  
The Tzaretch
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The weakest still surviving Demonic Family, as the brood wars turned against them they simply fled, hiding out in Carceri for a time before moving to the Grey Wastes and then Gehenna.  They slowly returned once the heat died down some, and eventually took over two layers in the Abyss.  Again, they mostly just avoid attention and focus on their own affairs, which is mostly the acquisition of wealth.  Since they can’t fight the other Broods directly, they hope to destroy them through material gain.  THey rely on their wits, guerilla tactics, and tendency to deceit to survive, and hope if they stay alive long enough, their enemies will destroy themselves.  Their realms are actually decent for mortals, for they are always looking for allies against their enemies, and their domanions of Khaganbleck and Tzarethcuk are terrifying but for those who can survive the wilds the demons are decently accepting.  
Species: Narks, Vlai-Maroth, Quadros, Skarn, Tzeretch’ka
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These creatures aren’t demons at all, but something else, however they once ruled supreme over all of the Abyss, but they aren’t demons, in fact they aren’t even exemplars in the traditional sense of the term.  They don’t even relate to mortal sin they way other evil exemplars do, instead they are some ancient evil that is far, far older.  They come from another multiverse entirely, one as elaborately complicated and multifaceted as this one, and they served as the demons of that realm, and...they won.  But in winning, their world started to die and collapse, they knew their days were numbered.  So they sacrificed their entire realm to create a single item called  “The Shard of Evil” and used it to break the barriers between the world and come into the current multi-verse, specifically the Abyss.  They were able to use their power to make the Abyss grow and created massive amounts of demonic life through it, but their demonic slaves turned on them (the first in what would prove to be a larger pattern) and with the help of the Daemons, destroyed the Qlippoth’s rule and drove them out of the realm.  For countless millennia the Qlippoth have fought back against both the Daemons and Demons for driving them out, but over time they have come to the conclusion that no damned race is the real challenge, but instead they should wipe out mortal life itself.  For if evil is to be understood, then it is not true evil, evil must be incomprehensible.  So they hope to wipe out mortality, or at the very least, mortal capacity to sin, the concept of sin itself is anathema to their existence.  
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nostalgiacosmos · 10 years ago
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The Klutichir's powerfully muscled body were covered in coarse grayish skin and hair that looked more like quills. [...] The membranous red wings were sprouted from its back and cast the entire ledge in shadow. Its short legs looked as thick and sturdy as stone columns. Four powerful arms, all of them in constant, twitchy motion, erupted from a torso that was little more that a gobbling, cavernous mouth that could have swallowed two ogres whole. An insectoid pincer on each side of the mouth spasmed hungrily. A flood of incompressible prattle and drool leaked from between its rows of grinding teeth.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years ago
Hi, I was going over the Klurichir demon since I was going to use it as the final champion of Dagon for a campaign I'm running and I was running and I noticed this, what is the attack bonus and damage for it's bite attack?
It's described under the rake special attack. It can't make bites except against grappled opponents.
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