#kitchen set medan
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Furniture Custom Medan
Di Medan, permintaan akan furniture custom semakin meningkat, terutama bagi mereka yang menginginkan desain interior yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan selera pribadi. Furnitur custom memungkinkan Anda memiliki barang-barang yang tidak hanya estetis tetapi juga fungsional, serta dapat disesuaikan dengan ukuran dan gaya ruang yang ada. Baik untuk rumah tinggal, kantor, atau ruang komersial, furniture custom dapat memberikan sentuhan pribadi yang membuat ruang Anda lebih istimewa.
Mengapa Memilih Furniture Custom di Medan?
Memilih furniture custom di Medan membawa banyak keuntungan, terutama dalam hal kualitas, desain, dan fleksibilitas. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa banyak orang di Medan memilih furniture custom:
1. Desain yang Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan dan Gaya Anda
Dengan furniture custom, Anda memiliki kebebasan untuk menentukan desain yang sesuai dengan selera dan kebutuhan ruang Anda. Apakah itu untuk ruang tamu yang minimalis, kamar tidur dengan tema tertentu, atau kantor dengan konsep modern, furniture custom memungkinkan Anda untuk mewujudkan desain impian. Anda dapat memilih bentuk, warna, material, dan ukuran yang sesuai, sehingga hasil akhirnya benar-benar mencerminkan gaya pribadi Anda.
2. Kualitas dan Ketahanan yang Lebih Baik
Furniture custom sering kali dibuat oleh pengrajin yang berpengalaman, menggunakan material berkualitas tinggi yang dipilih langsung oleh Anda. Dengan demikian, kualitas furniture yang dihasilkan cenderung lebih baik dan tahan lama dibandingkan dengan furniture massal yang diproduksi secara massal. Jika Anda memilih material yang tepat, furniture custom dapat bertahan lebih lama dan tetap terlihat bagus meski digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
3. Penyelesaian yang Tepat untuk Ukuran Ruangan yang Terbatas
Terkadang, ruangan yang terbatas atau tidak teratur menjadi tantangan dalam mencari furniture yang tepat. Furniture custom memberikan solusi yang sempurna untuk masalah ini. Dengan furniture yang dibuat sesuai dengan ukuran ruang yang ada, Anda dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan ruang dan memastikan bahwa setiap sudut ruangan terisi dengan baik tanpa terlihat sesak.
4. Fleksibilitas dalam Fungsionalitas
Selain desain yang menarik, furniture custom juga bisa disesuaikan fungsinya. Misalnya, jika Anda membutuhkan meja kerja yang memiliki banyak tempat penyimpanan atau rak buku yang memiliki desain khusus untuk koleksi buku Anda, furniture custom dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Dengan custom furniture, Anda bisa mendapatkan solusi fungsional yang tidak tersedia di furniture produksi massal.
5. Keunikan dan Originalitas
Salah satu keunggulan utama dari furniture custom adalah keunikan dan originalitasnya. Setiap barang yang dibuat disesuaikan dengan permintaan Anda, sehingga furniture custom memberikan sentuhan personal yang tidak bisa ditemukan pada furniture yang diproduksi massal. Ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang ingin memiliki desain interior yang berbeda dan mencerminkan kepribadian.
Jenis Furniture Custom yang Banyak Dicari di Medan
Di Medan, furniture custom banyak dicari untuk berbagai jenis ruangan dan kebutuhan. Beberapa jenis furniture custom yang paling populer antara lain:
1. Meja dan Kursi Kantor Custom
Bagi banyak orang yang bekerja dari rumah atau memiliki bisnis sendiri, meja dan kursi kantor custom adalah pilihan yang tepat. Anda bisa menentukan ukuran dan desain meja yang sesuai dengan ruang kerja Anda, serta memilih kursi yang ergonomis untuk mendukung kenyamanan kerja. Furniture custom untuk kantor juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan fitur tambahan, seperti ruang penyimpanan atau tempat untuk peralatan kantor.
2. Tempat Tidur dan Lemari Custom
Untuk kamar tidur, tempat tidur dan lemari pakaian custom dapat dibuat sesuai dengan ukuran ruang yang ada. Jika Anda memiliki ruang yang terbatas, tempat tidur dengan desain tempat penyimpanan di bawahnya bisa menjadi pilihan yang cerdas. Lemari pakaian custom memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat rak atau tempat penyimpanan sesuai kebutuhan, seperti ruang untuk sepatu, pakaian, atau aksesori lainnya.
3. Meja Makan dan Kursi Custom
Meja makan adalah elemen penting dalam ruang makan, dan furniture custom memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat meja makan dengan desain yang pas dengan tema ruangan Anda. Apakah itu meja makan yang besar untuk keluarga atau meja makan kecil yang lebih minimalis, Anda dapat menyesuaikan ukuran dan desainnya. Kursi makan custom juga bisa dipilih untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan keserasian dengan meja makan.
4. Rak dan Lemari Penyimpanan Custom
Rak dan lemari penyimpanan custom dapat dibuat untuk ruang tamu, kamar tidur, atau ruang kerja. Anda bisa memilih desain yang lebih sederhana atau yang lebih rumit, tergantung pada kebutuhan Anda. Rak buku, rak TV, atau lemari penyimpanan lainnya yang dirancang secara custom dapat membantu mengorganisir barang-barang Anda dengan lebih efisien.
5. Dekorasi dan Aksesoris Custom
Selain furnitur besar, aksesoris seperti lampu, tirai, karpet, dan hiasan dinding juga dapat dibuat custom. Anda dapat memilih warna, ukuran, dan desain yang sesuai dengan tema interior rumah Anda. Lampu gantung atau lampu meja yang dirancang khusus bisa menjadi fokus utama dalam desain ruangan Anda.
Proses Pembuatan Furniture Custom di Medan
Proses pembuatan furniture custom biasanya melibatkan beberapa tahap. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah umum yang dilakukan oleh penyedia jasa furniture custom di Medan:
1. Konsultasi dan Perencanaan
Proses pembuatan dimulai dengan konsultasi antara Anda dan pengrajin atau penyedia jasa furniture. Anda akan berdiskusi mengenai desain, material, ukuran, dan anggaran. Pada tahap ini, Anda dapat berbagi ide dan referensi, serta mengungkapkan kebutuhan khusus yang Anda inginkan.
2. Desain dan Persetujuan
Setelah konsultasi, desainer akan membuat sketsa atau gambar desain furniture yang disesuaikan dengan permintaan Anda. Desain ini akan diajukan untuk disetujui, dan jika ada perubahan atau revisi, Anda dapat menyampaikan feedback untuk mendapatkan desain yang diinginkan.
3. Pemilihan Material
Setelah desain disetujui, langkah selanjutnya adalah memilih material yang akan digunakan. Pemilihan material sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas dan ketahanan furniture. Anda bisa memilih berbagai jenis kayu, logam, kain, atau bahan lain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda.
4. Proses Produksi
Setelah semua detail disepakati, proses produksi dimulai. Pengrajin akan mulai membuat furniture berdasarkan desain dan material yang telah dipilih. Selama proses ini, Anda dapat memantau kemajuan pekerjaan dan memastikan bahwa hasilnya sesuai dengan harapan.
5. Penyelesaian dan Pengiriman
Setelah selesai, furniture akan diperiksa untuk memastikan kualitas dan kesesuaian dengan desain. Jika semuanya sudah siap, furniture akan dikirim dan dipasang di lokasi Anda. Banyak penyedia jasa furniture custom di Medan juga menawarkan layanan purna jual untuk perawatan dan perbaikan.
Furniture custom di Medan memberikan solusi bagi Anda yang menginginkan desain interior yang unik, fungsional, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan ruang Anda. Dengan furnitur custom, Anda memiliki keinginan untuk memilih desain, bahan, dan ukuran yang paling sesuai, menciptakan ruang yang tidak hanya estetis tetapi juga nyaman dan praktis. Apakah itu untuk rumah tinggal, kantor, atau ruang komersial, furniture custom adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk mewujudkan ruang impian Anda.
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Kitchen Set Desain Modern minimalis Minimalisme bukanlah kurangnya sesuatu, tetapi jumlah yang sempurna, dalam hal dapur. Gunakan bahan yang sama dengan countertop untuk backsplash. Ini dapat menciptakan efek yang indah dan estetika yang sederhana dan menenangkan. Jika Anda sedang mencari cara untuk memodernisasi dapur Anda, lemari dapur minimalis adalah pilihan yang tepat. Mereka menawarkan keindahan sudut yang ramping dan desain utilitarian yang cerdas. Lemari minimalis sangat cocok dengan berbagai skema desain interior dan perabot berkat kesederhanaannya. Penyimpanan yang cukup dan garis yang bersih adalah beberapa keuntungan memilih lemari dapur minimalis. Untuk melengkapi tampilan, hiasi dengan skema warna modern. #backdrops #backdroptvminimalis #kitchen #kitchendesign #kitchensetminimalis #kitchensetmedan #kitchensetmodern #lemari #lemaribuku #lemaribaju #lemaridapurminimalis #wardrobe #tempahperabotmedan #tempahan #tempa #tempattidur #tempattidurtingkat #tempattiduranakminimalis #tempahanmedan #meja #mejakantor #mejaresepsionis #partisiruangantamu #partisikantor #costumfurnituredesign (di Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrFfq-WhexM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Harga Jasa Tukang Furniture
Harga jasa tukang furniture dapat bervariasi tergantung pada jenis layanan yang Anda butuhkan, material yang digunakan, serta kompleksitas desain. Memilih tukang furniture yang tepat adalah investasi untuk mendapatkan perabot berkualitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Harga Jasa Tukang Furniture
1. Jenis Furniture
Harga jasa tukang furniture dipengaruhi oleh jenis perabot yang akan dibuat, seperti meja, kursi, lemari, atau kitchen set. Semakin besar dan kompleks desainnya, semakin tinggi pula biayanya.
2. Material yang Digunakan
Material yang dipilih sangat memengaruhi harga. Kayu solid seperti jati dan mahoni biasanya lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan MDF atau plywood. Selain itu, aksesoris seperti engsel dan pegangan pintu juga memengaruhi total biaya.
3. Desain dan Kustomisasi
Furniture dengan desain custom membutuhkan waktu dan keterampilan lebih, sehingga biayanya akan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan furniture standar.
4. Lokasi dan Pengiriman
Biaya tambahan dapat dikenakan untuk pengiriman dan instalasi, terutama jika lokasi Anda jauh dari tempat produksi tukang furniture.
Kisaran Harga Jasa Tukang Furniture di Medan
1. Kitchen Set
Harga jasa pembuatan kitchen set berkisar antara Rp2.500.000 hingga Rp5.000.000 per meter tergantung material dan desain yang dipilih.
2. Lemari Pakaian
Lemari pakaian custom biasanya dihargai mulai dari Rp2.000.000 per meter hingga Rp4.500.000 per meter.
3. Meja dan Kursi
Meja makan atau kursi custom memiliki kisaran harga mulai dari Rp1.500.000 hingga Rp3.500.000 per item, tergantung material dan detail desain.
4. Rak dan Kabinet
Rak dinding atau kabinet custom dapat dihargai mulai dari Rp1.000.000 per unit hingga Rp3.000.000 tergantung ukuran dan jenis finishing.
Tips Menghemat Biaya Jasa Tukang Furniture
1. Pilih Material yang Sesuai Budget
Diskusikan dengan tukang furniture untuk memilih material yang sesuai dengan anggaran Anda tanpa mengorbankan kualitas.
2. Gunakan Desain Sederhana
Furniture dengan desain minimalis biasanya membutuhkan biaya lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan desain yang rumit.
3. Bandingkan Penawaran
Sebelum memutuskan, bandingkan beberapa penawaran dari tukang furniture berbeda untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik.
Mengapa Memilih Pusat Interior Medan?
Jika Anda mencari jasa tukang furniture berkualitas dengan harga kompetitif, Pusat Interior Medan adalah pilihan terbaik. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, mereka menyediakan layanan pembuatan furniture custom yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Kelebihan Pusat Interior Medan
1. Harga Transparan
Pusat Interior Medan menawarkan harga yang transparan sesuai dengan material dan desain yang Anda pilih.
2. Material Premium
Hanya menggunakan material berkualitas untuk memastikan daya tahan dan estetika furniture.
3. Desain Custom
Tim desainer siap membantu Anda menciptakan furniture yang sesuai dengan gaya dan kebutuhan Anda.
4. Layanan Profesional
Proses produksi dilakukan oleh tenaga ahli dengan hasil akhir yang presisi.
5. Pengiriman dan Instalasi
Pusat Interior Medan menyediakan layanan pengiriman dan instalasi langsung di lokasi Anda.
Kontak Pusat Interior Medan
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang harga jasa tukang furniture, hubungi Pusat Interior Medan melalui kontak berikut:
Alamat: KOMP. SETIA BUDI POINT Jl. Setia Budi No.15 BLOK C, Tj. Sari, Kec. Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20132
Admin 1: 0823-7457-0543
Admin 2: 0877-0006-0961
Dengan layanan terbaik dan harga yang kompetitif, Pusat Interior Medan adalah mitra terpercaya untuk kebutuhan furniture Anda. Hubungi sekarang untuk mendapatkan penawaran spesial!
#medan#pusat interior medan#tukang perabot medan#interior medan#interiordecor#jasa tukang furniture#furniture medan#perabot medan#desain interior medan#desain interior
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Tukang Perabot Berkualitas di Medan
Jika Anda sedang mencari tukang perabot berkualitas di Medan, pilihan yang tepat dapat memberikan Anda furniture dengan desain dan material terbaik. Tukang perabot yang handal tidak hanya menawarkan hasil yang estetis tetapi juga menjamin daya tahan produk dalam jangka panjang.
Keunggulan Tukang Perabot Berkualitas
1. Material Pilihan
Tukang perabot berkualitas di Medan menggunakan material premium seperti kayu jati, mahoni, atau MDF berkualitas tinggi untuk memastikan produk yang tahan lama dan elegan.
2. Desain yang Disesuaikan
Setiap produk dirancang khusus sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan. Anda dapat memilih desain modern, klasik, atau minimalis yang sesuai dengan konsep rumah Anda.
3. Teknologi Produksi Modern
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi produksi terbaru, tukang perabot di Medan mampu menghasilkan furniture dengan presisi tinggi dan finishing sempurna.
Proses Pemesanan Perabot Custom
1. Konsultasi Desain
Langkah pertama adalah konsultasi untuk memahami kebutuhan Anda. Tukang perabot akan membantu Anda menentukan desain, material, dan ukuran yang sesuai.
2. Pemilihan Material
Anda dapat memilih material yang diinginkan, mulai dari jenis kayu hingga aksesoris tambahan seperti pegangan pintu atau engsel.
3. Produksi
Proses pembuatan dilakukan oleh tenaga ahli yang memastikan setiap detail dikerjakan dengan teliti.
4. Instalasi
Setelah selesai, perabot akan dikirimkan dan dipasang langsung di lokasi Anda oleh tim profesional.
Jenis Perabot yang Ditawarkan
1. Kitchen Set
Kitchen set custom adalah salah satu layanan unggulan. Dengan desain yang disesuaikan, dapur Anda akan terlihat lebih rapi dan fungsional.
2. Lemari Pakaian
Lemari pakaian built-in menawarkan solusi penyimpanan yang hemat ruang tanpa mengorbankan estetika.
3. Meja dan Kursi
Dari meja makan hingga kursi kerja, tukang perabot di Medan dapat menciptakan furniture yang nyaman dan stylish.
4. Rak dan Kabinet
Rak dinding atau kabinet custom dapat dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan penyimpanan Anda, baik untuk rumah maupun kantor.
Tips Memilih Tukang Perabot di Medan
1. Cari Referensi
Lihat portofolio atau testimoni pelanggan sebelumnya untuk memastikan kualitas pekerjaan tukang perabot.
2. Diskusikan Kebutuhan Anda
Sampaikan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda dengan jelas agar hasil akhir sesuai harapan.
3. Perhatikan Waktu Penyelesaian
Pastikan bahwa waktu produksi sesuai dengan jadwal yang Anda butuhkan.
Mengapa Memilih Pusat Interior Medan?
Pusat Interior Medan adalah salah satu penyedia jasa pembuatan perabot berkualitas di Medan. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, mereka siap memberikan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan furniture Anda.
Kelebihan Pusat Interior Medan
1. Tim Ahli dan Berpengalaman
Pusat Interior Medan memiliki tukang yang berpengalaman dalam menciptakan perabot berkualitas tinggi.
2. Material Premium
Hanya material terbaik yang digunakan untuk memastikan perabot Anda tahan lama dan estetis.
3. Desain Custom
Setiap perabot dirancang sesuai kebutuhan dan preferensi pelanggan untuk menciptakan hasil yang unik dan personal.
4. Harga Kompetitif
Pusat Interior Medan menawarkan harga yang bersaing tanpa mengorbankan kualitas.
5. Pelayanan Prima
Tim yang responsif dan ramah akan memastikan pengalaman Anda berjalan lancar dari konsultasi hingga instalasi.
Kontak Pusat Interior Medan
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau memulai proyek furniture Anda, hubungi Pusat Interior Medan melalui kontak berikut:
Alamat: KOMP. SETIA BUDI POINT Jl. Setia Budi No.15 BLOK C, Tj. Sari, Kec. Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20132
Admin 1: 0823-7457-0543
Admin 2: 0877-0006-0961
Dengan layanan berkualitas tinggi dan tim yang profesional, Pusat Interior Medan adalah pilihan terbaik untuk Anda yang membutuhkan tukang perabot berkualitas di Medan. Hubungi sekarang untuk mendapatkan konsultasi gratis!
#interior#interior medan#perabot medan#pusat interior medan#interior design#tukang perabot medan#tukang perabot#furniture medan#desain interior
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Jasa Buat Kitchen Set Di Medan
Dalam merancang atau merenovasi dapur, pemilihan kitchen set merupakan keputusan penting yang dapat memengaruhi estetika, fungsionalitas, dan nilai properti rumah Anda. Jasa buat kitchen set menawarkan solusi yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan personal dan gaya hidup Anda. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan mengapa menggunakan jasa buat kitchen set dapat menjadi pilihan yang cerdas, apa yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilihnya, serta proses yang terlibat dalam menciptakan kitchen set yang sesuai dengan harapan Anda.
1. Keunggulan Memilih Jasa Buat Kitchen Set
Menggunakan jasa buat kitchen set memberikan sejumlah keunggulan yang tidak dapat Anda dapatkan dari membeli kitchen set siap pakai, antara lain:
Anda dapat merancang kitchen set sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Mulai dari desain, bahan, hingga tata letak, semuanya dapat disesuaikan untuk menciptakan dapur impian Anda.
Kualitas Terjamin
Jasa buat kitchen set biasanya menggunakan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi dan proses pembuatan yang teliti untuk menghasilkan produk yang tahan lama dan estetis.
Konsultasi Profesional
Anda akan mendapatkan konsultasi dari para ahli desain interior atau tukang yang berpengalaman dalam merancang kitchen set. Mereka dapat memberikan saran yang berharga dan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat.
2. Proses Memilih Jasa Buat Kitchen Set
Proses memilih jasa buat kitchen set dimulai dari pemahaman akan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang dapat Anda lakukan dalam proses ini:
Konsultasi Awal
Pertemuan pertama dengan penyedia jasa untuk membahas visi Anda, ruang yang tersedia, dan anggaran yang dimiliki.
Desain dan Perencanaan
Setelah konsultasi, akan dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan gambar kerja untuk kitchen set Anda. Anda dapat memberikan masukan dan melakukan revisi jika diperlukan.
Pemilihan Bahan
Memilih bahan yang sesuai dengan gaya dan fungsi dapur Anda, seperti kayu solid, laminasi, atau kombinasi bahan modern.
Setelah semua detail disepakati, proses produksi dimulai di workshop penyedia jasa. Ahli tukang akan memotong, merakit, dan menyelesaikan setiap bagian dengan presisi tinggi.
Setelah selesai diproduksi, kitchen set akan dipasang di lokasi oleh tim yang terampil dan berpengalaman. Mereka akan memastikan bahwa setiap bagian terpasang dengan baik dan aman.
Langkah terakhir melibatkan pengecatan, pemasangan hardware, dan penyelesaian detail lainnya untuk menghasilkan tampilan akhir yang sempurna.
3. Tren dan Inovasi dalam Jasa Buat Kitchen Set
Industri kitchen set terus mengalami perkembangan dengan adanya inovasi baru dalam desain dan teknologi. Beberapa tren terkini dalam jasa buat kitchen set meliputi:
Desain Minimalis
Kitchen set dengan desain sederhana dan clean menjadi favorit untuk rumah-rumah modern.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi
Penggunaan teknologi dalam hardware dan aksesori kitchen set untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kenyamanan penggunaan.
Material Ramah Lingkungan
Semakin banyak penyedia jasa yang menggunakan bahan-bahan ramah lingkungan dalam pembuatan kitchen set untuk mendukung keberlanjutan.
4. Perawatan dan Pemeliharaan
Setelah kitchen set terpasang, perawatan yang tepat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan kualitas dan penampilannya. Pembersihan rutin dan perhatian terhadap kondisi bahan akan membantu memperpanjang umur pakai kitchen set Anda.
Jasa buat kitchen set adalah pilihan yang ideal untuk mereka yang menginginkan dapur yang sesuai dengan gaya dan kebutuhan pribadi mereka. Dengan personalisasi, kualitas terjamin, dan konsultasi profesional, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa kitchen set yang Anda dapatkan tidak hanya berfungsi dengan baik tetapi juga meningkatkan nilai estetika dan fungsionalitas ruang dapur Anda. Pastikan untuk melakukan riset dan konsultasi dengan beberapa penyedia jasa sebelum membuat keputusan akhir untuk memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan yang terbaik sesuai dengan anggaran dan harapan Anda.
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PROFESIONAL, WA 0852-2956-4831 Pabrik Furniture Custom Medan
PROFESIONAL, WA 0852-2956-4831 Pabrik Furniture Custom Medan
Furnitur yang Merefleksikan Gaya Hidup Anda
Kami percaya bahwa furnitur adalah cerminan dari gaya hidup dan kepribadian Anda. Dari kitchen set yang kokoh hingga mini bar yang stylish, kami menawarkan beragam produk yang dirancang dengan estetika dan presisi untuk memenuhi setiap sudut ruangan Anda.
Keunggulan Intmo Studio Global:
Kualitas Tertinggi: Produk kami dibuat dengan bahan berkualitas dan proses pengerjaan yang teliti.
Harga Terjangkau: Kami menawarkan harga kompetitif tanpa mengorbankan kualitas.
Custom Produk: Sesuaikan furnitur Anda sesuai kebutuhan dan selera.
Ramah Lingkungan: Kami menggunakan bahan ramah lingkungan dan aman bagi kesehatan.
Dukungan Pelanggan 24/7: Tim layanan pelanggan kami siap membantu Anda dengan solusi terbaik kapan pun Anda butuhkan.
Wujudkan Impian Furnitur Anda Bersama Intmo Studio Global!
Pabrik Furniture Custom Medan
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DISKON BESAR-BESARAN, KLIK https://wa.me/6281999927239 , Stainless Steel Kitchen Table
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'PT. Tunggal Mahakarya Dewata: Spesialis Stainless Steel Terkemuka di Indonesia
PT. Tunggal Mahakarya Dewata, adalah perusahaan yang sangat berpengalaman dalam bidang stainless steel. Kami merupakan ahli dalam pembuatan berbagai produk menggunakan bahan dasar stainless steel. Layanan kami mencakup perencanaan, desain, rekayasa, fabrikasi, dan manufaktur, khususnya dalam pembuatan peralatan dapur. Kami hadir sebagai solusi terpercaya bagi perusahaan di berbagai sektor, termasuk hotel, restoran, industri, rumah sakit, dan banyak lagi yang membutuhkan produk berkualitas dari stainless steel.
Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam mengatasi berbagai proyek di bidang Food Processing and Service Equipment, All Kinds Conveyor System, Stainless Steel Food Service & Kitchen, Bar Equipment Fabrication, Cooling, Heating & Drying System, Linen & Trash Chute, Custom Fabrication, Exterior Interior Stainless, dan Cold Room System, PT. Tunggal Mahakarya Dewata berkomitmen untuk memberikan produk berkualitas terbaik dan memberikan garansi untuk setiap produk yang kami hasilkan.
Kami berterima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan kami, termasuk pelanggan perorangan, perusahaan swasta, instansi pemerintah, dan perusahaan asing yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Kami telah berhasil menangani berbagai proyek, baik skala kecil, menengah, maupun besar, yang telah memungkinkan kami untuk terus tumbuh dan meningkatkan kualitas produk serta layanan purna jual kami.
Produk-Produk Kami
Stainless Steel Kitchen Equipment: Peralatan dapur berkualitas tinggi yang terbuat dari stainless steel, unggul dalam tahan panas, tahan aus, dan kehalusan permukaan.
Custom Fabrication: Pembuatan produk sesuai kebutuhan dari stainless steel, yang tahan panas dan cocok untuk berbagai industri.
Conveyor System: Sistem konveyor yang andal untuk memindahkan barang dengan efisien dalam lingkungan industri.
Food Service System: Pembuatan peralatan food service system berkualitas tinggi dari stainless steel, termasuk peralatan dapur.
Cooling & Heating System: Sistem pendingin dan pemanas yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Linen & Trash Chute System: Sistem pembuangan barang dan sampah yang efisien, ideal untuk hotel, rumah sakit, dan apartemen.
Food Processing System: Peralatan pengolahan makanan yang sesuai dengan jenis makanan yang Anda produksi.
Cold Room System: Sistem ruangan berpendingin besar yang dapat diprogram sesuai dengan suhu yang diperlukan.
Exterior & Interior Stainless: Penggunaan stainless steel pada interior dan eksterior bangunan untuk tampilan yang menarik dan ketahanan yang tinggi.
Mengapa Memilih PT. Tunggal Mahakarya Dewata?
Kami menyediakan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda dalam bidang rekayasa, desain, fabrikasi, dan manufaktur.
Menggunakan bahan stainless steel terbaik untuk keberlanjutan dan kekuatan produk.
Melayani proyek dari skala kecil hingga besar.
Kami memiliki tim ahli dan terlatih dengan pengalaman yang luas.
Kami menyelesaikan proyek sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
Menawarkan garansi untuk setiap produk kami.
Harga yang kompetitif dan terjangkau.
Kami melayani berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, termasuk Tangerang, Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Depok, Bandung, Cikarang, Karawang, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Samarinda, Makassar, Manado, dan seluruh Indonesia. PT. Tunggal Mahakarya Dewata adalah mitra terpercaya Anda dalam memenuhi kebutuhan produk stainless steel berkualitas tinggi. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik bagi bisnis Anda.
Kantor Pusat Pemasaran
Bp. Syaiful Al Amin
Jl. Gunung Sampang 8 X, Denpasar Barat
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Kitchen Set Stainless Steel Jakarta, Kitchen Set Stainless Palembang, Kitchen Set Stainless Bandung, Kitchen Set Stainless Gresik, Stainless Equipment
#KitchenSetStainlessSteelJakarta, #KitchenSetStainlessPalembang, #KitchenSetStainlessBandung, #KitchenSetStainlessGresik, #StainlessEquipment
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Jasa bikin website WA/TELP: 081-33344-15874,Daftar Harga Bikin Top Table Kitchen Set Per Meter Granit Marmer Surabaya | HUB. 081222555598
New Post has been published on https://desainkilat.biz.id/jasa-bikin-website-wa-telp-081-33344-15874daftar-harga-bikin-top-table-kitchen-set-per-meter-granit-marmer-surabaya-hub-081222555598.html
Jasa bikin website WA/TELP: 081-33344-15874,Daftar Harga Bikin Top Table Kitchen Set Per Meter Granit Marmer Surabaya | HUB. 081222555598
Jika agan sedang mencari cara bikin website jasa pengiriman barang murah di kota Medan, maka anda berada di tempat yang tepat, Kami merekomendasikan Bold Identity Studio sebagai salah satu tempat terbaik dalam pelayanan mendesain logo, brosur, banner, dll. Lebih dari ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2.365 ulasan positif kami temukan di pencarian google. Jika anda berminat order, silahkan klik tombol dibawah.
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Beberapa faktor yang membuat kami merekomendasikan jasa mereka adalah sebagai berikut:
✅ Desain yang kreatif dan menarik: Kualitas pelayanan mereka sangat baik dan memuaskan. Memiliki tim yang handal dan terampil dalam merancang desain website yang unik dan menarik.
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✅ Harga yang terjangkau: Mereka telah memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam industri tersebut sehingga mampu menangani berbagai tantangan dengan baik. Menawarkan harga yang kompetitif untuk jasa bikin website. Mereka akan memberikan harga terbaik sesuai dengan kualitas dan kebutuhan Anda.
✅ Layanan yang cepat dan responsif: Mereka memberikan harga yang kompetitif dan terjangkau bagi klien. Menyediakan layanan yang cepat dan responsif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan desain Anda dengan tepat waktu. Mereka juga terbuka untuk diskusi dan saran untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.
✅ Hasil yang berkualitas tinggi: Mereka selalu berusaha memberikan solusi terbaik untuk klien sehingga klien merasa puas dengan hasil yang diberikan. Selalu berupaya untuk memberikan hasil yang berkualitas tinggi dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Garansi revisi apabila diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.
Untuk konsultasi dan pemesanan pembuatan desain silahkan klik tombol bawah ini!
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Image Source by superonyx1234
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WA: 0823-6221-4318, Jasa Kitchen Set Medan Reggan Home
WA: 0823-6221-4318, Jasa Kitchen Set Medan Reggan Home
Jasa Pembuatan Kitchen Set Medan Reggan Home
Reggan Home (Klik Website Resmi Official Reggan Home http://regganhome.com/ )
Reggan Home berpengalaman mengerjakan Mulai dari Konsep, Mendesain dan sampai Build/Membangun Furniture Interior seperti yang telah di Desain.
Reggan Home mengerjakan Gambar Desain Interior, Build/Bangun/Tempah Pembuatan Furniture untuk Interior…
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Kami Supplier terpercaya, Barang bergaransi asli.Kami bekerja sama dengan banyak ekspedisi untuk melayani kebutuhan customer, beberapa diantaranya adalah Pos, Jne, Pahala, Wahana, Indah Cargo, Karyati, Maxindo.
Barang yang kami kirim di packing dengan rapi sesuai dengan keinginan customer, Kami memberikan jaminan pengembalian barang jika ada barang yg rusak sampai ke tujuan TANPA dipungut biaya apapun (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku)
Lokasi kami di: Ruko Dukuh Zamrud Blok GE94-95 Padurenan Mustika Jaya Bekasi, Cabang: Komplek kehakiman Jl. Pengayoman Selatan 6 no.31 Buaran Indah Tangerang
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Oneshot in which Conrad deals with the aftermaths of surviving the Ourang Medan. ...more or less successfully. (Rating T, angsty rambling, ~2.3k words) - written for @wintergirlsoilder2! You requested a Conrad-centric piece and I hope you enjoy it :)
“I don’t think it’s a good idea”, says Julia with this expression on her face she gets whenever she’s about to rain on his parade.
“Are you kidding?” He’s about to scoff but stops himself – she’s worried, he can tell, and he knows better than to make light of any part of their relationship. Julia’s accompanied him his entire life. “Halloween is my favourite holiday, I’m not gonna let some lame ghost ship – which we survived, by the way, hello – ruin it for me.”
She lifts an eyebrow. “Connie, your birthday is your favourite holiday. It’s the Fourth of July, so you can double-drink yourself into a coma.”
Well. She’s not wrong. She never is where he’s concerned, and it’s one of the reasons he wants to get away from her, just for an evening. Just for a night, he wants to be whatever he chooses to be instead of being Julia’s brother. “It’s gonna be great, Jules. Keep worrying like that and it’ll show on your face.”
She’s silent. She could bring up the times he’s woken up screaming, his tic of brushing over his ear with his thumb, the one really bad day when he stopped breathing for a long while and then puked his heart out. She doesn’t. And the fact that she doesn’t explains why they’re still rooming together, despite all.
“I don’t think Alex wants to marry a worry-wart”, he keeps going, unprompted, just can’t stop running his mouth, “he wants to live together with the free-spirited, reckless, adventurous Julia who doesn’t mind her brother attending a Halloween party without her playing chaperone.”
It hits the mark. Like having touched open fire, she recoils and drops the subject and he almost, almost feels bad. They’re going through a rough patch right now, following the time during which they were attached at the hip right after coming home. It’s nothing they won’t overcome, Conrad can tell they’re too committed to each other, but it’s a sore spot nonetheless. And he just twisted the knife. So to speak.
He wouldn’t say he’s friends with the guy organising the party, but he knows a few people here and there – not enough to have earned a reputation, enough to feel invited. Bringing booze is an automatic ticket to being welcome anyway, and the greeting at the door seems heartfelt. After a few semi-awkward moments (and those have been common lately, he sometimes doesn’t notice the morbidity of his own jokes until shocked expressions drag him back to the real world), he’s found his social legs again and strikes up casual conversations here and there, drops one-liners which are met either with eyerolls and groans or half-hidden giggles and hearty laughs, and if he’s honest he doesn’t mind either. He’s always preferred being memorable over being modest.
Some people are in costume, most aren’t, but the home décor screams tackiness: spray-on cobwebs, badly carved pumpkins with half the candles out already, a mat under the carpet which lets out a witch’s cackle when anyone steps on it. Apart from that, the house is gorgeous, a large pool, a sunroom and even a tiny home cinema stuffed into the three-storey family home – family not included, apparently, all of them gone except for the son taking advantage of their absence.
Somewhere between the second and third beer, he considers texting Fliss. Asking her whether she celebrates Halloween, maybe, though it’d set her off again. Thinking of her causes his stomach to drop with the guilt of dragging her into the whole thing, the guilt of never again bringing up that investment he genuinely considered back then. She told them to never contact her again and keep their mouths shut. They have, for the most part.
The most part meaning everyone but Conrad.
“Do you want to know how I lost part of my ear?”, he addresses a small group of cute freshmen who were struggling to un-stack some chairs until he arrived and gallantly lent his aid. “It’s a long one, though, I must warn you. And not for the faint of heart – but you ladies look like you can take it.” He wiggles his eyebrows and they’re captivated, expecting a ghost story and a ghost story they shall get.
He fucking loves recounting the whole thing.
When Julia caught him the first time, she was livid for days, had a few one-sided screaming matches and tried to get Alex to talk sense into him, but Conrad laughed it off. No one’s gonna believe me, he said cheerfully. What, they’re gonna fly over and check? Launch an investigation? Tell their lawyer daddies?
Brad says it’s his way of coping with the trauma: by turning it into a spiel, he diminishes its significance, reduces its impact on him. Or tries to anyway. Brad also says it’s not a very effective coping mechanism. But Brad says a lot and Conrad doesn’t listen most of the time.
He’s too busy being the hero of his own story.
This night, he embellishes, dramatises, acts out what he usually glosses over, sugarcoats nothing. It’s Halloween and they expect a thrilling, gory tale, so he allows them the full experience – several times, he has to interrupt himself and give a brief thus far because of all the newcomers gathering around him like a bloodthirsty audience at an execution. God, it feels fucking good.
How their eyes go wide the moment he mentions the pirates. How their lips part subconsciously when he ditches escaping on the boat, alone, in favour of saving his friends. How none of them dares moving as he describes the military ship in great detail. In this moment, they’re living through it by his side; they’ve been transported to the ship themselves, feeling the clammy air, the cold, unforgiving metal under their bare soles. Wrapped around his little finger, he builds and builds and builds for them until they almost forget to breathe, and finally, inevitably, he releases them with a happy ending. It looks like a cathartic experience, and slowly, they return to the present, shaking their heads a little like a dog getting rid of raindrops, glancing at each other to gauge whether they were the only ones so tightly in Conrad’s grip. He’s convinced them all he’s a hero, a martyr, a protagonist.
All of them except for himself.
“That’s a fantastic story”, someone says appreciatively. “Do you have any others?”
And this is where his carefully erected self-importance crumbles. Because he lived it. He fucking lived it, you asshole, he’s got the scars to prove it and the memories so he’ll never forget, and still this dimwit beams at him like he’s the new Spielberg or King, fudging narratives out of thin air to please the crowd. “Sorry, dude”, he replies with as much venom as he can muster, “I only had the one horribly traumatic experience in my life. I understand that might not be enough for you, so my apologies. Maybe I can set out to almost get murdered next time – oh wait, that already happened.”
The atmosphere tilts together with him. People seem confused – is he method acting? Getting pissed because they’re not giving his well-spun yarn the credit it deserves? He should stop. He really should.
“If you want more thrill in your life, why not come and fight a guy who’s got nothing to lose, huh? Certainly beats doing the same meaningless shit over and over and over again.”
“Dude, chill, I didn’t mean to -”
“Yeah fuck you. Fuck off.” He’s washed into the kitchen by a wave of concerned partygoers and appeased with a few sips of the badly-hidden whiskey belonging to the head of the family, and after no time at all he’s back to his good-natured self.
Largely. He feels sharper ever since he survived that stupid ship, more cutting. Less forgiving. As if the world owed him after what he’s gone through, and he lets those around him feel it. Remarks hit where it hurts and he realises with increasing worry that he doesn’t care. They will never experience the same gut-clenching terror he did, so what’s a snide comment here or there?
There are moments in which he resents Julia. They frighten him, yet staving them off is impossible. It’s not her fault she’s found her happy ever after, he can’t blame her for having Alex anchor her. Alex is perfect and he should share their happiness, at the very least leech off it so his empty everyday life isn’t as bleak anymore, but instead he watches them with jealousy he frantically conceals from everyone.
He knows he’s spoiled. But he can’t help the pangs of contempt whenever they laugh about something, or Alex plucks something out of her hair, or she falls asleep in his arms during a muted commercial break. She always got over things more quickly, even if it never seemed that way. Conrad carries a lot around with him, most of which he refuses to acknowledge.
And then someone suggests going to a haunted house.
“Sure, man.” He laughs, and it sounds as easy as he intended. “Nothing can be scarier than what I’ve been through.”
The door’s locked.
He fucking knows the door’s locked.
In between deep breaths, he turns around and checks again, slides the deadbolt shut two more times, rattles the handle, turns the key as far as it will go. It’s locked. It’s secured tightly, and no one will be able to get in.
He has to force himself to walk away and though his legs carry him, he’s unsure where to go. He could go shower, that way no one will hear his quiet sobs, or he can be a fucking man and not cry like a baby over something that wasn’t even fucking real.
Having once read that eating counteracts anxiety as it tricks the body into thinking it’s not in danger, he sneaks to the kitchen and stuffs himself on fruits until he’s vaguely nauseous.
He’s such a fucking idiot. An idiot and a failure, a good-for-nothing, someone who can’t even figure out what he wants to do later in life. Who he wants to be. Certainly not Conrad the crybaby, Conrad the expert storyteller who nearly pissed his pants in a shitty haunted house.
He double checks the shutters, then turns to leave. Checks them again.
God, he’s pathetic.
For the first time in his entire life, he sends a u up? text to a guy. It doesn’t make him feel any less sorry for himself, but he couldn’t stomach Julia’s concern right now. The worst thing would be the compassion in her eyes instead of the triumphant I-told-you-so attitude. He’d welcome a smug grin more than a hug right now.
I am now, comes Brad’s response. Yikes.
sry, Conrad writes back, and then he’s stumped. Why did he contact him in the first place?
A few half-typed and then deleted additions later, Brad apparently gets impatient and sends another message: How’s your Halloween been?
Alright, he can work with that. apropriately spooky, he replies, went to a haunted house. disapointing tho, no beer anywere
Brad is silent for so long Conrad considers whether he’s fallen asleep. Are you trying to prove to yourself that you’re over it?
He can practically hear Brad utter the question in his head – no irony anywhere, no intent to attack or accuse. Mere curiosity. Maybe this is why he texted him, because he certainly approaches most everything analytically, whereas Julia can’t help but make it personal. wat do u mean?
We’re all suffering from significant trauma, yet none of us are seeking thrills the way you are.
Conrad stares at the words for a long time. It’s been barely a week since Julia begged him not to pick any more fights.
A haunted house does not sound like an advisable place to go in your condition. Are you alright?
He deflates, sinks onto his bed and kicks off his shoes onto the pile of clothes in the corner. He doesn’t bother to switch off the light. He sleeps with it on anyway. yeah, he claims, and then: not realy actualy. i was more afected than i thought i would be. Flashbacks are a bitch. It didn’t help that some guy thought his distress hilarious, given his chilling story before – as if he’d be immune from any scares, forever. It turned out to be the opposite. Conrad used to love haunted houses.
Don’t dwell on it. Finding the right way to cope is difficult.
No judgement. Somehow, speaking to Brad is soothing his frazzled nerves. wat do u do?
I research. Mostly real accounts of people who have gone through comparable experiences, but also on the history surrounding the ship.
To Conrad, that doesn’t scream ‘moving on’. doesnt sound that helpful ether tbh
It helps rationalise and normalise what happened. Knowing what others went through, I feel less isolated now. This will not define who we are in the future, even if it might right now.
He re-reads the last sentence a few times. Thinks of the night terrors which rarely let him sleep. Of how he considered getting a dog despite none of them having the time to care for a pet, just so there’d be an additional line of defence, in a way.
He wants so bad to move past all this.
alright, profesor, lets hear it, he types and gets more comfortable on the bed. hit me with the sob stories.
It’s not like he’d be sleeping any time soon anyway.
#man of medan#conrad#julia#brad#conrad/brad#can be interpreted that way but extremely mild#fanfic#oneshot#if you don't know man of medan I recommend just watching a lets play without commentary#it's less than 4 hours#I liked the characters a lot more than in until dawn
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Lemari Dapur, Kitchen set Rumah JL. Tempirai I Blok 7 Griya Martubung Kami menyediakan jasa pembuatan, custom, mebel, perabot, furniture untuk daerah kota Medan sekitarnya. Contacts Us, whatsapp 082273388748 (di Medan, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coo1gfAhQAs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sycamore High: Going Steady (Chapter 26)
A/N: Hey hey look I didn't forget about the others! :) Also I know that thats not how adoption works but... here we are. I know i just posted one but I had to post it!!
summary: Emma and Paul have some news :)
words: 3,000 (I did this on purpose, I was so proud :)
warnings: Swearing, kissing, adoption (idk man)
Ao3 Link
“Ok favorite…” Paul pondered for a moment examining the room, Emma's room was bleak but held some items of importance. There were pictures of her and her family scattered on every wall. It was a pretty basic setup, she had a desk by the window, a bed in the middle and a closet. She did, however, have an awesome TV set with many games included. At this point, the pair had exhausted most things and were just searching for anything. He fiddled with his chopsticks, twirling some noodles around them. “Oh! Favorite takeout food!” He exclaimed Emma tilted her head, scrunching her eyebrows before deciding to answer.
“Well…” Now it was her turn to look around. It was a big question, she liked Chinese, obviously. She twirled her own noodles, eating them up before thinking some more. She liked tacos that she and her mom would get on Tuesday. She loved Italian. “Italian,” She said pointing her chopsticks at Paul, he nodded approvingly.
“I would go for sushi, but nice option” He complimented, she laughed nudging him. They sat comfortably atop her bed eating as the TV continued playing the background. Paul, with his mouth full, gestured towards the TV “What mind of ames oo you ave?” He mumbled, Emma raised her eyebrows. He swallowed before trying again. “What kind of games do you have?” She perked up setting down her food. She walked over to a smaller closet under the tv, she opened it to reveal two shelves all lined with games. “Oh absolutely” Paul muttered amazed, he joined her as they perused the games. I like this one.
“What about some classics?” Emma teased holding up her copy of Wii sports. Paul laughed reminiscing about the times he, Ted and Bill would play it. “Oo! Or maybe some ‘Call of Duty’? I mean we probably shouldn't, seeing as video games cause violence”
“She says as she adopts three cats in the sims” Paul commented, she stifled a laugh continuing her game search. Paul does the same his eyes glazed over with excitement at each new game he finds. “Oh yes, South Park? Nice” Paul says dryly “Its Ted's favorite”
“Of course it is” She sighs rolling her eyes “It was either that or he was a ‘My Little Pet Shop’ lover” Emma joked, Paul falls back laughing, he sits up wiping his eyes,
“Don't diss the pet shop Em” He says putting two games back, he pulls another one “No way! Is this is the new ‘Man of Medan’ game?” Paul rushes holding up the game. Emma nods enthused. “Can we play it?” He asks softly, almost pouting.
“Yeah! I haven't played it yet but it looks fun!” She informs. Paul stops, he stares at her.
“Fun? Fun? no … no, Emma, this game is…” He ponders “I actually have no idea it just looks fun” They erupt into laughter, both smiling widely. They plug in the game preparing to play. The game is interesting enough and keeps them both on their feet and alert, probably wasn't the best game to play at night but neither of them cared. They were mostly there for the witty comments Emma made, the absolute confusion Paul displayed and the overall excitement of hanging out together after a long week. The game hit a slow with both of them gaining quite exhausted of the strenuous gameplay and pausing for a break and more food.
“You're not bad Matthews” Emma comments as they clean up their takeout
“Don't flatter me, they are just quick-time events, anyone can do them” Paul remarks as he helps out making their way to the kitchen.
“Falsehood, not everyone can do them, I personally think that QTEs are quite hard but go off” Emma mumbles, Paul chuckles as she ushers him away trying to clean. “Hey, my parents aren't home wanna practice for the musical?” She asks casually. Paul thinks for a moment before shrugging. He had no qualms about this, seemingly beneficial and well… fun.
“Yeah sure, let me go grab my music,” Paul says, Emma nods finishing up the cleaning. She opens her laptop setting up the karaoke as Paul returns briskly holding his binders. She smiles to herself as he seats himself next to her, they begin the track waiting. The song went on smoothly, each person getting into their characters and having too much fun with it. Approaching the last verse Paul had to look at his music having not been great at the final notes.
“And I love you know that I love...you know that I love…” They sang in unison sounding quite nice together Paul looked up to find Emma staring at him. She looked nice, a quiet fury of passion behind her eyes, her hair falling messily on her back. The track continued awaiting Pauls line but he couldn't really speak. Emma tilted her head watching him sweetly, and now he wasn't thinking, He wasn't thinking when he grabbed her face gently pressing their lips together, Emma melted into it kissing back almost instantly. She cupped his own hands that were still placed on her face. She giggled as they pulled away, something Paul could get used to. They stared for a moment both trying to figure out what to say.
“...me too” Paul breathes finishing the song maybe too late. Emma watches as a blush creeps on his face. She laughs lovingly, closing her laptop she turns back to Paul.
“Not bad Matthews, although I don't think we were supposed to kiss” She shrugs, Paul rolls his eyes affectionately “But hey, I could get used to that…” Paul bites his lip as she gets up to put away her computer. He follows her standing quickly, he takes her hand stopping her. “Paul?” She asks cautiously. He puts on his best smolder.
“Emma Perkins” Did his voice get higher? “Would you consider…” Emma would be lying if she said her heart hadn’t skipped a beat as she listened expectantly “Going steady with me?” he asked barely keeping it together. Emma laughed pushing him slightly.
“God you're such a dweeb” She comments lovingly, he nods agreeing. She pauses making herself more formal. “But of course! I'd love to” She says putting on her best accent. He laughs moving closer, he wraps his arms around her hips looking down at her, she follows his lead wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You're short,” He notices, she frowns sighing, throwing her head back. He laughs placing a hand on her chin pulling her close kissing her softly once more. They pull away, he frowns “Nope, still short” She rolls her eyes groaning pushing away from him.
“I take it back,” She mutters already walking away from him, he jumps following her.
“No, take backs!” He shouts as he grabs her carefully smothering with tickles. She can't help but giggle. She slaps his arms away softly turning back to him, smiling.
“The first rule of…” She gestures between then “this, no tickling. Got it?” He nods frantically. She smiles, I like this.
Sherlock, John, and Lestrade
Paul: Hey Ted! Guess what! No more making fun of me just cause you and Tommy are all smushy
Ted: First of all, please never use the word smushy ever again, second what the fuck are you talking about?
Bill: Hello, I am present
Paul: Hey Bill. And Ted for your information, Emma and I are ...going steady
Ted: Can I block him? Bill, can I block him?
Bill: No you may not, and congratulations Paul.
Paul: Thank you, Bill, at least someone here is not self-centered
Ted: Hey! It's called self-love...not that I have any of that
Bill: Ditto
Paul: Oh? Mood
Bill: Anyway, how did it happen?
And so Paul told them, sparing only a few details hed like to keep to himself. It was exciting and fun to recall to his friends.
Ted: That's cute, and very cliche
Paul: Yes it is, and I have no regrets
Paul: Don't you dare
Ted: No ragrets
Bill: YOLO
Paul: I hate you both so much.
Ted: :)
Bill: :)
Paul: Anyway what's going on in your lives?
Ted: Nothing much
Bill: Besides homework and rehearsal for the play I have no interesting topics for discussion.
Paul: In other words…
Ted: Nothing much. :)
Bill: Yes
Ted: Oh you know what! There is something…
Paul: Oo! What? Is Tommy secretly a furry
Ted: …
Ted: Please for the love of all that is holy Bill let me blOCK HIM
Bill: -bill is offline-
Ted: oH power move
Ted: -ted is offline-
Paul: I am so lonely...I have nobody...all on my own!
Paul: wait Ted wat was your thing
“WELL HELLO TRAITORS!” Paul shouted as he walked up to his friends by the locker. Both Bill and Ted groaned covering their ears. Paul pushed past them both opening his locker, he shoved some things inside continuing his conversation. “Hey, what's dat” He asks gesturing towards the hot drink in Ted's hand.
“Hot chocolate” he smiles “I'm meeting Tommy, we both have free periods so we’re gonna hang out in the library and study” Paul and Bill smile at the happy look on Teds. They go to continue but Emma interrupts walking up to the group followed by Charlotte.
“Is it good today or bad?” Paul asks leaning in, Emma rolls her eyes nudging him. She eyes the group which has now fallen silent and are now staring at the pair. “Ok, that's not happening, it didn't happen with Tommy and Ted, and it's not happening with me and Emma”
“Emma and I” Bill corrected stuffing his face in his book. Ted stifled a laugh as Paul glared at them
“What didn't happen with Ted and I?” Tommy asked curiously walking up to the group, subtly interlacing his hands with Teds. Ted smiled at him greeting him.
“Thank you” Bill mumbled once more at the correct grammar, Ted giggled.
“Nothing” Paul muttered, Emma sighed watching him “Well the whole gangs here…”
“Astute observation Paul! You really are a genius” Emma commented, her tone bright and fake. Paul pouted much to the group's amusement.
“Hey, we’re dating now you can't make fun of me” He frowned, Emma, smiled coyly, taking his hands.
‘Can and will” She said “Alright we have history so we out,” Emma said dragging away her boyfriend from the group, Paul following with no qualms, the group laugh waving them off.
“They're cute” Tommy commented sweetly. Charlotte nodded agreeing she checked her own watch perking up.
“Gotta go!” She said rushing away after mumbling goodbyes. And then there were three. Bill still had his face in a book only half-paying attention to what was going on. Ted sighed pushing his book down, laying it flat Bill looked up slightly irritated.
“Can I help you?” He asked curtly, Ted knew it wasn't directed at him.
“Bill, you gotta go to class” Ted reminded, Bill, checked his watch nodding. He, just as the others had done, waved the two goodbye and disappeared into the buzzing hallways.
“And then there were two!” Tommy giggled, Ted smiled squeezing his hand “To the library?” Ted nodded and let Tommy lead him through the halls, into the library, into a secluded corner, with books, beanbags, and a small table. They set their things down and got comfortable.
“For you,” Ted said handing him the hot drink, Tommy smiled taking it enthused.
“Thank you!” Ted nodded grabbing his things from his bag, he wouldn't meet Tommy's eyes “Whatcha workin on?” Tommy asked setting his cup down, grabbing his own things. “I've got some chem to do and then-”
“They want to adopt me” Ted blurted, quietly but urgent. Oh, Tommy thought, and here I was going on about chemistry,
“Chad” Greg greeted nodding curtly to the man, he turned his voice becoming softer “Henry” Chad sighed stroking his chin, Henry didn't acknowledge the man as he continued grading papers. Chad leaned in whispering just enough for Greg to hear.
“Was it Jreg? I can't remember” He teases, Henry laughs, a full laugh clearly something he's been holding in for days. Greg groaned plopping his things down next to them. “Did we invite him? I don't remember inviting him” Chad comments poking his salad. Henry shook his head thinking.
“I don't either, odd” He turned to face Greg finally “I don't remember inviting you hmm..” Greg watched the two, why was he so adamant about tearing them down?
“Children, actual children” He muttered opening his lunch.
“He says as if he didn't kiss my husband” Chad mumbled, Henry’s eyes went wide, almost bulging trying not to laugh once more. “It's like that show… what's it called? Based on the Archie comics?” Chad snapped trying to remember, Henry, shrugged he only really watched crime tv or medical shows.
“Riverdale?” Greg added helpfully, Chad snickered.
“Of course you would know what its called” Henry muttered, going through another test. Chad nodded approvingly. A beep went off and Henry and Chad checked their phones. “Love” Henry tapped his watch with the end of his pencil
“Ah yes,” Chad said packing his things “I must go” he stood making his way to the door, not before Henry planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned towards Greg “Try not to kiss my husband while you're at it” He added mockingly before promptly leaving, giving Greg no chance at a rebuttal.
“We’ll see about that” Greg muttered a little too loud. Henry eyed him and packed up his things, leaving his own classroom without a word.
“It's so boring Em” paul groaned as he sat down at their lunch table, Emma chuckled stroking his hair lovingly. ‘History is boring” Ted and Tommy soon joined, eyeing the pair.
“What's up with him?” Ted asked Tommy, nodded agreeing. Charlotte, Bill and an unexpected guest of Sam sat down as well. Emma ignored Sam, turning back to Ted.
“You heard the man, History was boring” She shrugged, Paul sighed sadly leaning on Emma, resting on her shoulder. She patted him “There there” The group laughed collectively moving on. “Hey is everyone called for rehearsal today?” She asked as Paul sat up both opening their lunches. Charlotte quickly grabbed her journal flipping the pages.
“Yes! Everyone is called, we are doing a full run-through of the songs and then we are blocking the opeening” She informed excited, Emma smiled at her. She then finally glared at Sam, returning her soft gaze at Charlotte. Very hot and cold.
“Thanks, Lottie” She popped a chip in her mouth. The group continued on with the polite conversation, everyone doing their own thing. Bill sat on the left side of the table reading his book occasionally looking up and eating or participating. Ted sat to his left, actively engaging in conversation making jokes, and loving insults at people. Tommy sat to his left working on his music, marking it, eating sometimes and chiming in to reel Ted in or to watch the group. Emma and Paul sat at the head of the table, Emma closest to Bill, Paul closest to Charlotte on the right side. Emma led the conversation constantly throwing out ideas and topics, practically eating and talking at the same time. Paul did much of the same but much more quiet. Charlotte rebutted the conversation, always excited to share and talk to the group, eating neatly. Then there was Sam, he didn't fit in. He constantly tried to gain momentum in their conversation but they had all built him up in their heads as this egotistical, annoying human. And he did nothing to prove them wrong, making backhanded compliments, shutting down ideas, insulting them. Ted, Emma, and Paul could handle it they were instigators, but then he would move on to Tommy, Bill or Charlotte and they just didn't understand. Emma wasted no time telling Charlotte as soon as Sam left for the bathroom.
“He's being so mean! Lottie, you know I love you and I said I would...support whatever this is” She tried to hide her disturbed feelings, Charlotte listened. “But he's insulting you, and that's not a relationship!” Charlotte felt her heart pull, Emma was right, but she was always right and for once Charlotte wanted to be right. She loved Emma but this was her thing, she brought Sam into their lives and…
“What do you know about relationships?” Charlotte rebutted, no no! That's not what I wanted, She thought. “You date a guy for one day and suddenly you're the guru? Newsflash Emma-
“I'm sorry” Emma cut in calmly, the boys watched the two feeling themselves grow hot with nerves. “You're right, but I just want you to be ok” She admitted, she shrugged standing up. Paul went to follow but she shook her head. “I'll see you guys later” Charlotte sunk, Sam returned but she didn't stay. She ran after Emma.
Gucci Gang
Ted: Hey...Emma, Charlotte...is everything… Gucci now?
Paul: Can I block him? Bill, can I block him?
Bill: No you may not, and to put it in...simpler terms is everything alright?
Charlotte: yes, we have some stuff we need to talk about…
Emma: But we’re ok
Tommy: Oh yay!
Ted: you're so cute
Ted; The one...was supposed to stay in here.
Charlotte: Hehe, I will see you guys at rehearsal!
Emma: Ditto, gotta go grab some snacks. Anyone want anything?
Ted: Ill take some bleach
Bill: Ted, no
Tommy: No Ted
Ted: And once again, I am out
Paul: Yeah I gotta talk to my sister, see y'all later
Emma: I'M DATING A COWBOY, MOM I DID IT. Anyway, I'll just grab everyone something
Tommy: Bye!
Bill: It seems it is just us now
Tommy: Well I've got nothing to do till rehearsal, wanna go to the library and play a game of chess?
Bill: That is a satisfactory past time, I would love to.
Ted: You guys are so adorably nerdy
#sycamore high#tgwdlmhs#tgwdlm#the guy who didn't like musicals#musical theatre#theatre#musical#starkid#ao3#archive of our own#writing#my writing#lauren lopez#joey richter#robert manion#jeff blim#corey dorris#jon matteson#jaime lyn beatty
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Tips on Managing Finances for a Vacation in medan with Medan88 Rent Car
Do you plan to go on vacation? Before you go, it's best to set a budget so that after the holidays, you're not dizzy from running out of money. Vacationing requires extra funds and a travel strategy so that you don't get wasteful.
There are ways that you can get a budget holiday but still have fun. Here are some surefire tips so you won't run out of money after a vacation:
Arrange Vacation Plans
For some people, a vacation has become a necessity, especially those who really like to travel. If you are included, regularly set aside vacation funds from income every month because in one year you will most likely travel. Even if you go on vacation only once in a while, you should set aside funds well in advance before you go on vacation. Holidays will spontaneously result in a larger budget than a vacation that is far planned before.
Destination, Departure Time and Travel Duration
The biggest component in the vacation budget is transportation and accommodation costs. Before preparing this budget, first make sure the destination, departure time and travel time. Don't choose a destination because of the prestige or influence of others. Choose a destination because you really want to visit it and it will fit your pocket with any estimated budget. Do not force the time of departure because of the euphoria of the holidays. At a time like this, transportation and accommodation are at their highest prices. If you are married and have children who attend school, this is the only factor that makes you forced to adjust to their school holidays.
The farther the destination, the greater the transportation costs. But by ensuring your destination well in advance, you will have plenty of time to study and choose the mode of transportation that suits your budget and travel plans. You can combine these modes of transportation. For example, go by train, go home by airplane or by renting a car
When choosing a place to stay like a guest house, you can save on consumption costs. Money is allocated to buy raw materials and seasonings along with cutlery. But still reserve a fee to still be able to enjoy local dishes at tourist sites.
Internet and Guidebooks
Check the price of transportation tickets and accommodation often on the internet. Who knows? There are attractive discount or promotion programs. Almost all modes of transportation and other types of lodging have online sales sites. If you already have a choice, immediately buy / order online because usually the price will be cheaper than buying at a counter or travel agent. In addition to prices, guidebooks are also very helpful in providing information on the state of the city and information on tourist locations. The tips in this book are many benefits to developing a budget that is cost effective.
Food expenses are foremost when on vacation. With creativity and planning, you can save money and buy food that is not expensive but not junk food, for three times a day. When determining where to stay, think about the possibility of renting a place equipped with a mini kitchen or pantry and microwave, a gas stove or electric stove and a small refrigerator to store food. Guest houses usually have this facility.
Stock of Money
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. The less cash carried, the less risk. Money does not have to be carried in cash. If you are concerned with comfort and safety, there are other ways to still be able to have money without holding it in hand. Personal security is increasingly enhanced by using Visa electronic payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards, or prepaid cards.
Choose a Tourist Location
Take advantage of the current city tour that will take you to all the tourist areas by paying just once. Don't forget to visit tourist attractions such as museums, or beaches. At the tourist sites, you are usually free of charge and still able to know the culture and natural beauty of the country.
Travel Insurance
It's important to have safeguards while on vacation, like insurance. But maybe the last thing you want to do is pay insurance with low coverage but have to pay a large premium to make a claim. When choosing insurance, look at what you need and consider the type of vacation. You might not think of going on adventure activities but for some insurance companies consider riding for example as an adventure sport. So make sure insurance secures your every activity.
Souvenirs usually make your eyes dark in shopping. If forced to, buy only for the nuclear family and really for the people closest to you. For large groups, just give one packet of candy or chocolate to eat together. Prepare a list of names first. If you have finished shopping according to the list of names, immediately leave the stall selling souvenirs.Vacationing is a fun activity for everyone. But don't let the budget undermine the costs of other important savings so you run out of money when you return from vacation. Dangerous, right?Well, determine now the destination and time of departure. Do you want to vacation alone, with friends, or family? Have a good vacation!
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Kitchen Set Minimalis
Kitchen set minimalis didesain secara khusus untuk memanfaatkan ruang yang terbatas secara optimal.
Dapur dengan ukuran kecil sering menjadi tantangan dalam menciptakan ruang yang tidak hanya fungsional namun juga estetis.
Namun, dengan menggunakan model kitchen set minimalis, Anda dapat mengatasi kendala ruang tersebut dengan solusi yang efisien dan menarik.
Dengan desain yang simpel dan padat, kitchen set ini menawarkan penyimpanan yang efisien tanpa mengorbankan aspek gaya.
Lemari gantung dan laci-laci dalam kitchen set memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan peralatan dapur dengan teratur dan mudah dijangkau.
Apa Yang Harus Diperhatikan Untuk Membuat Dapur Minimalis ?
Dalam merancang dapur minimalis yang efisien, beberapa hal perlu dipertimbangkan.
1. Peralatan dan Perabotan
Pertama, pilihlah peralatan dan perabotan yang sesuai dengan ukuran ruang.
2. Ruang Terorganisir
Penyimpanan yang terorganisir dengan baik sangat penting, jadi pastikan ada ruang untuk menyimpan peralatan dapur secara rapi. Tata letak yang baik juga memainkan peran penting
3. Menyusun Komponen Dapur
Susunlah komponen dapur dengan cara yang membuatnya mudah dijangkau dan meminimalkan kekacauan.
4. Warna
Pilihan warna dan pencahayaan yang tepat dapat memberikan kesan ruang yang lebih besar.
5. Material
Terakhir, pertimbangkan material yang tahan lama dan mudah dirawat untuk memastikan kepraktisan dan keindahan dalam jangka panjang.
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