lupusboreas · 2 years
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            well . .  that is surely a gift ,  the wolf king thinks ;  grabbing the still bloody arm ,  an eyebrow raised as he looked at it .   “   while i appreciate the sentiment ,   ”   and believe me ,  he does :   “   i must ask if this is from someone of mondstadt ,  at least .   ”   after all ,  he was sort of meant to protect it and it’s people . . .
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leaves a dismembered arm at his feet as a gift since he hates humans <3   //   @kitsvnae​ !
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primeraser · 2 years
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            “   no .   ”   end of story .
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i dare u to give me kisses muah muah muah   //   @kitsvnae​ !
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primegrim-a · 1 year
@kitsvnae : they're questioning why she isn't thirsting over them.
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      will they be mad if she says she isn't thirsting over them ? ? ?
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orchidice · 2 years
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      " i hope i am not interrupting your evening , sir . " oh well , even if she was , it was not likely for her to really care much of it . the sound of her high heels make noise whenever and wherever she walked , now closer to him but with a picture in hand . one that she hands to the kitsune .
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   " i have a few questions regarding this man - have you seen him around here lately ? perhaps yesterday morning ? "
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starter call // @kitsvnae !
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ringthief · 2 years
Unprompted, always accepting.
@kitsvnae asked: HIYA PAPAYA
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"RIGHT! Hiyaaa Papaya, chum!"
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no2typebe · 2 years
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art by twitter user linesonwhite
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"Is this supposed to be.... FUNNY?"
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kitsvnae · 2 years
[clears throat] cringeass kitsvnae-nae baby, [leaves]
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primewish-a · 2 years
      @kitsvnae is showing me nsfw pics of the game the fc they use is from ,  and i’m just inch resting -
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lovedlily · 2 years
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            “   inazuma is always nice this time of the year ,  is it not ?  i am relieved it is still .   ”   a small giggle leaves her ,  walking around as she observes and takes in the view .   “   even if many thousands of years have passed already . . .  some things never change -  but after all ,  we are in the nation of eternity ,  right ?   ”
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starter call   //   @kitsvnae​ !
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primegrim-a · 1 year
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i'm going to put the sexual one at the end , under a read more !
eiko often sends money and material necessities to her mother , under a different name each time . this is her way to try and feel better with herself , knowing she can't possibly see her without a bigger repercussion on her from her job .
and when younger , she definitely had a stupid teenage crush on a actor or actress of sorts . probably right before being taken away to be trained .
and for the last one , eiko does not have a gag reflex : )
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◊ △ ❀ // @kitsvnae ! ◊ = a headcanon of the mun’s choice . △ = a sex headcanon . ❀ = a crush my muse has had .
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sagittaursia · 2 years
it's because sora doesn't want any   //   @kitsvnae​ !
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            that’s just another reason not to have them .
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constellaris-a · 2 years
@kitsvnae​:  adds sora to the collection of foxes
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   Pulls Sora right onto his lap for cuddles.  That’s his mate.
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anemxvisions · 2 years
@kitsvnae​ asked: An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
❰❰ HAIR ❱❱ sender pushes receiver’s hair away from their face for kazuha pls
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Sends a smile Sora’s way when he feels the gentle brush of hair tucked behind his ear. The fox being incredibly soft and endearing Kazuha can’t help but grin wider. Resting his head on the other’s shoulder, gaze going back to the sunset in front of them.
“This is nice, I adore moments like this. Just one with nature, in the company of others near and dear.”
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stellarismegistus · 2 years
“  come on. let’s get out of here.  ”
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ softer prompts || ACCEPTING
    The astrologist didn’t hesitate to agree. This atmosphere was not doing it for her. She often found herself at the local tavern, Angel’s Share, but as she was being accompanied by the other, they went to a little pop-up that a local merchant was holding. A mini party of sorts. However, it wasn’t quite her scene at the moment. She was craving a more fun and enticing time as she often did when boredom struck her. 
      ❝ I second that notion. Let’s go somewhere a little more lively.  ❞ Mona suggested, knowing well enough that he would want to do the same. The two together thrived on any sort of chaos they could get their hands on or witness. A unique hobby, but it was one that was enjoyable to them and one that they shared.
     Mona scanned through the bulletin board that often had events and those of the like posted on a portion of it. Nothing seemed too exciting, but there was one that seemed as if it could be a bit of fun. There was an event being hosted at the Goth Grand Hotel. It was rare that they opened it to the public, or well, their VIP list anyway. Still... Attempting to crash it sounded intriguing to the astrologist. 
      ❝ Look at this. Guess the Fatui are hosting some sort of private event. ❞
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foxpriestss-moved · 2 years
Emotional Baggage
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been cheated on   /   been bullied  /   had your heart broken  /   broken someone’s heart  /   told a horrible lie /   been betrayed  /   been framed or set-up   /   stolen something of value  /   overdosed on drugs   /  been drunk  /   cheated   /   bullied   /  been publicly humiliated   /   punched someone in the face   /   been beaten up /   broken a bone  /   been admitted to a hospital   /  put someone in the hospital  /  had a near - death experience   /   been drugged  /   done drugs  /   smoked   /   been arrested   /  been homeless   /   been forced to commit a crime  /  died and came back to life  /    kissed someone you weren’t attracted to   / bled severely /   killed someone  /   been forced to kill someone   /   had an attempt on your life  /   made an attempt on your own life   /   lost someone   /   loved someone  /  watched a loved one die /   failed to save or help a loved one  /  felt helpless /   watched your world die , disappear  /   had your life’s work stolen or destroyed / gone without food for over three days  /   gone without sleep for over three days  /   been shot /   been stabbed  /   been poisoned   /   been held prisoner  /   been trapped  /  been held hostage  /   held someone hostage  /   been stuck in a different world, universe, time   /    been abused by someone who should have loved , appreciated , valued you  /   had a panic attack  /  had night terrors  /   been in a car accident   /   lost your job   /   lost a fight  /   been divorced   /   been abandoned  /  passed out from pain  /   cried yourself to sleep  /   spent a whole day in bed /   hurt yourself  /   taken your anger out on yourself /   taken your anger out on someone you love   /   been used   /   been manipulated  /   felt used   /   manipulated someone else  /  had your memories , mind wiped , stolen or tampered with  /   been taken over by a hostile force   /  been terrified  /  played a cruel game on someone   /   been forced to smile   /  felt too many things at once  /   laughed when you felt like crying   /   been in denial   /   been denied   /   faced your demons
tagged by: @moracts​
tagging: @hiisfire​ @kitsvnae​ @glttony​ @vishapsking​
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primewish-a · 2 years
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            “   when i'm away ,  i will remember how you kissed me -  under the lamppost back on sixth street .   “
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starter call   //   @kitsvnae​ ! song :  photograph   —   boyce avenue ft .  bea miller (   cover   ) .
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