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putanina mo palyu kang mixed signals ka pitaena mo hondi kita ksasama bulas tabgjn mo talaga andami ko ba ginawa at sinakripisyo na ginawa sayo tangina mo talaga hayop ka talagang puke ka tangina mo talaga hayop ka hayop a hayop ka haypp ka hayop ka hayop iabhayop ia hqyop ka hayopva hayip ka hayop iahayop ka hayop ka hayop ka tantina mo jayop kabhw jayop oabm kq tqghha no klala mo hinde talaga tayo nag laro hanggang alas res pakyu k
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Where did you find fat pic of Klala?
Here on tumblr, by who i don't but must have reblog it
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Klala - We Are Ghana (Prod by GMK)Klala – We Are Ghana (Prod by GMK)Ace crooner Klala recently earned the spotlight after getting legendary footballer Samuel Etoo Filson endorsed his official song for the Black Stars.Klala dishes it out this beautiful song to encourage and motivates the black stars as they prepare towards the World cup in Qatar.“We Are Ghana” was produced and mastered by GMK. Enjoy and add it to your playlist. View On WordPress
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Tama na babs. Atleast wra kw dn kya gna kwartahan. Mung kwarta pra lng sa self mo gastusa sa gusto mo hndi nga gpaka budlay kw ubra tpos sa useless materials lng mtupa. Better to save it or use it for your own goodness.. just be you. Accept ta ikw kg klala ta ikw. Don't let stupid and attention seeker imbecile ruin who you are.. you have a good and kind heart. I know you. Gpa pansin lng da knimo. Ky wra guro my gasapak kna.
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Jure Kaštelan
(Zakučac kraj Omiša, 18. prosinca 1919. – Zagreb, 24. veljače 1990.), hrvatski pjesnik i književnik.
Mrtvi žive u nama. Rastu. Rastu. Mladi i raspjevani moji drugovi. Mrtvi žive u nama.
I često u barakama, na radilištu, u zori i usred dana
dolaze jedan po jedan. Prolaze.
I bez pozdrava, bez stiska, utonuli u život, idemo jedni uz druge.
Mrtvi i živi. Jedni uz druge.
Lovro, Lovro ... Ko na nasipu zove?
Zarjatko, zoro rumena. Ko pjeva? Ko govori?
— Lovro, druže mladosti moje. Slobodno, bez žandara, sve klikće i raste, sve živi i voli.
Ti koji znaš muk mraka, metak i grob bezimeni, zidove tamnica, kundak, okove i bunu,
gledaj kako se voli slobodno, bez granica, gledaj tu mladost, svoj san nepokoreni.
Gledaj Dalmaciju, ognjenu zjenicu, ti koji znaš sve njene rane.
Druže moj, reci i meni
kako se pjesmom te oči brane.
Sve što dišem, što gledam, svuda vas vidim, mladići, moje krilate zore.
Znam što volite i kad odlaze lađe i kad golubovi
nad potkrovlje.
Znam vaš san, sastanke ilegalne,
ljubav što u jedno srce ne može da stane. Pamtim vaš pogled, radosno do viđenja kad metak u sne, to proljeće, grane.
Ivice, pjesmo u tmini Jasenovca, rastvori dlanove da vjetar ponese te ptice raskriljene.
Gledaj, iznad Bosne
travnjaci zaplovili...
Dođi. Proljeće je. Proljeće je, mili.
Snivaš li još na rubu Zelengore zasut mećavama
u noćnom proboju?
Pogledaj, Branko, knjigu rastvorenu okom u oko
čitaj ljubav svoju.
Ne vreba više noć zasjeda na Mosoru u zoru ranu. Ljubo, mladosti raskliktana, previt će život tvoju ranu.
O moji mili po srcu, po knjizi, po istoj suzi što je tajno pala,
znam mračnu noć, oštricu noža
koja vas je klala.
Znam zoru, košulju krvavu, posljednju pjesmu koju ste pjevali. Znam suzu majke i pogled
i pogled kad ste umirali.
Znam Dalmaciju i bijedu i kolibe i šapat u mraku i val proboja. Znam čelik, tu mladost, ta krila izrasla pod srcem Skoja.
Jure Kaštelan
Lijepa je ova zemlja. Meni najdraža.
Nigdje toliko algi kao u uvali moga djetinjstva.
Livade i konji nesedlani. Koliko rijeka i slapova.
Dođi, prijatelju.
Mi smo na Balkanu. U Jugoslaviji.
Podijelit ćemo hljeb i radost i tugu ako si tužan.
Mi znamo kako rana peče i kako boli nož.
Ima i jablanova do neba i sunca za sve slikare i kupače
i bistrih voda brzica. Vidjet ćeš sam.
Vidjet ćeš zemlju svu na dlanu. Takvu kakova jest.
I zgarišta gdje su bila. Sve ćemo ti reći.
Tamo kod novogradnje: još juče vješala
gdje smo sa Titom ustali prkoseći.
Znaš gdje je Balkan, Jugoslavija — na Balkanu.
Zemlja socijalizma. Možeš i vodom i zrakom.
Dođi i vidi. Istina je naša krvlju zapisana.
Gledaj i mjeri kuda ti se svidi.
Lijepa je ova zemlja. Meni najdraža.
U njoj smo, daleki druže, i za te umirali.
Lijepa je ova zemlja. Socijalizam na Balkanu.
U njoj smo krv i snove i za te, druže, dali.
Devet zora niz devet tvojih voda,
niz vode plove same krvarine.
Koliko robija, skela i vozara
u mrkom mraku crne carevine.
Devet zora niz devet tvojih gora,
ognjem ti gore sela i gradovi,
glava na koplju, trupovi na kocu,
a iznad trupla polumjesec plovi.
Devet po devet koliko je noža,
koliko gladi, koliko harača.
O koliko si puta, zemljo,
pogledala smrti u lice licem ispod mača.
Devet po devet koliko rijeka krvi,
sve sami lelek, jauk i vješala.
Od tuge je i zora na uranku
nad tvojom rakom mrakom pomrčala.
Devet zora niz devet tvojih voda,
niz devet gora i devet planina,
a deseta je radost raskriljena,
kao proljeće, moja domovina.
Lijepa si, zemljo moja,
i skladna ko vodarica s krčagom na glavi.
Bijela stada i lađe na pučini
i zuj pčelinjaka i ulje maslinika.
Volim tvoje svijetle pjesme i
tužne u kojima me majka zibala,
svjetlost tvoju — ovo proljeće što je moralo doći,
proljeće tvoje i naše u žitnom njihanju njiva.
Lijepa si, zemljo moja, kao sloboda,
kao oči tvojih junaka što i preko smrti gledaju.
Koliko mrtvih pod tvojim rosnim travama.
I kad ih vjetar češlja — oni pjevaju,
i u grlu tvojih rijeka — oni pjevaju,
i u pjesmi tvojoj — oni pjevaju,
i u prkosu tvome — oni prkose,
i u životu tvome — oni žive,
i u istini tvojoj — oni su istina!
Volim te, jer si otrla suze bijedi i svoju ljepotu čovjeku dala.
Otvorila si škole i parkove s plavim i modrim cvijećem i odmarališta.
I međaše rušiš i ružu zalijevaš na prozorima iz kojih je zjapila bijeda.
I kad se dime dimnjaci tvojih tvornica — brane tvoju istinu.
I kad rudari u utrobu zemlje silaze — brane tvoju istinu.
I kad strojevi štampaju »Manifest« i »Oktobarsku« — brane tvoju istinu
I kad te gledam buduću — ja pjevam tvoju istinu.
Pjevam tebe, ali još više snagu koja te rodila.
Bila si u okovima — tko ti je lance skinuo?
U mraku — tko te je na put izveo?
Tko ti je vratio vid i osmijeh neuništivi?
Bila si na vješalima — tko je uz tebe stao?
Vjeran u smrti i u gladi, vjeran u jami i pred zidom.
vjeran na riječi i na djelu,
vjeran na nišanu, vjeran u životu!
Krilatoj — tko ti je snagu dao?
Pobjedom — tko te obasjao?
Tko ti je ime na sve vijeke i za sve narode osvjetlao?
Rasti sretna pod suncem, rasti u jaslama dječjim.
Rasti i cvjetaj, zemljo radnih ljudi.
I neka mir nad tvojim poljima vlada,
mir tvojim lađama na pučini
i tvom danu što se vedar budi.
Rasti sretna da svi narodi vide sa strana svih
sa juga i sjevera kako se rađa i kako se voli,
kako se brani zemlja proletera.
I neka mir nad tvojim ljudima vlada,
mir tvome rudaru i tvome rataru,
mir graditelju i tvome čuvaru,
mir tvojoj sreći u vodi i u zraku,
u pjesmi strojeva i u sjaju žita.
Rasti i cvjetaj pod zvijezdom slobode
pod rukom Partije i pod srcem Tita.
Volio bih da me voliš
da budem cvijet u tvojoj kosi.
Ako si noć, ja ću bit zora
i blijesak svjetlosti u rosi.
Volio bih da me voliš
i da svi dani budu pjesma.
Ako si izvor i ja ću biti
u živoj stijeni bistra česma.
Pjesmu je uglazbio Ljubo Kuntarić, a otpjevala Lola Novaković
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swedish forenames + sesotho names
Adarl Alane Aleboe Alefia Aleloiso Alepho Alouebo Altorongi Alviltebe Amele Amillicto Anyantle Aramoko Asillai Atlaleka Atlaleo Atlan Attoik Augoki Batla Beltobeli Bikengton Bogoanta Bokoakeng Boyoue Boyouela Castimoko Chamest Chebe Chelly Cholly Damolaki Diana Dibane Dibogo Difela Dikto Diktong Dilepa Dimeline Dimiria Dimohaba Diphabi Disepo Eddippa Edwan Elanames Elewata Elieheko Eliotaga Elisane Elisopo Elkeding Elova Ematsi Emedibu Emelaka Emeli Emileba Emoforik Emohaki Emophete Esantse Eshobo Estin Feeiane Felte Felvice Filliv Freng Fumella Gremoha Habin Haked Haker Hapanyana Hapoton Harone Haspe Henam Hetav Hilsar Hlakatle Hlanahlo Hlobohan Hlwarli Inampus Inovina Inuwar Iramelo Isantshe Isefa Isehlo Isekoa Isohlo Isole Jarisie Jelleetsa Joretia Jornelly Jorneo Julane Julebus Juludvisa Julumam Junelo Kabaamohn Kalicto Kalvin Kamana Kanta Kathilda Katsiu Ketsa Khabereja Khantsepe Kheda Kheko Kheter Klala Klans Konyang Kophabu Kuebi Kuebo Leballo Lebba Lebelo Leberikto Leboelly Lebohla Lehilda Lehoka Lehwed Leijnalo Lekhali Lekheo Lekoane Leleha Leleta Lepale Leseng Leshwe Leteko Letha Letsenya Letsi Letsiu Letsoane Letsohast Liane Licia Liehane Lieling Lildan Lilie Lineoui Lipheli Lipno Lisage Lisakhale Lisoande Lobelepho Lohlo Loite Lokoana Lolli Ludvisa Lumanne Luphasmi Lykkene Maatlan Mabon Mafako Mahla Mahlo Mahosha Mahotshae Majketsig Majketso Majolo Majone Makabin Makalaki Makevid Makis Makomaba Makoper Malefali Malekolie Maleter Maliane Maliba Maline Mallalea Mallane Malva Malvisana Mameja Maneli Manelo Maneo Manyang Maponja Marethibe Mariehla Marvilo Masepito Masie Masmi Masmils Mastrid Matau Mates Matho Matleban Matlo Matorot Matsa Matsebane Matsehong Matsela Matshoaha Matsi Matso Matte Mattebogo Matto Meseng Metsed Milefo Milissan Mille Minalo Miothebas Moahlo Moaka Moanus Moatla Mochale Modina Moello Moena Mofili Mofin Mofoloan Mohabi Mohafala Mohafane Mohakho Mohalvia Mohaoane Mohara Moharl Mohaus Mohea Moheki Mohesa Mohlef Mohlo Mohoa Moilally Moketsi Mokgo Mokgotla Mokgotso Mokoa Mokomeja Mokomilia Mokopo Mokopuso Molefor Moleha Molehels Moleho Molieli Molin Molisa Moliv Molojesoa Molokon Monah Moneone Mongi Monjahaki Monoela Monya Mopello Mopona Mopotsa Moreteke Moronone Moscasi Mosefaki Mosehlwa Moseke Moseng Mosha Mosoabang Motanahle Motebane Motha Mothas Motho Motholo Mothust Motla Motlale Motle Motlo Motsi Mpakitsi Mphamelo Mphasi Mphephosa Mphodiele Mphoelo Mphonela Mphotaus Mphotonya Mpotebela Mpotsela Märthali Märtholi Neoneloi Nhlohela Nhoeleto Nillisane Niltebong Nkamedvin Nkomesise Nkutseang Noesertao Nolepite Nonyan Ntanusi Nteli Ntenyaki Ntetsa Nthasi Ntheko Nthelo Nthepe Ntheste Nthibo Ntjalla Ntsea Ntsona Olinn Oseng Otlalvine Pantho Phane Pheana Phela Phoretlo Phusana Popula Pothunyan Potsehlo Potsilo Puline Pulix Putseahlo Qhoabi Qhohofo Rabilma Rabusako Ramakeisa Rameda Rapuoae Rasepeli Rasiu Rathea Ratshwar Reditlo Rumatsie Rutsoa Saoangto Sbogabrid Sebusi Seetaoane Sekhe Selana Seliciane Selie Seline Sellia Selly Semela Sepera Serelo Shane Shone Simoeune Simonyako Sinte Soeno Sotsoetla Stages Sumodor Tanya Taoane Tefokoa Terta Thabatsi Thakamo Thalia Thana Thapong Thasoae Thelo Thilda Thoae Thobe Tholaki Thune Thung Thutso Tildaria Tlale Tlalina Tlefi Tlertheko Tlethae Tliselo Tlobeng Tsaboella Tseho Tsengo Tshwa Tsofoloa Tsupele Tukang Tumes Viahafane Vilho Vilova Vinthi Visane Vissa Wileane Willo Youebelo
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Aaaaah yayyyy, I've missed these two 💖
It’s as if the personification of unseasoned baked potatoes was smirking at you, thinking he had you good, thinking he had fed you a great line. <- laksksalla lmao this line is just 🤌 chester to a t tbh.
Blood, and lots of it, ruined Chester’s pristine white shirt, dripping down his face from where his nose was bleeding. It was pretty satisfying. <- hell yeah it is. FUCK YOU, CHESTER.
Him still being a gentleman and letting you in his room first tho, I'm 🥺🥺🥺
His poor bottom lip had seen better days, no matter how many times you’d bitten it blue. You were tempted to lick his wound shut, swipe at the red liquid until his flesh was healed and the whole thing was forgotten. <- alkzk;ds;klala thank you bc I was honestly thinking this as soon as you said he had a busted lip lol 🤭
They are so cute and sweet and so in love, ugh, I love them sm 🥲
This is wonderful as always, thank you for sharing it bb 💖💖💖
the Chester problem
Rydal Keener x f!Reader
Part of the Oxford Comma series
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, no smut but mentions of sex, someone gets punched
Chester probably didn’t know he was the cause of your breakup. Or your attempted breakup.
Rydal said he’d go get you both some coffee from the cafe inside the building you were studying in front of, leaving you alone with the chaotic textbook pentagram you were surrounded by. Leaning against a tree, you were comfortable in the evening spring air, taking note of the turkeys staking claim over a certain patch of grass a few yards away. You started packing up your things, thinking to yourself that you may as well head back with the warm drinks in hand and spend the rest of your evening in his dorm.
It wasn’t too dark out, the sky already darkening but not so much so that you were without light. If you headed back now you could still watch a movie together. You were perfectly fine in your train of thought until a tall figure stood directly in your line of vision. It took you a second to angle your head to see who was attached to the tall frame, heart dropping in your stomach seeing that it belonged to none other than Chester. His dirty blonde hair looked perfectly mussed, his clear skin making him look more boyish than you knew he was. The crisp white cotton piqué polo he had on only served to piss you off further. The guy really had no qualms wearing all white, the impracticality of maintenance not even on his mind.
“Ah, just the little minx I was looking for,” he smirked down at you.
“Rydal will be back in just a few. You can… wait over there or something,” you looked back down to the text in your hand.
“You know, I know you’re not as squeaky clean as he thinks you are.”
Your relationship with Rydal’s oldest friend wasn’t… the greatest. The mere sight of him made you uncomfortable, his piercing gaze making you feel as though you were constantly under a microscope and you swore you could feel when he walked into a room just based on your spine tingling from the heavy weight of it. At first, he studied you, studied your dynamic with Rydal, went quiet when he’d make you laugh just for you to sober up and catch him staring with his head tilted and a curious glint in his eye. He would watch how Rydal greeted you when you’d join their group, how he casually slung his arm over your shoulder on the couch in the common areas, eyes tracing over the comfort in which you touched each other. It unnerved you to say the least. This was all before the comments started.
You thought he was still mad about his white Sperry’s from that fateful first day, so you tried to apologize and laugh about it with him. He had looked you up and down before blinking at you and walking away. Honestly, you don’t know what you expected. You didn’t tell Rydal about it out of fear of sounding like a whiny girlfriend, afraid of causing a rift between the two friends. You would just shoulder the discomfort for his sake, not because Chester deserved any ounce of your kindness.
Chester then made a comment about how you didn’t smell so bad anymore shortly after Rydal had gotten you the Chanel perfume, loudly noting how you didn’t hold back from using it. As if you carried some sort of poor people stench with you before. As if you had to burn through the bottle just to coat you in something palatable. That was the day you spat back at him, startling Rydal with how much hate you actually held in your voice, but again he didn’t intervene. Your severe vacillating verbal abuse only served to create tension between the three of you, and you avoided him as frequently and as blatantly as you could.
Shoving your notebooks in your bag with more force than was necessary, you looked up at him without bothering to hide how irritating his mere presence is for you. Standing up didn’t help in balancing out your height difference but it made you feel a lot less small next to him. He still had at least a foot over you, and he smiled patronizingly at you in your show of defiance.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Chester takes a step closer, your chests almost brushing if not for your step backwards, and he continues until your back is pressed up against the tree you were leaning against just moments before. Placing a hand next to your head, effectively boxing you in with his frame, he leans down until your faces are inches apart before speaking again.
“It means, sweetheart, that I think we both know why you’re really with Rydal. You’ve been having a grand old time in our world. Why don’t you let me have a turn, hmm? I can buy you nice things, too, if that’s what it’ll take.”
You’re not surprised that he thinks you’re with Rydal for his money, it’s not the first time you’ve heard it nor is it the first time he’s made a snide pass at you for not belonging. That was something you were still struggling to get over, but seeing as it was only Chester you were hearing it from for the time being and not anyone of importance to you, you would brush off his comments, regardless of how much the thought pissed you off. Rydal never fed into his shit, easily telling him off in one way or another before you could even get a word in and you were grateful that he often didn’t even bring it up to you. It didn’t stop it from bothering you though.
No, what shocks you is that this is his weird attempt at hitting on you… you think. If this was Chester’s way of showing interest, this was frankly the most insulting way to go about it. Did this work on other girls? He basically called himself a flavour you could try out, if you were so inclined. Which, honestly, repulsed you. It’s as if the personification of unseasoned baked potatoes was smirking at you, thinking he had you good, thinking he had fed you a great line.
You were too stunned to answer for a moment too long it seemed, and unfortunately, Chester took this as permission to close the distance between you and plant a kiss right on your lips. You didn’t even have time to fully comprehend the slimy feeling of his mouth on yours, his tongue already trying to push its way through the seam of yours before he was abruptly pulled off of you.
Rydal had torn Chester off of you, one hand on his shoulder whirling his body around to face him and, without hesitation, swinging a fist into his face.
The crunching sound wasn’t pleasant.
Your mind was running to catch up to the scene unfolding before you, your heart pounding in fear of all the worst case scenarios, and you were frozen in your spot against the tree. Blood, and lots of it, ruined Chester’s pristine white shirt, dripping down his face from where his nose was bleeding. It was pretty satisfying.
There was yelling, on both sides. Rydal was fuming, you’d never heard his voice so loud, never seen his eyes look so dark before and it startled you. He was yelling something about not touching you, not touching what was his.
Another attempted swing from Rydal before Chester flung himself back to avoid it. Another bout of yelling, this time from Chester, a few well-selected nasty words about trailer trash and proving a point. He agilely threw his own arm and successfully landed it into Rydal’s jaw, finally causing your paralysis to break.
Running forward to step in between them before either of them could charge at each other again, you looked to see Rydal touching his bleeding lip, turning to spit the excess blood out before glaring at his friend. Well. Former friend?
“Come on, let’s go, stop it!” you found your voice, pushing against Rydal’s chest as he was gearing up to throw his arms at the taller boy again. “We’re leaving!”
You grabbed both your bags, essentially pulling on his arm to forcefully drag him with you, away from the cussing and bloody mess that was Chester. He probably had a broken nose.
The walk back to Rydal’s dorm was uncomfortably silent, which was unusual for the two of you. Silence was usually comfortable, albeit not common. You didn’t say anything when he took your bags from you, you didn’t say anything as he mumbled awkward apologies to you under his breath about the long forgotten coffee, and you didn’t say anything when he put his hand on the small of your back ushering you in his room first.
There was a faint glow coming from his window, the last bit of sunlight left in the sky barely illuminating the room and you didn’t feel like switching on his harsh desk lamp. It wasn’t like you were going to get much studying done tonight anyway, and the thought of a movie was far from your mind.
When he sat on his neatly made bed in a huff, you wordlessly went to the bathroom to wet a towel for the dried blood on his hand and face. Although Chester was in much worse shape, you still wanted to tend to your lover’s wounds, no matter how small. He didn’t look at you until you pushed your way to stand between his legs, his knees outside your knees. You gently take hold of one hand, palm to palm, and examine the damage, swiping at the blood to make sure none of it is his. It wasn’t. His beautiful hands are unmarred, and you sigh a breath of relief at that.
This is the most tender you’ve probably ever been with him, apart from the moments after he fucked you too dumb to be mean to him. The silence blanketed you both, only amplifying your actions. His shoulders sagged and what was only minutes felt like hours. Rydal had nowhere else to look other than you and your smaller hands, gently wiping his clean of the blood that was spilled, that he spilled, for you.
Once his hands were sufficiently unblemished by your standards and the rag was stained pink, you chanced a look at his face, catching him already gazing at you a little warily. Like a little boy, like he was waiting for your disappointment and lecturing. Reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, you smiled a little achingly at him before your eyes caught the droplet of blood delicately sitting on his now busted bottom lip. His poor bottom lip had seen better days, no matter how many times you’d bitten it blue. You were tempted to lick his wound shut, swipe at the red liquid until his flesh was healed and the whole thing was forgotten.
He’d done it for you.
And if that isn’t reason alone for you to give in to the raging hot desire coursing through you when you look at his split lip – for you, foryou – a physical reminder of his devotion to you, to defending you, to properly standing up for you to his childhood friend. Someone who was practically a family friend, their fathers going for weekly golf meets, their mothers organizing social mixers in the same circles.
Meeting his eyes again after staring at his mouth for too long, you finally broke the silence.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I messed up, didn’t I?” his response came out quietly.
“No! Well… yes, you made a mess of things but–” his irritated sigh cut you off, “–but, listen, he deserved it. And…”
“...and?” he’s waiting for your next words like they have the power to dictate whether he’ll be able to sleep tonight.
“Sorry,” he laughed in disbelief, the stretch of his smile causing his lip to split further and the droplet of blood you were fixated on to spill over, “what was that? You found it what?”
The hand that was holding his face slipped further to entangle itself in his dark locks, and you tilted his face up towards yours none too gently, the angle making his Adam's apple more pronounced and inviting.
“I said, I found it kinda hot, you dumbass,” you whispered right before pressing your lips together hungrily.
It was obscene, really, the way you moaned when the distinct taste of copper reached your tongue. If he felt any pain from the press of your mouth, it was only serving to intensify his feelings in that moment, his tongue fighting for dominance with your own in a surprising show of fervor at such a time.
Your mouths moved against each other in raw passion and you leaned into his greedy touch, his hands clutching, clenching, constricting your waist. Any residual anger that was left in Rydal’s body was currently being used to turn you inside out with just one kiss, working in tandem with his ability to render you breathless. He was quick to flip you over, pinning you under him with his body while still devouring your lips. If this was his way of reclaiming you, the fucked up carnal part of your brain was egging him on, thrilled at the prospect of his tangible protectiveness.
When you inevitably broke apart for air, you dumbly noticed that he wasn’t bleeding anymore, the faintest memory of a voice – your mother’s, put pressure on the wound – telling you how to stop blood flow in an emergency popping up in your mind before you met his eyes again. Sharing the same ragged breath, you shuffled even further into his bed making sure to hold him close the whole time.
He didn’t leave your arms for the rest of the night.
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Klala - Sugar (Prod By Chapter Beatz)
Klala – Sugar (Prod By Chapter Beatz)
Klala – Sugar (Prod By Chapter Beatz) The Aworrshia Movement Boss, Klala has released this sensational and mind blowing tune dubbed “Sugar” produced by Chapter Beatz. It’s not just a love song but a jam. Get your dance shoes. Follow Klala on social media @klalagh. Enjoy! Klala – Sugar (Prod By Chapter Beatz)
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今朝、注文していた歯ブラシが届きました😊 . 丁寧な梱包に感謝。 klalaさん、ありがとうございます! . klalaさんは、残念なことに3月22日で閉店。 私も三軒茶屋に立ち寄る際には、必ずといっていいほど訪れていたので、閉店は淋しいです。 . 可愛い猫ちゃんのアカウントもあります😺 ( @neconoao ) . . @_klala_ @m.klala #klala #三軒茶屋 #三茶 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IlX2wF7cg/?igshid=17h19ewxhbc9a
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Nii Funny - Mi Shwele ft Niibi Klala (Prod By My Hands)
Nii Funny – Mi Shwele ft Niibi Klala (Prod By My Hands)
Nii Funny – Mi Shwele ft Niibi Klala (Prod By My Hands) Nii Funny – Mi Shwele ft Niibi Klala (Prod By My Hands) mp3 Download. Talented Ghanaian act, Nii Funny comes through with a brand new potential hit banger dubbed “Mi Shwele” However, The new song “Mi Shwele” by Nii Funny features Niibi Klala as he came out with an impressive verse. In addition, the new song “Mi Shwele” by Nii Funny serves as…
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klala Network, foi a quarta vencedora dos leilões de parachain da rede Kusama. É a rede canário da Phala Network, que será implementada na rede da Polkadot. O objetivo é manter a privacidade e evitar a divulgação de dados em transferências entre empresas, pessoas, organizações e blockchains. 👉https://phala.network/en/khala/ 👉https://medium.com/phala-network 👉https://twitter.com/phalanetwork Se gostarem do conteúdo, deixem um gosto e partilhem. 😘 #kusama, #khala, #polkadot, #parachain, #private, #tee https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxf-esMHux/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cotton totebag “Klara” コットントートバッグ 【 板橋区立美術館 ミュージアムショップ】にて販売中です。●価格 602円(税抜) ●本体サイズ H : 370 × W : 360 × D :110 mm, 内容量 約10L ●持ち手 H : 470 × W : 25mm ●素材 シーチング100%コットン ●ネイビー カラープリント 「2017 イタリア・ボローニャ国際絵本原画展 I 板橋区立美術館」
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Super Eagles player, Ahmed Musa weds Juliet Ejue | Klala Photography
Super Eagles player, Ahmed Musa weds Juliet Ejue | Klala Photography
Super Eagles player, Ahmed Musa and his fiancee, Juliet Ejue had their traditional wedding in Ogoja, Cross-River State last weekend (the 1st of July 2017). See first photos by Klala Photography below;
Photography & Videography: Klala Films & Photography
Makeup: Saheed Bello Makeover
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#JulMus07 (Nigerian Wedding Hashtag)#Klala Photography (Nigerian Wedding Photographer)#Klala Photography (Nigerian Wedding Photography)#Klala Photography (Nigerian Wedding Vendor)
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Klala - We Are Ghana (Official Black Star Song)
Klala – We Are Ghana (Official Black Star Song)
Klala – We Are Ghana (Official Black Star Song) The legends play the game differently. The Ga Aworrshia Movement Boss, Klala has released the official song of the Black Star of Ghana for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and he named it “We Are Ghana”. The “We Are Ghana” song for the Black Star has been endorsed by FIFA to be used during the World Cup season. FIFA delegate, the Africa Hero and…
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#Black Star Songs 2022 World Cup#Klala - We Are Ghana (Official Black Star Song)#Klala Ghana Black Star Worldcup Song 2022#Samuel Eto&039;o in Ghana
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夏休みは臨時休業のため行けなかった、三軒茶屋のKlalaさんで購入。 . うづらやさん季節限定「さつま芋クッキー」🍠🍪 . うづらやさんのお菓子を頂くの も久しぶり。 . . @_klala_ @m.klala @neconoao #klala #うづらや #クッキー #Setagaya #Sangenjaya #三茶 #世田谷線 #東急世田谷線 #三軒茶屋 https://www.instagram.com/p/B36_Vrol0SH/?igshid=1w8eblg9fzmen
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Niibi Klala ft. Nii Odai x SpankyBeatz - Na You (Prod. By SpankyBeatz)
Niibi Klala ft. Nii Odai x SpankyBeatz – Na You (Prod. By SpankyBeatz)
Niibi Klala ft. Nii Odai x SpankyBeatz – Na You (Prod. By SpankyBeatz) mp3 download. Niibi Klala taps Nii Odai and SpankyBeatz to deliver this brand new Jan dubbed “Na You” The new song was produced By SpankyBeatz. Download and enjoy below
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