ozzythegrouch-blog1 · 7 years
Cas and His Future
 So... i may or may have not just cried for over an hour thinking about Cas. you know as you do. And then i got to thinking. The main plot of the angles in season 13 is them wanting Jack cause they are running short on angles. Cause you know of all the shizz that has happened to them. Cas did have to do with (it breaks my heart just to say this.) most of the death with angles. 
So now I have made, what the angles are doing, clear. Lets think here together. We all know that the writers are “evil people”. So i am scared that they might kill of all the angles but Cas to have Cas as the lone survivor. And WE KNOW that Cas is going to be pretty upset. “Why?” some of you may ask. “The angles are awful people to Cas why would he care if they were all gone.”Great questions random person on Tumblr. The answer I have is that is True but not true. Sure the Angles have been awful to him but... they are still kind of his family. He has been with these angles for 4 billion years. FOUR FREAKING BILLION YEARS. SO DON”T TELL ME HE DOESN'T CARE FOR THEM BECAUSE HE DOES. Still don’t think so. Well here think of this. a Veteran who fought in war. Now think that this Veteran is sitting alone at a bar because all of his fellow comrades have fallen. He is the last one who ever was really there at war. See same with Cas. Cas does care for Sam and Dean SO MUCH but they were not there for the countless number of wars he has fought. You know who were there tho.. THE FREAKING ANGLES. SO NOW I AM GRABBING ON FOR MY DEAR LIFE BECAUSE I AM SCARED THAT CAS MIGHT BE ALONE AND SAD AND SURVIVOR GUILT AND MIGHT SEND HIM OVER THE EDGE. 
Now this next part is kinda of Sad to think about but what if the “Cosmic Consequence” From Billie is that she won’t let Cas die. That doesn’t mean he is unstoppable. But like every time he dies he comes back. And that is his punishment is living in a world were he is a lone and scared. And he can’t escape. 
SO yeah that is what i spent about an hour crying about today hope i can bring the same pain to you.
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