#kiritodobakudeku x reader
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milliumizoomi · 4 years ago
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Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Mentions of massive injury, Angst, Cursing.
GO BACK ⇢ Part 5 ⇢ UP NEXT
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They ran.
That’s all they could really do. Running and frantically searching for you, the villain and rescuing citizens as well. This was one of those days that people would be terrified. It was horrible. People screaming, children crying and what made it worst of all.. is the place all of this is happening.
It was a pro hero’s job to protect citizens so they would get used to sights like these. But with the lingering thought in their mind that all of this devastation was happening in the place that no one say coming made their skin crawl.
“HELP..! PLEASE!! PLEASE HELP ME!” A citizen cried, stuck under rubble with blood streaming down her face. Midoriya flew over there as fast as he could and managed to safely get her out. “Hey! Ok I got you ok! Please keep your eyes open if you can!” He stated to her as her body was becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. While other pros who were more of rescuers came and took the woman from Midoriya, the other men ran forward, doing their best to save all the citizens that needed help while still in search of you.
A couple minutes pass and at the moment, all four of the heroes were helping citizens evacuate the area. At this time they were in the middle of the carnival where the Ferris wheel is located. “WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N AND THAT DAMN VILLAIN!” Bakugou yelled in frustration. It had been a couple minutes since anyone had detected anything from the villain. They have been stressing severely after the incident with the pups. They were thinking the worst.
“Bakubabe calm down.. you know that we’re all on edge about this situation and—“ Just before Kirishima could finish his sentence, a pound explosion and a bloodcurdling screaming was heard. And somebody in the crowd recognized the scream. The boys did too.
“Y/N?!” The mystery person said. They pushed through the crowd. “SO IT IS HER!!” Kirishima yelled, extremely panicked. The person made their way to where the heroes were. “IS THAT MY DAUGHTER?!” your mother screamed while crying. Your father came up behind her comforting her as she screamed. “BOYS! WHERE.IS.MY.DAUGHTER!!” Your father yelled as well, seeing red. The boys froze. They were not expecting to see their parents in law at a time like this. “Wait sir let me explain..” Todoroki started, wanting to avoid the unnecessary argument and also to avoid the lingering eyes on them.
The media knew nothing of you. They didn’t know you were connected to some of the most powerful heroes in society. So that meant not even the citizens knew. You were kept secret, to avoid villains trying to target you and now the pups. “But can we talk about it in private?” Todoroki continued, not wanting to talk about it in the setting where the citizens are within an earshot.
Your parents nodded and shakily walked to a corner. The boys then explained what they know and how the situation happened. Your parents were shaken. They never expected this to happen. “WELL PLEASE GO AHEAD! PLEASE SAVE HER!” Your mother cried. The boys nodded and bid farewell and took off.
“The bastard is gonna pay if there’s on mark on her..” Bakugou growled as he propelled himself faster in the air with his quirk. “Oh most definitely..” Todoroki said with a feral tone.
As they are nearing the area the explosion was, there was another one. And then the same voice was heard.
Your voice.
You screamed, “DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO ME BUT I WILL NOT LET YO BITCHASS TOUCH MY FAMILY!!” The boys froze. That was you..? “You got guts going up to me.. but that’s a pretty little quirk you got there” the villain laughed at you. “I’m gonna have fun killing you..” the villain continued as he charged at you.
“WE GOTTA GO!” Midoriya screamed. The boys finally reached the area. The other heroes were dealing with other villains in the area. It was said that this villain the boys are going after was the strongest there. As they finally reached the area, their eyes widened at what they saw.
You stood in the middle of a lot of rubble all battered and beat up. The alpha marks that littered your neck were stained with blood. Your clothes were tattered and your hair was all frizzy. The boys looked over to the side where they saw your two friends laying there unconscious.
You were protecting them.
And it looks like there was a struggle. You were stumbling over your own feet at times. No wonder you quirk disabled in the air with the pups inside. You had the overexerted yourself. “Oh.. we’ll look what we have here..!” The villain cackled evilly. This alerted you as you shakily turned around to have your eyes be met with your alphas. “A..alp-“ you said weakly. You were so weak it’s the only thing you could get out before the villain grabbed you by your throat.
“I’d advise you stay back before I pop this one open!” He said menacingly. The boys saw red. As far as they were concerned, he was the reason you were hanging onto your life, he was reason their pups may have trauma from this experience, he was the reason their family may never be the same. “You.. MOTHERFUCKER!!”Bakugou screamed as he charged at the villain. “YOU DID THIS! YOU DIRTY ASS BITCH!!” Kirishima yelled behind, charging at the villain as well. “WE’LL KILL YOU!!” Midoriya said, doing the same as Kirishima and Bakugou. “THIS WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!” Todoroki screamed, following suit.
They all charged at the villain with the intent to kill him. They didn’t hold back at all. In a state of shock, the villain dropped you. Before you could hit the ground, Midoriya was quick to swoop in and grab your body. “I’m so sorry we didn’t come sooner my love.. we’ll finish this in a second then get you the help you need...ok?” He said. You nodded weakly and smiled letting him know you were ok. He set you on the ground, near your friends then went back to the fight. You managed to crawl closer to your friends’ unconscious bodies to put their heads in your lap. You sat up against the rubble and tried to relaxed your body but all you could feel was pain.
As the boys were still fighting the villain, debris flying all over the place, the villain began to speak. “WHY ARE YOU SO WORKED UP OVER A LOWLY OMEGA?!” He cried, obviously loosing the fight. “THATS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Todoroki yelled angrily. “AND DONT YOU DARE CALL HER LOWLY!!” Midoriya chimed in. “YOU’VE RUINED SO MANY LIVES TODAY AND HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ASK THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH?!” Bakugou continued, still beating the crap out of the villain. “YOU GOT SOME GUTS ASKING US THAT RIGHT NOW!” Kirishima added.
As this was happening, you heard a cry. It had to be enhanced by a quirk because it was a pup’s voice. Your eyes widened. “AMI! LITTLE PUP IS THAT YOU?!” You screamed. “MAMA!” She screamed back. That was your quirk.
Voice Adaptation.
You could basically do anything with your voice, whether it be making a shield, the orbs your pups were flying in or just sending messages, you could do it and apparently so can your pup. “Pup huh..” the villain groaned. He then slithered his way out of the boys and said, “LET’S SEE IF YOU’LL BE SO TOUGH WHEN I KILL THAT USELESS LITTLE DOG!” He screamed and started making his way to where the pups were. You were enraged and terrified. First of all, he just called your pup a useless dog and he’s now targeting your babies. “NO PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU!” You pleaded. The boys already took off after the villain, while terrified. ‘I have to do something I can’t just sit here!’ You thought to yourself wearily. After a few moments, your eyes then widened, finally getting a plan.
‘MOM?! MOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?!’ You said, sending a message to your mom through your mind with the use of your quirk. ‘Y/N?! SWEETHEART YOU’RE OK?!’ She replied. ‘I’LL BE FINE! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! AND PLEASE CARRY DAD!’ You told her hastily. She sensed the urgency in your voice and said ‘I’LL BE RIGHT THERE!’ You slumped down and waited. A couple seconds later your mother and father appeared in front of you. “WHAT’S WRONG?!” Your mother screamed worriedly. “I can’t explain it right now but dad can you please pick up my friends and mom can you teleport all of us outside to where the ambulances are?!” You begged. Your parents looked at you, then each other then got stern looks. “Let’s go!” Your dad said as he picked up your two friends.
As this was happening, the boys was still in pursuit of the slimy squid like villain. “YEAH HELLO?! WERE IN PURSUIT! THE VILLIAN JUST STARTED TO RUN AWAY AND HE’S HEADING TO THE AMBULANCES! EVACUATE ALL THE CITIZENS IMMEDIATELY!!” Midoriya yelled into the communication device he had. “WE HAVE TO GET ALL THE PEOPLE OUT OF THERE! BUT WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR Y—“ Kirishima started but was cut off by something.
It was your voice. You were talking to them.
‘Hello..! Alphas can you hear me?’ Your voice said in their head. ‘We’re here baby, we’re here! We’re coming back for you ok?!’ Todoroki communicated back to you. ‘No! Don’t! I’m fine’ you stated. ‘What the hell do you mean you’re fine?! With those injuries you could pass out at any moment!’ Bakugou says back. ‘Im serious! Keep going after the villain! My parents are here and their taking me to the ambulances!’ You told them sternly. ‘NO BABY WAI—‘ and before Midoriya could finish his sentence, your quirk cut off. All the alphas look at each other, decided if they should go back or not. “I have a bad feeling about this..” Kirishima says wearily, still chasing the villain. “OH LOOKS LIKE WERE HERE~” the villain laughs, drawing the boys out of their thoughts.
“FUCK!” Bakugou yelled. The boys watched as you teleported with your parents to the ambulances. They said a few things to you as you nodded your head. They left with the heroes that were directing them away.
For some reason, their stomachs were twisting. They had a lingering feeling that somethings wasn’t right.
You were looking around, silently begging to see your pups. The villain then charged at you but you managed to jump away in the split second if time you had left. “Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE!” Todoroki yelled. They didn’t wanna see you get hurt. You were so focused on finding the pups that you didn’t even hear him.
“THERE YOU ARE!” The villain said, alerting you and the boys. You looked over at him and saw that Ami, along with her three brother, Katsuo, Haru, and Izuko standing there in the care of a pro hero. “And looks like she’s got siblings.. Oh this is gonna be great!” The villain cackled. He charged at them. “NO!” The boys yelled in togetherness. They all ran after the villain. “DON’T LET HIM GET TO THEM! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!” Kirishima yelled, alerting the heroes. “HAHA I GOT YOU NOW!” The villain cried menacingly as he appeared infront of the wide eyed pups. He swung his tentacle as herd as he could and brung it down.
He hit something. But he didn’t hear crying. He opened his eyes to see you standing there, with a victorious smirk on your face, blood seeping out of the corner of your face and mouth. You looked up at him and said “I—.. I told you I wouldn’t.. let you touch... my family..—“ Your voice came out weak and hoarse. This was the breaking point to all those attacks you had to endure before. You had heard a loud crack and pop on impact. And it would be an understatement to say it hurt a lot. You knew that you were at your limit. “Y/N!!” Everyone who knew you cried out. The villain retracted his tentacle. “M-mama?!” Your pups cried, clawing at your legs. They looked up at you teary eyed. “M’ok babies, mommy’s gonna be just fi..—” you started weakly. Your vison started to get blurry. And darkness was the only thing you could see. “Get.. get them away.. don’t wanna fall.. on th..” you started to get out. You knew you were going to faint so you didn’t wanna fall on your pups. Your body began to fall. Before you hit the ground, you felt somebody catch you. By the way they held you, you knew it was one of your alphas. You could hear muffled screams. Your body soon went limp in the arms of whomever was holding you as you could do nothing but welcome the darkness.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
Taglist: @develith @uniquabackyardigans @unfazedrose @kiribis-confesion-page @darylthekidd @gm4176 (Open ! click here to be added!)
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roseytheteacup · 3 years ago
can you do platonic yandere kiritodobakudeku coraline au? If headcanons would be ok if this was going to take too long
(For specific reasons I will do headcanons as of this concept due to it is going to be one of related stories on my wattpad and quotev it's a long multipart ending that's been in planning)
Mind you characters are aged up for this story since they are supposed to be like father kind of figures)
Deku is going to be like the mom who bakes cookies for you and your friends
the moment he first meets you he sees you as a small baby (even though you could be 5'11 like me ~~' and he still think you a tiny baby
he would show you around the garden and house seeing as you 'original' parents wouldn't allow you to have a garden and yelled at you the moment you left your room or breathed the wrong way
he thinks you look adorable staring at his fluffy hair
he has to save you from bakugou sometimes because boom boom boy wants you to take naps constantly(this is referring to people who have insomnia or narcolepsy or people who don't have a great time sleeping)
but when you try to leave he tries to...(hehe no spoilers)
this giant hedgehog the moment he meets you he teases you about looking like a raccoon from the bags under your eyes
but once he realizes why he keeps trying to get you to take naps or get a decent sleep schedule
but you being a little bat or trash panda stay up drawing,listening to music,or just doing random stuff
so he tries to give you treats that make you tired
but every time dang deku yanks you away
so he devises something( ^w^ hehe no spoilers still)
the moment todoroki meets you he's just in awe
your nature makes him want to protect you
so he shows you around the house and your other room
while your in awe he notices how you dress
by means he is criticizing your style but he notices they either seem to be old and mean like holes and dryer burnt old
so he makes you some new clothes even though they're a bit more pastely than you prefer
this guy just picks you up and hugs you the moment he meets you
if your touched starved or feel awkward about touch then you either become a pro at hiding or your getting kiri cuddles
this himbo just likes to show you all the shinies or stuff you may like
he thinks its adorable when bakugo calls you a racoon because you kinda are
he likes to put your hair in little braids or put hair clips in them( for my long hair and short hair teacups and coffee cups)
when he hears you listen to your music let's say he becomes concern also concern with your eating habits
so once he finds about your house lets say ...
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kiwizuku · 3 years ago
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ synopsis ;; there has always been a clear line between you, your friends, and the people from the hill. things are easy standing behind that line, however stupid and ignorant it is.
but then it's crossed, irrevocably and clumsily, by them.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ pairing ;; kiritodobakudeku x fem! afab! reader
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ genre ;; nsfw, light angst, fluff, high school au, no quirk au, nerd x jock x prep au
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ content warnings ;; smut, polyamory, established relationships, virginity loss, corruption, breeding, trans izuku, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex
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ღ PART 01. cruel summer ✧.*
ღ PART 02. i think he knows ✧.*
ღ PART 03. i knew you were trouble ✧.*
ღ PART 04. stay stay stay ✧.*
ღ PART 05. lover ✧.*
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geektasticwoodles · 4 years ago
Fic Search — MultiFandom. MultiShip.
Fandoms + Ships:
MHA: TodoBakuDeku, KiriTodoBakuDeku, KamiShin, KiriKamiShin, BakuDeku (as long as todoroki isn’t treated badly), TodoDeku (as long as Bakugo isn’t treated badly), BakuTodo (as long as Deku isn’t treated Badly), Aizawa x Present Mic
Haikyuu: Kagehina, Asanoya, DaiSuga, UshiTen, KiyoTana(kiyoko x Tanaka), Kiyochi (kiyoko x yachi), KuroKen, Bokoaka, SaeShin (Saeco x Keishin Ukai)
Life With Derek: Dasey (the only ship)
ATLA/LOK: Zukka, Kataang, Korrasami, MakoKorrasami, Tokka, SuZukka, ToZukka, MaiLee (as a side ship)
Fandoms + Ind. Characters for Gen (non-ship) Fics:
MHA: Dabi, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki (aka Dabi), Hawks, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Aizawa, Momo, Uravity (I cannot remember how to spell her actual name for some reason), Dabi from League of Villains, Shigiraki, Toga, Dadzawa, Midnight.
Haikyuu: Tendou Satori, Kyotani Kentaro (aka MadDog), Nishinoya, Coach Keishin Ukai, Saeco Tanaka, the tiny giant.
ATLA/LOK: Zuko, Sokka, Iroh, Korra, Wan, Mako, Bolin, Toph, Lin, Suyin, Tylee
Psycho-Pass: Kogami Shinya
Fandoms + Characters for x-reader (NOT SMUT!!):
MHA: Dabi!!!!!, Aizawa, Present Mic, pro-hero Bakugo, pro-hero Shoto, Shiggy
Haikyuu: Nishinoya Yū (in Italy?), Tendou Satori, Coach Keishin Ukai, Saeco Tanaka, AsanoyaxReader
Psycho-Pass: Kogami
Preferably nothing with manga spoilers for MHA but fine if mild. I’m caught up with the anime but I don’t intend on reading the manga for a bit.
This is the part of the long post where I list trope I love and tropes I don’t like.
Slow Burn, Angst & Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort, FLUFF (especially if in combo with winter holidays!), mutual pining, idiots in love, body swap, turned into a kid (Gen fic only plz), gender swap, pregnancy (incl. mpreg if done well), LGBT+ centered prompts, fake relationships, only one bed, sick fic/Hospital paitient AU, Omegaverse (only if it’s super well done and doesn’t take away consent!), weird job AUs (tatto artist/teacher/florist/mechanic/etc). VAMPIRE AU
Most Magical AUs (I’m just SUPER picky on those, so feel free to Rec I just may not read them), r*ape (caveat- i don’t mind reading about it but not between the ship. It can be a past event or part of the trauma but CANNOT be the ship themselves), vore/animal AUs (omegaverse is fine as long as they are human.) there’s probably other things but can’t think of it it rn...
So... yeah! If you have any good recs! Send them my way!! :D (I ran out of tags so I hope this gets some good reach/recs!)
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estrangedfroggy · 5 years ago
Fandoms I am in
Invader Zim
Tokyo Ghoul
FNAF (yes still deal with it.)
This isn’t a fandom because it isn’t a trend but just to be clear Black Lives Matter
Detroit: Evolution (both of em)
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Many many more that I am to lazy to name
Fav ships
Koichi x Yukako
Koichi x Josuke
Koichi x Okuyasu
Koichi x Okuyasu x Josuke
Rohan x Jotaro
Many many more because I have a problemo!!
HC’s I will do
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Trans Character 
Trans Character x Character
Trans Reader x Character
NSFW no matter how kinky
SFW no matter how fluffy
Fanfiction One shots!!!!
SFW little space (as an SFW age regressor)
NSFW little space 
Fanfiction (rules later on)
If what you want is not listed just ask to make sure
What I will not do
Things I do not ship! Nothing against the ship I just am not gonna write something I don’t enjoy. I would hate it and it would not be well written.
Standcest or selfcest, it makes me uncomfy.
Trump. #savebarron2020 #savetrumpsfamily2020
JJBA parts I know
I’m an anime watcher sorry. My parents won’t buy me the manga and I can not find it online!!!
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Fanfiction one shot rules
Assume all characters are 18+ when it comes to the dirty
Smut is A Ok
No torture porn it makes me uncomfy
No foot fetish it makes me uncomfy
No furry stuff it makes me uncomfy
only oneshots
Some kinks I allow
Idk the name for it but it’s like one person watches the other person masturbate
Stand usage 
Power usage
If what you into is not listed just ask and I’ll tell  you. Even if it makes me uncomfy I don’t judge.
Things that make me uncomfy in fanfiction
Everything  aforementioned 
If a question you have is unanswered please ask!! It’s alright. Ifyou don’t want a public answer my DMs are always open! (unless I say so)
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milliumizoomi · 4 years ago
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓮!
Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Panic, Terrified pups, Mentions/ Thoughts of Potential death/ injury.
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The heroes moved as fast as the could and the sounds of the pups screams. Uraraka and Tsu also went to help. Uraraka floated herself as Tsu used her tongue to launch her in the air. She managed to grab all three of both of your friends crying and screaming pups and safely floated all four of them down to the ground. She knew the parents of the pups would be angry that her sent is on them but rescuing them is the main goal and making sure their safe.
With Midoriya, he ran as fast as he could to be able to catch one of the pups. ‘If I’m even a second too late.. we could lose one of them..’ he thought. He was getting in his head. ‘No! We’ll save them.. All of them..!’ he thought again as he shook away all the negative thoughts. He went to go catch the pup that was closest to him, Katsuo. Katsuo was screaming and wrapped himself up in a ball as he fell. Midoriya propelled himself in the air using OFA and smoothly caught a little pup. “D-dwaddy..?” Katsuo whimpered, fear very evident in his little voice. “Yes lil’ pup.. It’s ok I’m here..” Midoriya said as he soothed and cradled Katsuo. Katsuo had little tears trickle down his face as he stuffed his face into Midoriya’s neck. “Dwont wanna do that agwain.. scary.. pwease dwon’t mwake us dwo that agwain Dwaddy..” The pup whimpered. He said “we” referring to him, his siblings and friends. He always looked out for them. This broke Midoriya’s heart. “Never bub.. never again..” Midoriya said. The father then started to purr in an effort to make the little pup feel better. ‘I caught him.. thank god..’ Midoriya thought to himself as he sighed in relief as he made sure to land softly to not rattle the shivering little pup anymore.
Bakugou was making his way to the smallest pup of their litter, Ami. The little pup was screaming and screwed her eyes shut as she fell. He used his explosions to get to her. But he also knew that this could be potentially scaring her so he called out to her. “Ami.. princess it’s me see? I’m gonna help you so your not scared anymore m’kay..?” He said loud enough for her to hear. Ami slowly opened her eyes to look at her father. When she realized he was there she kept screaming and crying while making grabby hands at Bakugou. “DWA! M’SCARED!” She cried as she kept reaching out for Bakugou. Bakugou’s eyes started to water at terrified look on his pup’s face but he managed to wipe the tears before they fell. He managed to swoop under her and caught her with one hand. (Like he did in the Heroes Rising Movie). As Bakugou brought her close to his chest, she held on tightly to him and wouldn’t let go. “It’s ok princess.. Da’s here.. you’re ok” he coos at her. She purrs and nuzzles into him as she tightened her grip on him. They managed to safely descend to the ground.
With Todoroki he went after the oldest pup, Izuko. Izuko was yelling and screaming bloody murder. Todoroki couldn’t stand seeing his little pup like that. He used his ice and froze the floor and slid on it to get to Izuko faster. The rate the pups were falling had to be at least 80 mph. And they knew they had to move fast. As son as Todoroki got beneath Izuko, he yelled up to him saying, “IZUKO! PUPPY! DADA’S RIGHT HERE! M’GONNA CATCH YOU OK!” Izuko realized his fathers voice but was to scared to even open his eyes. “DWADA! PWOMISE?! M’SCARED DWADA! DON’T WANNA FWALL ANYMWORE!” The pup cried. For a pup with Bakugou’s personality, he could sometimes show he was slightly different. I mean can you blame him? He’s 4 years old and he’s falling out of the sky at high speed. That would scare anyone. Todoroki winced at the fear laced in his pup’s voice. He didn’t want to let Izuko continue to fall out of the sky. So he decided to do something else. As Izuko wailed and screamed, still falling, he suddenly stopped and got caught by someone. When Izuko opened his eyes, he looked up to see Todoroki smiling down at him. “Dwada..?" Izuko whimpered quietly. “Yes lil’ pup it’s me.. you’re ok now.” Todoroki had made a huge pillar of ice right beneath him and it quickly rose above the ground and right under Izuko. He managed to grab Izuko right after. “It’s ok.. you’re safe s’ok..” Todoroki reassured the pup as he began to met the huge ice pillar to get them back on solid ground.
And then there was Kirishima and the youngest male pup, Haru. Haru had his eyes shut as he cried. He hated this. He wanted his family. And Kirishima didn’t waste anytime to try his best to get to him. Kirishima’s mobility shot through the roof after high school. So Kirishima was sprinting as fast as he could to reach Haru. As Haru fell, the tears in his eyes were floating upwards also. He was wailing and sniffing immensely. While Kirishima was running, he looked up to see how terrified and shaken Haru was as he fell and it made his heart ache. Kirishima devised a plan. He ran to a wall that was close to where Haru was and jump with all his strength. He then activated his quirk to secure him to the wall then, with all his might again jumped from the wall all the way to where Haru was. And Kirishima was pretty strong to be able to this because he jumped far. He managed to reach Haru and caught him. “PWAPA!” Haru cried as gripped onto Kirishima with all the might his little hands could muster. “Shhhh.. S’ok” Kirishima cooed. They were still falling as Kirishima tried to calm the little pup down. as the fell, Kirishima realized there was an iron like rod from one of the ride right in the line of where they were falling. He held Haru with one hand and managed to grab the iron rod as the fell past it. Haru kept his eyes closed and tucked his head under Kirishima’s chin. Kirishima then began to swing back and forth to get momentum to be able to grab onto the wall that was infront of him. The same way he jumped to Haru was the same way they managed to get down.
All the pups were safe now.
But they were terrified and wouldn’t even open their eyes while clinging to their fathers. Poor little things were shaking. As their fathers held them, they started questioning what or who could’ve done this to the pups.
“If I don’t get answers now somebody’s gonna get a blast to the face..!” Bakugou stated fiercely, eyes blaring with rage.
“..Now that I think about it.. those orbs looked like they were manifested from Y/N’s quirk” Mina quirked up. Everyone’s eyes widened. “Holy hell you’re right..!” Kirishima said, wide eyed. “But she wouldn’t just turn her quirk off like that while the pups were still in the air..” Midoriya pipes up, still cradling Katsuo, who was now sleep just as the other pups were. “Unless..” Todoroki chimes in. Everyone froze at what he was implying. “MINA! URARAKA! KAMINARI! SERO! HOLD THE PUPS! WE’LL SCENT THEM AFTERWARDS..!” “And don’t you DARE make anything happen to them..” “Take them to the ambulance and let somebody stay there with them whether it be one of you or someone their familiar with” The boys growled simultaneously . The betas and alphas nodded, very scared. The alphas nodded and ran off, scared of the thought that lingered in their minds.
‘Please.. please be ok Y/N..’ They all thought as they ran to rescue the citizens, defeat the villains and find, hoping that what their thinking isn’t what happened.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission.
Taglist: @develith @uniquabackyardigans @unfazedrose @kiribis-confesion-page @darylthekidd (Open)
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milliumizoomi · 4 years ago
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓮!
Pairings: A! TodoKiriBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mentions of blood, pups crying/ screaming and cursing. Also more characters introduced.
Go Back⇢ Part 3⇢ Up Next
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“WHAT?! ARE YOU F*CKING SERIOUS?!" Bakugou screamed with his eyes dilating. For a moment in time, none of the boys could move or even think straight. They were in complete and utter denial that this was actually happening right now, and that was saying something since they were some of the best names in the hero industry and they were also known for their quick thinking.
“SIRS..! YOU NEED TO GO! THE POLICE AND OTHER PRO HEROES NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE!” An employee yelled, realizing the state they were in. The quickly shook it off and took of running while thanking the employees. While they were frantically making their way to the carnival, Kirishima was instructed to try and call your phone. He dug through his pocket as he kept running. He quickly looked for you contact and called it. ‘Please.. please answer.. please let us know you’re alright..’ He thought as he listened to it ring. Just then the call got picked up but it wasn’t from you. “PAPA..!” Ami, their little girl, screamed through the phone. “AMI?! PRINCESS ARE YOU OK?! WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” Kirishima yelled as the other three alphas froze to look at him but soon started run again. “SHITTY HAIR WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! IS THAT AMI?!” Bakugou screamed frantically.
Kirishima looked up and nodded as he kept running. “PUT IT ON SPEAKER!” Midoriya yelled as they were nearing the carnival grounds. Kirishima nodded as he put it on speaker. “PAPA! VWILLIANS! MOMMY LEFT PHONE..!,CAN’T FIND HER!” The little pup cried to her father. The men felt there heart drop to there stomach. “MOMMY’S MISSING!” The three other pups yelled as they also heard your friends pups crying with them that their mothers are missing too. All the alphas looked at each other with tears in their eyes as they heard how scared the little pups were. “Pups.. stay quiet and calm ok. I need all of you to hide and again stay quiet ok? Ami your papas’ are almost there ok. Call back papa’s number if you guys need help ok?” Kirishima calmly said as he tried to hide how true pissed he was in an effort to not scare the pups even more and to not show how he was feeling. Little sniffles were heard on the other side. Then the alphas heard their son, Haru, talking. “Ok papa.. Ami fwell asweep fwrom cwrying. We hiding under table nwow. Izwuko made us fwollow him hwere.” The little pups told his dad as he continued to sniffle. “Ok little man.. papa, daddy, da and dada will be there soon ok? Just stay hidden for me and remember to call for any one of your papas if you need help ok?” Kirishima reassured Haru. “Ok papa..” Haru answered. “Ok bub we’ll find you soon ok?” “Yes papa.. bwye..” “Bye little pup” Kirishima answered as he hung up the phone. It would be an understatement to say that the men weren’t pissed. “..I’m going to kill them..” Bakugou growled.
The little pups had a certain name for each of their fathers so they know which one their calling. Kirishima was papa, Bakugou was da, Todoroki was dada and Midoriya was daddy.
The men hated when you or the pups were sad and the fact that not only are their pups along with your friends pups stranded and hiding somewhere, but you and you friends were missing and they have no clue where you are. “Guys..” Midoriya called out. “Let’s not hold back ok..” he continued. “Oh babe i know I wasn’t planning on it..” Todoroki said. Todoroki tends to be.. scary.. at time and trust me, these were one of those times. “You don’t have to tell me nerd.. they made our pups cry and our Omega is missing.. I’m tearing them apart..” Bakugou said menacingly. “Yeah Midobabe.. there’s no forgiving this..” Kirishima said with an angry look on his face. They were pro heroes but they felt as if they failed. You were missing and their pups were bawling their eyes out. But again.., their pro heroes. That’s means they will save all the people they can with no exceptions.
“We’re finally here..” Todoroki huffed angrily. They really were trying to contain their anger but this is their family and they feel as if it’s their fault that it may be torn apart. They stood in front of the carnival entrance that was supposed to be colorful and full of happiness.
But that was far from what they found. They were met with the screams of citizens and the yelling of other pro heroes. “GUYS! LOOK DEKU AND THE OTHERS ARE HERE!” a very familiar voice yelled. The guys look up to see Uraraka otherwise know as Uravity and some other of their high school classmates and pro heroes. “GUYS WE NEED YOUR HELP! THEIR RAMPAGING ALL OVER THE PLACE AND PEOPLE ARE GETTING INJURED!” Kaminari yelled. “Yeah.. It seriously isn’t looking good.” Shinsou added. “Alright everyone we know what’s going on.. now let’s do what pro heroes do best ok..?” Midoriya said trying to mask his anger. They all got determined looks on their faces. “RIGHT!” “Yeah yeah LETS GO!” They all said as they rushed into the unveiling terror.
As soon as they went in, they were met with utter devastation. There was blood EVERYWHERE. “What the hell..?!” Bakugou stammered. It did not seem like the happy place it was meant to be. “I could only imagine what the citizens had to go through here it looks horrible” Todoroki muttered. “Your totally right Shouto.. At this point, we need to do what heroes do best at this point we need to help them we need to save them.. before this can get any worse” Midoriya said to the group. “RIGHT!” “Whatever nerd!” They all said in unison.
They all begin walking deeper and deeper into the carnival grounds. On the way it only got worse. They managed to save multiple citizens who were either hiding or came out of their hiding places to get help and bring them to the waiting officers and ambulances that were stationed outside the carnival. “This is terrible we need to defeat the villains fast or else more people will get hurt and possibly more people will possibly.. you know..” Kirishima said. They really didn’t like thinking the worst in these types of situations so they opted to try and not bring it up. Their goal was to try and save everyone. “Yeah you’re right... these villains must be extremely powerful to be able to do this in a couple minutes” Bakugou said calmly as he tried to assess the situation.
The alphas only spent about 5 minutes getting from Bakugou’s Hero Agency to the Carnival grounds so because they used their speed. And other pros got here before they did. It was quite the distance away too. And it was a lot of damage for such a little amount of time.
“We need to get these people out of here!”Kaminari said as he kept on running. The heroes were dewelving into the area to help rescue citizens and defeat the villains quickly. Just then, as the heroes were running towards where most of the destruction has happened, 7 orbs started flying through the sky towards them. Bakugou was hovering in the sky with his explosive quirk and he should’ve noticed it but he didn’t because he was scanning the ground for anyone else who need help. Kirishima looked up and squinted. “Uhh.. guys.. what’s that? And WHY IS IT FLYING TOWARDS US?!” He said. This alerted the other heroes to see what he was talking about. Their eyes widened at the sight of the glowing orbs in the sky and they took their fighting stance, preparing for whatever the orbs we gonna throw their way. But nobody was physically ready for what happened next.
They suddenly stopped. They were still in the sky but they stopped a few inches away and they were above the heroes.
“Why did they suddenly just stop..?” Sero asked in confusion. “I have no clue..” Midoriya said. As they looked back up at the orbs, they just disappeared and things started falling out of them. “THERE GONE! But what’s that falling out of them?” Kirishima asked as he squinted. There was silence for a while.
Screams broke the silence. “DADDY!!” “PAPA!!” “DA!!” “DADA!!” “UWNCLES!!” Those cries were the cries of yours and your 4 alphas pups, as well as your friends’ pups as well. But the heroes hadn’t realized this yet. Then reality hit them like a truck. And their eyes widened when they came to the realization. Those were, in fact Kirishima, Todoroki, Bakugou and Midoriya/ their pups and your friends pups as well falling out of the sky.
"F*CK!" the fathers cursed as they ran to get to the falling pups before they hit the floor.
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Sorry it’s so short this time.. I planned on making it longer but tumblr acting up and literally deleted like 3 paragraphs that I now have to write over so🧍🏽‍♀️
©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission.
Taglist: @develith @uniquabackyardigans @unfazedrose @kiribis-confesion-page (Open)
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milliumizoomi · 4 years ago
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓮!
Pairings: A! TodoKiriBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Slightly Mad Alphas, Mild Cursing Fluff, Implied angst at the ending if you squint.
Go Back ⇢ Part 2 ⇢ Up Next
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So here you were on a Saturday, driving with your little pups purring and playing with each other in the back seats as you somehow got dragged out of your house by your friends. You hadn’t heard from the boys yet but you know that they will most likely not be too happy that you suddenly left the house.
Your friends wanted to carry the pups to the annual carnival that was being held. You decided to go since you knew that your little pups would love it. And plus, it would allow them to get used to all the different smells in the world. You scent was still lingering on them as they grew so you would have to make sure that no one else’s smell gets on them.
You had already called the girls and told them you and your pups were ready. You made sure to scent them so you could make sure of where they were at all times. So you were driving to the carnival with your friends following.
As soon as you got to the carnival, you parked and hopped out of you car and went to the backseats to unbuckle the pups out of their seats. “Mommy! This place is huge!” Katsuo said with stars in his eyes as you unbuckled him from his car seat. “I know baby that’s why I need all of you to stay close to me ok.” “Yes mommy!” All of your little pups said in unison.
“Cmon girls it’s time to goo!” One of your friends said as she help her pup’s hand. You and your other friend nodded. You told your two oldest pups to hold onto the their younger siblings hands and then you would hold onto the younger pups. Your friend got her two pups hands and started walking towards the entrance.
‘I hope the pups enjoy today!’ You thought to yourself as you smiled. You look down and your pups who were beaming with excitement. ‘Yup today’s gonna be an eventful day..’ you thought as you purred softly.
If only you knew how right you were..
With the boys...-
They had no clue you weren’t even home.
They were currently on patrol in the same area but different streets. Kirishima was with Bakugou and Todoroki was with Midoriya. They were just walking around and doing their job. “I can’t wait to get home and and see y/n and our little pups..” Kirishima sighed and said as he stretched. “Got that right weird hair. It sucks ass that we have to work today" Bakugou groaned. They knew they don’t get much days off being pro heroes and such but they wanted to spend some time with you and the pups.
“I’ma call pebbs and see what their up to” Kirishima yawned. “Plus we’re practically finished with patrol so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Bakugou just shrugs. “Tell that nerd I said hi” he smirks and says. Kirishima nods. He took out his phone to see the message you had sent. “Bakubabe... can you take your phone out for a sec.. I need to see something” He continued, growing weary. Bakugou sideeyed him, looking very confused. “Hah? For what?” Bakugou asked. “Please I just want to check something.” “Fine whatever. Here.” Bakugou digs his phone out of his pocket and hands it to Kirishima. Kirishima takes the phone and as soon as the phone lights up, he sees the same exact message he saw on his phone. “They aren’t home..” Kirishima whispers to himself. “What??” Bakugou asked as he tilted his head to Kirishima and quirked his brow. “Pebble and the pups.. they aren’t home” Kirishima tells Bakugou. “What?! The hell you mean they aren’t home?? That shitty woman didn’t tell us she was planning to go anywhere today especially with the pups!” Bakugou said as he raised his voice a little and grabbed his phone from Kirishima.
Lemme fill y’all in btw.. ya see the boys are very territorial and protective of you and the pups. They don’t like anyone getting too close to any of you.
As Bakugou took his phone and saw the message you sent, Todoroki and Deku were coming around the corner from the area they just patrolled. Btw Kirishima and Bakugou were still walking. “Oh hey Kacchan and Eiji,are you guys done with patrol?” Midoriya asked as he rounded the corner with Todoroki. There was no answer to his question. “Uh.. guys? Did you hear me?” “O-oh uh hey babes um.. y-yea we where just about to head back to the agency..!” Kirishima stuttered trying to contain his anger while Bakugou was still fuming at his phone. Midoriya looked at him suspiciously. “Something’s wrong” Todoroki chimes in.
Kirishima growls and so does Bakugou. Midoriya furrows his eyes at the sound of the growling. “Guys what’s wrong??” Midoriya asked growing impatient. “Look at your phones..” Kirishima says while running a hand through his hair. Todoroki and Midoriya looks at each other confused then fish their phones out of their pocket. They watch as the screen flashes on and immediately your message is the first thing they see. “..what?” Todoroki says as he looks up and Kirishima and Bakugou for confirmation. Kirishima nods as Bakugou just turns away. “Did she mention this before?” Todoroki asks. “Not from what I remember” Kirishima answers. “Midobabe? Bakubabe? Calm down ok we can just blow up like this on the sidewalk.” Kirishima tells them. When they are silent that means they are LIVID. “Yeah.. granted were all on edge about this but we can call when we get back to the agency.” Todoroki says as he walks up to both Midoriya and Bakugou and rub their backs. “Now let’s get back ok?” They all nod and begin to walk to the closest agency, which was Bakugou’s.
While walking there and greeting civilians, Midoriya looked at his phone one more time to realize that you had left your location on. “GUYS! HER LOCATION! IT’S ON!” The other three men perked up at hearing this. “Nerd are you serious?! You better not be f*cking with us!" Bakugou growls. “Kacchan none of us play when it comes to our love and our pups you know that!” Midoriya exclaims. It’s clear that they are all frustrated right now but are trying to not let it get to them too much since they’re in public. “Look I’m sorry ok.. It just makes me frustrated that we don’t know where she or our damn pups are.. Makes me wanna blow something up..!” Bakugou says as he clenchs his fists. Midoriya walks over to Bakugo and runs his hand through his hair and gives him little kisses all over his face in an effort to calm him down. “It’s gonna be ok Kacchan.. it gonna be alright.. how about we see where she is now so that we can all feel a little calmer?” He along with Todoroki and Kirishima nod. Midoriya looks back down on his phone. “Uhh.. it says that she’s at a carnival” he said. “Oh you mean the annual one that the have every year?” Todoroki asks. “Yeah I think that’s the one. The pups probably wanted to go or she got invited or something.” Kirishima asks. “Probably.. nobody better touch her though ‘cause I will find them and when I do I-“ Bakugou starts. “Calm down hothead we all get territorial when it comes to her so cool your jets. We can scent her when she comes back or we could even surprise her and the pups.” “Ok whatever” Bakugou says as he rolls his eyes.
They walk and walk and walk until they finally made it back to the agency. They open the door to see nothing but absolute chaos unfolding. “HEY! WHAT’S GOING ON IN HERE?!WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOURE DOING RUNNING AROUND MY AGENCY?!” Bakugou screams, seeing red. His agency was a complete disaster. Paper was being thrown everywhere, people were frantically running around the place and people were talking a mile a minute on the phone. Everyone froze at the sound of Bakugou’s voice. They looked up to see the heroes in the top 10 rank standing at the doorway with a pissed off look on their faces. “W-were s-s-sorry Dynamight sir..! But we’re in a lot of trouble right now and police are re-requesting a-a-all of your a-assistance..!” A young woman bowed and said. “Trouble??“ ”What’s wrong?!” Todoroki and Deku asked at the same time while they all we fanning Bakugou’s face to help him calm down. “Villains...! Their attacking!” The employees yelled. “WHERE?!” The boys frantically asked. “AT THE ANNUAL CARNIVAL THAT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR..! THEIR ESCAPED CONVICTS AND THEIR TERRORIZING AND KILLING THE CITIZENS..! WE JUST GOT THE REPORT!” The same young woman screamed. The Alphas froze as their heart dropped to their stomach. The people they swore to protect with their lives... are at that carnival..where dangerous villains are attacking.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission.
Taglist: Open (just let me know if you would like to be added)
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kiwizuku · 3 years ago
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𝗯𝗻𝗵𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ༊*·˚
[!!] means that it's an explicit work!
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𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 ღ
friendly fire [kiritodobakudeku x reader] [!!]
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𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 ღ
izuku midoriya x fem! chubby! school council! reader [!!]
how they react to you ignoring them for studies
parent-teacher interviews [izuocha x reader] [!!]
how they react to you feeling self conscious about your body
subby/bratty izuku drabble
how they react to you kneeling at their feet
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𝗸𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂 ღ
how they react to you ignoring them for studies
forehead kiss drabble
how they react to you feeling self conscious about your body
how they react to you complimenting them in-battle
how they react to you kneeling at their feet
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𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶 ღ
how they react to you ignoring them for studies how they react to you feeling self conscious about your body
how they react to you complimenting them in-battle
how they react to you kneeling at their feet
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𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗸𝗼 𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗸𝗮 ღ
parent-teacher interviews [izuocha x reader] [!!]
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𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮 ღ
how they react to you complimenting them in-battle
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milliumizoomi · 4 years ago
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓮!
Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
A/n: Ok so like this is my first actual writing on tumblr so I hope you like it!
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Staight fluff so far.
Part 1 ⇢ Up Next
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You could safely say that this was NOT on your agenda today.
So how it started??-
You were at home with your 4 pups while you’re husbands were hard at work being pro heroes. You were just minding your business in the kitchen cleaning while you’re pups were in the living room watching the tv. You continued to monitor them, knowing 2 out your 4 cuties have the tendency to get rowdy sometimes. You heard a knock on the door and when you dried your hands to go and open the door you were suprised to see your 2 best friends and their pups at the door. Now BTW their both omegas and yk since they have pups that means they have alphas too.. so you can only IMAGINE the hell that would break lose if your alphas smelled another alpha on you.
“You guys? What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming over” You said as you unwrapped the apron from around you body and pulled your 4c hair out of the messy puff it was in. “Girl go get you and your lil pups ready we’re going out!” One of your best friends say while bouncing around at the doorway.
You stared at them dumbfounded. Like y’all serious???
“Go!Go!go!” They yell in sync. “Damn ok! I gotta tell my alphas tho” you tell them. “Do what you gotta do girl! Just hurry!” They say. You roll your eyes and giggle. They went back to their cars to handle some other things they needed to do and told you to call when you were done since they know your alphas would trip if they came home with a new smell in the house. You texted your alphas and told them you and the pups wouldn’t be home, completely forgetting to tell them where exactly you were going and also forgetting just how bad they could get if you left the house without telling them beforehand. “Come on babies we’re gonna go out with mommy’s friends.” You tell your 4 pups. “Ok mommy!” The little pups answered.
Fyi you had 3 little boys and 1 little girl. And the boys were literally JUST like their fathers when it came to their sister. PROTECTIVE.
The oldest of the quadruplets, Izuko, had the personality of STRICTLY Bakugou. He had Heterochromic eyes and sharp teeth. His left eyes was red and his right eye was blue. He has black hair. The second oldest, Katsuo , had the personality of both Bakugou and Kirishima. His eyes are green and freckles and sharp teeth. His hair is split like Todoroki’s and the colors are blonde and white. The third oldest, Haru, had the personality of Deku. He tends to be outgoing but quiet sometimes. His eyes were red and he also had freckles. His hair was black with green tips. The last lil pup was your little girl, Ami. She had the personality of you and Todoroki. She also had Hetorochromic eyes. Her left eye was gray and her right was green. Her hair was black with brown tips. They were all light skinned lil babies and had inherited you hair texture with a mix of all their fathers. They were all 4 years old.
After like 30 minutes you get all your little pups ready then tell them to go in the living room. Your oldest son, Izuko, led his younger siblings to the play room to wait for you. 20 minutes pass and you finish getting ready. Your hair was styled in two huge puffs and your egdes were laid. Forgot to mention that u also laid styled you kids hair too and laid ur little girls edges too-. You got ready and got some snack for the ups and left. Btw y’all must be wondering how the hell u carry for kids in one car.. well the car was huge ok like it had like 6 seats and that’s just for you and the kids too😭🤚🏽
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify with my permission.
Taglist: Open (just let me know if you would like to be added)
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