#kiri is just really happy to see Kats smile and let down his walls a little bit
pazolahr · 6 days
So uh let me snowball an idea.
Tears over beers - Modern baseball krbk —> bkdk
Kiri mourning his and Kats relationship (not just romantic ) after the war. Katsuki starts pulling away from him. He and izuku attached at the hip wanting to make up for years of lost time. They all hang out like normal as a class but Kiri can’t help but feel something is missing.
He leaves space for him everywhere, still tries to push his way into his life but he notices Katsuki’s eyes linger a little too long on his childhood friend’s freckled face.
He knows he can’t give Kat what he really needs after everything they’ve been through but he’ll always have his heart open to the blonde. Everything becomes a bittersweet memory to be told around a campfire, laughing and smiling.
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thanx-idonttry · 4 years
Mineta Being Disrespectful to (Y/N) HC Bakugou/Shinsou/Kirishima/Mirio
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Katsuki Bakugou:
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Bakugou is a very protective Of you
He loves everything about you like your skin regimen, your hair regimen, and everything you do to take care of yourself.
His secret guilty pleasure is doing facial routines with you and washing your hair. Don’t tell the other students shhh!
He also loves your taste in music, your taste in fashion, he also loves when you dance when you “think” you’re alone.
He also truly loves when you stand your ground against him and his crappy attitude. You shut everything down telling him that you are not the one to be a messed with, and tell him to check his attitude.
You are his queen, and a King should always protect his Queen.
So he basically walks with you everywhere, you only get your alone time when he’s off training.
When he walks with you, he holds your hand and he’s always close to you so other males realize that you are with him. He gives them glares, warning them and basically telling them “Don’t even try it.”
It seems like a Certain purple hair short monster didn’t get the picture.
When Mineta Approached you two in the hallway with a cocky smirk, you and Bakugou realize that you were about to hear some very offensive shit.
“Hey you Beautiful Curvy, Black, ThunderBolt! You know what they say: the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. Can I get the chance to test that theory?”
Your Face was in pure disgust.
(You know like in Anime their eyes are shadowed over and your lips were a straight line as the background is like a dark blue lol)
Like everything he said to you was so disrespectful that you couldn’t even think of a comeback.
Bakugou grabbed Mineta by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up to the level of his raging eyes.
“Why you 3ft little ingrate! Apologize!!!! Do it now or I will regret the day you were born!” Bakugou threatened.
Mineta, who was shaking in fear, begged for his life and pleaded to the blonde to not unleash his explosive wrath on him.
“Mineta.” You started. “If you ever step to me with that weak ass game or any other game you like to play, I will step on you neck as I pull out your purple orbs until you’re bleeding and probably won’t stop after. Do you hear me you sorry excuse for a hero?!”
Bakugou stared with wide, proud eyes at you. He never seen you like this, and he have to say that he loved it. The whimper that Mineta gave snapped the Blonde back to reality.
Bakugou slammed Mineta against the lockers, giving him the same glare that he gave earlier. “I still didn’t hear an apology.”
Mineta apologized repeatedly, but Bakugou’s grip only got tighter around the grape student. Upset that Mineta KNOWS you to are the rice and still tried to shoot his shot.
“Listen here you little failure of a human, you know (Y/N) are together and you still came up to her flirting. I can’t stand a lot of things you do but what I really hate is the fact that you had thee AUDACITY To do try. If you try this again, Class A will have 1 less student. Got it?!”
Mineta fearfully nodded before Bakugou rolled his ass down the hall like he was a bowling ball. Adding a tiny explosion for extra push.
“I’m so sorry Teddybear..” Bakugou sighed to you. “Don’t apologize Babe, you did nothing but protected me. Thank you for making that runt apologize to me.” You said.
“No problem, but that can we talk about that sexy, angry, dark side of you? I never seen that side of you and I wanna know have I been rubbing off on you?” Bakugou smirked.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes, you lightly pushed him off you and started heading to lunch.
Hitoshi Shinsou:
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Shinsou has always been the laid back type, pretty chill and tamed. Like it’s kinda hard to piss him off.
But if you do want to piss him off, there are a few ways to do so.
Call him a villain because of his quirk. He hates when people misunderstand him and don’t want to try to understand, he will be highly pissed off.
And mess his beautiful (Y/N) A.K.A his Kitty Kat. He treasures the hell out of you, you’re his sunlight to his gloomy days. His sulking lessened when he met you.
He loves laying on your chest as you play in his hair. He loves to hear your heartbeat, he loves how soft and warm you feel. You’re like a dream to him, and hearing your heartbeat makes him realize you’re real.
His favorite pastime with you is letting you braid his hair as you two chat. He feel so lucky to have you.
So imagine how he felt when he was walking to meet you at your locker, and saw you and Mina there, looking creeped out by the short purple pervert.
“How you doing today you nesquik milky chocolate queen?” He said with such a cocky smile. Did he really think that was appropriate?
You and Mina scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Mineta, you better run.” Mina said as she saw your Boyfriend standing there.
Shinsou stood there with a death glare, fist cleaning hard, he was trying so hard not commit murder. How dare he say those to you, his Kitty Kay?! Oh he’s gonna pay.
“Hey Mineta, How’s your day?” Shinsou said in a happy voice.
“Oh it’s going-”
Got him.
“Beat yourself up.” Shinsou command.
While the graped fucker beat himself, and Mina watched and laughed. Shinsou came up to you, putting his arm around your waist, pulling you close. “Are you alright?” Shinsou asked you.
“Yeah, but I think you should stop him before he beat himself into a coma.” You said. “He’ll deserve it.” He said. “Agreed.” Mina said.
“Babe.” You said looking at him, he groaned. “Apologize to (Y/N).” Shinsou demanded Mineta.
“I apologize (Y/N).” Mineta said. “Punch yourself one more time.” Shinsou ordered with a smirk on his face. When the bell rang, Shinsou released his quirk.
Mineta was groaning in pain, Shinsou bent down to his eye level, and looked him dead in his swollen eyes.
His glare was scary, and cold. “Don’t you ever approach my girlfriend like that ever again if you want to continue breathing. Got that Grape Shrimp?” He muffed him then walked back towards you.
“I see I’m going to have to escort you to classes with this grape menace running around.” Shinsou said
“Shinsou that was funny! Can I get you to do that to some people for me?” Mina asked as she walked away with you two
Eijirou Kirishima:
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Just like Shinsou, He’s kinda hard to piss off. I mean just look at him! He’s always smiling. (Oh smiley Magee head ass! Ik I love Kiri.)
You and Kirishima was close, meaning you two had feelings that either one of you were afraid to admit. So y’all hang out a lot because y’all like being around each other.
He loves when he listens to your music. You always have the greatest songs from Beyoncé to Chance the Rapper.
Whenever you pass him in the halls or around the dorms, he’ll pause his conversation or whatever he’s doing to come talk to you
And you, always loved talking to him. You loved his fangs whenever he smiled. You two would shyly flirt and talk to each other, you can basically hear Bakugou’s eye rolls.
“JUST FUCKING ASK HER, YA’ PUSSY!” Bakugou yelled from behind. He was tired of Kirishima talking about asking you out but never had the guts to do so.
“Ignore him, so I was wondering-”
Then Mineta came up to ruin this beautiful conversation, like he literally came out of no where.
“Excuse me Kirishima but I have something to say to (Y/N). How you doing, you Hershey Kiss beauty?”
Oh no he didn’t.
“Boy you better come correct when it comes to me!” You held your hand up, about to slap him when Kirishima stopped you.
“Mineta, I’ve put up with your constant creepy hook up line but I refuse for you to hit on (Y/N) like that. It’s not manly at all! Now apologize to (Y/N)!”
“Or what? You’re going to hit me? That’s not like you. That wouldn’t be manly now would it?” Mineta mocked.
That hit a nerve for Kirishima, he took in a deep breath, looked at Bakugou, and signaled him to come over.
“Apologize or Else.” Kirishima said. Mineta, who is unaware of Bakugou being behind him, folded his arms and refused. “Or else what?”
“Or else I’m gonna stomp you into the ground and create grape jelly out of you. You fucking short creepy fuck.” Bakugou said as tiny explosions popped from his hands.
Mineta stood frozen, looking between the three of you guys terrified. “Well, She’s waiting.” Kirishima said.
“That’s not fair! She’s not even your girlfriend!” Mineta whined.
“She is now, and she still hasn’t got her apology!” Kirishima said pulling you close. Butterflies are just flapping in your stomach as he held you in such a protective and claiming way.
“B-But.” Mineta tried.
“Bakugou…” Kirishima said, ready to send his feral friend onto the Grape Trash.
“Fine! Fine! I’m so sorry (Y/N)! I will never do it again! Please don’t send Bakugou on me!” Mineta begged.
“(Y/N) do you accept?” Kirishima asked. Kirishima will sick Bakugou on him If you didn’t.
“I do, but I still want Bakugou to beat him up.” You said. Bakugou smiled wickedly as he started his attack on Mineta.
You and Kirishima started walking away, and you looked at the red head with a cheeky smirk. “So, where we going on our first date since we’re a couple now.”
Kirishima blushed hard, tripping on words, he rubbed the back of his neck. You thought it was so cute. You grabbed his hand, “Don’t worry, I’ll pick the date.”
“No, I’m the guy. So I should show you an amazing time. I think I already know a place.” Kirishima said grabbing your other hand.
Mirio Togata:
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The most powerful student in the school.
And he is your boyfriend. And the Best and sweetest boyfriend you could ask for!
Just like Kiri, he’s Smiley Magee! But because he’s so positive, I don’t see him getting angry…
More like Stern seriousness, and when he’s like that, you better take him seriously.
You and him have this game y’all play. Where he pops in randomly, through a wall, ceiling, floor, door to drop some words you probably need to hear.
He isn’t a stalker with it, it doesn’t bother. You think it’s fun, trying to predict where’s he’s going to come from.
He loves popping in on your down time when you just relaxing and being natural. Popping in when you’re watching a movie or tutorials. Helping you learn, while learning himself.
He is a master at putting on False eyelashes and he loves brushing your hair as you talk about your day.
He never invade your space and you get particularly bored when he’s not around. Be looking around, hoping he pops up.
Anyways, back to main thing. You think as a 3rd, certain first years wouldn’t have the balls to talk to you. But One Small Menace thought otherwise.
Here we have Minoru Mineta, trying to shoot his shot with you, not realizing it never even made it in the basket. Especially with the disrespectful pick up line he opened with.
You and your girls were stretching in the yard and when Mineta and Dennis came up to you girls. “ How you are doing! My black thunder beauty?”
You face went complete stale, even his friend knew that wasn’t a way you talk to you or any female period. And he thought he was cute with the nickname because your quirk is Sonic Thunder.
Next thing you know, you see a strong hand come from the ground and grabbed Mineta by the leg. You smiled, you knew that hand! Then instantly, Mirio pops up from the ground like a fucking daisy!
“Is this seriously how you talk to women? Also, you do know (Y/N) is my Girlfriend right?” Mirio asked as he held Mineta by the leg. Mineta started babbling and begging to be put down.
“I don’t like what you said to her, and I suggest you apologize before it really becomes a problem.” Mirio threatened. Then out a small bit of smite, he shook the little shrimp a couple of times.
“I-I-I’m sorry (Y/N)! I never meant to offend you! And please tell him to put me down!” Mineta begged you. You and Mirio had playful smirks on your faces. You two tortured him for a couple more minutes by shaking him, making him dizzy.
“Alright Miri, let the little shrimp go. I think he learned his lesson.” You smirked. As Mirio dropped him, Mineta was a bit Dizzy.
You thwacked him on the head, for your payback. It knocked him down, but not out. So he could still listen.
“You should never approach someone like that ever again, that is somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister! Treat them like they are humans.” Mirio told him.
You and your friends got up and surrounded Mirio, thanking him. Then you wrapped your arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips, making him blush bashfully.
“You girls wanna hit up a restaurant? I’m pretty sure you want to forget this just happened.” Mirio asked once he cleared his throat, he had to regain strength because you make him so weak.
“Now you know I love me some food!” You beamed to him, he grabbed your hand, smiling back at you as you start telling him how much you missed him.
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saffronwritings · 4 years
I let you down; I've been clumsy with your heart again. I guess you figured me out, Now here's a taste of my own medicine. (I let you down)
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K I R I S H I M A | P A R T   T H R E E (F i n a l)
[Part One],[Part Two]
C L U M Y  M A S T E R L I S T
Word Count: 2.5k 
Content warnings: Mild Cursing
A/N: I really hope this measures up to everyone’s expectations. I really like how this ended, but I’m worried you all won’t like it. I could have done a lot of things differently, but Kirishima deserves the best honestly. (Fair warning, not all in the Clumsy series get a happy ending. BUT I HAD TO FOR OUR FAVORITE SHARK BOI.)
Bakugou and Kirishima had locked eyes. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. “So, this is what your tutoring sessions have been?” Bakugou said through gritted teeth. You were left speechless. You didn’t know how to respond in a way that would get him to calm down. “This was my doing.” Kirishima spoke up after collecting himself off the floor. “The hell do you mean?” Bakugou spit back at him. You had looked from Bakugou to Kirishima to see if either of their demeanors had changed. Kirishima sighed and looked over to you with a sad smile. “I had a crush on her. I came onto her, I kissed her. She had nothing to do with it.” He admitted to his best friend. You didn’t want Kirishima to take the full fall, that was never the plan or intention. “Bullshit! You were on top of her on her bed!” Bakugou continued to shout.
You were sure that Iida was going to potentially investigate what was going on, since Bakugou kept shouting. He had every right to be upset in this moment, but you had to quickly think to diffuse the situation. “Like I said, I came onto her. She was laying down on her bed while I was looking through my textbook, I got onto her bed and kissed her.” Kirishima continued to defend you. He didn’t want you to get in the middle of Bakugou’s wrath. While he also didn’t want to lose his best friend, in this moment he wanted to protect you. He had been standing protectively in front of you as you sat in horrible silence. “Just stay out of this Y/N.” Kirishima had thought to himself, preparing to activate his quirk if necessary.
“Listen here shitty hair. You dare make a move on my girl?” Bakugou challenged. You could hear his hands starting to crackle with his rising anger. You quickly got up from your spot on the bed, moving past Kirishima to reach Katsuki. “Hey, look. He made a mistake. I didn’t stop him because I thought maybe it would help him with his feelings.” You stated, trying to diffuse the situation. “So, you were in on it too?” He pressed, backing away from you. He was looking back and forth the two of you in anger. “Bakugou, I need you to calm down-“ “You don’t get to tell me to calm down after swapping spit with this fake of a friend.” Katsuki cut you off. The words cut deep into Kirishima, hearing one of his best friends being so angry at him.
“Why is it always okay for everyone else to get what they want, besides me? Why am I the one who must stand on the sidelines. I always talk to you about you and your things. However, the favor is never returned! Had you even asked if I liked anyone, I would have maybe told you about my feelings for Y/N! Everything is always about you, Bakugou. You don’t care about anyone, but yourself!” Kirishima finally snapped. “I have been there for you at your lowest and at your highest. I support you in all your training and even help when I don’t feel up for it! That’s what best friends do. Yet, all you ever do is worry about yourself. You never come to see the others train. You never congratulate the others when they accomplish something new in their work. You don’t care about any of the others, and you especially don’t care about me.”
Your heart snapped in half hearing Kirishima finally voice his feelings to his best friend. You had no idea that he felt this way. He always appeared so chipper and happy to be surrounded by his friends. Kirishima was always so optimistic and supportive towards others. To see this side being brought to the light really hurt something inside of you. Yet, here you were, doing the same exact thing Bakugou was doing to him. You were being selfish. You were keeping this dirty little secret and you should have known that would hurt Kirishima. Of course, he would say he didn’t mind because that is what he was used to. Used to being the one to push his feelings aside for the sake of others. That’s just how he’s always been.
The room was silent. You hadn’t even noticed the tears that were silently falling down Kiri’s face until now. You felt ashamed that you were the one that caused this situation. Bakugou scoffed angerly and stormed out of the room – leaving the two of you in uncomfortable silence. “I never meant to make you fall with me, Y/N.” Kirishima spoke up, breaking the unbearable silence. You rushed over to him and through your arms around him. “I’m the one who let you down Kirishima.” You breathed, trying so hard to keep the tears from falling from your own eyes. Kirishima’s whole body started shaking with sobs that only made your heart hurt worse.
Over the next couple of days things had been awkward not only just between Bakugou and you, but the rest of the Bakusquad. Later the next evening after the whole escapade of Bakugou finding out your little thing with Kirishima, he had texted you saying that he wanted to break up. Which was honestly fair and you saw coming. The whole incident had left you feeling awful for multiple reasons; you had hurt not only Kirishima, but Bakugou as well, you had technically been cheating on Bakugou, and you made things so awkward with the rest of your friend group. It didn’t help that Kirishima also kept his distance from you. He was hurting in his own way after potentially loosing one of his best friends over a girl.
He knew better. He always knew better. Yet, when he called out Bakugou for his toxic behavior he almost immediately regretted it. Bakugou had been like a brother to Kirishima and the thought of loosing him always made him uncomfortable. He also felt bad for avoiding you as well when you had also taken the fall with him. He honestly didn’t expect you to back him up like you had done. He was just expecting you to let him take all the blame and go back to normal with Bakugou. That didn’t happen. Kirishima also half expected that after Bakugou had taken his anger out on him during one training session that maybe the tensions would die down.
Yet, here you all were, sitting in awful awkward silence at lunch together. “Did something happen where all three of you are all stingy now? Kirishima you passed the last exam; you should be excited!” Mina exclaimed, trying to brighten up the mood.
It was true that even though you and Bakugou were broken up and Kirishima and Bakugou were in a fight, that you all still sat together at lunch with the rest of your friends. No one had broken the news to Denki, Sero, or Mina about what had happened. “That’s because Y/N is such a great tutor! You should help me with my next exam.” Kaminari agreed, throwing a smile your way. You wished he hadn’t of said that, because the look on Bakugou’s face turned sour very quickly. “Yeah, Y/N, might as well give Kaminari lessons like you did for Kirishima. Maybe Sero will want some too, or even Mina if you swing that way.” He spat towards you. “That’s enough Bakugou.” Kirishima once again stood up for you.
“Tch. Whatever.” Bakugou sneered before standing up and walking away. His food that he just got from the cafeteria just sitting there. “What was that all about?” Sero whispered, looking from you to Kirishima. “Nothing. Just getting a taste of my own medicine is all.” You whispered, standing up yourself and walking away from the table. Kirishima wanted nothing more to console you, but at the same time he didn’t want Sero, Mina, or Kaminari to raise more questions than they already were. So, he stayed at the table as he watched you walk away in the opposite direction. “Okay… How weird.” Denki whistled out, feeling the weird tension hanging in the air. The three of them dropped the conversation and moved on to talk about how they were excited about their upcoming work studies. Kirishima couldn’t be bothered to listen though.
You hadn’t planned to run into Bakugou after walking out of the cafeteria. You had purposely left the opposite exit so your chances of running into each other were very slim. He stood against one of the hallway walls, arms crossed over his chest. He made eye contact with you and at first you shrank away. Before you could turn around and walk away, he softly asked, “Can we talk for a moment.”. Befuddled by the calm disposition he was putting off, you hesitantly walked towards him. You stood next to him but knew to keep your distance just in case. “Look, I’m sorry for what I said in there. I was hurt.” Bakugou started to explain. “However, shitty hair was right. I never really considered his feelings. I got jealous of the two of you hanging out because of how close the two of you were. I guess I knew deep down, yet I still went for you anyway.”
You were speechless. This was very unlike Bakugou to admit his wrongs and to even say he was in the wrong. “It sucked finding out the way I did, but Kirishima is a really good friend. I’d be stupid to throw that away. I also somewhat tolerate whenever you’re around too.” He admitted, a small flush to his cheeks. This information dump from him left you speechless. You weren’t sure what to say and he saw you staring at him with your mouth open. “If you keep your mouth open, you’re going to catch flies, you idiot.” He smirked, shoving your shoulder gently. A small smile crept up on your face as you realized he was trying to make amends. “I should be the one to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have kept secrets from you. I should have been honest with you from the beginning.” You also blurted out.
A chuckle escaped Katsuki’s lips as he rolled his eyes at you. “No shit, dummy. However, I get it. I can be hotheaded and easily loose my temper. Kirishima was right. I tend to only care about myself and not those around me. It’s about time I do the same for everyone else.” He exhaled, shaking his head. Almost instantly though his fiery personality came back to life. “But don’t get any smart ideas! I’m not going to be the nice guy all of a sudden. I’m just going to be a bit more considerate of everyone else’s feelings.” He snarled, yet you knew he was trying to hide that soft interior of his. You turned to him and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you, Bakugou.” You uttered, relaxing into his embrace since he too had hugged you back.
“I’ll beat the shit out of him if he doesn’t treat you right. I will also have no hesitation on trying to win you back if he doesn’t. Am I clear?” He murmured in your ear. You nodded your head before letting go of the embrace. “Oh, and shitty hair.” He called out, making you turn around in surprise. Kirishima walked out from behind the wall he was standing behind. “We’re going to be training tomorrow, so you better keep up.” Bakugou ordered. A knowing smile broke out on Kirishima’s face as he recognized this was Bakugou’s way of letting go of the tension. “Of course!” Kirishima acknowledged. The lunch bell rang as it signaled that their break was over, and the next class was getting ready to commence. “I’ll see you two in class.” He huffed before walking away. However, you couldn’t help but notice the small smile that was etched on his face before he turned away.
This left you and Kirishima together alone in the hallway. “Y/N, I’m sorry.” Kirishima started to say. You shook your head vigorously at his statement which left Kirishima with a puzzled look on his face. “No, I am the one who should be sorry! I should have asked you how you personally felt about the situation. I never took your feelings into consideration. I was being selfish. I wanted both but I knew that I couldn’t. I really liked Bakugou, underneath his tough exterior is a kind soul. However, you are the one that I want to be with. You always put others before you even if it means hurting yourself. With you, everything is effortless. I don’t have to worry about whether or not you’re going to explode at me, or to walk on eggshells with you. Kirishima, you are perfect for me, and I’m sorry that it took me this long to notice.” You blurted out.
Kirishima’s face had turned the color of a tomato, his head tilted down. At first you didn’t see the tears streaming down his face until he finally looked up at you with a smile embedded into his cheeks. “You are literally an angel, Y/N.” He laughed, wiping the tears from his face. Your smile softened as you placed your hand on his cheek and stroked some of his tears away with your thumb. “I’m not an angel, but I will try to be the best version of myself for you.” You confirmed, before placing a small peck onto his cheek. “Now let’s get going before we’re late for class.” You announced, holding your hand out for Kirishima to take, and he did, gladly.
A few weeks went by of normal hangouts, the occasional surprise date, and just easy-going feelings between you and Kirishima. Bakugou and Kirishima’s relationship was still a bit rough around the edges but overtime Katsuki had come to terms with the outcome. Truly, he was just happy to see both of you so infatuated with one another. Kirishima was doing everything right and that’s what made Bakugou content with letting you go. There were many questions from the Bakusquad and overtime they pieced everything together. There were no ill feelings between anyone, including you and Bakugou. If anything, the roles had reversed where Kirishima was your boyfriend and Bakugou was your best friend. From time to time, Kirishima got jealous, but you assured him there was nothing to worry about.
               “Tch, if I wanted to take her back, I would. Now get over here Rock Bottom, stupid sparky wants us to have a rematch in Mario-kart.” Bakugou sneered. A smile immediately broke out over Kirishima’s face before placing a tender kiss onto your forehead. “Go kick some ass, Kiri.” You encouraged before the two boys ran off to the common room to cause havoc.
@devildom-express​, @wallpaperpaint69​
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stardustintheabyss · 4 years
BNHA Headcanon!
How Kaminari, Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso, Dabi and Kirishima ask a certain question 💍 x fem!reader, y'all in your 20's
Warnings: cursing, long af(I couldn't help myself, I love all kiri's and non kiri's equally) no regrets.
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Haha boi proposed on the first date tbh
You laughed at one of his cheesy pick ups. You did you unrestrained 'ugly' laugh. Like someone has to make you reeeaaallllyyy laugh.
Bb fell hard for that laugh,"marry me, y/n"
You fell just as hard "alright"
Him blushing like crazy 👍🏻⚡👍🏻
Fast forward a few years
If you don't think he's gonna do something big and romantic and on the verge of embarrassing, lol your wrong
This guy proposes with a fucking flash mob
1. How did he organize this? Bakusquad unite!
2. How'd this beautiful loud blonde keep it to himself? Mina threatened his existence & Bakusquad
So there you both are surrounded by family and friends, Denki down on one knee, opening a small box with a gorgeous ring inside.
"Y/n, can I do you the honor of telling you pickup lines for the rest of our lives?"
"You, dummy."
He falters a little. Um what? Sad boi
"I told you on our first date I would." You leaned down giving him a kiss.
Bb shines brighter than the three great sunshines combined. Yk who
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Denki."
Your guy's version of ily is some random pickup line unless your in a serious mood
Everyone collectively groaned at your guy's wedding vows lmao
They were literally all cheesy pickup lines, terrible puns and bad jokes.
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Bakugo fucking Katsuki is a closet romantic and you can't change my mind
He takes you hiking on one of your dates
You find a gorgeous spot accidentally you just had to take a short cut
Crystal clear lake w/ cherry blossom trees and a mt view? Heaven
This becomes your spot
You think nothing of it when katsuki suggests getting away for a weekend see romance
Getting in the car he throws a blindfold at you. "What's this for?"
"Just put it on idiot."
You roll your eyes, grinning like a fool but does what he asks
You drive for a bit then feel the car stop
"Can I take it off now?"
"No, I'll tell you when you can take it off." 😳 "I'm going to put noise cancelling headphones on you, do you trust me?"
You've learned to roll w/ his shenanigans cuz they are rare but always welcome. "Don't ask stupid questions, babe." Last thing you here is his 'tch'.
He gently tugs you out of the car and then sweeps you up into his arms. You can't help but smile.
He's been carrying you for at least 2hrs. "Kat, do you need a break?"
He just kisses you in response and silences you #1 hero bakugo doesn't do breaks
Al-righty then
Another hour goes by and you feel bakugo set you down softly, making sure you have your footing. He takes off the headphones
"Take off the blindfold."
You do. Your at your spot. You turn around to find your boyfriend toying w/a little black box
*heart palpitations ensue*
You look at him wide eyed.
He opens the box and you see a ring that is his mom's family heirloom. It's a vintage beauty that you've adored.
Tbh when he asked his mom for it he almost said never mind when she started asking a bunch of annoying questions.Old hag
"Will you marry me or whatever..." he's still bakugo lol
"Whatever." You say with the biggest grin
Bb narrows his eyes at you confused. "HUH?" Cuz how dare you???
"Saying 'yes' is too ordinary an answer. And you katsuki bakugo are anything but ordinary." You say as you slip the ring on your finger. Your man is stunned by your answer to do it himself. Lol
Just cuz you got him flustered and blushing does not mean he won't pull you into a passionate kiss.
Who's the mess now, dumb dumb?
Instead of saying 'I do' at the wedding you both say 'whatever'.
Nobody knows what the fuck is going on except kirishima because he's the one marrying you two.
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You've know eachother since high school and started dating your 3rd year
Now years later, your both well established pro heros
Did you say vacation?
Because Shoto heard 3 week romantic dream vacation w/ a proposal ending
He worked so hard for this. He didn't want to use his father's money for once. This was going to be all him, no one else.
Well except his mom and sister helped pick out a ring. Clueless bb
He took you to all the places on your bucket list, ending in greece.
It was your last night there.
On a cliff overlooking the moonrise over the sea, you were snuggled up next to him. Warm wind gently caressing your skin.
You've noticed him being antsy and fidgety the last couple days.
And that is not like your shoto, at all
"Sho, you okay? You've been acting weird." You ask gently.
"Um, yes. Can I ask you something?"
You give him a kiss and nod.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming mrs. shoto todoroki?"
At least that's what you thought he said. He was so nervous it came out a jumbled mess.
He pulled a ring out of his pocket.
It was perfect. In fact it was exactly what you and fuyumi talked about in one of your guy's games of crazy hypotheticals. Haha jokes on you
You definitely started crying
Your sweet oblivious sho "If you don't like it-"
"No. It's perfect, I love it. Just like you." You pepper his face with kisses. "And yes I will marry you."
He has the biggest smile on his face as he takes your hand and slides the ring on.
You thought the Todorokis and your family were chaotic before? Lol let's throw in wedding planning 🙃
Two months before the wedding you two are sick of everything. Everyone trying to do everything the way they want this wedding. You both wanted a somewhat small gathering. Yeah no *insert monamas hysterical laugh*
Elope? Elope.
You gather a small group of your closest friends. Ok. More like all of class 1a
Shoto buys first class tickets to greece for everyone. No qualms of using his dad's credit card this time lol
You and shoto get married in front of all your friends on the cliff where he proposed.
It was beatiful & perfect. Exactly what you guys wanted.
So when the 'real' wedding (endeavors words) happens you and shoto fuck with it any way you can.
You both have the best time messing around. Your guy's parents not so much. But they end up seeing how happy you both are so they give up on having the perfect wedding.
A few years later when you find out your pregnant you both seriously debate faking your deaths and going into hiding. Wouldnt be the first Todoroki to do so
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You guys frequently visit the animal shelter to give loves to all the animals
He saw how attached you were with a bonded pair of ragdoll kittens he loved them too
This gave him an idea, he had been having a hard time of thinking how he was going to pop the question
It was pur-fect don't judge me
It was early in the morning, you were still in bed when you felt something tickle your nose
"Mmh,...toshi. Your hair is tickling me." Still sleepy, not even bothered to open your eyes.
You were greeted w/ small meows
Your eyes never snapped open so fast in the morning
Two tiny kittens before you. The ones from the shelter
Wide awake now you began petting them and playing with them
Haha shinso who?
He was silently watching from the doorway smiling, waiting for his moment
You looked at the kittens collars. Scribbled in shinsos handwriting "marry" on one "me" on the other.
You gasped and your mouth formed a little o.
He was waiting for this. He walked over and got on his knee, ring in his hand
"Y/n, please, will you be mine, forever?"
Leaning in lips almost touching "only if you'll be mine."
Say no more, boi is putting a ring on it and closes the gap between your lips.
The only thing that breaks the kiss is a soft tiny paw patting your cheek and another playing with shinos hair
You giggle. "You got them for yourself just as much, didn't you?"
He just rubs the back of his neck and gives you a smirk
You spend the rest of the day trying to pick names.
You guys decide on satori & kotaro haikyuu reference ftw
The day ends. You come to find your two new bbs sleeping on a sleeping hitoshi a miracle ikr
A photo shoot? Hell yes! Dadzawa needs to see this.
You take the pic and send a quick text along with it to Aizawa. Your future f-in-l. 'Guess how toshi proposed?'
You get a quick response "I'm a grandpa now? I get them twi-three times a month."
Your snort woke your fiance
Him seeing your phone. "Did you take a picture of me? Creep."
"No." You say slyly. "I took a picture of my boys." You show him. As you set it as your wall paper.
"Send it to me please." You do, what you don't expect is a pic in return from him
It was of you in bed the s'morning. With your new kittens, kotaro and satori, before you even knew they were there. also his wallpaper
And damn if you don't smile "who's the creep?"
"What's this text from my dad about 'custody of his grandchildren'?"
You laugh and explain
Yes you had your cats in the wedding. They started all this yk.
They were ring barers. Complete w/little tuxes shinso insisted
Lmao it was like the hunger games when deciding who was going to take care of the cats when on your honeymoon.
Shota won obviously
"They are staying w/their grandfathers and that is final." *scary hair whoosh*
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When you joined the LoV, you confused dabi.
You were kind and caring to everyone. Wtf?
Even when they didn't deserve it
Why are you with the villians? Are you stupid?
That is until he saw the rage and hurt in your eyes the first time you fought together.
It reminded him of himself
Of how he got where he was
Slowly you had unconsciously worked your way into his heart
You caring for his wounds(new and old), your soft smiles and warm eyes. You never looked at him with disgust, fear or malice.
You were the first to ever do so in a long long time. Since his childhood.
He never wanted to fall in love but here was fate pushing you two together.
You fell just as slowly. You thought you were never really worthy of love. But it didn't stop you from giving it to those around you. Loophole you thought.
But you would find dabi doing little things. Things that made you feel something you shouldn't. Things you didn't think you deserved.
Throwing a blanket over you if you fell asleep on the couch.
Getting your favorite snacks
During fights he would casually move between you and your enemies. Protecting you.
Well shit here you both were. Madly in love, but still apprehensive.
But when he asked you to call him by another name and you did?
That's when dabi kissed you for the first time. It shocked you both tbh
It wasn't rough like you had imagined. But soft and sweet. Nothing like the mask he wears for everyone.
After about 8 months of dating dabi realized he wanted to be yours forever. And you his.
So fuck proposing. He did a surprise wedding. He didn't want to give you chance to change your mind. because insecure bb🥺
He got everything ready.
Now he just needed you
Their was a beautiful knee length white lace dress laying on your bed with a note "meet me here. Kurogiri will warp you.-t"
Running your fingers over the dress, you smiled. You always did like surprises from him.
You got yourself ready for your date with the love of your life and went to find kurogiri.
He met you with a blindfold that matched dabi's eyes
"He requested you wear this."
You nodded and let him tie it on
Next you thing know you feel dabi's warm hand in yours.
"You ready, doll?" You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Until the end, babe."
He slips off the blindfold
You're in a forest with twinkle lights strewn about and a blue flamed candle walkway to a beautiful arch covered in your favorite flowers. Your closest leauge friends are here too.
"Will you let me stand by your side, until the end?"
You gently cup his cheeks in your hands, brushing your lips against his. Whispering for no one else to hear
"Yes, toya. For you, even longer."
He doesn't even need to smirk. You can see the overwhelming happiness in his eyes.
When you say your I do's surprisingly enough all your friends have happiness written on their face too. Even shiggy
The next day he gets a new piercing on his ring finger and you a small blue flame tattoo on yours.
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You've had eijirou kirishimas heart since your first year of UA together
One day he was feeling insecure about his quirk and you showed up changing the way he saw himself.
"Kirishima, you're the unbreakable Red Riot. It's not about how flashy a heros quirk is, it's about their resolve. Your tenacity to protect and save people..." you smile, "if that isn't the making to be a great hero I don't know what is."
And tbh he had yours since that 1st yr too. You always admired his courage & his dedication to his friends even if they didn't want it cough bakugo
For two years you both danced around your feelings for eachother. Flirting but never taking the next step.
That is until bakugo not mina, & yes shes jealous she wasn't the one that set you 2 up got fed up one night of your guys flirting.
And I quote "Oi! Would you two go on a fucking date already. I'm tired of listening to shitty hair pine after you." he did out of love for his bestie
It was the only time you've genuinely seen kirishima want to kill bakugo
Shyly you answered, "I'd like that."
Bb turned his head around so fast he almost got whiplash.
You've been together 5yrs now and it was your birthday. Kirishima wanted to make it extra special.
A picnic in your favorite park, he was lucky your bd was at the same time as the cherry blossoms blooming. You loved them.
Setting up the picnic kirishima reminisced.
It was your favorite park because that's where your first date was. It was unusually hot. He got you both popsicles.
It was the first time he had seen you eat one. *crunch crunch*
boy was staring, shook
You blushing "I know, people say it's weird to eat popsicles like that."
"I dont think so." He smiled as he crunched his own. Must be fate.
Now here you two were cuddled laying down on a blanket, your head placed on his chest and his hand around your waist. Finished with lunch
"Thanks for the birthday lunch, babe. I loved it." You sighed contentedly.
What you didn't notice is that he was fiddling with a little red box. "Its not quite over yet. I have one more thing." He sat you both up and looked deeply into your eyes with so much love. " Y/n you-"
Just then a downpour of rain happened.
Kirishima scrambled to pick up the picnic supplies. His hair beginning to fall from its signature style
He turned to grab your hand to pull you under cover. So manly
You were a few feet away. Your eyes closed and head tilted back. A warm smile on your face. Letting the rain wash over you.
He'd never seen anything so beautiful
Picnic supplies forgotten. He knelt in front of you on one knee. He grabbed your hand with one of his.
You opened your eyes and looked down at your eiji. Your rock, your home.
"Y/n, you give me the strength to be unbreakable. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He opened the little red box.
Your heart beating as wildly as his
Inside was the most beautiful ring. It held your favorite gemstone. Long ago in hs you and mina were doing girl talk while the guys played video games. You'd told her diamond engagement rings were lame and what you preferred.
He remembered? That was before you were even dating...
You smiled through happy tears "yes eijirou, yes I'll marry you."
"There's an inscription." He said softly.
You looked closer at the ring, even after 7 years of loving him he still found ways to make your heart flutter
'forever unbreakable'
"Oh, Ei, it's perfect."
He slipped it on you and pulled you into a kiss. "Let's get you out of this rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick." we stan a gentlemanly king
"Just a little longer, I hear rain is good luck for this type of thing." You wave your newly ring adorned hand.
"Anything for you." He whispered before kissing you again.
You've never loved the rain more
The wedding day came
You stood before the love of your life and he his
You slide his wedding band on
Engraved inside
'my rock, my home'
"Now the bride." said the person marring you.
"Here you go shitty hair." Said the best man, handing kirishima the ring.
Did you think bakugo wouldnt want to be best man? Haha he's the one that got you two together your welcome or whatever
Kirishima tenderly slipped the ring on your finger.
Of course it decided to pour just then
Everyone ran for cover but you two
Bakugo, "tch, those idiots are going to be sick for their honeymoon." he cares ok
Mina sighing, "so romantic."
You tilted your head to the sky laughing, "babe, the universe is wishing us good luck."
He gently grabbed your chin, making you look at him. "guess we were meant to be." He whispered as he pulled you in for a long passionate kiss in the rain, him still making your heart stutter.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter six: what’s mine, is yours
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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“Hey guys, need help?”
As you walked into the door of the house, Kirishima eagerly walked over to help you with the bags in your hands. He wore a plain white t-shirt and black shorts, then you noticed his hair wasn’t spiky anymore, but relaxed and down. “Oh my god, how can he get more adorable,” you thought. Low and behold though, he smiled enormously at you, making you squeal internally. “I’m deceased now.”
“So I learned the gremlin here is bi-lingual while we were out shopping,” Bakugou said as he walked into the kitchen and started to put away groceries, Kirishima following behind.
You smiled at the two of them and proceeded to help, the red-head asked for elaboration and you explained to him.
“And I thought you couldn’t get any cuter mama. Maybe you can teach us sometime!”
Kirishima smiled as he pulled out your jar of pickles and pickle chips. He gave you a look, and you shrugged and grinned at him making him smile in return.
“So Red, I’m cooking Mexican tonight, that cool with you?”
He nodded eagerly and bundled up the empty grocery bags, “Sounds good, I’m starving! Do you need any help with anything?”
You violently shook your head, strongly protesting against them and moving to gather both men with all your strength and pushed them out of the kitchen. Placing kisses to their cheeks and pats on the back. They both left and went to the living room to do their own thing as you proceeded to start prepping dinner. They ended up playing a video game together, both glancing over at you every now and then. The area started to smell heavenly as they heard sizzling noises.
“Ugh, I don’t know how much longer I can wait, I’m starting to drool over here man,” Kirishima whined as he gripped his stomach and Bakugou chuckled.
In perfect timing you called over to them that dinner was finally ready and they both quickly jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen, broad shoulders bumping into the other as they raced along the way. Suddenly they both stopped in their tracks, jaws dropping as they looked at the display of food.
“So, I made some carne asada, I marinated the meat and tried to make it as spicy as I could, so hopefully it turned out good! Over here you have your toppings like cilantro, limes, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, beans, some extra chili powder just for you Suki. You can either make tacos with them, or I made rice as well and you can top them on that or make a burrito.”
Kirishima looked like he was about to cry as he walked over and hugged you, making you giggle and pet his soft hair.
“Thank you so much (Y/N), you didn’t have to go all out for us like this! Keep it up and you’re gonna have us fat and spoiled!”
He pulled back with you still in his arms, you shrugged at him with a smile. “It’s the least I could do after you guys helped me out and let me into your home. I’ll make you a deal, on the days that I’m off work, I’ll cook for you guys. Then maybe on Sundays we can all cook together?”
The two men nodded eagerly agreeing with you. Bakugou grabbed dishware for everyone and set them beside the layout of food. Kirishima let go off you, kissing your forehead and thanking you once more before going to fix his food. Katsuki smirked as he passed you, your eyes locking briefly before he placed a kiss on your cheek, shocking even himself, and thanking you as he walked to stand by Kirishima and made a plate.
You stood there, rubbing the cheek the blonde kissed and watching in awe as your roommates smiled at the other and nudged elbows, making small talk as they piled food onto their plates. It amazed you how cool and civil they were, having to know of the obvious crushes they both had on you. For a moment it made your small sense of guilt fade and you joined them.
Soon the three of you sat down, eating and talking with each other. The boys both asked you more about your childhood and family. Kirishima couldn’t get over how you said ‘cilantro’ with a Mexican accent, he’d ask you to repeat it over and over and asked you to say other common words that made your accent come out, making Bakugou chuckle as you entertained the red-head. You asked both of your friends about their own families, learning that Bakugou’s mom was pretty much a carbon copy of himself just female. Then Kirishima told you the story of how he got the cut above his eye, making you awe at him. It was so nice to have them around, making you realize what you were missing out on from living alone.
After eating, you all got up from the table to put your dishes in the sink. You went to go grab the sponge to wash them until you felt strong arms around your waist, jerking you away from the sink.
“Oh no mama, you cooked, we’ll clean! You’ve had a pretty big day, why don’t you go take a bath? Fortunately, my bathroom is the only one with a tub, so you lucked out there.”
You smiled at the men and thanked them, squeezing their arms before turning away and took off upstairs. The two red-eyed roommates cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes together. It was quiet between them but they both had the same thing on their mind - you. They wanted to tell the other how they felt about you so bad, but hesitated in fear of crushing their friend. Finally they both finished cleaning up the kitchen and looked at each other.
“We need to talk!”
Bakugou smirked, pushing away from the sink and going to the fridge, grabbing two beers out of it and handing one to his friend. Kirishima smiled and they both walked outside to sit on the front steps.
“So I guess it’s obvious that we’re both falling for her right?”
Katsuki hummed in agreement, taking a drink and sighing before he spoke, “And it’s also obvious that she’s possibly falling for both of us.”
The red-head nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.
“And here I thought we had a problem, she’s the one in a shitty situation you know. Probably thinking she has to choose between the two of us. If (Y/N) is as selfless as I think she is, then she won’t.”
Both of the men’s hearts dropped a bit. You were such a genuinely caring person and you wouldn’t dare come between them, especially now that you all lived together. Bakugou and Kirishima could be selfish and just go after you with everything they had like some kind of competition to see who got you first, but they didn’t want that, it would only tear you apart in the process and tear each other apart. Besides you, Kirishima was the only other person Bakugou cared about and was close to, there was no way he was going to fuck up the years of friendship, brotherhood, they built together. Kirishima felt equally the same.
Head hanging low, Bakugou sat quietly, rolling a rock under his toes against the concrete.
“What if she didn’t have to choose between us?” He blurted out, breaking Kiri’s thoughts.
The red-head looked at his friend with confusion and asked what he meant.
“Kiri, what if we like shared her? Like fucking Pikachu does, doesn’t he have like two boyfriends? We’d both get what we want and she would get what she wants and not feel torn down the middle.”
“You mean like a poly relationship? I didn’t know you were into that, I mean I’m not objecting.” Kirishima chuckled and took a drink.
Bakugou shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, if it were with some other guy, like Icy-Hot or Deku, I’d fucking kill them, but its you. We’ve been through a lot together and have shared a lot together. What makes this any different?”
Kirishima raised his eyebrows.
“Well a lot man, this is a person we’re talking about Kat, not a toy. We’d be sharing emotions, connections, time, everything man. And not that its the only thing that matters, but we’re humans and we’re physical creatures so we’d have to share affection with her, kisses, hugs - even sex. Are you truly okay with that?”
Kirishima turned his head to look at his friend. A sharp tooth chewing on his lip nervously. Maybe he thought about exactly this before and he never had any strong negative feelings about it. So far the three of you really worked well together. If he saw any other guy being flirty and handsy with you like Bakugou was, Kirishima would be green with envy but … that wasn’t the case here.
Bakugou chuckled, thinking nearly the same exact thing as his friend. If anyone were the jealous and possessive type, it was Katsuki Bakugou. Not like he had ever been in a serious relationship before, just hooked up here and there, but he wasn’t as walled-off as people thought he was. He wanted to experience whatever the fuck this was with you, even if it meant Kirishima was also involved, the fucker was involved in everything else in his life. They needed each other, so what, and that was shockingly okay with Bakugou.
The blonde smirked and looked at his friend, “Look Shitty Hair, long as she gave us an equal amount of attention, I’m down.”
Kirishima laughed warmly and rolled his eyes.
“Alright Blasty, so it’s not a weird idea and it could work out. She wouldn’t feel so like you said torn that’s for sure, I mean we both make her happy, what I lack you make up for and vice versa right? But just because we’re cool with this, doesn’t mean she will be, so how do you suggest we bring the topic up?”
“I guess we just let her come to us when she’s ready to talk, with her living with us now, I’m sure it won’t take long. In the meantime, if she makes a move on either of us then we’re cool with each other to accept it?”
Kirishima thought it over and smiled, nodding before holding up his bottle, “What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine?”
Bakugou flashed him a smirk and raised his own drink, the sound of glass clinking sounding off between them, sealing their agreement.
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“I should get out, I’m starting to prune,” you hummed as you looked at your hands. 
It had to of been a good 20 minutes that you spent in the bathtub, losing track of time while reading a book. After getting out and drying off, you took your hair down from its clip and put on a black tank top and some soft sleeping shorts then grabbed your book and dirty clothes before walking out and down to your bedroom. Once you disposed of the items, you decided to go back downstairs and see what your new roommates were up to.
Just as you walked out the door, so did Bakugou from his bathroom. Without looking up you knew it was him, given that Kiri’s room was on the other end of the hall.
“Oh your still – uhh, oh,” you gasped as you finally laid eyes on the shirtless blonde before you.
Your eyes raked over his toned and defined chest, lightly glistening as a few drops of shower water had yet to dry on his skin. Swallowing thickly, you weren’t exactly paying attention to how long you starred, you had only ever seen Bakugou in his work clothes and hero costume, not once catching him without a shirt, at least until now. You knew he’d be gorgeous but damn, this was illegal.
Katsuki noticed your eyes taking him in and chuckled.
“If you wanted to see me without fucking rags on all you had to do was ask princess, you didn’t have to wait outside my bathroom!”
His arrogant voice finally broke your thoughts and you rolled your eyes at him. Looking away and willing the blush on your face to subside while scratching at your neck.
“A-are you going to bed already?” You asked, trying to seem calm, leaning back against the wall.
Bakugou clicked his tongue and nodded, a hand coming up to ruffle his damp hair, “Yeah, why do you fucking need something gremlin?”
You smirked at him and pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, “Well if you’re offering!”
You teased, expecting Bakugou to smart back off. 
Instead, he smirked and took a step towards you, causing you to step sideways until he quickly placed both arms on either side of your head, trapping you against the wall. You quietly grunted and bit your lip again when his face came closer to yours, making your heartbeat and breathing quicken. One of his hands suddenly came up to rest on the side of your neck, his thumb tracing your jawline slowly and making you shudder. His touch was soft but demanding and made your eyes flutter at him, body going still.
His thumb then brushed over your bottom lip, coaxing it out from between your teeth and making you unconsciously whimper; this made Bakugou chuckle and grin wickedly as he traced your lip. His hungry red eyes never looking away from the soft piece of flesh. He leaned even closer, completely invading your space as his teeth bit down on the lip and sucked it softly. As soon as your taste was on his palette, Bakugou released you and dragged his teeth across your cheek where he placed a soft kiss and pulled away.
“Katsu,“ you breathed out as he looked at you with a pleased grin, his smug look gone and replaced with a softer one.
“I’m pretty beat from work princess. How about you go hangout with Red tonight, then tomorrow night me and you will hangout?” Bakugou finally spoke, cupping your cheek in his warm palm.
In utter shock, all you could do was nod. He placed another kiss on your forehead, hands moving on your body and turning it down the hall as he spoke a ‘goodnight’ and slipped into his room. You stood there for a few minutes going over what had just happened and how the crimson eyed blonde had just completely mind-fucked you.
“What the actual fuck!”
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