#kitjustkit ( 002 )
hcze · 2 years
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“Well….actually….” she began, knowing what she was about to tell Drew was something quite unusual. Her friend was somewhat traditional. Or more correctly believed in things being done ‘the right way’. And what she was proposing, could be seen as very much not that.
“I was thinking I;d take him with me for the next fitting. I mean, I know the old adage about it being a bad omen, but I don’t believe in tosh like that. Also, I think I’d rather know up front what he thinks of it, rather than when I reach him on the day. And we’ve planned all of it together, his suit, the catering, the decorations……”.
She bit at her bottom lip, suddenly a touch nervous over what Drew would make of it all. “Do you think I’m crazy now?”.
Drew couldn’t help chuckling, the reassuring pat on her hand came back. ❛ Crazy? Yes... ❜ nothing but a tease, ❛ Crazy in love for Larry that I’m certain. But crazy as you mean, never. I find it endearing that both of you are planning everything together and I’m sure he’ll be happy to go with you. ❜    ❛ To heck with bad omens when love is a pure as this one! ❜ The musician couldn’t help hiding his excitement. The mere idea of a wedding happening soon was enough for joy and hope. Love was in the air every day and it made him believe that maybe one day it might be his turn. One day, a piano man could dream. 
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    ❛ You know that you’re like family to us right? We all love you lots. ❜ Here came the mushiness.
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hcze · 2 years
THE MISSUS ❤ a-kitten-with-claws​:
She already was - picturing a baby, with strawberry blonde hair and rosy cheeks, chubby little legs, fingers you couldn’t help but stare at. The baby was being held by a man with strong arms and a wide chest, who had exactly the same hair and skin colouring. The man and the baby were smiling at each other, soft coos coming from the child as the man sang a sweet song, but in a semi-gruff voice.
Then the child got older and the man held hands while little legs took their first proper steps. Soon, the hands were no longer needed and the legs walked, ran and sped, with the man following everywhere.
The child however, did other things like speaking and singing, laughing, crying. The man was there to witness it all, helping where he could, comforting when he couldn’t.
Then finally, the man and the child stood side by side, exactly the same height and exactly the same smile.
Kit wanted to see that in reality, she really did.
She looked at Larry again, knowing he was the man. He had always been the man she pictured in her head, since the first day she’d met him.
“We can try” she said, almost in a whisper that completely betrayed how much emotion was being brought on by her imagination.
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“I want to try. I want to have your baby”.
   The few moments she spent in silence, completely lost in her imagination so it seemed, felt.. Endless. Larry tried his best to decipher whether the rush of ideas in her mind were filled with hope or doubt, or fear... If that were the case, he wouldn’t blame her... And if she decided the path he was voicing was not the one to follow. The red-head wouldn’t hold it against her either.       Glances met once again, the knot in his throat did not give in until her whispers came along. Eyes widened and his whole face lit up, even the wide smile on his lips threatened to hurt from how big it was.
    ❛ Really? ❜ he chuckled, holding now both of her hands in his, held them against his chest and after a few stash of seconds let them down just as quick to cup both her cheeks and press a tender and loving kiss to her mouth instead.
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     However the happiness quickly meshed with doubt again. ❛ Are you sure?  ❜ Asking another time wouldn’t hurt, he thought, his forehead against hers. He wouldn’t want to impose anything, less alone for the brief outburst of joy there and Larry would soon find himself lost in the vastness of her warm stare. Thumb caressed her cheek, awaiting.  ❛ If so, we’ll take it one step at a time yeah? No rush... No pressure... It’ll be just you and me until and if we are granted with a little one. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
“Definitely small and intimate” she agreed with a nod. “But stunning too hopefully. I mean, this dress is……”. Kit didn’t say anymore, opening up her phone and getting to the photo the nice lady at the bridal boutique had taken. She’d wanted to show both Poppy and her mum, to get their approval before alterations were made. Though it had to be said, the thing fit her just about perfectly already.
She passed the device over, noticing that her hand trembled just a tad as she did.
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“So this is it. I know it’s a bit unusual. But I couldn’t really pull off either virginal or meringue at my age. And….Larry always says he likes my legs and my shoulders so…..”. Kit was back to biting her lip again, carefully scrutinising Drew’s face to gauge his reaction.
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   ❛ It’s amazing Kit! ❜ he said after giving a long peek at the picture, he could definitely see her wearing that and looking as gorgeous. Head tilting in a last glance of admiration for the dress he then gave the device back. ❛ Oh come on, what’s age but a number? ❜ he reassured her with a smile, giving her hand a gentle pat.     ❛ In my humble opinion, it’s perfect. But then again, you look really stunning with everything you wear Kit. You turn heads and glances whenever you enter the bar ❜ He’d caught some men eyeing her more than a couple of times, but most importantly he saw the smile of red-headed man grow so wide like he hadn’t before. ❛ I’m sure he will love it when he sees you walking down the aisle to join him. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
“No….it’s okay, you don’t need to apologise……”
In truth, Kit would love to her a baby with him. A child that was half her, half him but totally it’s own being, would be one heck of a personality, Kit thought. And that brief fantasy along with Larry’s reassurance, left a smile to twitch upon her lips for a second. She adored that he could always do that. No matter how bleak or bad things seemed, Larry made her feel better, stronger.
With that in mind, Kit carried on.
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“And if I did get pregnant, then lose it……have you thought about how devastated that me leave you? Losing a child, it’s not something anyone can get over properly, especially if you never had the chance to hold them, to love them, to watch them grow……”.
None of it was said to hurt or worry him, but she needed to make sure that if they were going to do this, he was aware of all the possible pitfalls, even if thinking about them wasn’t easy.
 ❛ I know...  ❜ Larry paused, silence reigned over him.   It was unknown territory that was certain and he didn’t have the assurance in him to tell her that everything would be alright because if it did happen... Minds could get fickle and break, beaten hearts and longing hands to hold a lovely little baby would itch and burn with what they wouldn’t have. The aftermath seemed terrifying...  It was an uneven chance though, only time would tell.      Was it really worth it?  The mental picture of Kit carrying their baby invaded his mind, refusing to leave anytime soon. If it was possible though, bringing a baby to this world with her... A warm smile spread on his lips.
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 ❛ I am willing to give it a try, whether the future grants us a baby or not. We can work it out. I can’t tell you that it won’t be hard, because I know you know since you’re telling me this... I can’t say that maybe at some point we will be sour over our chances... But think about it Kit, just... think about it... ❜
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hcze · 2 years
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For a baby.
God, this was going to be one of those conversations you hoped you wouldn’t have to have, but always suspected might happen.
She looked over at him, putting the book and mug down on the table and leaning her elbows onto her knees. “Larry…..the trying thing. I mean, we could but…..I wouldn’t want you getting your hopes up that it would lead anywhere. I’d hate to be the cause of your disappointment because…….”.
No, she could do this without tears. All it took was a deep breath, a clam mind and saying the damn words.
“After what happened with Jack, the doctor’s said that getting pregnant again….wasn’t really something they could see happening again…”.
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     He could see it in her face, the sour memories being brought back and he wished he had thought this through, or perhaps found another moment to slip it in. Impulses, and absent-minded ones, were hard to hold back and now it was all spread over the table to be dealt with.       Calloused hands tapped the book of the cover, gaze had fallen to them before Kit spoke and he lifted it. ❛ Hey, you wouldn’t be that... ❜ he reassured her, his hand reached for hers and brought it to his lap for the other to hold it as well. ❛ I know, I remember you telling me... I’m sorry baby. ❜ Thumb caressed the back of her hand for a brief moment, then he pulled her hand up to press as soft kiss to it. ❛ Look, it’s... It was a thought, I - I saw a guy walking with his daughter on the street and I imagined us... ❜ he sighed softly, lingering hesitation floating in the air.   ❛ As I said, we can try, if it doesn’t come... I don’t mind really. But if you rather not try at all, it’s ok. I understand. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
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Send 'I want a baby' to see how my muse reacts. | @a-kitten-with-claws​ ‘You want a what?’ (from Kit to Larry x) 
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    ❛ A baby... ❜ the words just slipped... Clear eyes were glancing at her as they sat on the couch, snuggling together with a nice book and hot cocoa spending some time together when the idea struck him. The whole thing wouldn’t have gotten into his mind if he hadn’t seen a guy swinging their little girl on the other side of the street as they walked home. Now, placing his book down on his lap, hope in his stare, the word baby came into conversation. ❛ I - I know we’ve talked about this before, and I told you I would be fine without having a baby with you. And I am! But... Would trying be completely off the table?  ❜
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hcze · 2 years
It was maybe quite stupid of her, but the reassurance was very needed. To hear other’s - especially those that knew Larry the best - that he was happy because of her, it made everything okay and all right again. Kit relaxed and shook her head at her own silliness. “Well it’s mostly sorted now really. Here, at night, you on the piano though not all the time as you deserve to enjoy yourself too. Found a great catering company who can man the bar just the way Larry likes it done. They’re sorting the food too. As for guests, there’s just my mum, dad, brother and kids coming over from my side. Then Larry’s family of course. You lot, as you’re all his second family…..” she explained, her smile much brighter now.
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“Oh…..and I got a dress, a really fabulous one. Totally New York wedding at night in a cocktail bar appropriate. It’s slinky and sexy and…..”. She paused, pulling her phone out of her purse. “I could show you, if you’d want to see? It’s only bad luck if the actual groom sees, I think….”.
There was nothing that he loved more but hearing about people’s love stories too, what best but Kit and Larry’s? Chin fell upon his chin, excited squeals muffled by his hand. The way her face lit up when talking about the wedding, Drew couldn’t be happier for the both of them. ❛ Why am I not surprised? ❜ A chuckle ❛ Of course you two would have it all settled, like a perfect team. So it’s going to be like a small intimate thing then? Not many people, got it. I wouldn’t mind jumping on and off the piano the whole thing though, you know I love my job and making people happy.  ❜ 
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Moving closer and curious he nodded eagerly to see. ❛ Oh yes! Show me! Bet it’s gorgeous and you’ll look amazing in it. Gotta leave the man speechless. Show me, show me.❜ 
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hcze · 2 years
a-kitten-with-claws·: @a-kitten-with-claws·
Her lips upturned at the edges, but only slightly. Because she had a further question to ask - one that to anyone else, would seem needy and far too much. However, Kit knew that Drew, above anyone, would understand why she had to ask it. Over the last few months, she had told Drew the same amount, if not more as she had Larry about her past relationship failure’s as the piano player was an excellent listener as well as a sounding board. Plus, he never judged.
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“He does actually want to do this though? Marry me, I mean. I sometimes feel like I might have….inadvertently….strong-armed him into it, see? I need to know that he’s going into this not just to keep me happy…”.
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Reading people was not a lost thing on Drew, not with all the years of experience accumulated as the piano man and half-time life listener over drinks. So Kit’s posture and the expression on her face told him something was coming, a thought that she might have been doubtful to say aloud. However, he did not expect that.   ❛ Of course he does... ❜ The puzzled look in his face transitioned to a warm smile, reaching for her hand to hold in a reassuring way ❛ Believe me when I say that in all the years I’ve met this man, he hasn’t been as happier and excited for the life that is ahead of him. Because he is sharing it with you. You have nothing to worry about Kit. ❜ A gentle pat on the back of her hand and a playful smile posed on his lips. ❛ Well, only about planning a wedding and even then with you two teaming, it will be perfect! ❜
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hcze · 2 years
“Thank you Drew” she replied, audibly letting out a sigh of relief after. Talking to Drew came easy, mainly because he seemed to always know what to say to her. She wondered if Larry did the same. In fact, she actually wondered if Larry did that with anyone. Truth was, she’d always found him to be a bit of a closed book. Not with her. No, he told here anything and everything, just like she did him. But Kit often worried that the general perception of Larry Brown being ‘a grump’. meant that people kept him at a distance. To her, that was ridiculous as he was, without doubt, the kindest, most caring man she’d met in a very long time.
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“Hey….does he talk about me? To you I mean. I see you and him chatting from time to time and when I do, he seems quite relaxed. So are you, Drew Hackett, OUR very own relationship therapist?”.
  ❛  MOST WELCOME! ❜ Drew smiled, happy that he could help her, and by extension Larry, in the planning of a wonderful evening that would lead to more happiness. Oh was he excited!! It had taken a while for Larry to warm up to him through the years, and even if at first he did not like the grumpy redhead (mostly because he was always scolded ) he now held such a big soft spot for him. 
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  ❛ About you? ❜ The question caught the piano man on guard though, a soft chuckle went past his lips.  ❛ I guess this is the moment in which I say confidential. ❜ he jested with a smug smile, which softens soon after.  ❛ I’m kidding, but yes, he talks to me about you and asks me for places to go, songs. I tease him when he’s all smiley to himself and I know he’s thinking about you. Though he’s closer to Tom than he is to me, you know, with their friendship history and all. But I can say I am your relationship therapist of sorts. ❜
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hcze · 2 years
She’d been so anxious and so unsure. And all it had took to calm every shredded, jangled nerve was Drew to give a few choice words. Because yes, Kit knew Larry loved her - probably more than she deserved, but she certainly wasn’t going to question that or take it for granted. And she also knew that Larry’s  probable reaction, as predicted by Drew, would most likely come to pass. Or rather, she hoped it did because if Larry said no….
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“Like…..an office picnic, just me and him, or something? Blanket spread out on the floor, candles stuck in old bottles with all the wax dripping down the neck, something to eat and drink with music playing in the background….”. She was on a roll here, idea-wise and Kit just hoped they weren’t all bad ones. “Is it corny though, what I’m thinking….it kind of feels corny…”.
❛ Corny? Not at all. ❜ Drew smiled, in fact as Kit began to describe the scene he had mentally pictured every single detail in Larry’s office.  ❛ I mean, I even doubt he’ll be angry about the fact that some of his things would be out of place in his office. He’ll let that one go. ❜  the piano man paused, alright maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. Hopefully Kit wouldn’t double think her current choices.   ❛ But corny? Nah. Remember the wedding of Larry’s brother, David? That Pride and Prejudice themed wedding. That wasn’t corny but really detailed, you don’t have to go to that extreme - only if you want to- but your idea sounds really good Kit.  ❜
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hcze · 2 years
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If there was one thing Kit had learned since she’d begun seeing Larry, it was that Drew, Tom and Seb were always oddly fascinated by the intricate details of their relationship. They gossiped, like a group of old washer-women. Though she knew it wasn’t it any kind of malicious of unkind way - more that they appreciated the subtle changes in Larry when she was round. He was lighter, less grumpy, not as Larry-esque, as Seb had once termed it. So really, she wasn’t a bit surprised that Drew had knowledge of the little spat from a few nights ago and she sought to let him know that with a small smile and nod of deference.
“Well, past doing it here and asking you to maybe play for us…..not much, if I’m totally honest. I just want to make it perfect, intimate. I won’t say romantic because you know Larry and I don’t really DO romance but……”. She paused, biting her bottom lip just a touch. “What would you do Drew? If you were asking the person you love more than anything to marry you, how would you do it?”.
❛ Oh dear, if I were to ask the one I loved to marry me… ❜ he took a deep breath and smiled, taking off his glasses as if that would help him think of great ideas.  ❛ Well, I do romance, quite a lot. But, I’d love to play for you two. I’d uhm, I’d decore the place maybe? Candle lights? Even at his office, wait… Well… Yeah, his office, I was going to tell you not to do anything to his office - you know but this one is different. ❜
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   ❛ But that’s what i would do. The thing is Kit, whatever you do and I mean whatever you do for this will be perfect. That man loves you like you have no idea and the minute he realizes what you are doing, I’m pretty sure he’ll have ‘yes’ in his head over and over again until it’s his turn to speak and then he’ll say it. All happy and laughing loud. ❜
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