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monthlyklance · 2 years ago
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Each day is a different AU. Feel free to mix prompts together, skip days, etc. However you interpret the prompts is up to you!
Tag your work with #KlanceAUMonth
Reblog to spread the word!
Please note: This is likely to be the last EVER Klance AU Month (and Klance event in general) hosted by me, so if you want to participate, now is the time! Fics, art, threads, edits, etc are all acceptable, & so is boosting old work that fits the prompts! Have fun & thanks so much for all the support over the years! 
Open for written prompt list:
1. Fantasy 2. Movie/TV Au 3. Garrison 4. Paranormal/Horror 5. Celebrity 6. Fashion/aesthetics 7. Leakira 8. College 9. Blade of marmora 10. Royalty 11. Academic Rivals 12. Mythical creatures 13. Coffee Shop 14. Soulmate 15. Monsters & Mana 16. Mall AU 17. Superhero 18. Athlete 19. Musician/band 20. Pirate 21. Galra/altean 22. High school 23. Summer camp 24. Tattoo artist 25. Apocalypse 26. Merman 27. Renaissance Fair 28. AU of choice
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years ago
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tfw you're famous and go to a concert incognito to chill but end up falling for the lead vocalist of the opening band- haha jk.. unless?
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paig · 2 years ago
klanceaumonth day 23 and im sooo late but highschool au’s make the world go round... 
hope you enjoy Lots of love :3
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echotovalley · 3 years ago
klance au month day 1 + 10: artist x muse | college
rating: g wordcount: 1,693 additional tags: unrequited (keith thinks), not unrequited they’re just stupid, college, friends to lovers, for once they’re not dramatic about it, they can have a good time - as a treat
There’s no good way to tell someone they accidentally became your muse.
There’s no good way to tell one of your best friends they became your muse.
There’s no good way to tell your best friend they became your muse and that you take advantage of idle hangout time outside of the classroom to draw them when they don’t know it.
read here on ao3→
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yndaab · 4 years ago
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Klance AU Month (edition 2021) Day 19 Tatoo Artist/Florist
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fire-bear · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: Klance AU Month 2022, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Hurt/Comfort, Non-graphic injuries Series: Part 8 of Klance AU Month 2022 Summary:
Lance is not confident of the impression that he'll give his soulmate, considering the first word he'll hear. So he hides it from himself and he lives his life.
One night, he walks down a badly lit street...
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thespacenico · 4 years ago
day 1: movie AU
a little drabble based on the movie while you were sleeping inspired by @/astralakira’s genius twitter thread!
“I’m really happy to see everyone,” Lance had said, his smile genuine yet strained, shoulders drooping with exhaustion. “But could I possibly get a moment to talk with my fiancé? Alone?”
And of course, because he was born into a family of absolute angels, they had been quick to honor his request without hesitation, gathering their things and shuffling out of the room to wait and talk amongst themselves outside. Which is how Keith finds himself standing alone in Lance’s hospital room, arms hanging stiffly at his sides as machines beep softly in the background. A long moment of quiet stretches between them, giving Keith ample time to dwell on every single bad decision he’s ever made in his entire life, one of which led directly to this moment.
Finally Lance sighs, long and heavy, eyes falling shut as he rubs his temples. “I can’t wait to hear your explanation for this one.”
Keith’s cheeks are already burning with a mix of shame and embarrassment, fists clenching and unclenching several times before he shoves them into his pockets. “I… uh.” 
Lance drops his hands into his lap and looks up, expression rather deadpan. “My entire family thinks I have amnesia, Keith,” he starts, and Keith winces. “They think I proposed to you somewhere out there in space and that you said yes. They think we’re engaged! I wasn’t out that long, was I?”
Keith presses his lips together. Lance arches his eyebrows expectantly. “Um. No,” Keith manages, then grimaces when Lance throws his hands in the air.
“So what happened!” he cries. “Why does my family think that we’re madly in love?” 
Is that such a bad thing? is what Keith wants to say, but he swallows the words down and stares at his feet, searching for something to say that’ll allow him to leave her with his body still intact. He clears his throat and opens his mouth to speak, but nothing will come out. Lance just sighs again, glancing away and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Look, if I really had proposed to you, I’m pretty sure I would remember,” Lance says softly.
Keith crumbles, squeezing his eyes shut and pressing the heels of his palms against them. “I’m sorry,” he says weakly, more like the breath of a whisper. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far. I just wanted—I’m so sorry.” 
Lance shifts in his bed, sheets rustling with the movement. “Keith—”
“I just wanted to see you,” Keith blurts, feeling badly for cutting him off but suddenly unable to stop himself even though he had been speechless only moments ago. “That was all, I swear. I was worried about you, but they wouldn’t let me in because only family is allowed to visit but I had to see you, so I gave them the first excuse I could think of. I told them we were engaged, but it was just so I could get inside, I didn’t mean for it to turn into such a big thing, and I swear I didn’t mean to lie to your family.”
“Okay,” Lance answers agreeably, although from the look on his face he looks more like he’s trying to appease a scared, cornered animal. “Maybe you should like, sit down or—” 
“Everything just happened so fast,” Keith interrupts, desperate to fully explain himself. “Your family got here and no one knew who I was but one of the nurses must have told them what I said because then they were all trying to comfort me instead of the other way around and—they immediately took me in like I belonged there, like I had been there all along and I tried, I tried to tell them the truth but every time I got the chance I froze, and now that it’s been this long I’m too scared to say anything because I don’t want to hurt your family, Lance—” 
“Keith,” Lance repeats firmly, and Keith’s breath shakes when he inhales, clutching at the fingers that have slipped into his hand and tugged him closer to the bed. “Oh my god. Please don’t cry.” 
Keith doesn’t even realize he’s started, not until he blinks the tears out of his eyes and feels them hit his cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he croaks. “You should be with your family right now, not cleaning up my mess.” 
“I’ve been cleaning up your messes for the past three years, haven’t I? I think I can handle one more.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” 
“No, you—I’m not upset, Keith. I was just confused, so I may have overreacted a tiny bit.” Keith vehemently disagrees with the overreacting bit—really, Lance’s reaction was rather tame compared to what Keith had expected—but he doesn’t get to voice it since Lance continues before he gets the chance, squeezing his hand. “But to be fair, a proposal would be going just a little too fast, don’t you think?” 
Keith sniffs, wiping at the wetness of his cheek with the back of his hand. “What?”
“I mean, you could at least ask a guy to dinner first.” 
Something in Keith’s brain is taking longer than it should to click into place. He stares at Lance, somehow both distantly yet acutely aware of their intertwined hands. Lance arches his eyebrows expectantly, much like he had just a few minutes ago, and Keith stammers out what he hopes to be a coherent sentence. “I—I mean, do you… want to? Get dinner with me?” 
“Why, Keith!” Lance gasps dramatically, cheeks tinted pink but eyes bright with amusement. “I thought you would never ask. Yes, I would love to get dinner with you. Just as soon as I’m allowed to leave this hospital bed, that is.” 
Keith blinks. Suddenly everything he’d been so panicked over seems silly, in hindsight. “Wait. Really?” 
Lance just smiles, tilting his head thoughtfully. “We can talk more later. For now, how about we bring my family back in so we can explain the situation to them, okay? Together.” 
Somehow it’s comforting to know that there’s something for them to talk about ‘later,’ when Keith was so convinced that he’d made a mistake that wouldn’t be so easily forgiven. It makes the relief in his own returning smile that much more genuine as he nods and says: 
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punchyhorse · 4 years ago
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So! My very first work for Klance, and Klance month. Day #1 Prompt: Movie. It’s a Wizard of Oz!AU, featuring Scarecrow!Lance and Tinman!Keith.
I like them! I’ll probably flesh it out later 😊
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saiikavon · 4 years ago
Day uhhh 7, yes, 7: Internet Friends
No ideas for pirate day, but here’s internet friends day with a ridiculously self-indulgent Cinderella-ish story for my own amusement. Also idk how much normal sugar daddy aus are supposed to involve sexual favors because my asexual ass just really loves the fantasy of being showered with money just for hanging out with someone, that’s a thing right?? ANYWAY.
The idea: Lance has been speaking to someone online for a while. They’re good friends, and they seem to understand each other, at least emotionally, feeling lonely and isolated. Both miss their family, though their circumstances seem different. Lance lives in a tiny apartment with his roommate, can barely afford to feed himself and relies on good grades to stay in school. Still, he struggles. He jokes once with his online friend that maybe he should find a sugar daddy, then he’d be golden. He could live comfortably, have whatever he wanted, and never have to struggle again.
Keith inherited an immense fortune from people he could barely call parents. They ran a company that had shady business practices, though it was all technically legal, and legally, Keith can’t extricate himself from the fortune or the companies that continue to build that wealth. It disgusts him, and he tries his best to be rid of the money through charities, though there is still so much. He keeps to himself a lot, interacting only with his older brother Shiro. He’s lonely, save for his friend he speaks to online. A careless joke from his online friend gives him an idea.
Soon, it’s all over the news that the owner of the vast Daibazaal fortune is on the hunt for a sugar baby. The young and eager clamor for his attention, hoping to be the lucky baby, but Keith has no interest. He’s only in this for his online friend, and hopes beyond hope that Lance will come forward to claim the spot and let Keith spoil him with riches for as long as he lives.
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cascadexii · 5 years ago
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@monthlyklance ‘s klance au month day 10: mermaid!
keith offers lance a necklace as a kind of courtship gift. lance accepts enthusiastically.
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monthlyklance · 3 years ago
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– Tag your work with #KlanceAUMonth
– Feel free to skip prompts, change the order, mix them together, etc! 
– Reblog to spread the word & have fun!
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twulo · 6 years ago
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Day 1: Coffee Shop AU!!
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paig · 2 years ago
day nine of klance au month, blade of marmora keith!! posting a day late cause i got super busy yesterday
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pbeltarts · 6 years ago
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More for klance au month!
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yndaab · 4 years ago
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Klance AU Month (edition 2021) Day 14 Soulmate Lo subi ayer pero ya no me alcanzo el tiempo para subirlo aqui jsjss ⭐⭐⭐ HAPPY FEBRUARY 14TH TO ALL! I wanted to use several versions of soulmate in this illustration; we have the "tiny" version where we have that each person gets a tiny of their soulmate which is the manifestation of all the feelings of their other half both romantic and not, allowing the other to know deeper aspects of the other, the classic tattoos that relate to your other half, the red thread of destiny because you can never be too corny and finally when you meet your soulmate and they accept their destinies a trait of your other half will manifest in you showing the bond you have with him, that's why the colors of the eyes are reversed. Español: Mes de Klance AU (edición 2021) Día 14 Soulmate ⭐⭐⭐ ¡FELIZ 14 DE FEBRERO A TODOS! He querido utilizar varias versiones de soulmate en esta ilustración; tenemos la versión "minúscula" donde tenemos que cada persona obtiene un minúsculo de su alma gemela que es la manifestación de todos los sentimientos de su otra mitad tanto románticos como no, permitiendo al otro conocer aspectos más profundos del otro, los clásicos tatuajes que se relacionan con su otra mitad, el hilo rojo del destino porque nunca se es demasiado cursi y por último cuando conoces a tu alma gemela y aceptan sus destinos un rasgo de tu otra mitad se manifestará en ti mostrando el vínculo que tienes con él, por eso los colores de los ojos están invertidos.
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fire-bear · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Slimer (Ghostbusters) Additional Tags: Klance AU Month 2022, Ghostbusting (Ghostbusters), Alternate Universe - Ghostbusters Fusion, Ghostbusters References, Ghosts, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Slime Series: Part 10 of Klance AU Month 2022 Summary:
Lance has been dragged into his friends new enterprise - a ghost removal company that specialises in capturing ghosts. He just wishes he didn't get slimed every time - and that the tension between him and Keith would be resolved.
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