#klaine fic finder
Could yall recomend a fic where Blaine’s a bit of a player? Like collide or ride, where he’s known to sleep around for fun until he meets Kurt.
These might be what you are looking for! ~Jen
Dirt On Your Name by sabbypandawan
Blaine Anderson is NYU’s most notorious lothario. Everyone knows his name, and people either warn each other off him or vie for his attention. So when he meets Kurt Hummel at a party their dorm is hosting for the newly moved-in freshmen, he expects either rejection or, more likely, approval – and gets so much more than he ever would have guessed, and had definitely never hoped for.
The Seduction by @hkvoyage
Venetian Blaine arrives at Carnival’s masquerade ball, looking for his next conquest. His reputation as a lover is legendary, and no one can resist him. Virgin Kurt captures his attention, but seducing him will require careful planning. As they spend time together, will Blaine be able to carry out his plan successfully? A historical Klaine AU set in 18th-century Venice.
Skin on Skin by  Ulysses31dancer
Kurt wins a VIP ticket to meet Blaine Anderson the rock star. He doesn’t realize that this one incident will change his life forever.
Not Exclusiveby nellie12
Finn happens to be doing well for himself in the University of Florida. He is starting QB for the Gators, and he’s a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and his grades aren’t terrible. He also has his favorite step-brother coming to visit from New York, and Kurt has no idea he’s about to have the Spring Break of a lifetime until he meets Finn’s best friend and frat mate- Blaine Anderson.
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•A word scramble will be posted every other day starting August 1st. •We guarantee there is a 7-letter word in each scramble. However, feel free to use any word/s you find that inspire you. •Want some hints? Click on "Keep reading" under each posted word scramble for five words to help you get started! (You can also use a "Scrabble word finder" website to help you along). •There are 14 prompts in all, with a plethora of words possible. •Use #klaine-word-scramble or tag us so we can find your posts to add to our Masterlist of Stories. If we miss yours and it's been 18+ hours, please message us. (Not everything shows up in the tags, and we want to include yours!) •There is a collection on AO3 called "Klaine Word Scramble 2023," to which you can add your story if you like! You can write Klaine-focused drabbles, one-shots, and/or multi-chapter fics! •Happy writing! We encourage seasoned and first-time writers, too!
And to all our readers out there, we ♥ you!
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klaineficfinder · 6 years
I’m looking for a Klaine fic where Kurt goes to the grocery store in NY on Valentines day and runs into Blaine who is with his niece and nephew. Klaine broke up after high school. They spend the night all together and end up on the empire state building. Turns out Blaine is going to law school in NY and they get together. There is also a brilliant sequel with Blaine studying for the LSATs and Kurt taking care of him. 
Please this has been driving me crazy.
I went through my entire library and searched through the Klaine Index and AO3 and couldn’t find this fic. I’m hoping some astute readers might be familiar with this one. 
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 6 months
Do you know of any fics that are being regularly updated? Like current fics where the next chapter is being upload every tot days? I miss having a new chapter of a fic to look forward to reading 🥲🥲 please and thanks ♡♡
One way to check is to go on A03 and in work search, select the relationship you want - "Blaine anderson/Kurt Hummel" and you can select Works in Progress. Currently here are a handful updating regularly, if i don't mention your fic, please feel free to let me know. ~Jen
Undiscovered By @heartsmadeofbooks chap 1/?
All Blaine Anderson needs is a little help to put himself through school. That’s all. But he’s going to get so much more than he hoped for when he meets Kurt Hummel, the successful, sexy workaholic who in turn needs someone to make the loneliness disappear.
Klueless by @kurtsascot chap 4/22
It’s 1995. Kurt’s a senior at McKinley High, and he’s looking to lose his virginity and get his love life in order before he goes off to college.
Unfortunately, Blaine, the pretentious son of Burt’s ex-wife, is in Lima to intern for Burt’s congressional reelection campaign, and Kurt is stuck dealing with him until the election is over.
14 Stones of A curse by Anna_Timberlake @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion chap 5/15
“It's the only way to break the curse, Kurt. Believe me.”
These were the words that had driven 29-year-old Kurt Hummel to take a long break from his prestigious job at Vogue.com and travel approximately 3300 miles. He didn't know if it was true. But if it was, will he be able to break the long impending curse of his soulmate? Welcome to the journey of Kurt Hummel discoverying his past self and his soulmate.
Soulmates and fantasy- AU and reincarnation.
Falling for you By @bitbybitwrites chap 4/5
Doctor!blaine, florist!Kurt, Dadfic, Christmas
And longer fic, updating weekly/monthly:
Sonder by @gleefulpoppet chap 77/?
 Kurt is one of the most respected and talked about men in the fashion industry and business world. His app Style•Revolution is the fastest-growing app in history, still rising after three years. Recently, he moved the company to Seattle to be at the heart of the newest technology epicenter in the United States. Yet, with all his success, experience keeps teaching him to be wary of people’s motives who want to be close to him, and he wonders if he’ll be alone forever. Or maybe this city has plans for him that he can’t imagine when his gaze locks with a mysterious, honey-hazel-eyed busker.
Out of Eden By @wowbright chap 64/75 est
As a gay Mormon, Kurt Hummel has decided to go the rest of his life without falling in love. But toward the end of his two years as a missionary in Germany, Elder Anderson moves into his apartment—and Kurt's best-laid plans fall apart.
Head over Feet By @spaceorphan18 chap 8/15
After Kurt and Blaine broke up the second time, they went their separate ways, living their separate lives in New York City. Fifteen years later, a retirement party brings them back together into each other's orbit, with surprising, for both of them, consequences. Are they able to fit each other into their already complicated and messy lives? And are these newfound feelings real? Or just echoes of a past relationship?
The Queen's Passageway By @coffeegleek Part 4 of one shots of Everybody's Naked & There's a Country to Run verse
This is an expansion upon the one-shot, Passage Ways, chapter 12 of One-Shots in the Everybody’s Naked & There’s a Country To Run verse. You don't have to know the verse to read it.
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hi! does anyone have the pdf of To Be Happy by DireDyre? thank you
I'm afraid the author seems to have removed all fics from A03, and we did have a request for other of their fics also, but do not have the pdf. Does anyone have a copy? ~Jen
ETA: We don't have that PDF, however @mynonah sent us the files to these three by the same author. ~Lynne
The Man in My Bed by DireDyre [PDF]
After a bad breakup, Kurt decided to have one-night stands instead of relationships. That is, until he wakes up in Blaine Anderson's bed and decides one night isn't enough.
Wake Up Now by DireDyre [PDF]
Kurt and Blaine were just getting started on the rest of their lives, until Blaine gets into an accident. Now he's a ghost forced to watch his life happen without him as he struggles to get back to his body
It's A Wonderful Life by DireDyre [PDF]
Kurt never forgave Blaine for cheating, they never got back together, they moved on, married other people, started other families but ten-years-later when Rachel invites them to a party they realize they never moved on at all.
ETA PART 2!! @mynonah found your file! Thanks so much. ~Lynne
To Be Happy by DireDyre [PDF]
Kurt and Blaine are living their dream in New York, but what happens when Kurt decides he needs a change? They need to manage family, their relationship, and career. Domestic Klaine with some smut.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
can I have some good longfics that has bottom kurt? thank you
Here's the usual tabs that would help you search: bottom!kurt tag or top!Blaine.
@scatter-the-stars and rainjoyswriting tend to write Blaine as top, Kurt as bottom. So try their fics. ~Jen
Seven By @scatter-the-stars
How far would you go for someone you love? For Kurt, that means doing the unimaginable. But if it means saving his dad, he's willing to take that risk. A risk that has him leaving his home to go states away to spend a week with the last person he ever expected to meet. Over the course of the next seven days, things don't go as planned, or thought.
Can seven days change everything?
fLUSTered by @scatter-the-stars
Blaine just wants one night to forget everything. He gets more than that when he opens the door to the mystery that is Kurt.
Motel Part 1 and 2 By rainjoyswriting
Summary: "I don't know if Santana is the best person to listen to on this subject, Kurt."
All The Other Ghosts by rainjoy
It’s a big city for one more lost soul in a mask. Superhero AU.
Pushing Boundaries By klaines_deepest_desires
Set after season 6. Blaine tried to ignore it. It wasn’t that Blaine blamed the men for noticing Kurt. Of course they did. But he wouldn’t sit idly by any longer. He stood up and stormed towards Kurt, eyes narrowing on the men with him. He was going to show the men what they were missing out on.
Ride, by @nellie12
Blaine is Mr BMX. Kurt moves to Florida and ends up living next door to Blaine’s uncle and trainer. Blaine finds himself mesmerised by Kurt. Only, Blaine is straight, isn’t he?
Fire with Fire by @mmerainbows
Badboy!Blaine (S2/3 AU) William McKinley High School has its jocks, its geeks, its preps, and its skanks. It also has the one kid even the bullies stay out of the way for - Blaine Anderson. No one crosses him, and Kurt knows to keep out of his way and do what he wants, whether that's supplying Blaine with a pencil for French class when it's demanded of him, or just staying quiet.
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Hey! I really wanna read the Better Knot Bow Tie series but it’s such a huge universe and hard to navigate, I also can’t find Act one, could you help me out?
Hi - it's still on A03! It's one of my favorite fics of theirs,and do recommend it. ~Jen
Better Knot Bow Tie Company: Act One by @gleefulpoppet
Blaine Anderson has been a Better Knot Bow Tie Company monthly subscriber for years. He's taken a hiatus from Broadway to facilitate the Journey Performing Arts School's summer program in New York. What happens when a zany bow tie sets off a chain reaction of events that may change their futures forever?
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Hi do you know any fics with copper in it? Like Kurt and Cooper being friends and Blaine is younger or just Klaine fics with Cooper in it?
SO many! Please browse our Cooper Anderson tag. Here are a bunch to start you off. Enjoy! ~Lynne
You’re My Home by @dreamingkate
Cooper and Blaine were always there for each other after their father beat Blaine until he had brain damage. It’s always been just the two of them so when Blaine meets Kurt and falls in love, Cooper doesn’t know what to do. He’s too scared to let go.
It’s Not Babysitting by @anxioussquirrel
AU, present time. Kurt Hummel is 28 and has been living in New York for ten years now. He has a good job, nice apartment and two best friends anyone could wish for: Sebastian, a snarky lawyer, and Cooper, a workaholic investment specialist. What he doesn’t have is luck in relationships. But then Blaine, Cooper’s 17-year-old brother comes to NY to spend the summer. He turns out to be gorgeous and quickly develops a huge crush on Kurt…
What Happened in Vegas by Petalene
Kurt’s weekend trip to visit Las Vegas is the perfect chance to have some fun. Sure, he’s there for a work convention, but he’ll have a little time to take in the sights, see a show, and maybe pull a few slot machines. Instead, he crashes a party where he meets Blaine, the man of his dreams. Now everyone thinks the two of them are engaged and should get married right away. But Kurt’s not worried about all the crazy, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Unless, of course, there are pictures
Growing Up Anderson by neaf
A series of short stories based around the adolescence of Blaine and Cooper Anderson.
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Reunited Klaine fics?
Definitely browse our reunited!Klaine tag, and I'll suggest three that I really enjoyed. ~Lynne
Come What May by MrsCriss2012
Four years ago, Blaine Anderson broke Kurt Hummels heart when he left. Now a smart and successful lawyer and poised to take over the family firm, Blaine is a shadow of the man he used to be. Struggling with conflicting emotions surrounding his parents, and trying to live in a world without his one true love, Blaine must discover who he really wants to be.
The Luckiest by wordplay
Blaine broke Kurt’s heart 3 months before high school graduation. Now, four years later, their group of friends reunites at a lake house to marry off two of their own. With luck, Kurt and Blaine will also be able to finally mend something that’s stayed broken for far too long.
Friday June 10th 2011 by SarahBeFree
Set nearly eight years after a messy break up, Kurt and Blaine meet again unexpectedly, thousands of miles from Ohio and thousands of miles from the people they used to be. But what really happened at the Dalton end of year party to pull them apart?
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
heyyy! any rec fics like “treading water” by kurtsascot where it’s like blaine falls first but kurt falls harder? thank u!
Hello - i wonder if any of these are what you had in mind. ~Jen
Turn Into A Poseby @little-escapist
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
Until Further Notice series by fictionallylost
Money can’t buy happiness. Businessman Kurt is still trying to figure that one out, and performer Blaine thought he knew what he wanted, until he came across a Personal Assistant Ad. A story of acceptance and love, from one’s self and that of others, more specifically, one other
Emotions in Limine by whenidance
As one of the founding partners at The Firm of Hummel, Lopez, and Smythe, Kurt is far too busy to worry about a personal life – on top of the stress of trying to make a name for himself as one of the most promising young attorneys in the Midwest, he’s got to keep a handle on his own office politics, which consist of Santana hooking up with their receptionist and Sebastian trying to get into his pants. When they hire a few new paralegals to help with their impending caseload, the last thing Kurt expects is to fall in love with one Blaine Anderson – and especially not on the eve of his thirtieth birthday. Can their secret office romance survive when their coworkers are quite possibly the nosiest group of people in the whole state of Illinois? (written for gleebigbang on LJ)
The Handcuffing of Kurt Hummel by K8Malloy
A/U. Most of the time, people were charmed by Deputy Sheriff Blaine Anderson, even while receiving a well-deserved traffic ticket. Of course, Kurt Hummel wasn’t ‘most people’. How long will it take before Kurt finds himself in handcuffs - with Deputy Anderson holding the key?
I Have Guidelines by @hippohead
Blaine needs Kurt to pretend to be his boyfriend for a week-long work retreat. Kurt has seen enough movies to know how that cliché ends and comes up with some guidelines to ensure they don’t fall in love with each other. (yeah, they’re absolutely already in love with each other don’t worry)
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
any fics and blaine is a teacher but they’re the same age so kurt isn’t his student?
Here ya go! ~Lynne
This is Real (so take a chance) by flyingcarpet
Returning home to Lima, Broadway star Kurt Hummel never expected to meet someone special. (or, an AU where Kurt is a Broadway star and Blaine is a small town elementary school teacher and they never dated in high school.)
I Scraped My Knee Falling For You by TheNameIsBritney
Middle school music teacher Blaine Anderson meets the new school nurse, Kurt Hummel, in a rather unfortunate way and develops a big crush. Kurt is perfect in every conceivable way, smart, witty, gorgeous… and married.
All The Good Ones by aubreyli  [PDF]  [EPUB]
In which Professor Anderson is sexy.
Something to Remember by CassidyRocks
Blaine Anderson, middle-school English and Music teacher, knew without a doubt that he had to be at the London Book Festival that year when he discovered that his students’ favourite author, Kurt Hummel, was coming over from the States to run a question and answer session.
Little did Blaine and Kurt realise what their chance encounter on the steps of the festival venue would come to mean or, at the very least, cost them.
Rivalmance by @klaineanummel​ 
Kurt and Blaine are professors in the same department at NYADA. They do not get along.
Or do they?
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
i’d love to read a secret relationship set in high school, preferably they’re already together but it’s fine if not!! if you know of any please lmk!! thanks
I've chosen these from our secret relationship tag, as i think they best fit what you want, where they are in high school and secretly dating! Hope they are what you are looking for. ~Jen
One More Night by @gleefulpoppet
Based on the wildly popular fan-made video “One More Night” by Alison447.  High school is a caste system where kids fall into certain slots. Popular kids are up in the penthouse, which is where Rachel Berry reigns supreme. She’s got the hottest guy in school and everything she’s ever dreamed of right in front of her. The Invisibles are on the bottom floor. That is where you will find Kurt Hummel, daydreaming about his first kiss and trying to survive the torment each day brings at the hands of bullies and cowards. And then, there is Blaine Anderson. Is he everything he appears to be? Straight, in love with the most popular girl in school, and set to take the lead in the school play? Or is there more to him than anyone knows?
Ripped at Every Edge by @klaineanummel
Nobody can know, but that doesn’t make it any less real. Badboy!Blaine, cheerio!Kurt
Not another ‘Jesse’ thing by nolongeractive butnotdeleting 
Kurt and Blaine are dating in secret until Rachel finds out by accident and tells the entire Glee club about them. AU, bitchy Rachel and Klaine fluff. Hope you enjoy Complete
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
Hello! Could someone help me find this fic please?
Kurt and Blaine broke up and years later they see each other in the street (in New York) I kind of remember the story went from past (mostly Blaine and his ex’s and how he never was fully happy with them) and present, and how they go from talking, to having sex and finally getting back together.
I think Blaine is with his boyfriend when he runs into Kurt and they break up shortly after because the boyfriend realizes Blaine’s not over Kurt. But I’m not too sure about that part.
Thank you!
I'm not sure of the exact fic, but did look through our reunion tag. These are reunion fics that you might consider, unless someone can identify the one you ask? ~Jen
Someone Like You by @iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of “When Harry Met Sally” for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is… they’re both in committed relationships.
The One That Got Away by Catcat85
AU after the breakup scene in Season 6 Episode 1. Heartbroken and devastated after Kurt ended their relationship, Blaine changed his life completely. He quit NYADA. Enrolled at NYU and became a Pediatric Surgeon. He married Sebastian Smythe and they later have a beautiful daughter named Elena. Kurt realized he made a huge mistake by letting Blaine go. But the realization came too late. Blaine had already moved on and wanted nothing to do with Kurt. Kurt did his best to move on with his life. He graduated from NYADA and started getting cast in off Broadway productions, which led to having his big break when he was cast to be Link Larkin in Hairspray on Broadway. Since then, his career had taken off and he became a successful actor, but he couldn’t find a man he loves enough to marry. Desperate to have a family of his own, he found an egg donor and surrogate to have a baby, a boy which he named Chris. This is a story about a lost love between Kurt and Blaine, as well as a love story between Chris and Elena. No matter how hard their parents try to keep them apart, Chris and Elena find each other. Even after 25 years, the strength of their love might just be the thing to bring Kurt and Blaine back together.
Foundations by gentlereader
After breaking up Kurt and Blaine went their separate ways.
Blaine’s now a successful LA musician while Kurt is a high school counselor.
The creation of the Pavarotti Music Foundation was their dream… and now its a reality.
A Song For Cordelia by @melissamotown [PDF]  [EPUB]
Kurt never called Blaine after the break up, despite Isabelle’s advice. It was not out of spite, or because he didn’t believe she was right, but because his heart didn’t know how to forgive. Five years later, when their paths cross once more, Kurt and Blaine decides to be friends again - just friends. But where the heart goes, the man follows…
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
I know this is a longshot, but if anyone is able to help it will be you (or your followers). I remember two fics from years ago that i havent been able to find again, and i have only the vaguest memories of both. One of them was a pining blaine story… i remember Blaine deciding to skip Kurt’s wedding to another guy, but deciding at the last minute to go. The wedding was outdoors in a park or garden, and i think they finally got together at the wedding.
The other fic i remember next to nothing about, except at the end, Blaine being interviewed by a magazine at their country home. (After a successful career and long relationship with Kurt).
Any ideas on these?
Thanks so much for all you do!
Here are some where Blaine is pining, and Kurt is getting married, but not to him! ~Jen
Twisted Fateby Mrs Criss 2012
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since meeting on the Dalton staircase 13 years ago. Kurt is about to get married and Blaine- as ever- is the sure and steadfast presence right by his side. But does fate have other ideas?
I Do, I Think by myheartwonxxo
“I do,” Kurt vowed without thinking, and before the thought even reached his mind, he added, “I think.” Immediately realizing what he’d just said, Kurt whipped his head up, but not to look at his shocked fiance - to look at his best friend Blaine.
I Do by pulling-the-puzzles-apart 
Glee crossover with My Best Friend’s Wedding. Kurt realises he is in love with his best friend as Blaine prepares to marry someone else. Can Kurt stop the wedding? Will Blaine realise he still loves Kurt? Loosely based on the film.
Can anyone help with the Blaine being interviewed query? ~Jen
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
do you know of any bridgerton type klaine reads? thank you in advance!!!
These are not Bridgerton AUs directly, but these are in the time period. I hope you enjoy. ~Lynne
Don’t You Want Me by Quixoticity
Blaine Anderson’s plans of a life spent performing were derailed in his senior year, and he had to compromise on everything he’d dreamed of - except love.
Kurt Hummel, haughty and aloof Broadway darling, was forced to come back to Ohio where there was nothing left for him but painful memories - until he noticed a pair of fine eyes.
(Pride & Prejudice inspired, but set in present day)
We Both Found What We Were Looking For by ittlebitz [PDF]
Wealthy bachelor Finn Hudson moves to the small town of Lima, accompanied by his sister, Quinn, and best friend, the arrogant Blaine Anderson. When Blaine first sees feisty Kurt Hummel, he is less than impressed. But after earning Kurt’s dislike, Blaine is mortified to discover that Kurt’s fine eyes are just one of his many charms.
Gilded Cage by canarian
In the winter of 1895, Blaine Anderson, the son of a wealthy doctor, and Kurt Hummel, the son of a middle class mechanic, cross paths at a luxury hotel in the quiet seaside town of St. Augustine, Florida. With everyone and everything working to keep them apart, can they find a way to be together?
Glee & Glory by Miss_Carmilla
Mr. Kurt Hummel succeeded in playing matchmaker for his widowed father, and his stepbrother is soon to marry as well. Will Kurt find a love of his own in the resort town of Bath? Inspired by the works of Jane Austen. Set in early 19th century England
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
Hey I was wondering if there was a fic that was like they couldn’t leave each others sides cause Itd physically hurt like the reason could be because they are soulmates or something like that
Also I really appreciate everything you do here my life is so much easier because of it :3
Thank you, we appreciate your kind words! Here are some I've picked from searching soulmates in the library tags, which I hope suit. (not sure of physical hurt - hopefully people will recommend some). The first one is a real fave of mine. ~Jen
We are stars by ariablair
This is a story about fate.
It is a story about tiny tokens that come to tell a history, and discovering things when you were not looking.
This story is about searching. It is about signs, and soulmates. It is about serendipity.
It starts with a chance meeting, and goes on to involve a silk scarf, and a printed piece of music scattered across states, and one remarkable night.
But this is not a love story.
Until it is.
Pressed Against The Glass by @gleefulpoppet
Is it possible that the most extraordinary love story ever told starts on a chilly October morning in New York with an impromptu twirl and an elbow to a stranger’s face? Kurt wouldn’t have thought so, but when it happens, his heart stops. It’s just one touch, but is that all it takes to believe? Should he take a chance and never look back? But what happens when the stranger runs away, even though he finally feels complete and brought to life? Is it just a dream—or will he let his walls come down? Will they live with regrets or find the love that will make them feel young forever?
Glass Houses by @jennmel
In an alternate universe, all babies are born with a level of empathic sensitivity to others; an ability to sense emotions, to glimpse deep into a person’s soul with just a kiss. Except Kurt Hummel. Registering at a mere 0.5 on the Hawkins Scale of Empathic Sensitivity, Kurt has resigned himself to a lonely life, empty of touch or true love. That is, until the mysterious Blaine Anderson transfers to McKinley, and everything Kurt thought he knew was changed. But finding love is never easy, even in a world where everyone’s emotions are shared. This is the story of the boy who could not feel, and the boy who felt too much.
Catalysis by Nadiacreek
Kurt Hummel chose his soulmate too early. Blaine Anderson thought he’d never have a chance to choose one at all.
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