canyouseethehabit · 1 year
evan: kizzable
habit: (thiz content haz been redacted)
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trollcafe · 5 years
You should be happy! and he should be happy too! b/c he's got a fuckin kissable face
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I appreziate the zentiment, but my faze izn’t very good for that kind of ztuff. My finz are too big! And I waz thinking of pierzing my lip or noze zoon- making it lezz kizzable. 
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snts-zcrs-blog · 6 years
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idk. i admire my lipz more than anything else hahah🤗 kizzable eh.
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intradechina-blog · 8 years
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A beautiful hamper basket of imported products that Intradechina has helped to bring into China. Start importing your products into China today.www.intradechina.com
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