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fairysteve · 1 year ago
trying to think of a new stareth ship name because jason/eddie people have tigerfreak which is such a good ship name but when i try to think of one all i think of is kingdrums. which is objectively bad but makes me think of the song 'little drummer boy' where the boy plays the drums for the king. and i really want to make a fic called little drummer boy but have no ideas for plot and no writing skills but it would be heavy on the symbolism
i'm sorry i read that people are shipping eddie with jason and can't process anything else
w h y
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javigorosito-blog · 7 years ago
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Cuando recien empezaba, estuviste ahi. Y cuanto tiempo compartido! Cuantas movidas te bancaste, de aca para alla, muchas veces maltratada, descuidada...y te bancaste todo. Congresos, encuentros, campas, reuniones, ensayos...hasta sobreviviste a un incendio! hoy tengo el privilegio de poder darte unos mimos. Fuiste una compañera super fiel! Prometo dejarte muy muy bonita y dar lo mejor de mi! Nuevo proyecto: Pearl Target (12", 13", 16", 22", 14"×5.5") al tallercito! #Restauration #Love #Drums #Drummer #Luthier #Music #Transformation #KingDrums (en Villa Carlos Paz)
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
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Money can't buy happiness like this. Playing drums, nothing like it on the planet.😉 #thamaddrumma #drumlife #drummersilike #thankyougod #groove #talentedmusicians #drumuniversity #drummerdotcom #instadrums #gopromusic #drumkit #drumset #drumfam #playdrums #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #dopemusicians #drumlife #groovy #musicians #musician #drummersworld #theworldofdrums #drumoutlet #drumsharing #drummingcommunity @aquariandrumheads @vicfirth @zioncymbals @yamahamusicdenmark @yamahadrumsofficial @yamahamusicsweden #DrummerOfTheDay #kingdrums @kingdrums_co #talentedplayerz #musicianseekers
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dualsrecords · 6 years ago
Liked on YouTube: Drake Dancehall Type Beat "Sunset" | Kingdrum Beats https://youtu.be/URYg2_YBSGc
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eyeamsevn · 10 years ago
A cool solo from about 5 years ago. If you like it, please ❤ it and share it. Thanx.. @kingdrums_co #kingdrums @gretschdrums #drumchops #drumming #freesnare #drumshedding #jazzchops #drumstick #drumsolo #drums #drummer #solo #practicemakesperfect #practice #zildjiancymbals #gretschdrums #evansdrumheads #vicfirth #latinpercussion #instadrums
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chris-langan-drummer · 7 years ago
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Last chance to get your questions in for my interview with @sirosvaziri tomorrow!⏳You can drop them below, DM me, or hit up the @upandcomingdrummer page! 🥁Don't be shy guys! We don't bite! 😾#sirosvaziri #upandcomingdrummer #podcast #drumfill #interview #drumfam #drumcommunity #drummer #drums #meinlcymbals #drumming #drumlessons #questions #drumpodcast #drumclinic #kingdrums #drumtacs #promarksticks #evansdrumheads #lowboybeaters #drumstudent #musicstudent #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #brandbuilding #careermentor
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javigorosito-blog · 7 years ago
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Cambio de look para el tacho; estado: totalmente enamorado 😍😍😍 #KingDrums #Drums #Drummer #Snare #Music #Love #Remo #Luthier #Happy (en Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina)
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
I love playing to EDM music!!!! The drops are the perfect place to just go for it. 🤙🏾😜 #pictureoftheday #drumset #kingdrums #drumuniversity #talentedplayerz #talentedmusicians #dopemusicians #drumfam #drumlife #fasthands #dope #edmfamily #edmlifestyle #hardwell #like4like #love
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
Some good ole slow funk. I hear a super fat bass groove on this!! I wish I had my bass!😁😁#thamaddrumma #drumlife #drummersilike #thankyougod #groove #talentedmusicians #drumuniversity #drummerdotcom #instadrums #gopromusic #drumkit #drumset #drumfam #playdrums #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #dopemusicians #drumlife #groovy #musicians #musician #drummersworld #theworldofdrums #drumoutlet #drumsharing #drummingcommunity @aquariandrumheads @vicfirth @zioncymbals @yamahamusicdenmark @yamahadrumsofficial @yamahamusicsweden #DrummerOfTheDay #kingdrums @kingdrums_co #talentedplayerz #musicianseekers #grooveshare
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
Just messing around!! Doing what I love... #share #thamaddrumma #drumlife #drummersilike #thankyougod #groove #talentedmusicians #drumuniversity #drummerdotcom #instadrums #gopromusic #drumkit #drumset #drumfam #playdrums #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #dopemusicians #drumlife #groovy #musicians #musician #drummersworld #theworldofdrums #drumoutlet #drumsharing #drummingcommunity @aquariandrumheads @vicfirth @zioncymbals @yamahamusicdenmark @yamahadrumsofficial @yamahamusicsweden #DrummerOfTheDay #kingdrums @kingdrums_co #talentedplayerz #musicianseekers
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
I absolutely love this remix/cover @jadenovah did of @beyonce countdown! Sooooo I had to smash it!! Enjoy! #thamaddrumma #drumlife #drummersilike #thankyougod #groove #talentedmusicians #drumuniversity #drummerdotcom #instadrums #gopromusic #drumkit #drumset #drumfam #playdrums #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #dopemusicians #drumlife #groovy #musicians #musician #drummersworld #theworldofdrums #drumoutlet #drumsharing #drummingcommunity @aquariandrumheads @vicfirth @zioncymbals @yamahamusicdenmark @yamahadrumsofficial @yamahamusicsweden #DrummerOfTheDay #kingdrums @kingdrums_co #talentedplayerz #musicianseekers
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dualsrecords · 6 years ago
Liked on YouTube: Old School Underground Type Beat "The lounge" | Kingdrum Beats https://youtu.be/JtT4Lzb_uP0
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benthompsondrums · 8 years ago
My favorite person In the world said I should do a drum cover. So, here it is! This song has a great groove!! I had so much fun playing! @officialswv *Full video will be in bio* #thamaddrumma #drumlife #drummersilike #thankyougod #groove #talentedmusicians #drumuniversity #drummerdotcom #instadrums #gopromusic #drumkit #drumset #drumfam #playdrums #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #dopemusicians #drumlife #groovy #musicians #musician #drummersworld #theworldofdrums #drumoutlet #drumsharing #drummingcommunity @aquariandrumheads @vicfirth @zioncymbals @yamahamusicdenmark @yamahadrumsofficial @yamahamusicsweden #DrummerOfTheDay #kingdrums @kingdrums_co #talentedplayerz #musicianseekers #grooveshare
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benthompsondrums · 9 years ago
I little jungle action!!😜🤘🏾 #drums #zioncymbals #aquariandrumheads #kingdrums #goldongold #customsnare #pearldrums #instachops #learnchops #bestdrummer #gospelchops #talentedmusicians #worldsbestdrummer #talented #drummer #amazingmusicians
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benthompsondrums · 9 years ago
Sorry so sloppy!!! Here a lick I got from an old friend. Try it out!!! #drums #zioncymbals #aquariandrumheads #kingdrums #goldongold #customsnare #pearldrums #instachops #learnchops #bestdrummer #gospelchops #talentedmusicians #worldsbestdrummer #talented #drummer (at North Hollywood, California)
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benthompsondrums · 9 years ago
Check out these 3 different tones of my snare using headphones for best judgment. Which tuning is your favorite? @aquariandrumheads this head sounds great!!! Also shout out to @kingdrums_co for making this snare for me. Alex has helped me more than anyone else will ever know. He is the definition of a true friend. #minegrtío #kingdrums #customsnare #customsnares #snaredrumfreakz #ilovedrums #drumsounds #goldongold #allgoldeverything #iloveit #drums #drumsoutlet #aquariandrumheads
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