#kippys spoopy saturdays
kippykasey · 11 months
Double Trouble
Summary: Who knew a vampire, Freddie Kruger, and Ghost face could have so much fun?
Word Count: 1021
Characters: Sam and Colby and Reader
More spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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Halloween parties aren’t normally a thing you normally do. At lease not since you were younger. Now you are dragged along with your friend to not only a party but a block wide event. One house had a haunted ‘barn’ maze set up in the large side lawn. There was a whole garage decked out as a witch hut where the drinks were being stored and handed out. There was one house specifically set up to entertain the teens. A projector was set up playing the horror classics. Lights, music, smoke effects where everywhere. Which is probably how you lost your friend with in the first hour of arriving.
Your hand clutched onto your drink of choice as you slowly walked around trying to find your unaccounted for friend. You admired the different themes and the fancy technical displays. Every time you thought you seen them it just ended up being a stranger. After a while of looking you just gave up and sat on the edge of a stone wall between the projector set up and the road that was packed with people dancing.
Someone dressed in the black gown and hooded mask of Ghostface, calmly leaned against the wall next to you. “Waiting for someone?” The deep voice confirmed that this was most definitely a male.
Your head tilts to look over at him. “Nah I lost my friend already. Not really used to all this.” You gestured to the surrounding area with the hand holding your drink, the liquid swirling around.
“Well we can’t just let you sit on a wall all night like some kind of gargoyle. Colby.” He stands up straight, his arm draping over your shoulders as he holds up his hand.
You shook his hand and introduced yourself before Colby gives you a nudge to get off the wall. You get off your perch and were instantly guided through the crowd and towards the witch hut where you run into a blonde wearing a signature stripped shirt the recognizable burn scar mask tucked under his arm as he got himself a drink. “Sam I adopted a vampire.” Colby jokes making the blonde turn to look over with a smile.
You introduce yourself to Sam and he passes a drink to Colby who stepped away from you to remove his mask. With both of them not wearing a mask you recognized the two from their ghost hunting youtube channel. “I see why you’re wearing the masks.” You comment looking between them. They looked at each other before turning back to you.
The three of you head off to the side where some picnic tables were set up for the food that was available earlier. You sat around one of the tables each with your own drink. “So you recognized us huh?” Sam looked up at you as he sips his drink.
“Honestly now that I know its you I would have known Colby by his name and face alone but I thought it was a voice changer or something. Not to mention I don’t really know too many people with the name Colby. Realistically I would have overlooked what you guys but I was watching your videos while getting ready to come.”
Colby chuckled and you three talked for a while before agreeing to walk through the fake barn maze. There was a small line which allowed small groups no larger than 6 in at a time. Colby and Sam put their masks into the drawstring bag that was hidden under Sam’s costume as you waited and you all were able to toss your empty drinks in a garbage right before entering into near darkness.
A winding path greeted you three where between the two and a half winding corridors were four automated animatronics that provided a good jump scare before opening up into the first room. The red and yellow lit room was decorated with fake hanging body limbs with the center having a table with delimbed torso. Just as you got around the corner a female whimper drew your attention to a caged area where a disheveled girl was locked inside pleading for you to help her. As you moved closer a chainsaw roared to life behind you as a leather face dressed man charged out of the hidden corner chasing the three of you out of the room and into the next section.
As you made your way through the last 3 rooms you have been positioned somewhere between the two. You swear Sam jumped a foot off the ground when he was caught off guard at the last jump scare. Your thoughts were confirmed when you left and Colby began to laugh and called Sam out on it. From there the three of you bumped into each other as you walked on to the next thing you were off to do, which was carve some pumpkins which really just became a but if a mess of pumpkin guts that was tossed about your table until your group was asked to leave.
The two put back on their masks and you gladly took videos of them going around scaring poor people passing by. When your friend finally texts to meet up, you took a group picture with the two who were enjoying making trouble scaring people and sent it with the location to meet up. Sam and Colby hid them selves and waited until your friend arrived popping out and gave your friend a good scare before the three of you exchanged numbers agreeing to join them on a future ghost hunt before you left with your friend.
“Told you, you would have fun.” Your friend walks backwards, their phone out and up.
“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes seconds before your head is bunched between your shoulders from the flinching reaction of two ‘Boos’ on either side of you accompanies by a Freddy Kruger and Ghost Face masks.
You turn playfully hitting the laughing guys on the shoulders as the turn to scurry away.
“Trouble I tell you. They are trouble.” You comment turning to your friend with a large smile.
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kippykasey · 1 year
See No Evil
Summary: Reader decided to watch a horror movie while home alone... but what are those sounds?
Word Count: 1118
Characters: Reader and Sam Wilson
More Spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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The lights were off except for a distant hall light and the illumination of the flickering ending scenes on the TV. The fluffy, warm safety net of a blanket pulled up to my lips as to easily cover my face if the horror movie playing on the screen became too much or a jump scare accrued. The empty apartment that was shared between a few Shield members and myself, all of which were away on a mission at the moment, became the perfect backdrop for an overactive imagination to run wild with thoughts fueled by the movie on screen. In fact no one was really around which is why I foolishly decided to watch a horror movie which now made me nervous of what maybe hiding in the dark. As the credits were rolling, and the darkness of the apartment became all the more eerie for a someone being home alone.
Shadows were now playing tricks on my mind. Was there something now lurking in the darkness just beyond that open bathroom door? Were those eyes or just something reflecting the white flashes of names on the screen? Purging the room into darkness besides that one lone hall light. You are being ridiculous nothing is in the darkness. The soft padding of my socked feet was the only sound as I shuffled towards my bedroom pausing just long enough at the door to make sure it was locked before promptly shutting off the last light and scurrying down the hall to my room and quickly flicking on the light too nervous to say in darkness at the moment.
My body tensed and leapt into the air at the abrupt chime of the text tone coming from my phone. Giving my self a moment to calm down from the scare I move to the charging phone, poking at the dark screen to view the notification.
New message from Bird Brain Sam
Removing the charging cable from the phone, although it could reach, I lowered onto the bed and getting comfortably sitting against the headboard. Quickly entering the pin to unlock the phone to see the text received before replying myself.
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Minutes after the text was sent just barely starting to scan through a random social media app to distract my brain from scaring me with thoughts of the movie the phone in my hand began to ring. Answering the call with the phone now held up to my ear I couldn’t stop the small grin from forming on my face.
“Hey Sam-I-Am.”
“Well hello to you too angel. What are you doing up so late?” Sam’s chuckle was low, a clear indication of how tired he actually was.
“I may or may not have stayed up to watch a horror movie and now I can’t sleep.” I explained slowly a bit embarrassed to admit it to him.
His laugh met my ear and I let out a small whine. “Don’t laugh at me.” I pouted despite him not being able to actually see me.
“I’m sorry its just you’re home alone for the weekend, someone who is easily spooked, and decided to watch a scary movie?” Sam’s laugh was still evident in his voice as he explained himself needlessly to me.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up.” My sarcastic response lost its strength by a thumping noise coming from one of my roommates’ room.
Sam was snickering, trying to hide a laugh at my self inflicted misfortune. “Uh.. Sammy, how soon do you land?” My voice trembled as my eyes stared at the back of my closed door.
“Oh too scared to be alone now are you?” Sam teased. “We’re about to land.”
“Okay I’m scared but that’s not why I asked...there’s also some weird noises coming from Tara’s room.” My voice came out softer now as I listened closely to the shuffling like noise that started shortly after the initial thump.
I heard a rustle from Sam’s side of the call before his voice came through, this time much more alert
than it was before. “What do you mean you’re hearing noises?”
“I mean that there was a freaking thump and now there is like shuffling and I’m pretty sure I just heard something break.” I was now whispering as I moved silently off my bed to be farther away from the door.
“Angel are you positive that this isn’t just your brain playing tricks on you?” He had his serious business voice on now and it made me worry.
“I promise this is not to do with the the horror movie. Sam I really think someone is in the house.” I stressed in a hushed voice.
There was near silence on the other end before a small click in which I thought he had hung up. The moment of fear at the thought of him hanging up caused my heart to race. “I’m on my way, angel.” Sam’s voice sounded slightly different and then there was the rasping sound of wind.
Beyond the bedroom door there was another clatter of things falling to the floor. “How long Sam?”
“Not long. I see your apartment building already. I’ll fix the balcony door.” The last comment was a bit confusing but I didn’t have long to ponder on it before I heard a scrapping or scratching noise.
A few moments passed before I heard foot steps in the hall. Then there was Sam’s laugh cutting through not only the phone before the call ended but down the hallway. “Angel the course is clear.” His voice called with a teasing tone which confused me.
Getting up I exited my room to see the hall light on illuminating Sam in his suit at the other end. His arms folded to his chest cradling a white ball of fur. “The culprit has been caught with their paws up.” Sam jokes glancing at me then back down at the cat in his arms to give it a good scratch behind the ears.
“A cat?” I pout looking at the reason for all the fear and noises I had just dealt with. Moving closer to Sam I got a better look at the white cat that didn’t belong to either of my roommates but wasn’t unfamiliar either. “Why is Alpine here?” I sigh as Sam set Bucky’s cat back on the ground.
“Beats me, but a cat causing trouble shouldn’t sound like a human breaking in. No more scary movies before bed Angel.” Sam resisted the urge to smile as he scolded me. I rolled my eyes in response as he kissed my temple.
“Now since I’m here, how about some late night hot chocolate?” Sam raised an eyebrow with a grin.
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kippykasey · 1 year
Smile to Remember
Summary: Taking your daughter trick or treating helps forget about the divorce but so does that smile.
Word Count: 1042
Character: Reader (might be suggested to be F), Reader's daughter, Dean
More Spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturday's
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The halls were bare. The house wasn’t decorated like the other homes on the street for the scary holiday. Maybe it was because this house was not yet a home. No, it was filled with what little was left after the crushing divorce for someone you had shared years with and started a family with. The child, your darling little girl, was for once not wearing the normal frown on her face that had become such a normal sight during the duration of the divorce. No, for once she was a ball of sunshine as excitement bubbled out of her. After all she was about to drag her mother to every house in the neighborhood. The same neighborhood that you had grown up in and attended high school in.
Your daughter skipped over to where you sat on the floor working on fixing the tiara that she accidentally broke by putting her princess costume on too early. She plopped the cheesy, purple witch hat onto your head.
“Is it done yet mommy? I see kids outside.” She asks rocking on the balls of her feet.
You look up at the clock on the wall to see it was only four minutes passed the start time of the local trick-or-treating time. It was going to be a long night, you deemed at once in that moment. Yet you would do anything for your girl so walking around the fake grave yard, spider web infested, overpriced Halloween decorated homes to get her some candy that you couldn’t budget in at the moment, well it just seemed worth it all the more.
“Almost. Go put your shoes on and get your bag for the candy.” You tell the girl as you hold the pieces in place so the glue sets.
The girl runs off and returns as you get off the ground. Together you make your way out of your small home, a house you remembered to once belong to a nice old woman with a beautiful garden. You guided your little girl up and down the sidewalks, to and from homes, and knocking on doors when she got too shy to do so herself.
Maybe an hour into walking the neighborhood you reached the house that your parents once owned and keeled down to your little girl. “This is the house mommy lived in when she was little. You know that little scare on my arm? I got it from falling out of that tree right there.” You point to the tree in the front yard that currently was wrapped in fake spiderwebs with plastic spiders hanging from the branches.
“You lived here? Whoa!” The little girl grinned and then swiftly pulled you up the walkway of the house. The home now was owned by a young couple and they had a dog that your daughter eagerly asked to pet, forgetting about the candy.
As you entered the opposite side of your neighborhood your mind drifted to memories of a bright smile, green eyes, and a black Impala. Your daughter surprisingly was not yet tired, or maybe it was the beginning of a sugar high. She was skipping along next to you pointing to housed she wanted to go to.
“Alright princess,” You sighed to your self the day starting to weigh on you. “Time to head on home.”
Your daughter instantly began to whine. “Not yet. One more, please? Pretty please mommy.” She looked up at you with wide eyes and a pouted lip, her hands clasped together.
You smile slightly and nod your head. “Okay. But only one more. We still have a long walk back home.”
The bright smile spread across the little girls face as she grabbed your hand and quickly dragged you up the narrow path up to the porch of the next home that was decorated simply with carved pumpkins, scarecrows, and orange lights. As you look up at the house there was something familiar about it that tickled the back of your memories but just didn’t register. Your daughter readied her bag as you reached out and knocked on the door. The door opened prompting the ‘trick-or-treat’ to come out of your little princess.
However your eyes locked onto the man who opened the door, a bright crooked grin and shining green eyes. The same eyes and smile that you always think about when you think about the very town you now live in. The same eyes and smile that got you to say ‘yes’ to prom. The eyes and smile of Dean Winchester.
“Well if it isn’t Dean Winchester.” You greet internally cringing at how surprised you sound at seeing him.
“Good to see you too, baby. And what does this little princess want? Chocolate? Skittles?” He chuckles lowly turning from you to your daughter holding out the cauldron of dwindling candy for your daughter to choose from. Your daughter choose her Twizzlers, dropping them into her bag of candy.
“What do you say dear?” You nudge her shoulder glancing at Dean who had yet to drop that breathtaking smile, did he know what it did to you, even after all this time?
“Thank you sir.” The little girl smiled up at him and he dramatically bowed to her.
“You’re welcome your majesty. Would Mother witch like something?” Dean stood back up turning his attention back towards you.
“No thank you.” You shook your head, if you want candy you can always take something from your daughter’s later.
“How about coffee, and a ride in the Impala?” The way he tilted his head, rose an eyebrow just slightly as he tucked the candy cauldron under his arm it brought a smile to your face.
“You drive a hard bargain Winchester. Come by Ol’ Mrs. Roes tomorrow for some hot chocolate and maybe we can have that car ride.” You suggest as you slowly walk backwards with your daughter pulling on your arm.
Dean’s smile was on your mind for the walk home. The same smile that gave you butterflies leaving you feeling like a little kid again. The same smile that was just what you needed to remind you of the happiness left in the world. Or the right person and maybe finally the right time.
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kippykasey · 2 years
Trick or Treating
Summary: Bucky goes Trick or Treating with you and your son SJ (Sammy James).
Word Count: 1415
Characters: Bucky, F!Reader, SJ (Reader's son)
Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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The week leading up to Halloween was always a bit of a struggle in your home. Between hiding the trick or treat candy to keeping SJ from wearing his costume. Thankfully you weren’t alone this year. Bucky was here, so he was tasked with hiding the candy but you had a strong feeling he snuck pieces to you son. 
You still remember the look of excitement that SJ wore when he asked you to help him with his costume of choice. You spent many late nights working to get the costume just right. Bucky's curiosity rose every time you shooed him off to the bedroom, after all SJ wanted it to be a surprise.
When SJ tried his costume on for the first time it nearly brought tears to your eyes. 
"Do you think Bucky will like it, ma?" He looked back at you from where he stood in front of your mirror admiring the costume. 
"I'm sure he will love it, Sammy." You nod your head before helping him take it off before Bucky got home. In full honesty you had no idea how Bucky would take the costume but after coming home to SJ wearing his dog tags he had grown soft when it came to the kid.
“Looks like the old man three blocks over went all out decorating this year. His house looks like a creepy manor in the middle of a graveyard.” Bucky comments as he watches you write out the 'take one' sign for the bowl you are leaving out for trick or treaters.
“He always goes all out. Sam normally gets tired before we reach his house but he does splurge and hand out the full size candy bars.” You explain putting the cap back on the marker.
"Do you think he'll make it this year?" Buck asked, leaning against the counter. "For sure. Can you put this with the candy bowl? I'm going to go help SJ get into his costume.
Bucky took the sign and went to put it outside, the candy would be added to the bowl as they left.
He sighed as he looked at a picture of SJ from last Christmas, the kid curled up with his new Spider-Man plush.  Bucky shook his head and almost wondered how SJ would react if he invited Peter over (in uniform of course). Bucky was silent as he rotated the left shoulder. Ever since his new arm was detached mid fight with the Dora Milaje he had been uncomfortable with it. He worried that something would happen. Not to mentioned he still on occasion flinched away from touching you or when you touched it. He had reverted back to long sleeves and a glove to cover it up, much to your disappointment.
His mind blanked twenty minutes later when Samuel James ran down the steps calling for him. The small boy's grin wide across his face as he looked up at Bucky. The dark blue leather jacket with a removed sleeve on the left showed off a custom, detailed sleeve that seamlessly transitioned into a matching glove that matched the metal arm on his side.
Bucky looked up at you and you caught the hint of pain in his eyes that were clouded in confusion. Buck looked back down to your son, lowering himself down to one knee.
"Do you like it?" SJ questioned, raising his left arm up proudly. "We match!" Buck nods his head looking from the nearly perfect match up to the boy's eyes.
"What happened to the Spider-Man costume?" Bucky was certin the boy would have chosen the other costume, who would want to dress like him any way?
"He's cool, but I wanted to be like you." Your son lowered his arm still smiling at the older man.
"Because you're my hero." The statement brought tears to Bucky’s eyes as he pulled your son into his arms. The two hugged for a moment while Bucky blinked away the tears in his eyes.
"You do like it right?" Sammy's voice was soft, now unsure what Bucky thought of his costume.
"I love it kid. Perfect my superhero." Bucky smiled pulling the gloves off his hands and tossing them onto the table as he stood back up.
You wipe your eyes and finally step forward. "You boys ready to go?" Sammy grins and runs off to grab his bucket.
Bucky turns to you with a lovesick look in his eyes as they glisten with unshed tears. You move closer to him and press your lips to his cheek. "Come on White Wolf. We have a child to escort trick or treating."
SJ was dragging you and Bucky out of the house to begin collecting his treats. Your three man team ended up joining with the two other families on your street to make a team of five adults manning a total of seven children. Bucky proudly kept his hands out of his pockets and when he got the urge to hide his metal hand it was as if Sammy knew because the boy would run up and grab ahold of it. Bucky would joke with the only dad that had joined their group but his eyes were always focused on SJ and his blue jack o'lantern bucket.
The first time SJ received a Three Musketeer he ran over to Bucky holding it out to him. “Bucky! I got your favorite!” Bucky smiles down at the boy and nods his head, “Awe, look at that. I’m jealous.” SJ puts it into his bucket and pulls out Bucky’s hand, which had subconsciously slid into his pocket, out to hold so they could cross the street.
“Don’t worry, I’ll share some with you.” SJ promised as he held onto the slightly warm metal hand that had been tucked away momentarily.
It never ceased to amaze Bucky how unfazed by it the child was. He looked over his shoulder to make sure you were still there to find you following holding the youngest child in the group, a two year old little girl dressed as a ladybug. He smiled over at you and you smiled back before turning back to one of the moms to continue the conversation you were in. 
After finishing the second block the two moms that had joined, bid there goodbyes and headed home with their kids who were already tired. You moved to Bucky’s side where he was still with the lone father, Dean, and his two kids. Dean's youngest ran up to him and hugged his leg. “It’s the scary house daddy.” 
Indeed the most decorated house in the neighborhood was coming up. The eerie lighting and creepy sound effects were nice added touches in the eyes of the adults but to the young kids it was definitely creepy.
You stood expectedly waiting for SJ to tell you he’s ready to go home the closer you got to the decorated house since he looked scared by it but he stopped and looked up at you and said he was ‘strong like Bucky’ and kept on going. As Dean’s oldest ran to the creepy house the two younger kids stopped and looked at it. Dean’s youngest quickly ran to hide behind him as an animatronic ghost popped up from behind a gravestone. 
SJ slowly backed up and walked over to Bucky. Bucky crouches down to be more eye level with the boy. “What’s up, squirt?” He tilts his head slightly. SJ glances back at the house watching Chris’ oldest come back with the full size candy bar. 
“I’m scared..” SJ whispered so only Bucky could hear. “Would you go with me? L-like your my partner?” SJ looks back at Buck who simply nods his head. SJ lifts his arms as a silent request to be carried.
The metal arm wrapped around the boy’s legs lifting him up. The two made their way up the walkway. You watched in awe as it seemed like your son was no longer bothered by the decoration or noises with Bucky there with him. Buck set him down at the door so he could pick out his reward. Then the two walked back over. SJ lifted his face revealing the huge grin he was wearing. 
“Mommy look! I did it!” You smile and congratulate him. Buck returned to your side as SJ ran off to the next house. “Thank you for going with him.”
“I would do anything for that squirt, he's my hero.”
Author Note: Lil fun fact. Sammy was actually going to be dressed as Spider-Man but after a certain ask that matched way too well I decided to edit the fic a bit. 💙
Hope you liked it @itsmeatballworld !
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kippykasey · 2 years
Carving Time
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Word Count: 1164
Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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Halloween, it was going to be your first holiday together. After meeting each other by complete accident in the park when an adorable dog accidently tripped you while chasing a tennis ball. Four weekend coffee hangouts later and Chris was asking you out to dinner. Dinner went so well that now you two have been together for nearly 2 months, despite his busy schedule. 
When Chris called to invite you over this weekend you expected a quiet evening in watching Hocus Pocus together or maybe dinner with his brother. Yet when you arrived, letting yourself in with the key he gave you to care for Dodger while he was gone, the first thing you noticed was the smell of warm apple cider. Dodger ran to the door to greet you.
You kneeled down to pet the happy pup before taking off your coat and shoes, leaving your overnight bag near the stairs. Chris leaned out of the doorway to the kitchen with a smile. “Hey beautiful. Hope you brought your creative brain with you.” His comment brought a smile to your face as well as a small hint of confusion.
“Chris, I’m a blogger not an artist.” You walked into the kitchen where Chris had tucked back into. Chris was near the stove peeking into a large stock pot. “Are you making apple cider?” The grin was clear in your voice but Chris already had the image in his mind before he even glanced your way with a boyish grin. “Why yes it is. My mom sent me the recipe after a certain phone call you two had.” 
You hid your small laugh behind your hand as you remembered the mentioned call. Lisa had called you on Monday to see if you would be around for Thanksgiving as she was trying to get a head start on planning. The call quickly morphed into the two of you talking about fall in general and eventually to how you prefer apple cider in the fall and hot cocoa in the winter. 
“Your mom is so sweet.” Chris moved away from the stove to finally give you the greeting hug and kiss on the forehead that he always welcomed you with. “Oh, but that’s not all sweetheart.” He chuckled, lacing his fingers through yours, leading you into the dining room. The chairs were pushed back against the wall, the table was covered in a plastic tablecloth, and two pumpkins sat on either side of the table with two large bowls in the center along with an array of carving utensils. 
“So this is what you meant by bringing my creative brain.” You laugh walking over to the table and looking at the two pumpkins before pointing to one of them. “I want this one.” You took claim of the chosen pumpkin giving it a loving pat as you looked over at your boyfriend who nodded his head. “That’s fine. I even pulled out an old t-shirt for you to wear.” With an incline of his head he jutted his chin in the direction of where an old worn out New England Patriots t-shirt was draped over the back of one of the chairs.
Grabbing the shirt you pass Chris on the way to the bathroom to change, leaving a peck on his cheek as you do. Chris brought his laptop into the room propping it up on the half wall between the dining room and kitchen. You returned to see him scrolling through a list of movies looking for something to play in the background. You lean over to look which just cued Chris to wrap his arm around your waist. “Any requests? I was hoping to save Hocus Pocus for after.” You hummed and pointed to another classic, Beetlejuice. 
As the movie began in the background you both moved over to your pumpkins. Chris slides a marker over to you so you can plan your design before the carving starts. Chris was going for a classic jack o’lantern face while you did something a bit different. With the plan drawn on the pumpkin you both reached for the small carving knife that comes in the store bought carving kits. It quickly came to notice that the small carving knives provided would not be good enough and Chris went to retrieve a few kitchen knives. 
“Chriiiiis,” you drug out his name and batted your eyes when he looked over to you. “Can you cut the whole in the top? I’m struggling.” He chuckled before grabbing the knife he used to cut the top of his pumpkin over before moving over to cut along the line drawn out. It was a bit tough to get the first cut done but he didn’t struggle nearly as much as you were. 
With the tops off your pumpkins you both began to clear the guts and seeds out of the pumpkins. The guts going into a bowl for trash and the seeds going in another to be roasted later. In effort to get the sticky slime of the innards off your hand you accidentally flung some at Chris who dramatically gasped as the orange pulp hit his face. He looked over at you as you tried to smile apologetically but to him it came across as innocent. 
Your loving boyfriend wasn’t buying the ‘innocent’ act and flicked his covered fingers at you. You squealed, raising an arm to try and shield your face from the attack. The wet pumpkin innards hit your arm and from there it was a mini war between you two. Laughing as the two of you playfully flung the pumpkin guts at each other. The commotion even caught the attention of a sleeping Dodger who came to bark at the two.
Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close, putting an end to your little battle. You reach up to wipe his face clear as you giggle. He leans down pressing his lips to yours. The two of you pulled a part and went back to carving your pumpkins. When you finished carving you worked together to clean up before going to take showers. Chris let you use his since that was where your things were and he went to use the guest bath. 
All cleaned and showered, the two of you returned downstairs. Dodger lifted his head to look at you both. Chris got two mugs of the finished apple cider and you made up some popcorn for your movie. As you waited for the popcorn Chris went to start a fire in the fireplace right under where the tv was displayed.  You brought in the bowl of popcorn, settling into your spot on the couch. Chris joined you, pulling you into his side. Dodger upped up onto the couch next to you, his head laying in your lap.
The fire crackled softly, the warmth and glow complimenting the movie playing. Hocus Pocus played as the two of you enjoyed your October evening together. 
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kippykasey · 2 years
Dare to Enter
Summary: Trying to fit in after moving to New Eden comes with some tricks.
Word Count: 1550
Characters: Reader, Duke Dugan
Authors Note: This fic takes place in the Battle Scared Universe created by @darke15 . Duke Dugan and Amma are her original characters.
Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays Masterlist
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Moving to a new town and trying to fit in was always difficult but moving to a new town during Halloween season? That is just a recipe for trouble. Your dad had grown up in New Eden, so moving back to the small town wasn’t really shocking. However, the gossip mill was quick to learn that your dad had become quite the drunk in his time in the city. Maybe that is why you received judgemental looks while trailing after the ‘cool’ kids.
Your first weekend in town you were dared to steal some candy from Amma’s shop. She caught you before you even left the aisle. That sten look she wore as she simply stated, “You better be paying for those.” You were quick to back track and slip a few dollars onto the counter to pay quickly before running out of the store. 
The second weekend, you and the group were running through the store again. They were taking a few things however you tucked enough money to cover the cost into a display box on your way out. You didn’t need anyone calling your dad and seeing just how intoxicated he was when not working. 
When Halloween weekend finally arrived you and the group of 3 other teens went around tricking people. Did you feel bad? Sure but it was all just fun and games right? Smashing pumpkins, scaring small kids by wearing scary masks. Typical teenage kids right? This was normal. 
Breaking and Entering? Not so normal.
“I dare you to go inside.” The oldest of the teens turn to you. Your group had stopped towards the outer edge of the town where one of the few non decorated homes was. The house was completely dark. There wasn’t a car in the driveway. No signs of there being someone actually living in the house at all. The grass was a bit overgrown. The mailbox was knocked over needing repair. The eerie feel of the house mainly came from how run down and abandoned it looked.
“Are you sure this place is haunted?” You questioned, not fully believing the story she was told. Your eyes scanned the windows of the upper floor for any unnatural movement. Behind you out of sight the three hide their snickers and egg each other on. “Oh yeah! But nobody is brave enough to ever investigate the crying noise from the basement.” One of the boys explain casually.
“So, are you going to do it or are ya chicken?” The oldest smirked. You were no chicken so you snatched one of the flashlights from them and head towards the lone open window, or maybe it was broken and wouldn’t close. Either way you were able to climb into what appeared to be a living room but all the furniture was covered by sheets. 
The dim golden glow of the flashlight panned across the room. There was a musty smell that almost smelt like fresh paint. Finally you began walking further into the house towards the kitchen. Most basements were connected through the kitchen right? The kitchen was a mess. The cabinets were broken, almost looked like someone was in the middle of remodeling before they vanished. 
A dusty box was on the counter labeled ‘kitchen plates’. A soft squeak in the otherwise silent house drew your attention towards the pantry where a field mouse ran through making you jump as it scurried passed. “It’s just a mouse. You get them at home.” You muttered softly to yourself. Walking further through the kitchen your foot kicked a metal pail sitting near the basement. The clattering made you jump to the side and swoop the flashlight beam down to see what you kicked. Shaking your head you continued down the stairs of the basement, the door had been wide open. More boxes and crates lined the walls. Farming tools, model plains, car parts, Hawaiian shirts. Wait a second.. You walked over to the shirt that was hanging out of a fairly new box filled with other tropical patterned shirts. Those didn’t exactly look spooky.
You were walking farther back into the basement when you froze under the eerie creak of screen door hinges. The floor creaked slightly under the heavy boot steps, none of the other teens were wearing boots. You quickly shut the light off afraid of drawing attention and quickly backed up towards the wall. You trip over a fallen crutch falling backwards knocking a crate over and landing hard on a metal disk, you assumed it was a saucer sled. 
The boot steps got louder, they were on the steps and way too real to be a stupid ghost. A jingle of a pull string and a click was all it took before the basement filled with artificial light that made you blink. Merely five feet away staring down at you was a man, a live and definitely not dead man. 
“Trick or treat?” You hesitated with a soft smile.
“What the hell are you doing in my basement kid?” He asked, crossing his arms, staring you down. His eyes stayed locked on you as you pushed yourself up off the ground glancing at the black disk you had fallen onto. 
“It was a stupid dare.” You muttered looking down.
“Uh huh.” He crossed his arms waiting for more of an explanation.
“Look, Pete and Trish were saying that this place was haunted and then Elliot dared me to go inside or I was a chicken. I can’t be a new kid and a chicken that’s just like social suicide. Just please, please don’t call my dad.” You rambled out an explanation instantly hoping you don’t get in trouble with your dad, he tended to yell more when he’s been drinking.
The man rolled his eyes as you listed the three delinquents you had been hanging out with. “Why am I not surprised? Come on.” He led the way back upstairs leaving the light still on. The lights in the rest of the house were still out but you could now see the light from the barn in the back, that must have been where he was.
“Can you scream?” He randomly asked. Your head whipped over to face him looking confused. “Look, those kids are probably going to sneak in here in about a minute to try and scare you. Now if you want to get them before they get you, I suggest you scream.”
Your mouth dropped open slightly as you realized what he meant. They were playing a prank on you. You took a breath. He leaned against one of the kitchen counters. You let out a scream that sounded like a terrified wail to the three kids still standing around out front of the place. The man went back out the back door picking up a chainsaw that seemed to be perfectly positioned. The saw roared to life with a single yank on the pull string start. 
“Let’s get out of here!” You could hear Elliot yell at the other two. Peering out the window you could see the man run down the driveway at the kids with the chainsaw raised. You couldn’t stop the laugh that fell from your lips. You stood in the dark kitchen waiting for him to return to apologize once again before you left.
The chainsaw turned off and you heard his boots again. The door creaked open and he stood in the doorway. “Come on kid, let's get you home.” You silently nod. He was taking you home so he could talk to your dad. Lovely. 
“I’m really sorry mister..” You stopped realizing you didn’t even know what to call him. “Dugan. Duke Dugan. You’re Joey’s kid right?” You nod with a small hum to answer him. You didn’t expect him to walk you home though. Not like it was a long walk, a block or two. It was silent though besides the shuffle of your dragging feet.
The sight that you were greeted with wasn’t the best either. Duke and you were greeted by your dad passed out on the front porch with a bottle of Jack Daniels with but barely a shot left barely clutched in his hand. “Uh is this normal?” He asked with concern in his voice. You managed a hum walking up to the house grabbing the bowl of leftover candy and bringing it over. 
“Yeah dad has a bit of a problem but we’re working on it. Sorry again for breaking into your house Mr. Dugan. Here you can have the rest of our candy.” You offered hopening to sweeten him up into not talking to your dad. 
“Don’t mention it. I was a kid once.” He sighed and moved past you to your dad. Duke didn’t wake him though, he lifted the drunk man up and moved him into the house. The house was more of a double wide trailer and seemed to be pretty disorganized besides the carefully hung halloween decorations. 
“Look kid, if you ever need anything come find me okay? No more taking dares to enter homes. You could get shot that way.” You simply nod your head watching as Duke begins to leave. He was just at the bottom of the driveway when he turns back around. 
“Happy Halloween kid!”
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kippykasey · 2 years
Spider Spook
Summary: (Sequel to Just Scare Him a Little) Peter asks sugar to help him get revenge on Sam and Bucky.
Word Count: 1477
Characters: Sugar(Reader), Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
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Peter off to the side of the decorated garage. The annual VA sponsored Haunted house had expanded to now include a garage room that was purely to be used as a ‘horror teenage hangout’ as the older staff called it. Sugar was instructing some of the crew who were installing black lights while also observing the slide training going on. She spotted Peter standing off to the side waiting for her, the two had agreed to go over a project that Peter had for school.
“What are they doing exactly?” Peter inquired when the girl got close enough to hear him. She smiled and turned towards the two male actors sliding across the concrete with such velocity you could see sparks every now and then. 
“Well I had an idea after watching how Buck’s hand sparks against the concrete. Not to mention it fits with the black light and neon of the room. 
“Have you done that?” She nods at his question and wraps an arm around him to move over towards a table. “Yeah, let's just say my knees did not appreciate all the drops while testing different knee pads.” She laughs and turns her attention towards the younger male. “Now tell me about this project.”
He shuffled a bit before checking on his watch. “So, I might have lied about it being for school. I kinda want to scare Bucky and Sam.”
The woman leaned forward, a wicked grin sliding onto her face. “Oh. Dear, Parker, please continue.”
It had been nearly two weeks since Sam and Bucky had been in the tower. Between meetings and missions the two had been busy. However they dropped everything after receiving a strange video from Bucky’s sweet love.
The video started like a normal check in call. Sugar was walking around the dimly lit garage at the tower. She was most likely arriving home from a late night at the VA. 
“Hey, Buck. Just wanted to check in and see how…” She trailed off looking around after an audible metal clang could be heard somewhere in the background. Her head turned left and right as she panned the area around her for anything out of place. Her attention focused back on the phone in her hand as she walked towards the door. Her car was now visible in the background behind her. 
“Anyway, I was calling to see how you were doing and when you would be getting home.” Behind her, lowering from the ceiling was a black mass. It wordlessly dropped onto the roof of her car before the video feed glitched, a common occurrence due to the bad reception in the garage. When the video came back there was nothing in the background. 
Sugar entered the lobby for the elevator as she went on to talk about going to visit Sarah and the kids for Halloween. Slowly a black, inky, looking mass rose up just enough to peek over her shoulder. A hand with long slender, boney fingers rose up. The black hand waved before brushing at Sugar’s hair. 
Feeling something touch her hair, Sugar turned to look but the black thing was now on the opposite side and outside of the glass window separating the lobby and the garage. The ding of the elevator drew Sugar’s attention back forward. “I think I’ve been spending too much time at the haunted house. I feel like someone’s wat-” She entered the elevator as she spoke, her words being interrupted by a blood curdling scream when she turned around. Her phone fell from her hand and faced the ceiling of the elevator before static took over. The boney hand reached over the camera ending the video.
Bucky raced back to the tower to look for his girl. Sam went down to the garage and Bucky went up to the apartment. Both were still fully dressed in their suits from their mission. When they called for Friday on arrival they got no response, alarming but Tony did mention needing to do some updates to the system and the AI would need to reboot.
Sam entered the garage, his eyes scanning every inch of the room. The lights were dimmer than usual and there was one lone flickering light, coincidentally right over Sugar’s car. He moved over towards the car. He stood next to the vehicle inspecting it for any trace of temperament of anything out of place, but besides the empty coffee cups littering the floor of the back seat nothing was out of the ordinary.
Too busy peering at the car, Sam didn’t notice the black boney hand slowly reach out from under the car. The hand wrapped around the man’s ankle. Sam jumps back as the arm quickly shoots back under the car. Sam quickly bends to peer under the car but sees nothing but darkness as the lights in the garage turn off. 
There was a low throaty laugh that seemed to echo off the walls. There was a brief sound of rushed foot steps before scrapping was heard. Sparks on the floor flew in Sam’s direction before a flurry of sparks hit the nearby support column. Sam quickly chased after the sparks. When the lights flickered on he was standing in front of the elevator doors as they closed. A black, inky figure inside slowly waving its boney fingers at him. The doors closed and the elevator began to climb. Sam ran towards the stairs.
Meanwhile, Bucky stormed into the floor he shared with Sugar. He searched for her, calling her name. Her things weren’t there but there was a black slime, coating items in the kitchen. The lights turned off leaving just the emergency lights on. Bucky slowly reached for his gun holster but quickly found that the weapon wasn’t there. His head quickly spun to see the weapon attached to the wall with a black substance similar to the goo in the kitchen. He went to try and grab the weapon off the wall but it wouldn’t move, not even with his metal hand.
His attention was drawn to the living room by a high pitched giggle. In the center of the living room crouched in a stance similar to Black Widow’s action pose, was the black thing from the video. The head tilts, a hand raised and the fingers slowly move in a wave. Bucky moved to swing at the black creature when it scurried to the wall and began to climb up it. The creature was able to run right by Bucky along the wall. The creature then moved onto the ceiling where it disappeared into the darkness of the rafters, where Barton liked to hide on occasion. 
The door to the stairway slammed open as Sam ran in. Bucky looked at him confused before they both turned to the elevator dinging on arrival. The doors opened and no one was in the elevator. The two men looked up checking the security exit to find it still in place. They looked at each other. “This is because you touched that freaking voodoo doll in Louisiana.” Sam points at Bucky turning around and quickly repeatedly hitting his partner on the shoulder until Bucky turned as well.
On the opposite end of the hall stood two black inky figures that seemed to be mirrored. One stood from the ceiling and the other on the ground. The two in synchronized movement tilt their head and wave at the two avengers before the figure on the ceiling lowered to the floor.
“Having fun?” A wild cackle came from the end of the hall.
Sam looked like he was about to shove Bucky in front of himself to escape. Bucky himself was maybe a bit freaked out but that quickly vanished at the sound of the voice.
“Damn it, Sugar, what the hell?”
Peter and Sugar broke out in laughs. The two inky figures doubled over as they let out laughs. “Did you see Sam’s face?” Peter wheezes as he ends up leaning against the wall, pulling the faceless black mask off. Sugar nods as she pulls the mask from her head, hair going a bit everywhere from the static the mask caused. “Oh that was too good.”
“The hell?!” Sam shouts as he realizes that there was not an attack, just two humans pulling a prank.
“You had me scared out of my mind, Sugar.” Bucky frowns walking over towards her.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I just wanted to help Pete get you guys back for last year. It was good though, wasn't it?” She grinned up at him, mischief still gleaming in her eyes as she looked up at her super soldier boyfriend who still looked relieved to see her okay.
“Ha. Ha. So funny kid.” Sam muttered, pushing Peter’s shoulder as he tried to hide how spooked he still was by the prank.
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kippykasey · 11 months
Hey y'all unfortunately Bloody Mary, this Saturday's post for Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays will be late as I am on vacation and forgot to transfer it from my computer to a tumblr draft.
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kippykasey · 1 year
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[It's coming back. are you ready? October 7th at 8pm cst Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays returns with all new spoops of the softer variety enjoy]
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kippykasey · 1 year
Me realizing its spooky season and I haven't started planning for Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays 2023 yet.
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I only have 87 days to start planning and writing.
Also... does anyone want to see anything specific in this year's Spoopy Saturdays?
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kippykasey · 2 years
Axe Man
Summary: Alexa goes to a haunted attraction with Lemar, John, and Olivia.
Word Count: 910
Characters: Alexa Walker, John Walker, Olivia, Lemar Hoskins.
Authors Note: This little blurb litterally just came to me with in the last 6 hours. So it might be a bit of a mess but I thought it was a cute little side back story for Alexa and John Walker.
Kippy’s Spoopy Saturdays Masterlist
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Going to a haunted house with John, Olivia, and Lemar wasn’t exactly what I expected to be doing a week before Halloween but I wanted to go and the only way my parents would let me go was if John took me. So that was how I ended up in line between Lemar and John waiting to enter the haunted house. Olivia was huddled close to John already spooked by the actors wandering around outside. Lemar laughed as a vampire looking woman ran past cackling, making me jump. 
I elbowed Lemar and he gently pushed me into John who huffed but made sure that I didn’t fall. “I swear if you have a heart attack in there and I have to tell mom you died..” John looked down at me and he had that annoyed older brother voice going on which made me roll my eyes.
“She won’t have a heart attack, right Alexa?” Olivia smiled at me which made me smile back at her with a nod of my head.
It was only a few moments later that the four of us entered the haunted house. The darkened hall was only illuminated by a dull orange ambient light. Lemar was leading the pack followed by Olivia and John. Olivia quickly took a hold of my hand so as not to lose me in the darkened building. Right off the bat a black hand and arm reach out of the wall grabbing towards Olivia and myself. Olivia jumped back into me knocking me over onto the ground. John laughed as he helped me up off the ground and moved me to be in front of him yet behind Lemar.
We entered the first room that was styled to look like an abandoned bedroom with two beds. Looking around I couldn’t see much through the haze of the smoke machine running and the darkened room. A person popped out of the wall, making me grab onto the back of Lemar’s shirt and try to duck away only to be face to face with an identical person leaning around a corner with a wide grin. 
  Lemar reached around himself to try and offer me comfort as we entered the next room, a bloody bathroom. As we walked past the covered bathtub all I kept thinking was “Something is going to pop out of that curtain. It’s going to scare us.” Sure enough just as Lemar and I passed the curtain flung up and an actor wearing a pig mask swung a meat cleaver down in between John and I causing Olivia to cower against my brother who had gone pale at the scare.
We moved through a darkened hall that opened up into a circus themed area. Before we entered the circus tent entrance an actor dressed as a cymbal monkey moved, crashing together the metal disks in front of Lemar’s face. Hoskins ducked around putting me in front now. We walked through the circus themed area with the older male using me as a human shield to block the jumpscares from the actors from getting to him. Byt the time we left the circus area I pulled myself from Hoskins’ hold on me and moved away to be at the end once again, where I might be targeted for scares but at least I wouldnt be used as a shield. 
We moved onwards this time through a tunnel where three actors would slide by on their knees making sparks against the concrete as they laughed. It was a brief moment of calm before we were thrown into a woods setting. Olivia moved farther back to be closer to me as John and Lemar now walked next to each other. Suddenly from behind a man dressed as leather face ran from behind a prop tree wielding a chainsaw. We were chased further into the ‘woods’. Just as we slowed down another actor popped out wielding a prop axe. Lemar and Olivia ran one direction while John reached for me before running further through the maze of prop trees. However the hand he grabbed wasn’t mine. Not but some magical luck was it his girlfriend’s or best friend’s. 
The three stood there in the now lull in the haunted woods looking at each other. “Did John just..?” Olivia started pointing from the youngest Walker towards where John sprinted off to.
“Run off with the scare actor? Uh huh.” I laughed softly and nodded my head. A second later John’s screaming yell was approaching us. He spotted us still standing there and quickly grabbed my shoulders and ducked behind me as the axe wielding lumberjack actor chased him back. The actor lowered his axe seeing how my brother was now cowering behind his teen sister. The actor looked at his prop then over at me before handing it over. 
I laughed, grabbing the axe and turning towards my older brother. John quickly ran towards the other three in our group as I chased him out of the area. I stopped a few feet out before turning to hand the prop back to the actor, “Thanks!” I laughed softly before running to catch up with the older three. They had raced out of the exit by the guidance of John who was panting and looking around spooked as I calmly walked over to my brother.
“Awe, does Johnny boy have a fear of axe men?” I teased.
“Shut up Alexa.” John grumbled, crossing his arms. 
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kippykasey · 1 year
So uh... who is up for a Sam Wilson fic?
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kippykasey · 1 year
This year's Spoopy Saturday fics are more cute than scary I think. I don't thing I could beat some of my original spoopy fics
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kippykasey · 1 year
See No Evil
coming October 7th 2023
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kippykasey · 2 years
So friends....
I was thinkin..
October 22nd of Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays is still open with no plans.
I may or may not have had a passing thought of doing a like livestream via discord while carving a pumpkin??
Ya know just chilling and stuff and carving a pumpkin (or two since I usually do two), listening to my bipolar spoopy playlist
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Any thoughts?
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kippykasey · 2 years
Kippy's Spoopy Saturday's 2022
October 1st at 7pm cst
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