#kitty aquired i guess
maranull · 1 year
"lil buddy" from a flattering angle
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don't let his chill appearance fool you, no other cat has torn my hands worse than this guy
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williowdrake · 2 years
All The World, A Stage
After the incident with the changeling, Kitty just wanted to have a calm break. So when Dragie went searching for food, on this morning, he noticed that the blueberries were gone. Then he begged Kitty to go shopping. While Kitty is not really good with crowds, he agreed. Since it was sunday morning, and they normally make Sunday breakfast, - which was going to be french toast. They needed some blueberries.
Dragie and Kitty are wondering through town searching for some fresh fruits and vegetables. There were fresh fruit stands serving apples, corn, cucumbers, watermelons, berries ( like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc), gaurds (pumkin, squash, and many others). Dragie kept getting distracted with all the colourfulness all around. He was like a child in a toy store. Kitty was looking at every type of food that they like and paying for it.
It was at the watermelon stand that Dragie saw the biggest perfect pumpkin ever and asked Kitty about it. Kitty goes over and examines it. It was three times the size of Dragie and Kitty combined. Dragie stands off to the side smiling because he had already bought it.
Kitty looked at Dragie, "If we did buy it how are we going to take it home? It is huge and looks heavy."
"We roll it." Dragie said, a matter of factly.
"If you think that we can do it." Kitty said doubtful.
"We can." Dragie said with confindence.
Several Hours Later
"There is no way that this can fit in the doorway, Dragie. The pumpkin is too big." Kitty says at one end of the pumpkin.
"It will fit, Kitty!" Dragie says as they pushed the pumpkin inside the house. Kitty looks shocked.
"I guess you were right, Dragie."
"Yes. And now we have the perfect pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern for Halloween."
"Yes. What is the picture going to be this year?"
"Same thing that it is every year, Kitty." Dragie said as he looks at Kitty. "Us." He continues with a smile. Kitty smiles back at him.
Kitty goes into the house and closes the front door. Kitty crawls over the pumpkin and goes into the kitchen, places some newspapers on the floor and puts the carving tools on the counter. Kitty then helps Dragie move the pumpkin on the newspaper.
Dragie rests on top the pumpkin next to the stem, panting, his tail curled gracefully on the pumpkin. Kitty sits on the counter looking at Dragie, he too panting. A knock sounded on the front door. Dragie and Kitty looked at each other. Dragie sprung from the pumpkin flying low and fast towards the door. Kitty on all fours running with Dragie. They reach the door, as another knock echoes. Dragie and Kitty look at each other and then they each put one paw on the doorknob and turned it. The door flung open to reveal one of their friends. They sigh and their friend looks at them concerned. Their friend is a big blue dragon, with the deepest blue eyes that you ever saw. She has a few purple scales, she aquired them when she was only a little dragon first trying to fly. Much like Dragie who has a few blue scales running along his back mixed with his red.
"Am I too late for breakfast?" She asked. You see, every sunday Dragie and Kitty invite all their friends over for a chance to catch up and have food. Because really, who doesn't like food?
"Of course not, Tiffie. We haven’t started cooking yet. We were just about to get some pumpkin seeds from a big pumpkin. So please so come in.” Kitty said as he stepped aside to let Tiffie in.
"Why thank you, Kitty." Tiffie said as she walked through the door. Tiffie, Dragie, and Kitty began to cut the pumpkin. The top began to loosen up from the pumpkin. A small little creature jumps out of the pumpkin. The creature was hunched and had very red hair on the top of his head. He was wearing some type of kilt and a teal like shirt. The clothing were ripped and had holes along the seams but were still in one shape.
"Thank you, thank you. I have been trapped in there since I was very little. That is all that I have ever known." The little creature said with eyes open to the new surroundings around him. He then ran away through the house and out the front door.
Everyone looked at each other, then laughed. Only they would have the weirdest things happen to them.
As Dragie and Kitty's friends begin to show up one by one, setting the breakfast table, and helping get the maple syrup from the maple trees. Some even brought home grown fruit and vegatables, and some still helped Kitty make the french toast.
Overall, it was not exactly what Kitty thought as a calm day, but it was a good day spent with his family and friends.
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rose-tinted-wings · 4 years
Well... I guess I'll have a ramble here instead of on my vent blog as apparently even stranger have noticed my pining...
I'm sorry. I'm just an idiot okay? Everything is fine? Right?
We've spoke and... That's it. We had a row, he's trying, I'm in agony from the stress, and we're moving forward.
He's been hiding his phone and stuff and last night I heard it ding for ebay and he got all shy so yeah... Apparently he's been organising some sort of date for weeks and has asked for help from friends and family to aquire stuff and keep it a secret but he knows I can't stand the secrecy so he's just told me vaguely that he's gonna organise something so I'm not 100% taken aback....
So now I feel like a C**T. *sigh* I'm so horrible...
He's... He's just a gift giver and I'm a time spender. I want cuddles and kisses and he does presents and it's just appreciating their way of saying I love you is different from yours.
But... I feel touch starved. No. Shouldn't say bad things. Sorry. Uh.... I appreciate the things he gives me. I appreciate he's trying. He's trying to talk in my language by organising a date for us which has been really hard in lock down so... Yeah. Things will be okay. He's giving more cuddles which is hard because all this has set off a fibro flare... And... I know one day it will stop again...
I- *sigh* I'm sorry. I'm gonna censor myself because I feel terrible. I don't want to sound ungrateful, he's literally saved my life so much and I adore him... It's just hard giving and gi- shut up. Omg. Stop complaining.
I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't speak badly about the person I adore. The person I will always choose over everyone else. The person who owns my heart, totally and thoroughly. I'm not always clever with who I let play with my heartstrings but... I think it's in safe hands with him.
I understand when friends notice that things aren't quite right. In my depression I had friends reach out and make sure I'm okay and they've been sending me happy posts and jesus, fuck, I love them so much for that.
But strangers?? Knowing my feelings?? WE DON'T HAVE FEELINGS HERE SIR. WE'RE OUT OF STOCK!!
It's just... I don't expect anyone to care. Ever. At all. Why would you? I'm a piece of shit. I'm lucky to have everyone that cares about me because I am so far beneath all of them. They are fricking angels and I love them so much and I am nothing. I always have been, always will be.
It's always a Me problem. No one else should take the blame. It's that I'm too needy. Too clingy. Too sensitive. I-*sigh*
I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. I'll try to keep my pining out of my blog. Out of everything. Out of the tags even. I don't want people to worry. I'm okay? Things are a hell of a lot better than they have bee- okay we're not even gonna THINK about that. Haha.... (too painful)
But yeah! Back to positivity! And cuteness! Much puppies! And kitties! And nerdyness!
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