#kinkshame the cardhouse gang
fidelishaereticus · 8 years
YES OCs kinks please
Ok that said I have over 20 OCs and i can’t possibly do them all today so if you want a specific character, feel free to ask. for the moment i’m just going to put out a few from the cardhouse that i know of (pls understand that this is not necessarily a comprehensive or definitive list of these characters’ kinks, it’s the sort of thing i def want to leave open to fan interpretation :P)
MISCHANCE is of course a neurotic perfectionist and control-freak with a massive chaos/adventure/throwing-caution-to-the-winds kink, plus a sexts-from-the-void kink :P. Most things Mischance fears are also huge turn-ons once/if they overcome that fear. And disturbing their Perfect Order is either going to piss them off royally or, depending on the circumstance, elicit a reaction to the effect of ‘You. You fucked up my sock drawer. [menace, dramatic pause. cough.] would you mind…fucking me up…while you’re at it’
IRIS has a pain kink and also an explosives/violence kink obviously. Has a thing for prisms, and (like me lol) gets off on colors (is this not the sexiest fucking orange you have ever seen? Daaaaamn. i’ll be in my bunk). She likes pristine, clean spaces: an untouched snowfall, a clean wall. She likes being the first to make a mess of them (so satisfying). Knocking-things-off-the-counter kink. OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT she also really enjoys watching anemone emotionally destroy other others (right up to the point where it starts reminding her of some of her own irl baggage and suddenly it’s not fun anymore).
ANEMONE is a dom with a huge control kink (haha WHO KNEW?) but also likes competition and enjoys being overthrown and wrecked so?? Lying kink (knowing she’s gotten away with a clever lie is a turn on). She low key gets off on being Clean and Pretty and Perfect but high-key gets off on getting Very Very Messy on the rare occasion. Flower kink, obvs. Poison kink. She often finds herself attracted to girls who rock a more GNC aesthetic or embrace not being conventionally ‘pretty’ (despite being a normative perfectionist about her own looks). Certain smells or textures are huge turn-ons. quite possibly into bondage. She really enjoys watching iris wreck shit.
SYRINE has a thing for certain tone-qualities or musical arrangements. She likes very specific, isolated sensations, or sense combinations—for example a particular taste followed by a particular image and a particular sound. Extremely picky about what she likes / does not like when it comes to sex and (partly for this reason) doesn’t go in for it much, if ever. Must be a very quiet controlled environment. Might be into that ridiculously elaborate bondage involving ropes that must take five million years to set up. Getting messy isn’t really a thing she’s into unless we’re talking about diving into the cold embrace of the sea.
ALICE’s kink is the color chartreuse but actually. She loves sharp things and glinting things and feathers and scales. Biting & being bitten, nails and teeth, fingers-in-mouth, licking things to claim them as your own. Dark magic kink. She also has a lot of weird gross kinks like ‘bug-eating kink’ (yes alice eats insects because of course she does. whatever made you think she didn’t). But also: anything sparkly or shiny. Satin and bling. She gets off on having any kind of power very quickly—power tripping is a HUGE thing for her. Like Iris, she has a violence kink and can enjoy pain, so if they ever hooked up it would be like Klingons up in here.
LV’s kink is dark magic, primordial chaos, death, necromancy, volcanoes, the grotesque, warped & disorienting surroundings, dismemberment, all that good stuff. Blurring the line between horror/repulsion and attraction. She is the undead incarnation of Sexts From The Void so, yeah. Omniscience kink. She also finds meticulous, delicate precision & patience in others very attractive. Might have a ‘shiny things’ kink in addition to every thing else. LV is v old and has probably had every possible kink at some point ok (except for daddy kink, i can’t write that, someone else will have to if they want that fiction).
….So yeah the cardhouse is kind of interesting, because everyone’s kinks are very conceptually/aesthetically-driven; that’s the kind of person that the cardhouse attracts. also everyone’s shared kinks include Magic, Fiction, DO IT FOR THE AESTHETIC, Art, Beauty, Transcendence. As a creator i don’t generally think or care so much about exactly what physical sex-acts characters most prefer unless it’s thematically relevant or i’m actually trying to write a sex scene (which i usually fail at) so….idk i guess most of that is still up in the air??
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