#klaine advent: hiccup
darriness · 5 years
Klaine Advent 2019 - Day 8
Title: Hiccup
Author: darriness
Word Count: 406
Summary: Just a small hiccup
AO3 Link
“Oh God, this is a disaster.” Kurt moans, pacing around the small room he’s in.
Burt Hummel sighs, “No, it’s not. It’s just a...hiccup.” He says.
Kurt whirls around to look at his father, “This is not a ‘hiccup’. Cooper LOST our wedding rings. He literally had one job and he failed at it.” He exclaims, “And besides, I saw that episode of Grey’s Anatomy, hiccups can kill you.”
Burt furrows his brow and shakes his head as he usually does when his son makes a reference he doesn’t understand. He raises his hands in a placating gesture, “He didn’t lose them. He just left them somewhere in his hotel room.” Kurt rolls his eyes as if the difference is negligible and crosses his arms over his chest, “He’ll find them and everything with me fine.”
“This is my wedding, Dad! It deserves to go perfectly.” Kurt says.
“And it will!” Burt says coming over to hug his son to him. Kurt goes willingly but is stiff in his arms before he eventually melts and hugs his father back, “Everything will be fine. Say it.”
“Everything will be fine.” Kurt says around a sigh into Burt’s shoulder.
“Cooper is a bit of an idiot. Say it.” Burt says and is glad when it makes Kurt chuckle.
“Cooper is a bit of an idiot.” He repeats, dutifully.
“But everything will be fine.” Burt says.
“But everything will be fine.” Kurt repeats before sighing again, “I knew I should have put you in charge of the rings.” He says, much calmer than before.
“Yeah, well, I could have lost them just as easily.”
Kurt pulls back, “I thought you said they weren’t lost…” He says with a quirked brow.
Burt shrugs just as the door to the room they are in opens, “Found them!” Cooper exclaims, triumphantly, like it wasn’t his fault they were lost in the first place.
Kurt sighs in relief nonetheless, as Cooper waves the rings in the air with a flourish, before smiling cheekily and leaving the room just as quickly as he entered it.
“My soon to be brother-in-law.” Kurt says, sarcastically.
Burt chuckles and brings a hand up to squeeze Kurt’s shoulder briefly (not wanting to incur Kurt’s wrath if he wrinkles the fabric), “Come on, let’s go get you married.” He says.
Kurt gives his father a breathless smile before nodding and following the older Hummel out of the room.
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klaineadvent · 5 years
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notarelationship · 5 years
Anderson’s Ghosts 8/24
Klaine Advent: Hiccup
Thanks all so much for reading my Klaine retelling of (obviously) A Christmas Carol. I am working with a thin outline, but I am very much winging this for each word and posting without a beta, so apologies for any punctuation or spelling errors, and any inconsistencies if they pop up (I am actively trying to avoid them!).
If you have missed any earlier entries they can be found at Anderson’s Ghosts, or each individual chapter:  Achievement, Beer, Creed, Date, Emergency, Fist, Ground
Thanks again!
“How did you get in here? The doors were locked when I went to bed.” She looked too real to be a ghost, or a spirit. There was still a chance he had dreamed it all. “Did the agency send you? It has to be some kind of hiccup, I didn’t call over for anyone tonight.”  It was a better explanation than what he was afraid of, and it wouldn’t have been the first time they accidentally sent a woman over instead of a guy.
“Agency?” She looked confused. “I don’t think so? Some guy in a robe sent me over.” She lowered her voice, as if she were whispering and didn’t want anyone else to hear. “He didn’t smell great.”
Once again, Blaine didn’t understand what was happening, but this woman didn’t seem dangerous, and she really didn’t seem like she was a ghost. “Well, I don’t know how you got in, but you should go. It’s late and I need to get back to sleep.”
Blaine slipped off the bed, wrapping the bathrobe he had fallen asleep in around him. “After you,” he said, opening the bedroom door.
“I can’t go that way,” she said.
“Pardon me? The door is this way.” 
“No - I mean, I’m sure your door is that way - whatever that means, but I can’t leave until I show you some things.”
“Really you don’t have to do that,” Blaine objected. “I’m gay, they sent you here by mistake.”
“Oh!” The woman threw her head back and laughed. “I’m not here for that silly.” She unfolded her legs and stood in front of Blaine. He hadn’t noticed before, but the cheerleader uniform she was wearing was blackened along the skirt’s hem as if it had been set on fire; the sleeves of her Mrs. Santa costume were torn, exposing large gashes on her arms, her white faux fur collar stained dark. There was blood dripping down her neck that seemed to be coming from behind here ear. She stuck out her hand, inviting him to shake it. “My name is Brittany. I’m here to show you your Christmases past.”
“My Christmases...what do you mean?”
“Take my hand, Blaine Anderson, and I’ll show you everything.”
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musiclovingbitch · 5 years
Summary: AU. Kurt gets hired to decorate the Anderson’s garden for the holidays. What will happen when their son comes home for the holidays early?
Written for the 2019 Klaine Advent prompt: hiccup.
A/N: I don’t know how secret santa works, nor do I have the time, will and energy to find out, so I’m skipping today’s GPBB prompt.
~1k words
on AO3
Kurt closes the kitchen door behind him and leans against it, breathing deeply to calm himself down. He fishes his phone out of his skintight jeans, admittedly maybe too tight for the occasion, and calls Rachel.
“Hi, Rach, it’s Kurt,” he says, then lowers the volume of his voice, “You know how the Andersons invited me over to help decorate their garden?”
“Yeah? I thought you’d be on your way home right now. I hope you’re not calling me while driving.” Rachel says, frowning into the receiver.
“Well, I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup.”
“What kind of hiccup?”
“Um… the the - hot - Anderson - son - is - back - for - the - holidays - early kind of hiccup.” he says.
“What?” Rachel gasps.
“Yeah, I know! He feels horrible that his parents hired me ‘cause he was planning on decorating the garden himself when he got back, but he wanted to surprise them so he told them he’d be arriving a couple days later, and they wanted him to come home to a decorated house, and it’s both sweet and slightly weird, and he keeps trying to help me even after I refused!”
“Well, wow, that was such a long sentence, but okay, what’s the problem? You’re still getting paid, and you get someone to help you with the work.” Rachel says.
“The problem is--,” Kurt starts to say but realizes his voice has progressively gotten louder over the course of this conversation without him realizing it, so he adjusts the volume and continues, pressing the phone closer to his mouth, “the problem is that he is so hot, and sweet, and engaging, and funny, and it’s really distracting, okay? He accepted that I wanted to do the work myself, but he stayed outside with me to keep me company, and, like, we talked for a solid twenty minutes without getting any work done. I’ve got so much to do, this garden is massive, and they want me to hang Christmas lights on every single tree they have.”
“You talked for twenty minutes straight?” Rachel asks inquisitively.
“Yes, and I didn’t get any work done!”
“What did you talk about?”
“Broadway. He’s studying musical theater in NYU, isn’t that awesome? We mostly talked about music, that’s his minor. Well, music composition, but whatever. We have very similar tastes, actually.”
“Kurt, it sounds to me like he might like you.”
“What?” Kurt asks, eyebrows arching up in disbelief, “No, absolutely not.”
“He keeps trying to ‘help’ you, even when you’re getting paid for what you’re doing.”
“Maybe he has a very specific idea of how to decorate the garden. It is his house, Rach.”
“He stayed outside, in this time of day, in this weather, even after you refused his help, to keep you company, and engaged in a twenty minute conversation with you about something completely unrelated to Christmas or decorating.”
“Rachel, just drop it. He’s not into me!” Kurt says firmly.
“Okay, okay, fine. If you refuse to see what’s in front of you then I can’t do anything about it. How much work do you have left?” Rachel asks reluctantly.
“I have, like, three trees left to decorate. Then it’s just dragging some other decorations from the garage and arranging them. I should be on the road in an hour, but if this guy doesn’t stop being so charming I might be stuck here forever.”
Rachel laughs. “Would that be such a bad thing? That house is massive.”
“And I would have something pretty to look at.” Kurt concedes.
“Also a great point.”
Kurt sighs. “Alright, I should probably hang up now. I just called to tell you to have dinner without me, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll let my dads know. Good luck, and get his phone number!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kurt says and hangs up. He takes a deep breath and opens the kitchen door, stepping out only to bump right into Blaine.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” he says, grabbing onto Blaine’s forearm to steady himself.
“No, no, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Blaine asks.
“Yes, I’m fine, I’m fine,” Kurt says, letting go of Blaine’s arms and righting himself. He smooths his clothes down and looks up to find Blaine’s eyes tracing the movement. He clears his throat lightly, and Blaine’s eyes snap up to meet his.
“Uh, I just, you took a while and I came to find you, I didn’t know if you’d gotten lost, or something.” Blaine says.
“No, I, uh, I made a phone call.”
“Yes, I, um, heard. You talking.”
“Oh,” Kurt says, and oh, oh fuck, “um, exactly how much did you hear?”
“I think… most of it? Enough, definitely enough.” Blaine says.
Kurt winces. “Look, I’m sorry, I’ll just get the decorating done and leave, okay?” he says, and moves to step around Blaine.
“No, please,” Blaine hastens to say, catching Kurt’s elbow and keeping him there, “please stay. I just wanted to say that… well, I wanted to say that--that you were wrong.”
Kurt’s eyebrows knit together. “I was wrong?”
Blaine nods emphatically. “Yes, you were very wrong.”
“About what?” Kurt asks. He watches as Blaine takes a deep breath, seemingly steels himself, and opens his mouth to say
“I am into you.”
Kurt freezes. “Oh.” he utters.
“Yeah. And that was my maybe - too - subtle attempt at flirting.”
“Oh,” Kurt echoes.
“I’d make a joke, but I’ve been told I’m pretty oblivious myself at times.”
“Okay,” Kurt says. That’s a step up from ‘oh’, at least.
“So,” Blaine swallows, “I would like to get your number, and I would like to take you out on a date.” he says, staring straight into Kurt’s eyes, and maybe his soul.
Kurt stays silent for a moment, blinking.
“Did I read this wrong?” Blaine says, stepping away, “I’m sorry, that was inappropriate, I’ll let you finish your work and I won’t bother--”
“I’d love to,” Kurt says.
Blaine stops speaking. “Really?” he says, eyes sparkling in a way Kurt thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing for the rest of his life.
“Really, really.” Kurt says and smiles. The answering smiles from Blaine is brighter and more radiant than all the stars on top of all the trees in the Anderson’s garden combined.
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Klaine Advent 2019
Day Eight: Hiccup
There is definitely hollering from the Warblers’ table because Blaine is blushing much too deep for it to have just been the kiss. Kurt is so focused on the red-cheeked boy in front of him to care much about the catcalls from his own friends. He is able to drown out almost all the noises from the bar by just staring at Blaine. 
Blaine opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by someone spilling their drink all down his back. 
“Oh shit, my bad,” the guy said before walking away. 
“Not even an offer to help clean it up,” Kurt said, annoyed. “Let’s get you to the men’s room.” 
Blaine allows Kurt to pull him through the crowd to the restroom. 
“Better to take off the shirt, I think,” Kurt commented. “Good thing you wore layers.” 
“I guess so,” Blaine replied, pulling his shirt over his head. “Here.”
Kurt had warm water running already and soaked the shirt. 
“Luckily, it’s not going to stain.” 
Blaine watched as Kurt pulled out a stain remover from his pocket and applied it to his wet shirt. 
“I always keep some with me, fashion emergencies, you know?” 
“Apparently, I do know,” Blaine chuckled, gesturing to his shirt. “I just can’t believe that guy.” 
Kurt shrugged. “Some men have no appreciation for good outfits.” 
“At least it was only a small hiccup of our evening.” 
“Is it our evening now?” Kurt teased. “I thought we were both celebrating victories with friends.” 
“I don’t mind if my plans have changed, do you?” 
“I don’t mind at all,” Kurt answered. 
Blaine stepped closer to the sink and shut off the water. 
“What are you doing?” 
Without answering, Blaine stepped closer to Kurt and backed him against the tile wall. Then, Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt again. This time it was messier because the kiss wasn’t for show. They were the only two standing in this restroom. The kiss only mattered to them. 
When Blaine pulled away, Kurt grabbed his face and pulled him right back in. Making out in a public restroom was never high on Kurt’s To-Do List but he was definitely willing to make an exception for Blaine. 
His plans for the night had definitely changed and he hoped Blaine lived alone or his roommates weren’t as obnoxious as Kurt’s because he didn’t really want their night to end.
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forabeatofadrum · 5 years
Myosotis sylvatica (8/24)
Notes: I’m back for now! There’s a small time jump, but it’s time for Kurt to meet some (old?) friends.
One morning, a month after the incident, Blaine drops a huge bomb on him.
“We’re getting married.”
Kurt almost drops his spoon in his breakfast bowl.
“We are?” he asks, trying to sound calm.
“We are,” Blaine confirms, “We’re getting married next spring. We have the venue booked. Our playlist is almost finished. We tasted the cake. We picked our song for the first dance. I am pretty sure Cooper is working on his best man speech, even though he’s not my best man… But yeah, we’re getting married.”
Kurt sets his spoon down and he just stares at Blaine. He doesn’t know what to say, or what to think. To Kurt, they’ve only been officially dating for two weeks and now Blaine tells him that they’re getting married soon.
And don’t get him wrong. Dating Blaine has been absolutely wonderful and Kurt has ever hoped for. After being in Ohio for so long, it’s nice to have a boyfriend who he can kiss and hold hands with and talk to. He loves waking up next to Blaine, knowing that he gets to spend the rest of the day with him.
Blaine’s also there for the sad parts. Blaine’s there to hold him when he cries at his mother’s dresser. Blaine doesn’t make fun of Kurt not knowing how to use his Springo. Blaine holds his hand when the results of the MRI can’t explain the memory loss.
It’s too fast. This is way too fast.
“Why are you telling me this?” Kurt blurts out. He no longer tries to sound calm.
“Because I think it might be time for us to face the music,” Blaine says sadly, “I’d marry you, still, but I can imagine that you might not want to marry someone you’ve just met. It’s been a month, Kurt, and I know we might have more time to get your memories back, but I do think you should know that we are getting married soon. If your memories don’t come back before that, I can understand if you want to break off the engagement. After all, losing your memories is not just some small hiccup or a pebble on the road. It’s huge.”
“I like you,” Kurt says immediately. It’s true. He really, really likes Blaine. But Blaine’s right. For Kurt, this is too soon.
Blaine smiles sadly. “I like you too, Kurt.”
Kurt knows what’s left unsaid. Blaine loves Kurt, but he doesn’t want to constantly say it, since he doesn’t want Kurt to feel uncomfortable. Kurt respects that, although the whole marriage bomb puts him in a very uncomfortable position now.
Kurt remains speechless, so Blaine says: “Look, we don’t have to make a decision right now. You just deserve to know what is going on in your life.”
The day after, Kurt gets an unexpected phone call. The screen lights up and Kurt can clearly read the name ‘Kitty’. Now, Kurt knows that he and Kitty are friends. It is just weird to think about it. The last time he saw Kitty, he was working at the Lima Bean and she was treating him horribly.
According to Rachel, the New Directions alumni have been updated a while ago. Kurt isn’t exactly ready to talk to them. Sometimes, talking to Rachel feels terrible. Rachel is clearly still Rachel, but then she mentions a memory that Kurt can’t remember, or she acts just a little bit too kind and Kurt gets thrown off all over again.
His friends text him every now and then, which is good enough. According to Blaine, everyone uses texting nowadays. Calling is only for serious topics, which is another reason why Kurt’s anxious to see that Kitty is calling him.
Maybe he should pick up. He barely knows Kitty, apart from the fact that she is (was?) a pain in the ass.
“Hello?” Kurt says nervously.
“Oh, hey! I didn’t expect you to pick up,” Kitty says lightly. She sounds friendly. It feels wrong.
Kurt shakes his head. It’s been fifteen years. Of course, Kitty has changed. She’s probably not the annoying Quinn wannabe anymore.
“Hi Kitty,” Kurt says shortly. He doesn’t really know what else to say.
“So, uhm, heard that you got yourself a brain injury,” Kitty says. Kurt scoffs at her tone of voice.
“My MRI results were clear: I do not have a brain injury.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s cool.”
This is awkward. It is even more awkward than that one time where Kurt taught Finn how to wash his balls. Thinking about Finn makes Kurt’s heart ache.
“Uhm, okay, hi,” Kitty sighs. It gives Kurt pleasure that it is just as awkward for her. Then he shakes his head again. Kurt logically knows that he’s being unfair towards her, since Kitty is clearly not the person she used to be, but it’s weird for Kurt to think that he and Kitty Wilde are friends.
“I just, uhm, I want to say that I am sorry,” Kitty says and Kurt’s taken aback. He did not expect an apology, especially not from Kitty Wilde. “I know that this is weird, so I am aware that you think of me as a crazy bitch and I was a crazy bitch. So, I just want to clear the air: I am sorry for the way I’ve treated you back in high school.”
Kurt doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything.
“I gotta say that it’s weird for me to say this to you, since we’ve had this conversation ages ago, but I guess this is even weirder for you.”
“You don’t say,” Kurt grumbles.
“I just hope that I can proof to you that we can be great friends. I’ve done it before, so I can definitely do it again.”
“How exactly did we become friends?” Kurt bites out. He immediately covers his mouth with his spare hand. That was unnecessarily rude, he knows it, but it just happened. He’s about to apologise when Kitty answers.
“Oh, well, that is a long story. You honestly wouldn’t believe it.”
She’s right. Kurt already has problems believing it and she hasn’t even started yet.
“After high school, I took a gap year with the full intention to go to college after that gap year. Well, I didn’t end up at college, but I somehow ended up in New York. I moved to New York in 2015 and I needed a place to crash. You and Rachel were still living in that dead end loft of yours, so you took me in. After all, Santana had already left by that moment.”
“Rachel and I took you in?” Kurt asks incredulously.
“I know it might sound shocking to you, but by that time, our hostility level had already been lowered. I can’t say that you liked me, because you definitely didn’t, but you tolerated me and the feeling was mutual. In fact, you kicked me out after just half a year! That was the best choice ever. We clearly were terrible roommates, but we slowly became friends.”
It is still hard to believe it and Kitty’s talking vaguely, but she’s calling him. She must care for him.
So Kurt sets his pride aside and he shocks her by asking: “Would you like to meet up? Grab some coffee and catch up?”
There small stunned silence gets broken by Kitty.
“I-I’d love to,” she sounds choked up.
“Alright. That might be nice.”
“Yeah. Do you also want to meet my boyfriend Roderick, or is that too much to handle?”
“Do I like Roderick?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Does Roderick like me?”
“Well, to this day, you’re his favourite teacher, so-”
“I’m his favourite what?”
Meeting Kitty (again) is only the beginning. A few days after the phone call, Blaine invites some of their friends over for dinner. They’re all unfamiliar to Kurt.
Before they arrive, Blaine gives a small rundown.
“Wes is my best friend since high school. Mae is his girlfriend of four years. Sebastian and I also go way back, and not in a good way, but we’ve talked it out. He’s been dating Adam for five years or so. Adam is coincidentally your ex-boyfriend.”
Kurt gapes at Blaine. He’s known that Blaine’s not technically his first boyfriend, but he didn’t expect his ex to still be in their lives.
“How did we end up being friends with my ex-boyfriend and his new boyfriend?”
“It’s a weird story and I am pretty sure that they’ll tell you later today. After all, Adam can’t shut up about it.”
Kurt is stunned into silence, but he still helps Blaine with setting the table. The two of them have cooked pasta pesto and the others are bringing food as well. It’s going to be a fun potluck filled with people that Kurt does not remember.
Well, the coffee date with Kitty ended up being nice. Her boyfriend did not join them, since Kurt’s not ready for that, but it was okay. Weird, but okay.
Kurt has no reason to dislike these people, and even if he did, he doesn’t remember it.
The doorbell rings and Blaine goes to greet them. Kurt waits in the kitchen and he has his back turned towards the door. He takes a deep breath and counts to ten. He can do it. These people are completely unfamiliar to him, so it’s different from the New Directions or his family.
“Heya, Kurt!”
Kurt takes another deep breath and he turns around. There’s a tall, brown-haired man who a weird smirk on his face. It makes Kurt think of a meerkat. He holds a bowl with food. Another man’s arm is hooked into his. He’s shorter than meerkat-face and he has blond, slightly curly hair. He looks older than everyone else in the room.
One of these guys is Kurt’s ex.
Behind them, an Asian guy with glasses is hugging Blaine tightly. A woman is watching them with an amused look on her face. She is also holding food. Her long, brown hair has been tied into a neat bun and Kurt loves her outfit. 2027 fashion is not necessarily Kurt’s taste, but she makes it look good.
“Kurt, nice to meet you again,” meerkat-face says kindly, “I’m Sebastian and this is Adam.”
“I’m capable of introducing myself, Seb,” Adam says playfully and oh, he’s British. Kurt also realises that the older guy is his ex.
“I’m Mae, where can I put this?” the woman, Mae, says and she holds up the food.
“Uh, kitchen?” Kurt answers and Mae nods. She moves past him. She clearly knows her way around the apartment.
“Oh, Kurt, you’re not going to be ready for this,” the other man, probably Wes, skips the introduction, “Mae has made chebu jën. You’ve probably forgotten the taste, so get ready to be amazed!”
“Chebu- what?”
Mae returns from the kitchen. “Don’t listen to him. He’s overexaggerating. It is my mother’s recipe and I cannot do her justice.”
“Mae’s mother is originally from Senegal, so Mae grew up with Senegalese cuisine,” Blaine says when he sees the confused look on Kurt’s face. Kurt instinctively moves closer to Blaine to hold him. He needs it. “Trust me, it’s good. You love it. It is definitely better than the food from her father’s side.”
“Hang on, I can appreciate some Dutch hutspot with hachée,” Adam says indignantly.
“Yes, but you’re from England,” Sebastian says playfully, “You’re known for your poor taste.”
“Be nice! I only allow kindness under my roof,” Blaine sing-songs.
“Of course,” Wes punches him in the shoulder.
Sebastian also puts the bowl with food (salad, apparently) in the kitchen and Adam reveals a bottle of wine from under his coat. Blaine frees himself from Kurt’s grip and takes everyone’s coats and Mae effortlessly starts roaming around the apartment to dim the lights for atmosphere and to put on music.
Now, Kurt’s gotten used to his apartment, but these people walk around so carelessly, they definitely beat him. They probably feel more at home here than him. They are also very comfortable around each other.
“Ugh, Mimi has a terrible taste in music,” Mae says as she scrolls through the collection of digitally-owned music on Blaine’s phone. Yup, she’s definitely comfortable with Blaine, since Blaine only allows a select group of people access to his phone. Not even Rachel can access it.
“Mimi doesn’t have a consciousness. You think Blaine has a terrible taste,” Kurt says. He’s also still not used to the AI’s everywhere.
“Well, that is true.”
Mae turns back to the music and Kurt’s phone buzzes in his pocket. Time to tap his nose three times. He’s been doing it for a while now, and it makes Kurt feel good. It’s a bit reassuring. Mae sees him tapping, but she doesn’t seem to care that much.
Blaine comes back from storing the coats and Kurt immediately moves towards him to take Blaine’s hand.
Blaine squeezes it.
“You’re going to be fine. They love you.”
No memories. No pretences. No expectations.
He can do this.
End notes: Up next: Kurt gets to know two of his guests a little bit better.
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Chapters: 8/24 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson Summary:
Kurt visits his family for Christmas for 12 days, and meets their neighbours for the first time. These are 24 glimpses into the celebration, a very Hallmark Klainemas.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Klaine Advent Drabble 2020 - “Up in the Air” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Kurt is heartbroken after his plans for a romantic Christmas with Blaine are demolished when he gets locked into a flight he'd been trying to switch. Blaine reassures him that it will be okay, that they'll have their romantic celebration when Kurt's feet are back on the ground. But is Blaine possibly hiding a secret that just might sweep Kurt off his feet? (1638 words)
Notes: Written for the @klaineadvent Drabble Challenge 2020 prompt 'join'.
Read on AO3.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” Kurt grumbles, rushing down the corridor that leads to his gate with his carry-on in tow and his heart pounding, trying to give off the impression that he’s not rushing.
Appearance is everything in the flight attendant game.
He was supposed to get an hour sit before this flight, but the one he was on was late by close to forty-five minutes! He has roughly a minute-and-a-half to reach his destination, covering the distance of two football fields, and that’s not the crappiest part of his day.
“Pick up pick up pick up pick up! Blaine! Ugh!” 
This is the fifth time he’s tried to get a hold of his boyfriend to tell him the bad news. Try his hardest, he couldn’t trade this flight out for one that leaves after the holiday.
His plans to join Blaine for a romantic Christmas have officially been canceled. 
“Pick up pick up pick up pick up,” he chants as he checks in with security and heads for the boarding area. 
“You’re late,” his friend Monica teases.
“I had three seconds to make it here from the complete other side of the airport,” he replies with a forced smile for the waiting passengers. The flight attendants can get away with making snide remarks as long as they keep a smile on their faces.
“At least you did it in flats!"
"Wah wah wah," Kurt teases back, giving Blaine’s number one last try before he'll need to turn off his phone and stow it away for the duration.
He's in for a long night - a soul-crushing series of flights, each one taking him farther and farther away from the man he loves.
Finally, Blaine picks up. 
“Hey! Kurt! I was hoping you’d call!”
He sounds eager, Kurt thinks. Shit! “Hey.”
“Are you okay? It sounds like you've been running.”
“I have.” Kurt stops in the crook of the tunnel, out of sight from both doorways, to catch his breath. He has one precious minute before he has to perform his pre-flight checks with the crew. And here he is, spending it breaking a wonderful man’s heart. “Look …” He squeezes his eyelids tight, on the verge of frustrated tears “… I’m sorry, Blaine. It’s not going to happen.”
A moment of confused silence. Then realization. “Oh, no! Shoot!”
“I warned you there was a four percent chance it actually would. It’s impossible to make plans over the holidays. It would have taken a miracle.”
“Yes, but, Christmas is the time for miracles.”
“I know, I know,” Kurt says in a shaky voice. “Don’t make me feel worse than I already do.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Blaine says in a soothing voice. “I understand.”
“I know you do.” Kurt sniffles, pulling a handkerchief from his inside jacket pocket and dabbing under his eyes before they can get puffy. “It’s just … I know how I am. I’m the clingy, jealous type. I want to see you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I don’t want you to resent my work. Or me.”
“Kurt, I could never resent you! I knew what I was getting into. This is one trip you couldn’t switch, and I understand why. This is just a hiccup. That’s all.”
“A hiccup on one of the most important holidays of the year.”
“There will be plenty of time after the holiday rush for us to spend together. I’ll see you soon. We’ll lie in bed together, hold each other in our arms, and it will be better again. You’ll see.”
Kurt nods in response even though Blaine can’t see. “I’m trusting you.”
“I appreciate that.”
Kurt hears footsteps hurry down the ramp, Monica whispering, “Hurry up, Kurt! We have to go!” as she passes. He watches her disappear around the corner and onto the plane. He sighs. “I love you, Blaine.”
“I love you, too. Have a good flight.”
“I will,” Kurt chokes out, blowing a kiss into the phone. “Bye.”
Kurt hangs up and shoves the phone into his pocket. He grabs the handle of his carry-on and continues on his way. Halfway down the ramp, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Before he even takes it out to check it, he knows it’s a message from Blaine.
He should have waited until he got on the plane where there’s a bathroom to duck into because it unravels him more than he is.
I love you, Kurt. And I’m pretty sure I always will.
Kurt doesn’t want to be here.
He doesn’t want to be flying over Miami on Christmas Eve. 
Not when he has a sexy man at home waiting to see him again.
Kurt loves his job. He really does. 
He stumbled into it unexpectedly. It was supposed to be a stop-gap while he worked his way to Broadway - something to pad his bank account, keep food in his belly, and a roof over his head while he got to experience life, hone his craft. And even though he's held on to his dreams of Broadway fame, this job stuck. He has never regretted a single flight in his entire career …
… until this one.
God, what he wouldn’t give to be at home right now, watching cheesy movies on Lifetime, snuggled in Blaine’s arms!
Kurt doesn’t pay much attention to the passengers as he maneuvers the beverage service down the aisle, dishing out Diet Cokes and mini bottles of vodka and Crown Royal. He makes eye contact, nods and smiles, but that's it. He can perform this part of his job on autopilot, has perfected the art of appearing engaged while, in his mind, he goes over notes for an audition or takes a stab at writing his memoirs. 
He knows the bare minimum about the passengers on this side of the plane from the things they let slip out of excitement or need - an older lady flying to see her daughter for the first time in ten years, an unaccompanied minor, a row of sorority sisters on a holiday excursion. Everyone is mellow, polite when he stops to ask them what they want from the cart. But there’s always one clown in the bunch.
And Kurt finds his sitting in Row 27, Seat E.
“Soda?” Kurt asks. “Coffee? Tea?”
“A medium drip, please? Or maybe a flat white?”
“A-ha. That's one coffee black for you,” Kurt says, his tone chipper, but sharp around the edges, barely glancing at the man as he hands over his drink. 
"Perfect. Thank you, Kurt."
"You're very welcome." Kurt internally groans when the man uses his name. The airline requires all customer-facing employees to wear a name tag for passenger comfort "in a time of need" (or so says the employee literature). In this age of social media, it's used more by the Karens of the world to flame what they consider 'inappropriate conduct' without impunity. All claims are thoroughly investigated, and require passenger and employee corroboration before disciplinary action is taken. But it's gotten to the point that he doesn't Google his name and the name of his airline in the same sentence anymore. 
It keeps him sane.
Kurt doesn't mind passengers knowing his name.
Just so long as they never use it.
But this man said Kurt's name like he owns it, and that Kurt doesn't appreciate. Not from strangers.
Kurt's eyes flicker up once it hits him.
He knows that voice. 
But how in the hell can it be here?
'I'm projecting,' he thinks. 'I miss my boyfriend, I wish that he was here, but he's not here. No. I'm not going to look at the occupant of this seat and see ...'
“Blaine?” Kurt stares at 27E perplexed. It is him! Unless there's been a gas leak the pilot hasn't told them about yet, Blaine is sitting right there, looking as adorable as ever! Maybe more so, his smile bright and goofy with his master plan revealed. “Blaine!”
“Well, well, well ...” Blaine turns in his seat, attempting a casual recline against the rigid armrest, masking the pain on his face when its sharp edge digs into his back. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“I didn’t know you’d be …! Wha---when did you even get a ticket?”
“A few days ago. Your friend Monica helped me with the details. I had to grease a lot of wheels, seeing as most holiday flights were already packed, but I’m on every one of your connections. I figured we can spend your layover together.”
“And what if I had managed to get the time off?”
“I would probably be out close to a few thousand bucks, but it was a chance I was willing to take.” Blaine tilts his head down so he can look coyly up at Kurt through long, thick lashes. “Are you surprised?”
“Yes! I … I don’t know what to say!”
“Say that you love me," Blaine says sincerely. "Say that you’ll have a little more faith in me.”
“I do have faith in you. It’s just sometimes … I don’t have all that much faith in myself. In my overall appeal.”
“Well, your overall appeal is so strong, I spent a small fortune to take this journey with you.” Blaine chuckles when he notices they’ve garnered attention from other passengers, wondering what happened to the drink cart but watching quietly to see the drama unfold. “So why don’t we enjoy the journey? See where it takes us?”
Kurt grins, his cheeks burning when the sorority sisters occupying the seats behind Blaine awww, and the older woman claps.
Kurt rolls his eyes when other passengers join in. 
Only at Christmas, he thinks.
Then again, isn't this what he wanted?
His cheesy Lifetime movie?
His improbable Christmas miracle?
Kurt smiles. “That sounds like a plan.”
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honeysucklepink · 5 years
Reaching Out to Touch a Stranger: A Glee Potluck Big Bang/Klaine Advent Special
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Sam Evans/Mercedes Jones, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates with a third wheel twist
So if you can't tell by the title, this chapter incorporates the prompt words for the 2019 @klaineadvent, plus December Drabble prompts (through the 24th) from the @gleepotluckbigbang in one very special scene. I hope to write another chapter over the break that gets more into Samcedes, but until then enjoy a BIG moment, both for Kurt and Blaine, AND for Mercedes!
Link to AO3 (leave comments for the Baby Jebus Birthday!)
Mercedes was starting to worry about Sam a little after the Warbler performance at Breadstix. First there was the Bieber thing. In spite of the tension with Quinn, he was determined to regain her interest. But Justin Bieber, really? The fact he’d roped the other guys in the Glee Club sans Finn into his tribute band made her eyes roll back. She texted a video to Kurt to get his reaction (his only response was OMG I’ve never been so happy to be stuck in this blazer).
But then he started dating Santana, and all bets were off.
“Santana freaking Lopez, Sam? Really?” Mercedes cornered Sam in the cafeteria. “That’s your rebound from Quinn Fabray?”
“I don’t need a lecture, Mercedes…”
“I’m not lecturing, I’m just worried. Quinn at least has a good soul; I’ve seen it. But Santana is a user that I’m pretty sure eats souls for breakfast.”
“Well, she’s fun.”
“Really? Tell me one thing y’all do for fun.”
Sam suddenly looked uncomfortable. “I...uh, damn is that the time? I gotta go ‘Cedes I have, uh, football practice.”
He ran out as Mercedes shouted, “Football season was over two months ago!”
By the time the Rachel Berry House Party Trainwreck Extravaganza went off the rails, forget soulmates and conduits, Mercedes began to think the entire concept of love was a sham. She decided to drink her cares away and was pleased that the more she drank, the gigglier she became. She and Tina sat off in their corner getting wasted on fruity booze, observing the shenanigans as Rachel sloppily organized a game of spin-the-bottle. She wasn’t bothered by Sam kissing Brittany (at the rate he was going he’d plow through all the New Directions girls by the end of his senior year, she predicted). And she was even amused by Rachel and Blaine’s makeout, at least until she saw Kurt’s face registering a mix of revulsion and resentment. Oh this was not good at all.
“What’s not good?” Sam appeared at her shoulder all of a sudden, his breath smelling of beer. Oh, she must have thought out loud.
Mercedes hiccupped. “Looking at Blaine and Rachel. That’s supposed to be Kurt sucking his face off, right? It’s not even a glow it’s like a, a shadow or something.” Mercedes couldn’t stay grounded enough to keep her train of thought going, though. “My buzz is wearing off,” she said. She passed her empty cup to Sam. “Top me off?”
The following week after the party was a consistent chase to stave off the hangover by continuing to drink. Starting with Artie’s “hair of the dog that bit your ass” Bloody Marys and ending with whatever the hell Rachel had concocted, Mercedes’ verdict was that she’d reached her maximum on booze for life.
What was this semester? Last week was all about booze, now it was gonna be all about sex? This was all Brittany and her stupid stork nest’s fault. To be honest, she was comfortable with the concept of sex, and embraced her own sexiness. But she was a good Christian girl, saving herself for marriage, or at least for the right man. She wasn’t about to join the celibacy club with Berry and Fabray or anything. She just didn’t feel the need to announce her business (or lack thereof) to the world. Besides, she liked romance. Probably why she had fallen misguidedly for Kurt that first year. Speaking of, her phone buzzed in her pocket as Miss Holliday’s “lesson” ended:
I need an emergency sleepover. Mercedes was confused about Kurt’s text until the next one: Blaine just tried to talk to me about sex.
After she managed to get her eyes back into her head, she texted back: I know exactly what both of us need; cookies and Hallmark movies.
As Kurt and Mercedes settled against the headboard, a plate of cookies and other sugary treats between them, Kurt pressed play on the DVD remote. “Is this the one where the guy is forced to work as a mall Santa after burning down the town’s Christmas tree with off-market lights and then teams up with the lonely caroler to save the children’s charity and they fall in love in the process?” Mercedes asked.
“No, it’s the one where the traditional Secret Santa exchange at the office Christmas party gets upended when the organizer gets pneumonia after a snowball fight and all the presents go missing.”
“Ooh, after this one we should watch the one where the ice skater bumps her head and loses her memories of Christmas until she falls in love with the holiday card writer and then wishes on an enchanted ornament.”
As Mercedes swapped one DVD for another, Kurt spoke: “You know, I’ve missed this.”
“Missed what?”
“You know, our kinship.” Kurt sighed. “I know we haven’t been as tight since I went to Dalton.”
“No, I get it,” Mercedes said. “We’ve been busy getting ready for Regionals too. Plus all those advanced private school classes you’re taking, and all your time with Blaine. Speaking of that?”
Kurt groaned into his pillow, “Mercedes do we have to?”
“Yes, we do, now why was Blaine talking to you about sex?”
“The tone of your voice is entirely too hopeful,” Kurt said. He then recounted the whole thing, from Sue’s intel dump at the Lima Bean, to the warehouse and his sexy faces, to the flustered quarrel ending in asking Blaine to leave.
When he was finished, Mercedes looked at him sympathetically. “Boo, I know you like hand-holding, romance, all of that. But be reasonable; you’re not totally naive, Kurt. And I’ve seen you make sexy faces and they didn’t look like gas pains. Remember us doing Madonna with the Cheerios last year? Or when you did 'Le Jazz Hot' on duet week?”
Kurt looked down. “Did I really look that sexy?”
“Kurt, you could have burnt the house down, don’t act like you didn’t know.” Mercedes got a smile out of him; good start. “You wanna know what I think? I think it’s not talking about sex you’re uncomfortable with. It was Blaine talking about sex.”
“Ugh, you’re right,” Kurt sighed. “When he said he’d tell me what he knew, I got all flustered, because what if what he knows is first-hand experience? And then I thought of him having that experience, and then me having that with him, and…” Kurt drifted off, then cleared his throat. “And that’s why it’s going to be so weird seeing him again at school.”
“Well at least you have prospects,” Mercedes said. 
“Yes, and speaking of, Miss Jones, I saw you at Rachel’s party, sitting all by your lonesome. I had to look away from Blaine and Rachel’s ill-advised rendezvous. So still no one at McKinley is catching your eye?”
Mercedes suddenly had a flash image of Sam, his blond swoop fringing his blue eyes and his smile...what? No, hell no, hell to the no! ”Um, nope! No one at all. Okay next movie, I think this one is the one where the CEO of an ugly Christmas sweater company has to make amends with the mistletoe farmer...”
Kurt didn’t dig any further, thank goodness.
While Mercedes was once again listening to the latest way that Sue had managed to sabotage the club, she received a text from Kurt:
K: oh crap oh crap i’m so screwed.
M: What’s wrong?
K; I killed the bird.
K: I mean I don’t think I murdered the bird, but we were doing scales this morning and he keeled over so I feel somewhat responsible
K: What am I going to do?
M: Can’t you just go to PetSmart and get a new one?
M: Look Kurt birds don’t live forever, didn’t you say Pavarotti had been passed down as a Warbler tradition?
M: How old was he?
K: I don’t know. Oh god what will Blaine think? He’ll hate me for breaking some sacred Warbler creed.
M: No he won’t, calm down. He’ll understand. Just tell them the truth.
M: He probably had an undiagnosed heart flutter.
K: …
K: That’s not funny.
M: Come on it was a little.
K: That bird was entrusted to me. I felt a little like him. Like we bonded over...it’s hard to say
M: Being stuck in a cage?
K: Well…
M: Come on Kurt, I know you love Blaine and love being close to him at Dalton, but isn’t that blazer just a little stifling?
K: I guess.
M: Tell you what, why don’t you put on your best mourning clothes and sing in his honor? I’m sure the warblers would appreciate the gesture.
K: Thanks Mercedes. I was freaking out there.
M: Glad I could help.
The next couple of days were a lesson in disappointment. Santana’s “Trouty Mouth” had really upset Sam to the point that Mercedes wondered once again why he was dating her, especially when she was spending more and more time with Brittany. But she couldn’t let that interrupt her world debut of what would be a sure-fire hit at Regionals. She turned off her phone to focus her full attention on the song she wrote. She was very proud of “Hell to the No.” It spelled out all her frustrations with the world and what she was told she could or could not be. The other New Directions girls’ backing vocals were on point, and collaborating with the band on the sound part boosted her self-esteem. I can totally do this for a living; the best divas produce their own stuff. So when Schue said it just wasn’t quite right she was dejected. At least the writing session that followed was productive.
When Mercedes turned her phone back on, she had a missed call and three texts from Kurt, all of them saying CALL ME URGENT. Mercedes immediately called Kurt back as she walked out of the choir room. “Hey boo, is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you since the bird incident.”
“Everything is fine Mercedes. It’s great, it’s grand, it’s…’s wonderful, ‘s marvellous, that you should care for me…” Kurt began to sing a Gershwin tune.
“Hummel, what are you talking about? Or I guess I should ask what are you singing about?”
“Oh, nothing, just that Blaine asked me to duet with him for Regionals.”
“Kurt, that’s great! I mean let’s face it, I miss you here but at least Dalton’s giving you a chance to sing in a competition!”
“Mmm-hmm, oh yes, the duet, yeah…” Kurt still had that dreamy tone to his voice.
Mercedes was suspicious. “Kurt, is there something more you’re not telling me?”
“Well, Blaine came down to the common room while I was bedazzling Pavarotti’s casket.”
“You were what now?”
“Not important, Blaine was telling me about the song he chose, but then he started talking about having a moment about me, and wanting to spend more time with me, and…”
Kurt paused a little too long, stretching the anticipation to a snapping point until Mercedes nearly shouted into her phone, “Oh my God, speed it up, Kurt!”
“He kissed me! He kissed me, and I kissed him back, and we’ve basically been spending all afternoon kissing, and Mercedes it was just...everything I ever wanted in a kiss.”
Mercedes tried biting her fist to keep the scream down in her throat, but it came out as an excited squeak that turned heads in the hallway. “Mind ya business,” she said to the two Cheerios giving her a concerned stare. She turned away and quietly spoke into her phone. “Oh boo, I’m so happy for you! And if you ask me, it’s about time that boy did something. Now, tell me every detail.”
Once Mercedes got off the phone with Kurt (after he said he had to hang up because Blaine wanted to practice more that evening; ”Sure, Kurt, you best get on to your practice, just don’t let your practice go too far, okay?” she sent a text message to Sam, remembering a bet she made with him last semester:
M: Just talked to Kurt, Blaine finally got his head out of his butt...guess I owe you Breadstix.
Sam texted back ACHIEVEMENT!!!!! followed by five thumbs up and four heart eye emojis.
Next thing they knew, it was already time for Regionals. Mercedes had barely heard from Kurt except for texts gushing about Blaine (even more than when they had been just friends...except with the addition of what a great kisser he is). She caught a glimpse of Kurt at the venue, in the hallway between their dressing rooms. She noticed a faint glow around him, but thought it must just be the lighting. He hugged her before thrusting a bag into her hands.
“Kurt, what’s this?”
“Well Rachel let it slip that you guys were doing audience props, so the Warblers decided we needed to step up as well. Pass these out when they call us up!”
“Sure thing, boo. Good luck!”
The New Directions settled in their seats as the announcer spoke: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Dalton Academy Warblers!”
“Here, take one and pass the rest down.” Mercedes passed the bundle over. “They’re prop battery-powered candles. We’re supposed to wave them after the bridge at the key change.”
As the Warblers began the song, Kurt stepped out from the group into the spotlight.
“The power lines went out, and I am all alone, but I don’t really care at all, not answering my phone.”
Mercedes was so proud of Kurt getting his first solo in a competition. Then Blaine moved down and began singing:
“All the games you played, the promises you made, couldn’t finish what you started, only darkness still remains…”
It didn’t matter that it was a breakup song. No one else could see what Mercedes was witnessing. As Kurt and Blaine’s voices harmonized, there was an incandescent glow surrounding each of them. When the two stepped closer to each other the glowing intensified and the light from each boy pulled toward the center, until the connection was complete and the couple was bathed in a golden light, like the way sunlight turns warmer and softer right before sunset. She remembered a photography blog calling it the “golden hour.” The only time she had ever seen a glow even close to it was at her aunt’s wedding. This was bigger; it overwhelmed them and their surroundings, until Mercedes could see only them, and she was sure for them, each other.
Suddenly Mercedes felt the warmth from the yearning of Kurt and Blaine’s glow deep in her chest; it radiated through her and she began to cry from the sheer joy of it. Rachel looked over at her. “Mercedes, are you okay?”
All she could do was nod and wait for the bridge.
“And someday, you will get back, everything you gave me…”
She and the rest of the audience turned on and raised their candles, waving them in the air as the boys completed their duet. Mercedes wondered just what everyone else saw; no battery-powered candle glow could have competed with her view. But then the lights went up and the Warblers went into their second number, a much more raucous P!nk song. The glow wasn’t as bright as during their duet, but Kurt and Blaine both still had a halo of light around them as they bounced with the rest of their choir to the choreography. She did get the pleasure of one last flare of light, as Blaine and Kurt hugged post-performance.
As the New Directions made their way to the backstage area to prepare, Sam pulled Mercedes aside. “Hey, I couldn’t help but look over during their duet and see you crying, but like, happy crying. You saw it, didn’t you? The Glow?”
Mercedes’s grin probably rivaled it. “Sam... it was beautiful.”
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darriness · 5 years
Klaine Advent - Roadie Edition - Day 8
Title: Hiccup
Author: darriness
Word Count: 357
Summary: *hiccup*
Author’s Note: This one takes place during the original Roadie fic before Kurt and Blaine officially started dating.
AO3 Link
Kurt chuckles from where he sits on a stool behind the soundboard. Blaine glares.
“Don’t laugh *hiccup* at me.” Blaine pouts and groans when a hiccup interrupts his speech. He hates the hiccups and hates them even more when they’re about to do sound check. The whole venue is going to hear him hiccup his way through this.
Kurt shrugs and smirks briefly, “I’m not laughing at you.” He says.
Blaine pouts further as he grabs his ear pieces which are finally ready.
“You are too.” He says.
Kurt shrugs a shoulder again and Blaine wants to hit him, mostly for how sexy that shoulder is.
“You know,” Kurt says conversationally, fiddling with some slides on the board in front of him, “there is scientific proof that an orgasm helps relieve hiccups.”
Blaine’s eyes widen slightly and he looks quickly around to make sure no one is within earshot. No one is, thankfully, and he turns back to Kurt.
“You’re lying.” He says with narrowed eyes.
Kurt shrugs AGAIN, “You don’t know that for sure. And if it stops your hiccups...”
Blaine holds his narrowed eyes, trying to decide if he wants to take the bait. He’s almost positive that ‘scientific proof’ is bullshit but…
“We don’t have *hiccup* time.” He finally says.
Kurt shrugs (Oh my God seriously? How can one person be so aloof, and attractive, and shrug so much in one conversation?!), “Then I suggest you hold your breath for a while or else this entire room is going to have to suffer through you hiccuping your way through sound check and no one wants to hear that.”
Blaine glares again as Kurt turns back to his board. Why is he wasting his time with this surly man? They’ve been sleeping together for weeks and Kurt still treats him like gum under his shoe unless there are orgasms involved.
Blaine groans as Kurt chuckles again, not looking up from the soundboard, and Blaine takes a deep breath in and holds it as he stalks toward the stage and the inevitable embarrassment the next half an hour or so will bring.
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
Klaine Advent 2019 : Day 8
“What did I tell you?”
Kurt rolls his eyes as he signals to the others to come and get the holocreds from the vault. “Cockiness doesn’t look good on you, Anderson.”
Blaine laughs openly, leaning against the wall of the vault as he juggles with an ancient gemstone. “I’m not cocky, Kurt,” he says, accenting Kurt’s name and by all the gods, Kurt wishes it didn’t light something in his blood, “simply acknowledging that this coup went without even one hiccup, even as you were so worried about its outcome.”
“I’m always worried about the outcome, it’s my job,” Kurt retorts. “Doesn’t mean I don’t trust your abilities and your talent.”
“Is that …,” Blaine stops, coming to stand close to Kurt. “Is that a compliment, Captain Hummel.”
“I believe it is, Captain Anderson, don’t abuse it.”
“I will cherish it,” Blaine replies, putting his hands over his heart and batting his eyelashes.
Kurt pushes his stupid face away, all while his own heats up.
Stupid, stupid, adorable face.
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notarelationship · 4 years
Anderson’s Ghosts 24/24
Klaine Advent: Yearn
And here it is!  The last of my Klaine Advent 2019 chapters. Just in time to start thinking about 2020!
Thank you everyone for reading. I’ll be posing the last few chapters on AO3 as the final chapter there, link to the beginning is here
If you have missed any earlier entries they can be found at Anderson’s Ghosts, or each individual chapter:  Achievement, Beer, Creed, Date, Emergency, Fist, Ground, Hiccup, Interrupt, Joy, Kinship, Lecture, Monument, Nest, Overwhelm, Part, Quarrel, Reasonable, Speed, Treat, User, Verdict, Worry
Lunch was a bit awkward. Blaine barely knew how to behave with his own family, let alone someone else's, but when Kurt invited him he couldn’t say no. 
“Is your family still in Lima, Blaine?” Carol asked, once they were all settled around the dining table. 
Blaine cleared his throat. “Well, my brother is here, but our mother moved to Florida years ago, and she doesn’t come back to Ohio.” He didn’t add that he hadn’t actually seen her in years.
“You don’t see them for the holidays?”
Blaine hadn’t spent holidays with his family in years, but he was sure if he said that in front of this crowd there would be a mixture of sympathy, pity, and for those who knew him better, maybe a bit of private scorn. He didn’t deserve anything but the scorn.
“Nah, Blaine usually works on Christmas,” Sam answered for him.
“You work on Christmas?” Kurt asked, while helping himself to some delicious looking potato casserole. “That doesn’t sound fun.”
Blaine winced. “It’s not.” He paused as Sam handed him a plate of ham, and he took a slice and passed it on. “But I think those days are over. I’m headed over to my brother’s later tonight, and I’m actually leaving for New York in the morning.”
“Oh really? I live in New York,” Kurt said. “What are you going to do there?”
Blaine laughed quietly. “I’m not entirely sure yet.” 
From there conversation spread around the table, and Blaine could sit quietly and just soak it in. Watching Kurt, it was hard not to yearn for the life he never had, but Blaine didn’t want to mope about it. He had already changed. He may never have an opportunity again to really get to know Kurt, but he was on the road to setting things right, and he could settle for that for now.
After lunch was over Blaine followed Sam and Mercedes to the family room, where the kids went right back to playing with their Christmas gifts. Burt joined them while Carol and Kurt cleared the table.
“Anderson,” Burt said, once he was sitting comfortably in what was obviously his favorite chair. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Blaine answered, sitting on the couch, but near enough to Burt for them to have a quiet conversation. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. That was okay. Blaine wanted to talk. 
Burt shrugged. “Two weeks ago I was sure you were going to take my business. Your reputation is not unknown to me, Anderson. I knew if you wanted the shop I wouldn't be able to stop you.”
Blaine took a centering breath. The further away he got from the night before, the more everything that had happened had felt like a dream. It may even have been a dream. But it didn’t matter. He was done with that life. “I didn’t want that any more.”
“What? The money? The business?” 
Blaine shook his head, not sure how much to share. But there was something about Burt that made it easier. “It wasn’t my life. I want my life, and I think - I hope - I’m still young enough to have it.”
Burt considered him a while, studying Blaine. To his credit (Blaine hoped) he managed to hold Burt Hummel’s curious gaze. “Well,” Burt said with a chuckle. “You’re certainly young enough to do anything you want. And since I suspect money isn’t going to be a concern, I hope you choose what you want wisely.”
“Thank you,” Blaine said. “I hope I do as well. Do you mind - can I ask you a question?”  When Burt nodded, Blaine continued. “Are you feeling better?” 
Burt grunted, but not in an unkind way. “I am feeling better, thank you.” Kurt appeared then, standing next to Burt’s chair. 
“Yes but you still have a lot of recovering to do,” Kurt said. 
Burt frowned. Ignoring Kurt, he spoke directly to Blaine, “Apparently I still have a lot of recovering to do.” He thumbed over his shoulder at Kurt.
“Yes, and I’m going to be here for a while making sure you do just that,” Kurt answered anyway. Blaine smiled, watching their banter. He remembered back to when they were in school together, that Kurt had always said he’d had a great dad. Blaine excused himself as they continued to argue playfully over Burt’s condition, and found himself standing in front of the Christmas tree. 
Every year when he was little, Blaine wanted to decorate the Christmas tree, but his parents had other ideas. His father always wanted a more utilitarian tree, few decorations, all the same color. His one allowance he gave Blaine’s mother was that she could pick the color, so every year the tree was decorated a different color. Silver one year, red the next, green the next, every ornament precisely placed for the perfect magazine photo holiday spread. 
But the Hummel’s tree was covered in a jumble of mis-matched, obviously well loved ornaments of all shapes, sizes, and types. There were vintage glass bulbs, tiny wooden Santa heads, and homemade felt circles that looked like something Blaine had a vague memory of making himself in kindergarten. There was a palm sized Millennium Falcon that blinked, a glass ball with the Ohio State University logo on it, and green construction paper trees shedding glitter all over. Blaine smiled as he looked at them all, taking in every ornament and imagining its history. 
He was laughing at a green glass pickle when he saw it. A palm sized nest with two yellow canaries perched on either side. Three small, aqua, realistic looking canary eggs settled in the center of the nest. Blaine swallowed. It couldn’t be possible. It was identical to the ornament on the tree at the hospital. The one the mysterious little girl led him to last night.
“It’s a mess, I know.” Kurt appeared next to him, and Blaine startled.
“No, it’s beautiful,” Blaine said, staring at the ornament. He looked at Kurt. His mouth was parted as if he was going to say something else, but Blaine had to know. He pointed to the nest. “Where is this from?” 
“Oh, my gosh,” Kurt said. “It was my mother’s. I think she had it from when she was a little girl. I’m always surprised when it comes out of the box and it’s still in one piece.”
Blaine wanted to shout or scream or anything, it was too much. Of course it was possible that there could be two of them, but to Blaine, it was the final confirmation. Whatever he had experienced, It had been real. And it had led him back to Kurt. He was supposed to be here. 
“So I’m going to be in Lima probably for another month,” Kurt was talking, and Blaine had to refocus his attention to get all the words. “But when I’m back in New York, would you like to get together for a drink, or dinner or something? Catch up?” Kurt was smiling at him, inviting him to dinner? 
“Yes,” Blaine managed to say. “Yes, I would like that a lot.”
the end
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invisibleraven · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
Every year around this time, I used to participate in the Klaine Advent Event, but since I drifted from that fandom, I didn't know what to do with myself this year. Then, the amazing @reginaldpatterson decided to run with the idea, and now we have our first official @jatp-adventevent! Forever grateful to them for creating this event, and hopefully you enjoy what I did with the fills!
Day One: Dirty Advent <-AO3 link
Pairing: Polyphantoms (Alex/Luke/Reggie)
Warnings: Underage drinking
“Alright boys, drink up!” Luke crows as he fills their glasses with eggnog, then a hearty splash of rum. “We have fucking earned this drink after such a stellar show!”
Alex looks at the concoction wearily, as it’s more alcohol than the sweet mixture of cream, eggs, and spices that he’d rather. Reggie has half of his gone before Alex even takes a sip, and Luke looks to be pouring himself a second at the same time. Alex brings the glass to his mouth tentatively, almost gagging at the smell of rum, and takes a tiny sip, grimacing at the burn and the taste.
“Come on Alex, drink up! It’s Christmas!” Luke hoots, tossing back his second drink, with Reggie glugging back his, though not at quite the same rate. Alex really doesn’t want to drink that vile concoction, but Luke has had a haunted look in his eye for weeks now, as the holidays grew closer, but not now with his system fuelled by rum. Alex wished he could do anything to keep that look out of Luke’s eyes, but since he ran away at Christmas last year, Alex knows there are heavy memories associated with the holiday. So he plugs his nose and shoots back the rest of his drink.
The boys cheer, Luke pouring himself and Reggie third, and Alex a second, with Alex stealing the rum bottle from Luke after that, declaring they had all had enough. He could already feel the liquor affecting him, and Reggie, a total lightweight, was already hiccupping as his shaky hands brought the cup up to his lips. Luke pouts, but shrugs as he drinks, then slumps over on the couch after he drains the glass.
“Th-that was delicious,” Luke slurs into the cushions. Reggie, who had been uncharacteristically quiet all evening just nods, though his eyes are glassy as he lays on top of Luke.
“You two have no taste buds,” Alex remarks, but he still downs the drink, finding it even more repulsive the second time around, but he would do anything for his boys, even if it means he’ll probably be throwing up the mixture several hours from now.
“Lex… Lexie, come cuddle,” Reggie whines, reaching out for him.
“How about we pull the bed out and get into something comfier first?” Alex bargains, and though the other two are pretty floppy and useless, they somehow manage to find themselves all stripped down to underwear and shirts on the bed, snuggled together.
The alcohol is hitting faster, as Alex is pretty dizzy. But maybe that’s just a factor of being surrounded by Luke and Reggie, their limbs an intertwined mess. One of them is asleep, drooling on Alex’s chest, and the other is snuggled so far into Alex’s neck that all he can hear from that ear is their whistling snore. Yet, there’s nowhere else Alex would rather be, and he smiles as he lets his eyes close, drunk as a skunk, but surrounded by love, and that makes their mutual hangovers the next morning all the more worth it.
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Chapters: 14/24 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Klaine Advent Drabble Challenge 2019, Christmas, Fluff Summary:
Here are my stories for the 2019 Klaine Advent Drabble Challenge. Merry Klainemas, everyone!
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forabeatofadrum · 4 years
Myosotis series MASTERPOST
Tumblr media
Masterpost for my Klaine Advent 2019 story. 
Yes, I am posting this in end 2020. Full series on AO3 here, on S&C here, and the Tumblr tag (including extras) here.
Myosotis sylvatica
Summary: Kurt remembers meeting Blaine very vividly. After all, they only just met. Blaine also remembers meeting Kurt very vividly, but to him, it's been years since they met. Now, the two of them have to find ways to (re)connect and see where their relationship goes.
Rating: T
Words: ~73K
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr:
Myosotis discolor
Summary: When your world burns to the ground and crashes down, you sometimes have to laugh. Burt Hummel would know. After all, he’s been there before. You’d think that third time’s the charm.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 883
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr.
Myosotis scorpioides
Summary: Kurt posts a Firmspring post about what happened to him. He knew that people were going to read it. After all, that was the point of creating that post. Three people who read it are Blaine’s mother, brother and father.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 4071
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr:
Pam Sotto
Cooper Anderson
John Anderson
Myosotis ramosissima
Summary: Sometimes, Kurt dreams that this is all a dream. He dreams that he goes to bed to block out Rachel and Santana’s fighting and that he wakes up the day after in 2012.
Rating: T
Words: 3976
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr.
Myosotis verna
Summary: Kurt and Blaine met in the spring of 2017 and to Blaine, it was love at first sight. Unfortunately for him, Kurt was dating Adam Crawford.They fall in love anyway. 
This is the first time they fell in love.
Rating: T
Words: ~30K
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr:
Adam and Blaine
Adam and Blaine
Ramblings about advertisements
More about Michelle Anderson
Timeline of Myosotis sylvatica
Myosotis verna chapter 4 seating chart
Adam between 2019 - 2021
Timeline of Myosotis verna
Kurt and Blaine’s looks in 2027/2028
Joke playlist
Actual playlist
My art
There are also some memes and they can be found in my general “dank memes about my fics” tag
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Chapters: 8/24 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang Additional Tags: Klaine Advent 2019 Summary:
all of the fic written for the klaine advent drabble challenge 2019! to be updated daily (let's hope) until complete.
SO I'M DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS YEAR! i'm writing everything within an AU based off the bon appetit test kitchen and vogue offices being in the same building. this au was conceptualised by natalie @glennrhovia and jules @homoaesthetics on twitter and i'm simply repaying them for their service.
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