#kirishima is the best wingman
dira333 · 9 months
Assistant to the Hero Part I - Amajiki x Reader
Requested by @fuzztacular , part II will follow tomorrow. Part of my Follower Celebration
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- 5 days as his assistant
With only a few days left until Washio-san’s retirement party, you’re just a little surprised that they’re calling you in for an interview.
You’ve worn your best clothes to work every day for the last two weeks, hoping against hope that you’ll be called in. Washio-san has been Suneater’s assistant ever since he started working at Fatgum’s agency. You’ve heard all the rumors.
How he’s picky, doesn’t talk to anyone but Fatgum and Washio-san - or maybe Kirishima-kun, and never attends any office parties.
But you’ve also heard of him from Kirishima-kun - one of the three junior Heroes you’re managing - and he tells an entirely different story.
With three years at the agency under your belt, you’re more than ready to take on one of the bigger sidekicks of Fatgum and you know that you’re capable of assisting Suneater. All you need is a chance.
And if the ongoing interviews are any indication, he hasn’t picked his new assistant yet.
“Y/N, welcome.” Washio-san is a grey-haired woman. You’ve never met her without a smile on her lips or a colorful pin on her blazer. Today, she’s got a tiny, vibrantly purple hummingbird pinned to her chest.
“Thank you for thinking of me.” You shake her hand and take a seat.
“I’m sorry we didn’t approach you sooner, but you might know that quite a few assistants were up for a promotion. Since you’ve finished your first three years with great reviews from everyone around, it’s also your choice which sidekick you want to work for.”
That’s news to you. “It’s… my choice?”
Washio-san nods and shuffles her papers, waiting for you to make your move. But you don’t know what to say. Should you tell them that you want to work for Suneater? But surely everyone wants to work for him. But if you don’t say his name and pick someone else and no one ends up picking him? He’d be heartbroken to hear that.
“Who…” You start and cough awkwardly to clear your throat. “I mean I’m sure that if everyone got to voice their choice, quite a few choose the same hero, am I right?”
“Who…” You look down at your hands to steel your nerves. “Who didn’t get picked? It’s… It’s not that I don’t have preferences, I’d lie if I said I don’t. But I always felt that at this agency, everyone was doing their best. No one deserves not to get picked. I’d rather assist someone misunderstood than just voice my preference.”
“Well, isn’t that nice of you?” Washio-san smiles knowingly. “I’m happy to report that no one went without a pick so far. But I believe that Suneater got picked the least.”
The relieved sigh leaves your lips before you can hold it back.
Washio-san’s knowing grin grows only wider and you bite your lip.
“Well, in that case, someone else picked him already, right?” You blunder on. “A-and it w-wouldn’t be fair to take their place. Not that I could take it that lightly, I mean, you’d have to decide that, right?”
“Why do you think you’d be a better match as Suneater’s assistant.”
There’s a new tone to Washio-san’s voice, like steel hidden behind velvet. You’re reminded that she’s kept working here for all her life, all three of her pregnancies and that she basically built up this agency. Suneater is probably like a son to her. A grandson, more likely.
You won’t get past her with flattery or trying to sound nice. And you owe her your honesty.
“I don’t think that I get to say who’s the best match for him.” You tell her, voice strong now that you talk from your heart. “I think everyone could work well with him if they treat him with basic decency. Kirishima talks highly about him and I believe Kirishima above all else.”
Washio-san nods and gets up. “Thank you. This will be all.”
“O-Oh… of course.” You scramble to get up yourself, shake her hand when she offers it, and walk to the door. This interview hasn’t given you any insight on the matter but you’re just a junior assistant anyway.
“Oh, by the way.” Washio-san calls out when you’re at the door. “Just between the two of us. You would have picked him, am I right? Suneater, I mean.”
“I…” You shrug, mouth pulled into a tight line. “Yeah,” you admit softly. “But I’ll work with whomever you pick for me. I like all of our sidekicks a lot.”
-1 day as his assistant
Five minutes before you have to leave for Washio-san’s retirement party, your computer pings, signaling incoming mail.
You click on the letter icon, ignoring Kirishima’s excited babbling about yesterday’s patrol.
The letter is short, but it leaves your head spinning.
“Kirishima?” You grind through your teeth. “I got the position.”
“No way!” He’s on your back immediately, his weight crushing you against your keyboard. “NO FREAKING WAY!!”
To Kirishima, you're celebrating your new job. You have to remind him constantly not to tell everyone he meets. This is still Washio-san’s retirement party after all.
She hugs you, thanks you profoundly for the pin you wrapped as delicately as you could. It's a silver squid, its tentacles glittering with deep indigo stones. It cost you almost an entire month of pay but it's so worth the smile on her face.
“This might be my favorite present, “ she tells you in a whisper, “But don't tell anyone. It reminds me of Tamaki.”
The man itself is nowhere to be seen. He's not on patrol, that you know from Kirishima, but you would have been surprised to see him at a party with this many guests anyway.
Only when the cake has almost been devoured and the drinks are already finished, you spot his trademark indigo hair.
He's wearing skinny jeans and a black cardigan and of you hadn't known him, you might have taken him as an overworked accountant.
“I put some cake away.” You tell him, plate in hand. “Kirishima said you like sweet stuff.”
He flushes bright red and his mouth forms a line that's so straight you could use it as a ruler.
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn't want to surprise you.” You rub your neck awkwardly. “We don't even have to talk. I’m your new assistant, starting tomorrow. I’ll just leave this here with you.”
You offer him the plate and he takes it, hands shaking.
It's obvious that he's trying to talk, just as obvious that he's trying to make eye contact, but he's failing at both.
“You don't have to make eye contact with me.” You point out softly. “Just look at my shoulder when you address me. That's more than enough.”
A heavy sigh leaves him when he does so
“I wanna go home.” He mutters, flushes even brighter when he seems to realize what he just said.
“I get that. I think it makes it that much more special that you still showed up for Washio-san. I will get her for you, so that you can leave right after, okay?”
1 Month as his assistant
It’s a good thing that you don’t like small talk or feel the need to fill Silence with chatter. If you keep quiet long enough, Suneater will forget that you exist and almost relax while doing his paperwork, sometimes even humming a tune under his breath.
When you keep exceptionally quiet, you might even allow yourself to look at him from the corner of your eye.
He is, without a doubt, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
He is also nice, capable in a fight, and a good boss when he can do things in writing instead of approaching you directly.
Every week, without fail, a little present will pop up on your table, usually when you come back from lunch and he’s on his way out to patrol.
Some chocolates, a single Daisy in a drinking glass, a foreign coin that’s polished so well it reflects the sunlight.
It feels like little presents one would get from a bird and in a way, he reminds you of one, how shy and on edge he is all the time.
The first time you hadn’t been sure if the gifts were really coming from him. After all, there was still creepy Jin from Accounting who liked to bring you gifts in the hopes you’d go on a date with him in exchange.
But Jin’s presents had always been more showy and he’d never take the chance that you mistook it for someone else's work.
You’d written a card then, just in case, and put it on top of the paperwork Suneater had to sign.
“Thank you for the Chocolate, it’s my favorite kind. I hope it was from you. If not, please just mark this card with an X and put it back on my table and I will not mention it again.”
The card never came back to you. You found it in one of the drawers of his desk instead, when you went looking for a file for Fatgum a week later.
“Have you seen Suneater?” Some girl from Accounting bursts through the door of your office. You blink up at her in perfectly veiled annoyance.
“Bathroom break, I think.” You offer politely and she huffs in annoyance and leaves, leaving the door open.
You get up to close it, hearing a mumbled “Thank you.” from behind his desk when you go back to your chair.
“Of course.” You send a smile in his direction, barely able to see the tip of his right ear and some of his hair from where you sit. He’d been hiding behind the table for over an hour now, dropped down on the floor in a heap right after patrol, and refused any offer of water or blankets.
“You can call me Amajiki.” He mumbles again. “Tamaki Amajiki.”
“Thank you, Amajiki-kun.” You dare to say a few more words, hoping it won’t backfire. “If you want to talk about something, I’m always here to listen.”
“It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not.”
“My roommate’s moving out.”
You blink. That answer is unexpected.
“You’re not happy about it, I assume?”
“He’s my best friend.”
You nod, now understanding at least some extent of the problem.
“Did you have a fight, or…?”
“He’s moving in with his girlfriend.”
“Oh, that’s a big step. How do you feel about it?”
Amajiki moves back and your eyes meet for the briefest of moments before he turns the other way, now hiding completely from your sight.
He’s quiet for a while and you imagine how red he must be, the way he always turns when you can’t help but talk to him.
“Whether you feel sad about it or upset or anything else, your feelings are valid.” You say into the Silence when he’s still not talking. “I still remember when my roommate moved out.”
“Why did they move out?”
“Oh, Kyoko got married right after College.” You tell him. “And I was so happy for her, because Ryūnosuke is the nicest guy ever, but you can’t help but wish that some things stay the same forever, right? We had such a nice thing going on. After she left, I couldn’t find a long-term roommate for that apartment and had to move into something smaller.”
You bite your lip when you realize that you’re talking about yourself. Hasn’t being quiet paid off well for you up until now?
“Where do you live?”
Surprise washes over you. Does Amajiki want you to keep talking?
Heart beating loudly, you explain where you live. Your cheeks burn when he speaks up again.
“That neighborhood is not the safest.”
“No.” You clear your throat, Shame climbing up your neck. “But it’s cheap.”
“If you need-” You interrupt him before he can offer you a place to stay - you don’t want pity.
“Accounting girl is coming back.” If you can hear her stomping that well through the door, you fear for the ears of those outside
Amajiki falls quiet and you wait, wondering if he’ll get up to face her.
He doesn’t.
The door bursts open yet again.
“Is Suneater here now?”
You level the girl with an annoyed glare.
“No, he’s not here right now, he’s just left for lunch.”
“Why didn’t you tell him to wait?” She asks, clearly angry.
“I don’t work for you. What do you need him for anyway?”
“None of your business.”
“I’m his assistant. It’s very much my business.”
“Fine.” She huffs and places a folder on your desk. You recognize the color immediately. This isn’t something she’d ever need Amajiki for.
“But tell him to call me as soon as he can.”
“Will do.” You say and cross your fingers in your mind.
1,5 Months as his assistant
You put the perfectly round pebble on Amajiki’s table.
“What’s that?” He asks and picks it up to inspect it.
“I found it on my way here and thought you’d like it.” You say, ashamed of it now that you can hear yourself say the words. “But you can just throw it away if you don’t… I just thought because of the stuff you bring me…”
He pulls open a drawer, takes out a box, and opens it, carefully placing the pebble inside.
“Thank you.” He says without making eye contact. “It’s appreciated.”
“Very well.” You move over to your own desk, knowing full well that he’d just get nervous if you stand around him too much.
“What’s that?” You pick up the folder and read the first paragraph. “An ad for a roommate?”
“I have to start looking for one.” His voice has started quivering now, a clear sign that he’s getting nervous. You focus on reading to give him some space.
“Amajiki?” You make a point to never look directly at his face. Looking at the name tag on his desk usually works fine.
“If you want me to proof read the ad I have to say that it’s well written. The price is too low however. You should raise it, considering where you live.”
“The price is fine. Can you… do the interviews?”
“Sure.” You nod. “I’ll pick three people and let you decide from there. Do you only want male roommates or?”
“Both is fine.” He chokes out and you nod, turning back to your work.
2,5 Months as his assistent
The noise from below is deafening.
You’re hiding in the closet, cradling your emergency bag to your chest.
It’s not the first night you’re losing sleep because some villain or other decided that he wanted to prove himself in your neighboorhood. This time the target must have been the pizzeria below your apartment.
The door to your apartment crashes open but you manage to flinch only slightly.
Steps echo through the little space, someone yells something from the staircase - the hallways outside create a very distinct kind of echo - and your apartment falls quiet again.
You stay where you are and wait, phone in your hand.
It’s almost midnight when you hear steps again, this time quieter.
“Everything clear.” You know that voice.
Slowly you open your closet door to peer outside.
The lights are on and in the doorway, Kirishima is trying to put your door back into its frame.
“Kirishima?” You ask, surprised to see him here.
“Oi! What are you doing in the closet?” He’s at your side in a heartbeat, pulling you up. “Did someone kidnap you? Amajiki! Come here!”
“No, I live here.” You protest when Kirishima pulls you towards the door.
Amajiki, who’s just stepped in, freezes at your sight.
“You live here?” Kirishima sounds surprised but not judgy and you’re thankful for that.
“You’re not hurt, right?” Amajiki is still unable to look into your eyes, but he makes a point in looking at your shoes and your elbows as if those are the places to check for injuries.
“Completely fine. I hid in the closet.”
“That was pretty dangerous.” Kirishima tells you. “How would you have defended yourself?”
“Where are you sleeping tonight?” Amajiki interrupts you, glaring at the door instead of you as he speaks. “The door is broken.”
“I’m just going to grab some change of clothes and leave for the agency. I can take a nap there and get an early start.”
“I have a free room.” You stare at Amajiki with your mouth open.
Before you can refuse the offer, Kirishima already claps you on the back with more force than necessary.
“That’s a great idea. That’s so manly of you, Amajiki!”
“They’re sending someone to fix my door tomorrow, err, today, I mean. Later today.”
“There’s no rush.” Amajiki is staring at his fridge as you carry your bag into his apartment.
“The smaller bedroom is free. I have to get back to patrol. The bus to the agency leaves every fifteen minutes at the corner. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
It’s weird being in his apartment by yourself even though you’ve been here before.
He’d shown you around once, told you what he could compromise on, and gave you a key to show others around.
That had been about a month ago but he’d yet to agree to anyone you thought he’d be compatible with.
Something you’d been annoyed with yesterday but had to be thankful for tonight when it meant you could crash in his spare room.
Here, in the quiet dark, the fear comes back with vengeance.
You’d been doing a lot of hiding in your closet lately and while you’d come out safe every time so far, you’d have to do something about that.
Just not right now.
You click the light back on, make sure that the front door is locked twice and all windows are closed, and fall asleep to a one-hour loop of coffee shop music.
“I have someone new for you.” You tell Amajiki when he comes into the agency around four.
“How’s your door?”
You frown. “Not fixed yet. So, before you say no again, this person-”
“You can stay in my apartment until the door is fixed.” He offers and this time, you look at him directly. He flinches in surprise when he notices your glare and you soften it immediately.
“Amajiki. Ask me who that person is that wouldn’t mind being your roommate.”
“Who’s that person?” He asks, voice timid.
“Me. Well, if you think that would work out. And just until I find something I can rent on my own, I don’t want to bother you longer than necessary.” You regret your words the moment you say them out loud. He wanted to be nice and you’re taking advantage of it.
Amajiki looks like he’s about to faint.
“You can say no if you don’t feel comfortable with it.” You offer softly. “I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“When can you move in?”
3 Months as his assistant
“You’re out of milk.” You point out. “And we need more eggs.”
Behind you, Amajiki scribbles down your shopping list of the week.
“I’m taking the train out for the weekend.” You tell him as you move towards the kitchen sink to do the breakfast dishes. “You have the whole living area to yourself until Sunday night.”
He doesn’t look like he cares about that.
Living with him is as weird and yet easy as working with him.
Amajiki’s room is bigger than yours because he rarely leaves it. Work is consuming as it is and he likes to just stay inside when he can.
You’re not sure if he reads or listens to music or watches TV or just sleeps away his free time, but you barely see him even if you’re both home at the same time.
At least he’s letting you cook and pay for the groceries to make up for the ridiculously cheap rent. Even though he insists on buying the groceries himself, because ‘they’re heavy and he can use that as free workout’.
It’s only been two weeks and you already know that the weekend with your parents is a necessary break.
If you’d had a minor crush on him when you started working as his assistant, that crush has increased by a tenfold now.
Seeing him in the morning trying to make coffee while half asleep does nothing to quell your growing feelings.
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” You tell him when he’s still not speaking. You don’t know why you add the last part, the words slipping out of your mouth like soap through your fingers. “We could do a movie night if you want.”
You can feel his eyes on your back now, heat rising to your cheeks. You scrub your plate again to keep from having to look at him.
“What movie did you think?” He asks, voice timid.
“I-” You stutter, trying to think of one off the top of your head. “There’s a new Pokemon movie?”
“I’ll put Popcorn on the list.” He says and you can hear him slip from his chair.
“See you later.”
Oh god. Movie night is going to kill you.
The living room couch had always felt massive to you until you had to share it with Amajiki.
He’s sitting at the other end of it, a bowl of popcorn sitting between you.
For a moment you wonder if this is how he feels all the time around other people, anxious and aware of every single thing you’re doing.
Is your breathing too loud? Are you moving too much or not enough?
“Bathroom break.” You call out softly and slip from the couch.
You can hear the movie pause behind you and rush to the safety of the bathroom.
It still smells like his bodywash inside which isn’t helping at all, so turn the water as cold as it gets and let it run over your wrists, counting to ten until you’re as calm as you could possibly get.
“It’s just Amajiki.” You whisper to yourself. “He’s too afraid of you to think of anything like that.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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lempeeartz · 2 years
Doodle of Kats being... well, Kats
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75 notes · View notes
thesimpirediaries · 5 months
Head empty, just thinking about a third-year-kiribaku x fem!reader in which Kirishima has deep, strong unrequited feelings for Bakugou, but Bakugou (in his own Bakugou way) ends up falling head over heels for the new transfer student — she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s sassy, she’s kind, and basically a walking wet dream to the entire male student body — and, completely unaware of Kirishima’s love for him, Bakugou continues to lust and pine over the woman that he feels he has no chance with.
And, poor, nearly heart-broken yet love-struck Kirishima can’t help but feel that it’s his duty as Bakugou’s best friend to become the ultimate wingman — all feelings aside, Kirishima just wants Bakugou to be happy, and if his happiness is dependent upon (y/n) returning his feelings, Kirishima will do everything in his power to ensure it happens.
And so, Kirishima strikes up a friendship with (y/n); he pushes down all the jealousy and resentment he feels towards her and does everything in his power to butter her up, to paint Bakugou out to be the best to her, to try his damndest to get her to look at Bakugou in the way Bakugou looks at her.
Except, it didn’t all go according to plan — because before Kirishima knows it, (y/n) is suddenly very close to him, and she smiles at him as if he’s everything, and when she looks at him, everyone can see the literal hearts in her eyes and, — oh, shit, is she — is she leaning in for a kiss right now?!
And why are her lips so soft? And why is cherry his new favorite fruit flavor when it had always been cranberry and why is his chest suddenly so warm and cramped —
Fuck, this is not going according to plan. At all.
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…thoughts? This idea has been eating at my brain for the past two hours and part of me really wants to write it but it would be a large/long undertaking so would anyone else be interested in reading it? Opinions/thoughts are much appreciated!
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— babysitting
Just a silly little piece about Bakugou looking after his nephew when Kirishima and his wife are both working, and him being the cutest little wingman.
Warnings: fluff!, implied!older Bakugou, Bakugou’s behaviour could be construed as stalking but it’s not really, he just proper fancies you.
Pairing: implied!Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k.
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“Please, Kats. I promise it won’t be for long, we didn’t realise we were both working this afternoon and I can’t take him on patrol with me—” Kirishima pleaded on the phone.
“I’m busy,” Bakugou replied bluntly.
“Busy doing what?” His best friend almost whined, and Bakugou could tell the hulking tank of a man was pouting on the other side of the line.
“None of your damn business.”
Bakugou didn’t want to admit the real reason he was busy today. It was the same reason he was now busy every day he was off.
A few weeks ago he’d made his way into Musutafu mall on his lunch break to pick up a copy of a new romance book his favourite author had just released. And while he was checking out he noticed you filling up one of the displays near the back of the store, giving him the cutest smile when he’d passed you to leave.
Since that day he’d come back every week on one of his days off, just to get a simple “hey” from you as he bought yet another book. Bakugou was certain he’d soon have so many unread books in his house that he’d have to build an extension to store them, but he couldn’t help it.
And today was going to be the day that he was actually going to talk to you— possibly.
“Can’t you reschedule? It’ll only be for a few hours until I can get off patrol and he can spend the afternoon at the agency with me.”
“What about Mina?” Bakugou offered.
“She’s got that photoshoot with Hero Weekly today, remember?” Of course she fucking does, “And Sero’s out on patrol with me.”
“Denks?” Bakugou was certain he already knew the answer to that one though, as he ran a palm down the length of his face.
“You know I’m not allowed to leave him unsupervised with Denki anymore, Bro.” Kirishima groaned, “The wife still hasn’t forgiven me for them almost setting the kitchen on fire.”
Bakugou couldn’t help but snigger at the memory, the panicked phone call that he’d heard coming through on the central emergency line that there was a fire in Red Riot’s neighbourhood, and when Backdraft had turned up at the scene he’d found a singed Denki standing inside a murky kitchen with some burnt cookies. Kirishima had to replace two cabinet units and the oven after that debacle and it was no wonder his wife no longer trusted Denki as a babysitter.
“Please, man. I already told him, and he’s real excited to spend the day with you.”
Bakugou couldn’t deny he missed spending time with his little nephew, and Kirishima knew his best friend couldn’t deny the pleas of his son. Silently fist pumping the air in relief when Bakugou finally responded on the other end of the phone.
“Fine, I’ll pick him up now.”
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“Uncle Kats, let’s get these!” His nephew picked up a water gun from a wire dumpbin of toys outside the toy store, turning around in a crouched motion with eyes squinted as he pretended to shoot Bakugou.
He put his hands up in mock surrender as he grabbed at the plastic barrel, holding it in the air as he took it out of his nephews hands to place it back inside the bin.
“Your parents don’t like you having guns, remember squirt.”
“But what if I need one for protection.”
“You don’t need that shit for protection,” He shook his head, “I’ll be there to protect ya.”
“But wouldn’t it be cool to have a water gun fight outside. It’s summer.” His young nephew whined as Bakugou began to lead him away from the toy store, noticing that your work was approaching on the right side of the mall.
“I’ll talk to them about it.” Bakugou reached down to ruffle his hair as his nephew shouldered his leg wrapping an arm around one thick thigh to squeeze him into a hug in thanks, “How about a book? You like reading, don’tcha?”
“Not really,” He shook his head, immediately making a beeline for the confectionery inside the shop.
“What? Why not.” Bakugou raised a brow before he began to search the store for you, hoping that you weren’t on your lunch break.
You were usually in one of the back aisles around this time of day, tidying the shelves as he pretended to flick through the various hero books that you sold. Like he’d ever actually buy one of them— perhaps the book Miruko had released on unabashedly being yourself despite the critics, or the memoir Edgeshot had put together before he passed away, but never the unofficial Deku books that seemed to line the shelves of your Pro-Hero section and were always on sale. Bakugou snorted when he noticed a large bright red “half off” sticker covering Deku’s face on one.
“It’s too many pages.” His nephew scoffed, picking up a chocolate bar as Bakugou placed a palm on the back of his neck to lead him away from the sweets.
“You just gotta find a book that doesn’t feel like too many pages, that’s all.” He began to walk towards the manga aisle, wondering if there might be something there that would interest the young boy.
“You like reading, uncle Kats?”
“Course I do,” Bakugou scoffed, “Way better than TV. That shit’ll rot your brain.”
He had an entire bookshelf of his favourites lined up at home. All in alphabetical order by author and spines outward facing, a few of his favourite covers turned forward to show off the artwork. Some spines were more worn than others, an indication of the sheer number of times he’d sought comfort in those stories after a long day at work, or a lonely night at home.
“What kinda books do you like?”
Bakugou chewed on the inside of his cheek before answering. It would be so easy to lie and say action or fantasy, certain that half the people who claimed their favourite book was Lord of the Rings or a Game of Thrones had never actually read them. Or the pretentious people who would pretend their favourites were non-fiction books about bettering yourself or hyper-specific topics that would never come up in normal conversation. But there was a part of him that didn’t want to lie to his nephew— the boy was always so open and honest with him, even at his young age.
“Romance.” Bakugou shrugged, leaning forward to pick up one of the new manga books that sat on a top shelf.
“Eww yuck,” Bakugou’s nephew immediately scrunched up his face, making a show of sticking his tongue out in distaste, “I didn’t think you’d like books like that.”
“What did ya think I’d like?”
“I dunno, like action or kicking villain ass.”
“Don’t say ass.” Bakugou frowned, his eyebrows narrowing as he glared down at the young boy.
“But you say it all the time, I hear you.”
“Yeah, because I’m an adult.” Bakugou grinned, “I see enough of that crap when I’m at work, don’t need to read about it too.”
“You say ‘shit’ a lot too.”
“Oi, you little—” Bakugou lost his train of thought the moment he saw you past a corner, words disappearing into nothing as he noticed the same focused look on your face as you sorted through a delivery of new books.
Bakugou was certain you were wearing a new pair of jeans today, or at least a pair he’d never seen before. You looked real good in them. He felt his heartbeat increase when you placed a book back on the shelf, stopping to talk to one of your colleagues as your lips curled in to the prettiest smile, and he couldn’t stop himself as he felt himself beginning to mimic your smiling face.
“Oh,” The kid nudged his thigh, shamelessly standing around the shelves to stare at you, “Is that the real reason why you brought me into a bookstore? Not because you want me to read.”
“What?” Bakugou wasn’t even sure he heard the question as he kept his gaze on you. Feeling his cheeks begin to heat up as you bent over to pick up more books, the angle had your jeans tightening against the curve of your ass and he felt like a pervert for ogling you so shamelessly.
“The lady you’re staring at.” His nephew snorted, pointing over at you “You’re so obvious.”
“Piss— shut up,” Bakugou caught himself, grabbing the kid by the collar of his shirt to tug him back behind the shelves, “I ain’t starin’.”
“Yeah you are!” His nephew sniggered, “You’re giving her the same look my dad gives ma.”
“No I ain’t.” Bakugou almost pouted, crimson eyes still peeking at you through the shelves in the aisle he was down as you continued to place more books onto the table in your section.
“You so are,” His tone increased, and Bakugou had to stop himself from slapping a palm over his big mouth to shut him up, “You’re so obvious. Look how red you are!”
Was he that obvious? Bakugou had done everything he could to be subtle each week when he visited your bookstore, trying to stick to the same shelves and strategically picking up books so he didn’t seem like was just staring at you all the time. Not that it was his fault anyway, you were so fucking pretty.
“Why don’t you go and talk to her?”
“She’s workin’.” Bakugou replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. He’d probably said a total of five words to you since he’d started coming into your book store a few weeks ago, and the thought of saying any more had a ferocious pit growing inside his stomach.
“So? If you like her you should tell her,” His nephew tried to nudge him towards you, “That’s why my dad asked my ma out.”
“That’s different,” Bakugou grumbled, “This is…”
Kirishima knew his wife liked him back, they’d been friends long before they started dating so they had a foundation to build upon. This? This was completely new to him, and the thought of being rejected, especially by a girl as pretty as you, petrified him.
“Wait, you read all those romance books and you don’t know how to ask a girl out?”
“I do know,” Bakugou sneered, “I ain’t a total dumbass.”
“So why don’t you?”
Because he was a coward, that’s why.
Not that he’d even be able to talk to you long enough to do it if he could. His throat seized up and his heart practically ricocheted off his rib cage whenever you were near, your perfume lingering in the air as it had him wishing he could bring you into a warm embrace. He’d ask you out one day, just not today—
“Because I told ya, she’s workin’.” Bakugou began to steer his nephew away from the manga section, trying to get him to leave the store.
It had been a bad idea to still come to your store on his day off even though he was babysitting, but he couldn’t help it. The routine he’d settled into on his days off no longer felt complete if they didn’t include you, the small time he’d spend in the bookstore each week were enough to become the highlight of his day. And he would ask you out— just not today.
“Don’t tell your parents about this,” Bakugou grumbled, “Your dads too frigging nosy.”
“Alright,” His nephew practically sung the word, and Bakugou knew exactly what was coming, “But it’ll cost you.”
“I’m sure it’s a crime to blackmail a Pro-Hero, squirt.”
“So I’ll just tell the pretty lady you fancy her then.”
“Fine, fine,” Bakugou snarled, the corner of his lip curling to bare his gum, “Whaddya want?”
“That water gun we saw at the toy store.”
God, Kirishima was gonna kill him.
“Fine.” Bakugou groaned, walking towards the cash register to pay for the candy that he’d picked up.
“But you have to get one too so we can play together, alright?”
Two guns. Kirishima’s wife would definitely kill him before he even attempted to sweet talk his best friend.
“I was going to say the loser has to tell that girl from the bookstore that you like her, but you’ll probably lose because you’re old.”
“Oi, you cheeky little shit,” He ruffled his nephew's messy black hair, “Watch who you’re callin’ old, squirt. I’ll kick your ass and ask her out.”
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atinyrasberry · 4 months
Hey hey! A few ideas for a oneshot with some of our mha boys with fem reader ♡
Todoroki's first crush. He's such an adorable dense sweetie I can't even 😚 while he's never been in a situation like this, I still feel like he'd be upfront with her about him feeling 'weird inside' and she'd basically have to tell him what love is
The manliest man, Kiri! Maybe helping him dye his hair with confessions?
Bakugo realizing he's in love with reader and not knowing how to deal with it. Kiri being best wingman ♡
THIS IS CUTE OK LET ME COOK‼️‼️ Kirishima does not get enough appreciation, so writing this made me really happy :). THANK YOU FIR REQUESTING, AND FEEL FREE TO ASK AGAIN, I LOVE YOU ANON!!
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The room looked like a murder scene. Red dye was everywhere, splattered on the sink and bathroom tiles. Kirishima sat in between your legs on the bathroom floor, with you sitting on the tub putting the dye in his hair. You both forgot to use a dye brush, which resulted in you having to use your fingers. Massaging his scalp, you made sure the dye was applied evenly (maybe you just wanted to play with his hair 🤭). Kirishima sighed at the feeling of your hands running through his hair, leaning back into you and letting you take control.
"This is nice," He comments, reveling in your warm touch and soft humming. "I'm so glad I asked you for help, I could've never done this by myself," Kirishima chuckled.
"It's no problem, I enjoy moments like this, it relaxes me," You replied, making his heart skip a beat. You've always had a crush on Kirishima, so you jumped at the chance for alone time with him when he needed help with his hair.
Once you finished putting in the dye, you waited for a while, chatting on the bathroom floor and enjoying each others company. Once the dye was ready to wash, you put his head over the tub and helped him get it out. Drying his hair off with a towel, you realized how attractive he looked. Damp hair framing his face, a cute smile forming, staring at you with adoration. He loved that you were so focused on helping him out, his eyes moving to your lips.
"Can I kiss you?"
You paused. What did he just say? He wants to kiss you??
"W- wait, what!? You want to kiss me?" you exclaimed in suprise.
"Yeah, you look so pretty focused on me. I just can't help but to want to kiss your pretty lips." He murmured, "I've liked you for a long time, but I haven't been manly enough to tell you, so I assumed was my best chance," Laughing nervously, Kirishima averts his eyes from you.
You grabbed his chin, forcing him to look back at you, and pressed your lips against his. Widening his eyes in shock, Kirishima lets out a little squeak in suprise. He eventually melts into you, bringing you closer to him and cupping your cheek.
"I really like you," He whispered, foreheads touching eachother, "and I want to be your boyfriend, if that's alright with you,"
"Of course it is," You replied, "I wouldn't be sitting here at 3 in the morning dying your hair if I didn't like you back, you moron," You joked, flicking his forehead.
Kirishima smiled, bringing you in for another kiss. He was positive that he was the luckiest man alive.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
My fav Bnha characters with a crush teehee
Have probs done this b4 butttt lol these look rlly long ngl
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Katsuki is kinda disgusted with himself. He hates all that lovey dovey bullshit and he always told himself he wouldn’t end up falling in love like the shitty old hag, but here he is being a lovesick moron. Katsuki is not known for being subtle, you’d have to be a special kind of moron to not notice he’s totally head over heels. Even if he wouldn’t describe it in those words, he totally is. He has very complicated feelings about the fact he likes you, wanting to focus on his hero training but you make it so difficult for him with your stupid smile that he loves hates so much. However he’s aware of how happy you make him feel, so he’s willing to set it aside, it must be a good thing you make him feel so good, right? It’s strange, but he will find himself showing off more when your around, trying to prove to you specifically he’s gonna be the best hero. In training he works extra hard if you happen to be around or happen to even be watching, he may even start competitions with class 1A just to prove himself to you. Whether it’s dumb competitions like racing in the pool or even school related competitions such as, who’s got the best grades, this nerd absolutely shows off around you. He wants you to think he’s cool, that he will one day be the best. But he also tries to leave subtle … hints he likes you. Even though it’s obvious already, he’s been given the impression that he isn’t totally obvious. He shows his interest in you in other ways, but I will mention he has an extreme jealousy problem even before you are even dating. This is typically of people that are “stronger” than him, so todoroki and deku. However he might get that jealousy if say, kaminari flirted with you. Other ways of actually showing interest though is that he’s actually nice to you, though he shows it in ways that can go unnoticed. If your forgetful he always makes sure he has an extra water bottle with him, or anything else you may need he just says he happens to have. Or perhaps you need help studying or even with homework, he just says kirishima happened to pick a different study buddy that day, so you and him can study together. And kirishima, as the ultimate wingman, insists you two should study more often… alone… and the main thing that gives him away! Blushing! Oh man, if he isn’t the most obvious guy in the universe because of that red face! He can blame it on the cold, he can blame it on how hot it is out, he can blame it on his quirk, or that he’s angry, he is always red faced when you’re too close. If you’ve ever seen amity blight blush, it’s exactly like that. He stares at you in class with this soft expression that is almost never seen on his face, and if he is to ever be caught he simply turns away as fast as possible, wide eyed and blushing. You’ll find that bakugou believes in your strength, so he’s protective in battle a reasonable amount, only if you’re truly in deep shit. When he’s more comfortable with being your friend, he takes you out on hiking trips and just hanging out with you, and sometimes kirishima. The entire class of 1A knows about his little crush though so it makes it extremely hard for him to keep it a secret lol, he’s constantly paranoid somebody told you.
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Oh man if you thought katsuki was bad, izuku is on another level of being obvious with his feelings. The boy truly wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s not even something he’s aware of at first, he just thinks your good looking like … wow way more attractive than anyone he’s ever met! You’re a good friend, with an interesting quirk and yes his notes on you are a lot longer than even kacchans and maybe he draws you a lot, maybe he draws moments where you looked really breathtaking and maybe he thinks about you before he goes to bed and when he wakes up in the morning and yes maybe he dreams about you too and overthinks everything you say to him and maybe he rambles about you an unreasonable amount to his friends but… oh man he… he likes you doesn’t he? And once he realizes, it gets even worse because now he’s just blushing at you and he looks like he’s gonna pass out everytime ochako mentions the fact he hasn’t confessed yet and he’s just dying on the spot. Boy talks faster than Eminem can rap whenever she mentions him having a crush especially if you happen to be there for the conversation. Tends to ramble around you a lot, just about random things and everyone is just like “oh god not this again” you have to be oblivious to not notice. Izuku tends to worry about you a lot, so he always checks up on you after training to make sure you didn’t get too hurt, and don’t even get him started when it comes to you going on missions, he worries so much when you’re fighting villains. Now he knows how his mother feels. Izuku tends to be clingy around his crush, so he tends to ask you to hang out quite often, whether it’s hanging out or even studying or even fighting together against some villain he likes being around you and likes making sure that you’re safe when it comes down to it. He tends to have very obvious slip ups that he likes you, voice cracks then correcting himself or perhaps coughing way too loudly when he tries to do an ahem cough, bumping into you and tripping, he’s so clumsy around you. Probably accidentally calls you pretty. He’s just… such a mess man.
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Hawks is not experienced with romance, while many can agree he’s a good looking guy that has many people flocking towards him, he was never that interested in dating until you showed around. Honestly, could’ve seen him being aromantic before meeting you, lol. So since he’s never experienced romantic feelings, it’s going to take him a little longer than it should to realize his feelings. However he does show signs of taking a special liking to you beforehand, that even he doesn’t understand at the time. He hates the idea of people looking at you the wrong way, perhaps to court you. He assumes this is because he senses they’re potentially dangerous and as a good friend of yours, he’s just looking out for you. After all, he’s naturally protective of you in battles with villains, even if you can protect yourself. Sure he’s not protective especially of endeavor or miruko, but that’s just because he’s not as close with them as he is with you! He doesn’t feel his heart beat faster around his other friends, but he assumes it must be something else, maybe there’s something making him nervous, or maybe he’s just simply excited to be around you! Sure he doesn’t blush around anyone else when they compliment him, but that’s because it means a lot knowing a close friend thinks about him in such a way! For awhile, keigo comes up with many reasons to justify his feelings towards you until miruko and endeavor make him realize he’s being a total moron right now. Upon realizing his feelings, he’s not completely sure how to go about it, but he starts by trying to make it known he likes you. He’s subtle with his flirts, but once he puts his toes in the water to see if your comfortable with him flirting, he dips his whole foot in. At that point, people just think you two are dating with how casual he is with his newfound flirtatious personality when you enter the picture. Upon realizing his feelings he becomes 10x more protective and kinda already acts like a boyfriend by bringing you lunch to work and taking you to cafes and literal dates and stupid shit like that, lmao.
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Aizawa I imagine having very few crushes in his lifetime, and has dates with even less people than that. Because of this inexperience even in his age, he’s not quite sure how to go about his feelings initially. Mic and midnight are extremely annoying about how obvious he is, as well. Aizawa is extremely protective of you, given his experience with his students, it’s only natural he grows protective of you and worries for your safety. Whether you’re a hero or not, he’s going to worry for you. Other than that, the way he shows he cares for you is different with you than it is with his friends. He’s good at listening to you and remembers very small things about you that maybe he wouldn’t remember with other people, he remembers very small details. Perhaps something as small as your favorite coffee even if you don’t like coffee that much. I imagine him fearing if his students ever found out he liked you, what kinda hell that would be. Dealing with them teasing him and potentially telling you, but he truly can’t help but be obvious at times. He stares at you longer than he should, even smiles at you longingly when he thinks you aren’t looking. He looks like a lovesick kitty. Generally reserved in his attraction to you, keeping to himself and hoping he can find some hints you return the feelings before initiating anything. However, he’s always been relatively stupid with romance so this takes awhile for him to even figure out and he has a habit of overthinking everything you say to him and is often left wondering what your intentions truly are with him. When you two spend time together, he likes doing things with you he’d never do with anyone else. Likes you playing and doing his hair, and watching movies and such, your hangouts often feel like dates even when you aren’t dating. So when the time does come you two date, it feels as though nothing has changed. He with trust you whole heartedly, if you aren’t a teacher at UA he is introducing his students to you, his co workers, and especially Eri, all the people who are important in his life but does it in such a way that feels casual and natural. He has a way of not making his crush known if your oblivious enough. However, a part of him that feels like he shouldn’t tell you how he feels come from a place of worrying for your safety and the people that may come after you. He will learn to trust you and your strength, he’s just a worried dad.
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Miruko is a bold and brave lady, however even she’s never had much experience with love. Being way too determined to become a hero, it hasn’t given her much time to really experience romance aside from hookups. She decided it was a waste of time, but as one of the top heroes, she understands she can have both things in her life. If she cares to, anyway. And upon meeting you had come to the conclusion she would love to have both things. Miruko is a very confident woman so you will find she wastes no time in approaching you with her feelings. This is, when she realizes them. Due to her being new to it, it takes her a bit to realize it. But after a couple months of knowing you she figure it out. The way she feels compelled to buy you stuff despite not knowing you for that long, the need to protect you from danger even when you can protect yourself just fine, the strange need to wrap her strong arms around you, it all connects to her eventually. Upon realizing the feelings she’s gained she is very flirtatious and makes her intentions with you very clear. She doesn’t like wasting time. You will find though that despite how bold she is, if you flirt back she gets a little shy sometimes. This is a rare occurrence, but it happens! She can be a softie too yknow? She is physically affectionate with you, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder when you two are talking, whispering in your ear a lot and getting close and personal when she really doesn’t have to. She loves inviting you over to hang with her for games and such, it already feels like you two are a couple even when you aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before she officially asks you out. You may find that during your hangouts she tries to impress you with her strength and tends to brags about her accomplishments. You’ll also find she dresses nicer and even wears makeup occasionally. Her flirtations with you are different than with her hookups too, compliments on how cute you are rather than how hot you are. She wants you to know you mean something to her as well, so on occasion she tells you that you mean the world to her.
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Dabi has not experienced romance, ever. Hookups aren’t in his life either. Dabi had been set on one thing and one thing only, revenge. You’d have to be a real special one for him to be attracted to you, but no matter how special you are it will not deter him from his original plan. He didn’t plan on pursuing you in anyway, but he’s selfish at heart and can’t help himself. He may not try to pursue you romantically but he will try his absolute hardest to form a strong bond between you two. It may take awhile to be vulnerable with you but it will absolutely happen while you two are friends, he will be extremely open with you. He’s open about being touya early in your friendship to show he trusts you whole heartedly, to show he thinks you’re like nobody else he’s met. He would know his feelings, despite the complete lack of experience in dating. He just knows. He looks at you and thinks, you’re the one for him. Out of everyone on this list, he’s one of the more protective ones. I’d say the most if it wasn’t for toga, tbh. You will find he’s around you a lot, like just because he’s so protective but also because he likes to be around you. He cares for you and likes your company. You remind him of the good parts of home, you bring back his humanity. Dabi makes no moves on you, despite how strong his feelings are for you and how aware he is of his feelings. He’s scared to form a relationship, in fear it will go to shit and knowing he’d hurt you, knowing his plan of revenge will end in his death. He’d never want to put you through that. He spends much of his time hanging out with you and it feels like the two of you have been best friends forever. He tends to joke with you and be sarcastic, but always being one that’s there for you when you need it and even give you advice. He’s a true friend but he’s scared to be something more.
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Toga is truly the most obsessive and protective, the closest you get to a yandere. She grows feelings almost automatically, because she feels as though she sees you for who you are right away. She feels like she’s known you forever, she knows she likes you the more she wants to steal some of your blood and become you. If you’re okay with an overbearing insane girl on your side, she’s the lady for you! She acts like she’s known you forever, even if you’re complete strangers. There is no filter with toga, and she acts like you’re already best friends when you aren’t. And when her romantic feelings become apparent, she makes those feelings very apparent and that she wants something more with you. She tends to get up in your face a lot when talking, with a blush on her cheeks, it’s just because she loves being so close to you! Flirting with you and calling you her darling or her love is a common occurrence, even when you two aren’t even a couple yet. She worries for you a lot and is very protective, and after twices demise this protective nature becomes 10x worse. She’s clingy and constantly cuddling to your side, holding your arm or your hand. She has no shame in you knowing her feelings, she just hopes you will stop being so shy and tell her how you feel too! She will absolutely murder for you too just to add onto her yanderish tendencies, not that I don’t think every villain would do that for you though, lol. Also, the moment you meet her she’s inviting you to the league of villains without a doubt. You’re a part of her little weird family now, no questions asked. You become extremely important to her and how she approaches life from then on. (You could actually help her become a decent person if you were aiming to be a hero. You hold so much power by being the object of her affection, lol).
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Shigaraki is determined to destroy the entire world and everyone in it, but even he has feelings. He has feelings towards the league, secretly (or not so secretly) seeing them as his found family. And you, well, in his eyes you are also family but you’re also special to him even in comparison to the league. He isn’t aware of what his feelings towards you are for the longest time, even after the advice kurogiri had given him. He now relies on spinner to give him proper advice, who tells him he feels romantically towards you. Shigaraki is naturally a protective person when it comes to you, not liking anyone getting too close and personal with you, even spinner and toga sometimes. He’s lost a lot and he’s not willing to lose you too especially to some loser that doesn’t deserve you. He’s easily jealous and he’s also easily paranoid you could find somebody else. In his mind, he knows you deserve more than him and the possibility of you ending up with anyone that isn’t him is almost too much to bare. Even if he knows you deserve more, he’s selfish to his core. He likes to play games with you and treats you like a longtime friend, he consistently works on your relationship to make sure he keeps your bond going at all times. He enjoys being close to you and would like to keep it that way and maintaining your relationship. He could talk to you for hours about anything while playing video games with you (Nintendo gamer tingz). As time goes by, he tries to trust you more and grows less protective and obsessive, especially as he becomes much more powerful and much more confident he can protect you if need be. He isn’t bold about his feelings, an occasional shy blush coming from him is the closest you get to him letting his feelings be known. He may eventually approach you, though.
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nightmarerose1 · 1 month
💥🐦‍⬛ 🪨 Bakusquad Boys⚡️🕸️:
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💥⚡️The fact that Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Tokoyami were the only ones who sat close to Bakugou while everyone else sat far away from him like he had the plague shows how those four were always going to be his ride or dies🕸️🐦‍⬛🪨
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🍱On their way to sit with Bakugou at lunch/Kaminari invited Mineta While Sero invited Sato🍱
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🕯️When you and your besties just performed a ritual thinking you summon a demon but instead you summon an Angry pomeranian 🕯️
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🍰Sato earned his place on the Bakusquad by being the best chef ever,🍰
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🗯️Tbh I forgot the context of this scene and thought Bakugou was mad at them for not giving him attention🗯️
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🌌Would’ve loved a Drama Cd of their late night conversations or them just hanging out. I can imagine a scenario where Kaminari wanted to hang out so he text the group chat to meet up at the common lounge. Of course Sero and Kirishima was onboard but Bakugou was being difficult refusing to go which ended with Kirishima just dragging him out of his room. After that happened and they enter the elevator Bakugou just press the 2nd floor gets off and walks straight to tokoyami door knocking until he answers. Then when tokoyami does answer Bakugou ends up dragging him along probably saying something like “if I have to deal with them so do you”🌌
Bonus: Speaking of Tokoyami getting dragged along I love his friendship with Kaminari,Kirishma and Sero🕸️⚡️🪨
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⚡️I’m so Thankful for the School festival arc since we were blessed with Kaminari and Tokoyami friendship! Wish we could of seen more moments of these Guitar buddies, especially since Tokoyami admires Kaminari so much. But I like to believe after the time skip Tokoyami was the wingman that helped Kamijirou get together⚡️
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🪨 Just like with Kaminari I wish we could have seen more of Kirishima and Tokoyami friendship. Look how happy they are talking to each other and the fact Kirishima also collected the same key holder means that he could of had a emo phase as well. Also I’m 80% sure that most of there their conversation are about Bakugou, whether it be about how amazing he is in combat or how his behavior can be concerning🪨
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🕸️ok we DEFINITELY needed more moments between Sero and Tokoyami their friendship is to underrated especially since they both were able to catch up with Bakugou during the obstacle course and would be straightforward when they need to be. Also I love how in the smash comic Sero decided to dress up as Tokoyami for Halloween,makes me wonder how much time and money he put into that costume to make it accurate enough that it tricked midoriya🕸️
[Part 2]
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denki and kirishima boyfriend headcanons!! gn!reader
content warning: fluff, established relationship between reader and characters
a/n: when i got this note i was rly happe TwT thank you so muchhhh, it means so so much to me that someone likes the things i write <3 gives me so much power!! power to write more! so sry this one took long eheh. anyway i really hope you like this one!!
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he's my favorite boi!! 💖💖
you guys probably went from best friends to lovers!
the way he told you he liked you was by some really huge show XD
like he had sero and kirishima to be his wingmans to go to your dorm and they got fake rose petals and scattered them at your dorm doorframe
and you hear commotion outside your dorm like ("AAAAH IM FALLINGIMFALLINGHALP" "BRO THEY'RE GUNNA HEAR CHILL")
and you open the door and you see the trio all sprawled out on the floor and you hear like scattered whispering like "get into foRMATION"
(*ahem* "where's the script man" "bro i think i dropped it on the way here" "ya know what freaking screw it")
onto established relationship!!
in general he's a really goofy bf he'll send you enough memes in about 10 minutes to be a mini fyp
so i don't know if it's a style choice or he needs them for vision and stuff, but in official art he'll wear glasses, so i think that when he's just chilling with you, he'll wear prescriptional glasses (ughhhh he looks rly handsome in them)
speaking of, his hero suit has these blue glasses, so sometimes, he'll put them on you just for fun
i think his ideal date choice would be going to a cute restaurant or going to a cinema 💗
your friends are his friends!!! you won't have to worry about him cheating on you or falling for one of your friends because he does pda with you around them XD
his love languages are (to give)! quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation. he likes receiving words of affirmation, also acts of service 💗
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he is a lot like denki XD just different font you know?
he lovessss to admire you <3 he'll buy you lots of nice suits/dresses to wear on dates
before you go out anywhere on a date he'll kind of study himself in the mirror before asking you if he looks sharp (no pun intended)
SUCH A FRIGGING GENTLEMANN like husband material if you ask me
he'll open doors for you and hold your hand in a big crowd
he's actually insecure about a few things, and if you let him, he'll open up to you about them because he believes communication is key in a relationship (not that he'll ever pressure or force you to vent to him about stuff)
in general he won't really force you to do anything you don't feel up to
he lovesssss cuddling you, him being big spoon 💗
his natural hair color is black, meaning he dyes his hair, so he'd be good at it i'd think, so if you're just chilling together, he'll ask you if you want to dye your hair
you guys have a lot of inside jokes, like you could be hanging out in public and he'll randomly say something like "hey remember the hairbrush" "oh my gosh STAWP" "AHEHWHEHHWHEHE" people in public be lookin at you like you're crazy
he probably has a rock on his desk in his dorm that he named harold btw
his love languages are quality time and words of affirmation! he likes receiving words of affirmation too!
he plans on marrying you a few years after high school 😂
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justagirl-with-aphone · 10 months
~A lil part 2 to Bakugo crushing over Kiri's sister~ -headcanons-
lil angsty at the end but FLUFFFF/ish?
TW. mentions groping
-I can totally see Bakugo coming over more often now that he knows Kiri has a sister. I can SEE this man in a gruff voice asking Kirishima "s' your shitty sister home?" All embarrassed when Ejiro questions his friend.
-YOU CANNOT TELL ME Kiri doesn't catch on and is the biggest wingman but PROTECTIVE brother out there. Like he's rolling his eyes when Bakugo denies liking you, and casually mentioning your favorite things to him in conversation and seeing how it piques Bakugo's interest. He would be such a little shit about it too.
-He folds and follows you on his social media he hasn't used since he downloaded it and didn't want to admit he was excited you followed him back. He scrolls through your photos, only liking the recent ones to not seem like he is stalking you on your socials (He most definitely is.)
-Runs into you and your friends at a club he's way too young to be at (was dragged there by Mina against his will.) But doesn't seem to mind as much when he sees you in your little dress all glammed out. Drink in hand and swaying to the music with your friends. You take notice of him and invite him to join your little group.
-Boy is he jealous though. Seeing you with your older friends and guys who are much taller and older than he is. Guys practically drooling over you.
-One got a lil too hansy, groping your ass. Upset, you turn and confront the guy. Seeing the conflict between the two of you rising, bakugo steps in, barking a "Let her go dipshit." earning a defeated huff from the man.
-You smile at him flashing your smile that makes him melt a little. You pat him on his head. "I'm glad you're my brother's friend."
-When you bring your new s/o home for the first time bakugo is crushed.
Because to you all Bakugo will ever be, is your little brother's best friend.
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hawkssecretlovechild · 2 months
It would be interesting to hear everyone's favorite MHA characters in order and why they like them, it would help me with my tier list 🤔 the feedback would seriously make my numbers change...
But, for now, here's my top 5...
1. Hawks
2. Kirishima
3. Kaminari
4. Shinsou
5. Dabi
My rants on each character are below, but please, give me feedback on my decisions and your own! It might make me view the characters differently...
Hawks; Keigo, in reality is a strong individual and I admire him for it. He's confident, and careful- Confidence is something I lack and I find the people who do have the ability to stand up for themselves, make an amazing impression right off the bat and be strong against their opinions are truly amazing. I guess what I see in him is someone I wish I could live to be like..? He fought through so much, from his abuse, to the HPSC, and battle trauma, then he learnt not to look back too far and continue his path with purpose. He also prioritizes peoples safety, over hurting them, even though he did end up killing Twice... But before Twice's death, he kept him out of the line of LITERAL fire!
(PS, I love myself the BBQ bird duo 🤞)
Kirishima; Eijiro is the best wingman I've seen in MHA 🤝 he stands with loyalty beside his friends and always tries to find the good side in people, like with villains and Bakugou! (Even though for most villains, it doesn't really work out..) He sets his mind to things and won't give up on it till accomplished- and in his own words, that's pretty manly! He is strong for the sake of the people he cares for, and even strangers... People know they can trust him because of his pure courage that will keep them safe.
Kaminari; The best friend anyone could ask for 🤚 give it up for my man Denks!! This guy will fight up front for his friends, needed it not, he stands on BUSINESS (even though he may fail at defending you) he deeply cares for those that gain his trust and reciprocate it... Even if it's just a little, that little will end up growing because the guy will keep persevering for the sake of literal LOVE! 😭 He's a good guy to bond with, he, by what we view in the show, is very flexible when it comes to interests... He is friends with EVERYONE! 1-A and some of 1-B... (Even if some *cough* Bakugou *cough* don't want to admit it)
Shinsou; Hitoshi is... So dear to my heart. He was told he couldn't do something. He was told it would be better if he went on to follow a different path. And yet, he decided he would show those people wrong, that he could be someone amazing. He's a determined individual and refuses to give up, waiting patiently for his opportunities and seizing them once they are there. The strength he needed to succeed, he waited till he had it, and then gave it his all once he did. I strongly believe, Aizawa saw his potential and knew that he could lead a secure, promising hero life.
Dabi; Touya was someone I thought really hard about with my placing, I would have him higher if it wasn't for his drive being made up of pure resentment and revenge... But to be honest, he cares for his friends, literally attempting murder for them- (*cough* Twice *cough* Hawks *cough*) in fact, the only time we've seen him somewhat "cry" was for his friends. Ultimately I do relate to him, friends are more important than family to me, but when you deeply think about it, those friends are more like family than anything. When shown affection, he is cold and untrusting, but that's just the careful observing side of him, waiting for the proper information to actually have some interest in someone. I for one, WISH I was that organized and cautious. 🙌
(I am too clumsy and clueless in stressful situations 😤)
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beetlesau · 1 year
Chapta FOUR
WOOOOOOW a new chapter? yikes. it's just as much as my depression riddled brain could get out in one go. It's not readable on my life yall. but I figure something is better than nothing. So a big appreciation to the folks that can read this and make something out of it for themselves.
"Oh no," you swore under your breath before putting on your best smile, "Oh hey guys! Uh, I was just leaving--"
"Oh, that's to bad-" Kirishima started, awkwardly.
"What's your rush, Smokes? Can't hang out?" Bakugo sat across from you, leaving Kirishima to find and pull up his chair.
"With you? No. I mean, I --- What the hell are you doing!?" you watched as the rude sob now across from you started eating the food that sat at the table.
"What? You said you were just leaving. You gonna leave all this uneaten food here? What a fuckin waste, and this sauce is delicious!" he snorted as if what he was doing was completely justified.
As bad (and annoyed) as it made you feel, he did have a point. Suppose it would be a shame to waste it. 
"I just... well it was supposed to be for my date. I was going to meet my Soulmate today but he had something come up last second." 
Saying out loud had a whole new wave of disappointment hit you.
Kirishima had an uncomfortable laugh at this looking to Bakugo, trying to follow his lead or at least get a grasp on why he bothered to come in here if not as your Soulmate. He was an ass a lot of the time, but never cruel.
"Uh, well that sucks... I wonder, uh what happened to him? Bakugo? Any.. uh, ideas? What is THAT guy thinking, huh?"
Bakugo looked Kiri dead in the eye, face deadpan, "How the hell would I know? Go grab us some drinks. "
Kirishima slowly left to do his mental gymnastics, and frankly, he was glad to leave the scene. He had no idea what lead Bakugo wanted him to follow at the moment. Needless to say, he'd never needed to be a wingman, especially not in a soulmate situation. Uh, a soulmate that didn't know he was the soulmate... and didn't want her to know? Oh god. Okay, he decided to take his time with the drinks. 
"Oh, no you don't have to do that Kiri, Kiri!--- aaand he's gone..." You were now left alone with the one person in the world you were sure you did not want to be here with right now. You look over and find that he's staring daggers at you. Quickly looking away, you clear your throat and pick at the uneaten food in front of you. 
"What's with that necklace?" he speaks harshly for such an uncomplicated question. 
You grabbed your trinket as if to shield it from his prying eye. 
"What do you mean what's with it? It's just a necklace I guess." Ugh, this wasn't a conversation you wanted to have with your biggest bully. 
"Bullshit. I've seen you wearing that thing back from U.A. Who keeps a cheap thing like that, that long?"
You'd always worn it, but it was perpetually hidden away under work clothes and a hero uniform. You had indeed worn it all through your time in school as well. But it wasn't something you would have expected him to remember, the man who couldn't be bothered to even remember half his own classmates' names. You thought about it for a moment, wondering if he had decided to be your enemy even back then. It would make sense, this obsession he had with making you miserable. 
It almost made you proud, to think that a top hero like him found you to be a threat, even back in high school.
"The necklace itself was just something from my toys as a kid. It has meaning to me, but less so than what I keep inside it."
You straightened up. You know what, you were glad to talk about such a keepsake, from your soulmate. A token of how your relationship with him had started to where it was now. It helped quell the pain of him not being able to show up for your first meeting. You held the locket tighter in your grasp. 
"What's in it?"
"If you must know, it's the first thing that was ever sent through my soulbox."
"Which was?"
He couldn't remember the first thing he'd ever sent you. Or even anything of significance. It made his stomach turn, a feeling he didn't like. He remembers the first thing you sent him. An All-Might keychain. It had appeared in his shorts pocket one day. He still had it in his childhood bedroom at his parent's house. 
"A.. it was a wrapper."
"What? What's that? A wrapper to what?"
He stared at you in confusion. Wracking his brain for what he sent you.
"A gum wrapper." you huffed.
Bakugo slumped forward and his brows came further together, awkwardly you'd almost ask if he was okay before he snapped back in a rage.
"TRASH!? YOU KEPT THAT TRASH IN YOUR LOCKET!?!?!" He was, as usual attracting attention with his booming voice and lack of regard for others' ears. He put his head in his hands and groaned loudly.
"What is your problem?! Stop yelling! You just think everything is stupid! IT'S NOT TRASH." As much as you fought the instinct, you raised your voice to match his, he just... he just did this to you. You couldn't help it. He was a piss-poor influence. 
You knew he wouldn't understand.
"IT IS STUPID. SO FUCKING STUPID. IF I HAD WANTED TO SEND SOMETHING TO MY SOULMATE THINKING THEY WOULD KEEP IT FOREVER I SURE AS FUCK WOULDN'T BE SENDING TRASH, WHAT A TRASH GARBAGE THING TO SEND TO SOMEONE, I-- I-- HE FUCKING SUCKS--." he leaned back hard into the back of his stool, his expression now far away. You could see the small flare in his nostrils.
Bakugo tried to reach across the small round table and take your hands off the necklace, but you were fast on your feet, using your quirk to fade just out of reach. 
"Stop! Stop! It's mine! God, leave me alone! Work on your damn relationship if this is such trash! Go get your soulmate some flowers you shithead asshole! Stop trying to mess with my life! I never did anything but exsist and you've been nothing but a thorn in my side!"
Bakugo stands and throws the plate of half-eaten food on the ground before his palms start to spark. He didn't know why he was doing this. He was angry at himself, he was angry at you for putting up with his shit as someone in the same hero occupation. He was mad and relieved you didn't give up on him as a soulmate. You could have destroyed your connection to him and found another one. A better one. But here you were, defending his garbage not even realizing he was the one that sent it to you. 
He had no idea how to make things better between you and this was his response. To throw a fist at the problems. 
The exchange was cut short as Kirishima came running back, putting himself between the two of you.
"Hey, what's going on I was gone for like a half minute! Did you tell her??" he looked between the two of you, trying to read your faces for answers. Yeah, he assumed Bakugo might have told you he was your soulmate, and maybe it would be received negatively.... but... damn. 
"Shit-hair. We're leaving, let's go." Bakugo straightened up, pulled out his wallet, and tossed enough bills on the table to pay for your meal that now littered the floor as well a hefty tip for the trouble.
"Tell me what?" you were still heaving and full of adrenaline, still ready to fight. You asked the question on auto-pilot, not caring to hear any more from the blonde.
"Shut it, Shithair. I didn't come to tell her shit." he turned to leave, patrons of the bar parting like a biblical sea as he made his way to the exit. 
"Oh, uh. Sorry. I should probably go with him, try and calm him down. He's just going through some things right now, soulmate stuff and all that. 
"HE still has a soulmate? That's a joke, right? How many got stuck with him and tossed their Soulbox to get away?" You didn't mean that. You would never say something like that. You believed everyone deserved the happiness of genuine love. Even people that sucked major wang like him. Ugh, god he just made you so angry. 
Even Kirishima looked hurt by your words. 
"He's never changed soulmates. They've known each other from the beginning. He really loves her. You should try and get to know him. I know, I know how difficult that sounds. But please, just trust me, okay? I'll see you at work." He gave you a caring side hug, holding on just a bit too long, before pursuing his best friend. 
------------- ------------------ -------------------
"He's never changed soulmates. He's ... passionate. He's an asshole." you faltered nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you mindlessly made informational flyer copies at the work printer. "Nope. No. Nice thoughts. What do we have in common? Our hero uniforms were made by the same company. That's a fun fact. Yeah. He can create smoke as a byproduct of his quirk, same as me! Holy crap this is impossible."
"What the hell are you mumbling about?" a gruff voice pulled you back to earth. 
"AH! ShIt! You scared me, Bakugo! Don't sneak up on people like that, asshole." you scolded as you worked to get your heart rate back under control. 
"Scared you? Are you twelve? I didn't sneak up on you, it's a public space dumbass." He sounded tired. 
"Well, that's. Shut up." you turned back to your printings, face turning red. You felt embarrassed, almost worried he would know you were thinking of him if you looked at him. "Sorry." Stay casual. "Anyway," Stay nice. "Kirishima tells me you still have the same Soulmate since the start."
He grunts.
"Me too!"
Awkward silence.
"Welp! Good talk, see you later!"
You turn to get away from him as fast as possible but are stopped by a firm hand on your shoulder. 
Bakugo points to a shred of paper that caught on the sole of your shoe.
"Oh, thanks." 
------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
"What's this?"
"The hells it look like, dumbass? It's coffee."
"Okay... but why are you trying to hand me your coffee? I'm not your maid."
"IT'S NOT MY FUC---oh my god. It's not my coffee. I got it for you, you shit brain. I can't have you passing out during this patrol like last time."
"What? I didn't pass out! Wh-Where, how do you even know what kind I like?" you took the cup, taking a sniff you could tell it had all the things in it that you loved.
"Shithair." was all he said before he walked off. 
"Hmm." you took another inhale of the rich aroma. "I don't remember telling Kiri my order." you sip and the coffee goes down smoothly. You shrug, not really caring now.
----------------- --------------------------- -----------------------
It'd been two weeks since your Soulmate stood you up.
Since then, talk between the two of you had come to a slow trickle, if not a halt altogether. He assured you that something important had come up and that he would talk to you as soon as he could. You knew he was a hero, even if you didn't know which one. You admittedly searched the hero network for any heroes that might be on any classified missions. Anything that would correlate to the radio silence. 
What took you by surprise, was how you were filling your time until you heard from him again. 
Bakugo was a pill, that was for sure. But you took Kirishima's advice and tried to get to know the man under the mask. You'd started slowly at first. 
Things had shifted around awkwardly after that night you both nearly tore down the bar in a fight. And you were still struggling not to say something mean every time he met your eye. But after two weeks of trying, Actually trying, you learned to admire plenty about him. 
You wouldn't call yourself friends. God no. But he was indeed becoming more tolerable. 
You noticed he stopped competing with you so much. Maybe it was the fact that you were both on the same team for once. Well, you were both heroes and you could have argued that you had always been on the same team but maybe he needed the physical image of you greeting him good morning for things to finally cement into his head. 
Hell, this morning he even asked questions about you that you didn't ever think would come from his mouth. 
"What do you like about your soulmate?" He asked during one of his breaks. He was sitting at a client chair across from your desk, something he'd been doing often. He'd pulled up a stool to prop his feet on, finally coming to the conclusion you would NEVER willingly allow his boots to touch your desktop ever again. 
"What?" you looked up, hardly registering the question. 
"Jesus, nevermind." he huffed, a shorter fuse for repeating himself as usual. 
"What do I like about them? Like, like?" you sat, dumbfounded. 
"What the hell is so hard about that question, yes!?"
"Sorry, I just, I'm not used to you asking those types of things! Uh, I guess, I like how he pushes me to be the best I can be. He's the reason I wanted to become a hero in the first place. I really don't think I'd be where I am today without him." you said thoughtfully, a small smile playing on your face. 
"So, like me?" he stated. 
"What? What do you mean, 'like you'? He's not like you at all?" you were confused, that was for sure.
"What the hell, that's exactly like me? I push you all the time!" he scoffed. 
"Uh, yeah, but you're an asshole? Nothing you've ever said to me has been to make me better! You berate and put me down, always telling me I'm not as good as you nor will I ever be? Like, I don't know, you've changed a little now, but are you seriously thinking you helped me improve in any way!?"
"That's not true." Bakugo looks straight ahead, contemplating his next words, or maybe mulling over the words you'd said to him, before popping up from his chair and leaving your desk without another word. 
"Hey! Where are you going? Hello, Bakugo?? Okay... whatever." you shake your head and continue your paperwork.
----------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------
"So what about you? What do you like about your soulmate?" 
You and Bakugo are on a patrol through the less-than-crowded streets one day, and you decide to ask him about his soulmate. You'd been curious for a long time but it never seemed like a topic the blonde would openly talk about. To your surprise though, he answered straight away.
"I like... no I love that I know she is the one. I used to have this fear. This fear that destiny was wrong about us, me and her because I fell in love with someone before I met her. I never told her that before. But the day we met was the day that all changed. I figured out that Destiny bullshit really knows what it's doing."
"Holy shit."
"What." he looked at you, almost expectant, though you wouldn't notice. 
"That's... that's incredible. How romantic. I really hope when I meet my soulmate that something like that happens. That has been my literal fantasy since I was a child, Bakugo!" you swooned at the romance of his words. You had no idea he had it in him to feel that way about anyone. It made you feel warm and though you wouldn't say it, a bit jealous. 
"Not gonna happen." he states simply, a smirk plain as day on his face.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Obviously I have the best soulmate 'cause I wouldn't settle for fucking less. It's too bad when you meet yours that it'll never amount to that same feeling. Sucks to suck, but yours is probably a fuckin loser."
"Bakugo! Stop! That's so fucking rude." you push his shoulder to no avail, as he snickers at your weak attempt.  
"You've got a damn mouth on you, you know that?"
"I swear you are the worst influence on me. I never used to cuss like this till I was forced to be around you!" you cried.
"I dunno seems like an improvement to me, maybe your soulmate will like you better now. And you can have me to thank for that."
As the two of you were playing, you hadn't noticed Bakugo had veered off the usual patrol route, landing you two in front of a diner. When you finally realized you patted your stomach, noticing you were getting rather hungry. 
"Oh man, we must have taken a wrong turn. I've never been here before? It looks good. I'll have to remember this spot for later, I'm starving." you read the diner sign before turning to get back on the path, but Bakugo stopped you.
"Well why don't we just get something to eat here now? I don't want you complaining the rest of patrol."
"Oh... but what about--"
"Shut up, loser. It's the slowest day ever, and who's gonna do anything stupid knowing I'm out here to kick their ass if they try anything?"
"Good point." you shook your head and laughed at just how full of himself he could be, but you could finally see the light-hearted guy under the hard exterior. Or maybe you were just too hungry to argue. 
"Woah, look at this! This burger is huge AND it comes with fries. I'm going to die that looks so good. What are you gonna get, Bakugo?" you looked up from your menu to his crimson eyes looking over you. He lagged a moment, not bothering to search his menu. 
"Yeah, probably that. Sounds good to me."
You beamed up a smile at him. This was nice, you thought. It was almost like a date but with a semi-sort of a friend. Well, you felt, for the first time EVER, that you and Bakugo could for once get along. Maybe you could be friends. 
"So what's with your soulmate?" he asks you.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"What does he do? Where does he live? What kind of loser hobbies does he have?"
"Oh! He's a hero, like us! Uh, well I think he lives in this city actually. Or it seemed like it when we were supposed to meet up for the first time that one day. We always stayed really minimal with giving information about ourselves, but I know he likes to be outdoors. I know he's gone hiking and camping with his friends over the years. He seems close with them even though I don't know anything about them at all."
"And you never worry he's actually seeing some girl when he says hes doing those things?"
"What! No! Never. He would never do that. I may not know him, but I know him. I trust him with my heart and life. And someday when we meet-" You took a deep contented sigh. "It'll be magical."
"Jesus you're a sap. This guy is probably some huge nerd. Never been outside a day in his life."
"Shhhh! Shut up, you're such an ass!" you laughed and swatted at Bakugo. "I'm gonna order a milkshake too, do you want one?"
"Are you serious? And have to go to the gym for twelve hours straight just to work it off? No thanks, that shit'll kill you."
"Ooooh wow, what a buzzkill. Are you telling me you don't eat any desserts at all or do you just have a major thing against milkshakes?"
"No I don't have a sweet tooth really. I like spicy as shit food, though."
"Oh for real?! So does my soulmate! Maybe he doesn't like sweets either, I'll have to ask him sometime."
"So you don't REALLY know much about this guy, do you?" Bakugo's face contorted into something unreadable. 
"I know what really matters. But I'm not worried about the small stuff, no." you stated matter of factly.
"So if this guy was four foot tall with a gross mole on his face, you're telling me you wouldn't care?"
"Haha! No! I'm not that shallow what the heck."
"I don't buy it. What if he wasn't really a hero. Or if he was, he's not even on the charts, he's so bad? Could you really live with him knowing you were better than him at something he encouraged you to become?"
"Oooh, that's a really neat question. Hm. No I think he's probably a great hero. But if he wasn't... hm. That would be okay. I will love him no matter what. What about you, though?"
"What about me?"
"Well what about your soulmate? You're already the best, so how do you feel about her not being 'the best' like you, as you so put it?"
"I don't care."
"Hell no. She's the best there is, even if the charts don't reflect it the way they should. I've always pushed her to be better anyway, she's pushed me to be the best too. I'm where I am because of her and heroes like her."
"Awwwweee! That is actually the cutest thing I've ever heard you say, literally EVER."
"Shut up."
"Nope! So who is she? Will you tell me?? What's her quirk? Do I know her?"
"Hell no." 
"Awe man, why noooot?" you pout.
"It wouldn't be safe to tell you right now."
Your eyes grow wide in wonder. 
"Oh man!! So she's like an undercover hero? Holy crap that is so cool. Wow. Okay well I won't push it but I really hope I get to meet her one day!"
"Yeah yeah. Enough about that. Let's talk about the fact that your soulmate could end up being a huge loser. Let's talk about the fact that your soulmate could end up being DEKU?"
"YUCK!" you covered your mouth with a gasp. "Oh, nooo, no I didn't mean it that waaaay. Medoriya is a really nice guy, I mean I dunno he---"
"AHAHAHAHAH NO NO, PLEASE. STOP THERE. That's fucking funny, don't ruin it." Bakugo barked out a laugh and grinned ear to ear. It looked rather handsome on him, though you could never admit it in a million years.
"Stop laughing! No it's not funny, it was so mean. I just mean he's not my type."
"Oh yeah? And what is your type, then? Cause you don't even know who your soulmate is, so that is some slippery slope you're on."
"I... that's true. Well, I know my soulmate IS my type. Whatever that may be. Look this is embarassing and I'd rather not talk about it!"
"Does your type have multiple arms?"
"Mm, likely not. But it would be okay!"
"Does he have an abusive father, formerly the number one hero?"
"Oooh, low blow. But no, I've always found Todoroki to be a bit dense. Besides he's already married to his soulmate! Not him." you giggled at the game. 
"Does your type... get hard under stress?"
"Awwwwe Kirishima is a cutie. But no. ... And please don't say things like that! Your jokes are terrible."
"That box dye shithead is not cute, he's annoying."
"Not true! Hmm. Maybe he IS my type! How do we know for sure HE isn't my soulmate? Oh my gosh! Call him, get him on the phone, haha." you were just playing around, but you noticed the way Bakugo's jaw clenched.
"No. Forget it. He's not your fuckin soulmate. He's an idiot. You are not."
"Well, see? Oposites attract! This could be one of those situations--"
"It's not. Anyway, eat your damn food before it gets cold, no one likes gross cold fries."
"Awe, someone doesn't like when I tease his fwends?" 
"Something like that. Eat."
"Alright, alright. Fine." You finally look at the plate that was placed before you forever ago, dipping your fries in a saucer of ketchup. You took a long pause, realizing how much you were enjoying this time with Bakugo.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would guess that my soulmate is a lot like you, now that I think about it. He used to be really standoffish and mean, you know? But once I got to know him, I found out he was really funny and caring." you laughed, enjoying the food and company. 
"Haha, maybe you're my type after all, Bakugo!" you were only joking. And so engrossed now in your meal you didn't notice the way Bakugo's face turned so red, you would have thought he'd eaten something too spicy, even for him.
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dira333 · 6 days
Wanna go out? - Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
Featuring Kirishima as the best wingman ever.
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“You’d probably be more successful if you didn’t already expect the worst,” Eijirou points out from the kitchen.
“I know, I just…” you helplessly shrug. “I know my success rate, is all.”
“You’re not a firm trying to sell a product, you’re a beautiful, fun and kind person trying to find a partner.”
“And how well that has gone,” you joke but without much humor.
“Stop it,” he commands, setting your coffee down in front of you. “And tell me, is there anyone you found nice last night?”
You think back. 
It had been such a nice gesture from Eijirou to bring you with him, especially considering he technically had a date - Mina. 
All the faces and names you’ve learned dance in front of your eyes, but if you’re being honest, there’s only one person who stood out to you.
You hide behind your coffee cup, but it’s too late. You didn’t grow up alongside Eijirou for nothing, it seems.
“Spit it out,” he grins, his eyes full of hope. Oh, if only you could go on without disappointing him.
“Tamaki,” you admit finally, swallowing your nerves.
Eijirou beams up at you. “Really? That’s amazing. He’s an awesome guy!”
“Sure, sure,” you nod, swallowing and swallowing. “But you know, I’m me, so…”
Eijirou’s face falls. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what I mean. I can’t remember if I ever had a second date. You know my flaws and-”
“Tamaki is a really great guy,” Eijirou points out, emphasizing the word “great”.
You nod, your heart already sinking. “I got that. Which is exactly why that’s not going to happen.”
“Come on!” Eijirou whines. “You know he’s a little shy, but he’s nice. Why don’t you send him a text? Just ask to do something like yesterday again, hang out a little, chat over stuff. I’m sure he won’t say no.”
“And then?”
“And then you find out if you two are compatible. Or if you prefer staying friends. Don’t expect too much at first, he’s shy, remember?”
You take a deep breath, pick up your phone and stare at the screen. Could it really be so simple?
Eijirou himself is checking his own messages, smiling as he answers one.
Stealing yourself against the inevitable rejection you type a quick message, your thumb hovering over the send button.
“What do you have to lose?” Eijirou asks as if knowing what you’re about to do. 
And he’s right. You’ve been rejected enough times to know how to deal with it by know.
Seconds later, your eyes still on the screen, a little shocked about your own bravery, the blue checkmarks appear. He’s seen it. 
You slam your phone down, overcome with anxiety. If he answers, you don’t want to see it. At least not until you’ve calmed down a little.
“Oh,” Eijirou breathes out with a laugh. “Tamaki’s calling.”
“I need to pee,” you yelp, getting out there as fast as you can.
You don’t know yet that when you return, the first of many messages will wait in your inbox.
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A Little Bit Selfish
A Little Bit Selfish by yesthisisnarumi
If he'd told his 6 year-old self that he just had birthday dinner with his mom and three best friends, including Kacchan, and that this many people had already told him "Happy Birthday" before 9 am, little Izuku probably would have passed out on the spot.
Giggling at the thought, he happily chews and scrolls, until one message brings his chipper morning to a grinding halt.
> happy birthday, izuku. pino says hi.
Words: 2427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Rody Soul, Todoroki Shouto, Pino | Rody Soul's Bird
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Rody Soul
Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Future Fic, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Wingman Todoroki Shouto, Reunions, Surprise Party, platonic krbktddk because i cannot help myself, Second first kiss, Getting Together, Kissing, My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission Spoilers, background Kirishima Eijirou/Todoroki Shouto
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48193678
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 months
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Wait Jo, could you imagine Bakugo playing wingman for the first (and probably last time) time ever for Kirishima and whilst looking for a girl his best friend would like, he ends up meeting you: the future love of his life.
And he'd be so dramatic too: behaving as if he can't have you, his heart torn to pieces as if you were betrothed to Kirishima, when really you just gave him your number to text.
And Kiri immediately sees how Katsuki pines after you, a woman met only a few weeks ago, and how his face falls when he hears that the two of you are meeting outside.
Eventually Kiri admits that you were actually more into Katsuki from the beginning and the two of you were just going out as friends.
I don't know, I just really like the concept of Bakugo trying to find someone for his best friend but he's such a loser, he ends up with the one intended for Kiri.
Omg okay okay okay so this gave me the cutest idea allow me to get sidetracked for one second PLS.
But imagine Bakugou has always been Kirishima’s wingman, whether the relationships end up as messy one night stands or longer term. Every time Kirishima is single, he always relies on his best friend to help plant the seed that Red Riot really is the best fucking guy. Until one day Bakugou meets you while he’s waiting for Kirishima to finish chatting up a pretty girl that he set him up with, rolling his eyes as he sits at the bar with an almost empty beer bottle. And it’s like love at first sight? You’re perfect for each other and Bakugou is finally happy— but now it means he can’t be a wingman for Kiri anymore, and Kiri is distraught. Because Mina, Denki and Sero are nowhere near as good at it as Bakugou is.
So queue Kiri practically begging you to let Bakugou be his wingman when he goes out, because he’s going through a dry spell and he needs Bakugou’s help— he can’t do it on his own. So you’re just laughing as this big, hulking Pro-Hero is practically sobbing on your lap as he begs you to let your boyfriend talk to women on his behalf.
ANYWAY. Back to your idea because it’s amazing ahhh. I actually wrote something super similar to this last year? Or the year before, about Bakugou and Kirishima visiting your home country, and of course Kirishima doesn’t speak the native language but Bakugou does.
So Kiri has Bakugou approach you and tell you how pretty he thinks you are in your language, while Kirishima just stands there with like a huge smile on his face while he tells Bakugou to translate what he’s saying for you— and he asks you out. But obviously Bakugou has to come and be third wheel on the date because you don’t speak Japanese and Kiri doesn’t speak your language, so you actually spend most of the date talking directly to Bakugou. And you find yourself falling for him, not Kiri. But Bakugou is such a good friend, he doesn’t want to act on his (same) feelings for you because he doesn’t want to hurt Kiri.🥺
But I just love the thought of Kiri seeing how much Bakugou, who never really likes anyone, likes you. And there’s no way he can stand between that. So he’s now trying to play wingman for him instead😭
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 3 months
how you (don't) get the girl
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/o31JcRp by flightyfirefly mina just wants to find the perfect girlfriend for her perfect best friend but a certain explosive someone keeps getting in the way of her master plan Words: 8224, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Kodai Yui, Shiozaki Ibara, Hatsume Mei Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Bad Matchmaking, Ashido Mina is a Little Shit, Wingman Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Jealous Bakugou Katsuki, secret kiribaku, Mina means well read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/o31JcRp
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