#kinda surprised you don't just fall through the window if you're that drunk
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Abandoned Church, Scarlett Meadows
#i didn't know you could sit in the window#arthur was also drunk off more pirate rum#kinda surprised you don't just fall through the window if you're that drunk#red dead redemption#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#rdr2 photography#arthur morgan#arthur#🦌#mine
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It's just a phase,at least we thought it was ||Tarry|| (Darry X Tim Shepherd)
Gunna start posting a new fanficcccc
Why? Because I’m bored and have nothing better
Ch.1: That night
It was a typical late afternoon for both friends,Darry Curtis and Tim shepherd. Darry and Tim have been close friends for a long time,ever since they can remember they have always been very close. This one afternoon they were hanging out like always. Getting a couple of drinks,and then taking a walk to the lot. It usually ended all the same;Tim would have one too many drinks,and Darry would take him back to his place. But this time was a little different
Darry is not the one to get drunk or hung over,since he has to take care of his kid brothers Ponyboy and Sodapop. But Darry kinda got carried away this one afternoon and got a little tipsy. This was kind of a surprise to Tim,since he's never really seen Darry drunk in all of their friendship. Darry was laughing historically as he talked about something random.
"So TheN I waS likE! Hic No!" Darry said,slurring his words.
Tim laughed at Darry,as he thought it was funny on how much he was slurring his words.
"Hic BuT thEn he sAid Hic no BaCk!" Darry slurred again,laughing his ass off
They keep walking around the lot,Darry telling some random ass story and Tim laughing at them. Tim was enjoying this side of Darry. It wasn't strict, stern,or Hard. It was soft,sweet,and..loving. Now don't get him wrong,Darry was already loving in his own ways. But this just felt..different to him.
As they walked around,with Darry stumbling on literally anything. Darry made himself trip and he started to fall the ground.
"Shit-" Tim grabbed Darry's arm,making sure he didn't fall on the ground. He then pulled him up towards him,maybe a little to fast,as they both fell over. Darry landed on top of Tim,with their faces almost touching. Tim could feel his hot breath on his lips
"Whoops- uh- sorry man. Guess I pulled ya' up to fast" He said,trying not to make anything awkward.
"WoaH. YoUr eyeS arE vEry prEtty" Darry said as he stared deeply in Tim's eyes. Tim was about to thank him for the compliment but he was cut off by Darry.
"You AlsO haVe a VERY sExy fAce" He laughed,admiring Tim's face.
He paused.
What did Darry just say? Is he joking? Did he mean it literally? I mean I think the same thing. Wait- no I don't- I don't think that-
His head was flooded with thoughts. He was trying to figure out if Darry was joking or not.
"Are You hOt? YouR faCe is Red" Darry asks,staring deeply into Tim's eyes again.
"O-Oh- yeah. Just getting kinda hot" he said trying to to forget about what happened earlier.
Darry laughed "WhAt do YoU meAn kIndA? YoU're AlRedY Ho-"
Tim cut him off immediately by saying that they should get going. He didn't want another word coming out of Darry's mouth. Not in a bad way of course. He just needed some time to process this.
~Time Skip~
They got to the Curtis house,and through the window they saw that everyone was there. Darry walked in,still a little tipsy but not so tipsy that it was noticeable.
Tim just stood outside. He was thinking about what happened at the lot. Darry probably didn't mean it but- maybe he did? But this was wrong. He can't like a guy. That's weird. Plus,he would be made fun of by everyone..maybe even Darry as well. He didn't wanna ruin anything between the two of them. What they had was special,special to Tim at least. He then got a flashback from there childhood
"Hey? Are you ok?"
"Y-Yeah I'm ok man"
"Those boys really pushed you in the mud"
Well yeah- I was kinda in there way"
"But that doesn't give them the right to push you!"
"I'm Darrel Curtis by the way! But lots of people call me Darry. What about you man?"
"Oh- I'm Tim shepherd"
"Cool last name! You wanna be friends?"
"Do you really mean that?"
"Well yeah then! Let's be friends!"
He snapped out of it when he heard lots of commotion coming from inside. He hesitated,before walking inside
Darry was talking with Soda about work stuff,Johnny,Dal,and Pony were all talking to each other,and Steve was talking with Two-Bit. He ignored all of them and just sat down on the couch. He learned his head back,closing his eyes.
God..why did he have to do that. I mean. Do I like him? O-Of course not. I don't like him. He's my best friend. But he was so sweet..and caring..and Ugh- I shouldn't be thinking this stuff. This is all wrong..wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG! Plus,he wouldn't like me back anyways. He likes me as a friend..a-and I do too..
"Come on Darry,sit down man" Soda said,which snapped Tim out of his thoughts
"why?" Darry asked,a little confused on what was happening
"We can smell the alcohol off of you man" Dall added,rolling his eyes
Darry groan and sat down next to Tim on the couch. Tim didn't really care,he just kept staring at the ceiling.
~time skip~
Steve and Dal have left already,and Johnny stayed because his parents didn't care if he came home at all. Soda,Pony,and Johnny were in the room,Pony and Sodas room to be more exact. Which left Darry and Tim all alone. They sat there,talking about life. There we're talking like how they always do.
"Oh come on man. I wasn't that drunk" Darry said,you could practically see that he was drunk 1 hour ago.
"Pf- oh please Darry. You literally went up to a sewer drain and called for pennywise" Tim laughing,as that did actually happen.
Darry laughed,and Tim was caught off guard with that laugh. He always noticed that when Darry laughed,he would tip he head back a bit and he'd let out his laughter. He also liked how his laughed sounded. It was like a kid's laugh but if it was a bit deeper,but not so deep that it was creepy but deep enough to where it just sounded nice.
Darry sighed "man,I miss the old days." He was referring to there childhood. Tim and Darry shared lots of childhood memories. I mean,there's no memory of when there not together.
"Yeah. Same" Tim replied,as he could agree with his best friend.
~another time skip lol~
Tim could feel his eyes getting heavy,and yawning like crazy.
"Well well well,looks like the dog is tired" Darry teased with one of the stupid nickname he had gave Tim.
"I ain't-" Tim started but was cut off by his own yawn.
Darry laughed a bit "come on. Let's hang in my room"
Tim rolled his eyes but agreed. He was pretty tired and just wanted to lay down. They walked to Darry's and and Tim went straight for the bed. He laid down and Darry just sat next to him.
Tim groaned as he laid there,and Darry laughed at him.
"Ok question" Darry started "Past or Future?"
Tim sat up a bit confused on why Darry would ask this question,but now that he thought about it. What would be better?
He loved the past. It had little him,Darry,Soda,Steve,Two-Bit,Dal,Johnny,And Pony in it. It also had the Curtis parents in it..before the accident..but the past was amazing,even though there were some ups and downs back then. So many memories..but it would be nice to know what the future would be like. Maybe he'd would hook up with Darry in the future.
"I say future,because I wanna make more memories with you then go back to the old ones" Tim answered,and Darry was satisfied with that answer. He then laid down next to him
"Well you are right about that but I really like those old memories" Darry responded,and Tim wasn't surprised with his answer. He knew Darry loved the past and he did too,but he wanted to know what the future would be like.
"Well let me ask you this then" Tim said "same memories or new memories" he asked
Darry thought for a moment. He liked the old memory's but there eventually going to get really old to where they'll be forgotten
"Well,definitely new memories. Especially if you're gunna be in them" Darry answered
Tim and Darry looked over at each other and there eyes locked. It felt like something clicked between them. They keep staring at each other,there eyes not leaving each other's. They finally snapped out of it after a wile and they just laughed it off like they always have done.
"Yeah..I wanna make more memories with you..good memories"
#the outsiders#darry curtis#tim shepard#tarry#dallas winston#johnny cade#steve randle#tim shepard x darry curtis
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no strings ~ scout’s writing challenge
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: jj and y/n have had a no strings attached agreement for years, but that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth.
warnings: swearing, cheating, implied sex, and slight fluff
word count: 2.2k
this is my entry for @ptersparkers writing challenge! hope you all enjoy :)
no strings attached. that was the agreement we made back in freshman year. it's now junior year and that agreement still stands. no feelings involved, just pure fun, but how do you not fall for his big blue eyes and bright smile. it was only meant to be for one night, but one night soon turned into two then three and now i've lost count how many nights we've spent together. almost every night for this past year he’s slept in my bed under my silk sheets with our bodies intertwined with one another. i constantly convince myself it's nothing more than having fun but every time i hear his name i get butterflies and whenever he's near me my heart starts to beat a million times faster. i try to convince myself it's not love, but after being with someone in that way for three years it's impossible for it not to turn into that. but clearly it's possible for him at least. that's why i don't say anything and continue to hide my true feelings because i know he doesn't feel the same way as me and probably never will. i stay up every night with him on my mind and thoughts of what we could be consumes my every thought.
freshman year was the hardest of them all mainly because jj had a girlfriend at the time. i know what i did was wrong but the taste of his lips and the way he touched me that first night was so captivating. i knew from that moment i would never be able to let him go. i tried not to get sucked into him and his player ways, but soon the second night happened and from then it was history. we would meet every thursday night at my place at midnight. he was never late and it made me wonder if he craved my touch as bad as i craved his. we would walk past each other in the streets like we barely knew each other when in reality he knew every curve and mark on my body.
sophomore year was easier than the last since he no longer was with his girlfriend, but also harder because that's when i started catching feelings for him. now since he was single, we could actually be seen together, but still had to be cautious since i was a kook. i never understood the rivalry between the kooks and pogues, but i knew if any of the kooks found out i was with jj all hell would break loose. me and sarah were known as the kook princesses, and since she was dating topper, everyone expected me to date a kook too. before i met jj, i went on a few dates with rafe since thats who my parents wanted me to be with, but after realizing all kook guys are self absorbed assholes, i knew i could never be with any of them. the only kook i can tolerate is sarah, and at times she can even be blinded by the things topper tells her. a couple months into freshman year, i already started to get suffocated at the kook academy and went to the beach to escape, which is where i met kie. the moment i met her we instantly clicked and she invited me to the kegger that they were having that night. thats when i met the rest of the pogues, including jj. we spent the whole night attached at the hip drinking and laughing together. soon enough the guest room at the cheateu was filled with nothing but the sound of our moans. that was the first of many nights we spent there together.
almost every single day i would meet jj by the beach to spend time with him. whether we were surfing, hanging out on the hms pogue with the others, or eating at the wreck, i just loved being around him. although we weren't together people acted like we were. kie would always say we were unofficially official. soon enough our every thursday night meet-ups became every thursday and friday meet-ups and eventually every night meet-ups. we spent every night together at my place until my parents found out and we needed a new place, so we started hanging out at the chateau.
junior year has been the best one so far. jj and i hung out more in public not caring what anyone else would think and gone on what he calls "non-dates" even though it's exactly what dates are. he's met my younger sister and she absolutely adores him, which now makes me wish we never got our families involved in this since i know he doesn't reciprocate my feelings. i've spent so much time with him that i feel almost empty not being in his arms at night. he knows everything about me and i know everything about him. we've shared all of our secrets and deepest thoughts with each other. i've seen his vulnerable side so much that it's almost impossible for me not to fall in love with him. he's opened up to me and let me in more than anyone else in his life even his best friends. every night is something new with him and i never want it to stop even though i know inevitably it will.
"you remember the second night you stayed at my place and you got scared of my dog" i said laughing as we laid next to each other on my bed talking about our favorite memories together.
"look in my defense, your dog is huge and she woke me up out of my sleep." jj said chuckling slightly.
"she was just being friendly and you wouldn't stop screaming. almost woke up my damn parents."
"don't act like you haven't almost woken up john b before with your clumsy ass. you almost knocked over his whole desk trying to get into the room."
"i'm sorry i'm not an expert at climbing through windows like you."
"well when you've had a lot of practice you know how to." he said cockily.
"oh shut up." he laughed as i tiredly punched his arm, "you know damn well i was the first window you came through." i said sassily.
"you're right. you were."
"wait really? so jj maybank has never snuck into another girl's house before? i'm surprised."
"why?" he asked as he turns his body towards me and moves me so i face him.
"i don't know i guess with your reputation i thought you would've been with a bunch of girls before me."
"you wanna know the truth? you're the first girl i've ever slept with."
"wait what?" i sat up against the headboard looking at him confusingly, "what about your ex or all those tourons you would flirt with?"
"all we would do is flirt and make out a little, but it never went any further. either i was always drunk or they were and i never wanted that to be my first time, you know? and with my ex we were only fourteen and dated for a few months. i told you before i never really felt anything for her. it was all just so i could know what it felt like to be a boyfriend.”
“but we were only fourteen, when we..”
“i know, but it was different with you. you are different.”
"so, that means you were a virgin when we first-"
"yup." he said admittedly.
"wow. well i couldn't tell." i joked.
jj looked at me and chuckled slightly, but i could tell something was off with him. his eyes didn't have the same brightness as usual.
"what's wrong?"
"what do you mean? nothings wrong."
"jj, you can't lie to me. i've known you for way too long and i know when somethings wrong, so what's up."
"i don't know. i-" he sighs deeply as he looks at up at me, "it's just- is that what you think of me? that i'm just some player who fucks any girl that throws herself at me."
"what? no. of course not. i just assumed-"
"because that's not who i ever wanted to be." he said cutting me off, "i never wanted to be like- like my dad, you know?” he says as he looks down at his hands, fiddling with them, “as much as he claims he loved her, he treated my mom like shit. he would get drunk and mess around with a bunch of women because he could never commit. i never wanted to be like that. i never wanted to make a girl feel the way my mom felt. she was so heartbroken when he would come back home smelling of perfume and lie to her face. eventually, she had enough of it and just got up and left. kinda wish she took me with her. but i told myself i would never be like that and then i realized i was. back in freshman year when i cheated on my ex-"
"with me" i looked at him sympathetically understanding why what i said bothered him so much, "look, j you're nothing like your dad. i know i've never met him but from what you told me about him you two are completely different people. you’re nothing like that cheating, abusive asshole, okay? you're such a sweet, kindhearted person who always puts others before yourself, especially when it comes to your friends. i've never seen someone care so much about others than you. you have such a pure, kind soul and nothing will ever change that. i know you cheated on her with me and it probably wasn't the right choice, but it sure as hell wasn't a mistake and i won't call it that. being with you was never a mistake for me and i hope you feel the same about it but this" i say as i motion between us, "will never be something that i regret. i know i've said this before but i believe that this was meant to be and we were meant to find each other. the circumstance might not have been the best, but i found you and that's all that matters. you're nothing like him and never will be."
we both laid in silence looking up at the ceiling while raindrops hit the window softly. i started to wonder if maybe i said something wrong or said too much. i feel so deeply for him and whenever he tries to put himself down it breaks my heart. in my eyes he's the perfect guy despite all his faults. sometimes i think one day i'll tell him how i feel and scare him off which is the last thing i want to do. i want to be able to have these moments with him for as long as i can.
"you know, i want to get married before i have kids." jj said breaking the silence.
"that's random, but alright." i said giggling.
"i was just thinking about my parents and they had me before they even thought of marriage. i think that's where they could've went wrong. maybe if they would've taken the time to actually bound their love together before having a kid, they could've lasted longer. after they had me he could never commit fully because of all the responsibility, so maybe if they already took that step to "finalize" their love he would've stayed." he said shrugging.
"well i always wanted to have kids before i get married because i want my kids to be apart of my wedding."
"i guess we could just have two weddings then."
"huh?" i said confusingly finally looking at him.
he looks back at me and sighs, "yeah, i mean since you want one before and i want one after, we can just have two. we have the real one before and then we can renew our vows and have a second wedding with our kids so they can experience it with us."
"so, we're gonna get married and have kids?" i said smirking at him.
"i-i mean i guess. obviously only if you want to." jj said blushing as he started to look anywhere but at me.
i grab his face so he's looking at me, "i would love to, jj."
we both smile at each other as he pulls me closer to him connecting our lips. when we pull apart, i cuddle up into his chest as we continue to lie in silence. i feel my heart flutter as i feel his hands rub my back soothing me. being in his arms felt like home and i only hope he feels the same. as i start to think about how it would be if we were actually dating, the same words he would always say when we started this repeat in my mind "this is only for fun. no strings attached. no feelings. just pure fun." maybe that's all this will truly ever be, just fun, and that's the thought i have before falling asleep in his arms.
when i know she's asleep, i just stay awake and admire how she looks in the moment. even sleeping she has a slight smile on her face, which makes me wonder what she's dreaming about. sometimes i wish it was me she's dreaming about even though i know it's not. "just for fun" i remind myself of the words i said but that couldn't have been more of a lie, especially now more than ever. of course what we had was fun, but it was way more than that.
"i love you" i say as i kiss her forehead and wrap my arms tighter around her soon falling asleep as well.
#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank#outer banks imagine#obx imagine#obx jj#jj maybank one shot#jj x reader#jj maybank x y/n#obx netflix#jj maybank outer banks#rudy pankow#john b routledge#kie carrera#pope heyward#sarah cameron#rafe cameron#Outer Banks#outer banks one shot#ppwritingchallenge
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He's just too much — Part. 3
A/N: hey guuuys, thank you for all the positive feedback on the previous chapter and I'm sorry for the waiting, but here I am finally with chapter 3!!! I'm thinking about doing a final part 4 so, as usual, let me know what you think
Pairings: Michael Gray x reader
Warnings: a few curse words, mentions of smut
Summary: Michael Gray is just too much for (Y/N) to not fall in love with him
Word count: 1913
Part. 1 Part.2 Part. 4
"Here" Tommy poured a glass of whiskey and gave it to you, watching with his eyebrows raised while you drank all the liquid in a matter of seconds and returned the glass to him, to be filled again, not even flinching by the strong taste. "Wanna tell me what's going on, (Y/N)?" the dark haired then asked, turning around to refill your drink.
"I'm fucking stupid, that's what's going on" you said with your eyes fixed on the floor, while passing your fingers on the arm of the chair you had seated on as soon as you both had walked into that room of his house and he closed the door behind you two.
Tommy sighted, then turned around and gave you the glass of whiskey again. While he saw you take this time only a sip, he knealed in front of you so that your eyes were on the same height. He inspected your face little by little, searching for the answers he wanted there, because he most times sucessed using that strategy. He knew you extremely well; maybe more than anyone else. You realized what he was thinking by the narrowing of his eyes and sighting, you tried to force a smile for him.
"Everything's fine, Tommy. No need to worry about" you said, trying to hide your lie by taking another sip from the whiskey that had been burning your throat. It still burned less than the words that left your mouth during your argument with Michael. Suddenly you wondered what he had done. Was he still in the corridor you and Tommy had left him? Did he got back to the party and to that blonde girl? It was better, if you didn't knew.
"You were crying, (Y/N). You never cry in public. And I always worry about you" he stated, touching your face with his right hand softly and you couldn't help but lean in to that touch that was always so comfortable. "It's something about Michael, isn't it?" he asked, and you felt your heart skip a beat on your chest. He noticed the shocking in your expression, then got up and walked to the chair that was in front of yours. Sitting down, he gave you a little smirk. "By the way you were arguing, anyone could see that you two had unfinished business"
"Great, I ruined your event with my screaming" you said before finishing the content of your glass again. Embarrassment took a hold of you, as well as guilt. Tommy had worked so hard for making that happen and you threw his work in the trash.
"You didn't, it's everything ok. Polly is hosting the whole thing while I'm with you" he said and you felt relief fill every inch of you. You had ruined your night while screaming like that, not Tommy's. "And I think that deep down, the guests were kinda expecting a scene like that. After all..."
"We are the Peaky fucking Blinders" you completed his phrase and he gave you a nod in agreement. You both set in there quietly for a few minutes that seemed like hours and after giving it some thought you realized that after all Tommy, was your best friend. He was the one you always could talk to about anything and everything. You loved him and if you lost him someday, it would break you so hard that you doubted that you would ever be able to rebuild. Saying to yourself that you owned him some explanation, you decided to tell him the truth. "You're right. About Michael. He's the reason I was... crying"
"Did he hurt you?" Tommy's voice was low and controled, but the threat behind it could easily be noticed.
"Yes" you said with a laugh empty of any humor, playing distractedly with the glass that was still in your hands. You saw the way Tommy's expression had gotten immediately dangerous and you took a deep breath. "I mean, he didn't. Not physically anyway" getting up, you walked to the wooden stable that was on the center of the room and put the glass upon it. You heard footsteps and when you turned around, you saw the black haired man staring at you completely serious.
"(Y/N) you have five minutes to tell me exactly what happened before I go downstairs and beat the shit out of Michael" he stated firmly and as much as you were angry at Michael and wanted him to feel some of the pain he had caused you, you knew that it wouldn't be fair to do that.
"I like him, okay?" you said hesitantly, staring at Tommy who didn't move or said anything. You frowered your forehead at him. "You're not surprised?"
"Your not as difficult to read as you think, (Y/N). For quite some time I have been noticing the way you acted around him; how you fancied the guy" Tommy admitted, and you felt ridiculous. It must have looked like you were completely stupid for liking someone who didn't gave a shit about you. You wished that no one else had noticed.
"Well, even if the whole fucking neighborhood knew about how I felt, Michael didn't. He never realized, I guess anyway. So when I went to talk to Polly the other day about some advice..."
"You asked the mother of the guy you like for advice?" Tommy raised his eyebrows, momentarily seeming to forget the seriousness of the conversation and looking confused.
"Don't judge me, I was desperate!" you replied, feeling extremely uncomfortable in your dress, like it was suffocating you. Add this with your hurt and anger, you almost wanted to rip out your own skin. "This stupid shit!" you screamed losing control and started taking off the dress angrily.
"Ahn... (Y/N)?" Tommy kept his eyebrows raised, watching as you got completely out of of your dress and threw it away with your left hand.
"What?" you putted your hands on your hips, now wearing only a bra and panties along with your high heels. Out of that black piece of clothing, you already felt better. Your mental state must have scared Tommy, because he didn't say more. And the fact that your relationship was so strong and genuine, didn't even made you bother about being almost naked in front of him. "Look Tommy, not much happened. Polly wasn't there in that night. Michael was. He kissed me and then left. And today, he kissed a rich blonde girl and I got pissed so that's why I was crying"
"Have you tried to speak to him?" Tommy seemed less stressed now, that he knew that Michael's actions weren't perverted or evil towards you.
"What you saw down there is our way of trying to speak" you said sadly, because you knew that Tommy was right. The attempts of talking to each other normally had gone extremely wrong and if you guys could get to an agreement, to an understatement about not interfering in each other's lives anymore, maybe you both could move on. Even if you secretly didn't want to.
"It'll be ok, little one. I promise" Tommy's voice was gentle and you were able to smile after hearing those words.
"You know you can't promise me that. But thanks anyway, Tommy" you saw him looking back at you with a smile too on his lips and when a cold breeze entered the room through the nearest open window, you shivered. "Give me your suit"
"I knew you would ask me that" he laughed and then took off his suit, putting it on your shoulders next. Instantly, you felt warmer and safer. "I'll tell the maids to arrange a room for you to spend the night, ok?" you nodded and then after hugging you tightly for a minute he left, closing the door behind him.
Alone for the first time since your argument with Michael, you thought about your words. His words. The hurt in his face. The sadness you thought that took a hold of your own features. In a twisted way, you had liked the fact that you two actually talked. Or tried to before starting to yelling. If things were more simple, you maybe could have a chance. Maybe.

You were practically asleep when you heard knocking on the front door of your apartment. Even though it could be a strange thing to someone to be at your door on the middle of the night, it had happened before. Maybe Arthur had gotten drunk and your place was the nearest he could get to before passing out or maybe, Jon had a fight with Esme and wanted to crash in your home for the night.
Wondering what of those things would be the one, you got up from your bed and walked to the front door wearing only your nightshirt. You opened the door and your eyes instantly widened when you saw Michael Gray standing on the corridor of the building, his eyes immediately fixing on your eyes.
It had been five days since the whole argument in Tommy's house and since then, you hadn't seen each other. You took those days to think, to set your head in place and try to assimilate the fact that you wouldn't have him because he didn't want you. Simple as that. But now he was at your door, and all the emotions came rushing back like a hurricane.
"What do you want?" your voice got out harsh, and your hand was gripping at the door firmly. You felt tempted to just shut it right on his face. His stupid beautiful face. You held back that urge though, accepting the possibility that he could be there for bussiness.
"We need to talk" he replied, jaw clenched. The shadow of frustration could be seen on his features and it got you intrigued.
"About?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows at him with that same harsh tone on your voice.
"Don't play dumb, (Y/N). We need to speak about... us" he hesitated but completed his statement, taking his eyes out of you for only a second before turning them back at you.
You couldn't help. You laughed. A genuine loud laugh that made him blush from embarrassment and something else. As soon as you were able to stop laughing, you gave him a serious look. "There is no us, Michael. And it's fun that in less than a week I got from bitch to dumb. Think I'm making progress on your raking" and with that you tried to close the door, but he pushed it with his hand and gave you the most fierce look he ever did.
"Don't you close this door. We need to speak" he held it open. There were so many emotions expressed on his face at the same time that you couldn't even identify them.
"What do you wanna say? You're planning on telling me how you fucked that blonde after the event? How she's perfect for you?" the irony was clear in your words and that made him lost control.
With a hard push he opened completely the door and then got in your apartment, shutting it with a kick of his right foot. The door bang and you took a deep breath as he walked in your direction and stopped millimeters away. His breath on your face was hot and his smell of cigarettes and cologne never seemed so dangerous and so good.
"Now, we are going to talk"
#michael gray fanfic#michael x reader#michael imagine#michael fanfic#michael gray#michael gray x reader#peaky blinders imagine#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinder imagine#x reader#fanfic
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Cruel Summer is absolutely
here are my reasons according to the lyrics (I think they’re right?):
Fever dream high
In the quiet of the night
You know that I caught it (oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
she dreams of him in the middle of the night- especially during those quiet moments where he fills her thoughts. The “fever” she refers to are all the side effects of falling in love .... something that she’s kinda afraid to succumb to again. Especially when she feels all this so soon.
Bad, bad boys
Shiny toy with a price
You know that I bought it (oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
I think here she is saying that he’s too good to be true. He’s a “shiny toy” meaning that his appearance is too good to have a bangin’ personality too. But of course, she can’t help but buy into this and fall in love, “you know that I bought it”. ALSO whenever she refers to him and says “you’re right” it kind of radiates that confidence she introduces us to in Gorgeous.
Killing me slow, out the window
I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below
This love is killing her because it’s bringing out alllll her inner romantic feels. Longing for him out the window? Check. Waiting for him to be waiting below her window? Check. She wants him to be going out of his way to see her and long for her by surprising.
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
THIS LINE IS SO CLEVER. It honestly took me a while to figure it out but I think it means that devils (aka players) play games when it comes to love making it feel fake and angels (aka serious contenders) roll their eyes at these games and are all in when they love someone.
What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
She’s all in. When you love someone you bring out an inner vulnerability that has the potential to kill you if it ends. So al these things that make her happy makes her want him more but also the passion involved that feels like it could break but doesn’t.
And it's new
The shape of your body, it's blue
Of course, this love is new. I think the blue metaphor is fascinating here. It could mean SO MANY THINGS. Like what is her significance with blue?? Is it the color of his eyes that makes his body radiate that color or something? LIKE WHAT IS IT TAYLOR I NEED TO KNOW.
The feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
It’s a cruel summer cause she’s still nervous to fall in love. I friggin’ love this play on the phrase “summer romance”. It’s funny too because people called my relationship a summer romance the first summer we dated cause we were in high school and look at us now! Married!! Hahaha take that!! Okay I got off track. But yeah, the feeling is all about passion and seeing if that passion can last and be a positive thing that won’t burn out.
It's cool
That's what I tell 'em, no rules
In breakable Heaven but
I freaking love these too. Okay, playin’ it cool. There’s no rules right? If I don’t make rules regarding what “this” even is then I can’t get hurt right? That’s the vibe I feel with that lyric. With the “breakable Heaven” (GENIUS) she’s referring to this love being absolutely Heaven to her, but it’s still breakable. It’s not concrete to her yet. It’s still a fragile love but damn it’s got some potential to be flipping amazing and greater than anything that exists on Earth (aka Heaven).
Ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
With you
Repeat Cruel Summer explanation here :)
Hang your head low
In the glow of the vending machine
I'm not dying (oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
Even when he’s getting some snickers from the vending machine he looks hot af and the fluorescent lights makes him glow (another angelic quality I may add) how the heck can that cringe light make someone glow?? Now that’s love. But again she reiterates “I’m not dying”. She refuses to let herself fall too hard, but it seems like that isn’t possible anymore.
We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times
It seems like lover boy is feeling some of the same feelings? The fame might be too much for an actual love to exist. Of course this ends up being possible and so worth it and UGH I LOVE LOVE :,)
We're not trying (oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
We’re not “trying” because they’re still refusing to actually say that they’re in love and be in a relationship.
So cut the headlights
Summer's a knife
I'm always waiting for you
Just to cut to the bone
This one is tricky. I want to say the “cut the headlights” means that she’s giving in. Cut the headlights and let’s be in love and kiss and all that good stuff. But then she goes back to “Summer’s a knife” (beautiful imagery omg) saying that this summer could cut her to the bone (aka wound her heart) if this ends up falling apart.
Devils roll the dice
Angels roll their eyes
And if I bleed
You'll be the last to know
She’s trying to keep it cool here. It’s so coy, like “my poker face is so good you’ll never know my true feelings”. So if he does in fact end up hurting her, he’ll never know. She wants to build a rock wall around her emotions so she can’t get hurt.
Oh, it's new
The shape of your body, it's blue
The feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
It's cool
That's what I tell 'em, no rules
In breakable Heaven but
Ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
With you
I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh)
Said, "I'm fine", but it wasn't true
THIS BRIDGE. This bridge is where all her true emotions come out. It’s like the end of summer where all this has bubbled up and a little alcohol makes it explode and her poker face breaks down. Crazy how alcohol works like that! But again she’s trying to regain that poker face by saying she’s “fine”.
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
So she doesn’t want to keep it secret that they’re in love. I mean not to the public kind of secret, but secret to him that she loves him. Make sense?
And I, snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh)
Ahhhh the allusion. Love that. The forbodden garden. Like Adam and Even- temptation. She walked into her temptation by creating a relationship with him and falling head over heels in love with him and THAT’S what sealed her fate. Giving in to a love that was impossible to forget.
And I screamed, "For whatever it's worth"
"I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
He looks up, grinning like a devil
This part is freaking precious. She confesses this monstrous secret that she loves him and he just looks up grinning like an idiot like “yeah, I know. I love you too”. PRECIOUS. And the devil bit I think is just about how his smile gives off this radiance of playfulness.
It's new
The shape of your body, it's blue
The feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
It's cool
That's what I tell 'em, no rules
In breakable Heaven but
Ooh, whoa oh
It's a cruel summer
With you
I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh)
Said, "I'm fine", but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I, snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh)
And I screamed, "For whatever it's worth"
"I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
Reiterating the bridge? Brilliant. It so deserves to be sung twice!!
Now, this is how I interrupt it. Idk if it’s right, but that’s why I love this song soooo much. It’s so unique and open to interpretation. Love that Taylor !!!!
Also, this album is the soundtrack to this newly married woman’s life and I LOVE(R) it! So many bops. So many emotions. It basically radiates all sorts of shades of pastels :,)
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Falcon of Detroit (DBH Connor Fanfiction) Chapter Ten
~Phoebe's POV~
Connor turned his full attention to me and I awaited to see what all he knew about me. "You graduated two years ahead of your class in college due to excellent performance and grades at Penn State. After graduation, you moved to Detroit. At the age of twenty-two, you became the youngest detective in all of Michigan. A few months after your instatement with the DPD, you solved your first case and placed one of Detroit's most dangerous serial killers in jail—Benjamin Atkins, or well-known as the Woodward Corridor Killer."
(Benjamin Atkins is a real serial killer from Detroit. He died in 1997, but let's just say he's alive and in jail in 2038.)
After the arrest, you and the Lieutenant became partners and you both have worked together since."
"You sound like a walking Wikipedia," I commented out of the blue.
"I did my research before CyberLife assigned me to be your partner and the Lieutenant's," Connor confesses. His neutral expression suddenly changed serious. "I'm... sorry about your parents, Phoebe."
"Don't be. They were killed when I was in high school."
"What happened?" Hank asked.
"Well, my parents were coming home and crossing one of the bridges in Pittsburgh. A drunk driver hit them and their car went over the side of the bridge. They didn't make it out of the car and drowned."
"Now I know why you never told me..." Hank sorrowfully sighs. "I'm sorry for asking.”
"Don't worry about it. That was twelve years ago."
Suddenly, Connor's LED changes to yellow. "I just got a report of a suspected deviant or rogue. It's a few blocks away. We should go have a look."
"You better eat faster, Hank, or we're leaving you behind," I tease.
"Just give me a few minutes and then we'll go," Hank said, taking a huge bite out of his hamburger and then another.
"Don't choke yourself!" I scolded.
He waved me off, taking another bite and washing it down with a swig of soda. I shook my head in disbelief and followed Connor to the car.
-A Few Minutes Later-
Just as Hank promised, he finished his burger in record time and drove us to an apartment building that appeared to be in poor condition. We rode the elevator to our destination and stepped off. When Connor wasn't following us, Hank and I exchanged confused glances. "Hey, Connor!" The man bellows, his eyes falling back on him. The android opened his eyes, meeting our muddled expressions. "You ran outta batteries or what?"
"I was making a report to CyberLife."
"Uh, well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?"
"No! I'm coming."
The android exited the elevator and walked beside me as we meandered down the dusty, dirty hallway. Hank led the way, questioning who our target was. "What do we know about this guy?"
"Not much. Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor."
"Who the hell would live in this dump?" I scoffed, staring at the junk that littered the hallway.
"Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap," Connor answered.
Hank groaned. "Oh, Christ. If we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."
I nodded in agreement. "Preach."
We reached the door at the end of the hallway and Hank leaned against the wall beside it. "Hey, were you really makin' a report back there in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?”
"Correct," the android responds, positioning himself in front of the door.
"Shit. Wish I could do that."
"I'm more of a 'write-down-everything' kinda girl," I commented.
"What about essays?" Hank inquired.
"Hell yeah! I'm more creative with a pencil in my hand than typing on a keyboard."
"So that's why you still write your reports by hand."
Connor knocked on the door, ending our conversation. "Anybody home?" The machine knocked louder and harder. "Open up! Detroit Police!"
Hank laid a hand against his concealed pistol as we heard the sound of scuffling from the other side of the door. "You both stay behind me."
"Got it," Connor and I answered in unison.
The Lieutenant drew his pistol and kicked the door in. It flew open, the strong stench of fecal matter slapping us in the face. I winced at the horrid stench as the three of us entered the apartment. Hank holstered his pistol with a growl. "What the fuck is this?!" The entire apartment, minus the small rooms, were swarmed with pigeons. The birds were pecking at the floorboards and I assumed it was food they were eating. "Jesus, this place stinks..."
"Thanks for the info, Captain Obvious," I playfully saluted the man.
The three of us searched the apartment. Connor and Hank checked the living room and kitchen while I searched the small bedroom. With no clues, I wandered to the living room and heard Hank complaining. "Uh, looks like we came for nothin'. Our man's gone."
"Not possible. The only exit is the front door. The windows are either partially boarded up or entirely blocked off. Our man is hiding and I bet he can hear us," I stated.
Connor suddenly tore a poster off the wall and revealed a notebook. He flipped through the pages before closing the leather-bounded object. Hank peered at the android when he saw the item in his hand. "Found something?"
"I don't know. It looks like a notebook, but it's... indecipherable."
"May I see it?" I ask. Connor hands the notebook over and I flip through the pages. The symbols inside seemed to resemble large mazes with no signs of an entrance or exit. It was the same image I saw painted in the bedroom. Turning the page, I found a symbol that seemed familiar.

It resembled a key and I remembered where I had seen it before. I pulled out my phone, catching Hank and Connor's curiosity. "Phee, what are you looking up?"
"The newspaper from a few months ago when the first rogue appeared. This symbol..." I showed them the page while my eyes were scanning my search results. "I saw it in the picture that went with the article." I finally found what I was searching for and showed them. "The rogue used the blood from his victim to create it. Then, it was killed by police just after it finished drawing this symbol."
"It's possible the symbol is linked to Amadeus," Connor concludes.
"That's exactly what I was thinking, but... the symbol has only appeared in the first rogue case. The number of corrupted androids has increased since this incident, but this symbol has only appeared once."
"Is it possible we're dealing with a rogue?" Hank inquired.
I shook my head. "No. If we were, the android wouldn't be hiding right now. Rogues love confrontation and bloodshed. Deviants, on the other hand, are the complete opposite."
"I will check the bathroom," Connor announces, walking into said room.
Hank and I remained in the pigeon infested living room/kitchen area, both of us spotting the box of bird seed on the counter. I picked up the empty box and saw the logo of the store from where the android had purchased the feed. "Definitely a deviant. Rogues wouldn't go through the trouble of buying anything. And no human would welcome this many pigeons in a small apartment."
"Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons," Hank stated.
Connor returned from the bathroom and told us he found a LED on the sink and the same maze-like drawings on the wall along with ra9 written over two thousand times.
"We found nothing new out here, except for a small pile of books on the shelves beside the closet. Sadly, none of them hold crucial information," I informed the android.
"Real books... I thought Phee and I were the last people in Detroit to keep some. Electronic books, you can't... smell the paper, see the pages turning yellow." Hank fell silent when Connor didn't react to his words. The man found his voice again and sighed. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
"Hardly doubt Connor would have an idea. He's only been in working condition for a few months and hasn't really explored the old ways. The only reason I still have physical copies is because I love the feel of turning each page. You can't get that same satisfaction with all this digital shit. And, you don't have to worry about charging a book or it not working."
"Ain't that the truth," Hank smiled.
Connor's eyes suddenly narrowed as he approached a hole in the ceiling. There was no light, making it difficult to see inside the cranny. As he was directly under the hole, the android we've been searching for tackles Connor and makes a quick escape, stirring up the pigeons as he dashed out of the apartment. "Connor, go after him! We'll be fine!" I shouted over the obnoxious sound of wings flapping.
The machine nodded and snappily took chase. Hank and I exited the apartment after the horde of pigeons had settled. I glanced down the hall, eyes glued to the decrepit wall. "I know what you're thinking, Phee," Hank said.
"We'll try to cut the deviant off and help Connor catch him."
"How're we supposed to know where the hell those two are?"
"Random selection. Let's go!"
"Hey! Don't push yourself! You've already torn your stitches once!"
"I'll be fine! We've got a deviant to catch!"
The two of us ran through the streets. We caught small glimpses of Connor and the deviant as they ran across the rooftops. Hank and I decided to ascend one building and saw the deviant coming straight towards us. The man quickly pushed me aside as the machine grabbed him and pushed Hank over the ledge of the building. The Lieutenant grabbed the ledge before he could fall to the ground below. "Hank!"
Just then, Connor arrived and assisted Hank before I could react. As I saw the deviant getting away, I quickly chased after him. A few seconds later, I heard the Lieutenant shout at the RK800. "Connor, stop Phoebe before she hurts herself again!"
I didn't stop running even after hearing Connor and Hank shout for me to stop. Ignoring their worried calls completely, I chase the deviant across more rooftops. When we reached a giant gap between two buildings, the machine jumped and reached the other building perfectly. Seeing as I wasn't as agile or tough as normal androids, I took a deep breath and backed up to get a better running start. I didn't make it far before I was tackled to the ground, arms wrapped around my body protectively.
Desperate to free myself and catch up to the deviant, I tried to pry the person off of me. I recognized the tie, but I still squirmed in Connor's grasp. "Connor, let me go! He's getting away!"
"That deviant isn't more important than your life, Phoebe!" His LED flashed yellow as his hold tightened on me.
"He knew about the key symbol! We could've had another lead on Amadeus!" I shouted, grasping his jacket tightly. The fabric crinkled under my death grip as my eyes were glued in the direction the android had disappeared.
Connor's body loomed over mine as he unwrapped his arms from my waist. His hands gripped mine tightly and I knew he wouldn't let go until I had calmed down. "We will find and apprehend Amadeus. I promise, Phoebe."
I inhaled deeply to calm myself down and turned my gaze to Connor. His brown eyes met my blue ones and I saw emotions I've never seen him express. Concern and joy were mixed in his eyes, showing the worry he had for me and the happiness of learning I was alright. I sigh heavily, closing my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. "I'm sorry, Connor. I shouldn't have chased after him. I was just so... desperate to know what he knew about that key symbol."
"You do not need to apologize. I understand you wish to capture Amadeus as soon as possible, but you cannot risk your life."
I smiled. "Thank you, Connor."
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Wow just kissing
Hes surprised how his parents still slept as Stuart crept back to his room, stumbling drunkenly through a dark hallway in a great attempt to sneak. And while the last crack of the door was shut he was even more surprised how they didn't wake up from they yell that followed after.
Hell you scared him too.
“Shit from how much we see each other you'd think-fuck” He says ruffling a hand through his unwashed hair.
Stuart relaxed against his door, heaving a sigh of relief as he looked over to the punk that sat at his windowsill, calmly putting out a cigarette bud. “Sorry, im alittle drunk and, I didnt think- the light n stuff”.
“Get a little nasty did we?” Mudz asks vaguely with a chuckle as he goes to plop down on the end of your bed.
“Naw, heads a bit swimmin. Decided to dip out afta a few hours” He says discarding his shirt, staggering to his dresser to find his bottle of pills. Finding the bottle he looked to the label with half a mind and popped three to swallow them dry.
“I was looking through your music, and might I add that you have...a very nice taste added to the mix.” the Bassists purred in approval using the Bluenettes new Rolling Stones album to fan away the leftover smoke that settled in the room..
“Careful with how much I paid for it, it's worth more then ya life”
“Ah so it was stolen” He laughs gathering a new cigarette between his lips, offering one to Stuart has he goes to play the disc. 2D Grabs a match from his pockets as he strikes a flame against his leg, holding it steadily to his end before waving the light out.
“Pops let ya in or dija sneak?” he asks through a wave of smoke.
“You know I come when I please, Whos party?” Murdoc asks after setting the needle down gently.”
“Emma Crabunk” Stuart said with a nasty tone as he settled on the bed to slip off his shoes.
“Thought you said she was a bitch”
“Still is but she throws a damn good party, thought I was bringing drugs tho. Like id share any wit er” he says rolling his eyes with a mumble, Mudz leaned against the wall.
“Meet any cuties?”
Stuart takes a minute to think, “there was this nice dark girl, real great hair, cool ass glasses-” he thought aloud. “One of them Disco Hippie chicks, yanno? We danced a bit but I didn't really feel like jumpin her, Think she came with this other chick anyway” He says with another drag from his smoke.
“Nice” he says “How was ya concert tonight?” “Well you weren't there, so kinda boring really. Had a seat up front fer ya..” “You mad I didn't go?” Stuart asks sitting up to face him
He gives a shrug hoping to brush off the topic before taking another drag to blow to the cracked window. He opens his mouth to speak but decides against it shaking his head.
“What?” He asks looking concerned “Nothing, just there was a party... I wanted to take ya too after, good one I coulda got ya some drinks and stuff” he shrugs again nonchalantly as he made his way over “Oh...Sorry” Stuart muttered looking down, rubbing the back of his neck
Murdoc gruffs a bit to show he’s unconcerned at the problem before resting his hands behind his head, falling back to the sheets below.
“ No foul play, we can hang here. After all, i'm welcomed whenever~” “That you are~” Stuart plays back
They sit in silence for a few songs, listening to comfortable thoughts in a smoked filled room while the record player spun some classic rolling stones.
“I like Keith Richards” “Yeah, he's kinda hot” Stuart smirks “Ment music wise but yeah, pretty bangable. I mean ya don't have ta be bent ta know that” “What about Jagger?” “Something bout him seems off, good voice just…..maybe his hair?”
“Really? I thought he was some sort of Idol” Stuart asks oh so innocently hoping to rile the older male.
Murdoc sits up looking appalled
“Keiths a sex God, how could you look at Mick and think yeah I'd fuck that awkward mess” “You're just saying that because Keith looks like you!” “Exactly!, he's stealing my looks and moves” He laughs putting his cigarette out on his boot.
Stuart laughs and sits up to flick his cigarette out the window with Mudz, shifting closer to him. He props his head in his hand and stares down the teen-esque male, poking his tongue through his gap teeth.
“So who's really stealing, him or you?” “You wanna find out?~” He says with a cocky smile.
Without thinking, Stuart leans down to capture a sudden kiss. Surprised at his own boldness and earning a squeak from none other than Murdoc himself. He thought about pulling away, suddenly feeling all to aware at the awkward situation and the possibility of completely fucking up his friendship.
But with even more shock Murdoc claims the kiss just as eagerly as Stuart.
“I-Im sorry its jus that-” He starts, pulling away for a hitch of breath only to get yanked back by the locks of his hair. Stuart gave a moan of approval ignoring the sharp pain of the others teeth that clipped the edge of his lips.
The taste of whiskey and smoke filled his mouth, something oddly charming as it fit well with the others rough characteristics. It was the kind of drunken attention he'd been craving all night as Murdoc pulls slightly at the his bottom lip. Invading his mouth to run his tongue along the gap in front he caused several years back during a game of pool gone wrong. He maneuvers the man lightly, hoping to urge him to his lap and was all to giddy when he complied, pushing the kiss a little harder.
Settling his leg over Stuart detaches himself from his lips to leave a trail of kisses down Murdoc's neck, trembling with every little noise that slips near his ear. The Satanist grasps the his hips as he slips his eyes closed, relaxing against the grazing teeth against his jaw.
“Fuck” he half yelp as Stuart bravery took a bite at his neck, he could feel the bruise beginning to form as a tongue pressed against the vein stained in his neck along with the stiffness rising in his jeans. “Ok?” He asks looking over Mudz with an all too concerned look in his eyes, fuck this was too vulnerable he told himself tingeing red from the thought of being so affected by so little. This needs to change ASAP.
Pushing himself up from the bed he grabs his hips in a vice grip and decides to dominate by parting his slips once more. This is..a lot more complicated (and hotter) than what was initially thought, trying to settle both their dominance was hard especially when Stuart ran his hands through the greasy mess of hair that Murdoc all to much enjoyed
All was well, good music, a slight buzz. additive kissing with heavy petting had them both shaking for more but before Murdoc could get ahold of eithers belt a knock at the door caused them both to pale and cease their actions.
“Stewie-honey? Are you ok?” His mom ask through the door.
Scurrying up from Murdoc’s lap he makes a break to the door before his mom bursts onto the current situation. The Bassists gives a toothy grin at the familiar nickname as he looks to the mirror to fix his hair and shirt.
He opens the door without haste, startling the poor mother she stood worryingly in her bathrobe. He gives a small coughs, thankful of the darkness to hide his embarrassed face.
“Are you feeling alright?, I heard noises is- Stuart is that smoke I smell? What did I tell you about smoking inside!” She says starting out concerned only to have her face distort from the smell that wafted through.
“I- Mom sorry I-”
“Hello Mrs. Pot!” Murdoc calls from the room
Stuart jolts from the noise but is relieved when he sees his mom soften from the all too familiar sound. Stuart pushes open the door a tad more so Murdoc can wave from the bed, a sudden stack of records in his lap.
“Murdoc honey oh! Hello!, everything alright dear, you're here pretty late?” “Im fine Mrs.Pot n’ sorry for the noise, I stubbed my toe on the damn dresser” “Language please” She scolds and he holds up his hands in defeat “We're fine mom, just-” “Well you're always welcomed,” She interrupts “just please no smoking inside and don't forget you have classes tomorrow- has he been a good host Murdoc?” “Nothing but the best~” he says with his best snake smile, eyeing down Stuart and his all to apparent flustered state. Rachel smiles lovingly at her boys and kisses Stuarts cheek goodnight before heading back down the hall leaving both men to sit in silence.
“Past your bedtime Stewie?” He asks mockingly
Stuart gives him a look trying to think of something to say, but with nothing coming to mind due to his still current state of high he settles with a heartfelt middle finger to the crackling Musician.
#Stuarts about 18 collage freshman#Mudz is about 23#Childhood friends au#2Doc#crazyartdad#my writing#100 Kink challenge#Kissing#SO I have this Crush on Keith Richards now thanks for asking#Here ya go boys#fresh meat#wtf do I name this as?
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