#kirby vp au
wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
what if meta knight viva'd the piñatas
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soulfire-of-void · 2 years
hey so. important question
if you suddenly get super inspired by someone's crossover au and make a character based on your own interpretation of said au that wasn't previously in that au but the original character comes from one of the games being combined and then you start playing the other game in the crossover while mentally roleplaying as that character which has since taken on a life of its own and now has traits that were not from the original character or the game you're playing or even yourself. what do you call the character
it's not really original so it's not an oc (I think)
and it wasn't initially intended to represent you so it might not be a sona either
i need to know this because I accidentally got inspired by @wtfgaylittlezooid and their Kirby Viva Piñata AU and am now playing Viva Piñata as a heavily altered and vaguely more humanoid version of 0²
and Zero is now corrupted by bitterness because sour is already taken and they seem like a completely different kind of evil (and also I am addicted to chocolate)
please help wtf do I call this mess
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
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This time we get some interaction between Marx, DMS, and Meta Knight!
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
I love making up piñatas for the purpose of fanfiction
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
I just found you and your blog Viva Piñata and I immediately thought of this question so sorry if you already have an answer.
What do Necrodeus and the rest of the skull gang look like? Also here is a thing I just learned skullion are the mature form of skully. Anyways I am going to continue look through your blog more.
Necrodeus is most likely not going to be part of the AU, since barely any of the villains aren't aside from backstory snippets.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything about Marx in your AU 👀
What sort of role could he play?
I have! No idea!
The current idea is that he’s mostly the village prankster, but his pranks are kind of… cruel. He knows it, but doesn’t really care. If it keeps him from boredom and nobody bothers to stop him, he’ll keep doing it.
His “pranks” usually consist of “dropping” weed seeds in nearby gardens, luring wild piñata to residents to start fights, or overwatering plants.
I want him to have an actual role or moment, something semi reminiscent of what he actually does in Super Star, but I’m not sure yet.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
If i may ask about your Kirby Viva Pinata AU (if not please ignore me) but does Meta Knight keep his wings after being unsoured? I imagine that would be a shock, especially if he just kind of launched towards something or someone threatening Kirby (or maybe someone fell out of a tree? Eh. Not my AU, I'm not in charge). Just one moment everyone thinks Meta Knight is mostly the same now that he's unsoured and then whoops! Wings are still very there. (I just. Have thoughts. Feel free to ignore me!)
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It is definitely a... major adjustment for both he and everyone on the island.
Especially since he hoped that being unsoured was just going to make everything the way it was before. The wings are a constant reminder of the worst of himself as well as making him wonder if he really is human anymore
Also the wings tend to just pop out the cape. He'll be stretching when sitting on Dedede's counter and the wings will pop out and he falls straight off
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
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some non-gijinkas of the vp au i drew 👉👈
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
Hi there! Sorry for bothering but do you have any plans for continuing the Kirby x Viva piñata series? It’s my favorite of your works and I’d love to see another part to it!
Tho if you don’t have any plans to continue it, could you pretty please give us some crumbs of lore? I’m so attached to the characters and the world lol
So far I don't have any! I love the AU and it's one of the personal favorites I've made, but I'm just not fixating on Kirby and so it makes it really hard to come up with anything new.
But yeah I can give some lore!
MK never really full heals. There's always some pain but he's learned to control himself again as well as express his emotions healthily.
Void Termina, the Mages, and Hyness all are on the island! They only show up after MK is unsoured, and turns out Kirby and Void know eachother! Neither of em say how or why lol
Elfilin and Elfilis end up joining as well! Though a bit later after the Jambastion famly. They're twins in this lol Elfilis is still a bit at cross about the whole island but Elfilin is very excited for this new life.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
what would your say the demon beasts in the kirby vp au look like? are they more like ones from the anime or are they more like the canon ruffians or are they more like original designs? would the demon beasts be piñatas too? and drop life candy?
Forgot to answer this! They’re basically weird pinata monsters, similar to the demon beasts in the anime. They wouldn’t be piñatas, more like sour amalgamations from scratch so no life candies
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
(tell me if all these asks are bothersome)
how big would you say the island in the au is? its big enough to have a desert AND a swamp AND a grassy/mountainous area AND a volcano, but not big enough to be a touristy place or part of any one country. also, whats the population of people on the island?
pretty damn big! it has multiple major areas, some with their own villages! The Dessert Desert and Pinartic for example. Its kind of an environmental enigma (writing this word has made me realize riddlers name is pun on enigma. edward nygma. god dammit. this is not related in anyway whatsoever but i need to share that) Also the reason its not touristy is because well. people just dont know about it. the reason it attracts people who so desperately want a second and better life is because they have to search DEEP to find it. 
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
so in kirby vp is galaxia still sentient?
Nah. Galaxia is just a glorified bashing stick in the vp au. its just not as sharp and really blunt since its more made for breaking open pinatas
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
ALSO, this is sour mk
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
i love the kirby vp au so much i started drawimg my own non-gijinka designs for the characters and ive never heard of vp until i saw this au and now im drawing sooooo many piñata animals even ones ive just made up and are not in the game. and question: im assuming dedede is not a king and sectonia is not a queen on piñata island, so is prince fluff still a prince? im askin because in the fics he still has "prince" in his name. also im glad to see sectonia being given an important role in fanworks besides just taranzas love interest. and are kine, coo, chuchu, nago, and pitch on the island?
He’s not really a prince, it’s just the name he chose for himself. Dedede also gave himself the title of King, but Sectonia doesn’t call herself Queen.
Also yeah! I headcanon Sectonia to be aro actually djdhsjsn
Also yes, they’re all here! Kine is kinda like the captain to some of the trading ships and is also the only way people get to the island. Coo delivers pinata eggs across the island so he’s basically Storkos’ role, and chuchu, nago, and pitch are on the island but I just haven’t thought of any roles for them. They’re most likely just regular gardeners
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
Shoutout to the poor people who still enjoy the vp au. I have one thing to say and it is that I’m so sorry I’m just dry on the ideas department for it
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
I hope you dont mind me asking, but i remember your viva pinata au from a couple of months ago, and i just wanted to know if you ever plan on continuing it cuz it was pretty interesting. i do get that interests in things die off tho so if not its all good ^o^
I still want to work on it! Just a bit lacking in the ideas apartment sadly
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