#kjelle (fire emblem)
novakaiserart · 1 month
FE Awakening AU; White Sheep House
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After the sneakpeak I posted a few days ago, I went and changed some things.
1. Severa's last name. Taimo is Cordelia's JP name (big shocker), but I didn't really like the idea the more I thought of it. So I gave her another last name and instead of von like everyone else, she gets a middle name.
2. Owain's father. The more I thought of it, the more I realized there's no way Vaike is nobility. I went with RIcken because he's the only member left that could pass as nobility. Lissa marrying a commoner would be quite the problem lol.
And now without further ado, let me ramble on about this little AU I constructed in the depths of my brain.
The Halidom of Ylisse is one of the 4 major countries in the Region of Ylisse; one of the 2 great continents. The Halidom thus has a house representing them: The White Sheep. The house values honor, strength, compassion and skill above all else. Chrom and his to-be-friends all attended the Officer's Academy in their younger days and formed The Shepherds. The Halidom was once the Great Kingdom of Altea, with the Hero King Marth at it's forefront. 800 years has passed since then and the land has known drastic change.
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(Tumblr said I was talking too much so I had to improvise, sorry in advance for the compressed quality of the text)
bit more background; the timeline isn't the same as the OG. Emmryn died when Plegia invaded one day, storming the castle town and claiming her head. Chrom then ascended the throne after driving out the invaders. The children did not go back in time. The invasion was caused by a power struggle between the Grimeal and Gangrel, 20 years before current day. A truce was settled between Gangrel and Chrom after he got rid of a few annoying Grimeal, although this was never publicly disclosed.
Now about the Crests, I can't just make them up and not list their abilities so here we go
Exalt; May heal half of the damage dealt to the enemy to the user. (If damage to enemy is 30, dealer heals 15)
Themis; May conserve a use of healing magic.
Burton: May raise the magic Mt of an attack by 30%
Florence: May increase Mt by half when using Combat Arts.
Taguel: Allows the bearer to transform into a beast form
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fore-seer · 4 months
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Mauvier’s shoulder pads look downright normal in comparison to Kjelle’s… thing 😭😅
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Kellam has it too. Why are you singling out the teenage girl🤨🤨🤨
But yeah its ultra gooofy
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onyxedskies · 5 months
idk man i just really don’t think lucina wants to kill
there are absolutely people in the second gen cast who want to and will kill (severa and kjelle, to name a few) but lucina just isn’t one of them to me. she’s a leader—the last surviving leader from the world she grew up in—who watched her citizens and other citizens die in the fight against grima while she felt entirely inadequate for not being able to stop it soon enough. i don’t think that she ever really gets over having to kill people who are not willingly associated with the grimleal, because in the end lucina may have grown up in a war for humanity but she herself is a fairly peaceful person. its one of the key differences between her and chrom, and one of the pieces that she got from emmerynn. in the end, i don’t think she would have been able to kill robin even if chrom hadn’t intervened, and if she did, i don’t think she would have been anywhere near the same person that we know her to be. lucina, after all she’s gone through, wants her friends and family and citizens to be safe, and i think she considers all the people that lived under grima’s influence for any amount of time among those people.
idk. i just think that people tend to make lucina more inclined to kill people than she is. she does so purely out of necessity but is otherwise mainly a leader; if you want someone who’s truly angry, who’s truly willing to get into fights and kill not just for self defense or the good of the world but for another cause, focus more on severa or kjelle, two characters who are generally developed to be soldiers (or, in severa’s case, a very willing and relatively happy sellsword).
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bananabraiined · 1 year
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She's much closer to her goal.
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quietsun5268 · 2 years
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers for Kjelle based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia Laurent Noire Yarne Gerome Nah
Here's what I've gathered about Kjelle.
1.) Kjelle enjoys a good fight. Vaike loves a good fight. Lon'qu keeps challenging other men to training fights (see his support with Gregor). Henry joins Chrom because he loves Wars.
2.) Her snarkiness probably came from Frederick, Lon'qu and Gaius.
3.) She's a harsh trainer to Brady in their A and S Supports. Frederick can be a harsh trainer as well (See Frederick's support with Tharja)
4.) Kjelle's class is a Knight. Which she could've inherited from Kellam, Frederick, Vaike, and Robin.
5.) Kjelle's supports with her mother reveals that Future Sully insisted she's bad at riding horses and should stick to foot combat. Which is revealed to be a lie Future Sully made to allow Kjelle to have her own identity and not live in her mother's shadow. Would this be a problem if either Kellam or Frederick is her father? Kellam being a Knight and Frederick training soldiers (the last part is due to Kjelle's Future Past ending where she trains new knights of Ylisse)
6.) Both Kellam and Kjelle have attachments to their armor. Kellam's support with Maribelle reveals that his armor was made for him by his village because they were proud of him for being a Shepherd, even if they got his size wrong. While Kjelle's A Support with Owain reveals she keeps her first suit of armor and uses it to calm her from time to time.
7.) In The Future Past Ending, Kjelle trains the new knights of Ylisse. Which could be her following Frederick's footsteps.
8.) Both Kjelle and Sully are terrible at cooking. But her father is decent enough (he had to learn cause of Sully's terrible cooking). This might cross out both Chrom and Robin as her possible father since both Chrom and Robin are known terrible cooks (Chrom's cooking made Vaike unconscious in their support). Also, why would Virion and Ricken need to learn since they are both nobles and would've had servants cook for them, although in Ricken's case his family has fallen from grace and lost all influence so they probably couldn't get servants because of this. Plus, some barracks dialogue has Ricken mention that cooking is something all modern men should know how to do. Virion might have an excuse too, He's not at the dukedom where his servants are, He's with the The Shepherds so he'll have to do things himself. Plus considering he's seen as a coward by his people, I'm not sure if any servants will serve him or work for him.
9.) In Kjelle's support with Gerome, she trains so hard to surpass him. She also trains to get strong too. This could've been inherited from Lon'qu (He keeps challenging other men to training fights in their supports to find a worthy opponent and get stronger). Maybe Gregor (since age comes with experience, plus have you seen Gregor & Lon'qu's support?) and Frederick (he takes training seriously, if you see Frederick/Tharja's C Support its intense). Should Donnel count since he started off as a weak villager but ends up being one of the strongest units?
10.) Kjelle's C rank support with Severa reveals that under her armor she's completely ripped. According to this Kozaki sketch, Kellam is ripped under his armor. But that would be from all the strength training in order to carry that armor around.
(?) Kjelle's Cipher trading cards show her eyes as purple. Donnel has purple eyes. We don't know what color Kellam's eyes are because they are always closed, but because of that we can assume Kjelle inherited his eyes. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Henry's special attack sprite (or damaged sprite in his Trick or Defeat incarnation) reveals his irises to look like a purplish color. But Kjelle's eyes in Fire Emblem Heroes look different, like maybe grey?
(?) One of Kjelle's barrack quotes to her father is "Well, when I was really little, you and I used to wage mock battles. You never really gave it your all, though. Said you didn't want to 'leave a dent.' Heh. But I'm older now. How about a real match? Come on, I'm a tough cookie!". Does that mean that her Father suggested it or does Kjelle suggest it cause she likes to fight? If it's the former, which father would be in character to start that? If it's the latter I'm pretty sure any father would humor their kid.
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever father is suitable for Kjelle.
Voting is optional - Who's the Most Likely Father for Kjelle based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/ajnENKPakgW
Who's the Least Likely Father for Kjelle based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/40Zmd7Wokga
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments. But know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
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kplays · 1 month
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All about the training
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Of course you do
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peeton35 · 1 year
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Look at my daughter. Thank you.
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lynarc · 5 months
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Kjelle (concept art)
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paunchsalazar · 7 months
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Fire Emblem Awakening fathers…
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sieglinde-freud · 22 days
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wipe those tears girl there are hot singles in your area!!
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if you think about it, Assassin Lucina/Owain makes since considering how fucked up the future is, I wouldn't be too surprised to see how many times they proc Lethality without noticing, like sometimes they would do friendly sparring until wham! Lucina almost cuts Kjelle's throat because she got little carried away
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hyliansnacks · 11 months
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Grocery shopping! My full piece for the Future's Reforged Fire Emblem Awakening Zine :)
It's been a while since I've drawn this but still one of the biggest and most difficult drawings I had done and I'm proud of the outcome. Super appreciate the opportunity to take part in this project!
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pezgenial · 2 months
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Bunch of thingies
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fulgurbugs · 2 years
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Awakening kids… 2!
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fushigidane · 5 months
Personal skills for the awakening kids
i wish awakening had personal skills SO BAD it's not even funny.
anyway. i thought up some personal skills for the 2nd gen. these are all made within the context of 3h as that's the au that's been swimming about in my head for several weeks hence any reference to those mechanics but pls enjoy :) :)
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gee, lucina, how come mum lets YOU bring the overpowered game mechanic to other games--
basically just the engage chain attack feature as lucina there is The Chain Attack Emblem. killassisting killstealing left and right. would serve really well with 3h's love of chunky hp monsters. the weapon durability aspect is kind of incentive to always have her equip falchion (3h regalia should NOT have limited durability and in THIS essay i will--) or a forged training weapon as the damage is fixed.
this probably could transfer to fateswakening where this would proc on top of normal dual strikes, but another option i thought up for her would be the ability to dual strike for anyone as long as the targeted enemy is within her movement range (i.e. she can dual strike without being adjacent to an ally)
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i wanted to make the fateswakening trio's skills distinct from their fates counterparts... though i wouldn't be able to use aching blood in a 3h setting anyway as it has no weapon naming feature. truly tragic.
this is probably self-explanatory: owain does extra damage when using any attack that has a name bc He Gets Excited. it would apply to each individual strike rather than the total damage number, and part of me wonders if this would make 3h-astra actually viable.
also, rip to like half the crests in 3h which have this exact effect but separate and worse since they're a non-guaranteed proc. we honour your sacrifice so owain could rise
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3h's authority makes rally skills pretty easy to get, but the fact they only affect one unit means i barely use them and it makes me sad. inigo deserves his funky little rallies and he will GET his funky little rallies.
this skill would also apply to the stat boost from special dance (though not the dance effect itself).
not much else to say. i just think this skill is neat
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this is basically the skill stealth, which is otherwise exclusive to the thief/assassin/trickster classes in 3h. it puts the unit at the bottom of the priority list for enemy attacks so they will only be attacked if there are NO other viable targets.
great for a healing brady. i always put him in a support role so this is perfect for me. less great if you want brady to be a combatant as it limits what you can do on enemy phase, but you could still use it to your advantage
i just have this image of enemies seeing a healer on the battlefield, going to attack them, and then being hit by this Stare of Promised Violence that makes them back off and decide to attack,, idk. fucking dedue instead. and brady is sitting here confused bc he didn't do anything (it's just his normal face)
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She Will Not Be Knocked Over. armour too strong. 10/10. truly a GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT skill of all time, as she has earned
this skill means she takes the damage but doesn't get movement sealed or debuffed or anything after being hit by a gambit. Not Even The Force Of Ten Dozen Men Charging Will Faze You.
a fateswakening equivalent i considered would be preventing specifically armour-effective damage i.e. from hammers or armourslayers, so they just deal normal damage instead (or, in fates' case, the weapons get hit with the non-effective target debuff).
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basically a stronger but more situational variant of elise's and flayn's lily's poise. all about protecting the vulnerable, plays into her more sensible (read: comparative to owain) idea of heroism.
i personally like this a lot bc i always always go falcon knight cynthia (it feels better) and cynthia with a healer flavour... mwah.
i'm generally a massive fan of aura skills (i.e. buffs to allies within a certain range of a unit) and this is the type of skill that could definitely save your units after an unfortunate mistake
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aside from being perfect personality-wise (she WILL prove she is better than others--), this also syncs well with most classes severa will find herself in. swords are pretty much wholly 1-range weapons, so are usually facing a counterattack, except the levin sword...but nobody is rushing to give her that. (she has a 10% MAG growth in awakening, which is quite literally the lowest available...)
i wanted to name this competitive but apparently that's takumi's personal skill name. so rude of him
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local teenager fixates on dragons, more at 6
he's studied dragons + minervikins so hard he knows how to fight beside them in a way that lets them fight to the fullest. also he gets so secretly happy (and it is secret do not tell a soul) to be next to a dragon that he too fights better.
this would apply equally to wyvern units and units that are dragons in non-dragon classes e.g. a mage nah.
gerome <3
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the original name of this skill was sudden brevity until i realised brevity does not mean what i clearly thought it did when i wrote it.
an improved version of strong riposte from fates. poor yarne spends so much time wanting to hide on player phase that any damage he is directed to deal is only mediocre, but when enemies attack HIM on ENEMY phase, he's like oh shit gotta survive--
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3h's limits on spell learning means this basically has a cap of +10 in the late game, but even that is still mega broken. this skill would serve as a really strong incentive to train his reason/faith in the early game and the extra power you get from learning spells would scale well as you progress further.
now that the meta is out the way, this skill is like when a character (not necessarily a fe one) gets a new skill in a game and there's this super exaggerated powerup sound effect and a victory quote, and you're just like... 'all you learned was how to wear heavier armour' but with THIS skill it's actually VALID
knowledge = power and also justification for laurent joining the cast of fodlan characters found near exclusively in the library
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it's a little criminal that awakening wasn't able to give us something that reflects noire's blood and thunder state in combat aside from her crit quotes, so this is what i came up with.
the more she fights, the more BLOOD AND THUNDER she gets.
it makes the most sense that her offense would be the one boosted, and even though she's an archer she can fill a good role as a mixed attacker (i WISH awakening had a shining bow), hence STR/MAG being boosted. i briefly considered SPD, but noire has one of the best base speed growths in the game anyway (before growth inheritance; she's on par with lon'qu and a speed-boon robin, and weirdly only beat out by PANNE with 55 base speed for some reason) so it'd be a little redundant when she already doubles everything
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this is based off that odd quirk of nah's where she always forgets she can turn into a dragon. i think of her support with f!morgan all the time, where she spends ages trying to learn how to catch a wyrmslayer and in the end realises it was a wasted effort bc she doesn't even fight in her human form and her dragon arms are too small to do what she learned.
"until engaging in combat" applies to combat initiated with nah on either player OR enemy phase. you'd have to have her avoid combat completely for this skill to build up. it would apply to offensive non-damaging magic e.g. silence, but wouldn't apply to healing, so nah could spend her time doing that.
this is a skill you need to dedicate yourself to using yourself, but in the hypothetical scenario where she's a boss, this skill is absolutely terrifying. especially if you took all the limiters off. it would actually make for a very fun map i think--the best fe maps are those that make you go on the offensive IMO, but that's not exactly what this post is about, so i'll move on.
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i've made separate skills for the morgans because their supports are different enough that they feel like different characters to me, even if just slightly. it's why i always like them as twins.
what i wanted with the morgans is a skill that hints at what they were before losing their memory and joining the shepherds. for this one, though she is a wyvern lord in future past 2 she is a malig knight in my heart. they just hadn't yet invented malig knights when they made her. this skill is based on its lvl15 skill, savage blow. (to be clear, the 5 extra damage would also apply after combat).
this is a fun one that's good for crowd control and mopping up large groups of enemies, especially with the existence of 3h canto where you can just swoop out of enemy range after obliterating their movement.
it's a very fitting skill if you have morgan in, say, a wyvern class or even dark flier. but if you put her in a dainty little base pegasus knight class... the image of a fragile little pegasus that will fall to like two axes hunting people down is kind of hilarious. sorry morgy
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last but not least, the son himself... likewise to f!morgan, i wanted this skill to reflect who he was before the shepherds. he's a sorcerer in the future past 1, which is why i wanted this skill to be dark magic based. both morgans having skills that debuff enemies is another intentional choice.
it's loosely based upon the -taker skills. this skill isn't as powerful as them (you get less stat per proc and the cap is smaller) but you can gain the boosts without delivering the killing blow and you have more variety in what boosts you can get. morgan tends to be a jack-of-all-trades like robin, so an all-round boost is good for him.
past morgan was probably pretty scary with this, but present morgan without a hint of memory now just goes around Yoinking enemy stats. Morgan Says Teehee Mine Now. as he should :)
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