itsmelinafinch · 4 years
Where: New York  Status: for @kitdonovan​
Melina was excited about seeing Kit again after their last visit with him in San Francisco had gone. She liked spending time with the man, enjoyed his company and their little friendship they had going. Sure, their had been some bumps and misunderstandings along the way, but she still liked him. Which was definitely going to end up being a problem with the whole casual thing they were going for, despite all the ways Mel swore up and down that she understood it. She did, she really did, and for now she was more than happy with it, but deep down she knew she’d end up liking him too much and that was going to be disastrous. For now, she was glad to have fun with him. Which was what found her with baking supplies in hand and ringing the bell to his townhouse, waiting to be let in. 
“Hey!” she greeted with a smile when the door opened, holding up the bag. “I brought the goods,” Mel told him with a soft laugh. “Obviously they’re going to need work to actually be goods,” she said, head bobbing side to side slightly. “But I promise, they’re going to be worth the wait.” she assured him. 
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knightlorena · 4 years
location: Kit’s apartment, DC @kitdonovan​
date: feb. 22 
Lorena and Kit met at a Halloween party, she struck up the conversation with him wanting to know what his costume was supposed to be since it wasn’t very obvious. Clark Kent. Not the most creative thing she’d seen all night, but he was cute so they talked for a bit before her friends dragged her away to another party. She hadn’t gotten his number, but when they ran into each other later the same night she had changed into her second costume of the night; he was still wearing the same one, it felt like fate. They ended up spending the night together, exchanging numbers and agreeing to see each other again. The rest was history. Things were going well for the first few months, but as time went on their differences in character became more noticeable. Lorena liked to go out, have fun with her friends, dance all night and he always prioritised work before having fun. It irked her to no end. Which is why when she heard that his birthday was coming up she decided to throw him a party, she spent over a week doing phone calls and remotely organising everything as she could only manage to come into town two days before his birthday. He gave her a key while he was at work so she could go in and out of the apartment as she pleased. Kit texted her that he was on his way up and she instructed everyone to hide. When he opened the door everyone jumped up at the same time. “SURPRISE!”
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hxxll-o · 4 years
setting ;; Insomnia Escape Room, DC who ;; @kitdonovan​ ++ kit 
She picked an escape room for the content and the viewership-- after all, people loved being a fly on the wall for arguments and she was sure being in a confined room with her brother that has the exact opposite personality as her would lead to a bit of childish bickering.  And she was right; 10 minutes left on the countdown and they were stuck. One of the puzzles involved trying to get a ball into a hole (they were pretty sure which hole, but alas, they’ve been wrong before) and the other involved a series of riddles that were too vague to make sense.  “I’m going to fucking rip this portrait off the wall,” Evie snapped, turning away from the Van Gogh painting for the umpteenth time and storming to the next room in hopes that it’ll jog her brain. She glanced up at the camera in passing, mouthing a silent ‘I’m kidding’ at both the audience and the Gamemaster in case they thought property damage was actually in their future. “Are YOU making any progress?” She let out a dramatic sigh, “Or is the smart Donovan not worth the hype and everyone’s going to have actual evidence that being an anchor doesn’t require smarts?”
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isabeldubois · 4 years
where: New York
status: for @kitdonovan​
While Melina had told her that Kit Donovan would be attending the live taping of her Podcast, Isabel did not think he would actually show up. Of course she kept her lips sealed as she didn’t want to ruin her friend’s excitement. She came in a little early, sunglasses on her face and hair tied back into a ponytail, doing her best to dress ‘New-York-casual’ so she would blend in with the crowd instead of having the attention be diverted to her. She was standing in the corner when she noticed Kit come in, walking over to him, arms crossed with a nonchalant tone. “Fancy seeing you here.” She had to make sure that he had good intentions and wasn’t giving Mel false hope. 
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lcvenderfields · 4 years
where ;; the olympic village who ;; @kitdonovan​
“i’ll be sure to let my editor know,” rory told the excitable athlete she was interviewing with a polite smile. it was his first olympic games, that much was clear, and he was reveling in the attention of the press. it would’ve been sweet, if he hadn’t been trying to convince rory that she should do a more personal interview, for her article, of course. he was like, nineteen, and his parents were there, so that was a hardpass, thankfully solidified by the appearance of kit in her periphery. “i actually have to go discuss a business matter at the moment, but i’ll be sure to be in touch. thank you so much.” 
as quick as she could without seeming unprofessional, she beelined to craft services where kent donovan was lingering. “how goes the sports reporting?” she asked in lieu of greeting. “have there been a lot of...goals? scores?” there was a reason rory had not been asked to report on the sports themselves. 
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hxxll-o · 4 years
who ;; @kitdonovan​ setting ;; new york , evie’s hotel room
Though she would never admit to it when asked, Kit actually got some pretty good genes from their parents; he had longer lashes than she did (which infuriated her since it was just wasted on a man like him) and, on occasion, she noticed that his skin was void of blemishes when hers would angrily punish her for a night of eating anything that was cooked with more than a quarter sized bit of oil.  “Come sit down,” she simpered, grabbing his wrist and yanking him over to her big, plush couch. She happily plopped down next to him and thumbed through her collection of face masks, yanking out four while she chattered about how her Korean fans always sent the best care packages that included all the latest products from it’S SKIN, innisfree, THE FACE SHOP, and SKINFOOD. “Okay, here-- rose, honey, aloe, or snail?” She peeked at the snail one, “I don’t think it’s real snail but hey, it says there’s gold flakes in it.”
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hxxll-o · 4 years
who ;; @kitdonovan​  setting ;; saturday afternoon 
Though he did get to practice the art of conversation on Friday, Garci could hardly say he thought he was satisfactory in his pursuit of being a pseudo extrovert.Being there, smiling, greeting people who determined his fate in the Society and trying really hard to maintain eye contact was absolutely exhausting; Saturday was a bit more subdued, but he still spent his day worrying about the final task. Studying calmed his anxiety and that’s what he did, mulling over Wikipedia and making notecards to file away and memorize before bed.  Perhaps Thailand itself was jealous of the attention a few colorful little pieces of paper was getting; an unexpected wind sent him scrambling to catch his notes. He counted 10 and found 9 of them; after a few minutes of soft, Spanish curses, Garci spotted it laying happily on top of a member-- an American, if his memory was accurate-- who laid there with his sunglasses on.  Maybe he was asleep and he could grab it real quick?  And so he snuck closer, eyeing the other’s expression to identify any small indication that the other was awake. “I’m so, so sorry,” he mouthed, stretching his arm as far as he could so he wouldn’t bother the other while simultaneously reaching for what he needed.
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lcvenderfields · 4 years
where ;; the ANA building, Kit’s office who ;; @kitdonovan​
“you know, it’s not every day that the US Embassy in South Korea tells you that it would be a safety risk to have you travel there,” rory joked as she waited for kit to finish reading the article she’d walked in and handed him. “i didn’t even say anything inflammatory! just a piece on north korean communism and the economic failures in their system. that’s not news.” it’d been a pretty simple opinion piece, and rory remained surprised at the backlash over it. “did you know that their GDP per capita is less than haiti? their people are starving.” 
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lcvenderfields · 4 years
sofi, with @kitdonovan​ / arundel
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kent donovan was, in sofi’s professional life, somewhat of a symbiotic individual. the american press was an invaluable resource, both to the people and to the government. sofi appreciated what he did, and his integrity as a person and as a reporter. however-
however. sofi’s job revolved around keeping the american public safe, but it also revolved around keeping the president, and her wayward family, safe. she’d held many a negotiation with donovan and the ANA on what could and couldn’t air, usually pertaining to elise, though sometimes bocephus, or the madame herself snuck into the news cycle.
tonight was no doubt a slew of scandals waiting to happen (elise was definitely a disaster waiting to happen already), though sofi trust donovan, above most journalists, to make a fair judgement on what was and wasn’t necessary for the public consumption. 
still, she couldn’t resist prodding him a bit, and so she sidled up to him with a small smile. 
“salacious pieces for the 24 hour cycle happening live,” she teased, deepening her voice to imitate his. returning to her normal tone, she looked at him interestedly. “do you have an agreement with the society about what can and cannot be reported at these events? i’m genuinely curious.”
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