#kinda open. so it feels like i'm really opening myself up. even if to nobody in particular
Know what? I'm gonna try throwing my hat into the ring for Danny Phantom.
I accidentally electrocuted myself as a kid and never told anybody- nothing serious, I grabbed the three exposed prongs of a half plugged in laptop charger in the middle of the night and didn't want to get in trouble since nobody else was awake. Even if it isn't fatal, it's terrifying and your vision completely blacks out and your arm tingles for days afterwards, and for the whole day after you got shocked your fingers on the hand that grabbed the prongs will randomly twitch, open or close or jerk to the side. You have no control, it's like when the doctor hits your knee to check your reflexes.
Now, from what I can tell from the scene where Danny went ghost for the first time, he really was electrocuted. From what I can tell, his ghost and human halves seem kinda separate- not completely, but the change is there. Where is this going?
Danny never told anyone about the accident- not anybody that could help him, anyways. I propose that, since he never got medical treatment or physical/occupational therapy after the accident, his motor function deteriorates over time.
More specifically, his small motor function is effected- I will be using personal experience in this section, since my small motor skills were so bad I couldn't use zippers or tie my shoes until I was 12, but I'll try putting things in reverse.
Danny starts fumbling with tying his shoes, laughing it off as being tired. Buttons take a few minuets, and even snap buttons become a bit hard. Odd, mildly confusing, but nothing to be concerned about. Then it progresses. He can't properly use tools anymore, it's like nothing is ever precise enough, everything takes a few tries to get it right. His fingers are fumbling everything, his handwriting turns to chickenscratch that not even he can read at times, he struggles to comb his hair because it's hard to coordinate movements, his back teeth are always textured because he struggles to brush his teeth and he can't really reach the back ones properly anymore.
I don't know if this is connected to small motor or not, but he starts dragging his feet and the toes of his shoes wear out quicker because walking while lifting his feet any higher doesn't feel right. This was something I had fixed during occupational therapy, but I don't know if it was just me or not.
Eventually, it becomes sunlight-on-clean-pact-snow levels of blindingly obvious that something is incredibly wrong. Danny's hair is knotted and half-matted because he is unable to brush it properly, when he smiles there is plaque on some parts of his teeth and not others, he always wears slip-on shoes or his laced shoes are always untied, buttons always seem like they could unslip because they're only half-buttoned, zippers in his jackets getting stuck in shirts and he doesn't bother to fix it, teachers can no longer read his assignments and his friends can't read his notes. Nobody can ignore it, but nobody knows how to help when Danny gets so clearly frustrated when he has to do something with his hands and it just doesn't work. It seems like he suddenly developed a hole in his lip, since he always had to lean far over his bowl or plate to not end up on food with his shirt because his hands can't hold silverware steady.
But Phantom? None of those issues. He became a ghost after being electrocuted, of course. Why would there be damage from the initial creation of this half? It could be why he ends up enjoying fighting the ghosts, his hands actually work with him instead of against him.
Feel free to take this idea and do what you want with it, I really liked writing this!
Also if you use this for a fic, please comment the link if possible, I wanna see all the ways people use this :)
Edit: So I started a mini-series about this. Is it any good? Probably not, but writing makes me happy.
Noticed But Hoping For The Best
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imdead770 · 9 months
The Outsiders x Reader fluff - Sodapop Curtis
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Authors Note - I had to hype myself up for this because I procrastinate too much.
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Sodapop Curtis -
• I feel like writing this is so simple because this man is concerningly affectionate??
• There's so many sweet things he'd do
• Whenever he started flirting nobody even noticed because he's like that naturally
• Unlike Dallas he actually asked you out straight up.
• He almost threw up before asking you and was literally jumping up and down when he got home
• Darry had to grip his shoulders to keep him on the ground
• He wouldn't shut up about you??
• Before and after you started dating, you're his conversation
• The gang is so sick of it
• Your first date was so perfect
• He'd do everything
• Open doors for you, push your hair behind your ear
• 😭❤️
• Whenever you were driving to your date, he hyped himself up to hold your hand
• But when you beat him to it he almost wrecked the car
• He was smiling the whole time after that
• He was already smiling, but now it was full out grinning
• Compliments.
• Every fucking day.
• Your hair, your outfit, your body, your eyes, your voice, your personality
• Makes sure you know just how perfect you are everyday.
• Your first kiss.
• Fuck romcoms, this was so much better.
• 100% used some shit pickup line on the end of your first date just to kiss you
" darlin'.. what kinda lipgloss you got on? "
" strawberry.. why? "
" mind if I have a taste? "
• Screaming. Crying. Hollering.
• He was so surprised it actually worked
• Like Dallas, pet names are just normal at this point.
• Darlin', sweetheart, doll, baby
• Either that or some really sappy shit like sweetcheeks
• He's super sweet but I know damn well Sandy made a dent in him
• You know how he's super affectionate? He needs just as much affection.
• A lot of times you just lay down, hold each other and talk.
• You lying with your head on his chest, him playing with your hair as he talked about the time Steve nearly burned off his hair at DX.
• He's always toucuing you in some way shape or form
• Holding your hand, resting his hand on your thigh as he drives, kissing your cheek
• He's a PDA whore.
• Tries to help you with your homework but it ends up with him being way more confused then you.
" Hun, I gotta admit.. I ain't cut out for this. Go ask Dar. "
• Takes you out every Saturday
• Normally to the drive-in or some diner the gang talked about
• He's so loyal to you it's not even funny.
• Tells you every night about the girls who flirted with him at DX.
" You wouldn't believe it doll. I told her I ain't interested 8 times, everytime she just flipped her hair and kept on talkin'. "
• You always laugh your ass off because all these girls think they have a chance
• But you know damn well Soda would never do that
• One time a girl flirted with Soda infront of you
" You're real' sweet n' all, but I got a girlfriend "
" Aw cmon.. just cheat.. for me "
• The way you verbally harassed her.
• Sodapop nearly made out with you right then and there
• He 100% said I love you within the first month
• Almost cried when you said it back
• Talks about your future a lot
" How 'bout we name our kid Brooke? "
" I'm never havin' kids, Soda "
" Aw c'mon... can ya' imagine how good lookin' they'd be? "
• Kisses you an ass ton
• Always holds you close near the gang because he knows damn well half of them would fuck you given the chance 💀
• Saves up money to get you gifts
• Tries to remember the things you like for gifts but always scrambles it around
• Loves when you visit him at DX
• Makes his work days 11x better
• Literally so sweet to you
• You're crying? He'd literally drop everything to comfort you. Tired? He's already asleep with you.
• Talks about cars way too much
• Every day you have to explain you don't know what the fuck a carburetor is
• He's so used to having you around he has no idea how to operate without you anymore
• Like if you start sleeping together every night (keep it pg) and you have a school trip or something, he genuinely can't sleep
• He literally has to hold the pillow to sleep.
• Ponyboy was basically kicked out of the room because of you
• Still mad at you for that
• Your voice puts him to sleep
• If he lays on you while you're talking and you start playing with his hair, he'll literally be out in 2 minutes tops.
• He literally loves you so much and reminds you every chance he gets it
• The gang teases him but he doesn't care because you're way better than any of their girlfriends
• He's so perfect??
• Like you don't even understand how God did this.
• He's hot as hell, he's sweet, funny, caring
• He's the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
• I love him so much 😔❤️
Steve's next
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AITA for indulging in my boyfriend's cuck kink?
Alright, so for some background, both me (25, M, panromantic asexual) and my BF (28, M, bisexual) live in a VERY conservative rural area, literally NOBODY knows we're together even though we've been dating for years and the community is pretty tight-knit, that's how much effort we've put into hiding ourselves. We've thought about moving out but honestly other than the constant threat of being found out our life here is pretty great, we know everyone in the community and are on very friendly terms with them, we were both born and raised here so we're honestly kinda scared of losing everything and starting over in a new place, plus I really want to stay to support my dad because I know he can already get pretty lonely as is (mom works out of town, only visits for holidays if even that, plus I don't have any other siblings to keep him company) and me moving away would hurt him a lot.
Now, with that out of the way onto the actual situation: the cuck thing is something me and my boyfriend have discussed about at length, he's not shy about it to me and I'm always glad to make him happy so I'd be open to trying it if the opportunity arose. The thing is- I never really thought there WOULD be an opportunity for it due to the circumstances described above. Well, that was until a girl we both know confessed to me on Christmas Eve. That girl- let's call her Ellie (23, F, straight(?))- is someone I've actually had feelings for a while now (my BF knows and told me he'd be fine with me dating her as an 'official' relationship, but only if I keep us a secret), however I never did anything about those feelings. I was honestly kinda shocked when the confession happened, but in a good way, and I ended up accepting in the heat of the moment, so now me and Ellie have been 'officially' dating for about a month.
Here's where I think I might be the asshole: since that happened my BF has started to hang out with the two of us while we're acting like a very lovey-dovey couple and he's obviously been getting off on that (as in, it's obvious to me, doubt anyone else picked up on it) and I've been having mixed feelings about this. On one hand we did talk about it and agree to it, but on the other I do think this is unfair to Ellie in a way that I didn't realize previously because I never realistically considered this happening. My BF is reassuring me, saying that it's best we keep hidden anyway and that so long as nobody finds out no harm is done, but I still feel kinda bad about it, yet at the same time I don't really know what I should do in this situation to make it right. The whole thing only gets even more complicated when you account for the fact that Ellie is our pastor's granddaughter and as such comes from a very well known family in our community, a family that has a reputation to uphold, and if the thing about me and my BF came out it would surely impact her badly in that way as well. On the other, she really gets along with my son (8, M) and I really think that she'd make a great mother to him so I don't want to deprive him of that and break things off just because of my own personal drama. On the other OTHER hand I also don't want to break up with my BF because it would feel cruel in my opinion, especially when I very much still love him.
So, AITA for keeping my promise and just going along with this and keeping quiet to save myself and my BF?
What are these acronyms?
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secret-sturniolo · 11 months
stay - chris sturniolo
summary - based on the prompt "stay with me tonight, please." where chris comforts y/n after she gets hate
warnings - hate comments, lil angsty
a/n - this one is kinda short but i like it so hopefully you guys do too
why is y/n here again?
i get the feeling y/n is using the triplets for clout
i thought we made it clear nobody likes y/n
lmao y/n really thinks she has a chance with chris who's gonna tell her
The comments came flooding in on the new car video the triplets posted, where I joined them as a special guest. It wasn't the first time I had gotten hate for being friends with them, but usually I was able to ignore it as there wasn't very much of it. But this time, I couldn't just ignore it when the majority of the comments were mean ones about me. Overwhelmed with sadness and anxiety, I stood up from the couch as I announced that I was going to head back to my place.
"Are you sure? Is everything okay?" Nick asked me.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good all of a sudden." I replied.
Nick and Chris shared a glance before looking back at me.
"I can get Matt to drive you home if you want?" Chris asked me.
"No, no, don't worry about it. I'll text you guys later, okay?"
I made my way out the door and into my car. I waited until I had pulled out of the driveway, but then the tears started rolling down my cheeks. Am I really that bad? I thought. It was only about a five minute drive back to my apartment thankfully. Ignoring the smeared makeup I could see in the mirror, I went straight to my bedroom and laid down, staring at the ceiling. I tried not to, but I picked up my phone and started reading more of the hateful comments directed at me. My promise to text the boys when I had gotten home was long forgotten as the sadness took hold of me, and I fell asleep, tired from crying.
Chris's POV
I thought it was strange how y/n suddenly decided to leave. It was very unlike her, and she didn't even give a good reason, simply saying she didn't feel good. I tried not to worry about her too much, but as time went on I just couldn't shake the feeling.
Our new video had been up for a while now, so Matt, Nick and I decided to check YouTube to see how it was doing and if people liked it. Right off the bat, we could see that it already had more views than we normally get, which at first glance seemed like a good thing. I watched as Nick's eyes widened at the computer screen, mouth hanging open. I grabbed the laptop to see for myself what made him so shocked. Scrolling through the comments, almost every one was about y/n. My expression quickly changed to match Nick's as I read through them.
"Dude, do you see these? They're all about y/n, and they're terrible!" I said, showing Matt the screen.
it's so obvious that she likes chris. im embarrassed for her
do people actually like y/n?
why would they hang out with a girl like y/n? shes not even that pretty
My heart dropped as I finally realized why y/n "wasn't feeling good".
"Matt, you have to drive me to y/n's place, right now." I said urgently.
Matt seemed to understand instantly. "Okay, I'll go start the car."
When we got to her apartment, I told Matt he could go back home and I would call him if I needed a ride. I grabbed the spare key from my pocket as I unlocked her door. There was no sign of y/n in the kitchen or living room, so I made my way to her bedroom. I softly knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I slowly opened it. My heart broke when I saw her curled up on top of her covers, dried mascara on her white pillows. Without even thinking, I moved to her bed, and gently laid down next to her, pulling her into my chest.
Y/n's POV
I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and for a moment it startled me as I opened my eyes, but when I realized who it was, I snuggled deeper into his chest as I began crying again.
"Shh, it's okay. I got you." he said gently.
We just laid like that, with my head in his chest until finally he spoke again.
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner."
"Am I really that bad, Chris?" I asked, sniffling.
"Absolutely not, y/n. Those people are just morons who aren't happy with themselves so they like to pick on other people. I know they upset you, but that's exactly what they wanted to happen. You can't give them what they want."
I let his words sink in for a moment. "So you read the comments?"
"Yeah, and they're wrong by the way, about everything." he said, looking into my eyes.
I realized what he was saying, but I was too tired to bring it up right now.
"Stay with me tonight, please?" I asked him.
"Of course. Let's get you under the blankets though, it's getting cold."
I giggled as he lifted me up to pull the blankets out from under me. I rolled over, and he pulled my back into his chest, as we matched each other's breathing. I sighed contently as he gently played with my hair sending tingles down my spine.
Just as I was falling asleep, I felt his breath as he whispered against my neck.
"I love you, y/n"
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oniraki · 2 months
Broken into fractures
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Pairing : Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
TW : Mental health, Psych ward, mentions of : self harm, suicide wishes/attempts , severe trauma (both Simon and reader), dark themes , angst, hurt/comfort , swearing , nicotine and psychiatric medication/sedation use - maybe too much tagging but it's better safe than sorry I guess?
AN : inspired by all the fantastic artists and writers here I gathered the courage to try and write something up myself. Hope I don't mess shit up .. please have patience with me for I really don't know what I am doing right now (and English is not my first language..)
"you're in time out Mr.Riley.." his psychiatrist says in a hushed tone, making Simon's head throb painfully. He does not like that bawbag of a man with his silly round glasses and his pathetic attempts to comb his hair in a way, that would hide his growing baldness. Simon tries to focus on Doc.Hershal's words but instead his eyes are glued to a coffee stain on the man's button down.
"Mr.Riley do you even pay attention?" A grunt is the only response that so called doctor gets out of him. The man sighs. "You hurt another patient, Mr.Riley.." he tries again and Simon chuckles hoarsely. "I'm well aware of that. He had it coming for some time .." - "You broke his nose." The doctor states more urgently, observing Simon's features as far as possible, since half of his face is hidden behind a black scarf.
"Fucking hell..should've broken his neck instead." Dr.Hershal shakes his head. "We have talked about this plenty of times, didn't we, Mr.Riley? This is no healthy way of coping with your feelings. This is unacceptable behavior above all of it. Every patient has a right to be here, to heal and to be safe while doing so"
Simon could feel his blood boil, hear it rushing through his whole body. Safety? He was talking about safety after all, that happened earlier that day? "Where was her right of safety when that fucker had his hands all over her...?!" The psychiatrist nods "I have heard about the incident. But that does not justify your aggressive behavior. That was something to be dealt with by the hospitals staff, Mr.Riley."
Incident. The nurses should've handled this. "And still nobody showed up fast enough to put her out of her misery, for fucks sake!"
His heart was beating way too fast, his bruised hands shaking in his lap. Knuckles cut open from that other man's broken teeth. He felt no shame, no regret. He'd do it all over again. Do anything to keep you safe, to protect you from harm. Even if it ment that he had to be locked up here longer than he had anticipated.
He'd do it for you.
The light was nearly blinding you as you crossed the threshold of the door, leading to the cage on the hospitals rooftop. You've never been entitled to garden privileges, going out alone and wandering around the paths between old trees and decorative bushes. You couldn't be trusted, the nurses always explained with that sorry, kinda pittying smile on their faces. You'd be a danger to yourself, they'd argue. Couldn't risk you hurting yourself, fulfilling your death wish..
The cage was just a sorry excuse of a garden. An area with fake grass and plants, some benches, secured by a Chain-link fence.. but it was your only escape from the sterile and sad gray walls of the ward, crushing you between them until you couldn't breathe. Closing you in, never letting you go. The flickering of the neon lights, the squeaking of the linoleum floor. Cold,blood sucking fingers that had a hold of you. Everything designed to torture and torment you furthermore.
The only way for you to leave that place was in a body bag. That much you were sure of.
"Hey scare-bear.." you whispered as you let yourself slump down on the fake grass next to Simon. He didn't even flinch or look at you at your sudden intrusion of his space. Not even when your head was leaning against his biceps. No words or sounds left his lips as he fetched a cigarette out of the box, lighting it up on the one he was smoking and then offering it to you. You stayed in comfortable silence for a smoke or two. Simon could feel the tension leaving his body, how his shoulders relaxed more and more with every passing minute. You were here. With him. Not in the observation room with that big window, directly connected to the nurses office. Not sedated and fixated. Not alone.. never alone, as long as he could impede it.
You sneaked your arm around his, your hand engulfing his with featherlight touches. The nurses patched him up properly after his emergency session with Hershal.
"'m sorry, love." You could feel the vibration of Simon's voice. Calming and soothing as a lullaby. He still didn't look at you, instead he kept his gaze on the sundown, throwing another cigarette butt off of the roof. "nothing to be sorry for, Si. It's my fault they relieved you of all of your privileges.." you murmured kinda dejected, petting his hand ever so lovingly.
Simon huffed, shaking his head eagerly, nearly making his hood fall down. "I'd trade every fucking, meaningless privelege if that's what it takes to keep you safe. Stop acting like it was your fault. You didn't ask him to touch you.. should've killed that bastard the second he tried to get close to you the first time."
Your movements stilled for a long moment until you released a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"they all told you to stay away from me, didn't they...?" Your voice was merely anything above a whisper. Simon only grunted in response. "As if that's ever going to happen. Nothing can stop me from being near you, little gremlin."
"but what, if they're right, scare-bear?" You ask, now avoiding his gaze that lingers on your face. "What if.. I'm no good for you? Making your condition worse..?" You thought intensely about it for the last couple of weeks. Simon used to make progress, used to get better.. at least until you came along. Certainly it hast to be your fault. "Is that what they believe or what you believe?" He snapped at you, hating himself for the harshness in his voice immediately.
You heard the night nurses whisper about you and Simon. About you being a liability to him. Stopping his progress, pulling him down into your dark abyss.
Your mind began spiraling again.
"I need words, love. Talk to me.. don't shut me out. Not again.." he demanded softly, freeing his arm out of your grasp. He'd leave you, right ? Because he realized how much of a burden you were.
But instead of getting up and leaving he placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him gently, as if he might break you.
But by now your thoughts and emotions were cutting too deep, pulling you into a kind of headspace where'd you go nonverbal ..
Burden. Threat. Liability. Rotten heart and soul inside a useless, broken body. Not good enough. Not loveable.
Why can't you finally die?
" 'm here, lovie. I got you." He whispered into the crown of your head. "It's okay not to be okay right now. We'll get through it, together."
Oh how you just wanted to believe him..
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
"You're Just a Boy, You Are No Man, And Nobody You Know Will Understand"
TWST dorm leaders finding out stealth ftm reader is trans
Reader is a trans man and implied to pass, misgendering, mentions of dysphoria, reader is on their period in Leona and Malleus's parts, mentions of reader's chest (non sexual), can be read as platonic or romantic
A/N: The idea for the title is a lyric from "things to do" by Alex G. When I played twst I kinda just always saw myself, being yuu in game, as a stealth trans man, because why would they need to know I'm trans?
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Riddle Rosehearts
It really hadn't been intentional when he found you changing, he was just suspicious as to why you didn't change in the boys locker room with every other student after gym. Of course this hot head doesn't tolerate any rule breaking and you weren't changing where you were supposed to! If you didn't feel comfortable then you could use a stall like everyone else!
After changing himself, quickly in order to catch you, he stormed off to find you and managed to catch a glimpse of you at the end of the hallway, entering a bathroom. Now he could have waited until you left the bathroom to confront you, but he decided that catching you in the act would be better and he could give punishment accordingly. (Yeah, to say he doesn't exactly think when he's mad is a fair assumption.)
What he hadn't expected was to walk in on you with no shirt, and you struggling with some type of bra-looking thing (man does not know what a binder is I'm sorry), and being the dignified man he is, let out a loud yelp, and walked back out of the bathroom as quickly as possible.
Standing outside of the bathroom waiting for you to finish, his mind raced. What did you have on? Why were you wearing that? Did he really just walk in on you changing? What was he thinking?
He felt himself tense up as he heard the door next to him squeak open. You walked out in your regular uniform and quite honestly looking more nervous and upset than he did. When making eye contact with you, he straightened his posture and gave you a genuine apology. "I'm truly sorry for walking in on you during an inappropriate moment! That was irresponsible of me."
You quickly and nervously accepted his apology as students started to crowd the hallways, walking to their next classes, and ran off. He really hated how upset you looked in that moment, and mentally beat himself up for the rest of the day for his stupid decision. Crewel even had to get his attention during alchemy. Embarrassing.
Later that day, around 7 pm, he got a text from you. You two never really texted, only had each other's numbers in case of emergency (aka Ace and Deuce getting themselves in trouble). You had asked him to come over to ramshackle to talk. He felt anxiety rising in his chest, but knew he needed to talk to you, so he promptly sent a quick text back and made his way over to your dorm.
That night the two of you had a very deep talk. you explained everything to him, from being trans, to the binder, and why you changed in the bathroom. While Riddle wasn't 100% educated on things like these, he understood and made sure to let you know he supported you and could always to come to him, even if he's bad at comfort, when he saw you tearing up.
After that you two defiantly grew closer. In any situation he saw that could out you, he made sure to cover for you, even if it was against the rules. If you wanted to come out, he'd be there to help you, maybe talking to people like Trey and Cater first, and would collar anyone who dares disrespect you.
Leona Kingscholar
Shark week has to be the worst part of the month. Varying on how bad your period gets from small cramps to doubling over in the hallway and almost passing out me, it still brings a wave of discomfort with your body and some heavy feelings, and you doubt in your current situation birth control would be easily available.
You aren't dumb. You know the second you got close to Leona, or any other beastman for that matter, he'd immediately be able to smell the blood on you. Animal traits or whatever. So the most logical thing to do was avoid Leona at all costs.
Or not. Leona was not happy that you were avoiding him. Just like how you aren't dumb, he isn't either. He knows somethings up, and he won't let it slide. As much as he likes to pretend, he really does care about the people close to him, and he enjoyed your (less annoying than everyone else's) visits.
He managed to corner you on one of your worst days. You were bleeding so much you were honestly concerned for your health and worried if this was normal. There was absolutely no way Leona wouldn't notice with his sense of smell. And he did notice.
You could see a slight shift in his expression from anger to concern the second he smelt blood on you. And cornered in that empty hallway, you gave in and told him everything about being trans.
Honestly Leona couldn't care less about it, he was more concerned about your physical state. Please don't throw up in the school hallway. "So what, I don't care how you were born. You look like shit and that's what's concerning ."
He dragged you down to the garden to nap with him, because when you're on your period, napping is all you can do to make yourself feel better, and even made Ruggie run and get you some chocolate and ibuprofen from the nurse. He could tell from Leona's stare that he shouldn't ask.
After that Leona became more protective of you, not because he sees you as weak or sees you as a woman, but because he's genuinely concerned for you and how you're feeling after how miserable you looked when he found out (although he doesn't show it). If anyone tried to make you upset, he'd be right there by your side (no one in their right mind would fight with Leona) and whether you decide to come out in school or not, Leona has your back.
Azul Ashengrotto
Listen, Azul gets it. he's insecure, he doesn't like his body and got bullied for it for most of his life. He can level with you about how your feeling and will always awkwardly be there if you need him. All it really took for the two of you to get closer was to see each other on a similar level.
Honestly, you knew something had been up when the Leech twins invited you to go swimming with them. I mean who would agree to that? It was you, you agreed because you decided it was finally time you got closer to the octo trio. There was one problem though.
You only had swim trunks and a shirt, which knowing how water works, would only stick to your chest the second you got wet. Why did you agree to this again? So while the two eels swam off into the water with you giving a promise to "join them later" you sat on the beach trying to figure out exactly what you were going to do.
You couldn't see him, but you heard Azul approach you from behind and sit down next to you. His face saddened when you opened up to him about being afraid to go into the water because you "didn't like your body". At that moment he knew exactly how you felt, but his attempts at comforting made it clear that he didn't exactly know your situation.
After you explained yo could see his face flush red, but he made an attempt at comforting you. He stood up and took your hand, pulling you up with him. He slowly walked the two of you into the water, only up to your ankles though. "Don't worry, no one here is going to judge you. I know it's hard but you can do it."
Neither the tweels or Azul made any comments about you or your body. After you saw Azul whispering to them, Floyd even made some comments about how it was "just us guys" and Jade referred to your day as a "boy's day out".
After this, not only did you have Azul behind you, you also had some very intimidating eels to support you. Azul would make sure no one would talk bad about you. Anyone that did ended up getting roped into a contract with him. While life may be hard this way, you'd always have the octo trio there for you.
Kalim Al-Asim
As usual, Kalim was throwing a massive party at the dorm, and although you're not very fond of parties, you went for Kalim. He was honestly so happy you came, he loves seeing you honestly, and you stuck to his side for most of it.
Walking around with him had unfortunately made things slightly worse for you, Kalim was extroverted after all and everyone wanted to talk to the host of the party. You had received many, not ill intended, comments from people ranging from "I didn't know they let girls into NRC" and "is this your new girlfriend Kalim?". While these people didn't mean any harm, only asking innocent questions, they cut deep. Near the end of the part you ended up walking off and into Kalim's dorm room.
A little while later, Kalim came in, he knew you would be in there after all. He sat down next you on the bed with a concerned look and asked if you were okay. Obviously you weren't and right there, in Kalim's arms, you broke down and told him everything, how you were trans and how that comments were so hard for you. he didn't say anything, only held onto you until you were done.
Once you finished crying, he hugged you tightly and ran off. He came back a few minutes later with some water and snacks. After you gulped down a bottle of water, he held you close again. He gave small assuring rubs to your shoulder and watched some youtube videos with you to try and make you feel better. For once, kalim wasn't so talkative, and you appreciated that.
After that incident you had never once been misgendered at scarabia again. Kalim had made it clear to everyone in the dorm that you were a man and nothing else, after all Kalim is one of the best friends a person could ask for. "I want you to know that to me and everyone at scarabia that you are the bravest man, and we all appreciate having you here. you deserve to be here."
Vil Schoenheit
He wanted you to be in a photoshoot. That was it, that was what made everything around you crumble. He wanted to measure you, put on makeup, take photos and it was all to much.
Apparently he wanted you in the photoshoot because of your "naturally pretty face" and it was just too much to deal with. you stood in the dressing room looking at yourself in the mirror, your mind pointing out every little detail that was "too feminine" and tears filled your eyes.
And that's when he walked in. THE Vil Schoenheit had just walked in on you crying before a photoshoot. He didn't look angry at you however, more concerned. He walked over to you and took your face in his hands. While he did fuss over your ruined makeup a bit, he was more pressing you into telling him what was wrong. were you overstimulated? Were the clothes uncomfortable? Were the lights too bright?
You broke down in the man's arms and while he was hesitant about smearing your makeup on his clothes, he relented and held you. You were able to tell him what was wrong through al of your cries and you could hear him call out something to one of the workers. Eventually you were given a water bottle and calmed down.
Vil sat there assuring you that these "feminine things" didn't make you any less of a man and that if anything needed to be changed to let him know. I mean did you really think Vil "fuck gender roles" Sheonheit would really judge you for this?
After this he found some more fitting clothes for you and made sure you were on comfortable whether on set or with him casually. He was honestly the best person to go to when struggling. He always helps you based on what would look more masculine on you and he wouldn't ever let anyone make fun of you. "How you look or what you wear does not affect you or your gender. To me and to everyone here, you are a man."
Idia Shroud
Now how in the word did this happen? how could Idia Shroud, the boy who stays in his room all the time, figure out you were trans? Well it's a bit of an awkward situation. Ortho had invited you over to their dorm for a sleepover because he wanted his big brother to get out there and start talking to people , other than the ones on his computer (much to Idia's disagreement). Honestly the three of you had an awesome time playing video games and hanging out, even if it took time for Idia to warm up to having you there.
That was until it came time for bed. Knowing Idia he probably would have preferred to stay up until the sun came up, but you and Ortho definitely weren't doing that. When you changed you had put on pajama pants, a tank top, and a hoodie. You had to take off your binder because obviously you can't sleep with it on (or at least you shouldn't be).
You honestly thought you would have been fine, but through the night it had ended up getting hotter, most likely due to the two boys beside you with literal fire hair. You guessed it would have been fine taking off your hoodie as long as you woke up before the two of them to put it back on. But you didn't, in fact you woke up to Idia staring at you. When you woke up you couldn't tell what was wrong until you remembered you weren't wearing your hoodie or a binder. You quickly sat up and threw your hoodie back on, muttering a small apology. you could hear him give one too, but it was quiet,
After you had left you ended up messaging Idia about the situation, and he actually ended up being surprisingly cool about the whole "being trans thing". I mean he's on the internet 24/7 so it isn't surprising that he would know about it. He even apologized about the staring and said that he didn't "mean to be a pervert" and was just caught of guard which made you laugh a bit.
While Idia isn't the most confrontational person (Ortho however is(some people found out the hard way)) he's always there to give you support and as he said "Honestly how you were born doesn't matter. You're a chill person now and that's all I care about."
Malleus Draconia
Just like Leona and other beastmen, fae like Malleus have a heightened sense of smell, but unlike Leona, you didn't know that.
When you had woken up that morning to the usual monthly discomfort, you knew you'd be having the worst time of your life. You somehow managed to drag yourself out of bed and put on your regular clothes along with a pad (for some reason Sam has them in stock in the shop, you have no idea why) and made your way to class.
Classes that day were miserable, but you pushed your way through it despite everything. Once you had finished your classes for the day, Malleus had approached you to ask if you wanted to spend time together. He stopped himself and looked down at you with his usual "disappointed but also concerned" face and asked if you were alright, being very vague about it.
You did the usual lie of saying you were fine, but as if whatever gods there are in this universe hat you with a burning passion, you were hit with the worst set of cramps imaginable. Holding your waist you tried to assure Malleus wasn't having it.
He picked you up like you weighed basically nothing and with one flash of light you found yourself back in your dorm room, which was a bit of an embarrassing mess due to both grim being grim and you panicking with your sudden "situation". Malleus didn't seem to mind as he set you down on your bed and sat next to you, that same look of concern still on his face.
There in your room you told Malleus about what was going on and why you were bleeding so much. You could see him relax knowing you weren't in danger and that this was just a natural thing. You may or may not have had to explain the concept of a period to Malleus because let's be honest he's clueless.
After that he brought you some food and medicine to try and help, but once again he's clueless. You appreciated the effort though. He stayed there for the entire night making sure you were okay and according to him "To me it does not matter how you were born and how you are physically. To me, you are a man, and a gentle, kind, brave, and helpful one at that."
While life may throw many obstacels your way, Malleus assures you that you are perfect the way you are and that he is always there for you.
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I'm not sure if I like Idia and Malleus's parts because I need go to bed lol, ty for reading and have a nice day.
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genderqueerdykes · 11 days
enby here wanting to dress more femme
ive grown up not caring how i looked at all
things like how to dress nice are things i just havnt been taught growing up and im feeling quite lost now as a result
like how to make sure my hair dosnt get greasy hair even after washing it the night before is beyond me
are there any resources you could point me to that would help?
(awesome blog tysm <3)
i get where you're coming from, i was not taught how to groom myself by my mom. she just kinda let my thick curly hair get mats and then yell at me for it. i also didn't dress femme ever i was butch from the start so she gave up and never taught me makeup, how to coordinate outfits, all that stuff
with your hair, it's going to totally depend on your hair type. using the wrong products for your hair can result in all kinds of unexpected things, such as becoming too greasy or too dry. what i would first recommend is trying to figure out what your specific hair type is. you can google "hair type test/chart" and find some results like this:
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once you figure out where your hair falls in that spectrum, you can search for products that are good for and bad for your hair type. nobody teaches this unfortunately i learned from stylists and other mixed people about how diverse hair texture is!
if you are looking for makeup tips or fashion tips i would honestly just recommend searching for those sorts of things on youtube. makeup tutorials are plentiful there. instagram can be an interesting place to see what kind of fashion people are into at the moment. you can honestly also just wing it. what i've been doing lately is just looking at all of the things i've desperately wanted to wear over the years and going for that
it doesn't matter if at first you're not great at coordinating outfits, or if you aren't super good at telling what clothes do and don't fit. you are allowed to carve out what femme means to you and wear what you want. you'll find in time what things are comfortable for you and what you just can't stand. there are certain things about dressing femme i don't like. i hate bras, for example
i would really appreciate some better suggestions for this anon! i'm open to more ideas because i just went into dressing femme blind. i looked at people around me to find inspiration. i knew what i've been drawn to all my life and decided to go for that. your journey will look different, and i hope you're able to figure out what you're comfortable with and what you feel like is really "you"!
take care! good luck out there
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sturnioloshacker · 11 months
truth or dare - a chris sturniolo short
a/n: requested by anon; lowercase intended
summary: a game of truth or dare leads to a crush confession
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the air was filled with laughter and exposed secrets as we all sat in a circle for game night. chris, matt, nick, madi, nate and i all decided to play a classic game of truth or dare. as the bottle spun, our nerves heightened and our deepest, darkest secrets were waiting to be revealed. the bottle slowed in speed, passing nick, passing madi and landing on me. crap.
“oh, y/n!” madi says in a sing-song voice.
“will you tell the truth or shall i dare you to expose yourself?” she asks, as a mischievous grin spreads across her face.
i hesitated, glancing nervously at chris, who was sitting opposite me. i’ve had the biggest crush on chris since we first met at a movie premiere. nobody knows about this crush except for madi. i feel everyone’s eyes on me as they wait for me for my answer. 
“dare," i finally said, trying to mask my anxiety.
madi's eyes gleamed with mischief. oh no, she better not!
“i dare you to tell us who your crush is."
the room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to me. i feel my cheeks flush and my body go numb. she really went there. my heart races as i feel the panic rush through my body like an adrenaline rush, and without a word, i stand and bolt from the room, leaving everyone else stunned. 
“um. i think i messed up,” madi says, breaking the awkward silence.
“should someone go and see if she’s okay? i feel bad for her,” nate speaks up.
“i’ll go and check on her,” chris says, getting up from his spot and going to find me.
“and off the crush goes!” 
“madi!” nick yells.
“i’m going to shut up now as i'm a terrible bestie.”
i hear a faint knock against the bathroom door. hearing chris’s voice, my heart skips a beat. how did he find me so fast? i quickly wipe my tears to hide the evidence that i was crying from embarrassment and open the door. chris comes in and notices my rosy cheeks and watery eyes.
“have you been crying?”
i nod in shame and hang my head low as i feel more tears threatening to spill. chris pulls me into his embrace, rubbing my back as i softly sob into his chest. he pulls away and takes me by the hand to lead me into his bedroom. 
“so, um, madi kinda exposed you even more just before by saying that i’m your crush. is that true?”
“yeah. yeah it is. i just couldn’t say it in front of everyone, including you.”
“why? matt said his and nate said his. you know you can trust us, right?” chris smiled gently.
“i’m just scared that you don’t feel the same way and i didn’t want to say anything so i panicked because i didn’t think you’d like me the way i like you.”
chris held my hands and he looked right into my eyes. i feel his thumbs run along my hands, bringing me at ease. i watch as he leans in, his face coming within inches of mine. he closes the gap between us and i instantly feel fireworks go off in my stomach. the kiss is soft and passionate, like he’s been wanting to do this for so long. i smile into the kiss, slowly deepening it as i remove my hands from his and wrap them around his neck. i pull away and touch our foreheads together, the spark between us feeling so real.
“i like you, y/n, so much. i’ve had a crush on you for a while now too.”
i close the gap between us again, this time the kiss is more passionate and fiery, our tongues colliding as we fight for dominance. chris wins as he pushes me against the bathroom sink. the kiss is so addicting, it’s like a drug. i just can’t seem to stop myself. i feel chris’s hands slide down my waist and to my bum, giving it a slight squeeze, making me jump. our heated makeout session is interrupted for a loud screech.
“what’s this?! oh my god!” matt yells in excitement as he finds his brother and myself pressed up against each other.
the other three come rushing to find us up against one another, our hair all messed up and clothes wrinkled. cheers and screams sounded off as we all crushed into a big group hug. 
“i’m not a terrible bestie anymore! from now on, you can call me madi the truth or dare matchmaker.”
we all laugh at madi’s comment before heading back downstairs to continue where we left off. sitting back in our original positions, we continue our game.
“so, y/n. i dare you to tell us who your crush is.”
“my crush is christopher owen sturniolo and i like him so much.” i proudly say with my chest.
i’m met with “awww” and “oooh” before we all burst into laughter. truth or dare continues into the night, from lap dances to kisses to exposing naughty secrets. i glance over at chris and we make eye contact. smiling, he gestures for me to come over to his side. i sneakily make my way over and he pats his lap. i slowly place myself in his lap and his arms immediately wrap around my waist, his head leaning on my shoulder. i spend the rest of the game in chris’s lap, kissing him and leaning against him. 
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zerobaselove · 5 months
an arm's length | kim taerae
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pairing: taerae x reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 951
warnings: some minor swearing. lowercase intended, not proofread
notes: loooooove me some angst into fluff. i feel like this is still kinda rough but i got a couple angst with a fluff ending requests for taerae so i thought i'd fulfill those :D i hope u all enjoy <3
close, but not close enough to burn. that was your rule. never let anyone close enough to burn you, don't let yourself get hurt. you had lived by those words for as long as you could remember, and you were pretty good at sticking to them; until kim taerae came along. and now you find yourself basking in the warmth, not worrying about the flames.
that would be your downfall, you just knew it. but you couldn't help it, couldn't help but getting close. keeping an arm's length turned into keeping yourself in his arms, and you didn't know how to handle it. didn't know how to go back to being cold.
sure, the two of you weren't anything official. nothing more than two friends.
two friends who kissed behind closed doors. two friends who fell asleep together more often than not. two friends who danced around the word love as if it would suddenly make everything too real, too fast. as if it would ignite and burn everything you had done, just like it burnt the walls you had built up.
even just the thought of love, the prospect of it all; of loving him, and the potential of him loving you back. the feeling tore at the walls of your heart brick by brick. years of hard work crumbling before your very eyes.
you were falling, you knew that. whether you meant for him, or falling apart, nobody would ever know. was there even really a difference?
fight or flight. a human's innate response to dealing with a threat. even if that threat was on your heart. and what would save you from falling? flying.
so you couldn't have been too surprised at the pounding at the door one night, opening the door slowly to reveal a disheveled and worried taerae. the one who had shown you what it meant to love, who made you face the fear of falling.
taerae was looking how you were feeling; a mess. out of breath from presumably running up the stairs to your front door, hair disheveled and glasses askew on his face.
"i have't heard from you in days," he panted out, "and when i tried to call you it wouldn't even ring through, i thought something happened." his voice was laced with worry, and you couldn't stop your heart from beating out of your chest. he cared. he really cared.
you opened the door wider, ushering him inside to take a seat in the familiar living room. "sorry about that," you muttered, remembering why you were ignoring him in the first place, "my phone's been dead and i just forgot to charge it." only a partial lie. your phone really was dead, but not for the last week or so that you hadn't messaged him.
"that's bullshit and you know it," he shook his head, "just talk to me."
talking. easier said than done with a heart seemingly beating in your throat. it didn't leave much room for the words to push past, now did it?
sitting opposite of him on the couch, the two of you sat in silence. the tension was so thick you felt like you were choking on it, trying not to breathe it in; your chest tightened, clawing for a breath of air. and so, you stopped holding your breath. you let yourself be vulnerable, even for a moment.
"i'm scared," you breathed out, not knowing what else to say. you hadn't thought this far ahead, but the softened eyes and small, urging smile seemed to help the words form.
"i just," another deep breath, "i'm scared because, i've never felt this way about someone. i've never let myself be vulnerable, and it's terrifying." you don't know when his hand found it's way to yours, but you were thankful for it, for the way it tethered you back to the earth and away from your mind. "i love what we are, and i want it, want you, permanently. but i can't get past the voice in the back of my head saying that i'm going to ruin it, or that i'm gonna get hurt again."
you felt like you were running out of breath, taking a moment for another inhale and exhale before letting the words continue to spill.
"kim taerae, i don't know how you did it but you got past the walls that i had built up, the ones meant to keep you out, meant to keep my feelings locked away. and now you're here, and i want you here," you choked on the tears now rolling down your face, "but i'm scared."
taerae gently lifted his free hand to wipe the tears from your cheeks, looking at you with more fondness than you were even sure was possible. "i'm scared too y/n," he pressed his lips together, "every day i am terrified that maybe you don't want me beyond our bedroom doors, that beyond the threshold, i'm just another friendly face to you."
he lightly squeezed your hand as the tears threatened to spill from his own eyes. how long had his eyes been so glossy? so full of stars, and yet so full of the fear of a sky without them.
he took a moment to collect himself, now holding both of your hands in his. "but it's a lot less scary alone," he smiled gently, "you don't have to be scared alone, not anymore"
the tears had begun rolling again as you leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, feeling his own tears on your cheeks, mixing with your own.
maybe falling wasn't so bad, as long as you had a partner to do it with.
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miss-nandini · 1 year
Hello I really love your writing and your blog. I believe we are mutuals lol. I noticed your requests are open. This is my first time requesting lol. Can you please write about the house wardens getting jealous? Thank you 🙏
A/N: Hey! Hope you are doing well! Yep, we are mutuals and I love spamming your posts haha. Thank you for requesting. Enjoy and have a good day/afternoon/night! 💜💜
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HC: He is Jealous
The Fire of Envy
Why are you so fond of some other person, when he is right here? (Y/N), look at him, come on! He feels something in his heart, the fire on envy.
Or, the headcanon where the housewrdens are jealous, because their beloved prefect isn't giving them enough attention.
Riddle: He is scandalized by his own feelings. How can he think in such a way?! Is he a child? Still, the poor guy can't help but feel envious. You are giving attention to everyone but him. How cruel of you! You are always with Ace and Deuce, you help out Trey and even Cater snatches you away at times. But, what about him? 
When he gets a chance to talk to you, he just kinda drags you away from everyone and of course nobody has enough guts to stop him.
"(Y/N), can't you spend some time with me? Just me and you, alone."
His face was almost matching his hair colour. You couldn't help but giggle. Riddle looked extremely cute. That day you learned that the cause of Riddle's jealousy is you!
Leona: This smug lion is extremely jealous. Why is his adorable herbivore isn't giving him attention? You are friends with Jack. Heck, even Ruggie gets more attention from you than him! That's just so unfair! 
Next day, he corners you when you were going to your first class. Fine, herbivore if you won't give him attention then he will have it this way. You squeaked in surprise and his smirk widened. 
"Leona, what are you—?!
He didn't let you finish and slammed his lips on yours. Oh well, you have no choice but to give in, huh?
Azul: He is aloof just like any other time. Dosen't show he is jealous even though the twins are always around you for some reason. However, his calm facade is deceiving, so don't be surprised when he slams a contract on your desk outta nowhere. 
"Angelfish, I have something for you."
Obviously, the contract is weird. You can never understand how the heck his brain works.
"Really? Azul? I thought we were past this?"
"But, I'm guessing you are still doing it?"
"You bet."
"If you fail, then, you have to go on a date with me. Just like the contract says."
What a weird way of asking someone out.
"Oh, so, fail a bet, go on a date~" Floyd laughs as Azul's face goes redder than a tomato.
Kalim: Straight up admits that he wants your attention, because, he is jealous. He is ready to do anything as long as you spend time with him. He will keep whining to Jamil if you think he is not serious. Well, cause, let's face it, he clings to you whenever he can. Then, how the hell you didn't give him attention? Well, logic won't work with him when it comes to you so just give in and let this sunshine spoil you. He loves you and he is not ashamed to show it. 
By the way, can you even say no to Kalim? I'm pretty sure you can't, my dear.
Vil: Let's face it, Vil is a little shit when he is jealous. He hates how Rook and Epel are always sticking to you. For the sake of the great sevens! Isn't he the one who is supposed to do that? 
Vil was ready to drag you away.
"Slow down, roi de poison, mon trickster is supposed to hang out with us today!"
"Nope, not happening today."
Vil didn't listen to Rook's protest and dragged you away from the spot.
"Vil, what was that for?"
"You don't give me attention."
"Do I really have to repeat myself?"
"Oh, is the Vil Schoenheit jealous?~"
"Shut up, (Y/N)."
His blushing face said otherwise, by the way.
Idia: This guy will never admit that he is jealous. He dosen't have the guts to ask you to spend more time with him. So, he does what he does the best aka  staying holed up in his room with games and animes. He desperately wants you beside him, but, he just won't say it. In the end he just ends up rambling to Ortho about how a cool person like you can never like him. 
"Yes, Ortho?'
"Can you please give my brother more attention, He is jealous and he won't admit it."
Ortho says, when you visit Idia next time. 
Idia's face and hair both started flaming and for a moment you thought he is going to have a heart attack. Good luck with him, sweetheart.
Malleus: Your dear dragon is so jealous and a jealous dragon is a petty dragon. Another one who won't outright admit that he is jealous. But man is so obvious.  Sebek is kinda afraid to go near his young master when he is being like this. Silver sleeps it off like he always does and Lilia mutters something about 'young love' and 'stupid new generation.' People barely approach you nowadays and all that ruckus is because you dragon prince can't keep his jealousy in check. 
"Malleus Draconia!"
He leans in really close. "Yes, my dear child of man?"
"Malleus, sweetie, you are invading my personal bubble."
He pouts and mumbles something under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Child of man, am I that boring that you don't give me your attention anymore?"
"Awww, are you jealous?"
"What if I am?"
What can you say after that? You had to shower him with hugs and kisses. Hopefully, people can finally approach you again.
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oddvanilla · 2 months
Honey, I'm pregnant and it's yours
Also Petey misses you
Im scared even writing this, I know I'm gonna get smth along the lines of 'go the fuck away' but I jus can't help it
I know u know who this is
Also I'm also very scared of you at the moment
Thank you, and I know it seems weird but I can't help it but, I love you [I seem creepy, sorry, also u don't have to accept it]
Bye bye, u probably won't even post this but I've been killing myself thinking about doing this
Thank you
Also Petey really does miss u 🤣
Also just thanks again
[Also sorry I'm not like talking about our break up or anything Id just prefer to do that if I knew u want to too and not like this]
Bye bye for reals now, id put a silly photo but I'm doing this in anon for some reason :)
Bye bye
Also I know you probably didn't expect this to happen
But hey I needed to do something about it
Bye bye now
HOLY CRAP HOW DID I NEVER SEE THIS??? it must've gotten lost in my notifications or something idk...
HAI R**N* !!! I remember your name and every time I try to type my own, yours always comes first. Even when I'm filling up forums or crap...
I'm sorry for scaring you off!!! I still care about you. And for every time I forget to, here I'll just say: I still love you 🫶 even after everything that happened. You're like impossible to hate. I can't help it either🤷‍♀️
My sister still checks on you, even you know that. She tells me what happened to you and that kinda crap. I feel bad all the time, and I'm sorry. I would've said this way earlier If I could, but stuff happens,, YK?? It hurts me so bad knowing what I caused. I didn't mean to do this to you, and even back when we were friends I tried holding on because I can't let you ruin yourself. I miss what we had, that's one fact.
I do care if you kill yourself. I DO care if you slit your wrist. I do still care about you in general. All I wish you is love, that's pretty much. I even asked my sister to go and give you asks just so you're not alone anymore. I don't care if she replaces me,, hey at least you got a friend!!!
But I never deleted everything we shared. All the screenshots from our conversations are like a comfort place, even. I still listen to every song you used to spam. I know I hate pencey prep and frank iero, but I still listen to their music because it reminds me of you. I only hated MCR because I wanted you to have your own thing. I want you to focus on yourself and crap. But now I just went back to listening to MCR because it's all I have left of you. You deserve a real apology from me if you just let us talk this out!!!
I can't replace you, and you know that. I call people my husband or wife but I still have you in mind. You're the best person on here I know, and even though I hated it or pretended it, I miss waking up to lots of messages. Now I still wake up to those but from lots of different people. I don't like it that way, I wish you could just come back. I waited for you SO long and I gave up. I want you back and I would do anything for that. But I didn't go talk to you directly because you know I want you to have space. I miss having only ONE person to go to. I didn't ignore you because I had other people to talk to!!! If anything, my parents expected so much from me like school and other crap that I don't have time to reply to anyone either!!!
Now it's been rough and stuff. I almost have nobody to open up to. Everyone I know is either always asleep or always can't talk. But you're always there and that's one thing nobody can beat you at. I don't even text people first anymore because I feel like I'm a bother and when I'm with you it just feels easier because. You're accepting.
I never told anyone about what we had in detail. I never tried to do the same things WE did with anyone else either. Nobody has to know about what letters are missing in p** w*y h*g*er. Nobody has to know why we hated your brother and how he was a bitch. I don't even send people frerard fanfics anymore because I don't want a friendship story like ours just a 2.0 version. I think you're the one for me, if anything. I love you and you didn't mess up, I did.
I don't want you to leave me alone, I want you back. If YOU can do this then we could build everything back. just know that even if you don't want me, it's fine. But I won't try to find anyone better,, I'll just sit back, I guess🙏🙏 tell mamacita im not done with rizzing her up🙄🙄
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collidescopeeyes · 27 days
Hey so I'm kind of in a tm-not-so-good place right now, so if possible can I get a Heartsteel Aphelios x reader who's dealing with a narcissistic/emotionally abusive parent? Or if possible it's Aphelios and their S/O but they also have the rest of the Heartsteel members and Alune to help them through it. As you can see by the request, I'm dealing with this right now and i kinda need the comfort, thank you!
As someone whose dealt with far too much of that myself recently, my heart goes out to you anon ❤️ hope things get easier soon.
You have ‘hey, are you awake?’ typed into the chatbox, thumb hovering indecisively over the send button, for a good fifteen minutes before Aphelios messages you. You aren't expecting it–it’s almost midnight, and Phel might be a night owl, but he also has a job. Part of the reason you'd been reluctant to text him–he’s busy, and you'd hate to wake him.
‘You okay?’ the text reads. You spend a moment wondering why he'd ask that, and then realize if he was texting you this late at night he also would have seen your typing notification hovering there for god knows how long. Which also means pretending you're fine is probably out of the picture as well–even if he didn't know you were visiting your parents this weekend, he's always been had a knack for seeing straight through you. May as well be honest, then.
‘not really tbh’ you type back. ‘like I'm fine I'm just…….blehhh. y'know.’
‘Want company?’ comes the immediate reply, because Phel puts sugar to shame. Too sweet for his own good, probably, because he really shouldn't be driving around at fuck o’clock at night to keep you company– ‘I missed you :(‘ comes the follow up text, neatly defeating the argument you were just building up in your head.
‘...can I come over?’ you ask anyway. ‘i don't really want to be at home right now’
‘ofc. I'm already putting my shoes on, I'll see you soon ❤️’
You send a heart back, click your phone off, and stare blankly up at the fading afterimage of the bright screen against your dark ceiling. You have no idea what time you'd gotten home, but you'd had about enough energy to crawl into bed and not much else. As such, you're pretty much still dressed, plus you're pretty sure you have clean clothes at Phel’s place. Even if you didn't, you'd steal one of his shirts to sleep in and Alune would have something to lend you in the morning. You're pretty sure she likes dressing you up, or at least, she has a habit of leveraging her industry connections to get amazing deals on clothes she just happens to think you'd look cute in. Kayn likes to joke she's trying to steal you away from Aphelios.
A knock on your front door startles you to attention, followed by jingling keys as Phel lets himself in. How long had you been zoning out for? He lived like fifteen minutes away, and it felt like it'd barely been five. You drag yourself out of bed as he pushes open your bedroom door, and even in the dim light from the street lamp outside your window you see him smile when he sees you. Immediately, you're wrapped up in a hug, and you feel him press a kiss to your hairline. The anxious knot that's been in your chest ever since you left this weekend eases a little, and you clutch at his hoodie trying to absorb that feeling. He smells like fresh laundry and comfort and home.
“...hi,” you offer after a moment, your voice slightly muffled from where you're pressing your face into his chest. You lean back, reaching over to fumble with your lamp so you can actually see him. “You got here faster than I thought, sorry.”
He shrugs. “I was at Yone’s, the bands having a movie night,” he signs. “We can join them, if you're feeling up for it, or we can just go back to mine and chill. It's up to you.”
You blink up at him. “What movie?”
“The mummy series,” he signs. “Ez is getting super offended, it's really funny.”
You huff a laugh. “That sounds…perfect, actually. You're sure nobody will mind?”
He waves a hand at you. “Of course not, the guys love you.” A smile curves your lips, and he pauses, a fond look in his eye before he ducks his head to press a kiss to your lips. “Not that I wouldn't be happy to monopolize you, but, y'know.”
You laugh. “I think Alune would have words about that.”
He shrugs. “Gotta flex my older brother privileges sometime. You good to go?”
You glance at your still unpacked bag, then nod–that was a tomorrow problem. Maybe the day after. His car is parked outside, still warm from the drive over–he must've cranked the heater for you, because left to his own devices Aphelios wouldn't feel the need for a jacket in a walk in freezer.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He signs as you pull out onto the quiet streets, one hand on the wheel.
You sigh deeply. “It's…nothing new, and I probably should've expected this because this is what always happens, but…I dunno, I was hoping we could have a mature conversation this time? But no, same old song and dance. Nothing is ever their fault, and if I get them to stop deflecting long enough to actually admit they did something wrong, I must only be bringing it up because I'm an terrible daughter who's just trying to hurt them, and then the whole thing turns into a big confrontation when all I wanted was…I dunno, some acknowledgement that ‘hey, that was a fucked up thing I did,’” you gesture vaguely at the dashboard, frustrated, and then deflate with a defeated sigh. He reaches over and squeezes your hand in wordless comfort. You offer him a weak smile. “It's fine. I'll be fine. It's just…exhausting, you know?"
He nods, and with a final squeeze you let his hand go so he can sign “I'm sorry. It's not fair, and you deserve better.” He glances at you, brow pulled together in worry. “If you ever need anything, comfort or company or help, I'm here for you. We all are. Doesn't matter how late it is or how far away you are, I'll come running.”
You probably shouldn't try to kiss him while he's driving. “Thanks,” you say instead, voice soft. “I…can't tell you how much that means to me.”
He smiles, but if he has a reply his hands are occupied pulling into Yone’s driveway. Still, he's not driving anymore, so that makes it fair game to lean across the console to kiss the life out of him.
--Right up until you hear Yone's door open. You break apart, only to see Alune standing on the doorstep, hands on her hips. She signs something too fast for you to catch in the dim streetlight, and then flounces back inside. Phel laughs, and you look at him curiously. “She called me an attention hog,” he signs, chuckling.
You laugh. “Well, we better not keep her waiting.”
The sound of the movie filters in as you enter the house and make your way to the living room, coupled with familiar voices and laughter. “--and codex style books weren't even invented until the Roman Empire!” Ezreal is arguing as you walk in, gesturing at the screen animatedly. “It would’ve been a papyrus scroll!” A chorus of greetings sounds over the tail end of his sentence, apparently dismissing what's no doubt the tail end of a long rant. They're scattered around the room–Alune and Ezreal on the long couch, K'Sante and Yone in the twin armchairs on either side, Sett lounging on the beanbag in the corner and Kayn laying directly on the carpeted floor, ankles crossed on the edge of the couch and watching the movie upside-down.
“He's been going on like this the whole time,” Sett informs you by way of greeting, grinning.
“Someone has to hold Hollywood accountable for their blatant disregard for historical accuracy!” Ezreal insists hotly, before fixing you with a pleading look. “Back me up here, you think papyrus scrolls are cool, right?”
“Pretty cool, yeah,” you agree. Alune animatedly gestures you over to two free spaces on the couch with a beaming grin, which you have no doubt she pulled rank to acquire. Kayn offers you a wave as you step over him.
“I saved some snacks,” she whispers as you settle by her side, Phel on your other. True to her word, she has a bowl of chips in one hand and a punnet of chocolate dipped strawberries in the other. Ezreal tries to sneak one of the latter while she's distracted, only for her to whip her head around and give him a narrow eyed look, to which he immediately begins to feign stretching instead.
“How was your trip?” Yone asks. You must make a face, because he frowns. “Ah. My condolences. Family matters are often... uniquely troubling."
You wince. “It was…not great, yeah. I don't...really want to get into it.”
“I'm just putting this out there, but if you want someone vanished you can just say the word, I know a guy,” Kayn offers from the floor.
You stifle a laugh. “Are you the guy?”
“Me or one of my siblings,” he qualifies. “Depends, how many people you want killed?”
“You cannot keep threatening to sic your family members on people you don't like simply because your father teaches all his foster children martial arts,” K'Sante points out dryly.
“It's not just because of that,” Kayn argues. “It's part of the pact–everyone gets one favor, no questions asked, everybody has to chip in if they can."
“And you…haven't used yours yet?” Yone asks skeptically.
“Nope,” Kayn says cheerfully. “I covered up my fuckups and achieved my numerous impressive exploits by my own merits, thank you.”
“I do not need anyone killed,” you confirm.
“Yet,” Ezreal corrects sagely, only to interrupt himself with an aghast gasp. “He's reading hieroglyphs in the wrong direction!” he cries, pointing accusingly at the screen. Phel puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side, and like this–snuggled up with him, surrounded by your friends and terrible movie–it was suddenly a lot easier to believe everything was going to be okay.
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coralpolyp · 4 months
I'm not dead!
Hey look here's a redraw of the really terrible bit of digital art I did for last year's Mar13 day as proof! Apparently I didn't even finish the first one on time! Yikes!
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I'm well aware that it's been a minute or two since I last posted anything on here or on AO3 - to be more precise, it's been since Splatoon 1 died and I wrote that 8000 word depressing thing - I don't know why 8000 words always seems to be my sweet spot, but it's good to know that I have one. That being said, and with Side Order: Dark Side Mix currently MIA, I thought it'd be a good idea to to have what it is that I'm doing right now on-record in some capacity, for the one or two people who were wondering.
The next few weeks are exam season, so I don't think it's going to be smooth sailing per se, but Dark Side Mix will be completed. After running into a snag with the opening act - namely with the fact that it sucks - I started reworking the entire fic from top to bottom under a new name...and then I lost motivation to do that because perfectionism set in, and I haven't really touched it in a little while.
In the time that I've been away from it, I feel like I've become increasingly aware of how that perfectionism negatively effects me and my work - namely the fact that very little of it actually exists. I mean, sure, people seem to like the stuff that does exist, but there isn't much, and a lot of things are unfinished - usually because I placed too much value on the potential of "the idea", and spent so long labouring over the start of it that by the 10,000 word mark I had realised the flaws of the idea and lost interest in it.
I can't help thinking that's a bit lame. Every other writer has 100s and thousands of words of terrible amateur works they can go back to and laugh at, before they created the masterpieces they're known for now, and my story is that I just kinda show up every once in a while.
I think there's a real beauty to that - creating for the sake of creation, with no fucks given. Maybe this isn't the finest example, but I finally started listening to My Dad Wrote a Porno recently and...I mean... the sheer lack of fucks given is well and truly a gift that keeps on giving. Same goes for Philosophy of the World. Or SMG4 back in like 2014. Or old Eddsworld stuff. There's just a certain carefree joy (or existential dread in the case of the Shaggs) to it all that you never get anywhere else. It's like the difference between a 30 second gesture drawing and 6 hours of carefully-deliberated-over anatomy.
All that is to say - Dark Side Mix is a fundamentally flawed story. It is not high art, it never will be. I should probably just get it out there in it's entirety for the world to see in the time I have available to write, and then move on to the next "brilliant-idea"-that's-actually-just-ok. Nobody likes an "idea guy" - what good is it to spend one's entire life going around saying "I never finished this story, but it was great in my head, and the bit that you can actually read was alright too,"? Creativity should be about getting in there, making a mess, and having fun - let fanfiction be fanfiction, with that being addressed to nobody but myself, because nobody else needed to hear it.
Oh, also, another reason for my absence besides creative block and exams - I'm getting into comics! That, and practising my art fundamentals a whole bunch - I don't think my drawabox is particularly interesting to look at, so I haven't exactly been posting it. I've decided that I want to try giving an idea I had for what would've been another depressing Squid Sister 8000-worder the comic treatment, although you shouldn't expect to see that anytime soon, considering how long it's gonna take, and the fact that I would want to release something like that in no more than two parts.
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portalfaecez · 1 year
[𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 _𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝙳𝚊𝙼𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐_𝚂𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎_]
𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝?
[𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 _𝙰𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎_𝚂𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝚁𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘_𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚏𝚞𝚕]
Oooh- hey! I... I got something-! Hello? Can anyone hear me?
Hm, I'll take that as a no. Well, that's just sad, isn't it? Finally in range of the system and absolutely no one is here to help me. Well, actually, help is kind of a big thing to ask for, I um... Yeah no that's fine if you can't really... but uhhh, it does get awfully lonely here, in space. So, if you could maybe just stay here and talk to me for a bit? If anyone's out there...?
Who would want to talk to me anyways? After all I've done? It's alright, I get it... You- you don't have to say anything. It's not like you were much of a talker anyway, so, just keep doing what you always do. You're a great listener, by the way.
I do miss it though- Being your friend and all. You ah, get a lot of time to think up here in space... -and speaking of which, I kind of came to some sort of a realization- that you were probably the closest friend that I've ever had. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Wheatley I thought you had loads of friends!" -and you would be right! I have at least three friends, made em' all myself. But um, back to the point: you were the best of everyone, really. That's right! Waaaaay up there! The cores and the scientists... I don't know, they're all just kinda mean. Nobody has ever really treated me with so much respect besides you. Thank you. Even if I did mess everything up in the end. Hurt cores hurt other cores, that's the saying right? -Not that I'm trying to excuse anything. It's just... man.
I've thought it over about a billion times, different ways I would say and do things, things I should've said to you earlier. Hah, I really screwed it all up, haven't I? We could've just talked everything out and came to an understanding- er, well, I don't really know if you CAN talk so maybe... ASL? Could you do that? I remember a bit of it from being inside Her body- being a giant supercomputer and all-
[𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚠]
WH- Whoa! Um, wow, that's um... That's- that's really bad isn't it? Haven't got much time left... It seems... hah...
I know I've already apologized, but I feel like you deserve a better one. The um, the last one was kind of a stand-in for the better one I was planning to give you in person. It's um... A little funny now that I won't be able to. Now that I really think about it, I was probably never gonna get the chance to see you again regardless. But I already knew that, didn't I? I guess I just do this thing where I daydream about seeing you again so much that I convince myself it'll happen. Do you humans ever do that? Think about something so much you're positive that it's happened? It uh, might just be a side effect of space.
[3% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
GHRAGH! Hold on a minute, let me get my bearings. That was... Strange. Everything's all blurry now. I can't... I can't really see anything. Um... God, how do I start this?
Chell. I'm sorry. I really, truly am sorry. I freaked out, I did! I stabbed ya' in the back, after everything you did to try to help us escape. I feel... Rotten. I do. I feel like the scum of the earth, if I'm being honest. Well, scum of space if you want to get technical with it- point is, you didn't deserve that. After all the nice things you did for me, given the fact that uh, you have arms I don't, I really should have been more grateful. If there was anything that I could say or do to make it right, I would in an instant. That's a promise. You deserved a better friend, and I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you.
[1% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
Haha... I can feel myself sort of fading away now. It's um, kind of hard to keep my eye open... There we go. Feels easier to just let it close, not like I'm missing much anyways.
I'm scared.
When my body comes falling to earth, you'll catch me this time, will you?
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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"Over here, Simone!"
A woman with bright blue eyes, standing near the left of the black podium raises her tape recorder up towards the beaming redhead.
"Yes?" She fiddles with the golden charm bracelet on her arm. One of the many small gifts that she'd received, this morning, from Anthony. All of the charms were specially made with real diamonds, including her favorite one; 'Imani' written in a signature font.
"What does it mean to you, to be recognized by Allura?" The woman asks.
"I personally feel like it's long overdue, but I also feel like everything happens in its own time. I put my all into these magazines and I'm really grateful that my talent is being recognized. It means a lot to me."
"How long have you been with the company, Ms. Carson?" An older man asks.
"It's been a wonderful three years." She smiles.
"At your age, I'm positive that this is a milestone for you," Simone nods, "what advice would you give to your following or anybody that wants to be an entrepreneur?"
"That might be the best question I've ever gotten." The room fills with slight laughter. "Well, this definitely is a big accomplishment for me and I have nobody to thank, but God. The only advice that I have would be to just believe in yourself. You'll get knocked down and rejected, but that's inevitable. You have to have faith that whatever your plan is, is worth it. Someone's gonna recognize that fire in your eyes and give you a chance to show your capabilities. It's a process, but it's worth it."
"One last question, do you ever wanna retire and settle down or are you gonna keep this up and running?"
"I don't see myself as the 'settling down' type of woman, right now. As long as I'm in the right mind for this job, I wanna keep at it. Who knows what the future holds, though! I guess, we'll wait and see." She taps the podium and moves her hair away from her neck.
"Anything you wanna say to the people, Simone?" Her boss, Rose, asks.
"I just wanna say thank you to everybody that believes in me. I try my hardest to create a space for all women, especially my women of color and my creatives. Don't wait for a spot to be created for you, go out there and make it yourself. You got this."
"Thank you, Simone." She nods and makes her way down the side steps and out of the room.
Heading back to her office, Rose calls out for her. She turns on her heels and waits for her boss to close in the space between them.
"You're getting better at handling these press conferences. I'm very proud."
"Well, thank you. It can still be kinda nerve wracking, but I'm managing. Thanks again for the accolade. It was definitely a confidence booster." They begin to walk down the hall.
"Ah, you deserved it. You really do work hard, and I wanted to make sure that you know how much I appreciate you. You're one of a kind, dear." She pats her shoulder, before heading towards the elevator.
"Keep up the good work."
"Will do!" Simone heads further down the hall and into her office, closing the door behind her. The twenty-four red roses littering her side-table, makes her laugh.
"Alright," she sits down at her desk and opens her candy red, custom painted MacBook and checks off everything she's gotten done, so far.
"One hour, until this meeting— God, don't let it be boring!" She clasps her hands together and stares at the ceiling.
"Simone, you've got a call on line one." Logan buzzes through.
"Thank you, Lo."
Grabbing the phone off the hook, she holds it up to her ear, not even getting a word in before her mother's voice comes through.
"Congratulations, babygirl! I tried calling you yesterday, but I couldn't get through. Anyway, I'm so proud of you— your name is in bold, big letters!" Simone laughs.
"Thank you, mama. You're too much!"
"You had to get it from somebody, right?"
"This is true."
"Exactly. Now, tell me.... where's that man of yours?" Simone sucks her teeth. 
Ever since her mother met Anthony, she'd treated him like her one and only son- in law. Which is far from the case, but she wasn't too fond of Simone's sisters' husband, which Simone didn't blame her for.
"He's not my man and he's out of town."
"Have you talked to him?"
"We talked yesterday."
"You know... you're gonna wanna do more than just spend his money, one day."
"That's not all I keep him around for, thank you."
"He's just a piece of meat, huh?" The laugh comes before she can stop it, causing her mother to scoff on the other end.
"Can we please talk about something else?"
"Fine. Your sister's coming down in a week."
"For what?"
"She's my plus one for Jasmine's wedding. I thought I told you this."
"You didn't, but alright. Why's Will not coming? Not that I care, but where's he gonna be?"
"Apparently, he has to work and can't get out of it. That's what she told me."
Simone scoffs. "I'm surprised he showed up to his own wedding."
"Now, Simone."
"Am I lying? You know he's a dick— excuse my language."
Her mother sighs. "You're not wrong. But, at least, April won't be influenced by his nonsense."
"The fact she's ever on his side is beyond me, but that's a marriage, I guess."
"No, that's foolishness."
"Well, she's never been that smart, so—"
"Anyway, let me know when you girls have found the dress. I wanna see it." Simone sighs, heavily.
"I will, ma. I've got a meeting about the redesign of Allura, and then we'll head out that way after work."
"Alright, I'll let you get back to it."
"I'll call you when we get there. I love you."
"I l you too, sweets."
Hanging up, she buzzes Logan. "I'm out to lunch."
"Actually, your lunch just arrived. Would you like me to bring it to you?" Simone's brows furrowed in confusion.
"No, I'll come and get it."
Heading out of her own office, she heads down the adjacent hallway and walks into the black and crème colored office that belongs to her beloved assistant.
"Hey, sunshine. Here's your lunch." Logan grabs the white bag with South City Kitchen written in black letters on it, handing it to Simone.
"Thank you... who sent this?"
"It had a note attached to it," she grabs it off the desk and squints down at the cursive writing, "it's from an Anthony."
Simone's eye roll comes out playful, causing Logan to giggle. "Oh, that's why you're so cheery, today! Boyfriend?"
"Not even close. He's just a friend."
"Friends send each other two dozen roses and the sparkliest charm bracelet I've ever seen up close??"
Simone laughs, staring down at it., "it is blingin', huh?"
"Definitely. I need a friend like that."
"Do I have any more surprise packages comin' in?" She asks, side stepping her comment.
"That's all that's come through here. I'm sure you'll find more, when you leave here." They both share a small laugh.
"Dear God," she heads back to her office and calls Anthony, laughing as he immediately answers.
"What's so funny?"
"You are. How'd you know I was craving fried chicken?"
"Because, I know you." She rolls her eyes and pulls the styrofoam box out and opens it, sighing as the savory smell hits her nose.
"A year and some change ain't enough time for you to know me." He chuckles on the other end.
Pulling the cover off her plastic ware, she goes straight for the red-skinned potatoes, almost moaning at the taste.
"Sounds like you're enjoying it."
"I am! I haven't had these in forever," she sticks another forkful into her mouth. "We're still gonna fight."
"Why, princess?"
"Because, you're still not back. Thanks for the gifts, by the way."
"You're welcome and I'm closer to coming back than you think."
"That's not a time frame that I like. I've gotta go to this wedding alone. Not that I'm pressed about that sort of thing, but still... it'd be nice if you were in attendance." He laughs.
"I thought we didn't beat around this bush, baby girl. Just say you want me there."
"It wouldn't make a difference, Tony. You're not gonna be here, in time. The wedding is Saturday."
"How do you know that I won't finish all of this up, before then? Don't count me out. I could come through for you."
"We'll just have to wait and see, then."
"Keep those pretty brown eyes open, then."
"You're annoying," she snorted, sticking her fork into her chicken.
"That must be why you're still on the phone. When's the meeting?"
"For the building redesign?" she asks, quickly chewing her mouthful of food.
He chuckles an 'mhm'. She stares at her phone and sighs. "I've got like, thirty minutes. I know it's gonna be boring and I'm already kicking myself in the ass for agreeing to be a part of this shit."
"It may not be as bad as you think, Simone. Don't go in there with an attitude like that."
"Sorry, it just comes out naturally."
"Don't I know it." He mumbles, snickering as she sucks her teeth.
"I'm seriously smacking you up, when you get back. You've been gettin' too many jokes off."
"Aight, like your attitude ain't been super salty, lately."
"I need some dick! This always happens, when you leave.... you better not be fucking them bitches, out there." She frowns.
"Don't start that. You know this dick is exclusively yours."
"Yeah, it better be."
“As spoiled as you are, I wouldn’t even have time to give it to somebody else.” He says, making her cackle.
“Shut up!”
"Thank you all for attending this meeting." Rose's voice echoes throughout the spacious black marble conference room. "This is the first time that we've seen so many new faces, and we've got you to thank for that." She nods at Simone, who smiles in return.
"I'm glad to help."
"That's always a good thing. Now, the first step to redesigning this building is a theme. An aesthetic, if you will. I need colors, elements... all of it."
"I really like the mint theme we were discussing earlier." Brittany says, tapping her pen against the table.
"Is that really an everyday thing, though?" Lisa asks.
"It could be. What about an all black theme?"
"We don't wanna look dead!" Mark adds.
Simone laughs at the exchanges, feeling an idea brew in her own mind.
"I've got an idea."
"Let's hear it." Rose gestures towards her.
"How about the outside of the building being matte black and Allura being written in white calligraphy. The lobby could use something— say, you stay inside the marble theme, but splash some gray on the countertops and do a polished cherry wood for the walls by the elevators. The offices could stay customized, but the walls could stay black. The conference rooms could stay the way they are, maybe add a chandelier or some lights. The cubicles could use some sprucing up. I mean, just because you work in a confined space, doesn't mean it has to be bland. You could use cherrywood for those, too!"
"How long did it take you to come up with all of that?" Brittany asks.
"I literally just came up with everything. My mind was runnin' while y'all were talking." She laughs.
"Well, should we put you in charge of this whole thing? I love all of those ideas." Rose says, sitting down in her chair.
"You want me to be in charge?" Simone points to herself, "I don't know.... that's a huge responsibility, Rose."
"There'd be no pressure on you. All you'd have to do is make sure that everything is the way you like it. You'd be the boss," she smirks, "I know that's exciting to you. It's in your nature."
Simone can't help the widespread grin from showing up on her face.
"Well... in that case, I guess we got some work to do."
"Then, it's settled. I'll have a crew ready for you in a week, tops."
"Wow... am I really about to do this?" She asks herself out loud, making a couple of her colleagues laugh.
Walking inside of Goddess Bride, Jada and Simone are greeted by an umber toned woman with jade eyes.
"Welcome, ladies. Champagne?" Both hands grab the diamond flutes off the tray in response, causing the woman to laugh.
"Thank you," they say in unison, before heading towards the back, where Jasmine is waiting.
"Hey sis!," Jada pokes Jasmine's shoulder.
"Hey girls." She turns around and hugs her sister, doing the same to Simone. "I'm so glad you're here."
"Did you find the dress?"
"I've narrowed it down to two! Come look," Jasmine leads the way to her dressing room, which is ten times bigger than any 'dressing room' Simone's ever seen, on TV and in person.
"There's this one, which is probably the one I'll end up choosing. Let me try it on for y’all." Jasmine pulls the dress off the hanger and shoos them out of the dressing room.
"Your sister better be glad I love her," her and Jada walk over to the emerald loveseat across from the rooms., "cause, she got one more time to stick her hand in my face."
Jada laughs. "Don't kill her. She's just a little antsy, at the moment. She's been looking for dresses, ever since he proposed! The literal day he proposed, Simone." Jada emphasizes with a laugh, causing Simone to do the same.
"It's okay to be excited! I would be, too— did you see the size of that ring?!" Simone exclaims.
"It's a beauty, no doubt."
"Okay, close your eyes!" Jasmine yells from across the way. The pair do as they’re told.
"They're closed!"
Jasmine's dainty footsteps carry her across the floor as she flattens her hands against the soft crème material.
"Okay," she smiles, "you guys can open them up, now."
Removing their hands, they collectively gasp at the blushing almost bride, in all her glory.
From the body-hugging, silk silhouette with the back out, to the lace train that stops just below her behind, to the egg shell hue, gleaming over the entire dress.
"Well," with a teary-eyed smile, Jasmine asks, "what do you think?"
"You look," Jada starts.
"You look— wow, you look gorgeous!" Simone finishes.
"Breathtaking!," Jada sits her champagne down and hops up from her seat, smoothing her hand down the side of the dress.
“I’m mad it took me so long to find it! My wedding’s in less than a day, y’all!” Jasmine frowns.
“The important part is that you found it!” Smone says, heading toward the honey hued sisters. “It was made for you, seriously. You look beautiful.”
“Ugh. y’all love making me cry!” she whines and covers her face, making them laugh.
“Oh man, it’s been so long since I’ve sat in one of these!’ Jada sighs, her voice shaking slightly due to the vibration of the chair.
“I would say the same but I came here a couple months ago.” Simone says, fixing the cucumbers over her eyes.
Jada sucks her teeth and sits up in her chair, removing her cucumbers altogether. “Why don’t you just marry the man, already? He flies you out to these expensive ass countries, pampers you to no end, pays your bills!! Worships the literal ground you walk on!”
“Jada, relax!” Jasmine says, pulling hers away as well. “Are you jealous or something?”
“No, it's more of a, “call coming from inside the house” kinda thing. She could have that with Derek if she’d stop running from him, and she wants to project it on me.” Simone says, still laid in her relaxed position. She pulls a cucumber from her eye and eats its, meeting the gaze of a red-faced Jada.
“Suck my dick, Imani.”
“I’ve already got one of those to suck.” She winks.
Jasmine laughs and lays back in her chair. “You two are too much.”
“She started it.” Jada grumbles, before swinging her legs over the side and carefully placing them in the white slides that the hotel provides, avoiding chipping her freshly done baby pink toes.
“Where are you going?” Simone asks, just as her phone goes off.
“I gotta pee. Answer your phone. It might be your husband.” she cheekily responds, before sharply turning the corner.
“Ugh,’ grabbing her phone off the side table, she slides her finger across the screen and holds it up to her ear.
“Hey, beautiful.” His voice cuts through before hers, making her stop and laugh.
“You must have some bad news.” She responds, staring at her freshly done candy red acrylics.
“I’ve got good and bad news, actually.”
“Oh boy.. lay it on it.”
“I won’t be able to make it to the wedding, but I’ll be home the day after.” He says, causing her frown to deepen.
“I’m glad you’re coming back soon.” She says. Sighing anyway.
“But,” he trails off, knowing that wasn’t it.
“I really wanted you to be there. My mama’s been asking about you, I even talked you up to a couple cousins, cause those nosy heffas wouldn’t leave me alone! And, I know I’m just a bridesmaid and it doesn’t matter if I have a damn date or not, but weddings are always different.. They’re—”
“-special,” he ends, nodding like she could see him. “I know baby, I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.’
Jada came back to her chair, taking in her friend’s red face, looking to her sister. “What happened?”
“He can’t make it to the wedding.” She responds.
“It’s fine, I’m sure you did everything you could. I’ll see you when you get back.”
“Alright, princess. I’ll see you later.”  He sighs, already formulating a plan in his mind.
Sitting her phone back down, a sad sigh leaves her. “This is why him being my man would be a disaster.”
“Why?” Jada and Jasmine ask.
“Cause! Look at how sad I am. I’m not getting married and he’s not even my boyfriend, and I’m near tears cause he can’t make your wedding. Too much is going on.”
“Maybe you like him a little more than you’re leading on,” Jada shrugs.
“Ugh,” she responds, having nothing else to say.
Rolling over on the queen size mattress, Simone smacks her hand down on her phone, forcing her stiffened joints to wake up and cut her blaring alarm off.
“Jesus Christ, that could wake up a dead person.” She sits up and rolls her eyes, already feeling the headache coming on for today’s events.
Before she can even process, Jasmine, Jada and their mom rush into her hotel room to wake her up, followed by a loud chatter as they pull her up from the bed.
“I’m glad you’re awake, we gotta get ready!” Their mama singsongs, latching her arm onto a half-sleep Simone.
“Get ready for what? The wedding isn’t until three. It’s… what time is it?” She asks, realizing that she didn’t have her phone on her.
“It’s a little after eleven,” Jada responds, handing it to her. “We let Jasmine sleep in a little, but it’s seriously time to get ready.”
“Okay, okay. I’m up.”
“Don’t worry, you’re not the only one hanging on by a thread.” She snickers as they move to the bridal suite, revealing five more sleep deprived women.
“You better be glad we love you.” One of them says, tossing the empty bottle of tequila in the trash.
Needless to say, their bachelorette party was a success.
“Trust me, I know I’ve been a bit much.”
“Dear god, cover us all.” Her mama mumbles, drawing an invisible cross and kisses her hand.
"You're so dramatic.... but amen."
"Alright, sit down so we can get started." Their cousin, Fiona, rolls out her pink suitcase and opens it up, pulling out her essentials for today's hairdo.
Jasmine had decided on the infamous half up, half down style with a swoop bang.
Taking her seat in one of the comfiest chairs known to man, Fiona gets to work, running her fingers through her newly pressed hair.
"I'm getting married today..." a smile spreads across her face like wildfire, causing everybody in the room to join in a chorus of 'awe's.
She covers her face as the heat rushes to her cheek.
"Seriously, it's finally happening! I get to marry the man of my absolute dreams. God, he's so perfect."
“He's gotta have a flaw, somewhere!” Jada argues.
"He really doesn't. I mean, nobody's perfect, but he is to me. He's human, just like the rest of us, but everything is so sunshine-y and real, at the same time. We get into it, but we talk through it. We let each other know what's on our minds at all times. There's no dark moments. No solitude in anger. Respect. So much trust, I'm tearing up just thinking about it- whew."
"You make me feel so mushy, I hate you." Simone playfully states.
"I love you too, sweets."
"I always thought Jada would get married, first.” Sierra, another cousin, admits.
"Why?" Jada asks.
"Because, you used to be so boy crazy, and you swore you were in love with what's-his-name...What's his name?"
"Who?" Fiona stops curling the top half of Jasmine's hair and squints in Sierra's direction.
"He was tall, pretty brown skin and he had the whitest teeth I've ever seen on a human being."
She snaps her fingers, trying to conjure up a name.
“Girl, Derek?!” Simone stares at Jada with wide eyes.
"Yes!” Sierra and Fiona confirm, while Jada tucks her bottom lip in and puts her attention on her sister, who's also giving her a puzzled glance.
"Jada... what? You were in love with him?" Simone asks.
"Maybe, it was something else that she was in love with." Their mama adds, shocking everybody.
"Ma!" Jada groans and covers her ears, while Jasmine laughs.
"Well, I'm probably right on the money, but I'll head out and let you speak your truth.” She says as she kisses her forehead and slides outside of the door.
"So, when did we start keeping secrets?"
Jada turns back towards Simone, whose glare could kill.
"It wasn't a secret. Derek took me out one day and we ran into Sierra. I can never lie to her, so I told her how I felt about him at the time.”
"You still feel that way? Honestly."
"I don't know. Let's talk about something else. Please.”
Simone could sense that she was lying, but she didn't know whether to press further.
"I didn't mean to make it tense in here." Sierra clears up.
"Yeah, I know." Jada stands up and heads out on the balcony, Simone quickly walking after her.
"Jada, what's going on?" She turns around and unties the curtains, letting them cover the door.
"I'm not trying to make this day about me, man. We can talk about this, later.”
"I'm just trying to understand why you never ran this by me? You don't have to, but I figured that you would. I'm your best friend, Jada. What, you thought I was gonna judge you or something?"
"I don't know, maybe!"
"Why would I do that? I encouraged you to say something to him, in the first place! I would've loved to hear about you being in love."
They both frown.
"I'm sorry.”
"Don't be. I just wanna be in the know, next time."
"You will be. I promise."
They turn towards the golden railing and gaze at the orange sun that's slowly coming up.
"How long ago was this? I'm just wondering."
"Back in September. I had just got back from vacation and he took me out to dinner. It was then, that I realized that I may have liked him... a little more than I had originally planned to." Jada explains with a laugh.
"I knew it.” Simone bumps her shoulder, "the chemistry is undeniable. You can front all you want, but I always knew it."
"Okay, do you want a cookie?" Jada playfully rolls her eyes.
"If your sister wasn't getting married, I'd push you over this balcony." Jada's mouth drops open.
"You'd kill me??"
"Of course, not…so, I got another question."
"Ugh. I already know what you're gonna ask and yes... I'm still in love with him.”
"Is that why you're keeping him at a distance?”
Jada shamefully nods.
"We talked about it. I couldn't avoid him for too long, so I told him about this not being a part of our situation, and that I'm seriously not ready for that."
"That's a lot for you, I know,” she rubs Jada's back, "sorry I acted like that. You're not obligated to share any of this with me.”
"I'm not, but it wouldn't be any fun if I kept it to myself!" They share a laugh.
"I just want it to be when I'm ready to tell you. Some things I try and keep to myself. It's nothing personal."
"I'm not offended, boo. I understand."
Since she'd been keeping something to herself for quite a while.
Watching Jasmine, basically, float down the aisle was definitely a sight for everyone who laid their eyes on her.
"God, she's beautiful." Simone says as she wipes away her seventh batch of tears.
"Isn't she?!" Jada adds, wiping her own tears away.
Jada, Simone, Sierra, Fiona and three more of Jasmine's favorite cousins stand to the left, in their handmade mustard colored dresses, as she finally makes her way up the crisp periwinkle steps.
Her soon-to-be husband, Jason, just about breaks down as he pulls her veil away from her face, taking in her natural beauty.
If it was one thing Jasmine hated, it was makeup.
Her skin was flawless and she didn't feel the need to add anything extra to it, besides a little highlight that Fiona practically threatened her life with.
"You look so beautiful." Their lips meet for a sweet kiss, before they turn towards their family and friends with their fingers intertwined.
The beloved pastor from their mother's childhood, Reid, was ecstatic when he was chosen to marry her oldest child and the love of her life.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite Jasmine Woods and Jason Tyler in holy matrimony. If anyone has any objections as to why these two should not be lawfully joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace."
The entire congregation silences, giving room for laughter, shortly after.
"Alright, alright. Let's do the vows." Reid looks over his glasses at Jason, "you first, son."
Jason blows out a breath and locks his eyes with her gleaming, green ones.
"I'm so lucky. I've never cried this much, in my entire life.," he laughs as she squeezes his hands. "We met back in college and I'll admit that I definitely couldn't handle all the woman that you are, back then. You'd shoot me down. Give me the cold shoulder. You bruised my ego, baby girl--but, I needed that. It humbled me. It made me find my common sense, because my mama always told me, no good woman is gonna wait around for someone to be good for her. And, she was right. You slipped out of my grasp and I had to prove myself worthy, if it was the last thing I did. I fell in love with you, that day we went to Carowinds, back in 2016. It was right after your family reunion. We'd taken a trip down to North Carolina and decided to make a stop, cause you kept reminding me that you hadn't been there since you were a kid. We probably went on every ride they had to offer. I remember we were sitting on the bench and you were gushing about how much fun you had..." his voice cracks, "it was then that I knew that I wanted to keep that smile on your face, every day that God allowed me to. I love you so much, Jasmine." He kisses her forehead.
A couple of awe's and an abundance of sniffles carry throughout the building. Jasmine turns towards the pastor and whispers, "I have to follow that?!"
Laughter rings out, again. Jason swings their linked fingers back and forth, whispering an encouraging “you got this, babe."
"Okay, okay... where do I even start? We've been at this since we were teenagers. I've spent a good majority of my twenties with you and I don't regret a single moment, I swear. It may sound selfish, but you're the only boyfriend that I count–- they just can't compare, I'm sorry!" She turns towards her family, who wholeheartedly agrees.
"You never put me through any pain or trauma and for that, I'm forever indebted to you. I love you more than any word could ever describe. It hurts my chest, when I think about it. I'm safe with you. You're safe with me. I'm so glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you, cause it wouldn't be this much fun with anybody else. We've seen so much together," she giggles to herself, "I guess you really are the Aladdin to my Jasmine."
"Oh, brother." Jada nudges Simone.
"Shh!" Fiona pinches Jada.
"Beautiful, beautiful. I need the rings." Jason's brother, Jordan, hands over the rings. Reid places them in Jason and Jasmine's hands.
"Do you, Jason, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and in woe, for rich or poor, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." He answers, without hesitation, sliding the gold band onto her finger.
"Do you, Jasmine, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for rich or poor, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." She slides the gold band onto his finger.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride, son."
Cupping her face into his hands, he captures her lips in a kiss that makes everyone blush and loudly cheer.
The inside of Whitehead Manor was the best place for a reception. From the golden drapes hung from the ceiling to the tea lights and white roses used for centerpieces.
The simplicity of it all is just so beautiful.
Simone's on her third glass of champagne, when a tall figure looms over her.
She quickly turns her head, finding Anthony in an all black suit with a yellow handkerchief in the pocket, almost the same color as her dress.
"Hey, gorgeous."
"Took you long enough,” she grabs her half empty glass off the cherrywood island and walks away.
He chuckles and strides after her, his eyes glued to her ass with every step she takes.
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Lmk if you wanna be added to the tag list! 💜
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xythlia · 9 months
I kinda wanna get something off my chest before the new year that's been weighing on me heavily, and it's that some people on here are not the "spread kindness and community uwu" sweethearts they want you to believe they are.
some people on here will act absolutely repugnant when anonymous is on or when they think they can make a billion empty side blogs because the moderation for harassment here sucks ass. case in point I've personally been getting harassed since fucking august by a specific person but I keep it to myself because I know nobody gives a fuck about it and doesn't wanna see that bs all over their dash. I just block the ips and delete the asks every time but it's infuriating seeing that person pop up so many other peoples asses as this "oh I'm so kind and love everyone in my fandoms" type when I know in my guts that's such a bold faced lie.
if you genuinely think it's okay to hide behind a grey pic or a sock puppet account to send suicide bait, bully, mock, and degrade someone else you need to take a hard look at who you really are inside in the new year because you have some type of rot in you im not joking. idk it's been becoming a heavy burden dealing with this silently especially because it's about to be 2024 and part of me genuinely thinks this incredibly unwell person will continue the behavior which is seriously insane, it's hands down nuts to fixate on someone for almost five months and I can't even begin to tell you how it just wears you down consistently getting msgs like that especially when you haven't done anything to warrant that treatment. cardi b said I got condos in this bitch head well im beyond condos I'm the sole fucking real estate developer in this bitches head and I do not enjoy it.
I try so hard to be a truly positive person. I try hard to mind my own damn business and not bother anyone. I try very very hard to make my blog a nice space. I'd like to continue doing that but christ some people really make it so incredibly difficult and that contributes to the overall shitty behavior in fandoms.
anyways it's nice to let that out, for once instead of sitting here with it and feeling those little wriggles of dread every time I open the app.
if you've engaged in behavior like that towards anyone this past year though I highly recommend making a resolution of self reflection and learning some basic compassion, or at the very least taking stock of yourself and considering getting some irl help because idk what to say other than it is, in fact, not normal to treat people like that and it does not make you a good person.
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