You all have been EXTREMELY supportive with my tumblr site, I wanted to inform you that I have a new blog site....kljtransformed.com...check it out and tell me what you think.
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buddhizai · 13 years
I want to thank you for giving me this inspiration enough to believe that God can still count on homes whose heart is guided by him. WHEN YOU SEE PEOPLE AS YOU FIGHT TO DO GOD'S WILL, I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you, Anon; it's very kind of you to say :-)
Though I should point out there are several other guys who are - in my opinion - much brighter "lights" than myself. Have you checked out Jim's page, or Nikos Nature? There's also Unka Glen, who gives lots of Biblical advice, and Taylor Terzek, and KLJTransformed.
All of these men have very insightful posts, and a strong desire to follow God with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength.
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Just a Thought
Faith has nothing to do with your present but has everything to do with your future.  Without faith we become stagnant in the circumstances of our today instead of stepping into the promises of our tomorrow.
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"Boom That's Your Prophecy of the Day"
Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my co-worker and we were talking about kids and germs. Then the conversation turned into this...
Her: awww I see you as a dad, Kenneth
Me: *laughs*
Her: yup you will have kids in...how old are you?
Me: 23
Her: yes you will have kids in 6 years BOOM (she claps her hands) that's your prophecy of the day!!
Me: *laughs* you are crazy!!
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Boat People and Ocean People
Yesterday, as I was randomly flipping through the channels I turned to BET Gospel and TD Jakes was on.  Now, I have to preface this post with the fact that I usually don't watch TV after work and I rarely turn to the BET Gospel station but last night I did.  So, TD Jakes was on and I haven't heard his preaching in a while so I decided to listen for a few.  As I listened I noticed that he was preaching on the difference between boat people and ocean people.  He explained that if you are a boat person then it will be difficult for you to hang around ocean people because ocean people are always trying to get out of the boat.  As for the ocean people you can't surround yourself with boat people because they will continually want to keep you in the boat.  We have to realize that Jesus is an ocean person, consistently Jesus is pushing us out of the boat and to walk on the water by faith.
After I heard that I was done!  It was exactly what I've been hearing from God and it was just a word of confirmation for me. 
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Just a Thought
Excuses are just a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't pursue your destiny.  Well, the best response to any excuse is I will die miserable if I don't pursue it.  Eliminate excuse and just do it!
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How Bad Do You Want It?
At some point faith has to meet works and for those of us who are familiar with the bible might already know that "faith without works is dead".  Usually when faith meets works it comes down to one question of "How Bad Do You Want It?".  Faith alone can't bring everything to you it requires works also.  Just think of the "step out on faith".  Ok so clearly we see that faith is in the mix but the 'step out' part is what gets a lot of us.  It is in the 'step out' part where we find the works.  Let's consider one of my favorite Jesus healing stories, the woman with the issue of blood.  Her faith was that she could be healed by Jesus but her 'step out' part was that she had to go into the crowds to meet Him.  Often times we believe that Jesus can do something for us but we don't 'step out', we stay in the situation with just the faith but that gets us no where.  When we pray God always provides an answer and often times it requires us to move, to do some type of works, but if we don't move we can't gain access to what ever God is trying to get to us.
I know that this speaks personally to me because I am big on faith but lacks in works in many areas.  Then I was reminded of something Jesus said to me during my prayers a few weeks ago.  As I was praying on a certain situation, He asked me "How Bad Do You Want It?"  My reply was "badly" and the response back was "Step Out".  This year for me isn't just about having faith that Jesus can do it but faith that when I step out everything will work out.  I've said it repeatedly this year is about "walking on the water" and that requires both faith and works.  It really is time for me to just step out on faith. 
If I don't step out on faith then I will just be miserable all the time because I deny myself of the promises that God has for me and I want them all, I want them badly.
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When God shows up, He shows out
Praise Leader Dominique Young
From Praise & Worship on January 8, 2012
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"Just This One Time, It Won't Hurt"
On a daily basis our flesh and the enemy tells us so many lies; among them is the lie of "just this one time, it won't hurt".  This is such a lie because when we do stuff just "one time" it plants a seed in us.  So many times many of us knew the stuff we were doing was wrong but we allowed lies to persuade us to do it "just this one time, it won't hurt".  Temptation only comes because we want something deep down but if it goes against the Word of God we have to flee it!  We don't need to flirt with it or think to ourselves to do it "just this one time, it won't hurt."  What the enemy is trying to get in some way and when you open that door "just this one time" it can be dangerous.
Continue to flee temptation and don't believe the lie of "just this one time".
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Jesus specializes in making the impossible possible.
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Challenge - Monthly Adventure
Last night I was talking to a friend of mine and she flat out told me that I was a "boring 23 year old but goofy".  My reply was I'm not boring and she made her case why she thought that, I listened and didn't argue (she had valid points).  Then she said "Kenneth you are existing not living, enjoy life!" Finally, she closed out by challenging me to plan a monthly "adventure" do something that I wouldn't normally do on a regular basis.  I'm not a competitive type of person but I love a good challenge.  I accepted her challenge.
In 2012, I will plan a monthly "adventure" with a few friends.  This should be fun and interesting and of course I will share my adventures with all of you!
Hmmm what should my January "adventure" be?
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Daily Prayer
I have no idea what I am doing, I really need your guidance and assistance.
In Jesus Name
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Just a Thought
No matter how many masks we try to wear, God sees past all of them and sees who we really are.
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Last day of 2011
I'm going to use this day to just reflect on this year and what things I can do in 2012 to just do better in general.  Of course I know that I have to stand firm in faith but faith always has to be pair with action.  I already know that 2011 had too many faithless moments that led to regretful actions but the past is the past and it's time to move forward.  Moving forward with not just faith but with an action plan.
2012 watch out because I mean business, no playing around!
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Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
In most of my friendships I was the one always giving advice and encouragement through the word of God.  Well, this year I made a number of friendships where not only can I encourage but now I receive encouragement.  Not only encouragement but correction.  I am particularly thankful for my male friendships because I'm learning that certain things you just shouldn't share with the opposite sex.
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Scriptures that came alive to me this year....
Instead of me writing a long massive post about how this year has been from me I will get all the scriptures that really came alive to me this year.  When I say "alive" I mean that my understanding of the scripture touched my life personally.  
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