#kirsti bjorgman
manyfandomocs · 2 months
💌 + The First Time In Forever, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
Yes here’s what I’ve got for now
Kirsti x Ben x Mal
Evie x Uma
Harry x Jane x Carlos
Gil x Jay
Chad x Honor
Dizzy x Celia
Send me 💌 + an oc/fic and I’ll list all of the endgame ships in that series
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anywhozits · 4 years
Or maybe there’s something better?
Rating: T
Words: 1736
Pairing: Kristanna
Summary: After the birth of their sixth child, Kristoff and Anna come to realize that maybe some skin to skin snuggling with their daughter is actually the most blissful kind of snuggling in the world. (here’s a link to part 1)
aka some cavity-inducing fluff to help with social distancing/quarantine woes :) 
The doctors and midwives finally leave the happy couple alone. They clean up the birthing chamber to the best of their ability, confident that after the sixth delivery in this birthing chamber they have it all figured out. She is stable. They are stable. Both Anna and the baby. So soon after the baby’s birth that Anna is still sticky with sweat.
Since then…since the three Bjorgmans are left alone… some period of time passes. Seconds, minutes. Hours, probably.
Time doesn’t matter anymore. Not when Anna has her new daughter skin-to-skin on her chest, not when Kristoff has one arm wrapped protectively around Anna’s shoulder, the other tracing every square inch of his child’s small body.
Her small body.
Their daughter, only two hours old. So new to this world.
And now she sleeps.
Their nameless daughter. Their perfect surprise.
They’d counted her fingers, her toes. Ten of each. Her hair—like Anna’s, for now. Deep red, auburn, specifically, still wet.
But she looks like her papa, too. Many features already unmistakably Kristoff. Her lips, her cheeks, her eyes, her jawline. Her nose maybe a perfect cross between the two of theirs.
She blows a little bubble with her mouth. Anna giggles. It’s cute.
Kristoff kisses the top of the baby’s head, right on her matted auburn hair.
They’re in awe. They’re in love. Their perfect little creation sleeps peacefully on Anna’s chest and she’s safe and wonderful and she’s theirs.
So, they stare at her. As intently as they can. They watch her every movement, however subtle. They count her breaths, watch her chest rise and fall and rise and fall. The way her lips curl, the way she opens her mouth in a tiny O, her little tongue escaping, flailing about clumsily in the air.
“You did so well, baby.” Kristoff squeezes her shoulder. Not exactly the first words he’s spoken since their daughter’s birth, but some of the first. “You’re amazing. I’m…” He kisses her cheek, chastely, lovingly. “I’m so proud of you.”
Her already-red cheeks flush even more. She looks down at their baby and then back at her husband, beaming so genuinely that her eyes are barely open. And then she lets out a breath. “I’m exhausted.”
He kisses her again, arm still wrapped around her shoulders, hand still resting on his baby’s back. “I don’t think I could do it.”
“You couldn’t,” Anna laughs.
“I just…It was so fast this time. You… you really—did so well. We only had to count to ten three times.”
“She really wanted out.”
“Eager, just like her mama.”
“Elsa would say it’s because she’s a Leo,” Anna adds.
Kristoff makes a noise that sounds a bit like a grunt. He typically follows any mention of astrology with an eye roll and a ‘that nonsense, again’ but when he looks over at his wife and sees that her eyes are shooting daggers at him, her bottom lip jutting out slightly, he holds back. Today, he lets it go.
Instead he thinks of Owden, their other Leo, and his eyes go wide. “Well…best of luck to us, then.” They love Owden, of course, but he’s a bumbling hyperactive wild child who can’t seem to sit still for more than 30 seconds. Prone to darting away from family and into crowds. Prone to playing extremely stressful games of hide and seek in the middle of the busy market. Prone to putting Kristoff on edge chasing after him at full speed, hoping to not return to the castle and admit to his wife that he lost their son somewhere in town.
Anna laughs. She’s never had to sprint after their son and it shows. “I don’t know… I sort of think she’s going to be…” Taking another look at the baby still sleeping on her chest, Anna ponders this, chewing on her bottom lip. “A real fighter. Like… of all our kids, she’s the fiercest. She’s gonna climb her way to the top of… something. She’s gonna be really strong. She probably already is really strong.”
“I like that,” Kristoff says. He brings some of Anna’s hair in between his fingers, twirling the sweaty locks around, knowing how much she loves it when he plays with her hair. “Fierce, like her mama. A regular fiestypants like her mama.”
“Aww, are you gonna be a little fiestypants, sweetie?” Anna’s hand rubs her daughter’s back. Their little girl sticks out her tongue again and both Anna and Kristoff go giddy at the sight. “I’ll have to remember to ask Elsa to do a full chart reading for her later.”
Kristoff doesn’t comment even though the word ‘nonsense’ is still playing in his brain.
“I need to say again, though, baby—you’re amazing. I know—it seems like it hurts so badly, but you’re so strong—”
“Like her!”
“And you…got through all of the pain and you’ve done that five times and once for twins and our—she was inside of you what—thirty minutes ago?”
“I think it’s been a few hours, honey.”
“But she was… inside of you. And you… did that.”
Anna nods, the whole concept of birth feeling like both a huge deal and also no deal at all. “Do you think this’ll be our last time?”
“Do you want it to be?”
“I don’t know,” Anna says. “I just… it’s hard for me to imagine. Not having more moments like this.”
She closes her eyes for a second, content, and then opens them to lock eyes with her husband. She smiles. He smiles back.
They both look back at their daughter. Her chest still rises and falls and rises and falls.
And then her small body stirs, tiny arms pumping little fists onto Anna’s chest. Arms stretching forward like a superhero, her mouth opens wide in a yawn. The cutest, daintiest, most perfect yawn Anna and Kristoff have ever seen.
Anna’s eyes prickle with tears and she laughs at this realization. “She yawned and I’m crying! I… I just love her so much. She’s perfect and you’re perfect, Kris…” Fat tears roll down her cheeks and she has to readjust. She picks up the baby and hands her to Kristoff, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands, trying to keep the steady stream of tears at bay.
Kristoff tries to hand her back to Anna but she shakes her head. “You hold her. It’s your turn.”
He places her gently on his chest, makes sure her little arms are properly positioned on either side of her head. That her right cheek is resting comfortably on his muscles. Now that she’s on his chest, he can really take in just how small she is. His hand is probably double the size of her head. Her whole body barely takes up the top fourth of his torso.
She pumps her little arms again, but now her curious eyes open, ready to take in the world. They look up to stare exclusively at the exact point Kristoff’s dark blue robe meets with the light skin on his neck.
Kissing him romantically on the cheek, Anna snuggles in close to her husband. She rests her head on his shoulder, sighs, and focuses her attention back on their daughter.
Anna basks in this moment of peace. Watching Kristoff’s large hands exploring their daughter’s fingers and toes and back and ears makes Anna’s heart soar. His mouth curls into a smile as he runs his hand over their baby’s nose.
He looks so… happy.
It makes Anna’s eyes sting with tears. How lucky she is to have this. To have them.
Soon enough, their daughter’s eyes flutter closed once again, no doubt feeling relaxed and protected by her papa, enough to drift off with such ease.
Seeing this, Anna knows there’s nothing better. Nothing better than this, here, now. Them.
Her family.
Her rock.
Her loves.
And then… she realizes something. It hits her viscerally, and she jolts a bit, enough that Kristoff notices and turns toward her. “You okay, darling?”
“Yes! I’m… more than okay. Because I have an idea!” Anna squeals, quietly enough to hopefully not wake the baby, but loud enough to get her point across. “For her name. Unless… do you have anything?”
“Oh no. Nope.” He shakes his head. “Not even a little bit. I’ve got nothing.”
“It’s Kirsti. That’s my idea—her name is…” Anna smiles. “I want her name to be Kirsti.”
“Kirsti? Hmm…” Kristoff takes it in, unsure. “Isn’t that a little, well—close to my name? Won’t it be confusing?”
Anna can’t contain her grin anymore. “No, that’s… that’s the point, Kris. It’s different enough to be… different. But. I want her name to be Kirsti because it’s close to Kristoff. I want to name her after you.”
“I want to name her after you,” Anna repeats.
“You…” He’s in complete and utter shock. His mouth goes dry. “You want—why?”
“Because you’re…” She smiles, already tearing up again. “I love you so much, Kristoff, and you’ve made me a mother six times and I want our daughter to grow up knowing that she’s named after the most amazing person I’ve had the pleasure of calling my husband for the last ten years. And I want her to be her fiercest and strongest self and do the most fabulous things with that name of yours and—"
“Maybe she should be named Anja, then.”
Anna smiles but shakes her head. “No. Kirsti.”
He sighs, he kisses her cheek, and then looks back down at the newborn angel snuggled on his chest. “Kirsti.”
“It’s perfect, right?”
“You’re perfect.”
“Kirsti’s perfect.”
“You’re right,” Kristoff says. “She is.”
They smile at each other, then. Kristoff starting to give into Anna’s whims. Kirsti.
His heart does a thousand somersaults. Flattered is a gross understatement.
Because all his life he’s wanted this big family. All his life he’s wanted people to snuggle and hug and connect with. It took until he met Anna to finally realize this, but he knows for certain it’s always been there.
And now… there’s Kirsti.
Kirsti feels like proof of something.
Before he can control it, tears roll down his cheeks.
“Kirsti,” he says, looking down at her, watching her suck her fist as she sleeps. His tears grow fatter.
What he always wanted… here, touching his skin, relaxed against his chest. This really is the perfect snuggle.
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manyfandomocs · 2 months
Descendants OC Masterlist (K-Z)
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Name: Kirsti Bjorgman (daughter of Anna and Kristoff)
Fic: The First Time In Forever
Love Interest: Ben & Mal
FC: Molly Quinn
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Name: Landon Lahr (son of the Cowardly Lion)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Lonnie
FC: Drew Ray Tanner
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Name: Lilliana Taylor (daughter of the Good Witch of the North)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Mal & Evie
FC: Maia Mitchell
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Name: Magnolia Andersdatter (daughter of Morgana)
Fic: Land and Sea
Love Interest: Harry Hook
FC: Laura Harrier
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Name: Nadia Thropp (daughter of the Wicked Witch of the East)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Uma
FC: Logan Browning
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Name: Opal Baum (daughter of Princess Ozma)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Ben
FC: Abigail Cowen
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Name: Orion Diggs (son of the Wizard)
Fic: No One Mourns The Wicked
Love Interest: Audrey & Chad
FC: Mike Faist
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Name: Polly Pan (daughter of Peter Pan)
Fic: Second Star to the Right
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Uma
FC: Liana Liberato
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Name: Ruby Fitzherbert (daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene)
Fic: One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
Love Interest: Chad, Evie
FC: Virginia Gardner
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Name: Serafina Stabbington Chapman (daughter of a Stabbington brother Merida)
Fic: Chase The Wind and Touch The Sky
Love Interest: Mal or Jay or OC
FC: Piper Curda
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Name: Stephen White (son of Snow White)
Fic: Foolish Thing of Mine
Love Interest: Poly Core Four
FC: Tom Holland
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Name: Tatiana Chase (daughter of Tiana and Naveen)
Fic: Almost There
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Mal
FC: Keke Palmer
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Name: Wrenley Darling (daughter of Wendy Darling)
Fic: Take Me To Neverland, Baby
Love Interest: Jay, Harry Hook (possibly Jay & Harry endgame)
FC: Mackenzie Foy
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Name: Zinnia Hook (daughter of Captain Hook and Zarina)
Fic: Weightless
Love Interest: Ben or Evie or Uma
FC: Alexandra Shipp
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manyfandomocs · 8 months
OCs To Fixate On
This list and the next list are @randomestfandoms-ocs fault so credit to them but but these are ocs I'm not necessarily fixated on but ones that I want to work on more and develop
If you wanna send asks my ask game tag is here but either way these are characters I gotta work on (there's a lot, maybe too many)
Gossip Girl (OG)
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
Percy Jackson
Gilmore Girls
How To Get Away With Murder
Knox Berry (Glee)
Scott Macmillan (Glee)
Ivy Perkins (Percy Jackson)
Katherine Keller (Riverdale)
Genevieve Sterling (Riverdale)
Annalise Andersen (Descendants)
Kirsti Bjorgman (Descendants)
Serafina Chapman (Descendants)
Leon Hastings (Teen Wolf)
Avalon Ridley (Teen Wolf)
Devin Parrish (Teen Wolf)
Nolan Truscott (Supernatural)
Both my HTGAWM OCs
Al of my The Bright Sessions OCs
All of my HSMTMTS OCs
All of my Hachetfield OCs
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manyfandomocs · 7 months
Alright every masterlist has been put in alphabetical order, if you're curious about what ones have the definite plot bunnies added it's
Descendants (Cadence De Vil ; Estelle Lind ; Honor Hook ; Jackie Silver ; Kirsti Bjorgman)
Glee (Everett White, Jasper Ratchford ; Jupiter Ellis ; Kaipo Steele)
Gossip Girl 2021 (Valerie Ritter)
Harry Potter (Dalton Lewis, Grant Crawford, Tabitha Booth)
Hunger Games (Emery Carnell)
Percy Jackson (Cordelia Rivulet, Sienna Rowland)
Scream (Maverick Bowens)
Teen Wolf (Beckett Grove ; Caylin Hale ; Henrietta Atwood ; Julian Knights ; Leon Hastings ; Serena Morgan)
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