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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
you should tell the story of what happens when his feeling explode (im just very invested in elliot now too okay)
they’re playing some game in jared’s room right, sitting side by side on jared’s couch (bc of course jared has a couch in his room, what a loser) and theyve just played one of their best games, and god jared looks so handsome when hes laughing in victory, and his face is slightly flushed because the AC is out in his house, and he’s wearing a pastel yellow shirt that’s elliots favorite shade and he just. tosses the controller in his hand to the side, pulls jared in by the back of the neck and kisses him gently but passionately but sweetly butbutbut
jared pulls away, and elliot shuts. down. he’s crying, scrambling off the couch, apologies rushing out of his mouth faster than his brain can keep up with, going on and on about how he’s irreversibly fucked up this friendship, he’s ruined the one good thing he has, he’s made his best friend hate him and he’s so sorry, jared, i’m so stupid and he goes on about how he thinks jared is the best person in the world, he’s so funny and smart and he’s so nice to elliot, and he’s just. ruined everything.
and jared just kind of looks at him. and moves off of the couch, and crouches down between elliot’s legs, and takes elliot’s face in his hands and sort of chuckles and mutters, “relax before you burst a blood vessel and kiss me again, would you?” and fucking. kisses him and they both sorta just Melt into it and they end up making out on the floor in jared’s room.
(also, they both discover that day that jared nuts™ whenever he kisses elliot’s neck. it’s a good day)
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
Tell me about Elliot's home life! The way he kisses Jared! His affectionate ways and his habits and tells!
elliot lives with his dad and stepmom! he has a step sister on his moms side (he doesnt know her very well, she lives in south korea w/ his mom and her new husband). his dad’s wife is…not the nicest lady, they mostly just ignore each other, but she loves his dad and vice versa so. 
neither elliot’s dad or stepmom like jared. like at all. and neither is too keen on the idea of jared being gay (hence where elliot’s anxiety about coming out comes from). it was a source of…discontent between jared and elliot in the early days of their relationship, but it was something they worked through and ?? ya
anyways,,,, elliot is like the Master of spontaneous kisses. in the middle of a game? kiss. doing homework? kiss. a spare moment alone in the boys bathroom? k i s s. he loves kissing jared so much.
on the subject of being affectionate…..elliot is the biggest softest loser in the world and would cuddle literally 24/7 if he could get away with it. when he sleeps over at jared’s house he’s practically on top of him when they go to bed. he chills out in his lap and kisses his neck and constantly gushes about how much he loves him. 
elliot fidgets a lot and likes those fidget/stim toys until they get banned at school :( goodbye fidget spinner hello very lowkey stim necklace which still helps!! he taps his fingers a lot, jiggles his leg, is Constantly Moving bc of that adhd/anxiety combo. he also cracks his knuckles/neck/back a Ton and it annoys the shit out of everyone except for jared (who is surprised) who is just like “babe that’s fucking sick but also gross BUT ALSO COOL”
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
Connor consider this,,,, happy tree bros date /with/ happy jared elliot date(forgot the ship name)
happy kleincho: good. soothes the soul
happy tree bros: unrealistic. blocked
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
Can you tell me about when elliot first holds jareds hand? What were they doing (I love these boys)
it’s after they begin dating ok, and it’s super small but they’re at lunch on an impromptu date to the mall. they’re sharing a plate of fries from a little mall food court shop and watching some dumb video on jared’s phone. 
it’s fairly empty in the foodcourt, and in an act of bravery elliot takes jared’s hand under the table and squeezes, and he’s blushing up to his ears because he’s nervous and anxious and in love with his best friend. 
and jared startles and looks at him, but instead of saying anything he presses a sneaky kiss into elliot’s cheek and squeezes his hand and feeds him a fry and they go back to their date.
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
Is Elliot a cuddly or openly (even if only in private) affectionate boy(friend)?
yes yes YES absolutely he is!!!! elliot is definitely the more affectionate of the two (or at least who will admit to it). elliot has to initiate all of the physical affection (early on, at least) but they both blush like fuckin losers whenever they do.
seriously. the first time after they get together that elliot holds his hand jared fycking Faints pretty much. they both crave each others touch (jared like. exceptionally so. my boy is touch starved as hell) but jared is afraid of initiating anything so he leaves it up to elliot. but as time goes on and they get closer and closer jared grows more comfortable just. taking elliot’s hand under the table at lunch or pulling him into his lap or wrapping an arm around him while they’re alone. 
anyways. elliot and jared love each other so much and are the Most Affectionate bfs
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
Jared doesn't eat bathbombs anymore. He eats Elliot.
i cant believe you made me read this with my own two fucking eyes
besides, even if jared Was into vore elliot certainly is Not (i made him, i decide what hes into)
but bad fuckin post op
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
no time for skinny kleincho in my household……..elliot and his bf jared are fat and i love them both sm
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
elliot: [literally in jared’s lap making out w him] dude you’re really good at this
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
elliot and jared are the couple that call each other ‘dude’ and ‘babe’ in the same breath
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
also shoutout 2 soph for giving me the Best headcanon for kleincho i lit cried it was so good
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
tell me more
th Basics of my boy elliot cho (and then some)
-he’s korean, gay, and one of jared’s online gaming friends-he also has adhd and an anxiety disorder, nd his hyperfixation is video games (he has no real genre preference, but ones he can play online are his faves)-he’s also the kind of dude that everyone is nice to and is generally well liked, but no one really considers him a friend and as a result hes really lonely-jared develops a Crush and asks to meet up w him, turns out they go to the same school wow-he’s like. jared’s only other friend other than evan and they dont usually hang out at school because while jared is Very Out about being gay, elliot is Very Not and he has a lot of anxiety about rumors and stuff and shsjsbsns-one day elliot is over at jared’s and they’ve both been Mutually Pining for a while when elliot just. kisses him suddenly and its very heat of the moment but elliot immediately spirals like “fuckfuckfuck why did i do that” and goes into this whole spiel about how he’s ruined his friendship with jared, and how hes so upset because he Really Likes jared, he just thinks hes the coolest and really funny and smart and hes nice to elliot, and he’s ruined that, and he’s so sorry—-and jared, in a very jared-esque act, is just like “dude. relax before you burst a blood vessel and kiss me again” and hes all nonchalant but inside he’s Living-so they become official but elliot is still super scared of being out and he beats himself up over it but jared is rly chill and lets him know its fine.-he still brags to anyone who will listen about having “the coolest, hottest, smartest, honestly best boyfriend in the world” but no one believes him bc he’ll never say who-in private elliot is The Most Affectionate. like. down to cuddle whenever and very touchy feely -whenever he talks about jared to his online buddies its ridiculous like. jared could have just held his hand but he’ll go on as if he hung the stars in the sky-that said, jared is the first to say i love you. elliot cries real tears
this is probably……way more than anyone needed but i fucking love my son elliot and i urge you all to love him too
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
me and @thisiswhatmylifeamountsto created a boyfriend for jared kleinman and here he is
lgbtrucy: idea: jared has the Biggest crush on one of his online gamer friends and while literally Everyone is aware hes gay (he told them all himself he wants them all to Know) he would rather die than admit he likes this online friendconnor finds out by accident. it turns wild
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Dude yes ((((((GAYmer friend)))))))) Nope you
*Nope you’re committed to this now - how does Connor find out? 
lgbtrucy: and i feel like jared has connor and evan over around his place and theyre playing something online and jared’s friend comes on and jared’s immediately like “evan give the controller to connor i cant look like my friends are bad at video games"and connor is like >:) whats this
and he isnt horrible at video games, he just doesnt rly care about them (and jared Knows This) so when connor starts playing the worst he’s ever played jared is pissed
lgbtrucy: “connor what the hell man, you’re making me look like shit, knock it off!!”
evan eventually catches on and he and connor just start. making the fuck out in the middle of the game and jared has to get his headset on and apologize to his friend
“dude im so sorry my co-op is making out with his boyfriend IN MY ROOM, WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING WEIRD CONNOR, anyways sorry but hes the only one here that can play w me”
lgbtrucy: and connor is a smug asshole so hes like “oh who you talking to jared??” and jared goes red as hell and is like “no one just a friend online—you Were playing against him until you started fucking evan on my bedroom floor”
and the tiniest, giggliest “hot” comes from the headset and In That Moment, evan and connor pledge themselves to hooking jared up w this mysterious gamer boy who is so obviously perfect for jared
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: THIS IS SO GOOD IM CACKLING AND CRYING Please tell me more about the adventures of Jared and mysterious gamer boy
lgbtrucy: ok So jared and mystery boy
lgbtrucy: his name is elliot, he’s half-korean, and i love him
lgbtrucy: hes goofy and more conventionally funny as opposed to jared, who’s funny by being kind of mean and using crude humor
lgbtrucy: anyways later on, evan is over at connor’s house and they break out connor’s scarcely-used xbox and send a friend request to elliot
once theyre friends, they sort of keep up appearences for a little while, playing games with him and eventually moving into text chatting and talking on headsets (connor had to spend $50 on a new headset. he was not pleased)
lgbtrucy: and one day they not-so-casually let slip the fact that they were “the guys who were fucking on jared’s floor” (evan nearly choked when elliot said that) and elliot is like !! “no way!! you guys are friends with jared?”
lgbtrucy: and because evan is a #good friend hes talking jared up “oh yeah jared is like my best friend, he’s so funny and cool and really good at video games” and elliots just “yeah, i know right” all dreamily and connor + evan know their plan is gonna Work
lgbtrucy: and connor says “maybe you two should meet up or something, i heard theres a convention or whatever near here this weekend” and elliot is like “!!heck yeah i just gotta ask my mom”
lgbtrucy: fastforward to the con: connor and evan are being dragged around by jared while he shows off excitedly but he suddenly halts when connor calls out, “hey, elliot.”
lgbtrucy: and jared doesnt know what elliot looks like. he doesnt know that its him officially. the only reason connor and evan know is bc they traded numbers and selfies so they could find each other
and elliot yells back “hey connor! hey evan!” and jared Knows because he knows his voice and he is ready to Die and break evan’s other arm
lgbtrucy: because evan Knows hes gay and even if he would rather cut off his own foot than admit he actually Likes elliot, evan knew that he thought really highly of him and What The Fuck evan???
lgbtrucy: and elliot approaches and looks at jared all smiles and asks him “jared?” and jared just kind of dazedly nods and elliot Lights Up and hugs him (jared nearly collapses) and is like “oh my god man im so excited to meet you!!!! i was looking forward to this all week since evan and connor told me about this!!!” and jared gives them A Look but hes lowkey happy
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Honestly this was all I ever wanted wow
lgbtrucy: so the four of them walk around the con, connor and evan kinda trailing behind because elliot is talking to jared about the mechanics behind some game they both like and how calculating the math of it made him really good, and it helps him w his adhd, and theyre all happy and gay(jared gets elliots number later)(and the rest is history) in conclusion im very passionate about jared and his gamer bf
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: That was beautiful I also applaud your dedication I am also v passionate about Jared and his gamer boyfriend tbh
lgbtrucy: #givejaredaboyfriend2k17
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Now that is a cause I can get behind I’m kinda laughing at imagining gamer bf finding out about jared’s obsession with bath bombs
lgbtrucy: jared whispers “love the cronch” and everyone else loses it but elliot is just ?? “what????”
lgbtrucy: its explained to him and more than anything hes confused about why he would waste a $10 bath bomb by eating it
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Honestly so am I Wtf Jared But just think about Connor embarrassing Jared as much as possible 
Because like He’s done the nice bit by getting them to meet And now he can be a little shit
lgbtrucy: ��dear elliot cho we’ve been way too out of touch  life has been crazy and it sucks that we dont talk that much. but i should tell you that i think of you each night; i rub my nipples and start moaning in delight” “CONNOR WHAT THE F U C K NO”
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: I’M CRYING NO I CAN’T THAT WORKS SO WELL
lgbtrucy: while jared is Suffering elliot is just delighted at how cute he is “dont be embarrassed man its cute!!”
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: ((((((Dammit why am I so attached to this fictional fictional character))))) Also On the list of things I want for no particular reason Alana + Elliot brotp
lgbtrucy: YES they both talk a lot but theyre both very on par with each other intelligence wise so it balances out??
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Yes yes yes 
They do that thing where they both speak over each other a lot but they’re both happy because they’re enjoying what they’re talking about Plus Elliot is the one who gets her to call her friends her friends instead of her acquaintances
lgbtrucy: ye hes a good influence on everybody but everybody is Not a good influence on him
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Tell me more?
lgbtrucy: connor gets him high and he nearly drowns himself trying to race connor in a swimming contest
lgbtrucy: jared fucks his sense of humor for good. everytime someone mentions the word “dick” he laughs for ten minutes straigh
tzoe convinces him to dye his hair baby pink. she messes up the dying process and he ends up with electric pink hair
evan and alana are the only good influences 
tbhthisiswhatmylifeamountsto: So far he’s got bright pink hair, laughing at dicks and drowning Amazing ((((OK but Jared being a little shit all the time But when Elliot thinks he’s going to far He gives Jared a look Like a LOOK And Jared is sort of like Oh shit OK That was pretty fucked up Sorry))))
lgbtrucy: yes!! he uses that look a Lot when connor and jared are in the same room
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Oh yeah definitely But one time Jared, Connor, Elliot and Evan are together for a while And Elliot doesn’t have to use the look once And he’s really damn impressed
lgbtrucy: jared gets an extra round of smorches. jared decides he likes that better than fucking w connor
thisiswhatmylifeamountstoYes But Connor is really confused??? Because like Sure Jared’s better with Elliot But suddenly he’s a downright angel??? And it’s weird But one day when Connor is feeling like shit Jared genuinely helps him out And Connor doesn’t care what happened It happened And it’s good
lgbtrucy: they still fuck w each other but its more lighthearted 
nowthisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Like more “Hey I’m kinda being mean to you but it’s ok because we both know we love each other But in a heterosexual way Because we would never date Ever No Stop thinking about it" 
Honestly Elliot sometimes questioned whether he should wonder if Jared was cheating on him but he A) trusted Jared B) could see how in love Connor was with Evan
lgbtrucy: he realizes even tho theyre being nicer to each other they could never date. they get caught at evans house together when a bad storm hits and they have to stay overnight and by the time they leave theyre beginning to go at each others throats so. no chemistry there
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Accurate Wait crap what about the Evan + Elliot brotp
lgbtrucy: they get along rly well honestly theyre good influences
elliot has adhd so he Knows how it feels when things become too much nd they can bond over similar experiences
lgbtrucy: good friends 10/10 would brotp
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: I feel like their friendship is really pure Like half the time their conversations are just a bunch of compliments thrown at each other? Honestly I’m convinced that Elliot is my fave and this is really bad
lgbtrucy: elliot is the unproblematic fave
he just likes video games and his friends and his bf
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: ok but Elliot not having any close friends He’s that guy who chats to everyone but has noone to confide in etc And then he finds some online But it’s still not the same And suddenly he has five??? And like They all really like him Like obviously he knew Jared And he got to know Connor and Evan But Zoe and Alana love him too And I’m just such trash for this au wow
when someone asks who his bff is he cant choose"oh man i dont know!! i love all my friends the same theyre all really great” (crying boyfriend sounds in the distance)
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Honestly every time Elliot does something really sweet/pure/nice Jared cannot handle it At all Because !!!! MY !!!!!!!! BOYFRIEND !!!!! HE’S SO CUTE But going back to drunk Jared Imagine drunk Jared with sober Elliot
lgbtrucy: “o….oh really?” elliot is dying blushing at this point
someone (probably connor or zoe) is recording at this point. evan is near tears lauging. elliot is In Love
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: When Jared watches the video in the morning he gets really nervous because he hasn’t seen Elliot that morning But when he does “So I hear you have a boyfriend named Elliot and he’s really cute? Interestingly enough I have a boyfriend named Jared’s who’s really cute - look how much we have in common” And Jared dies
lgbtrucy: DHSHSHS YES THATS SO CUTE (connor posts the video. it goes semi-viral. jared dies for a different reason)
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: (Jared moans that he’s lost all of his street cred Nobody has the heart to tell him he never had any in the first place) OK but how often do Jared and Elliot so they’re going on a date And then the next day everyone finds out the ‘date’ consisted of beating each other at every single video game either of them owned
lgbtrucy: elliot is always swooning over these “super romantic” dates and everyone is like ??? jared?? ROMANTIC??? and its a big thing trying to find out just what jared and elliot do
turns out these romantic dates are playing video games for 10 hours and then going to mcdonalds at 3 am and sharing a milkshake
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Like when they find out everybody sort of wonders why they expected anything else 
They met in person at a con through a shared love for video games after about three months of planning because neither of them wanted to make a move
lgbtrucy: elliot, unironically: jared is the most romantic person in the world everyone: that sounds fake but ok
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: But I feel like Jared would be a really attentive bf Like he actually pays attention to what’s going on in Elliot’s life Like the day he has a big exam he has everything 100% prepared to congratulate him/cheer him up depending on how it went
lgbtrucy: hes a really good bf but only like…..secretly. he has to keep up his Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman appearance
physical affection is where he hesitates tho hes v awkward with holding hands/kissing/cuddling. elliot has to initiate all of it
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: Elliot so called him that once to make fun of him but it’s stuck now and they can’t get Jared to stop coming into a room announcing himself as the INSANELY COOL JARED KLEINMAN 
Elliot felt awkward about it first because he wasn’t sure whether Jared was comfortable with it and he didn’t want to make Jared feel bad But then they have a long, way-overdue talk and work out how things are gonna work
lgbtrucy: its not from a lack of interest that jared doesnt initiate it he just. where do u put ur hands. is it weird to just kiss ur bf randomly. fuck evan was right hands DO get sweaty abd [panic alarm] but as soon as elliot touches him hes like “nice” and is totally into it
thisiswhatmylifeamountsto: OK honestly I’m so sad that Elliot doesn’t exist he’s literally Jared’s ideal boyfriend this is such a travesty
lgbtrucy: make elliot famous
except its me posting at 2 am about how much i love him
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
OK SO this tag has everything i’ve posted about my boy elliot, but because i Love Talking About Him ill throw out some random stuff abt him!
-he sucks at practical applications of math but when applying it to video game mechanics…..genius boy-he’s pretty outgoing and extroverted, but he’s not really “friends” with anyone, more (in a way alana would put it) friendly acquaintances with everyone.-so in that vein, he’s pretty lonely-he initially begins interacting with jared online, in multiplayer games they both play-(while elliot likes online/multiplayer games the best, he doesn’t really care for fps/war-driven games, but he plays them because that’s where he and jared began interacting)-it’s elliot who notices jared’s pretty good, so he sends a friend request and they begin to play online a few nights a week-they become actual friends over time, talking over headsets and eventually giving their numbers to each other, but they still don’t know they go to the same school-and jared, even before they meet, is very open about the fact that he’s gay and he’s had boyfriends and elliot, the poor boy, catches Feelings-which sucks for him, because he has a very specific anxiety about people finding out he likes boys. he knows it’s irrational, and while he has other bouts of anxiety he knows this is Different and he hates it-eventually, they come to realize they both live in around the same area and jared asks if he wants to meet up. elliot agrees, and they go to a nearby convention and find out that yo we go to the same school how did we not know?? but become fast irl friends-but despite being jared’s only other friend besides evan, they don’t really hang out at school. but when jared isn’t hanging out w evan he’s with elliot.-after they sort of confront their feelings and get together (which i went over in another post, so i wont regurgitate it here) they start hanging out some at school but elliot is still terrified of being out and he feels Awful because he has it in his head not being out = being ashamed of jared which it doesnt!! -he’s such a loser he is so disgustingly infatuated w jared like…..jared could say the dumbest shit but elliot will swoon and blush and hang off of every word he says-and dont get me wrong jared is a Mess around elliot like. in public he has to keep up his Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman™ brand but dont be fooled. boy is a Nerd around his bf and whenever elliot like. holds his hand or chills in his lap to play video games he pretty much passes out-they both (separately) talk abt the other (elliot uses ‘partner,’ jared uses ‘bf’) to whoever will listen-”oh gosh my partner is the most romantic person in the world…the other day we went to a restaurant and held hands all night!! and then we went to my house and played video games and made out…gosh have you ever heard of someone more romantic?”-(just ffucking cuts off a girl talking about her date) ”…anyways, my boyfriend is better than yours in every conceivable way and heres why–” (launches into 10 minute tirade about why his bf is The Best)-jared says “i love you” first and elliot legitimately sobs. what a mess i love him
this is………..very long. but i love elliot, i would die for him, and i’m more than likely going to write abt him + jared in the scope of my fic’s universe
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
yall: my favorite dear evan hansen character is [whoever]
me: my favorite is the noncanon boyfriend i made for jared. his name is elliot and
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
okay bitch so first of all jared's boyfriend
YES HIS BF……..his name is elliot and i am literally in love w him
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gontagokuhara · 8 years ago
sorry everybody
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