#kitc asks
lazicepie · 2 years
roulx headcanon!! i love them. /pos.
Owa!!! Oh my god so, so, Roulx is feminine leaning in gender presentation actually.
But also, sociable enough to pass as just an anomoly of a person. So when being asked about kir gender.
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"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
Is absolutely RAW.
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18 and 14 for the most recent "ask"
my, I do wish we had those in the days of my youth! Fantastic things the "internet" creates on a whim!
HJZH ( o )
Hello Hugo!
14. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe have been scared to do?
Nothing I can share here :)
18. Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?
Ghosts are real! I’ve talked to them before! As for aliens, I’d like some evidence before I make any wild decisions!
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diversity win! the fucked up mad scientist dr milf is not transphobic!
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mythologeekwriter · 11 months
I don’t think I know any of your OCs off the top of my head but uh 60 more questions number 37 for your favorite OC?
“What’s their favorite thing about their significant other, if they have one?”
For this ask game
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the delaying in answering! I'm going to do Ash, about aer partner Sulfria. One key thing about these two is they are so in love, and very mutually attracted to the other's ability to fight, but I think Ash's actual favourite thing about Sul is the understanding. Sul doesn't judge Ash for any of cyr habits, many of which are things that nym absolutely does get regularly judged for, and not only that but she truly gets why ink does them. So yeah, Ash's favourite thing about Sul is the understanding.
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starkwlkr · 7 months
mother (no, literally) | f1
I’m so happy you guys are loving this series 🫶🏼 this one has a bit of a time skip lol
part 1 part 2
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“Did you hear the news?”
“What news?” Lando asked. It was the first race since coming back from summer break and Lando was excited. He had arrived a bit early so he could eat breakfast with his grid mom, but the mention of ‘news’ stopped him.
“Y/n is out of for the rest of the season. Porsche announced it yesterday.” His PR manager, Charlotte, told him.
“Who’s taking her seat?” He asked.
“Juan Manuel Correa.”
Lando stayed silent. He started to think of the worst possible scenarios. He knew she went to to Mykonos with Charlie for her break since she posted on Instagram and texted him that she got him several gifts. Did something happen on her vacation? He prayed that she was okay.
“Do you know if Adam is in the garage?” Lando asked.
“Yeah, he’s still there.”
And so Lando was off to the Porsche garage in search of their team principal. He definitely had the answers. After greeting the engineers, Lando spotted Adam talking with Juan Manuel Correa.
“Hey, man.” Lando greeted the older man. “Where’s Y/n?.”
Both Adam and Juan Manuel looked at Lando with a sorry look. “Did something happen to her? She didn’t text me anything about leaving Porsche.” Lando wanted the truth.
“She’s not leaving. She’s taking a break and don’t ask me for how long, I have no idea when she’ll be back, but for now we have Juan and I’m sure he’ll do an excellent job. Excuse us, we have to have a short meeting right now. Don’t worry, Lando, she’s not sick or injured. She’s fine, actually she’s more than fine.” Adam squeezed Lando’s shoulder as he passed by to get to his team.
“Do you know something?” Lando asked Juan.
“It’s not my place to tell.” Juan said then excused himself to follow his team principal.
Lando figured that if it was one thing bad then surely someone would tell him. But he received no answers.
The F1 off season was here and Lando had plans. First, he needed to see his grid mother. It had been months since he last saw her and everytime he tried to make time to go see her, she wasn’t home. He found it odd, but at least she responded back to his messages.
Y/n was in her LA home with Charlie making dinner. She had found several recipes she wanted to try out. Her belly had grown, obviously, and she couldn’t hide it anymore. When she went out with Charlie, she would wear baggy clothes, but now those same baggy clothes couldn’t hide her bump.
“I’ve been thinking.” Y/n mentioned, grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry and eating it. “We never talked about godparents. Do you have anyone in mind?”
“I assumed Lando would be the obvious choice even if he doesn’t know about the baby.” Charlie replied, grabbing a strawberry and eating it.
“He was my first choice the second I found out. But I thought that you would choose one of your friends or costars from sons of anarchy.” Y/n stood up from her chair to check on the mac and cheese in the oven.
“If you think Lando should be our baby’s godfather then he should. He’s a great kid, babe. He’s technically your first kid.” Charlie teased.
“I miss my grid kids.”
The doorbell had rung meaning Lando had arrived. It was Charlie’s idea to have dinner with Lando to tell him the news. Well . . Once he noticed the big baby bump on Y/n, he would get an idea. While Charlie went to answer the door, Y/n got the mac and cheese out the oven.
Lando had gotten used to being around Charlie. Sure, he was a bit skeptical at first, but once he got to know the man, he knew that Charlie was the one for his grid mom.
“Hey, mate. How was your flight?” Cherie greeted Lando once he opened the door.
“Same as all the others. How are you and the missus?” Lando asked, bringing in his suitcase since he was going to stay with Y/n and Charlie for a couple of days.
“We’re great. Y/n was counting down the days until you got here. She’s in the kitchen. Babe? Lando’s here.” Charlie announced as him and Lando walked towards the kitchen.
The younger driver was stunned when he saw how much Y/n had changed. It it wasn’t a bad change, it was the best change. She smiled at Lando and walked to him to give him a hug.
“You’re pregnant! That’s amazing! Oh my god, you’re going to be an actual mum!” Lando gasped. “Is this why you’ve been hiding?”
“Pretty much. I didn’t want to make my pregnancy public until the birth. I wanted to make sure everything was okay. But it’s more than okay. Baby Hunnam is healthy and growing so fast.” Y/n explained.
“I’m happy for you. Wow, you’re going to be a mum.” He said it as if he couldn’t believe it. “Congratulations to both of you. Do you know the gender yet?”
“We decided to keep it a secret until the birth.” Charlie added.
“Well I think one thing is certain. Baby Hunnam is going to have a lot of overprotective uncles when they make their paddock debut.”
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retiredteabag · 2 months
soft Toji dog-sitting for a generous!reader
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pt. 1 - pt. 2 - next
synopsis: Toji takes up dog-sitting for you and learns to appreciate his new job, in more ways than one.
Time came and went with Toji’s frequent dog sitting. Despite the workhorse owner seemingly never being home, the dog appeared well cared for and happy.  The place became a second home for the man. On one particular 8:00 o’clock morning, he found a long note… and a hundred dollars.
“Mr. Fushiguro, we will be getting lots of rain this week, I can’t ask you to walk him like you usually would but if it’s not too much trouble, please just take him outside and let him go to the bathroom. I’ve got a raincoat in the closet by the garage, a towel for the dog, and umbrellas by the door, please utilize whatever. There are towels for you in the guest bath, I will do the laundry when I get home, please just toss them on the floor.” – y/n  
Toji had never seen a dog so thrilled to be out in the rain. A scoff shook Toji when he found the raincoat. There was no universe where it would've fit him. The dog bounded to the door and sat patiently for Toji to open the umbrella.
It had been painfully humid that day, the rain was torrential, and he was drenched, even with the umbrella. He normally wouldn’t use someone else's shower and he rarely ever did in his previous line of work.
Back then he learned that using his client's utilities gave them the strange impression that they were more than a couple bucks to him. He liked to avoid messes like that and preferred his own (much smaller) shower anyway.
Even so, when the dog and he made it back, the pristine floors and counters stuck out more than ever. He would have to be at the house for a while that day, he figured he should probably clean himself.
If it weren’t for the loving pooch, the place would look unlived in. It was strange to think that before Toji got there and after he left anyone occupied the space at all.
The shower had been better than he’d ever remembered having. He tossed the towels in the wash and waited around. Toji was making more and more, working back-to-back days and he had learned to expect the apology text,
“I’m so sorry, I won't be making it back tonight, can you stay till 10?”
Toji always responded by liking the message. Their text logs looked like a line of grey text with numerous “thumbs up” reactions.  
Eventually, the day came when he did not have a note on the counter. The first day where there was a sign of life in the house, a mess. The dog had been anxiously circling Toji when he arrived. Tissues on the counter, trash not taken out, fridge empty, and what really stuck out to him, no money.
Toji couldn’t care less about how the owner lived, but if he was promised pay, he expected pay. No matter how generous the owner had been in the past. He knew it had been an honest mistake when he texted for the first time in weeks.
“Hey. Dog looks good. Were you planning on going to the bank this morning?”
It took a while for him to get a response but when he finally did, they came in quick succession.
“Oh my gosh”
“Mr. Fushiguro, I am so sorry!!”
“I promise it wasn’t intentional, I’ll be back early tonight, don’t worry about feeding him dinner, I’ll Zelle you for today and tomorrow.”
He hadn’t been upset or anything. The owner had been more than lavish with their money, Toji has never been so flush with cash from so little labor. That thought was what caused him to respond,
“No worries.”  
Toji arrived the next morning and for the first time, was met with…. Nothing? Usually, the dog was quick with its futile tackle attempts. Not today I guess Toji thought.
Toji called for the dog and he came running; just not in the way he usually did. Toji noticed immediately, the whining, the huffing, the wiggling, and the ever-constant pushing at his thigh.
“What? What is it, boy?” Toji asks.
The dog let out a particularly loud cry and ran back to the master bedroom. Toji looked around the kitchen, the first room from the foyer he entered. No note on the counter. But what he did find was a half-full glass of water, a ramekin with a cocktail of pills, and an iPhone with a silent alarm on the lock screen. An alarm was set for 5:42. It was 8:17.
The frantic dog rushed back to find Toji at the kitchen counter with the phone in his hand. He whimpered, nudging Toji with his face. It didn’t take long for the dog to practically drag Toji by the pantleg to the master bedroom.
“What? What?” Toji was looking around the room to see what had the big guy so agitated. It would be a lie to say Toji hadn’t done some snooping around the house. He'd wanted to see how the lavish owner lived. It's fair to say that he had never seen the bedroom look so…disrupted. Toji came around the bed where a potentially human-sized lump lay under a pile that consisted of sheets, a blanket, and an exceptionally fluffy duvet.
                “Excuse me?” Toji knocked his knuckles on the dresser by the bed. Still not totally sure if there was life under all the pillows. “Excuse me.” He said, firmer. Toji raised his eyebrows when a long…noise… escaped painfully from the frump on the bed.
                “Hello? You paid me for today, you know?”
There was a shaky stretch he could see from under the fluff. Then, as though burned with a branding iron, the shape jolted up. Toji was struck by the view of the women before him. Screaming in shock.
                The dog began to whine again between Toji and the woman on the bed. You were making loud, unintelligible exclamations. The dog was licking at his paw.
                “H-hello???!” You were nothing like what Toji was expecting. But then again, he wasn’t sure what he had expected from the ghost that was the owner of this place.
                “Ms. y/n? You paid me to come today.” Toji had taken a step back, he was well aware that he was a frightening presence, especially for the seemingly young and unarmed woman sitting up in her bed.
                “Mr. Fushi-“ a cough “guro?!” your eyes stretched comically wide, and made to jump out of bed, but then you saw how close Toji was, and thought again, “I-I didn’t!” Your hands fly to your head, “Oh God….”
Toji stepped back a ways, he wasn’t sure what he should do or say. The women before him seemed… unwell, to say the least. Weak, for sure, cold too maybe.
                “But it’s….” You began.
                “It’s Friday, you paid me last night for yesterday and today, I can leave if you’d like, but I ain’t got the cash on me…”  
                “No, no, no!” Finally, you stumbled from your bed, seemingly no longer frightened by Toji’s looming form, you seemed flushed, and damp? Definitely unwell. “I-I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I let this happen, I swear I set an alarm…”
You spin around and almost slam directly into Toji's chest. Shrieking, you pulled back and stumbled on your own footing. In the same breath Toji grabs you by the shoulder and righted your center of gravity.
Hot. He thinks She was irregularly warm. He let go and stepped back.
There was once a time when a touch like that would mean nothing, but now, he feels unsure if it was the right move. This woman was nothing like his previous clients.
                “I’m so sorry! But… My phone…” Your eyes survey the desk by the bed. A thermometer sat idly by the lamp.
“I’ve got it here.” Toji waved the device before your eyes, “You left it on the counter back there.” He tilted his head toward the kitchen.
The meek women seemed to no longer fear Toji at all, snatching her phone quickly and moaning loudly. “Oh God!” You echoed.
You shuffle on your feet, unsure of which direction to turn, then finally decide to turn to Toji where he stands staring.
                “I- cannot. Apologize. Enough. Please, you stay here, I need to go, I am so late. I- Thank you, for taking care of my boy.” You were huffing. Stress welled in your form but you squeezed the sides of your temples and rushed to slip shoes on.
                “Excuse me.” Toji felt uncomfortable and out of place in this woman's presence but she was insane if she thought she could work in this condition. Not only due to her clear illness, but also, she was currently wearing a professional pair of flats, green and black oversized plaid pajama pants, and a thick black crewneck. “You… can’t work like this.” He made a face.
You look down at yourself. “Oh, I’m-I’m so embarrassed, and I’m sorry. I have extra clothes in the office, I can change there… I can’t believe this happened.” Your hoarse voice had scratched and faded significantly from the screaming you had done moments before. “Thank you, for waking me, and staying with the dog.”
                “Erm…No, I mean, you can’t work…like this” Toji’s hand motioned to rake over your appearance. Like Hello? You are not presentable. “You're sick.”
                “I’m-no! I’m on the recovery side. I’ll be okay.” You state, wobbling on your “recovering” feet.
                “I don’t think so.” Toji wasn’t trying to be pushy but it was laughable to think someone in your condition was anything but grossly ill. “I think you should call out.”
Your eyes jump at the thought. “I can’t, I’m sorry that this happened, I’ll be sure it won't again. I can't believe-ugh!”
Your exasperation was clear, and no, you were not recovering. You had come home last night beyond exhausted. You had left that morning knowing you were sick. You had left work early, (by 5:30) in hopes that sleep would help you body. But the exhaustion had overtaken you. You can recall taking medicine, placing some out for this morning, and then…. Flopping in bed.
Damn it. This was your fault. And after all the work you had done. The panic had settled into disappointment. And the large man that was supposedly your very attentive and efficient dog sitter was still in your bedroom. Staring at you. In your pajamas. Nice.
“Ya can't work like that. How about I walk the dog, you take the drugs you’ve got in that little cup and go back to bed.” He pauses and. Blood rushes to your face. He gives you a once over, “Maybe wash up.”
You were gonna kill yourself.
There were a million “no!” arguments that came to your mind but they were so jumbled in your fuzzy mind. Another reason for your self-induced frustration. The man was already walking out of your bedroom, your big dog in toe. Your boy!? The dog who hated everyone (especially men) but you?? He was leaving YOU for HIM? That was it.
You waddle back to your bed and flop face first into your pillow and wail. No tears come but the embarrassment and anger fill you so full you need it out of your system in some way.
Checking your (nearly dead) phone you find that it is nearly nine, you weren’t THAT late, this could work. But at the realization that you wouldn’t arrive until almost ten, and the sweat pricking at your neck, all the motivation to make it flooded from your bones. You work from home on the weekend anyway, if you went in today you would likely just humiliate yourself more.
You resigned yourself to the bathroom after taking some medicine, desperate to get yourself clean before the dog sitter returned.
Toji decided to take a slower pace on their morning walk. He had an odd feeling in his stomach. All he could that was that this dogs mom was not what he had expected.
It had become a game for Toji- to guess what the homeowner was like. A decrepit golfer with time for nobody but himself? An old, entitled maid, desperate to appear young? A middle-aged guy like himself, too busy trading stocks to feed his own dog?
Yet today proved that all of his ideas were wrong... you were younger than he had envisioned. You had big, full eyes and you had smiled so shyly while thanking him.
He hadn't meant to embarrass you but your face when he told you you were unpresentable just made him laugh. Your eyebrows knitting together, and your (already heated) facade seemed to rush with more blood. Your downcast gaze had lifted to show a pathetically self-deprecating smile. Toji laughed despite himself.
You had seemed small. But in the moment he had spoken to you, you had shrunk even more. No. Not what he was expecting at all.
And despite himself and his greed. He couldn’t help but hope that he wouldn’t be needed here for a little while.
It seemed like you needed to stay home for a while.
pt. 3
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
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𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 - modern royalty au!lee felix x female reader
wc: 10.6k words
rating: 18+. MDNI
cw: felix and mc being dumbasses, no use of y/n, sickeningly sweet petnames, ANGST, fluff!!, smut warnings under the cut
synopsis: your childhood best friend, the prince lee felix, is due to be betrothed in an arranged marriage organised by his mother. the problem is, you’re her top choice - and you’re also secretly madly in love with him.
a/n: our first fic on the blog!! if anyone has any questions or any thoughts to share with me please feel free. this fic is my baby and i hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it ♡
sw: dryhumping, use of petnames in bed, no actual sex!!, soft cutie felix except nsfw!!!!
You'd loved Lee Felix since the day you met him.
Of course, your brain had always convinced you that he was unattainable. You weren't without status, so to speak - your mother was famously known as the Queen's lady-in-waiting, and it was through her job that you'd had the pleasure of meeting the two princes, Felix and his elder brother Chris. You and Felix had clicked instantly. You had no other siblings yourself, and your father had died in the army when you were a baby, leaving your mother widowed and you without one of your intended parental figures.
Felix had taken that all in his stride, though. The day he met you he stumbled up to you with the grace of Bambi's first movement on ice, all short chubby limbs flailing everywhere and eyes formed in crescent moons with the size of his smile. Chris had taken less interest in you. Although polite, he was three years older than the both of you and already had his own group of friends, but you and Felix hadn't even started formal education yet - and you were inseparable as soon as you met. You were enchanted by him, he had been your first crush, and your first love once you were old enough to understand what that was.
You began your life as a shy, timid little girl, just as clumsy as your best friend. Your knobbly knees were always bruised and scarred, peeking out from the tops of your white knee socks and covered in whatever bandages Felix could find to wrap around you. Felix had brought you out of your shell, introduced you to some of his other 'friends' - at the start, they were just kids with similar status to him, but they really did form a tight knit group eventually. Now, you were known to always be by the side of Felix and his group, getting up to whatever secret debauchery you could manage that wouldn't risk any of your positions in society. Your mother, thankfully, had turned a blind eye to most of it, and the Queen was always too occupied to notice.
When you were younger, you and Felix loved to go out gallivanting. You'd stumble to the nearest beach, bags of towels and books in your canvas bags and giggle as you threw them on the sand. You had some form of an unofficial book club, just the two of you. You saw him practically all day everyday, but you'd both discussed and had decided to designate a Saturday afternoon to discuss whatever books you'd found in the extensive palace library and you both avoided any and all kinds of book talk on any other day in the week. The beach had become your place to gush over whatever literature had caught your attention, with the calming waves of the sea crashing behind you and the tweeting of whatever birds had made an appearance that day.
Now, though, you were both of age. You were both twenty one, and that meant that marriage was around the corner for Felix. He'd been so busy lately, you'd barely had the chance to see him. You took upon completing mundane tasks of your own, helping your mother with anything the Queen asked for (much to her polite gratitude, but she definitely knew why you were sulking around), and sometimes you even helped the cooks make food for the whole palace. Felix had teased you relentlessly once he'd seen you in your white frilly apron and you'd had to chase him out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
It was weird not having your best friend around so much. Chris was already married, being the heir to the throne, despite the fact there were rumours he would abdicate to Felix. Felix hadn't told you anything about that, and you were sure he would have. Even Chris leaving had left a hole in your heart - no more seeing his muscly eye-candy group of friends around. Well, they still showed up uninvited sometimes. You were pretty sure Changbin and Jisung were never actually invited, not even by Chris, but they lingered around him like they were his little brothers, too.
"Hey, you've been making that daisy chain for like, twenty years," A familiar giggle chimed from above you, and you looked up. Ah yes, your Prince. You'd gotten so lost in memories that you'd been wasting a Saturday afternoon with him. Fuck, you're such an idiot. Felix was looking down at you in your position in his lap, your head nestled on top of his crossed legs in the dress slacks he was supposed to wear everyday. He was wearing a white silk shirt on top of it, billowing in the summer breeze, but the top two buttons were still undone due to the heat of the sun. The summer always made your Prince's freckles shine more on his tan skin, the fawn dots even extending to the exposed skin on his chest. Needless to say, you waited impatiently for the hot season to come around every year. His teeth were gleaming in his smile, radiating sunshine and the gleam bouncing off of the bleach blonde mullet he'd managed to convince his mother to let him have.
You had to deflect. He couldn't know you were upset at not seeing him, although you were nearly certain he must have worked it out already. You shrugged dismissively, looking back at the daisy chain in your hands. Your thumbnails were stained with green from the plant stems, but you were still determined to finish it. You were making it for him, as a crown, because you knew he'd keep it until the flowers wilted, and then he'd get the flowers pressed and he'd put them in his scrapbook. He was such a good friend. His scrapbook was full of mementos of the two of you, even sometimes extending to the whole group - you and Felix, your friends, and Chris and his friends. It was mostly full of just the two of you, though.
"Sorry, Lixie. I guess I'm not all there today. Sorry," You mumbled. "What were you saying?"
"I was saying about Rochester and how he's a possessive asshole- no, you know what, that's not important. What's on your mind, sugarplum?" The cheesy nickname worked exactly how he intended it to, making you giggle and your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You nudged his tummy softly with your elbow, the silk brushing against your skin and making goosebumps rise on your arms. Felix dog-eared the page of the book that he was reading from and shut it softly, placing it beside you both. It was one habit of Felix's that you absolutely hated - like, how could he sleep with a clear conscience knowing that he had creased the delicate pages of so many classics? You'd given him so many bookmarks over the years, even personalised ones that you'd crafted in your spare time with both of your names on, but he always lost them or claimed he'd forgotten them in your book club outings. He leaned back on his palms, smiling down at you fondly. You shifted, turning slightly to see him better. You felt the soft cotton of the navy and white plaid picnic blanket brush against the bottom of your bare legs. You weren't really allowed to wear short skirts, or low cut tops, but on a summer's day like this you were permitted to wear a knee length skirt, so long as it was a thick fabric. Nothing too revealing was allowed.
You hummed in response to him, finding him still staring at you. "You want me to be honest, Pixie?"
Felix giggled at his own cheesy nickname, then nodded eagerly, strands of hair falling over his face before he pushed them back. His forehead had a thin sheen of sweat adorning it. "I always want you to be honest with me."
You ignored the butterflies causing a storm in your stomach over the statement. He was so understanding, so sweet - he always had been, like when he would bandage up your scraped knees or comfort you when something went wrong in your favourite TV show. He was even understanding during one of your many nights of debauchery, when you'd all been playing Seven Minutes in Heaven like the horny teenagers you were and you'd been picked to go in with Felix. You'd been bright red, stuttering and giggling nervously about how you'd never had your first kiss and Felix understood, rubbing your arm softly with his dainty hand and insisting you didn't have to do anything that you weren't ready for. You were so embarrassed, but he made you feel so at ease, and you'd both sat in the storage closet and gossiped about Chris instead.
That was the moment you'd fallen in love with him, you think. You were fifteen.
"I'm worried," You admitted, finally letting the flower chain drop from your fingertips and onto your tummy. Felix instantly shot up. His smile had fallen, and he was now looking at you with a concerned look, brushing hair back from your face and tucking it behind your ear. The butterflies started fluttering even faster, if it was possible. You looked up into his brown eyes, and you looked at his freckles, thinking about the many times you'd tried to count every single one. This was your best friend. This was the love of your life. Your Prince, as you affectionately called him in your head. You could be honest with him. If you couldn't, who could you be truthful with? "I'm worried because I know you're getting married soon. We barely see each other as it is anymore, and I miss you, to be honest. It will be soon, won't it?"
Felix hummed. He nodded thoughtfully, eyes drifting to the daisy chain on your tummy. You saw a small smile at the end of his lips as his fingers brushed over it. He knew it was for him. He'd made you many over the years, too, and you'd kept them in your own scrapbook, despite it being much emptier than his. "It will be soon. My mother is picking the right candidate at the moment. But..."
You furrowed your eyebrows. He hadn't looked back at you, still gazing at the daisy chain and beginning to rub reassuring circles on your side. "... But?"
The smile finally formed on his lips. "You do realise you're her top option, right?"
You shot up from his lap, eyes widening. Felix bit his lip, holding in a laugh. He was laughing at you, that bastard, but it did make sense. You were the Queen's favourite, and she knew how close you and Felix were. She wasn't a nasty or a ruthless Queen. She was a people person, she always donated money to charity and the homeless rating in your country was literally almost zero. She'd done so much for people since she was in power, and she never cared about status - not that it had ever affected you, but she did treat everyone as her equals. She was like Felix in that way, a sweetheart, and she always permitted you and Felix to go on journeys wherever you wanted, so long as you kept safe and there was a guard in the area, just in case. There was one in the meadow with you now, but you couldn't even see them from where you were sitting. She was just... so cool, down to earth. She understood what it was like to be young, within reason.
You were flustered. Your brain had instantly gone to thinking of getting married to Felix, spending nights with him but not in the way you used to, and even... Well, you had to consummate the marriage, didn't you? You were extremely inexperienced in that department, save for a few drunken childish kisses with Chris' friend Changbin when you were just a bit younger, but you still found your mind racing and going through your deepest, darkest fantasies. Fantasies that you would never entertain outside of shoving a hand down your underwear in your bed at night and whining into the satin pillows. You had to hide that you were thinking about that, what the fuck is wrong with you? Time to deflect.
"Well, she does love me," You said boldly. Felix shook his head, punching you in the arm, perhaps a bit harder than he meant to because you let out a hiss and punched him back too hard, in the leg. His smile dropped, groaning and grabbing the spot on his shin where you'd hit him. "But, would you be okay with that, Lixie? It's... me. We'd be like... you know."
"Married? Well, yeah," Felix laughed, still holding his leg. You sighed, giving him a flat look. You needed to keep yourself occupied, so you picked up the daisy chain on the blanket and started to fiddle with it again, threading it through with nimble fingers. Felix finally let go of his leg, throwing himself onto his side so he was lying down on the blanket and facing you. He'd started to fiddle with the cover of the book. Another thing you were getting prepared to tell him off about. "I know what you mean. Honestly, though? I can't think of anyone better to do it with," You felt yourself suppressing a smile at his words, said lowly in that deep voice of his. Everytime he said something like that, your brain instantly went to shit, he liked me back, and you couldn't have that showing on your face when you knew deep down that wasn't the truth. He was unattainable- no, wait, now he wasn't that unattainable, now that you've actually stopped being angsty and depressing and actually thought about it. "I mean, you are my best friend, sugarplum."
You let out a fake laugh at his use of that stupid nickname again, and it seemed to placate him. Best friend. Yeah. Because one thing you hadn't thought about during your insane train of thought, one thing you had always considered and had been the main factor in not confessing to him, was that you couldn't risk ruining the friendship you had built up with him for sixteen years.
Unattainable. He was unattainable. You felt yourself mulling over that thought over and over as you paced in your bedchambers, in your silly Disney pyjamas that now barely fit you and you would never let anyone see. You had no one you could even talk to about this. It was clearly royal intel, secret information, and the only person you could have possibly talked to now never comes around anymore because Chris decided to get fucking married and now spends most of his time boning his wife for an heir. Or just because he likes boning her, you weren't sure, but Felix told you that he'd heard enough through the walls to know that boning was definitely occuring every night. Anyway, Changbin wasn't around much anymore, and he was your top confidant - bar Felix.
You liked living in the palace, but would you like living there as a Princess? Well, fuck yeah, obviously. It was like something out of The Princess Diaries, one of your favourite films which you and Felix had watched over and over. He hated it. You had a good, solid reputation. You were a high member of society due to your mother's job, and you and your mother were even placed on the royal side of the palace for your living quarters. You had a massive bedroom, an extravagant en suite with a relaxing bathtub and a sitting room with a huge TV that you and your mother always curled up in front of. How could it even get any better? You had seen Felix's room, when you were younger, but it kind of became unspokenly forbidden when you got to your teenage years, lest something gets out of hand. You understood it, actually. You'd been going through enough hormones to know that you had definitely come dangerously close to propositioning him a few times.
You had propositioned Changbin, obviously. You two had your first kisses together, and also a few drunken kisses, but you'd ended up as just friends. He was probably the only one who knew about your feelings for Felix, and he admitted you weren't his type anyway. You were sure he was in love with Felix's friend, Hyunjin, but you never commented on the way he looked at Hyunjin like he'd hung the stars in the sky. You couldn't really say anything either, knowing full well that you looked at Felix the same.
You needed to speak to Changbin. The unbearable amount of anxiety at not knowing was mounting in you. But it hit you, then, in the middle of your pacing and chewing on your thumbnail. You looked at the copy of Jane Eyre that Felix had given you, placed on your bed. Your mother knew. She had to have known you were a choice, surely, and she hadn't even told you?
You shook your head, resuming pacing. You couldn't blame her. Felix wasn't even meant to tell you. It made sense, though - you'd received pretty much the same education as a royal, and you and Felix were inseparable. You knew you had the etiquette, the social skills (thanks to Felix). You were pretty much a Princess without being a Princess. It had to be you, right?
Did you want it to be you?
You threw yourself onto your bed, wrapping the soft pillow around your head and screaming incoherently into the fabric. It didn't help. Who were the other choices? You thought of other girls who lingered around the palace, ones that had definitely had crushes on your Prince growing up and had given him fleeting glances with blushed cheeks and an agape mouth. None of their names even came to mind. Maybe a Princess from another country, for a marriage of creating alliances? You could see the Queen considering that. She was always very logical, but you also knew she had her son's best interests in mind. Chris had married a Princess from a different Kingdom, actually, but his marriage wasn't even arranged. He'd been in love with her since they were teenagers, and they could only meet once or twice a year in arranged legal meetings. You remember them having perhaps not so quiet dates together. Everyone knew, and when they announced their engagement everyone was happy but not surprised. Felix had taken too long to find a wife, and even the thoughtful Queen couldn't let that slide. People were asking questions, personal questions about his demeanour and whether he was off putting, and she couldn't deflect the questions for much longer.
You hadn't even noticed you'd drifted off, and you woke up to your face still smushed in the pillow. You immediately inhaled sharply upon waking up, taking in the light outside. You'd drooled all over your pillow, leaving a huge wet patch and your hair was knotted every which way, making you look like you'd been dragged backwards down the hedge. Damn. Thinking too hard has taken its toll on you, really.
A knock on the door made you spring up from your bed, smoothing down your hair with one hand, before another three knocks came in succession and you paused your movements. It was yours and your mother's secret knock - one knock, then three quick ones after. She'd seen you in worse states. Much worse states, even hungover states that you'd cried over while she held a bucket to your head and had promised to keep it a secret. You padded over to the door, opening it slightly just to make sure it was in fact, her. It was, obviously. Not even Felix knew your secret knock.
She came in and sat on the big armchair in front of the fire. Neither of you had said anything. You stood awkwardly, wringing your hands. She finally looked at you, a kind look on her face.
"I have two things to say," She smiled. You loosened up a bit, realising that it was just your mother. She'd always been stuck by you. It had been only the two of you, after all. It was all you knew. You nodded, rushing over to sit cross legged in front of her like a child. "First of all, the Queen would like to meet with you in an hour. Second of all, you're seriously still wearing those Dumbo pyjamas? The legs aren't even long enough anymore, I can see your knees, they're meant to be trousers not shorts-"
You blinked owlishly. Her rant went in through one ear and out the other, before she realised you weren't listening. She sighed. You blinked again, pulling the ends of your pyjama trousers absentmindedly to try and make them longer. "The Queen... wants to meet with me?"
Your mother nodded. She wasn't giving anything away by her face, but she definitely knew. She knew. She knew what you were going to be told. God, why couldn't she just ignore her job duties for once and be a fucking mother? You chided yourself mentally, she was a great mother. But you were frustrated. You needed to know now, not in an hour!
"Just... just me, and her?" You questioned, cocking your head to the side. Your mother shook her head, fingernails picking at a loose thread on her skirt. She was avoiding eye contact. What the fuck is going on?
Oh God, it's not you, is it? Fuck.
"Felix will be there," Your mother stated. She jumped up sharply. "I'll help you pick an outfit, dear. Come." She beckoned you to the armoire in the corner and you followed dutifully.
Your mother began to flick through pieces of fabric hanging off of hangers, and you tried to ignore the anxiety now mounting again in the pit of your stomach.
You so badly wanted it to be you. Just for once, you wanted to be selfish.
An hour later, on the dot, you stood outside the main hall. It was where everyone - royalty and staff alike - ate food together. That was, again, one of the kind Queen's rules. It was also where her throne was, where she had meetings with people. You'd never been on the receiving end of such a formal meeting, but one of the Queen's maids had come and collected you from your room five minutes before the allocated time. You'd managed to run a brush through your hair, thank God, and your mother had put you in a baby blue pinafore dress that came down to mid-knee on top of a white long sleeved turtleneck. The turtleneck was far too warm for the weather, but you knew the Queen would appreciate the conservative outfit. You stared down at the Mary Jane's on your feet.
You shut your eyes, trying to control your breathing, before realising you really couldn't afford to be late. Maybe you'd fucked up and done something wrong. You raised your hand, knocking softly on the door, but it swung open with the small force of your knock. The Queen sat on her throne, flipping through the pages of a book. Your Prince stood behind her, leaning over the throne, pointing at certain pages and giggling. She was smiling fondly at the pages, rubbing her fingertips over certain ones and mumbling statements to her son. She'd began to age slightly, with wrinkles adorning her eyes and mouth, but she didn't look any less beautiful. She had long, dark hair and freckles, just like Felix, but her smile was as kind as Chris'.
Oh? They seemed happy, at least.
You cleared your throat. The Queen, her Majesty, looked up at you and smiled acknowledgingly, shutting the book on her lap. She beckoned for you to come in and you did a small curtsy before shuffling into the lavish room. You could smell the kitchen from here, and you knew the cooks were whipping up something fierce by the enticing smell of it. You hadn't had time to have breakfast, because you'd slept in, and lunch was still around two hours away. You hoped your stomach wouldn't grumble too loud as you eventually approached the throne.
Felix smiled at you. He was wearing a similar pair of dress slacks to yesterday, but this time his silk shirt was a baby blue, the Kingdom's colours. A silver chain rested on his neck and you took note of the earrings dangling from his ears - another impulse decision you'd both done when you were younger. You know Felix had gotten in trouble for it at first, but the Queen seemed to be buying him a lot of expensive earrings lately. She knew what it was like to be young, after all. You smiled back awkwardly, rubbing your sweaty hands on your pinafore. It was then you realised you were in the Kingdom's colours too. Very patriotic of your mother.
"You want some tea, sugarplum?" Felix's voice drew you out of your thoughts, and you winced at the nickname. In front of his mother? In front of the Queen? Seriously? Your eyes seemed to convey a similar message to him, a flat glare, but he simply giggled. You saw him pouring from a teapot into a dainty teacup, and reverted your eyes to the Queen. She was still looking down at the book in her lap, and you looked down at it in confusion.
It was the scrapbook Felix made for the two of you. It was full of pictures from when you were younger to now, full of cinema tickets from secret outings and full of pressed flowers. Some of your favourite book quotes had even made it into there, scrawled in both of your handwritings. Even your school graduation pictures were in there. You'd been sent to a private school for the upper society, obviously, but you still had a normal graduation - albeit small, and full of snobby people.
"Thank you for meeting me, your Majesty," You were babbling in awkwardness. Oh, God. It was like word vomit, you couldn't stop it. "I'm really glad to meet with you today. I'm just wondering, have I done something wrong? You never ask to meet me."
The Queen laughed, her eyes forming crescent moons exactly the same as Felix's. Felix appeared at your side then, handing you a small teapot with what looked like peach tea in it. Your favourite, because of course, your Prince remembers that. You awkwardly shifted on one foot to the other, taking small sips of the tea to try and cool your nerves and almost screaming because it was still scalding hot. Felix was trying to hold in a laugh beside you, you could tell without even looking at him. Bastard.
"You haven't done anything wrong, sweetheart," The Queen's voice was soft, and she was now looking at you, taking in your outfit. She nodded approvingly. "You look lovely, very sophisticated. I believe I've made the right choice."
Your cheeks burned red. No. Fucking. Way. "T-The right choice? Do you mean...?"
The Queen beckoned over one of her staff members and they scurried over in a similar manner to the way your mother would have done. They placed a box in her hands, a small black velvet box that looked like it could be opened seamlessly. A... ring box? "I apologise, sweetheart. I've kept you in the dark a little bit with all of this. Would you bring her a chair, dear? A comfortable one."
The staff member scuttled over to grab a small chair with a red pillow on top of it and placed it behind you. You looked to your left side, still in shock, and the staff member simply smiled and motioned to the chair. You muttered a thanks in acknowledgement and sat on the pillow. Damn, the chair was comfortable. Felix was still standing, watching you hold your teacup awkwardly in a sweaty hand. He looked like he was about to die of laughter. God, you hated him so much, but you also really didn't. He just loved to tease you.
Maybe he would in bed, too-
"So, as you probably know, our favourite boy hasn't found someone to court yet," The Queen began speaking once you were sat down. Felix groaned, and his mother simply laughed. "Hush, now, sweetheart."
"Mum, you said you wouldn't be mean-"
Their dynamics always amazed you. She took the piss out of him, to put it quite literally, but in such an eloquent manner it could be easily missed as them having a difficult relationship. They didn't. He was a mummy's boy, through and through. It was one of the things you loved about him. You could tell a lot about a man from the way he treated his mother.
"Felix, hush now," She admonished again, but the smile on her face didn't leave. Felix mumbled something and then went back over to the side to fiddle with the teapots. Good, he should feel awkward. You looked at her outfit, beautiful in an ornate sense, pearl clips pinning her long, dark hair up so you could see the freckles on her face that matched your Prince. "I took it upon myself to find Felix a bride. I hope you don't think I'm cruel for doing so, I do have my baby's best interests in mind."
Felix groaned, putting his face in his hands. "'M not a baby-"
"You always will be to me, sweetheart. But it was time to get you courting, to get you married. I couldn't do that when you're always gallivanting discussing books with this one now, could I?" Your cheeks burned. You started to stutter out an apology, but she held up a hand to stop you. "Nonsense, sweetheart. Your friendship is one I've always admired. You're inseparable, and it is lovely to see you both so happy. You know that I value your mother highly, also."
You nodded, grinning. You felt a bit more at ease at the praise. The tea had also cooled down slightly too, so you started to sip it again, ignoring the way Felix was intently watching you with an evil smile to see if you'd burn your tongue again.
"Then, I thought about it. I thought, well, I do value your mother extremely highly, and you've been very helpful as of late. Obviously, that is because this one isn't taking up all of your time again," She nodded her head towards Felix. It was such an informal motion that you laughed in shock, and she giggled, a chiming similar to Felix's laugh that shouldn't have come from a middle aged woman who was literally the top of society. You still weren't completely getting at what she was saying, but you were enjoying the conversation. It was just praise, praise, praise. Amazing. "So, I want to offer you something. I want you to know you can decline, and you and your mother will remain here in your current roles. It would make me very happy, however, if you agreed to marry Felix."
You blinked. Okay, yeah, you kind of knew that's what she was getting at, but still - coming out of her mouth you thought you were going to have a heart attack. Your eyes flitted to Felix, who was simply nodding at you in encouragement, eyes widened. He... what, had he convinced her with that scrapbook? He wanted to marry you? Ugh, he probably just wanted to marry you so he didn't have to marry someone he didn't know. He doesn't even know you like him like that. But... a little part of you wanted to be selfish. You scratch his back by not letting him marry someone he's not close with, and he scratches yours by at least pretending to be in love with you. Could you deal with that, though? The pretending?
You nodded in acknowledgement at what the Queen said, looking at your tea again. The tea leaves were floating around in the liquid, mocking you, as if saying you were so fucking dumb. Of course you were going to say yes. "Um... may I ask, your Majesty, what would happen if I said no?"
You refused to look at Felix. The Queen hummed, looking down at the box in her lap. Oh, that was a ring box, definitely. Funny, in a weird way. "Well, this way, if you got married, you'd be able to spend a lot of time together. You'd see each other a lot. You'd be happy. If you decline... I'd have to find someone else for him to-"
"I'll do it," You grimaced at cutting the Queen off, but you couldn't even bear to think of him with someone else. Instead of chiding you, she beamed from ear to ear, and Felix rushed over to you.
He leaned down, wrapping his arms around you and leaning in for a hug. He felt so soft, all silk and soft skin, but you knew what was underneath that shirt. You'd seen it, and now you were definitely going to see everything else. He smelled of lavender and orange blossom, that expensive perfume he's always spraying on himself, but you could smell notes of the flowers in the meadow that were still left on his skin from yesterday.
Okay, yeah, you could get used to this.
You didn't get a proper engagement, but that was alright. You'd been given the ring pretty much straight away after your meeting, and when you'd got back to your room after lunch your mother was still there, but now she was gushing, almost bouncing off the walls.
The ring was beautiful. Even using that adjective felt like an understatement. It was clearly an heirloom, passed through generations. The gem in the middle was blue tourmaline, and whilst it matched the Kingdom's colour it was extremely rare - or so you thought, you weren't sure - and it was surrounded by a cluster of diamonds and placed on a thin gold band. You'd always dreamed of getting engaged, even letting yourself think about getting engaged to Felix sometimes, when you were feeling particularly selfish. You always thought it would happen on the meadow, or on your guys' beach that you'd had less time to go to these days because it was further out. You didn't think you wanted it to be pretty lavish, just you two, so you weren't that angry about just being given the ring and told to prepare for an outing with Felix later on. He was your safe place, and you did want to talk privately about the engagement, so you weren't too angry.
You thought about it a lot, looking down at the gem glinting in the light. Your mother had left, and you were now just sitting at your vanity staring at your own hand. The public knew who you were. They knew you were Prince Felix's best friend, and more than a few people had deemed you two as soulmates, people from a similar status who were bound to fall in love and get married. Now, it just felt very one sided. You knew you were in love with Felix, and you'd agreed to the marriage with little thought, but now you felt a bit anxious. How were you going to pretend not to love him when you had to sleep next to him every night? Or when you had to go on dates with him? The engagement would be formally announced tomorrow, with the outing tonight being specifically for you to wear the ring in the public's eye and for you two to dial up the romance and get people speculating. The engagement party was planned to take place tomorrow night after the announcement, with everyone important there.
It was a beautiful ring. You just weren't sure you could pretend any more. You were sick of pretending to just view him as a friend.
When the night rolled by, you'd dressed in something a bit cosier - not too warm, because the nights weren't getting cold much anymore. You'd switched your pinafore and long sleeve for a thin knitted jumper and some long linen trousers, throwing a long but light jacket on top. You had to look sophisticated, respectful even. You deemed you looked alright after tucking the jumper into the trousers and adorning a belt, and when you swung the door open to your room, Felix was stood there.
He'd also put on a thin jumper in lieu of his thin billowing silk shirts, but he still looked just as good in the blue cable knit staring you in the eyes. He'd even put on a long coat just like yours. It was like you were matching, but you hadn't intended to. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes, and you swore you'd never seen him look happier, not even when you'd moan in delight eating his homemade brownies or when you'd go sick after eating too many of said brownies because they were too good. His hair was neatly styled, pulled back in a stylish half up-half down ponytail, with a few strands dangling in his face.
"Hey, sugarplum," He spoke, voice low. You groaned, pushing him out of the doorway and leaving the room, shutting the door behind you. He laughed in delight at your annoyance and linked arms with you. It was then you noticed he had a flower in his hand - just one stem, but the meaning was enough to almost make you cry.
"Oh my God, Felix, is that-"
"Baby's breath," He unlinked his arm with you, passing the stem to you. When you two were younger, you'd been entranced by the baby's breath growing in your meadow and you'd both been determined it was the work of fairies. It was too beautiful to be normal, and you and Felix had collected them endlessly until there was basically none left. You called them fairy flowers, and that's sort of where Felix's nickname had come from - your mother had called him Pixie affectionately when he'd revealed that he really thought these flowers were part of a fairy's little garden. He pretended to hate it, but you know he secretly loved it when you called him that. Chris had told you.
"You remembered. We used to call them fairy flowers," You brushed your hand over the flower, grinning at the softness. Felix chuckled, whispering a 'yeah'. He quickly pinched the flower from you again, tucking it behind your ear. You quite literally swooned, smiling up at his own beaming face. It got a bit awkward for you then though, because you couldn't even pretend not to be in love with him now, before you're even married. You found yourself in a state of word vomit again. "Jeez, dial down the PDA, Romeo. We're not even outside yet."
You walked off, leaving Felix trailing after you laughing at your words. "'Jeez'? What are you, a frat boy? You need to stop reading fanfictions, you know," He slung his arm around your waist, leading you out of the palace grounds. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him, but you leaned in closer to his touch. Tonight was meant to just be a late night walk, full of holding hands and perhaps acting like normal people getting some street food from a dodgy merchant that would give you a bad tummy for a few days. Once you'd left the ornate gates, with one of the guards waving you both goodbye, you started to walk down the street and into the busier part of town. The palace wasn't too far from the hustle and bustle of the city, because again, the Queen apparently loved to be normal. People came to the palace all the time and took pictures and whatnot, but they were never allowed into the actual building. That was too far, and a danger to security.
You both began to walk, feeling the much cooler breeze blow through your hair and rattle the petals upon your ear. It was a bit ticklish, but he'd put it there, so it was staying there. His arm stayed around your waist, but it was comforting. You'd done stuff like this a million times. You were both extremely affectionate and loved touch anyway, so it wasn't strange. Of course, it felt different. You were engaged to him now. You could like... kiss, and stuff. You felt like a high school girl kicking her legs and twirling her hair over her crush, but you decided you were going to allow it because you were still young, and still yet to have a lot of your firsts with someone.
Once you got to a street where there were a few people milling around, Felix motioned to a wooden bench on the side of the path. Overgrown moss and bushes wrapped around it, but it still looked quite cute. "Wanna sit down here for a bit? I think we should probably have a chat, you know. About everything," When you looked at him, he looked embarrassed for once, strange given his usual brazen nature. You found yourself wanting to comfort him, so you nodded, sitting down on the bench and smoothing your trousers down. He sat next to you, turning to face you on the bench and fiddling with the cuffs of his coat.
"Felix, are you okay about marrying me?" You blurted out. "I mean, I know you probably don't want to marry anyone else, but you won't even get the chance to try to get to know everyone. You're stuck with me."
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. His head snapped up to you. "Um, what the fuck? You're my best friend. I am absolutely okay with getting married to you."
Your chest heaved. You felt reassured, but still not completely relieved. "But... Lixie. We'll have to kiss. And we'll be sharing a bed. You know we have to consummate the marriage, right?"
There was that smirk on his face again. You regretted ever saying anything. "You've been thinking about having sex with me?"
You groaned, putting your head in your hands. You heard Felix chuckling next to you, his shoulders shaking the whole rickety bench. You finally looked up at him, punching him in the leg again. His laughter ceased as he yelped. Good, bastard. "You know what I mean, Lix. We are literally going to have to, or the marriage won't be like, real. Or something, I don't know."
"You do know, you know everything. You're smarter than me," Felix chided you. He sighed, leaning to put his head on your shoulder. "What are you actually worried about? Tell me."
"It's just..." You couldn't say it. But maybe you could, and phrase it differently. A conditional question, to answer the real question inside of you. "What if we fell in love?"
Felix hummed, shutting his eyes softly. "Then everyone would have been right about us."
"Y-You... you wouldn't mind it? What about our friendship?"
He rubbed his cheek against you comfortingly. "It would only be made better, sugarplum," He pulled back, grinning at you. Oh no. That smile meant a Dumb Felix comment was incoming. "Plus, I know you think I'm smoking hot, so-"
"Felix!" You whined. He stuck his tongue out at you cheekily, making you roll your eyes. You turned away from him, staring ahead at a large tree on the other side of the path.
"I mean, we are compatible. Would it be so bad?" He sounded insecure now. You looked at him. His eyes were gleaming from the moonlight, and he did look really nervous. Perhaps... he wants to know if you'd hate him if either of you caught feelings. He wants to know if you think it would ruin your friendship. Honestly? After that conversation, you didn't. You shook your head, smiling softly at him. He stuck his tongue out again, trying to lighten the mood, and you did it back. You both had a fit of giggles afterwards, hitting each other while laughing like you always do.
Then, you saw it. A distinctive flash of a camera behind Felix, towards the end of the path. Oh, yeah, you're meant to be like, loving it up right now. You grabbed Felix's arm, pulling him in.
"Wh- wha-"
You brought his ear to your mouth, looking down at it and whispering. "There's a reporter taking pictures behind you. Don't look, but we should probably be more affectionate."
Felix pulled away, nodding solemnly. You could practically see the cogs turning in his head as he spoke, then a lightbulb going off. "Kiss me."
"H- Huh?!"
"Or, I'll kiss you, I don't mind. But that would really prove a point, wouldn't it? So caught up in each other that we forget royal etiquette?" He'd leaned back more comfortably on the bench, slinging an arm behind you. His fingertips were dancing up your shoulder as you were turned to face him, faces only inches apart. You licked your lips. He licked his own. The flash appeared again. Oh, the reporter liked that.
"Felix... I don't know-"
"I know it's not your first kiss, sugarplum. Can't back out of kissing me now," You internally groaned at the mention of him knowing what you and Changbin had done. Fuck Changbin, stupid blabbermouth. Felix was smirking, looking at you.
"Fuck it. As long as it won't be awkward?"
"We're gonna have to kiss a lot more, may as well kiss now," He shrugged. You shrugged. He was right. Eventually, you nodded. His fingertips carried on tracing shapes on your shoulder - you managed to make out a flower, a heart, maybe even a cat's head. Or a dog's head, you weren't sure. His other hand went up to your chin, fingertips coming to lift your head up to be closer to him once again. His eyes went to yours, a silent question in those deep brown eyes, and you nodded in response.
With that, you were being kissed by your first love. Your one sided love, to be precise, but you actually couldn't find it in you to care. You didn't even realise the camera flashing repeatedly as you pressed your lips against his, a chaste but open mouthed kiss. His lips were extremely soft, and you fluttered your eyes shut and leaned in to get more. He obliged, hand now going to the back of your head to bring you in further. You whimpered at the dominance the grab showed, and he let out a sharp breath of air through his freckled nose in response. You wanted more, so much more. Your lips pressed against each other over and over, a little messy but you liked it like that. Just as you tried to get your tongue against his, he gently pulled away, with one more small peck to your nose.
You were embarrassed when you realised you'd tried to follow him for more kisses. You quickly avoided eye contact, and Felix elbowed you.
"Look at me!" He whined for attention. Ah yeah, same old Felix. You'd forgotten what he was like in that ten second kiss. He still had issues with wanting to be the centre of attention. You looked at him awkwardly, fists clenched in your sweaty palms. You almost felt bad the beautiful ring had to live there. Once you'd looked at him, his sad face fell and he smirked. "Good, huh?"
"W-Was I... good? I've only ever kissed Changbin," You admitted, grimacing. Felix sat up sharply, putting a hand on your knee. You almost flinched away to try and sedate your own sexual desires, but he would get suspicious.
"Uhhh, yes! It was good, I really enjoyed that. Thank you for doing that for me," Felix comforted. When you nodded in response, he grabbed your chin again and placed another peck on your lips. "I... honestly? I kind of wouldn't mind kissing you again."
The boy's boldness shocked you everyday, and you'd known him for sixteen years. "For... for practice, right? When we're married, we're gonna have to do it loads, so-"
"Yeah, yeah, one hundred percent. For practice," Felix agreed. He was nodding eagerly. He suddenly shifted, looking down at the watch on his wrist. "Aw, shit. We should probably head back. Wanna watch a film in your room when we get back?"
You grinned. Back to the same old. This was better, though now you knew you'd be thinking about being on your back with him on top of you making out while you were watching a film. Quickly, you realised something. "That will look so sus though, now that we're engaged."
"We'll keep it a secret," He wiggled, elbowing you. You found yourself laughing, jumping up to walk back to the palace. You held your outstretched hand to him.
"Your majesty?"
"Ah, yes, my fine maiden," Felix giggled, sliding off the bench to grab your hand. You both started to walk to the edge of the path, skipping along as if you had no cares in the world. You heard rustling, probably the sounds of the reporter leaving.
You hoped you'd done okay. You hoped you'd made it believable. Well, you probably had, given your actual feelings - but had Felix?
You'd woken up the next day with a piece of popcorn stuck to your forehead and another person snoring next to you. You blinked yourself awake drearily, leaning up on your palms and looking around your room. Your TV had turned onto standby, and you looked to your right. Felix was in your room. Felix was in your bed. You'd- oh, no. You'd totally just fallen asleep watching a movie, nevermind. Totally fine.
No, actually. Totally not fine!
You shrieked, grabbing Felix's slender waist and wiggling him awake. He'd borrowed a pair of your more comfortable clothes and the t-shirt had been just a bit too small, riding up with every move and now exposing nearly his whole tummy. You tried to ignore it, continuing to shake him awake. The piece of popcorn stuck to your forehead fell onto the bed with an unceremonious noise and you groaned. Eventually, after what felt like hours of shaking your best friend, he opened his eyes and gave you a wide smile, pulling you in for a cuddle. You ignored how lovely it felt and tried to get him to regain consciousness and morality.
"You are in my bed."
"I know, dummy- Oh." Felix shot up, nearly sending you flying off the bed. His hand landed on the piece of popcorn, crumbling it into your pristine white sheets. You tried not to cry. His eyes widened, staring at you. "What's the- have you checked your phone? What's the time?"
You shook your head, reaching over to grab your phone. You seldom went on your phone, preferring to read and spend time with Felix, but you had it in case of emergencies and also sometimes for TikTok, but you'd never admit that. You blinked. 11am.
You'd missed breakfast, but you also had zero missed calls or texts on your phone. No one had woken you? Weird. You flipped the screen to show Felix, and he leaned in closer. You were brandishing your wallpaper of the two of you on the beach last summer, but you didn't care. He grabbed your phone, entered your passcode and clicked on the phone app.
"No one even tried to wake us?" He asked. You shook your head. He laid back down, seeming weirdly reassured. You didn't question it, slinking up next to him and putting your head on his shoulder. He moved his arm accordingly, pulling you into his chest and still clicking random buttons on your phone. Eventually, he landed on the search tab, and typed in 'news'. Oh, shit. Was it announced?
Yep. In blaring headlines, multiple news media sources were now releasing reports with every single detail of the story, including pictures of the two of you last night. The titles were all similar, going along the lines of "the sweet Prince and beloved best friend confirmed to be engaged!" or "sophisticated best friend and the lovely Prince taking a romantic late night stroll!". You scoffed, clicking on one and scrolling down. The pictures were cute, to be honest. Some even showed the two of you laughing and hitting each other last night, or you two walking home hand in hand and skipping as if you were kids. One picture, however, is what stuck with you. It was the two of you mid-kiss, Felix's hand on the back of your head and his other holding your shoulder, keeping you in place. It was fucking hot.
"Damn, we look good, you know?" Felix mused, zooming in on the picture. You hummed. You did, you couldn't deny that. "My mum was so real for thinking of us getting married. Like, we totally look good together. Imagine our kids."
Imagine what we'll do to make kids, you thought, but you bit your tongue. You giggled, slapping Felix's chest playfully, then a thought came into your stupid lizard brain. "Hey, Lix?"
"Yeah?" He was still scrolling through an article, laughing at some of the sentences. Everyone loved the two of you, but a few were jealous that you'd managed to snag him. Good.
"Did you mean what you said last night? About practice?" Felix's thumb stopped on the screen. His eyes darted to you, his hair still mussed from sleep. He just stared at you, and you lost your nerve. "Sorry. Weird thing to say. I was just wondering-"
"No, not weird. I meant it. You wanna make out? For practice?" Felix locked your phone, chucking it to the end of the bed. You didn't have time to scold him for throwing your things around like that before his hand was carding in your hair, fingertips scratching at your scalp. God, you loved it when he did that. Your eyes shut in bliss. You totally forgot what he asked. "Hey, earth to sugarplum."
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sure. For practice."
Okay, so you were totally being super selfish. But, you were going to be having sex with him soon. You could do a little making out to prepare, right? You were just a woman, after all. Nothing wrong with that. His fingers gripped your hair with a different intensity then, pulling at the strands slightly, and you choked back a whine. You opened your eyes, looking up at him.
He hummed, looking at you. He tilted his head to the side, thinking. "Maybe... yeah," He grabbed your arm, pulling you over him. He positioned you exactly how he wanted you, on top of him, straddling his hips. His dainty hands went to your waist, rubbing circles. "Yeah, like this. For practice."
"For practice," You agreed solemnly. You were beginning to think that maybe it wasn't for practice. Maybe he just wanted to. He scooted up, leaning up against the pillows so he was sat up and you were sat on top of him. You tried to ignore the fact that you could feel what was going on between his legs through your thin sleep shorts. You couldn't get too wound up during this, just in case it was just for practice. Knotting your hands into the fabric of his - your - white t-shirt, you leaned down, brushing your nose with his. You were being selfish, but bold, but mostly selfish.
Felix's eyes flitted down to your lips, leaning up to place a soft kiss there. You smiled softly, and he returned yours with a smile that could only be described as filled with fondness. You bit your lip, noticing the way his eyes honed in on your teeth and perhaps his grip tightened on your hips just a bit, but he'd always deny it.
"Lixie." You muttered. You were too shy. He knew exactly what you meant, and raised one hand up to grab at the back of your head. He brought your lips to his, attaching his mouth to yours in a way that was completely different from yesterday. Yesterday was for show, but this seemed personal, hungry almost. You decided you were going to take what you could get. You pressed your lips to his harder, making him choke out a noise of surprise. It was messy, again, open mouthed kisses that were nothing akin to precise or experienced, but you could get to know each other, get to know what you liked. Right at that moment, all you knew was that you liked him, and you would be so pissed off if he didn't let you get your tongue in his mouth like he did last night.
Your hands went up to his face, cradling his cheeks in your palms and slipping your tongue into his mouth. Your tongues brushed against each other, and you whined, hips kicking up just slightly before you managed to stop yourself. He grabbed your hips, flipping you over so he was on top of you, not breaking the kiss. His lips kept brushing against yours as his tongue entered your mouth, groaning at the feeling. You couldn't stop breathing heavily through your nose, your hands roaming up his back and landing on his hair, pulling him down to kiss you harder. Your lips felt bruised, swollen, but you never wanted to stop kissing him.
With that thought, he bit your lip, pulling away and letting it release against your teeth. You squirmed, licking your lips excessively to try and stop them feeling so swollen. Felix looked debauched, his hair even more tangled and his lips just as red and swollen as yours. His eyes were dark, staring down at you.
"Baby. Bestie. I'm sorry, but I'm- I'm sorry..." He whispered, his head going to the crook of your neck to place soothing kisses there. He was breathing heavily, shifting ever so slightly on top of you. You felt it then, what he was apologising for. His length was rock hard, the shaft pressing into your core and giving you just the slightest bit of stimulation. "'M so fucking hard, sugarplum, I'm sorry."
"I-It's okay, Lixie. I think I'm... I'm wet, too," You whispered, and he threw his head back, groaning. "Practice makes perfect, y'know. We can keep making out." Felix nodded eagerly, and he grabbed your thighs, linking them around his hips. He ducked to place a few more kisses on your neck, biting a little at the area where your throat met your jaw. You let out a moan, neck bearing to the opposite side to give him full access and he clearly approved, biting harder.
"Baby, c-can I just," He ground his hips into yours, groaning and stuttering his words out. He immediately stopped, looking down at you. "Can I? I can make us both feel good, no sex. We can just grind a little on eachother. I won't put it in, I promise-"
With that, a knock on the door interrupted you both. You were fully prepared to start swinging at whoever was on the other end. Felix looked like he was about to die, cheeks flushed and hair tangled every which way. You both stared at each other in disbelief. Okay, so you had kind of really lost yourself there, and now somebody is at the door while the nation's favourite Prince is currently on top of you grinding into you with full intent to cum. You'd only just announced your engagement. You could've got pregnant before you even got married. Jesus, what is wrong with you? You sighed, moving to sit up, and Felix moved off of you. He ran a hand through his knotted hair.
"I should... fuck, Felix, what do we do?" You knew you both looked the image of lust, lips kiss bitten and swollen and hair everywhere. You could even feel the wet patch in your sleep shorts. Shit, okay.
Felix looked to be holding back a laugh. You felt terrified, but you almost laughed too, in pure disbelief. You both covered your mouths before you shot off the bed, slipping your shorts off your legs and replacing them with a pair of longer trousers from your drawer. You honestly couldn't care less if he'd seen you in your underwear, you'd bathed together when you were younger. You motioned to the en suite dramatically and Felix ran in there instantly, still giggling quietly, locking the door behind him. You shook your head fondly as another knock was firmly punched against the door. Jesus, couldn't even give you a second?
"Coming!" You called, walking over to the door and trying your best to fake yawn loudly so they thought you'd just woken up. When you opened the door, Chris stood there, a happy smile on his face.
"Okay, I'm so coming in! Why didn't you tell me you and Felix are serious now?" He pushed you back into the room, throwing himself onto your bed dramatically. It was quite funny, seeing him lying on the bed you'd just accosted his brother on. He was resting against the messy sheets in a perfect suit and tie. You shook your head, letting out a laugh.
"Okay, we're not. It's an arranged thing, Chris. We're still only best friends," You chose your words wisely, fiddling with the drawstring on your trousers. Chris hummed, giving you a strange look. Changbin. Fucking Changbin, he'd definitely said something. God. "And, why didn't you ask your own brother this? I'm simply an accessory."
"Because my own brother is currently locked inside your bathroom pretending he's not there?" Chris replied instantly. Your eyes widened.
"No, he's not. Why would you even think-"
"Okay, well. I know he is, so," Chris shrugged. You sighed.
"Felix, you can come out," You said. The lock slowly clicked open and Felix emerged, looking sheepish. Thank God the shock of Chris arriving had made his boner go down, so now he didn't look too lustful. He'd also clearly ran your brush through his hair before coming out. You couldn't say the same for yourself.
Felix threw himself down on the bed next to you and Chris, groaning and stretching his limbs. "Did anyone ask where we were?"
Chris chuckled. He fiddled with the wedding band on his left hand. "Yep. I made up an excuse, said you'd gone out for a walk again and were getting food out. I had a feeling you'd both be spending the night together. Princess Diaries again?"
You shook your head. "Nope. It's too real now."
"Mind you, I don't think there was this much 'practising' going on between Mia and her potential husband in the second one," Chris looked up from his hand. You averted your eyes.
"Dunno what you mean-"
"How much did you hear, what the fuck?!" Felix shrieked. Oh, great, thanks.
"I mean, the walls are thin, dude. I heard a lot on my way down the corridor. But, I'm glad you two are having fun with it, at least. Arranged marriages can be shit sometimes," Chris stretched similarly to Felix, before reaching down and clapping Felix on his back harshly. Felix groaned, throwing himself around the bed in protest. "Anyway, I should be off now. Congratulations again, guys. You should probably get ready for the party tonight though."
Chris began to walk out of the room, and Felix stood up.
"I should... go. With him. You know?" You nodded in response to his statement. He waited until Chris had rounded the corner, and leaned down, pressing a swift peck to your lips. You squeaked in surprise, cheeks burning crimson. He giggled, giving you a sweet wave and running off. "See you later, bestie!"
You wondered if you’d ever be permitted to drop the bestie, maybe once you’re married to him, but it couldn’t come soon enough. You wanted to let yourself be selfish just this once.
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its-avalon-08 · 3 months
heyy can we please have a fic where the reader is feeling insecure about maybe her height or body, thinking she’s not enough for him (could be any driver but maybe lando or logan, please?) he realizes something is off and reassures and comforts her? sorry if u already wrote something like that, i found ur acc recently x
you are everything (ls2)
✦ pairing - logan sargeant x female!reader
✦ genre - self doubt, comparison, tears, fluff, logan being cute
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Y/N walked hand-in-hand with Logan into the paddock, her heart pounding in her chest. The sun was shining, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement, but all she could feel was a growing sense of dread. As they made their way through the crowd, she saw the other WAGs gathered near the team garages, laughing and chatting effortlessly.
Her eyes darted from one woman to the next. There was Carmen, George Russell's girlfriend, chic and graceful with legs that seemed to go on forever. Y/N's own height, which she had always considered average, suddenly felt inadequate. She straightened her back, trying to stand taller, but the feeling of being smaller, less significant, nagged at her.
Then she saw Kelly Piquet, Max's girlfriend, with her perfect smile and flawless skin. Y/N's mind spiraled, thinking about every blemish and imperfection on her own face. She unconsciously raised a hand to her cheek, feeling the rough texture of a recent breakout.
As she looked at Alexandra Saint, Charles Leclerc's girlfriend, with her stunning physique and effortless style, Y/N couldn't help but compare her own body. She was thin, but now she felt scrawny rather than elegant. Her clothes, which she had chosen carefully this morning, now seemed plain and unremarkable compared to the chic outfits around her.
Logan squeezed her hand, pulling her back to the present. He smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling with affection. "You okay?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring.
Y/N forced a smile, nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine," she lied, her stomach churning with insecurity.
As they walked closer to the group, she could hear snippets of their conversation, the easy way they interacted, as if they belonged in this world of glitz and glamour. Y/N felt like an outsider, an imposter in a world she didn’t quite fit into. She tugged at her top, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her outfit. She wondered if the other WAGs were judging her, comparing her to the standards they all seemed to effortlessly meet.
Why did she have to look so plain? Why couldn't she be as glamorous and perfect as them? Her thoughts were relentless, a storm of self-doubt that she couldn't escape. She felt like everyone was staring, scrutinizing her every move, even though she knew logically they were probably just focused on their own lives.
Logan stopped to talk to a few people, and Y/N stood by his side, trying to look composed. She felt Logan's hand on the small of her back, a comforting gesture, but it did little to soothe her turmoil. She glanced at herself in a nearby reflective surface, critically assessing her face, her nose, her figure.
The voice in her head was relentless. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck why did I choose this outfit? Your nose is too big. Your skin isn’t clear. Your body isn’t toned enough. You don’t belong here.
She wished she could disappear, blend into the background, but with Logan being who he was, that was impossible. The pressure of being in the spotlight, of feeling like she had to measure up to these other women, was overwhelming.
Y/N’s heart sank. How could she ever be enough for Logan when she felt so insignificant compared to the women around her? She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, but the insecurity gnawed at her, a constant reminder that she felt out of place.
I just want to be enough, she thought desperately, her eyes flicking to Logan. He looked so at ease, so confident, and she wished she could share in that feeling, even if just for a moment.
a few days later
Logan leaned against the counter of his kitchen, sipping his coffee and glancing at the clock. Y/N was supposed to be back from her morning run by now. He frowned, worry creasing his forehead. She had seemed off lately, quieter than usual, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering her.
Just then, the door creaked open, and Y/N stepped inside, her cheeks flushed from the workout. Logan's heart did a little flip, as it always did when he saw her, but today it was accompanied by a twinge of concern.
"Hey, babe," he greeted, setting his mug down and walking over to her. "How was your run?"
Y/N managed a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "It was fine."
Logan took her hand, leading her to the couch. "Sit with me for a bit?"
She nodded, sitting down and folding her legs underneath her. Logan could see the tension in her posture, the way she seemed to be trying to make herself smaller.
"Y/N, talk to me," he said gently, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You've been quiet lately. Is something wrong?"
She hesitated, biting her lip. "It's nothing, Lo. Really."
He shook his head, his expression soft but firm. "It's not nothing if it's bothering you. Please, tell me what's going on."
Y/N sighed, looking down at her hands. "I just… I've been feeling really insecure lately. Being in the spotlight, with everyone looking at us, at me… it's overwhelming. I keep thinking I'm not good enough for you."
Logan's heart ached at her words. He cupped her face in his hands, lifting her gaze to meet his. "Baby, you're more than enough for me. You're everything. Why would you ever think you're not good enough?"
She shrugged, tears brimming in her eyes. "I see the way people look at us, at me. I'm not a celebrity, Lo. I'm just… me. And sometimes, I feel like I don't measure up to the glamorous world you're part of."
Logan shook his head, his thumbs gently wiping away her tears while his own turned glossy at hearing the love of his life think she wasn't good enough. "You are perfect just the way you are. I don't care about the glitz and glamour. I care about you. You're stunning, inside and out, and I love you for who you are, not for what the world thinks you should be."
Y/N sniffled, leaning into his touch. "But what if I can't handle the pressure? What if I'm not strong enough? What if I crack?"
Logan took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving hers. "Y/N, love of my whole fucking life, let me tell you something. You're one of the strongest people I know. Just because you feel overwhelmed sometimes doesn't mean you're weak. It's okay to have moments of doubt, to feel scared. But you don't have to face it alone. I'm here for you. Always."
He continued, his voice filled with love and determination. "Every day, I see how amazing you are. Your kindness, your strength, your beauty—it all shines so brightly to me. The way you care for others, the way you light up a room just by being in it—those are the things that matter. Not what the media says, not what anyone else thinks."
Logan's words flowed from his heart, each one meant to reassure her. "You know, there are days when I feel like I can't live up to the expectations of being a driver. But then I think of you, and I remember why I do what I do. Because you believe in me, and that gives me the strength to keep going. I need you, Y/N. I need your love, your support. And I'm here to give you mine."
He paused, taking her hands in his. "As long as I'm with you I've got a smile on my face and I know we can face anything. You don't have to be strong all the time. It's okay to lean on me, to let me be your strength when you need it. We're a team, and I wouldn't want it any other way."
Y/N took a deep breath, Logan's words slowly sinking in and easing the knots of insecurity in her heart. "Thank you, baby. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You'll never have to find out, because I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, beautiful."
Y/N laughed softly, the sound like music to Logan's ears. "I guess I can live with that."
Logan wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Good. Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Y/N. And I won't let anything make you feel otherwise."
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Y/N felt a warmth spread through her. She wasn't alone in this. With Logan by her side, she knew she could face anything, and together, they would shine brighter than any spotlight ever could.
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writingwisterias · 1 month
Late-Night Cravings
Leon S Kennedy x Pregnant! Reader
Words: 1.2K Warnings: Pregnancy, Fluff, Hormones, Weird Pregnancy Cravings (I had to google them lol) Summary: Leon begins to leave work to come home and gets a call from his wife with her latest cravings-
Something random I thought about instead of my job...hope you enjoy! My requests are open ~ Mads <3
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Leon’s phone vibrated in his pocket as he walked through his office building. It was out of hours, he probably stayed a lot longer as he wanted to get everything done before his wife at home went into labour. He sighed loudly as he had an armful of reports trying to fiddle in his pocket for the device, balancing his load to prop the phone to his ear. “Agent Kennedy” he grumbled through the speaker, his tone professional and harsh as he expected it to be someone calling him to try and get him to go on a mission. Except it was his lovely wife, innocent asking him for a midnight snack request, he silently cursed himself for not looking at the caller ID. “Oh, I’m sorry I can call you later” 
Crap you had your tiny voice on, the one that he knew meant you were upset. “No honey it's okay, I thought you were someone else” he tried to reason, his heart thumping at the silence that followed. “I just wanted to see when you were coming back, we miss you” 
He loved that, we, the warmth that filled his body at the fact you had allowed him to experience this part of life. His mind always told him that he didn’t deserve it, all the innocent people that he had watched die as he got to live his life. “I’m just leaving the office now love, Send me a text if you want me to get anything,” He said making sure his voice was a lot chirpier. “Ooh, I’ve been thinking of this new thing we can try…I feel like it will be really good today” you rambled. Leon chuckled, silently cringing at the idea of trying one of the weird cravings you had gotten now you were in the later stages of your pregnancy. “Send me a list as we will try it when I get in love” he said. He could hear your giggle through the speaker, he was sure to have a heart attack at how cute you were being. You both said your goodbyes and he left the office with a spring in his step eager to please his wife. 
You sat curled on the sofa, your stomach ballooning in front of you with your snacks balanced on top. You chuckled at the small kicks protruding from there. “Practicing your backflips like your dad” you joked, you hand rubbing the bump soothingly. You smiled at the sound of the front door opening “speak of the devil” you muttered under your breath. Leon’s voice echoing around the home as he greeted you. Leon smiled at the sight of you in his shirt, cosy in the corner. He leant down giving you a kiss and another for your stomach. “How are you both” he smiled placing the shopping bag on the coffee table as he kneeled on the floor to be at your height. “This one is taking after their and practing their backflips and I am eager for my snacks” you giggled. He laughed, kissing your stomach once again, “You’ll have to help me prepare this one love, I don’t want to get it wrong like I did last time” 
You playfully groaned, shifting your weight to be able to get up. “God, do you want me to feed it to you as well?” 
“That would be so kind, you know I had to go all the way to the store to get it and everything” he teased, his arms wrapping around you as he helped you stand. You hugged him tightly, holding him close for just a second. “I love you so much” he whispered into your hair, his scent filled your nose as he brought you closer; squeezing you as if you weren’t even real. “I love you too” you replied, pulling him into a kiss. You both began to get lost in the passion of the kiss, tongues soon battling for dominance as he savoured the taste of you. It wasn’t until a small kick brought you back to your current task, trying to get Leon to try your latest craving. “I think you’ll like this one,” you said, dragging him into the kitchen ignoring his laugh at your waddle. 
He watched you crush up the bag of flaming hot Doritos in the bag he swore he could see your mouth watering at the sight. “Can I have the yoghurt please?” you asked him so innocently, a large smile grew on his lips as he passed you the item, watching as you methodically tried to figure out how to mix the two. “Do you want a bowl?” he asked already moving to get you one from the cupboard. “Oh yes! Good thinking”  God you were so cute He tried not to gag at the sight of you mixing the two different textures before you scooped a large spoonful and brought it to your lips. You moaned as the flavours hit your tongue acting as if it was the best thing you had ever tasted. “This hit the spot, it might be my new favourite. Thank you so much” you said, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going back to your snack. He prayed he had got away scot-free, hoping you had forgotten your plan on getting him to try it as he watched you waddle back to the living room clutching it tightly like someone was going to steal it from you. 
The sound of him closing the crisp bag to prevent it from going stale caused you to turn around with a wide devilish grin on your face. “How could I almost forget you wanted to try it” you giggled walking towards him with the spoon outstretched. “I wouldn’t say I wanted to try it” he said begrudgingly taking the spoon from your grasp. The smell alone caused his nose to wrinkle, his eyes meeting yours pleading that you wouldn’t actually let him go through with this. However the way you were rocking back and forth on your feet waiting for his opinion like you did everytime this happened. “Leon you have eaten raw fish and eggs this can’t be worse than that” you teased. He just rolled his eyes, bring the spoon into his mouth and taking the whole thing. It wasn’t that it was bad, it was just the crunchy tecture of the doritos and then the fact the yogurt was strawberry flavour as opposed to greek or plain. Compared to all of your other cravings it wasn’t horrible. “It’s not bad” he said when he finally managed to swallow, “but its not good” 
He watched your shoulders deflat the excitement leaving your body “you never like it” you spoke, your bottom lip jutting out slightly. “Think of it as a good thing, you know I wont eat it so you'll never run out” 
You seemed pleased by that comment as he watched you attempt to run back to the living room and get situated back in your spot. He didn’t know what he did to deserve this, but he was glad he got this, that he got you. Forever thankful for you helping him escape from the dark place a few years back, giving him a new reason to continue the fight he had started when he was so young. As well as giving him a new reason to return home.
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thealtoduck · 2 years
Being adopted by Bruce Wayne…
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Batfamily x Adopted!Male Reader
Warnings: Physical and psychological abuse of a child (nothing descriptive), reader has a panic attack.
Summary: After saving a boy from an abusive household Bruce adopts another kid…
You never got to meet your real parents all you was that they were a young couple who weren’t ready to have a kid, so you grew up in foster care.
When you were 9 years old you were adopted by a couple in their early 40s. First time you met them you could tell something was off. Though they passed the foster care’s check meaning they were allowed to adopt you.
In the beginning your adopted parents were nice but that only lasted for a short while then things soured. It started with glares, then insults, then a hit, then two…
4 years later…
You were currently sat in a room dark as coal in the basement where your parents would lock you when they were done beating you so they wouldn’t have to look at you. You were crying as your body ached.
You heard footsteps coming down the stairs to the basement and you thought your parents were back so you sat back and just waited for the door to unlock. But the door was kicked open revealing a man in cowl and cape. It was Batman.
You instinctively cowered as he took a step closer. He kneeled down and said calmly ”Don’t worry i’m not going to hurt you”. You made eye contact with him. ”Did your parents put you in here?” He asked softly. You hesitated but then nodded.
”Don’t worry, you won’t have to deal with them anymore, they’ve been arrested for their weapon dealing associations with the Gotham crime families” he explained. He reached out a hand to you and said ”Come with me, i’ll take you somewhere safe.
You just looked at his for a few seconds and then took it. The Batman escorted you out of your parents house and tried to hand you over to the GCPD, who were going to take you to social services.
Though as you approached comissioner Gordon you hid behind Batman who said comfortingly ”It’s okay they are going to help you”. You emerged from behind him and went with the police.
As Bruce got in to the batmobile he made a call ”Alfred, i need you to set up a bedroom”. ”Are we expecting company Master Bruce?” Alfred asked. ”Potentionally” Bruce answered.
You were first physically examined just to make sure you didn’t need immediate medical attention. After that you were questioned about what your parents had done to you, then they left you to a recovery center where they would treat your injuries and let you stay a few days.
A few days later they took you in for a meeting to meet with a potiental foster parent. They brought you into a room where a man with black hair and an expensive looking suit were waiting. ”Mr L/n, this is Bruce Wayne, Mr Wayne, this is Y/n L/n” The social service worker introduced you.
Bruce held out a hand and said ”It’s nice to meet you Y/n”. You shook his hand shyly but said nothing. ”He’s not much of a talker” the social worker assured him.
She and Bruce then discussed the possibilty of him becoming your adoptive father if you’d like living with him. It all eventually came down to your choice if you decided to go with him. You nodded.
The next day Bruce took you to Wayne Manor, he tried to make small talk but you were still silent to the point he wondered if you could even speak. He then stopped outside the manor and the two of you walked inside.
Waiting inside the Manor was a the butler who introduced himself as Alfred he offered to take your bag to your room so you handed it to him and uttered a low ”Thank you” to not seem rude.
Bruce then gave you a tour of the manor and then showed you to your room. He said he needed to get back to work in his office and that you were free to do whatever you wanted and to tell Alfred if you needed anything.
As he left you looked around your room it was nice and big but pretty empty at the moment so you left to take a look around the manor. You made your way to find Alfred who was in the kitchen making lunch.
Alfred noticed your presence and asked ”Oh, Hello master Y/n, how may i be of service?”. You only shrugged. ”Oh having a look around i see, could i offer you a drink or something to eat?” Alfred offered you shook your head and said ”No, thank you, i’ll wait”.
”Alright then, well if your looking for company your welcome to stay as Master Bruce’s other children are at school or work” He told you. You decided to stay with Alfred as you found him nice.
You sat down on a stool by the kitchen island and continued watching as Alfred cooked.
”Morning Alfred” a voice said and you looked to see a tall buff guy with black hair and a streak of white in the front, he looked to be in his early 20s. ”Master Jason, nice of you to join us” Alfred greeted. ”Us?” Jason questioned and then noticed you.
”Oh yeah right, he got another one” Jason remembered. ”Master Jason, this is Y/n L/n, Master Y/n this is Jason Todd, master Bruce’s second oldest” Alfred introduced the two of you. ”Hey kid” Jason said walking over to the fridge. You gave him a shy wave in return.
”What’s for breakfast Alfred?” Jason the questioned and the butler answered ”Lunch”. ”Cool my favorite breakfast” Jason stated. The three of you then sat down and ate lunch when you finished Alfred sent you and Jason to the library so he could help you pick out a few books that you could read to keep entertained.
After that when you and Jason were carrying a few books to your room you stopped outside a room where the door was open, you glanced inside.
”Oh that’s the gym, wanna go inside and check it out?” Jason asked, you nodded and you dropped off the books of in your room.
Jason then showed you the gym, you went over and looked at a punching bag and Jason said encouragingly ”Come on give it a hit”. You folded you hand in to a fist and gave the punching bag a light hit.
”Well not bad but could use some improvement” Jason commented and started giving you a lesson in proper boxing techique. He commented that ”You don’t know yet but being a capable fighter will come in useful in this family” you didn’t know what he meant by that but assumed he was joking.
Later that day you were introduced to the rest of family, which was a bit intimidating but they seemed to quickly pick up on your shyness and gave you space.
Though you were quick to bond with Dick, Stephanie, Duke and Barbara who were more sociable. It was harder for you to bond with Cassandra, Tim and Damian who kept more to themselves.
After living with them for a while they decided to tell you about their activities as vigilantes and you promised to keep their secrets.
Your combat training is what would bring you and Damian closer. He would walk in on you practising and Damian’s need to constantly be the smartest person in the room set in. He stood and commented stuff like ”You need extend your kicks more”.
Damian helped you master the basics and then started showing you new stuff, he took you under his wing and made himself responsible for your training.
Soon you started hanging out outside of that and would watch movies together, sit together and read books. Damian appreciated that you were calmer and quieter than your siblings.
Bruce thought this was good as you were only a year older than Damian and he needed to be around someone his own age.
The others would also be made aware of your past home life after an incident where you, Dick and Jason were hanging out in the kitchen and you accidentally broke a glass and reacted by crying and hyperventilating while trying to quickly clean up the pieces of glass, cutting your hands in the process.
Jason and Dick quickly understood you were having a panic attack and immediately started comforting you while Dick cleaned up the glass and got a first aid kit to clean your cuts.
Jason assured you that it was alright and that no one was mad at you and that nothing bad would happen. Then Dick and Jason would clean your cuts and watch a comforting tv show with you.
The family made sure to keep an extra eye on you to make sure you knew you were safe with them and that they would protect you.
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gojoloves · 1 year
✧˖°. little blue bars ✧˖°. fem!reader x gojo, x sukuna, x geto, x toji, x nanami 5.2k words kinks and warnings: submissive reader, sixsome, recreational drug use, oral sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, anal sex, anal fingering, creampies, unprotected sex, dirty talk, degredation, praise kink, nipple play, no real aftercare (but it's implied), uhhh i think that's it?
author's note: heavily inspired by heichoe's "polluted" on ao3, which i'll link to in the replies!
loud music, the smell of cigarettes tinging the air, and seemingly free-flowing alcohol - just another typical scene for a lot of students. the party is packed, with people dancing in the middle of the room and just as many others huddled on the sidelines, whether spreading gossip or making out like they don’t have an audience.
you push your way through the throngs of people, looking for a familiar face. you notice a few students from your classes, but none you actually give a shit about talking to. you’re looking for your friends, and you find yourself bummed out all over again that utahime hadn’t been able to come because of work, and shoko had bailed at the last second, not even bothering to give a reason. typical.
the other two girls saying they couldn’t come to the party and, consequently, the “after party” left you feeling a little conflicted. it wasn’t uncommon for all of the group to gather at sukuna’s apartment after the usual friday night festivities. but did you really want to be the only gal rolling up to what was now, for all intents and purposes, a boys’ night?
feeling fingers wrap around your right bicep, you turn to look at the culprit. recognizing the mess of white hair before even registering his face, you let out a sigh of relief. “there you are,” you say. “i’ve been looking for one of you.”
“why?” he asks. “you ready to head out already? so early?” one corner of his lips tugs upward, his usual grin itching to show itself already.
you roll your eyes at his jab, choosing to ignore it. “i think i’m going to just head home for the night, let you guys enjoy yourselves or whatever you freaks do when we’re not around.”
gojo shakes his head. “no, no. come hang out with us. it won’t be the same without you,” he says, the persuasive nature of his personality already showing its hand. you know that he knows that he can get you to agree to just about anything if he butters you up.
and it’s working, even if you tell yourself it’s just that you don’t feel like arguing. you give in with a nod.
“cool,” he tells you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he uses his body to guide you through the other students in the apartment. “the others already left, went back to the apartment. we’ll meet up with them there.”
sukuna’s apartment is nothing fancy - it’s a studio apartment, and between the two couches in the living room and the bed just off the side of the common area, there’s plenty of space for all of the group to hang out.
just as gojo had said, the other three men were already there, seated on the living room furniture, yelling about something that had happened earlier during the week. when you and gojo enter the apartment, the yelling cuts short as greetings are exchanged.
“so nice of the princess to join us,” toji says with the hint of a smirk popping up at the edges of his lips.
you click your tongue at the remark. “you can thank gojo for that. i was going to let this be a sausage party, but he convinced me otherwise,” you respond, walking over to the couches. as you go to grab a seat, sukuna has other plans, his hands finding your hips and pulling you down into his lap. your breath hitches in your throat as he grabs you, but you otherwise doesn’t show any resistance.
it’s not like you haven’t been in this exact position with him before.
“nah, she wouldn’t leave us here like that,” sukuna says, resting his chin on your shoulder as he speaks. “would you, babe?”
you make a noise of vague approval in return, watching as gojo walks into the adjoining kitchen. it’s strange that nanami isn’t there, you think, but you brush the thought aside as you hear geto speak to you.
“you look awful comfortable sitting there. something we should know about you and sukuna?” geto asks, the tip of his tongue hanging out of his mouth to further showcase the intended cheekiness of his comment.
before you can respond, sukuna’s speaking up. “as if you don’t know she’s a whore for me,” he says. “quit playing dumb.”
you quickly turn to look at him, your cheeks heating up at his words. “what the fuck?” you whisper, squirming around to get out of his lap, but his hold on your hips only tightens. you steal a glance in the opposite direction to look for support from gojo, but he’s leaning against the kitchen island, staring at you as he sips from a cup of god knows what.
“don’t be so uptight,” gojo says, his usual cocky grin present. “you know how guys talk about these things.”
maybe so, but you didn’t think sukuna would blab about your hookups to your mutual friends. find friends to tell that don’t know and interact with you on a daily basis. that’s what you’d done, anyway - despite all of your temptation to dish the details to utahime and shoko.
“think i might be a bit jealous, even,” geto says.
“right? if you’re giving it up so freely, why are you holding out on us?” toji prods.
you watch gojo walk over to stand in front of where you and sukuna sit on the couch. you look up at him with wide eyes, and you aren’t sure how to feel about the look on his face. but your attention to his expression soon fades as you realize he’s holding up a small, unlabeled pill bottle, pinched between his index finger and thumb. he gives it a shake.
“that’s because you two don’t know about what makes her loosen up so much,” he says knowingly, opening the bottle to reveal a couple of small, oval-shaped, blue pills. “how about it?”
you know what they are, without a doubt, and you’re suddenly able to put two and two together. they had planned this between them, likely when they found out the other two women wouldn’t be around - for you to come over, to get you high, to have some fun with you.
and honestly? the thought really turned you on.
“open,” sukuna says, reaching around to place his hand on your jaw, your mouth opening pliantly.
gojo watches you closely to see if there’s any resistance. when your eyes meet his, you give the smallest nod. it’s all the confirmation he needs to drop one of the pills into your mouth, handing you the cup he was previously drinking from.
as you tip the glass back, sukuna lets his hand drop, both of them resting on your thighs. “good girl,” he says. “let that kick in, then we’ll have some fun.”
you’re not entirely sure which comes first: the lightheadedness from the xanax you’ve taken or sukuna taking your top off, discarding it to the side like he has absolutely no use for it. he doesn’t, really.
the black bralette you have on underneath leaves little to the imagination - the silver bars through your nipples pushing tightly against the lace - as the previously mentioned man runs his hands down your sides, still holding you on his lap. you rest your head back against sukuna’s shoulder, looking up at the ceiling.
“feelin’ a bit more relaxed?” he whispers in your ear.
that’s one way to put it. you nod, enjoying how much your body feels like its weightless, how it’s as if his hands are on fire against your waist. “yeah, i feel good,” you answer.
toji chuckles from the corner of the other couch, patting the empty cushion between him and geto. “then why don’t you come over here and join us?” although it’s a question, it’s not meant as one. you know that much, can hear it in his tone.
sukuna nudges you to rise to your feet, and you take the few steps between the two couches. as soon as you’re settled between the two of them, toji’s hands are on your hips, angling you towards him a bit more. wordlessly, he moves to begin unbuttoning your skirt. you let out the softest whine, but your attention is soon drawn away by geto taking your chin into his hand.
“and to think i’d have thought you’d be a brat,” he murmurs, a malicious grin appearing as he speaks.
“she is when she’s not high,” sukuna retorts. “but she’s obedient when she’s got a little something extra in her system.”
you can feel your cheeks getting hot again. just because it’s true doesn’t mean he has to say it, you think, and you send him a short glare in a feeble attempt to get him to shut his mouth. he only stares you down, unrelenting. when has he ever let you have power over him, anyway?
you break the eye contact, shifting your gaze to gojo. he’s watching as toji finishes getting your skirt off, but his expression doesn’t change. that’s somehow more scary, knowing him.
“come here,” geto says, fingers gripping your hair as his lips connect with your neck. “don’t worry about them right now. you’re busy.”
you can feel the pads of toji’s fingers grazing over your bare thighs and, to your embarrassment, your legs are spreading before you can really stop them from doing so. toji laughs under his breath, a bit of mockery in the sound. “get one xanny in your system and you open up this much, huh? we should’ve done this to you a while ago,” he says.
you know you should tell him off - even if he is right, and god, he is - but with geto’s kisses moving to your lips, his tongue seeking yours immediately, you don’t have the chance. your position is a bit awkward, waist twisted sideways as you’re lying on your backside, but there’s no way in hell you’re going to complain about it. you’ve got other things goin on.
“you’re spoilin’ her too damn much,” sukuna says. “make her get to work.”
geto makes a sound of disapproval. “you always this mean to her during your hookups? maybe i’m spoiling her to make up for your lack of reciprocation,” he says coolly.
if it bothers sukuna, he doesn’t show it. he simply grins, teeth bared, as he replies. “she wouldn’t come crawling back like she always does if she wasn’t taken care of.”
you’re only half-listening to them as you run your palm over the front of geto’s sweats, prompting a hiss from the man. you look up at him, tilting your head slightly. it’s clear what you’re waiting on, and geto’s not stupid. he slides both his pants and boxers down in one go while you prop yourself up on one elbow, spitting into your hand before taking his dick into your grasp.
toji’s cupping his hand over the front of your panties, letting you work your hips against his palm. “god, you’re that desperate for it, huh?” he asks, moving to kneel on the floor in front of the couch. he kisses up one thigh before pressing his tongue against the fabric, making you yelp.
your own lips wrap around the head of geto’s cock, tongue flicking over the tip. “that’s right,” he says lowly, letting his head rest against the back of the couch as you get him off.
you’re vaguely aware of your underwear being pulled down before feeling his breath against your bare skin, but geto’s grip on you holds steady, keeping you bobbing up and down on him. when you feel toji’s tongue on you, though, you moan, causing geto to bite back a groan of his own.
“we both know you can do better than that,” sukuna says.
gojo laughs under his breath, entering the conversation for the first time since this had really started. “she’s getting warmed up. she’ll do fine,” he says.
you continue stroking geto as you hollow your cheeks in around his tip, the sensation of one of toji’s fingers pressing into you as his tongue laps at your clit feeling way, way too good. you’ve imagined this before, the way your thighs would feel wrapped around his head, and you’re relieved he’s even better than you’d expected. hell, he doesn’t have the reputation he does for no good reason, right?
geto’s breathing is steadily growing shallower, and you know it won’t be long until he’s blowing his first load of the night. you pull off of him quickly, still stroking to keep the momentum up. “where do you wanna finish?” you ask, batting your eyelashes at him.
“keep it clean and swallow like you should,” geto tells you, pushing your head back down on him.
you feel toji add a second digit to his demonstrations, your hips rising a little as you press against his face. when he laughs under his breath at you, you feel him curl his fingers upwards, making you jolt a little.
as you do, geto’s own hips surge forward, his cum coating the inside of your throat as you swallow around him. before you can pop off of him, he looks down at you, staring you in the eye. “don’t be wasteful,” he tells you. “swallow it all and show me.��
when you do lift your head, you open your mouth, tongue hanging out languidly.
geto reaches behind your back, popping your bralette unhooked and discarding it with the rest of your clothes. he moves to sit you in-between his legs, toji following along, his fingers never letting up their motions inside of you.
you moan, looking over to gojo and sukuna as geto begins playing with your nipples, tugging at your piercings. “wonder why you’d get these,” he teases curiously. “what leads a sweet girl like you to get this done?”
“k-kuna wanted me to get them done,” you mutter, breath ragged as toji continues his assault on you.
“kuna?” geto repeats mockingly. “you do everything kuna tells you to?”
sukuna raises an eyebrow from where he sits, again not bothering to take geto’s bait.
“clenching around my fingers, doll? you getting close for me?” toji asks, lips wrapping around your clit to take you higher, your back arching up as you whimper his name under your breath. “go ahead, let it go. show us how good you look when you come.”
as your first orgasm of the night overtakes you, you can hear sukuna laughing. it both delights and terrifies you, unable to even take a guess at what’s prompted the emotion from him. when you rest back against geto’s chest, you looks down at toji, who’s now got his fingers, covered in your juices, wrapped around his cock. it’s a sinful display, and it causes you to lick your lips without even realizing it.
“why don’t we move her to the bed?” gojo suggests, an eyebrow quirked as he looks at you, his sunglasses lowered down his nose a bit.
sukuna scoffs. “i didn’t tell any of you fuckers you could use my bed, make it all messy,” he says indignantly.
“bill me for the dry cleaning,” gojo mutters dismissively, walking over to you and lifting you up with ease. it’s no surprise; he’s always been strong. he walks you over to the bed, toji following, dick still in hand. the perk of a studio apartment, you guess, is that even from their seats on the couch, geto and sukuna still have front row access to the show. “get on your hands and knees, baby. can you do that?”
you do as you’re told, and you can hear gojo unbuckling his belt behind you. toji comes to stand in front of you, and as soon as he drops his hand, you’re taking his shaft into your mouth.
“goddamn, you got a mouth made for this,” toji praises, resting his hand on your cheek.
gojo spreads your legs apart, wrapping an arm around your waist from behind. “looks like fushiguro got you nice and opened up for me,” he says. you nearly purr as you feel him drag his tip up and down your slit, teasingly pressing against your hole, but never enough to actually give you any type of satisfaction. you can feel yourself clenching around nothing in anticipation.
and he has the nerve to laugh at you for it. as he finally slides into you, giving in when he sees you pout, he leans his head close to your ear. “this ‘s been a long time coming, huh?” he whispers before sitting back up, grabbing hold of either side of your waist as he fucks in and out of you.
“think she likes it when we talk to her like that,” toji says, smirk growing on his face. “you like being treated like this? your friends using you to get off?”
you nod without hesitation, and you hear all of the men give some form of a laugh in response. if your cheeks weren’t already flushed from pleasure, you think they’d be red as a tomato from the way you grow wetter at the embarrassment.
gojo’s hold on you shifts to wrapping around your thighs, spreading your legs even more for himself. “god, how are you this tight, pretty girl, huh?”
“got a tight little body, tight pussy. tight little ass, too, i bet,” toji says, thrusting to fuck your face.
“wonder if we should find out,” gojo muses, the mischief in his voice making you squirm.
sukuna gestures lazily to the nightstand. “lube’s in the top drawer. she’ll act like she doesn’t want it, but she does,” he says.
you pop off of toji’s dick again only briefly to fire back a rebuttal. “do you ever shut up?” you groan, the sound turning to a moan of pleasure when gojo reaches down to toy with your clit.
toji guides your attention back to his dick, which you eagerly takes back into your mouth, looking up to make eye contact with him. he reaches over to the nightstand drawer, opening it and fumbling around before finding the lube, tossing it to gojo.
his blue eyes gleam with mischief as he opens the bottle, using one hand to separate your ass cheeks a little more before letting a glob of the cool, clear liquid pool at your hole. “you like having your ass played with, baby?” he coos, running his thumb around your rim as he continues to fuck you.
you nod eagerly. you think you hear sukuna mutter something about remembering that, but you’re a little too gone to care. your lightheadedness has gotten worse, and you feels so overwhelmed that you can hardly focus on anything but the pleasure.
toji grunts. “gonna come,” he says, thrusts growing rougher against your throat. you let him control the pacing, gagging around him until you feel his rhythm falter, cum filling your mouth. you attempt to swallow all of it, but some dribbles out past your lips, and toji can only laugh as he tries to calm his breathing. “that’s all right, honey. i’m not mean like geto. i like it a little messy.” his accompanying wink makes you want to melt.
you can only smile as your eyes roll back in your head at gojo pushing his thumb into your asshole as you rock back against him.
sukuna looks like he’s about to speak up when there’s a knock at the door. you expect gojo to stop, expect them all to try to pretend like they were doing anything else, but he doesn’t. none of them do. toji’s hand flies out to muffle your moans, and gojo’s pace doesn’t give at all.
your eyes widen as sukuna opens the door. all that separates you from the unknown person is that very piece of wood. if the guest stepped just a little more than two feet into the apartment, you, gojo, and toji would be on display for them, clear as day.
“i’m late, but i’m here,” you hear a man say.
sukuna looks over at the three of them, then back over his shoulder to geto. it happens like a chain reaction. when geto smirks, then sukuna does, then gojo, then toji. and you feel your stomach tighten, a shiver running down your spine at the mere thought.
“i’d say you’re right on time,” sukuna says. “we’ve got some, well, private entertainment. bet you’re gonna love it a hell of a lot.”
the moment nanami steps into the apartment, the air changes. but leave it to gojo satoru to break such a heavy tension by doing what he knows best: bullshitting.
“nanamin, you made it,” he says in greeting, words seeming to punctuate each thrust as his fingers continue working to stretch your ass.
the blond’s eyes widen as his eyes trail between you, gojo, and toji. toji laughs quietly, tucking his dick back into his pants. “long time no see, nanami,” toji says.
you remain quiet until you feel a smack against your ass. “not even going to greet our pal? thought you had better manners than that,” gojo says, snark leaking from his words.
“h-hi, nanamin,” you say, forcing yourself to look at him.
nanami greets you by name, dragging the syllables out as if he’s saying it for the first time. “i thought you’d be with either utahime or shoko tonight.”
geto speaks up, answering for you. “no, she’s here taking care of her boys tonight. isn’t that so generous of her?” he teases. his cock’s in his hand again, stroking slowly as he watches the show you and gojo are putting on.
gojo’s thrusts grow a bit lazier, and he’s having trouble biting back the moans that beg to slip from his lips. “pussy feels so good,” he says. “gonna - gonna come inside you, that all right?”
when you hum in the affirmative, you notice nanami reach up and tug at the neckline of his henley. your eyes meet with sukuna’s, and you can tell what he’s thinking by the look in his eyes. he’s challenging you, urging you to invite nanami to join your little game - as if he’s goading you on with a “you’re already taking four, what’s one more going to hurt?”
“fuck - ‘m coming,” gojo says through gritted teeth, emptying his load inside of you, thrusts slowing down as he makes sure you takes every last drop. for good measure, he reaches underneath you again, rubbing tight circles over your clit.
“sh - gojo -,” you hiss, rocking forward but unable to get out of his grasp.
“don’t be ungrateful, princess,” toji scolds you. “take it and say thank you.”
it doesn’t take gojo long to bring you to your second orgasm of the night, leaving you a panting mess, his hands on your hips helping hold you steady after he’s pulled out of you. he rubs his thumb over your skin affectionately, his own small contribution to aftercare, knowing your night isn’t over yet.
“you want more?” gojo asks. “think you can take more?”
you nod immediately, biting your lip. “want - want more,” you manage to say, resting your head on the mattress in front of you. you can feel gojo’s cum leaking out, and you reach between your legs, using two fingers to push it back inside of you as you make eye contact with nanami.
he lets out a breath he hadn’t intended to be holding, shaking his head. “god, how’d the five of you even end up here?” he asks, but he still reaches for his belt. he walks over to the bed, to you, letting a hand trail down your spine softly. “better yet, how did i end up here?”
“you want her cunt or her ass?” geto asks, standing up and joining you both by the bed. “because i’m taking whichever one you don’t.”
nanami seems to take just a few moments to consider. he picks up the lube from the bed, glancing down to you. “i suppose we should let her choose, shouldn’t we?” he suggests, the slightest hint of a smile showing at the corner of his lips.
sukuna sucks his teeth. “she won’t fucking care. surprise her,” he says.
you, hating to agree with him but knowing he’s right, whine. “don’t care, just want you both,” you say. “please.”
geto nudges you so that you’re on your side before turning to nanami, the two seeming to have a silent conversation with the looks they’re sharing. after what feels like forever - at least to you - nanami moves to lie in front of you. he holds your leg up, effortlessly slipping inside of you, the mixture of your and gojo’s fluids immediately welcoming him. “shit,” he curses quietly, pace slow as he gets started.
geto slots in behind you, running his hand up and down his dick, coating it with plenty of lube. he takes some more from the bottle and squeezes it onto his hand, slathering it over your hole and pushing three fingers inside. he leans forward until his lips are ghosting the shell of your ear. “gojo got you nice and ready for me, huh? nice of him, wasn’t it?” he whispers. “i think you’re ready, baby.”
you try your best to nod, but with nanami rocking in and out of you, it’s a little hard for you to focus on geto’s question.
you feel him press the head of his cock up against you, and between how turned on you are and the xanax still coursing through your body, you manage to keep your body relaxed.
“good girl,” nanami praises. “doing so well. we’re going to make you feel really good.” he leans forward, neck tucked down a bit to take one of your nipples into his mouth, his hand playing with your clit to make it as pleasurable as he can for you
“tightest fucking ass,” geto hisses. “almost there. you can take it.”
you feel so full, like you’re ready to burst at the seams, but when the two men find their rhythm, matching their thrusts so that you’re really getting your body used, it’s heavenly. you bury your face into nanami’s chest, letting them fuck into you like you belong to them. your moans get the best of you as you repeat their names, nearly fucked too stupid to say anything else.
over your own sounds, you can vaguely hear gojo, sukuna, and toji talking.
“you’ve been real hands-off tonight, sukuna,” toji comments curiously. “didn’t think it was like you to share your toys without taking a piece for yourself.”
gojo lets out a noise of mock affront. “as if he’d ever do something so selflessly.”
sukuna reaches up, resting his arms behind his head. “what can i say, gentlemen? i’m a patient man,” he says.
the statement terrifies you, but you don’t have time to dwell on it. nanami’s kissing you while geto’s playing with your nipples and sucking on your neck - your third orgasm hitting rapidly before you can so much as think to say you’re experiencing it.
nanami’s nice enough to ask where you want him to come; geto isn’t, filling your ass without a second thought. through shaky breaths, you tell nanami he can finish wherever he wants, and in the spirit of the night, he pumps his own load inside of you, the contents mixing with gojo’s and again pooling on the bed once nanami pulls out.
“how’s it feel?” gojo asks, the shit-eating grin prominent on his face. “you fucked out now?”
sitting alone on the bed while nanami and geto redress, coming down from their own highs, you sit up, spreading your legs open as you make eye contact with the only man who hasn’t had a piece of you that night.
“kuna,” you mumble.
a devilish grin appears on his face, sharp canines glistening as he stalks towards his own bed. “what is it?” he asks. “four men not enough for you? you that much of a slut?”
you nod in agreement. hell, you’d agree with anything he said about you in these circumstances, if it meant he’d fuck you. you know that’s dangerous territory, but you can’t bring yourself to care. you just can’t.
as he stands at the foot of the bed, he grabs your ankle, pulling you down to the edge of the mattress. “look how much of a mess you’ve made. got their cum leaking out of you, got fushiguro’s on your face. but you still want more, huh?”
the shame and embarrassment you felt earlier comes rushing back to you, but still, you nod. “want you,” you say under your breath.
with a raised eyebrow, sukuna reaches into his pants to pull his cock out. as he rubs it against your swollen lips, you cover your face with your hands.
“t-too sensitive!” you cry out. “i can’t, i can’t -.”
“you can,” sukuna interrupts. “you can take one more for me. i know you can. you can’t fuck all of our friends then not fuck me. i had you first. remember?”
though the pout doesn’t leave your face, you nod up at him, as if his logic makes any type of sense, that he had some sort of claim to you just because he’d been the first one of your group to get his hands underneath your skirt.
when he pushes into you, your arms quickly wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you. other than whimpers of pleasure, you’re speechless; your brain refused to formulate any type of response worth anything.
“guess we finally figured out how to shut her up,” geto comments quietly, earning a laugh from gojo and a glare from nanami.
sukuna’s mostly silent himself, short of a few pants and grunts, too focused on getting himself off after an evening of watching everyone else have their fun. when he feels your pussy contracting around him, he laughs breathlessly. “that’s it. you know you’re gonna come again,” he says. “just let it happen. give me one more.”
as you do, holding him tighter, your nails digging into his shoulder blades beneath his shirt and your heels digging into his ass, you feel him coming inside you, milking him for all that he’s got.
after a few moments, he pulls out of you and looks down between your legs, shaking his head. “gonna be a hell of a dry cleaning bill, gojo,” he says, looking over to the man he’s addressing.
gojo seems unbothered, waving off sukuna’s comment.
nanami brings over a glass of water, offering it to you, and you take it gratefully, immediately downing half of it in one go.
the six of you are quiet for several moments, the realization of the aftermath setting in for each of you. you seem to take it in stride, though, speaking up after a few minutes, your voice scratchy from all your throat has been through - vocally and otherwise.
“maybe i’ll have to crash boys’ night more often.”
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maxespurr · 10 months
While We're Alone
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Warning: Smut (it's just fingering in the kitchen lol) ,18+ Only, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Natasha comes over to the Maximoff household to pick up Wanda and the boys. While Billy and Tommy get ready upstairs, Natasha is unable to keep her hands to herself and Wanda is unable to resist.
Set on Earth-838
Words: 1012
A/N: This fic features the same 838-WandNat from my other fic Disconnect but with less angst :) A holiday fic if you squint hard enough.
"Mom! Auntie Nat is here!"
Wanda turned around to face her boys who were preoccupied with squeezing the life out of Natasha, the sight bringing a smile to her face. "Natasha! Perfect timing. I just finished baking all the pies," she greeted while untying her apron and hanging it up. She eyed the older woman's outfit for the evening and involuntarily swallowed when she found Natasha handsome in a black blazer and white hoodie and tight denim jeans.
It was a killer combo that made Wanda weak.
Natasha noticed the way Wanda was staring at her and smirked. She'd be lying to herself if she didn't find Wanda's domestic look attractive. The brunette's hair was tight up in a messy bun with some strands fallen out of place while the sleeves of a familiarr red and black checkered flannel were rolled up to her elbows. "Three pies? You really outdid yourself," she commented while Wanda packed the pies into their own individual cardboard box.
"Well, the holiday gathering is going to be bigger than last year from what Dr. Richards told me." Wanda looked down at her pies proudly then turned to her boys. "Billy. Tommy. It's time to get ready."
"Okaaaaay," Billy answered obediently and headed to the foot of the stairs.
"Mom, can I bring my Switch to the party?" Tommy looked up at her with puppy eyes.
Wanda gave him a playful, light knock on the head before planting a kiss on his forehead. "No, but if you behave at the party, I can ask Dr. Richards if you and Billy can play in the VR room."
Tommy's eyes brightened and cheered with a loud 'whoo!' before dashing up the stairs after his brother.
Wanda chuckled then began placing all her pans into the sink to let them soak. She felt Natasha follow after her and could already feel the redhead had something up her sleeves.
"Need help with anything?" Natasha offered, nodding towards the pile of dishes. Wanda shook her head.
"I spent all afternoon baking. I'll worry about washing tomorrow. But you can help with something else," Wanda proposed as she pressed herself against Natasha, a hand slipping to gently grasp the back of the older woman's neck to guide her closer for a kiss. She could feel Natasha smirk against her lips as they kissed and shuddered when wandering hands settled on her hips.
"By the way, is that my flannel?"
This time it was Wanda's turn to smirk. "It's mine now. You left it here last time you were over. It's very comfortable so I don't have any plans on giving it back."
Natasha pulled away slightly and clicked her tongue. "Is that so?"
"It is so. I'm sure you don't have a problem with that since it's not the first time you've let me have your-- Natasha!" Wanda hissed when she realized Natasha unbuttoned her jeans with a hand already slipping beneath her underwear. She whimpered when she felt fingers already toying with her clit. "Don't...! The boys are upstairs, and I still need to get ready!" Wanda bit down on her lower lip when Natasha slid a finger inside of her, failing to stifle her moans.
Natasha hummed, clearly unbothered as she slipped another finger inside of Wanda, the latter gasping and one hand clutching at her jacket. "I guess I'll have to make this quick," she remarked then leaned into Wanda's ear to whisper. "Shouldn't take long since you were already soaked before I touched you. Were you expecting this?" Wanda whined in response, which Natasha took as a yes and found incredibly cute, making her want to ruin Wanda more.
Wanda's free hand gripped the kitchen counter tightly when she felt Natasha pumping her fingers even faster. She no longer had control of her body, with her lips parted and clear moans spilling out as Natasha drove her over the edge. It was when the spy's deft fingers pulled out of her to rub at her clit that Wanda finally came, shuddering violently against the older woman. Her hips twitched involuntarily when Natsha pulled out and felt another throb between her legs as she watched Natasha tasted her from her fingers. Both knew there was no time for another round, but Wanda relaxed against the other woman feeling spent but content.
"Next time, let me take you out for a weekend. Just the two of us. I'll take you out for dinner and we can explore the city," Natasha brought up suddenly, her clean hand affectionately combing through Wanda's hair. Wanda had never seen the former Avenger looked so nervous before. "I... want you to know I'm serious about you. You and the boys."
Wanda couldn't stop herself from smiling, her heart swelling with happiness. "Maybe for New Years?"
"But what about Billy and Tommy?"
"I'll ask Maria if they could celebrate at her place" she proposed. "It's been a while since the boys have played with Monica, so I'm sure they'd be excited to see her."
"You're sure?" Natasha asked again. Wanda chuckled in amusement and leaned in to kiss the spy's cheek.
"I'm sure. After all, I'm serious about you too, Natasha Romanoff."
Wanda managed to sneak off into her bedroom before her boys found her in her disheveled state. When she stood at the top of the stairs, Billy and Tommy were talking animatedly about what VR game they wanted to play later while Natasha cooly tucked her hands into the pockets of her blazer. Wanda was wearing the faux red wool coat that Natasha gifted her for her birthday this year, and she smiled when she saw Natasha's expression brightened at the fact she was wearing the coat.
Natasha offered to drive them. The boys eagerly helped carry the pies into her sports car. Once Wanda locked the front door, she saw the way Natasha adored Billy and Tommy and the way her boys looked up at her with equal adoration.
Wanda couldn't help but feel how lucky she was to have those three in her life.
A/N: Thank you for reading and happy holidays :)
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1, 37, 39 and 40. :3!!
Hello hello!!
1. What are 3 things that you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Being chosen as a Jack of course, reading the Narnia books as a small child and learning about my namesake, and meeting my best friend
37. Share a secret!
My favorite fruit is actually a peach!
39. YouTuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
I don’t watch any specific YouTubers, but I like watching videos of people fighting with swords! It’s exciting!
40. Any bad habits?
No! I’m too magnificent to have bad habits!
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beanmachine69 · 1 year
Brothers' Beloved Best-friend | Daniel Ricciardo (part i)
What happens when you sleep with your brothers' bestfriend?
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(picture from pinterest)
part ii
part iii
Coming back home was a nightmare, it was summer, which meant that your once peaceful home would be packed with family and friends, and though you wouldn't mind that on most days, today was not one of those days.
It was hot, your cousins who had dropped by for breakfast had just left when your brother announced that he was having one of his old friends stay in the spare room for a few days. Your brother was just one of those people; the one with an endless amount of friends and just so incredibly social that it baffled you on most days. He practically knew everyone, it was impossible to keep track of all of his friends.
"Which one?", You asked, looking up from the TV.
"Danny." He replied casually, unknown to the weight of his words.
You paused. No God, please not him. Your brother had had him over several times since you were a kid. The last time you saw him, you were in your first year of University, you two had hooked up after you'd confessed to having a crush on him when you were younger during a game of truth or dare. You refused to get back in contact with him after that out of sheer embarrassment, and the fact that he was your brothers' much older best friend.
"How long is he staying here?" You asked, trying your best to sound as casual about it as possible. You knew if your family found out it wouldn't end well for either of you- and despite the ghosting, you really didn't want that for him.
Daniel and your brother were always close, somehow managing to keep in touch despite their busy schedules. He was a great guy, really funny and charming and everyone in your family seemed to like him- especially you.
"Oh I don't know, he's in town for a week or two, why?" Your brother asked, sitting on the couch next to you.
"Just asking." You replied, turning your attention back to the TV to avoid any eye contact with your brother. With how social he was, he had obviously picked on several skills, one of which included reading people, he was really really good at that.
Later on, when you found yourself not being able to sleep at night, you resorted back to your phone. You'd obviously followed Daniel on his socials, just to stay "updated", you'd say. But in reality it was to check if he was single or not, because despite the circumstances, you hadn't really gotten over him- it didn't matter that he was much older than you and your brothers' bestfriend. He was your first crush and you don't really get over those, especially when they're Daniel Ricciardo.
You hadn't realised when you'd fallen asleep, but you were awoken by loud talking in the lounge. Even though your room was far from the lounge, no amount of pillows could keep the noise out, and so you were forced out of bed. After identifying more voices than usual, you opted to shower and change before stepping out of your room, still a little tired from staying up late the night before.
The second you opened the door, you heard it. His voice. You froze almost instantly, panicking.
Oh my God what do I do?
What do I say?
What if he says something?!
Do I look okay?!
Oh my God this is not going to end well-
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard his laugh boom through the lounge. A smile creeped it's way onto your lips, feeling a familiar tingly feeling in your stomach.
Oh God, here we go again.
Despite mustering up all your courage, you still bee-lined your way to the kitchen, right past the lounge after mumbling a goodmorning, pretending like you didn't see the guest who was making you act the way you were.
"You're up!" Your dad announced, "Come, look who's here!"
You had successfully reached the kitchen and were trying your best to make the perfect amount of noise to indicate that you were busy.
"Coming!" you yelled, looking frantically for anything you could take outside to justify your stay in the kitchen.
You were just done making your cereal when you heard someone clear their throat at the kitchen entrance. It didn't take long to recognise who it was- infact you recognised the noise the second you heard it, suddenly finding the cabinet where you were returning the cereal box too interesting to close. You knew if you closed it, you'd see him and you were far too nervous to do that. So, you decided to stare blankly at the cabinet, how interesting and absolutely something someone does all the time.
It was only when you heard a stiffled laugh did you close the cabinet door, slightly offended.
What was he laughing at?
"Interesting cabinet you got there." He retorted, smile adorning his perfect face.
"Hm yeah, I was uh looking for something." You replied. What happened to polite greetings, or a simple hello? How rude.
He nodded as he made his way to you, making you all the more nervous. Being in the same house was terrifying enough, but now he was a mere foot away from you. He extended his arm and you stiffened up entirely, making him raise his brows at your sudden movement. His extended arm opened the cabinet you were guarding, moving his head to get a better look at the contents.
"Were you looking for plain oats? or maybe uh, what's this?" He asked, pulling a box out for further examination, "Ah yes, plain wheat sugar-free crackers? What an interesting choice for breakfast." He chuckled.
You didn't have a response. He knew you were hiding from him behind the cabinet and he knew that he was making you nervous too. The proximity at which he stood didn't help your thoughts much either, you could smell his cologne, and it was as intoxicating as it was that first night.
Seeing that you chose silence as a response to his humour, he nodded, slowly backing away from you. He picked up your bowl of cereal, winked at you and went back to the lounge.
"She made me a bowl of cereal! College has made her so kind!" He joked, integrating himself back into whatever discussion your parents and brother were having.
"Son of a bitch." You mumbled, knowing the game he had begun.
Daniel had always teased you, whether it was a joke or a prank, he was always at it with you. Earlier you'd reciprocate that energy, it was good fun and he was always a delight to be around. Having developed a crush on him at some point didn't help, but it didn't put a hamper on how you hung out with him.
You could recall great memories with him too, like how he picked you up from a failed date that you didn't want your family to know, or how the last time you met, you two had snuck out of a family party for drinks. He treated you like a friend too, and you always assumed it was because of the type of person he was. So, when two years ago, his stares held on for longer, or his hugs lingered for a few extra moments, you didn't question it- you convinced yourself that he was being his usual friendly self. It was only when he dragged you out of the party and made out with you in some dark alleyway behind a club did you piece two and two together. That, and the breathless confessions you two had in the middle of kisses.
Your family called out to you again, snapping you back to reality- the reality where Daniel had stolen your breakfast, making you resort to a granola bar from the shelf. You moved to the lounge, smiling at your family as you propped yourself next to your mother on the couch.
"Thanks for the breakfast." Daniel laughed, pausing the conversation to acknowledge you.
"I spat in it." You replied, rolling your eyes. The response came naturally, you two had fit yourselves back into the roles you always had.
This earned a sound of disgust from your mother, as the conversation continued. To be fair, you weren't paying attention and even when you did, it didn't matter because you had no clue as to what the hell anyone was saying. Your mind kept wandering over to Daniel, and how he looked that night, how he pulled you out of the alley and drove you two home, fucking you on the same bed and pillow where you'd touch yourself thinking about him.
You looked up, pulling yourself from your inappropriate thoughts, only to find Daniel glancing at you. You were right, he did pass looks at you when no one was looking, but this time around you were certain you had pushed him away for good, fucking up the one thing that could have been good.
"Do you have any plans today?" Your brother asked. You were zoning out a lot since Daniel got here, every statement from anyone was snapping you out of your mental palace and shoving you back into reality.
"Yeah, yeah I have some errands to run, stuff to buy." You replied, you needed an excuse to get out of the house, your diminishing self-care products proving to be a good example.
"Cool, take Danny with you, idiot barely got any stuff." Your brother said off handedly, propping himself off the couch.
"Why can't you take him?" You asked. The speed of your reply shocked your brother, and his friend, both of whom turned to you.
"Because, not everyone is back for their summer break," He said, pitching his voice higher in an attempt to mock you, "I have work, you know, adult stuff."
You snorted, "What work? sit around in dad's office and play fruit ninja on your phone?"
"Jeez, someone's a bit cranky." Daniel pitched in in an attempt to alleviate the situation, ofcourse he packed less, he knew that would be a great excuse to drag you away from your family and confront you.
You were going to resist more, when you saw the smirk on Daniels' face. Even he knew that if you resisted it would alert your over-protective brother, and that was the last thing you needed amidst this mess. So, you nodded, and got up to go to your room. It was 10 a.m, and you really didn't want to go alone with Daniel, so your best bet was to try to wait a bit in your room till you could drag your mother with you two.
You had spent a while on your phone, trying to pass the time when you heard your bedroom door open, with your back faced towards the door, you chose to ignore it, assuming it was your mother. The momentary silence alerted you into turning around- your mother would never just enter a room and stand there quietly.
It was Daniel, ofcourse. He was examining an old picture frame you had repositioned.
"This wasn't here the last time I was here." He replied, not looking up at you, rather continuing to examine the picture. It was a picture from your eighteenth birthday party, you were cutting the cake, surrounded by friends, and in the corner of the picture, you could see your brother and his beloved friend plotting on how to get that icing on your face. It was an adorable picture, and held great memories. Your eighteenth was one of your most memorable birthdays for several reasons, but the main being the fact that Daniel had bought you a little blue pendant as a gift. It was beautiful and you wore it the second you opened the box and saw it, and you never took it off since then- despite whatever had happened between you and Daniel in between, you kept the necklace close to you, and on you at all possible times. It meant a lot to you, and was a great reminder of better times.
"What are you doing in my room?" You asked, sitting up.
"Did you rearrange stuff this time around?" He asked, leaning on the wall and looking around.
"Yeah, just shifted things here and there." You replied, a bit confused at the topic he chose for conversation.
"Hm, looked different." He replied.
A silence followed as he continued to scan the room, his eyes finally landing on the bed, and then onto you on the bed. He held the gaze for a moment, almost as if he was about to say something, but before he could, you interrupted him out of fear that he'd ask the dreaded question you didn't want to answer.
"Why are you in my room?" You repeated.
"I just came to ask when we were going to the store." He smiled.
God, that stupid, stupid smile. The one he'd flash almost constantly, and yet every time you saw it, your stomach did backflips. The way his cheeks pushed his eyes and the way his teeth showed, the ways his lips moved and how hsi stubble looked around them. It was adorable, it really was, and you hated yourself for still managing to die over it. It had been years and you needed to get over this silly little crush, especially considering you chose to push away all that could happen.
"Uh, I was just waiting for mom." You replied, looking away from him. You couldn't stand looking at that face, it made you feel awful. He'd probably already gotten over the fling, it probably meant nothing more than a silly one night stand for him.
"Your mom's gone to a friends' brunch I think, and your dad and brother have gone to the office." He shrugged.
"What?!" You asked, more shocked than you had expected. You were home alone with the one man you didn't want to be alone with.
The volume of your response shocked him, his brows raising as he held his hands in the air.
"Hey, hey, dont scream at me I didn't send them. The office needed the fruits ninjad." He laughed, the joke was bad, but it helped alleviate the tension in the room.
You laughed, putting your head down to look at your crossed legs, you didn't want him to see the blush that rose at your cheeks. He always remembered silly things you said, recalling them here and there as silly little jokes or taunts. That was part of his charm, remembering things about you, it always felt nice to be included like that.
You two were standing alone in your bedroom again, the realisation of your privacy and the possibilities of such privacy, hit you like a truck, prompting you to jump out of bed and move to your dresser. You needed to get out of the house, or atleast get in motion in an attempt to prevent any unwanted conversations.
You and him were out for nearly two hours, in which you were alone in the car, which he insisted on driving, were at the store, and at one point even at the bakery. Throughout the time you had spent together, not once did Daniel bring up the past, nor did he hint at it, instead you had standard conversations about things like college, the weather, his career and anything you felt like. It felt like old times.
It was only when he parked the car infront of the house did the air get thick with tension. You could sense that he would prompt the discussion, and so when you turned to face him, you were just shocked to see him looking at you, smiling. Nowhere on his face could you read any anger or confusion, nor did he look like he was going to ask or say something. He just smiled at you, unlocking the car doors and moving to get the shopping bags in the house, leaving you dumbfounded in the car.
Was he really not going to bring up the conversation? Was he not going to ask why you refused to talk to him the morning he left? Or why you shut down any forms of online communication you two could have had? Did he somehow magically understand? Or did that night mean nothing to him?
He had ofcourse tried to talk to you the morning after, and you had expressed some concern, but it was only the next morning when he was leaving, did you decide that a side hug was enough of a goodbye. He then tried texting you the next day, only for you to see the message and not respond. He had tried, you had just shut him down, knowing very well that continuing what you two had would be wrong. He was so close to your brother, and you didn't want your brother to feel betrayed like that.
Now, he was behaving exactly how you'd want him to. He was pretending like nothing had happened, so why were you upset? Did you want him to bring up that uncomfortable question? Did you want him to ask why you got so cold all of a sudden? Maybe you did, maybe the part of you that still liked him, really wanted him to try and do something one last time to fix what you had ruined.
A/N: HII!!!! IM BACK WITH A SERIES HEHE!! sorry for the cliffhanger, I'll be uploading the next part soon! The second part will probably have smut in it, so a headsup for that. This is my first series and my first fic here, please please lmk how you like it and if I could improve in any way.
As usual, my asks are open for criticism and requests!
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pix-writes · 23 days
Continuing with my last question cause I just thought this; what does a friendship with Stan looks like? To be more specific, if the reader is a female-presenting person, would her friendship with Stan look different than if the reader were a man? Mostly I wondered because Stan is a ladies' man, and I was wondering if a friendship with a woman would make him wonder if he likes the person or if they are just friends, idk if I explain myself aaaa
Almost thought I'd lost this ask! 😅 It was just in my drafts I hadn't accidentally deleted it thank goodness!
Nah, I think I've got what you're saying!
(a little long, so I've put it under a read more to be mindful of ppl scrolling!)
With Stan I think a relationship with a man and a woman would be a bit different, whilst I perosnally HC that he's bisexual, I do think he is more drawn to women, either as just personal preference and/or because its more recognisable/acceptable societally for him to flirt with women easily.
Whilst Stan is a bit of a ladies man, he does admit to Dipper in Roadside Attraction, that he's not actually good at building relationships/dating women; more often than not his flirtations gets the door slammed in his face. I'm guessing this is because he just is naturally a flirt/pick up artist and is therefore not particularly selective when it comes to flirting with people in general. So with that in mind, he'd be likely to be quite flirtatious in the beginning of getting to know a female friend, but he's (mostly) kidding around, so its not serious if you don't see him that way, I mean you hardly know each other at this stage. It also depends on your interactions together and how you respond to his jokes over this initial stage too. If you flirt back, you guys are mostly going to skip over the friends stage to lovers!
I think Stanley has gone so long without having any friends/close friendships, though, that he's just happy to find a someone who will share the same hobbies or is a 'kindred spirit' of sorts. So, I think he would be likely to drop the flirting act with you once he realises you're not picking up what he's putting down, but you could be a friend. And geniunely, too, he's not just waiting around for you to change your mind, he simply forgets about it and hangs out with you as a friend. Once you become close friends though, I think it would be harder for him to shut off feelings for a female friend, you spend so much time together he can't help but fall for you. He'd try to draw back and rationalise to himself that he's just lonely, so of course he would think about being with you, even if you're not interested (cue the angst). But obviously, that won't work, and his feelings do slip out in the way he acts around you at times!
With a male friend, its much more hanging out together and becoming aquaintance to friends to lovers, I think Stan wouldn't be as likely to initiate things or flirt with a guy right of the bat in most cirucmstances; but he's been around and travelled the world, he's had the occaisonal thing with another fella before, and it's not all about smut either, but romance too. I think he'd be a little less flirtatious, but it once he'd realise he's starting to like them that's when the flirtation will start. I think he'll be a lot more cautious to start it seriously, though, because some of the time he has lost a male friend to flirtation in the past. He'll only do it if he thinks he might have a chance and will lay it on thick, because, what has he got to lose?!
For Stan, the dynamic is different based on his past and also the way he was socialised (living in a heteronormative society, eh?!), so I think a relationship with a guy compared to a girl he'd be slightly different in the way he interacts with them, but he's still a terrible flirt all the same! ^^
Friendship with Stan will look like:
Sitting on the porch, having a drink (of pitt ofc) and telling each other stories
Playing cards or other games you can bet on at the kitchen table, this can go on for hours after dinner
Watching any old thing on the TV (when the kids have gone to bed/are out, it's definitely period dramas - but only if you're into them and put them on, as Stan won't admit he likes them... but you know he does! ^-^)
Fishing on the lake in Gravity Falls and drinking something more alcoholic, will have to stop Stanley from getting into some kind of altercation if it's tourist season when you go out, and boat to the shore tipsy
Being goofy together - generally joking around with each other, making witty/snarky comments to the other nearly all the time, maybe the odd harmless prank here and there - or if one of you has been cheating at cards actual pranks OR some kind of competitive rematch as revenge!
Helping him and Ford on their adventures in some way, even if you don't go with them, you'll be involved somehow whether you like it or not. Will ring you every time they stop at a port to give you an update (it's mainly so you don't worry - you know he's got places safely and he knows you haven't fallen into the bottemless pit whilst he's been away)
Spending summerween/halloween together and competing to see who can be the most scary/has the best decorations/costume out of the two of you etc. One time you enlist Ford's help to give Stanley a scare and totally win. He says that you'll be the death of him one day in response. Once you both watched horror movies, there was a regional power cut and you both got spooked and ended up sleeping in the living room instead of going home/going to bed.
Enabling or discouraging (depending on the situation) each other's devious plans or crimes.
You have a running joke that Stan owes you money. Except it's not a joke. He does. (it just so happens that anytime you get it back is also in step with times you have to pay him back for something as well, so you end up exchanging the same $20 note or whatever)
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avianyuh · 3 months
Deadline; Mark Lee
Summary: You and Mark are coworkers and have a project due by tomorrow morning. But things quickly go off course which leaves the two of you improvising your after work plans.
Office Worker Mark!
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Gotta stay focused, I have to stay focused!
This was my only thought. I had a deadline for this project at work and I had barely made a dent in it. My boss, Tim, made it clear to me that I could not leave until this file was fully completed and on his desk. I don't know if it's good or bad that I was working on this with Mark.
Mark has always been my favorite person to talk to at work. He's funny, helpful and not to mention...he's really cute. We've had this back and forth flirting thing going on for over a year now.
So here we were, 6pm, basically no one left at the office, huddled together in my cubicle. We were sitting so close to each other that our knees were touching. But of course, I didn't mind that.
I fiddled with the pen in my hand as I tried not to stare at him.
He had these thin framed glasses on, and he was sitting in his chair, hunched over. His eyebrows were furrowed together, giving off the impression that he was focused on the paper he was working on.
I turned back towards my own papers in front of me. I finished the page in front of me before moving on to the next one. Halfway through skimming it and I realized there was an error. I let out a frustrated sigh, which Mark picked up on.
"What's wrong?", he questioned, looking up from his work in front of him.
"Julia didn't fill this out correctly, the whole thing is wrong."
"Are you serious?", he asked, when I nodded he responded by slamming his fist on the table,"FUCK", he exclamied. Now we were both frustrated.
"Mark, you know what this means right... everything else is wrong. All our work, it's crap". I buried my head in my hands, Mark did the same.
"Well, we're gonna have to tell him", Mark started to talk. I looked up at him, I had an idea of what he was going to say. "We have to tell him that we couldn't complete the file because Julia's a fucking idiot.", I laughed as he finished his sentence. It was even more comical when I noticed he wasn't laughing, he was being serious.
"Mark, you know Julia can do no wrong to management. They love her. Especially Tim."
"Well, it's not our fault. If we start over we'll finish by the time we're supposed to come back tomorrow. Y/n this is two weeks worth of work in this file, there's no way we could finish this", Mark explained.
I knew he was right. There's no way we could finish this file in enough time.
"I feel like we'll get fired if we come in tomorrow morning empty handed...", I said thinking out loud.
"Y/n, I don't about you but me personally? I don't want to work for someone who leaves us here to work all night. We have lives outside of work. I have a dog to go home and feed", I smiled at that. He always talks about his dog and is constantly showing me pictures of him.
"No, I get it. You know what? Let's get out of here and go get a drink or something, unless you have to go home right now?", I asked. I can't believe I even offered in the first place. Mark and I had never hung out with each other outside of the office. We did have each other's phone numbers and we did text quite a bit, but never made any plans.
"What if you just came to my place? I have a bottle of wine in the cabinet.", Mark said. I tried to analyze his tone, but he sounded casual and calm.
"Uh, yeah...sure", I agreed. "Let me just grab my coat...", Oh god, now I was acting awkward.
Pull it together, I thought to myself.
This is what I've been waiting for since I met him. I just hope I don't do anything stupid.
By the time we made it inside of his apartment, I felt like the walk over made me break out in a nervous sweat. I was trying to play it cool, act like all I viewed him as was a work friend. Which to the best of Mark's knowledge (hopefully) was all he was picking up on.
His apartment was really nice. His kitchen was small, and you could definitely tell that he loved one sinxe he only had maybe five plates and two cups. One of which was sitting in the sink, waiting to be washed.
He followed my gaze to his lack of dishware and tried to explain, "I don't really host at my place", he let out a light laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. It was a habit of his that he would do when he was nervous.
Wait, is he nervous?
"No, no, it's all good", I reassured him. He scanned the kitchen, most likely thinking about what we were going to be drinking out of. While he was searching in his cabinets for the wine and cups, I continued to look around.
First I greeted his dog, who sat politely at my feet and allowed me to rub his head. Then I looked around at the living room. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a couch, TV, a window overlooking the city, which he had a curtain covering. He had a coffee table that I assumed he ate his meals on since there was no room for a kitchen table. But most importantly, I tried to look around for any indication of a girlfriend. A hairtie, a hoodie, an extra pair of shoes, anything. But nothing seemed off. He truly seemed to be single.
"Aha!", I looked over, smiling and comfortable now that I knew I had no apparent competition.
"You found the wine?" I asked. He looked over at me with this playful expression on his face.
"No, even better, I found some apple juice!"
"Mark", I laughed,"How are we supposed to drink our problems away when we can't get drunk?"
"We pretend", he shrugged as he poured the juice into two plastic cups.
"For you", he said as he handed me my drink. We sat down on the couch.
For awhile, we sat there just talking like we usually do in the office. Though we never met up out of work, we were always in the loop on each other's lives. He'd tell me about his friends and all of the dumb stuff he did with them, which was always entertaining to hear about. We always talked about out families. I had even told him about that horrible blind date my friend set me up on. Conversations always flowed naturally between us and tonight was no exception.
He had just finished telling me this story about his friend who forgot his passport right before they were going to get in their flight. Long story short, his friend tried to sneak past the staff and almost got detained. We were laughing hysterically for what felt like ten minutes but was probably at most two. Then when the laughter died down, Mark started to speak.
"Honestly", he started but cut himself off momentarily to take a sip of his drink, "I hate our job, but I don't want to get fired, cuz then I won't see you as much.", he said, staring at me intently. I waved him off and tried to conceal the fact that I was now blushing. "No I'm serious. You're like, the highlight of that job for me. I hate it but I look forward to going to work everyday cuz I know I'll see you."
"Markkk", I said. I honestly didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if he was being sweet and sentimental since we were probably going to be getting the boot tomorrow morning, or if he was trying to hint at something more. "You're my favorite thing about work too. I always look forward to seeing you." I responded. He gave me a soft smile, before staring down into his lap.
"Can I tell you something else?" he asked as he looked back up at me.
"Sure", I nodded.
"I hated when you told me about that date you went on. And I wasn't sure why I was so bothered by it..." he scoffed before continuing, "I think it's because I was jealous".
I felt my heart skip a beat. I looked at him with even more intensity than he was giving me moments ago.
"Why were you jealous?"I pressed, trying to play dumb.
"I don't know...I guess it's because I sort of have a thing for you." I noticed that he was avoiding my gaze now. He was looking to the left, near the window.
I figured that it was now or never.
"Well, if we're handing out confessions, I have a thing for you too", I said, not even hiding the blush that by now had spread across both cheeks. We both were quiet for a minute. We just sat next to each other, staring right into each other's eyes. I noticed his were dodging back and forth between my eyes and my lips. But he wasn't making any kind of move and I was getting impatient. So, I grabbed him by the shirt and pressed my lips to his.
I closed my eyes and there we were. My coworker and I who I had had the hots for, basically over a year now. Eventually the kissed became steady. It was hot and sloppy and longing. It was the sexual tension that was being released as our lips collided continuously.
His hands started to travel up and down my body. My hands found their way into his black tresses of hair.
Though we did indeed get fired the next morning, we walked out of that building hand and hand. I lost a job but gained a boyfriend and to me that was a pretty fair trade off.
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