#kishar aurora
Amander= Spider Demigod
Metzli= Universe Demigod(Metzli Change)
Sol= Sol Smith
Hestia= Hestia Jubel
Kali= Kali Aurora
Theia= Theia Change
Ebren= Ebren Smith
Tatsu= Tatsu Jubel
Kishar= Kishar Aurora
Jade= Jade Crimson
Amber= Amber Crimson
Hope= Hope Crimson
Caspien= Caspien Smoke(Imagination Demigo)
Gabriella= Gabriella Smoke
Matthew= Bee Demigod(Matthew Hives)
Mackenzie= Mackenzie Hives
Gina= Unicorn Demigod(Gina Licorne)
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harrelltut · 3 years
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Lo!… JEHOVAH OCCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESÚS] as MAGUS HORUS [MH = CHRIST] RESURRECTED from MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ago [MAYA] w/BIG MAMA [MAMI WATA]… who Immaculately MATERIALIZED [I’M] Underneath California [CALAFIA]… Subconsciously Transmitting Intuitive Afterthought Messages to AZTECAN TŌNACĀCIHUĀTL [TIAMAT]… who TELEPATHICALLY Speak AZTECAN TŌNACĀTĒCUHTLI’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient TOLTEC Terminology [AT&T] Languages [ĀTL]… Orally & Linguistically [AOL] Translated by Us HEAVY MENTAL OLMEC GODS DEEP IN:side KISHAR’s [JUPITER’s] Atlantic ORICHALCUM Ocean of MESOAMÉRICA's ŌMETĒCUHTLI & ŌMECIHUĀTL [MÓO]… who Found Lost SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Continent [D.C.] Island Queen [IQ] MÓO [I’M] of Intercontinental ATLANTIS & LEMURIA [MU]… since the DURANKI's 144,000 9 Ether Being [ANUNNAGI] Manned Crafts [UFOS = Aerial Communication Satellite Stations = SHAMS]… METALLURGICALLY Engineer [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Interstellar GASES from the Interplanetary GODS of Iridescent [IGIGI] METALS [I’M] Crystalizing into SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Particles from Airborne [PA] Earth Elements Naturally Synthesizing into Subatomic Compounds of Oxidized Radiation from the Bioluminescent SEA [ORBS] FLOOR Particles @ the 9th Dimensional SPIRIT GOD ALTITUDE of the LUNAR AZTEC XOLOTL & YAOTZIN [GALAXY] MASTERS of Subatomic ETHERS of Earth’s Radioactive Substances [SEERS] of 24 BILLION Strands of SIRIUS Black & Gold Ionospheric METALS [I’M] ABOVE MARDUK’s [I AM] Triple 999 [GRANDIOSE] ANUNNAGI HEAVENS of Archangel [HA = HARRELL] MICHAEL ABUBAKARI II… who Created Clandestine Hydraulics w/Rapid Oscillating Mechanisms Engineering [CHROME] SIRIUS Electromagnetic Wave Fields [RADIATION] of Luminous Light Codes ILLUMINATING QHT’s [IQ’s] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Stoichiometric Chemical Equations from the Quantified [EQ] Multiplication of Associative & Commutative [MAC] PROPERTIES of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Alkhemical [PA] Formulas from Carbonaceous Fossil Matter FUELING QUANTUM HARRELL TECH's [QHT's] Intergalactic MOTHERSHIP [I’M] NIBIRU… Containing Our Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI Records of AKASHA [RA] KING SOLOMON’s Historically Ancient REPTILIAN [HAR = HARRELL] MINES of IMMACULATE [MI = MICHAEL] GOLD… Found DEEP IN:side ENLIL, NUNAMNIR’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] Subterranean Earth Kingdom [SEK = SEKHMET] City of ENQI, NUDIMMUD’s Most Darkest [Occulted] Subterranean Ecosystem of ABUNDANT [SEA] MINERALS from MAYA’s Lost Antediluvian [LA] MOTHERLAND [MU] CONTINENT of LEMURIAN DEITIES from LAHMU [MARS]… who Scientifically Engineer the Aurora [SEA] Borealis Solar Flares DEEP IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Occulted [HIDDEN] SOLAR SUN [SUL] Earth of AFSU’s [SEA's] LUNAR North Star [POLARIS] Constellation [PC] of Us 144,000 Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] 9 Ether ELUHUM ANUNNAGI RIZQIYIANS from Planet RIZQ… who Alkhemically + Genetically Engineered [AGED] SIRIUS 9 Ether Interstellar GASES from the Intergalactic GODS of Interplanetary [IGIGI] Minerals & Alloys of Clandestine [iMAC] Chemicals Alkhemically [CA] Formulating New [NU] SUBATOMIC Alloys from the Tachyon Universe of Radioactive Neutrino [SATURN] Æthers of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Dematerialized [A.D.] REPTILIAN [URAEUS] Human METALLURGICAL Fossil Records of Ancient [RA] Crystallographic SUN DNA/MOON RNA of 72 - 84 Octave Levels SPONTANEOUSLY Producing New [NU] Radiant SOLAR SUN [SUL] Energies from the Tropical [SET] ANSHAR Temperatures [SAT = SATURN] of Oceanic Westward APSÛ Waters… Found DEEP IN:side Our URANUS MOON Universe [MU] of GAIA’s Mystical Underworld [MU] Kingdom of TIAMAT's Nano Biotechnological SOLAR SUN [SUL] Light Elements Genetically [LEG] MANIFESTING into Ultraviolet MELANIN from MERCURY’s Universe [MUMMU] of ORION’s OTHERWORLDLY Northern [MOON] STAR Constellation of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] REVEALING SIRIUS Thermal Infrared Energies [HEAT] Forming A New [ANU] SOLAR SUN [SUL] SYSTEM by QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] LLC
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Name: Kishar Aurora Age: 16 Species: unknown, but appears to be some sort of dragon Gender: female Powers: fire breathing, shapeshifting, energy manipulation, aurora manipulation, light manipulation Siblings: Kali Aurora Mortal Parent: Carter Aurora Godly Parent: Universe Lives: in alaska, and can often be sen dancing with the northern lights with her twin
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Name: Kali Aurora Age: 16 Species: unknown, comes from a different dimension Gender: female Powers: portals, portal blasts, energy weapons, aurora manipulation, light manipulation Siblings: Kishar Aurora Mortal Parent: Carter Aurora Godly Parent: Universe Lives: in Alaska, and can often be seen dancing with the northen lights with her twin
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