#kirby danganronpa friends and foes with stars above
ceoofmetagala · 11 months
Silly thing I drew based off the most recent free time event!!! Hope I understood well enough how everything looks kinda!
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Verin belongs to @the-chaos-axolotl
Dero (only a small doddle) belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
Chocomonio is mine!
This scene was based off the free time event with chocomonio in Danganronpa friends and foes with stars above by @ab--n !!
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ab--n · 4 months
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AAAANNNNDDD Kirby brainrot hitted me in full force.
So I've decided to join back into the kirby fandom (i guess.) I'm not really caring about the main series but everyones ocs that i love so much. So heres some news.
Dfafwsa will come back. Full of chapter one and investigation will happen. (I might rewrite some scenes.)
I'm still gonna post about my dangan ocs and danganronpa in general.
You'll see my kirby ocs soon.
I have two lores actually, one for dfafwsa and one for without it (this applies for lyx)
I hope you have a good day!
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cauliarty · 11 months
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Doodles of DR: Friends and Foes wit Stars Above!
OC credits:
Verin: @the-chaos-axolotl
Dolly: @ilikesillythingswooo
Archie: @george228732
Chocomonio: @ceoofmetagala
Dragon Knight: @smaaenart
Dero: @monsterhatdoodles
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ab--n · 10 months
Chapter 1: Shifting and Moping for Lost Hope part 1
After having less than the recommended number of hours of sleep, I went to tell DK my conversation with Chocomonio. Him obviously being concerned.
“So what you’re saying is that this ‘Chocomonio’ person told you that two rooms have vents that connect to each other. I supposed that makes sense. Dero and Celeernyx did mention a way of transportation…”
“Okay I’m getting tired DK, Who are these people?”
“Verin, calm down. They're also Participants.”
“Ugh, Yeah sorry. I just feel like absolute trash.”
So one day until the poison kicks in and kills everybody but us four…. Wait.. didn’t Monodoo say that two rooms will be unaffected?
“DK… are you aware of how many rooms there are?”
“At least four.”
“Two rooms will be spared of poison.”
“And we were put in groups of four… 16 in total”
As silence falls between me and DK. we’ve come to a horrible realization.
What if Monodoo makes us continue killing each other?
“HEY!!! Archie found something. Looks like a key! Come here, Dolly and Archie will be waiting!!” Dolly yelled, thank god she was here. Morale would have dropped much quicker if she wasn't.
“We’re coming!!... Come on DK”
“... I’ll be following.”
Without DK I ran to where Archie and Dolly were. As I looked over them I saw a red key. It looks off though, Like it was taken straight out of a children's book.
“I found it near the monitor, It appeared overnight.”
“Dolly can see that. It wasn't here yesterday.”
Maybe Monodoo put it there? But how can he get in here? I have too many questions and no answers.
 “Let's use the key already! Dolly wants out of here!”
“Dolly, please wait! For all we know it could be a trap!” Archie pleaded.
“Well we don't know if we dont try!!”  
“Fine… let's go to the door first.”
Archie,Dolly and Me went to the door locking us here. It really doesn't make sense, I mean a key looking like it was stolen from a cartoon can open an attack proof metal door?-
“….What?! How did it open?” I yelled.
“Look, Verin I don’t know either! The key looked really fake so I thought it was a trap!” Archie tried to explain
“Yay, The door opened! Wait for Dolly, Dolly will get Sir Dragon Knight!”
So… we are out? 
I turned my head as I saw 12? Maybe 10 more people come out of metal doors like ours, they must be the other participants.
“Okay! Dolly is back with DK! Hmm? Who are they?”
Suddenly DK pops out behind her.
“Those are the other participants Dolly, now if you will excuse me, I need to talk to somebody.”
"DK... Are you ok?" I questioned
"Yes, Now please leave me alone..."
I don’t know for sure… but DK is acting weird, I should leave him alone for now though. Maybe one of those guys that he mentioned wanted to talk?
Can I talk to Chocomoinio? I can see what it looks like now.
“Dolly, Archie. I also got places to be- Dolly, where’s Archie?”
“Archie went to Fylass, Dolly also wants to talk to someone soooo… Buh bye Verin!!”
And Dolly ran off, I wonder who does she want to talk to. But now’s not the time, I got to find Chocomonio!
As I traversed through the small crowd, then I heard a shout..
“Yo Veri! Where are you?” A familiar voice
“Choco? Is that you?” 
“Yep, and I’m right behind ya!”
Excited, I turned around quickly to see… a Yellow cat-like lady in a royal looking kimono, Not really what I expected…
“HI!!!!!!..Hmm? Oh ya fell for my facade? Wait let me turn back.”
Suddenly a blackish goo covered the lady and transformed into a small puffball with pink hair and lots of eyes…that are also pink.
“Here I am in all my glory! Sooo.. how’s it been going?”
“Not the best. I’m also confused… I mean did everyone get those weird keys?”
“Yeah, Techno found ours when she was on night watch. I have no idea where she is. I think she also switched ‘bodies’ with Lyx”
Man, there are so many names to keep track of. And why did Choco do air quotes when referring to those two guys switching bodies?
“Hey! while the more mature guys find out whatever is happening, wanna explore and talk to the others?”
“What about you Choco?”
“I’ma annoy Blossom with Dotty. Those two seem to hate each other, Weeeellll maybe only Blossom hates Dotty. Welp, I’ll be taking my leave now. See you later Verin.”
Okay, I’m a bit far behind the social game. I should introduce myself to the rest of the group-
“Hey! Rotten orange peel!” A girl a bit shorter than me ran up to me out of breath. She looks like Knuckle Joe. I wonder what he's doing right now.
“Have you seen a blind purple bat-like girl with a broken leg?” She seems desperate…
“Jill, please don't refer to the girl as ‘Rotten orange peel’!”
“I Don’t Give A Shit, Vibrato! I’m trying to find Bliees!”
I.. should leave these two to argue, I’ll go find others to introduce myself to.
Oof, sorry if this seems rushed. its been a stressful two months. part two will be coming soon I hope.
I think thats everyone, if I didnt tag you and your character is in this part then please dm me!
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ab--n · 1 year
Danganronpa: Friends and foes with stars above masterpost
Welcome one all to this little game i'm hosting! You might be wondering what is this nonsense? well let me explain!
Danganronpa: Friends and foes with stars above or DFAFWSA for short, is a killing game filled with my mutuals and people who I follow kirby ocs! Here are the rules!
.Rule #1: Participants must live at the Ultimate Mansion for the remainder of their foreseeable future.
Rule #2: Once a murder takes place, all surviving Participants must participate in a class trial.
Rule #3: If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
Rule #4: If the blackened manages to successfully get away, Everybody except the blackened will be executed and the blackened will be able to leave.
Rule #5: The victims and culprits will be mostly randomized. only 2 participants will survive?
Chapters will be split into parts.
Prologue One Fine Mansion
Chapter 1: Shifting and Moping for Lost Hope
Free Time with Chocomonio
(more will come!)
13/16 participants so far.
(I forgot to add this but if you want your kirby ocs to participate just dm me!)
Thank you @loaflovesdoodling @smaaenart @ilikesillythingswooo @george228732 @moon-mage @monsterhatdoodles @the-chaos-axolotl @camachine @ceoofmetagala and @cauli-flawa for making this game come true!
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ab--n · 11 months
dangaronpa kirby edition
Stars and executions are a match made in heaven.!
Fun fact, I wanted to ask you if Pleiades could participate, but I found the idea of Blossom dee in a death far more funnier!
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ab--n · 1 year
Danganronpa: Friends and Foes with stars above Prologue
One fine mansion
(quick author note blue mean Verins thoughts reacting to her surroundings not describing them, while orange means key info)
Do you feel REAL? Do you feel accomplished? Do you feel if you were just born in a different time and place, that everything would be slightly better? I felt like that for who knows how long. Maybe if I could just change something. If I could had just stop them, I would be better. Would the person who gave me this letter would know about this feeling.
As I looked at the letter one more time, I felt an aura that I can't really describe. There’s no time now, let's meet this person.
“Hm? Do you want to know more about me? Okay then… My name is Verin. I know, I’m a bit off. I would rather not overshare.”
“Someone gave me this letter when I came back for groceries. It says to come to the lily garden near the pond. It also says a specific time too… I’m worried frankly. That garden in particular is infamous… But it says that the mysterious person will help with any problem I have at the moment. Maybe just this once.”
As I look at the garden’s gate and with a moment of hesitation I fly them open. I took a step forward and was knocked unconscious.
Things can only get worse from here. 
I suddenly woke up on a metal floor with my left foot chained to the wall.
My senses were taken by a horrible smell and I scurried to get back on my feet. In my panic I did not realize the muffled sound from the other side of the room. When I did I saw someone familiar. Then they start talking. “ Ugh.. Hm? Who are you, may I ask?”
 “Me?.... Verin, call me Verin. Who are you?”
“You can call me Dragon Knight, or DK for short.”
We stand in awkward silence. Suddenly he took his hand and ripped the cuffs off. I was confused until I saw his hands,
Purple sharp claws… so that’s how he ripped them off so easily. I should ask him to do the same for me.
“Hey, can you cut mines too?”
“Sure, young one.”
After that was a slash and the sound of clicking of metal hitting the ground.
“Thanks! Also, quick question, do you know where we are, I haven't seen a place like this anywhere..”
“No, I haven't seen a place like this anywhere. But it looks like Shiver star. I wonder why that person took us here out of all places?”
“Wait! You got that message too?”
This is bad. It seems like this was planned. Wait… how does he know what shiver star looks like? I’ll ask about that later. 
“My letter wasn't originally mine… it belong to one of my children. I’m glad I took it to check it instead of being ignorant.” 
“Wait, what? Whoever was the sick person who brought us here tried to kidnap a child?”
Great! Even worse. Now I should be careful just in case. Who knows if the person who brought me and DK here wants to hurt us.. 
“I.. Really don’t know. Our main focus should be getting out of here.”
He’s right, and plus I don’t want my newly bought food to spoil.
DK seems to be investigating the room that we are in. This place is dark.
Other than the moss and rotting plants. Nothing seems to be of importance here in my side. Wonder if DK got any luck…
“ um.. Excuse me DK, but have you got anything so far?”
“ No, nothing in particular on my side except this.”
There was a poster on the wall that had writing that neither me or DK understands. DK, confused as I am, puts his hands on it. The poster, well now the hidden switch succumbs easily to the pressure.
As the room starts to shake one of the walls moves to show stairs up.
The stairs themselves looked much better than the rest of the room. 
“I did not expect that to happen. Verin, are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, What.. happened though?”
 “Turns out that the poster is a hidden button for this passageway. We have no time to lose so let’s go!”
With his voice covered in worry, Me and DK went up the stairs albeit carefully. After what felt like forever we got up the stairs only to find two more people coming out of a room of their own. 
A doll-like girl and a waddle dee with freckles. Both were surprised to see us. The former quickly got over it and skipped over to us, she then began to introduce herself.
“Hi! Dolly is happy to meet you! What are your two guys names?”
“My name is Dragon Knight, and this moth-like girl is named Verin. May I ask who that waddle dee is over there?”
“Hmm? Oh you mean Archie! Yes, that is his name! Archie was with Dolly when we were put into a ugly room! ”
As Dolly rambled on about how her and Archie got put into this situation, Archie is staring at a yellow monitor on a nearby pillar. DK caught wind of this and asked the kid about it.
“Hmm? Oh! I don't know why but I got a bad feeling about this thing. It seems off. I know this place is much better than down in those dungeons, but a high tech monitor in here looks out of place! Do you understand?”
“I do, but I doubt it’s something to worry about-”
DK got suddenly interrupted by the yellow monitor turning on. A care free voice starts talking.
“Check check one two three! Can everyone hear me? Yes? then perfect!”
The voice sounded like it had no worry in the world, But I can still hear malice from it. Does this voice belong to the same person who kidnaped us?
“Welcome freaks to this mansion! The ULTIMATE mansion! Sixteen participants are put in groups of four, and are trapped in these attack-proof rooms. And the only way out is to kill someone and get away with it! Boy isn’t that interesting and exciting!
The voice said that so nonchalantly, and so fast. It’s like this is they have said this millionth time. 
“Oh, and poison will slowly be put into the rooms, only two rooms will be free of it! No more poison will come when someone eventually kicks the bucket. Welp, that is the end of this introduction to the game! Monodoo out!”
I feel like everything’s going too fast, I feel like my consciousness is fading… maybe when I wake up, it will all be a weird dream. To kill or die, I hardly believe it.
i lied, today is the day that I'm done!
Thank you to those participating! character featured are...
Verin belongs to @the-chaos-axolotl
Dragon Knight belongs to @smaaenart
Dolly belongs to @ilikesillythingswooo
Archie belongs to @george228732
and thank you for reading! This is the first time i made fanfic so just tell me if I wrote one of these goobers out of character. I finished this early surprisingly, anyway. I hope you have a good day!
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ab--n · 1 year
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Our protag, antag and helper! Guess who is who.
Dragon knight belongs to @smaaenart
Verin belongs to @the-chaos-axolotl
Dero belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
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ab--n · 11 months
DFAFWSA Free Time: Chocomonio
It’s late at night for sure, but curiosity got the best of me. I can be killed easily but I saw DK and Archie using the microphone multiple times.
As I walk to the microphone at the other side of the room. I feel apprehension. Either way, I grabbed the mic and connected it. And waited.
It didn’t take long for someone to connect as well.
“HI!!! What’sa ya name?” The voice was startling but at this point I don’t care. “Verin, Verin’s my name, what about you?”
“My name’s Chocomonio! But you can call me Choco or anything really, but NO insults!”
This person is loud to be sure. But I needed something to wake me up.
“So… Chocomonio. Are you also trapped here?”
“Yeah, shame really. Just gotta brace for death.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“My room and a different room are connected by some vents. Dero somehow got into them and visited the other room. He later came back with a rope made of vines. And now we can freely go back and forth in between rooms. We assumed that’s where the poison is gonna leak out from.”
So Choco knows that it’s about to die. I feel bad, no, more like regret. I’m just getting to know this person and for it to just accept death like that makes me sick.
“Hm? Oh! Ya feel bad don’cha? Don’t worry! Once that robot girly finds an exit through the vents, we’ll meet in person!”
“Yeah I hope… Do you have at least an idea when you guys will find an exit?”
“Maybe a week or so. But we’ve been here for a day already… I bet by the third day Monodoo will release the poison.”
“Well, it was nice talking to you Choco. You sure do have a lot of energy.”
“Same for you except the ‘a lot of energy part’.”
“Wait I’ve got a ques-” I was interrupted by the sound of the microphones disconnecting.
I wonder who’s Dero? Choco mentioned him but never told me more…
Hi! Here's the Free time event for Chocomoino! This was fun to write! I hope I didn't write Chocomonio nor Verin ooc.
Characters featured are
Verin belongs to @the-chaos-axolotl
Chocomonio (and TK though mentioned) belongs to @ceoofmetagala
Dero (mentioned) belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
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ab--n · 1 year
Free time!
Three or so hours had past since the so called “Monodoo” informed us about our situation. I know that there’s nothing I can do. DK tested If Monodoo said about the rooms being attack-proof is true and unfortunately it is. Archie found a microphone so we can talk to the others in the other rooms. I don’t feel like sitting here and moping about this predicament.
(Hi guys N here! I'm green now. Free time is now in session! You guys can choose who to talk to for the time being. This can help with investigations and improving Verins relationships with the other participants. Free time only happens once a chapter so choose wisely. I will write their interaction too.)
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ab--n · 10 months
Hopefully I can get chapter one of DFAFWSA out next week, why are character interaction are so hard?
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ab--n · 11 months
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Here's a low quality ref for Jill and Bliees.
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ab--n · 11 months
Firstphasecompleted_secondphasestarting now_updatingtoversion2.450_personallifeupdatingtothatoflyx
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ab--n · 3 months
"BAD NEWS GUYS COMING FROM MONODOO! The three days are up and I wanted to y'know... put the poisonous gas in to the rooms but I accidently put the despair disease instead.. in gas form.."
"I can't really fix it so that goes that motive.. This killing game is a mess... Did someone get infected already?.."
"Fuck! I didn't expect that! Umm.. Monodoo news out!"
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ab--n · 1 year
The first part of the prologue for DFAFWSA will hopefully release next week. I'm just hoping school does not kick my ass.
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ab--n · 1 year
Dear @maraschino-fairy and @the-chaos-axolotl
Do you mind if I use your ocs for a danganronpa killing game?
I understand if you don't want to.
( and a letter to the people who already accepted, turns out I don't know that much people here. so once again, can I use two ocs instead?)
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