#kinda morbidly curious to try these but also scared
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mikerickson · 1 month ago
While most folks flock to the cough drop aisle at the first sign of a cold, Progresso is here to say, “Hold my spoon!” Progresso Soup Drops deliver the classic, hearty flavor of Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup in a format that will definitely SOUPrise fans — it’s a convenient hard candy drop — reminding you of the comfort you can find in a bowl of Progresso Soup. These savory drops are arriving for a limited time this month for National Soup Month, right at the height of cold and flu season. Now, there’s no spoon needed to dive into the classic taste of the iconic Progresso Traditional Chicken Noodle Soup, but you certainly can reach for the real thing if you’re looking for that feeling of a hug in a bowl!
Big day for soup enthusiasts!
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narrators-journal · 4 years ago
May I have this dance
So! This little ditty was inspired by This song, which I highly recommend. I adore the song, so I kinda took some inspiration for some writing. I hope you enjoy~ Every monster hunter had that one type of creature they hated hunting, it came with the job. For example, with Senku, Xeno's mentee, that creature was the Nymph, they were usually peaceful, but every once in a while they'd lash out at people for disturbing their territory or them when they were trees or whatever form they took, and Senku hated having to find which tree they were. For Xeno, he absolutely despised hunting vampires. Vampires were a hassle for the grumpy man to deal with. They were commonly hard to find in the populace, and even harder to lure out without drawing his blood and hoping the creature wasn't too wary. On top of that, Vampires commonly had some form of inhuman strength, which put the already somewhat weak hunter at a major disadvantage. That wasn’t even mentioning their ability to heal. Nevertheless, when he got called out on jobs to deal with his least favorite monster, he went out and dealt with them in some way and that was the extent of his confrontations with them. However, that pattern was broken one night when he wasn't even on a hunt for a blood sucker. In fact, the hunter wasn't even out on a hunt. He was simply walking home from the store one day while his apprentice was out on a solo job, he was carrying bags of food and drinks, not his usual backpack full of monster hunting equipment. That wasn't to say Xeno had nothing on him, he always had at least a stake on him to ward off any ballsy creatures wanting to take any sort of nibble, but he was in some sweatpants and a t-shirt, not even out of his hard-bottomed-slippers, he obviously wasn't out looking for any inhuman troublemakers. That didn't stop the nagging feeling of being watched from washing over the casually dressed man while he walked down the quiet, street,            "Whoever or whatever you are, give it up, I know you're there." he called, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the increasingly dark sidewalk behind him, but no one was there that he could see, but he could still feel their eyes on him, "I'll only warn you once, I'm a trained monster hunter, so if you think you can just convince me you aren't there and surprise me, you're gonna fail." He warned, once again to no reply. The snowy haired man simply rolled his dark eyes and turned back to continue down the sidewalk, but almost as soon as he did, he almost ran right into someone, making him stumble back briefly before looking up at the new person with a glare. The new person on the street was a tall man, somewhat broad and well-built, with fair skin and pale, nearly white, blonde hair. However, what caught his attention most, was the man's captivating, winter-blue eyes. They were honestly gorgeous, a captivating blue that made Xeno's head swim so much that it took him a moment to realize the man had spoken,              "Excuse me?" he asked, blinking rapidly for a moment to snap himself out of the spell and focus his thoughts,              "I asked why you were out here, doll." The man asked with a coy smirk on his dark-red-painted lips, where a currently-unlit-cigarette hung casually, but the hunter tried to not focus on the stranger's lips, instead, just crossing his arms to draw attention to the rustling plastic bag on his wrist. The stranger saw his shopping and snorted, "Ah, out buying dinner? How ironic, so am I," The man's suggestive, almost predatory purr sent a bolt of energy through the white haired hunter, but he repressed a shudder or anything that would give away the effect the tall, handsome man had on him, opting instead for eyeing the off stranger.              "That's pretty funny, well, the shop is down the street and around the corner," he informed him, not outright confronting him about his mortality status, but both of them knew the answer. Could be a sex demon, judging from the heightened attractiveness and trance I was just under. He mused, but he saw none of the tell-tale signs that the man was a legitimate demon of any sort, more likely he's a damned vampire though. Which WOULD just be my luck. The thought annoyed him, but he didn't say anything more to the oddball, just stepping around the tall monster to continue down the eerie sidewalk towards home. He got a few steps away when he smelled smoke and his ears picked up on the sound of boots hitting pavement, but not fading into the distance, instead they followed him until he finally stopped again and turned to glare at the stranger still following him.             "Alright, this little game or whatever you're doing has lost all humor. Fuck off, before I am forced to defend myself." he threatened, his free hand going to his pocket for the extendable metal stake he kept on him at all times, but all his warning seemed to do was amuse the smoking monster.           "Defend yourself? That's a new one for me," he hummed nonchalantly, breathing out another puff of smoke from his cigarette before continuing with blatant interest, "Most of my dinners aren't this aggressive," That set the hunter's teeth on edge for a moment, making him snarl at the monster,           "I'm not your fucking dinner," he spat, "And what exactly did you expect me to do? Cower and run?" The vampire shrugged at his question,            "Usually, my food does tend to cower and run, so I am used to that," he hummed, but his nonchalance was broken when the small man lunged at him and stabbed his metal stake into his side. After his attack, Xeno jumped back to where he'd dropped his shopping, scooping it up and standing up properly while his companion hissed and laughed tightly,            "Oh you really are a feisty one!" the vampire hummed, pulling out the stake and grinning wolfishly, seeming to get some sort of sick enjoyment out of Xeno fighting against him so much or the pain of his slowly healing stab wound. It honestly unnerved the hunter, but he hid it, simply preparing to grab a second stake while keeping his eyes glued to the creature in front of him, who simply tapped the ashes from his cigarette and staunched the bleeding until he’d mended enough to leave it be while he looked Xeno over and thought, "y'know what? Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'll admit, I was being a bit aggressive, you were a bit aggressive in return. We're even now, so let's move past that and start over. Hi, my name is Stan, what's yours?" They stood there for a long, tense moment. The handsome stranger, Stan, watching Xeno with intrigue in his icy eyes, while the human scanned his expression for any hint of malicious intent or danger behind his words, but if he had any, it was well masked. Nevertheless, he stayed on edge, muscles tensed to dodge or attack if needed, using all of the possibly helpful knowledge he'd gotten from his time at college to attempt to not only sniff out any of the predator's plots, but also formulate an escape plan of his own. If he got attacked, he only had one weapon left to defend himself with, and he was no real match for the taller, stronger, inhuman blonde that looked down at him with a growing grin and a small stream of smoke spilling out of his lipstick'd lips every once in a while.             "No answer, huh? All out of vitriol, doll?" Xeno knew he shouldn't respond to the blood sucker, but the nickname hit a confusing cord, some humiliating mix of childish assumptions and contrasting offense, and the thought of Stan ramping up the embarrassing nicknames out of some sadistic enjoyment of messing with his food honestly scared the hunter more than the thought of letting out personal information in the moment.              "Quit callin' me fuckin' doll!" He snapped, barring his blunt teeth at the taller male,              "Well, I don't have any other name for you!" was the other's retort, "If you don't like my pet names, tell me yours." he continued, and the gleam in his eyes told Xeno that he already knew he had him trapped by the pride, so he just gave in and played along,              "My name's Xeno, now quit calling me doll,"              "Alright, sweetheart," Stan laughed as the college graduate reached for his second stake again, glaring daggers at the tall vampire until he put his hands up in mock-surrender, "Okay! Fine, fine, how about one last compromise? To end this little squabble and get some mutual fun out if." The only reply he got was narrowed eyes and a long stretch of silence.              "Fine. I'll compromise." The hunter finally relented after a long moment of debate, "But only because I fucking hate having to fight vampires." he clarified swiftly, getting an eye roll,               "Just admit you're curious, doll,”               "just state the fucking compromise." Xeno snapped, feeling his pale cheeks begin to burn slightly, inwardly grateful for the darkness while Stan rolled his eyes again,               "Look, we've got a small conflict of interest." He stated, "You don't want to be my dinner, but I'm now far too interested in you to just turn my back on this chance to feed on a cute, and as you said, trained monster hunter. So! I want to offer a fun little game," The dark-eyed hunter relaxed only a little at the mention of a game, but he didn't give him much leeway, so Stan continued, "It's simply tag. With the simple twist that if I catch you, I get to do whatever I want with you," Xeno narrowed his eyes and felt his cheeks begin to burn again, the pretty vampire was not trying to hide the flirtatious implication in his words, but asking about the wording felt like he was revealing information unnecessarily.             "I'm guessing that if I get home before you catch me, my prize is that i'm not eaten?" The predator nodded, making the smaller male huff, watching him crush out his cigarette for a fresh one while he mulled his 'compromise' over. This is a really dumb idea, he told himself, but then, that morbidly curious voice that loved to rear its ugly head to give him stupid ideas and questions to obsess over for days at a time spoke, but it would be a wonderful chance to get a glimpse into the instincts, abilities, and hunting method of a vampire. It could undoubtedly give vital information for later. That was all it took, Xeno knew he was doomed to yet another bad life choice, so he at least lessened the blow by whipping up some on-the-fly math and plotting. "Fine. Only if I get a five minute head start though." Once he got an approving nod from the vampire, the monster hunter turned on his heel and took off, his shopping abandoned to either make it home or be torn from the bag, he didn't care. Knowing his stamina wasn't the best, Xeno focused on pacing himself and trying to get as far away from his pursuer as he could in his small window of time, Judging by his playful attitude so far, he might not jump right to catching me. He's likely to toy with me like a cat would, give chase and tire me out before pouncing, He reasoned as he turned the corner onto a street just a medium sprint away from his home, That, paired with the fact that my earlier attack's wound won't heal for another seven minutes after this head start, should buy me just enough time to make it home. So long as I don't trip, I can get away from him. He told himself, using his logic and reasoning to keep himself calm when he finally heard Stanley giving chase. His five minutes were up. He couldn't exactly hear the vampire as much as he could sense him. Relying almost solely on his years of experience in killing and confronting his kind, the college graduate could estimate where the blood sucker would be and how far behind he'd stay. For the moment. And while it was helpful that his assumption seemed to be right, the monster would play with him first, the simple fact that he was being hunted messed with his nerves a bit. Nonetheless, he pressed on. Just as his fence-less backyard was in view though, he felt his pursuer finally closing in. At that point he couldn't hear Stan's foot steps even slightly over his thundering heart beat drowning other noises out. But, Xeno knew he had another three minutes of running in himself, and the blood sucker was sure to recognize the signs of that. So, the snow-haired man had to turn to his first drastic plan. See, if he fully sprinted and took off on the last of his stamina and pure prey-instincts, he could make it home in four minutes, which was still a bit too far, but he didn't have much other choice to avoid being eaten. so, before anymore of his energy was burned, the hunter tapped into his reserves and took off in a full sprint. On the grace of the vampire's surprise and his years of outrunning high school bullies, Xeno managed to make it to his yard. However, Stan was right behind him. So, without thinking of anything but survival, Xeno made one final drastic move and launched himself through the sliding glass door of his back patio. He crumpled bonelessly to his kitchen floor as soon as his feet hit the tile, but he didn't stop himself. Not even when the shards of glass he landed on and slid across slashed at his skin and clothes, because he knew that without verbal permission, his predator couldn't enter the house. So, Xeno let himself smile at the glowing ice-colored eyes of said predator as he loomed in his doorway, forbidden from even reaching out to grab the tantalizingly close piece of prey           "Looks like you lose, Stanley," Xeno taunted after catching his breath a bit, but all the blonde did was smile, his eyes alight with the thrill of the chase and an unnerving giddiness,           "I never said when the game would end, Xeno."
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kaijuno · 7 years ago
hey space mom!!!! have you ever known anyone who had an allergic reaction to marijuana?? my boss (a vet) found out about me being allergic to ragweed and was like "oh if you're allergic to that you're allergic to cannabis, they crossreact. that's impt to know for college, save you an ER trip" so uhh?? I'm kinda paranoid but also really morbidly curious if it can actually be that bad? I wanted to try it at some point in my life but i dont want a medical emergency y'know lmao
My stepfather is allergic to marijuana, but it’s fairly uncommon. He found out the hard way when he was young. If you go light and find out you’re allergic you can combat it with Benadryl and be alright. I really don’t think ragweed has anything to do with it. Dear, just about everyone is allergic to ragweed. It’s just a scare tactic with no science behind it. 
I’m allergic to hemp oil and I’m still not allergic to marijuana.
Here’s some sources: 
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journeysintowebcomics · 7 years ago
Worm Liveblog #48
UPDATE 48: The Heart of the Team
Last time Kid Win’s turn to have an interlude had arrived. He was sent to recruit a new tinker for the Wards, but he found out the new guy may have been compromised by one of the main villainous groups in Brockton Bay. Let’s continue. Which Ward will have an interlude this time?
The chapter opens with Flechette, Parian and Vista, so I suppose it’ll be Vista. Neat! I like Vista, so I think I’ll enjoy this.
Flechette is doing what she said she’d do: bring provisions to Parian, and she also still does what she said about not crossing the yellow line. This time Vista came with Flechette, using her power in a shopping bag so more stuff fit in there than normal. Water, beans, multivitamins and first aid supplies, very useful stuff. Not everyone is as lucky, though. The heroes are having a lot of trouble giving provisions to everyone who needs it.
“You’re right,” Flechette interrupted.  “We’re not doing a good job of getting supplies to everyone.  We can’t.  Any time we try to distribute it, a group like Hookwolf’s gang or the Merchants try to seize it.  Even if the heroes on duty fend them off, the citizens get scared away.”
Ah, right. Those two groups are hogging provisions and generally causing trouble. Of course people would be scared. Even if it’s someone who doesn’t have powers, a civilian could get ambushed or attacked later, because no hero is going to watch them all the time during the way back home or something like that. Anyone would be scared. Heck, desperate people don’t have to be only in those groups, other civilians can be quite desperate too. The odds someone, anyone, tries to steal the new provisions are rather high.
Flechette and Parian’s conversation is cut short when Vista hears they have to return to the headquarters, to find out what Kid Win saw. After making sure Parian knows to call them if there’s trouble brewing, they go back.
Before leaving, Parian gives Vista a stuffed rabbit. Vista’s not happy, I suppose because she considers herself too old for stuffed toys. It’s still a nice gesture, yeah. They leave, Vista using her powers to make the trip shorter. Oh boy, first time seeing her using her powers and describing how that feels!
Vista stepped out into the middle of the road at the edge of the fissure, then concentrated. She felt her power extend to every solid object in front of her, formed a map in her head.  There was nobody out there, which made it easier.  Slowly, carefully, she began adjusting.  She truncated the length of Lord street, then did it again, repeating the process to make the four lane road shorter and shorter. The fissure down the center of the road squeezed against itself like a compressed spring.
Right. Of course it all happens in a few seconds, but when she puts it like that, one would expect it to take much longer. It seems a lot of these powers are kind of instinctual, they don’t have to think about the exact information that comes from them. Their minds can organize the information immediately, so they don’t get overwhelmed – or at least that’s what I’m guessing. Flechette’s power allows her to have a grasp of the angles of a place. Spatial awareness sure is a big part of many of these powers!
“It’s not that complicated.  Everything’s like wet clay, and I’m smudging it around.”
Haha! Not the comparison I’d make, since your power isn’t permanent! I remember these wires that can be heated up to high temperatures, twisted into all kind of shapes and, when placed in cold water, returns to its original state. The world would be more akin to those wires than to clay!
‘Kinda’, Vista? That’s how you call your power? ‘Kinda powerful’? What modesty! And I have the feeling it’s genuine, maybe because she doesn’t think it’s big deal, or because she doesn’t like people saying she’s powerful. Everyone knows this is more than ‘kinda powerful’, young lady.
“You could be one of the top dogs in the Protectorate, in five or six more years.”
Vista frowned, “They said the same thing about Dauntless.”
That went to a dark place. She’s really saddened by the deaths, I knew that, but looks like that extends to other heroes too. Why else would she immediately reply with that? Because she has them in mind, I suppose. But yeah, I see her point: you never know what’ll happen. Dauntless had such a bright future ahead of him – so bright it made a certain someone be jealous of it – and theeeen came Leviathan and killed him. So much for that bright future. I came to terms many chapters ago that any character can die anytime, so yeah, Vista may not even reach the Protectorate’s lower rungs before she dies. Not that Vista regrets being a heroine, that’s for sure!
Flechette is kind of impressed at Vista’s maturity, but Vista doesn’t like that comment – wait, let me guess, it’s because she’s young and therefore dislikes when people say she’s mature for her age. Is that it?
It is. Telling them to stop being condescending doesn’t help, either. Oh boy...she’d have been so pissed off at me if I knew why I like her, haha...
The black and white pictures that show the deceased Aegis and Gallant are not a good reminder of the departed, in Vista’s opinion. It seems the Protectorate takes a photo of the Wards when they join, and now that these two died, they just printed those photos in black and white. They look rather young in those photos. Not that they, uh, were much older when they died.
He had still been so young when the tidal wave had smashed into him and caved in his chest.
Oooooh man. That made me wince. You know how much strength you need to cave a chest? I didn’t need to know the exact cause of death, Mr. Wildbow, that’s a hella unpleasant way to die.
Vista was almost eleven when she was inducted into the Wards. So young...I’m morbidly curious about what was her trigger event, because that’s an alarmingly young age. After three years of having to carry the wellbeing of a few dozens of thousands of civilians anyone would be like Vista, especially since she started at such an impressionable age. Just look at her now, thinking about how she may die and her picture will be on display there, in black and white. She has gone from ‘very mature’ to ‘worryingly mature’.
Director Piggot was already waiting when they arrived. Kid Win is quick to inform about what he found out – obtained by legal methods? Hah! It’s a good thing none of this will see the light of the day beyond this room!
We believe this unknown party is Coil.  There’s no other criminals in town that would really do this.  Fenrir’s Chosen aren’t that subtle, and they’re too racist to work with Chariot.  Purity’s group is, again, too racist.  The Undersiders aren’t well-funded enough.  It doesn’t fit the Travelers’ MO.”
Oh hey, these are more or less the conclusions I got to, although I completely forgot about the Undersiders. I don’t think the problem with them would be the funds. In my opinion, it wouldn’t fit their style either. Why to use a mole when you have Tattletale? Sure, she doesn’t actively try to find information about the Protectorate or the Wards, but I think if she wanted to, she could. There’d be no need to get an inside man.
It’s no secret Coil uses moles. There are even a few hired right now into the PRT’s forces. The thing is...does Coil know the PRT knows? Does the PRT know Coil knows the PRT knows? Does Coil know the PRT knows Coil knows the PRT knows? I have the feeling both Coil and the PRT work with the supposition Coil can find out in any moment, and that he doesn’t take the information without careful verification. Coil wouldn’t be so careless as to let false information get to him.
What Piggot wants to do is add another mole into their ranks, letting Chariot join the Wards. Oh boy, what could go wrong. Piggot better know what she’s doing. Then again, if they reject Chariot from the group, I doubt Coil would let Chariot off the hook. That kid would be as good as dead. This solution may be the only one where nobody dies in the near future. Risky moves need everyone’s authorization, though, and that’s what she’s here for, to ask all of them if they’re willing to take the risk and most likely show themselves unmasked to Chariot.
Everyone accepts, although Clockblocker does it reluctantly. Congratulations, you now have a spy infiltrated into your group! A lot of precautionary measures will be necessary from now on. That’d be much easier if the spy wasn’t a tinker, I’d say. Sooner or later that may bring trouble. But for now a plan is done, Piggot is happy, and Kid Win receives acknowledgement! All is fine for the time being.
It seems Vista’s fatalism worried Flechette a lot, because she talked to Weld and told him about that. Hm. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. We all know Weld isn’t the most diplomatic superhero to ever live. She goes to shower. Frankly, I skipped the paragraphs related to that. Feels wrong to read about someone showering, even more when it’s a thirteen year-old.
The water had removed most of it, but there was a line of dried blood flecks on her throat from where the wire had pulled against it.
That’s going to do wonders for Vista’s doom and gloom, eh? Another near-death experience for the already injury-filled life of a superhero. This isn’t even the worst injury she has – well, yeah, from what I read here, the wire didn’t come even close to being lethal – but she thinks of a specific one, on her chest.
It had been the result of an altercation with Hookwolf as the villain escaped the scene of a grisly attack on a grocer, a year ago.  A blade on the villain’s arm had punctured her armor as he’d knocked her aside.  She’d felt the pain of her skin being penetrated and she’d kept quiet about it out of a desperate need to shake the label of being the team baby.  She didn’t want to be seen as the one always in need of help and protection.  It would have been embarrassing to ask for medical attention, only for it to be a scratch.
Huh. So...maybe part of the reason she takes her role as a superhero is out of a desire to not be seen as the team baby. That’s relatable. But that wasn’t just a scratch. It was worse than that, and I think everyone reading this knows the location means it may have been really dangerous. She may be lucky to be alive.  She sewed the injury by herself, and since there was no mention of infection or of any complications, I guess she did it correctly. Is first-aid something the Wards have to learn once they join? Maybe it is.
Vista might have tried asking Panacea to fix it, but hadn’t been able to summon up the courage.
Don’t waste your time. Panacea already has too much in her to-do list, she doesn’t have the time nor reason to heal a scar. I’m not discounting the possibility of deeper damage, but yeah, better not to ask her.
Sophia freaking Hess was in the bathroom too, and she proceeds to remind me why I don’t like her. Sure, she’s not performing any bullying on Vista like she does with Taylor, but she does a comment that was uncalled for.
Great, Vista thought.  Dennis might be acting more like his old self, but Sophia is too.
That’s good! The first step towards getting better is returning to some sort of normalcy. Without forgetting what happened, of course!
Once Vista is dressed up and ready, she goes towards Weld’s room. Weld likes music. So that’s why in the fanart I was shown he was shown with that stuff! Nice, it’s always good to see what a character is interested in.
As expected: Flechette told Weld about Vista’s fatalism, and he wants to know if she’s okay. Vista insists she is fine, but Weld has concerns that...you know, is something I never considered:
“And now you’re acting like nothing fazes you, even the idea of you maybe dying in the near future.  I have to know, Missy.  Do you have a death wish?  Are you going to be putting yourself in unnecessary danger?”
I certainly hope she won’t! Now that’d be depressing. Thankfully, Vista denies that, and I feel inclined towards believing her...although...yeah, Mr. Wildbow mentioning this right after he wrote about how Vista hid a serious injury from everyone else is making me worry about her well-being. It kind of feels like he’s foreshadowing she’s going to put herself in unnecessary danger.
I hope I’m just overthinking it.
“I just want to do a good job as a member of this team.  Carry on their memory.  Act like they would want me to act.  I can work twice as hard, be twice as tough, twice as strong, if it means making up for them being gone.”
I think nobody would want you to crush yourself under this weight. There’s only so much you can do by yourself, powers or not. This only makes me worry even more she’s going to get herself in danger.
Weld is saying the right stuff! Suggesting her to let others help her carry the legacy! That’s the leader they need, yeah!
“Okay. With all this in mind, I have one suggestion and two orders.  My suggestion?  Stop trying to be everything they were.  Be what you’re good at, a caring, sweet young woman who everyone on the team likes.  My professional opinion is that you have it in you to fill some of that void Gallant left.  Use that empathic nature of yours to help others with their own struggles.  Be the team’s heart.”
Maybe he’s going to be useful as a leader after all! Good! I applaud this. So Vista is going to be the heart of the team from now on, hopefully. If she was the cunning type instead of the type to wear her own heart in her sleeve, she could even use her age to manipulate others into keeping a tense and unsatisfying feeling of general harmony, but she won’t, I’m pretty sure she won’t.
Wow, her eyes started watering. Looks like he’s actually reaching her.
“Order number one is that you go see the PRT’s therapist.  If I can clear it with Director Piggot, figure out a way to make the patrol schedules work, I’m going to try to get everyone to go.  I’m honestly kind of flabbergasted that nobody higher up than me has mandated it already.”
About time someone suggested a therapist. Everyone is in sore need of a therapist. It didn’t take long for Weld to get on top of his game, he’s taking some good decisions today. His other order is for Vista to allow herself to cry. She refuses at first, but Weld insists and she finally lets herself cry while he hugs her. Just a few minutes of crying, but it’ll do her good.
When Vista leaves Weld’s room, Sophia does some more gratuitous cruelty because she had nothing better to do, I guess. Vista endures it, getting hit where it hurts, but tries what Weld recommended she should do. Take a guess how that went. It’s like you told someone to learn how to draw and the first thing they attempted to do is hyperrealism.
Feeling awful for the failure of her first attempt at reaching out to her teammates, she turns to leave and says she pities Sophia. That much is enough to piss her off. I suppose she really hates being pitied on. Heck, her reaction is to grab Vista and shove her onto the floor. That’s not the reaction of a sane person. Vista takes it much more calmly than most people would, and points out there are security cameras watching. That dissuades Sophia, who goes out with a bad excuse. Sigh.
You know, Shadow Stalker may be the last Ward to have an intermission..I had said I wanted to read an intermission with her as the point of view character, but now I’m not so sure. I had kind of forgotten how utterly exhausting is to read about what she does and says. Eh.
I guess I’ll see next time what happens.
Next update: in four updates
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bob-sheldon · 8 years ago
Stevepop: “You’re overreacting. It doesn’t look that bad.” Either Steve has a paper cut and is being a melodramatic bitch, or he got stabbed in the side like Rusty-James and he's trying to convince Soda to stop freaking out about it.
Plot: Somewhat low pain-tolerances and Betadine do not mix well. OR, Steve is cut very badly and Soda and Dally are slightly at odds. 
Content warnings: Holy shit uhhhhh, lots of blood, lots of pain, some gore, hella child abuse. Proceed with caution.
A/N: This isn’t my BEST writing but this has been sitting in my ask box for a while and I was in the mood to write some whump. Apologies for any spelling errors and/or choppy writing. I wrote this all in two hours and I’m afraid I’ll be too embarrassed to post it if I read over it again lmFAO. Also it ties in with my other oneshot slightly. Idk? 
“I think we should take him to the hospital. That could go septic.” Ponyboy said uselessly, lurking in the doorway. For once my own brother was bugging me.
“You’re overreacting, it doesn’t look that bad.” Steve mumbled, barely able to keep his head up. Dally had his right side and Darry had his left and they were both struggling to ease him down on the bed. Steve isn’t real lithe or anything. He’s kinda a big guy, a little bigger than Darry and only a little skinnier than Two-Bit.
Dal dropped him and he hit the mattress with a dull thud and a heartbreaking gasp.
“Y'know-” Pony started.
“Please. Go play in traffic.” Steve growled lowly, proving he was still very awake and mean as ever. I didn’t bother to tell him to play nice this time. I figured he could get away with saying that just this once.
Ponyboy seemed to finally get the message, turning and walking back down the halls where Johnny was already trying to wipe blood off the door.
I crawled onto the bed and held Steve’s head in my lap, running my fingers through his hair like he liked. He was shaking, probably from the pain.
We’d all come home from dinner and found him on the porch, drenched in blood and clutching his side, disgusting red smears covering the old couch we had out there. Somebody had sliced him to ribbons.
“Was it your dad?” Darry said in his authoritative serious tone, breaking the silence and voicing the thing we were all dying to ask.
“Nuh,” Steve’s dad was an ass but I doubted he’d take a knife to his own son. “it’s my own damn fault.”
“You sliced yourself up?” Dally’s thick brows furrowed.
“Tried to jack a car but the guy who was driving it sliced me.” He didn’t sound like he wanted to admit it. There was nothing heroic or sympathy-inducing about a car jacking gone wrong. Then again, what car was worth damn near killing a kid for?
Darry gently pulled up his shirt to inspect the damage. A cut down almost the entirety of his side. It didn’t look too deep but it was long and it had bleed a lot. Now it was just dripping a little.
He left the room and I could hear him rummage around in the bathroom next door.
“You had me scared half to death.” I said softly, running my thumb over his temple. He shut his eyes and leaned into it, looking as tired and pale as I’d ever seen him. “Thought you’d been shot or somethin’.”
Darry came back holding an economy sized bottle of Betadine and a package of bandages. Dally leaned in slightly, morbidly curious about what was to happen next, as he was about all things.
“Y'all are probably going to have to hold him down.” Darry mumbled, already uncapping the Betadine.
I grabbed Steve’s hands, holding them tightly and staring in his eyes to try to distract him from what was about to experience.
He screamed when he disinfectant hit his cut, Darry was trying to work fast but I could see he was disgusted. Even Dally cringed in sympathy.
“Oh, I’m gonna be sick.” Steve moaned, lifting his head off the bed weakly. Darry paused and I scrambled for the waste basket, offering it to him.
He wasn’t actually sick, he simply flopped back down on the bed in a dead faint.
“Oh no.” I whispered.
“Fuck, is he dead?” Dally backed away, genuinely looking horrified.
I leaned in close to his face. He was breathing evenly and soundly. He’d fainted before when he got half a car dropped on him.
“He’s okay.”
Darry went right back to scrubbing, I figured he hoped he could finish it before Steve woke up.
His eyes fluttered open after less than a minute.
“You passed out,” I murmured, stroking his hair again. “I think you should go to the hospital.”
“No, ’m fine now.”
Darry was putting the dressing on and Dally had mysteriously disappeared in the couple seconds I looked away from him. I knew things could get too much for him. Johnny had been too much. He was tuff but he wasn’t inhuman.
I chewed my lip nervously. Steve is the kind of person who only listens when he wants to and I knew he despised hospitals.
“If it hasn’t stopped oozing by tomorrow morning, we’re going straight to the emergency room.”
Darry picked up the used cotton balls and bandage wrappers in silence. I wondered what he was thinking, if it was worrying about Steve or how stained the mattress was going to be. We had enough foresight to bring him to the guest bedroom but Betadine was impossible to get out of cotton.
After Darry left I helped Steve get his shirt off and situated him under the covers. He was tired and he was hurting real bad. I could tell. I turned off the light and crawled in against his uninjured side and settled next to him, still slightly in shock. He kissed my cheek apologetically.
“Steve,” His pomade and cheap cologne ether drifted over me. He always smelled nice. Even when he was bloody or sweaty. Somehow, he managed it. “you really scared me.”
I felt myself tear up. I was as glad as could be that the lights weren’t on.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” I felt him kiss my cheek again and I held back tears with all my might. I didn’t like to get emotional during stuff like this, Steve should be the one crying, not me. I couldn’t break down. It wasn’t my time.
“’M gonna act like I got some sense from now on.” He’d said that before.
I shut my eyes, willing to believe it. I was tired and I knew he was too.
“But not too much sense, then we wouldn’t be compatible.” I joked, feeling him wrap an arm around me. It was a little bit easier to not cry now.
I heard him let out a little snort-laugh and after a few more minutes we were both asleep.
What I could only assume was a couple hours later the door cracked open. I squinted in the harsh light from the hall. It had to be 10 or 11.
“You gonna sleep here tonight?” It was Dally. He was probably going to volunteer to sleep next to Steve. They were close after all.
“Yeah, just in case he needs me.” I felt Steve stir against me and I could see some color had returned to his cheeks. Dally nodded and shut the door. I could hear Ponyboy talking in a low voice in our room. Probably to Johnny. He could be on nightmare duty for today.
“Isshe gone?” Steve slurred.
“Thought he was my dad come to finish me off.”
I jolted up, unsure if I had heard him correctly.
“Your dad did this?”
But he didn’t respond, simply pretended to fall back to sleep, leaving me alone in the dark with my thoughts.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil (Au), Chapter 18
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They hadn't hugged for longer then a few minutes, but for Marco it at least felt like a long and happy eternity. He missed hugging Tom, hugging him always gave them both a sense of safety and warmth when times were tough and it made them feel better just in general. Marco didn't want to let go, like Tom would vanish the second he stopped clinging to the boy. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. The rabbit in Tom's hoodie was making small noises and Tom let out a slight cough, "M-Marco, we uh...we better separate, I think we might be crushing Marshmallow a bit...". Marco didn' want to let go, but he eased off of Tom and removed his hands from him. Tom was blushing, a lot, but he was also smiling like the happiest kid Marco'd ever seen, and all because his best friend was here. Marco came back for him!! He really did! Even though he could've gotten hurt or killed he still came!! They stared at each for a bit until the demon let out a cough which reminded both of them they weren't alone. The both looked extremely embarrassed and Tom couldn't help but feel 10x more awkward at the sight of Jackie watching them. Jackie came too? If Jackie came.....who else was here? Star? Janna? The queen stepped forward and looked over the prince, noticing his burned arms and palms next to the bruises and marks he had, she looked so worried. She carefully reached out to him, "A-are you ok? We need to bandage up your hands or get you some help...you're in rough shape..".
"I know...I uh...I broke out and....sucks when I don't have my wand huh?', He tried to make light out of it but no one was having it. Marco was especially worried over how Tom succumbed to those injuries, and Tom must have figured out he was because he whipped around to face him. "This isn't from torture, I-I just sorta..broke my way out of a magical zapping prison and it didn't do well on my hands. But it's ok...It stings but...it's better then being locked away..". "We can head to the infirmary and bandage you up....", the brunette said quickly, "Before we leave, you really need some ointment on that....i'm sure mewni has something like that since you all can't perform magic right?". Tom was about to reply but was cut off by Moon, "No, we don't have time, for now we're getting you somewhere safe, I still need to find my daughter and her friend...I was lucky with you, despite the hoodie and rabbit masking your scent a bit...". Tom smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I just figured if i was leaving  I wanted to take some of the most important things I could carry with me, last thing I wanted was to leave my rabbit alone....he would have starved or gotten hurt or-". "Tom, we found you, and we're getting you out of here first, we need to guarantee your safety. She handed the three a pair of scissors, "Take Tom to the underworld infirmary, patch him up there instead where it's safer, then wait for me, I'm going to find Star and her friend and the high commission is going to find the king and talk to him....". Marco reached into his pocket and took out his communication device to Star and handed it to the Queen, "Here, we have this to speak to each other, it might make things a bit easier". She took it hesitantly and put it on her person. "You're not going to hurt him or anything?", Tom asked, morbidly curious why they were here to "Talk". Moon shook her head, "We won't if he will listen to our terms, he needs to deal with his actions, and....I'm not letting a kid stay in a home like that...it's...it's not safe...". Tom nodded, and she sighed, "I'm sorry...you...you shouldn't have had to go through all this....we should have stopped this sooner, you....you're a prince and the prince being...what if you died and it was because we didn't....". "It's ok...", Tom shoved his hands in the pockets, "Y-You're here now....you weren't scared to come and find me this time.....I..I never thought..". He bit his lip, "Thanks for wanting to help me...or at least thanks for caring about me...". Tom didn't seem to be entirely forgiving of it, but it wasn't the time to be bitter at the people coming to save him. Marco cut open a portal and they took one last look at Moon before heading into the underworld infirmary as the familiar heat of the harsh land surrounded them. - "Oww...", Tom flinched as Marco helped wrap up his arms, his palms looked awful especially and Marco wasn't even sure how Tom was able to hug him or pick up his rabbit without the pain getting to him. Although it was clear Tom didn't care about the pain when he needed his arms most. Jackie helped get him some ointment on his other marks, both humans felt like parents caring for their child. "Tom....what happened? To your....everything?", Marco asked, finishing up, "This looks awful..". Tom blushed,"Dinner was just...a blur, and I woke up in a dungeon all hurt and...I tried to escape and me and my dad talked and he magically sealed me in with a magic forcefield....so I tried to use my own magic to escape..". Tom looked down at his arms, "I failed, alot, but then something weird happened....I dunno I was just....thinking of you for some reason and I started glowing and....I got out..but it..felt different, it wasn't the same as before..". Marco's eyebrows pricked up, Jackie eyes Marco as if she was thinking the same thing. "How was it different?" "I was...pink, and....I've never done that before...". Tom bit his lip, "My dad was the one that broke the cat bowl, wasn't he?". Marco nodded sadly, "Yeah, we saw, he uh....he disguised himself as you to pump us for information and we...fell for it and he blew the whole thing up....we're sorry Tom.." "No, I was brainwashed...there was nothing you could do, even If you knew he'd find out eventually...", Tom took a seat on the long doctor's table and laid down, "Everything was a mess today, A big confusing mess, but at least it's over....". Jackie picked up marshmallow, who'd been sitting patiently on the table, "I'm going to ask to get some food and water for this little guy, I'll be right back..". Marco could tell she was telling the truth, but felt she also was trying to give him and Tom some alone time together. She left with the rabbit, and left Tom and Marco in dead silence. Marco looked at Tom, finally, they were reunited! They could hug, and play games, and laugh together, Marco no longer had to worry about him being separated from him. They could hang out, and spend time on earth and.... Talk. Talk about the things they couldn't really talk about on the phone. About Tom's crush, and to an extent, the one Marco felt he shared as well. "So, what's been up....outside of..everything with me?", Tom asked, "I mean, you and jackie seem close and stuff, have you guys been-? I dunno, are you guys-?". Marco shook his head, "No, you've been our top priority since you left earth, I-I've uh...barely left my room frankly..". Tom smiled weekly, flashing his teeth, and showing off the smile Marco loved to see so much."That kinda sucks, but hey, Summer's not over yet, it's only just begun. There'll be time to go and have fun, and hang out, and do weird earth junk. Is uh- how's your parents...?". "Worried sick, about me, and about you....you're like family y'know? You left without saying goodbye to them and they miss you..", Tom nodded in response, rubbing his arms. " I miss them too, they're not perfect but..I felt more at home with them, and....I kinda miss having them burst into my room at random times...". they both shared a laugh. But it didn't last long, Marco stared at the ground, how was he supposed to address Tom's crush on him again? Bring this up to him? Would Tom even want him to bring it up first? They had to talk about it at some point and Marco knew it, and they were alone and in a safe place to continue to talk about it. The human decided in the end, just to go for it. Marco sighed, "Tom, we need to talk....to talk about you..having a crush on me...". Tom blushed and turned his head, "Oh right....I-I uh....what did you want to talk about? It's uh...I don't know if this is the time to talk about it..". What his father said earlier about Marco liking him was now coming back to his mind and he didn't like it one bit, he didn't need his heart crushed more then it had been already. Tom's tone sounded sad, and Marco was quick to stop his doubts,"Tom, no, I-I've been thinking lately, and it's just....I've been meaning to speak with you about this. I mean, if you don't want to talk about it it's perfectly fine I just...". Tom looked at his friend curiously, he was blushing, "No it's.....what is it exactly? I mean....if you...go ahead..". Tom wanted to know, he had to know, this was probably the stupidest idea ever but his desires were clearly taking over. Marco paused, but then took a breath and continued. "Tom, I've been holding off how I felt about you for awhile...and I'm sorry, it's just been a lot for me to take in since it happened and it puts me in a position where...I feel like I'm making a hard choice between people I really care about..and i'm afraid to lose one of them forever....", Tom looked at the Marco twiddling his fingers, "Tom, I think I might have been growing a bit of a crush on you too, I just....I don't know If that means we should date or if that makes me a horrible person or-" Tom sat up, "Wait, you like me? For real? I thought my dad was lying....you...", he stopped talking and looked off to the side. Marco rubbed his neck, "It's just...I dunno...lately..I think...I might like you more then a friend..and..it's...I'm not used to it yet...". Marco looked as if he regretted bringing up this conversation now, but Tom looked relieved that it wasn't exactly bad news. Tom rubbed his neck to, "So what then? Do we....date? Or....I mean, what's the next step for us..?". But Marco didn't have an answer for him, the boy turning sad, "I don't know Tom....". Tom's heart dropped, Marco liked him? But didn't want to date? Marco liked him, his crush, his crush just said he liked him back! Tom's heart only started beating only to have it sink, it took a bit for him to reply to Marco's response. "Well, why not?", Tom asked. "Because things aren't that simple, I've never been on a date before!! I don't know what to do! How to act! I don't even know If i have the courage to! What if your dad came after me, or I mess up!? I....I want to do this...but I dunno If i can...", He fell to the floor and relaxed, "Tom, I've been scared of many things since you moved in, of princess schools, giant monsters, demons, but lately the worst has been to talk about your crush...because...I'm scared we won't be friends anymore...". "Marco.." "I know you and Star didn't work out, but at least you've been on a date...I still can't even..comprehend why someone like you, would even like someone like me. I've been under so much pressure, like i have to choose between my two friends, and I'm scared i'll ruin our friendship no matter what...If i say no, you'll hate me, and If I say yes and something goes bad....", Marco wanted to hide himself in his hoodie, "I'm so sorry for making you wait and-". "Marco, stop talking, I-I You don't have to say sorry.....I know...it was a lot for you....you didn't ask for my feelings....", The mewman got off the table to sit in front of his sad friend, "I...I want to be your friend, even if you date Jackie.....I just, I don't want to feel like a piece of trash and lose my best friend because I was a stupid jealous and angry kid again...". "And that's another thing, what about Jackie?", Marco asked. "What about her?" "Were you...have you been..." "Why do you ask?", Tom didn't like were this was going. "Tom, were you jealous of me spending time with Jackie? Ever?", Marco asked, "I need to know....I need to know how you really feel about me and her.". Tom was red all over, he turned away his face from Marco, "Marco, why do you want to know that? It's not your business to know about how I felt in the past.." "Because I keep feeling like a jerk, even though I know i shouldn't feel that way since I did nothing wrong! You liked me through all those times with Jackie! And it makes me feel like an ass because my best friend was hurt because of me and-", Marco went on and Tom had to stop him. Tom turned red, "No, look, you can have other friends!! I'm not jealous that you've been hanging out at all, or worried, or even....". Tom trailed off, "I mean, once Star, Janna, ponyhead, and I hung out for a bit because i felt kind of lonely but....". "Tom...", Marco looked sad. "No, look, it's stupid...". "Your feelings aren't stupid Tom..", he held out a hand and took Tom's, "you haven't had a lot of friends......". Tom sighed, "Ok, i might have been sometimes upset, but I just....it made you so happy and...I can't expect to always be the center of your life....not when she means a lot to you too. It's hard, dealing with that, when you're used to being alone...". "I know how you feel..." "No you don't Marco....", Tom said back, "You're not ever going to understand exactly how I feel.....I know you weren't cool on earth and stuff, but you had birthday parties with your family and friends, you got to do what you wanted, you get to be whatever you want to be if you work hard enough, you got to pick your friends and hang out without being scared of your own parents...you have a crush on a girl and managed to never fail and lose her....". Tom yanked his hand away from Marco, "Compared to me, your life is dandy. Don't push to know how I feel or act like you'll ever understand what i'm going through! Marco, I was hurt every day for weeks, locked in my stinking room all by myself, I couldn't talk to anyone, I had no one who really cared! You have a family that loves you, the freedom to go places, and you can be yourself without being scared you're going to get hurt by everyone around you!" Tom stood up, "You never were put in a place where you wanted to escape your home, that you chose to leave so you could get better because you always felt like something was wrong with you! Then only to find out you're a stupid toy your own family didn't give a rat's ass about!!! Heck, the people who are all so high and mighty didn't even care enough to come and save me!! No!! Apparently I didn't mean squat!! I find a home I love and enjoy and have a best friend I can be open to and then I get a stupid crush on him and I hide it from him for ages until I stupidly end up blowing up in front of him!! Marco, the day I was sick, It started, you came home so happy and....I thought you'd replace me..". Marco was speechless, he tried to reach out to Tom but Tom didn't seem comfortable with that. "She's so perfect for you, you know? She's calm, and cool, and nice, and she doesn't go through so much family drama or put you in danger for just being around her. I don't ever expect myself to compete with that because I know I can't and that there's no reason to try. If you choose her over me, It's something I have to accept because she deserves you better then I ever could after everything I put you through! I'd understand if you and her-". "Tom, I'd never-" "I know, but- the movie night, and the times you two talked at school without me, and...Marco....you're never going to understand just how that feels. W-we...I'm not like you Marco, I'm reckless, and I get hurt easily! Jackie's so calm , and cool, and collected!!! I'm an emotional wreck!!", Tom was practically yelling now," I meant so little to everyone else, that...I lower my expectations easily now, I just wanted to have a normal life and not feel like everyone hates me so much!". "Tom..", Marco, carefully made his way towards him, "I don't hate you...Star doesn't hate you,  Jackie doesn't hate you, Moon doesn't hate you, heck my parents adore you..". Tom fell to the ground and Marco tried to calm him down, "It's over Tom, you're going to go back home an-". "Marco, what makes you think I'll be allowed back to earth? I'm a prince....you're just from a normal family on earth, I was excited to be freed and to leave but, they'll probably send me off to a boarding school till i'm old enough..", the human hadn't really thought about that, Tom might be out but that never meant Tom would go back to earth afterwards. He was still a prince who suffered through a lot of pain and trauma, and he had training to still do... The Latin boy reached out for Tom only to have Tom reject him, and shake his head, "Marco, I want to try and restart my life again, and date you.....I do..., but please understand you can't just make me feel better by saying this stuff, you can't change the past...it's just not that simple....none of this is just going to go away...". "Like our bond?", Marco mentioned, making Tom blush harder. "Y-yeah.....like our bond....", Tom said quietly. "Tom, why did you never tell me anything about the bond after it happened to us?" Tom stayed quiet. "Tom....", Marco's tone sounded like one of a mother scolding her child, "Why didn't you ever tell me we were bonded for life? All the secrets we kept from each other, and you never once mentioned the bond to me, like us being bonded for eternity wasn't a big deal?" "Because I didn't want you to know, ok!? If I told you were had the potential to be a couple long before now things would've been more uncomfortable between us!!", Tom argued back.  Tom grumbled to himself, "What was i supposed to say?! Oh Marco!! We're now bonded under the moon and that might mean we could be more then friends or something? You didn't deserve to feel like you were inclined to date me! I wanted you to like me because you liked me!!". Tom hated yelling at Marco, or being angry to Marco, and he stopped himself before he set himself off any further. His voice calmed down and he covered his face with his hands, "You kept what you were doing with my dad secret for my safety, so I did the same for you.....". "Tom, this is a big deal....we share each other's emotions....that's why you felt different when you broke out!! The Moon makes us share emotional states when it shows up!!! We're linked together forever and it's not something you can just hide from me....even when we opened up and were honest about stuff we kept secret, you still kept this from me! This includes me too! I'm linked to you! We're both connected under some magic spell for entirety!". "Well, it's not my fault!!", Tom said, "If you hadn't grabbed my hand during the ball we wouldn't have been bonded in the first place!!I guess that's fine with you after all.....since being bonded to me for eternity is so awful...", Tom shut his eyes, and Marco realized they'd been fighting. Tom walked away towards the door, "I'm going to go see Marshmallow, I'll see you later Marco.....". "Tom...wait.." Tom shut the door to the room behind him and Marco tried to go after him, only to find that Tom was already gone, Marco sighed and hit the wall. Oh great, tell Tom you like him back honestly now, practically ask to start a new relationship, then screw up entirely and get angry at him. But he was right! They were bonded together for eternity, putting their friendship in question and Tom didn't tell him?! He didn't want to let Marco know that magic had done something to both of them? That wasn't something he could shove to the side! But...Tom was right too, how would he have reacted to that? How would he have felt about Tom then if he felt like they were inclined to be partners and possible lovers forever? Would that have made things worse between them as friends? Nevermind, right now what mattered is that this happened to them and they needed to talk about it, and work with it together. Marco needed to find Tom, they needed to apologize and work things out. But Marco was at the tragic disadvantage of not knowing where to go around the underworld,and that leaving his current spot was probably very dangerous considering the last time he came here. Marco walked back inside the room instead and took a seat, maybe Tom would come back in soon? "I should've kept my big mouth shut...", he mumbled as he sat against the wall. - Marco looked up as the door opened wide and a familiar girl walked inside, bunnyless. She saw Marco against the wall and lowered herself to his size, "Marco, I saw Tom....he looked pretty upset, what happened in here? He didn't want to talk to me..". "We had a bit of a fight....", Marco admitted, "I wasn't sure If I was ready to start a relationship, then I badgered him with questions about you, and then I made him upset by telling him I understood how he felt, and then he said we might never be roommates again and not to baby him and then I....I argued to him about the bond and....he left...". He gulped, he felt a bit sick, not the throw-up kind of sick, but the guilty sick. "Well, he looks really upset, you guys should talk....and...wait, you were badgering him with questions about me?". Marco wanted to hide in his hoodie, " Maybe a little, I just....you came up, and I asked if he was jealous and-". Jackie frowned, "Marco, what the heck dude? Asking if people were jealous like that isn't cool, not everything about Tom is your business you know?" "I know, I-I just....ugh, I got too caught up in the moment....we've never really been able to talk about...his crush. I guess I just...I just still have a hard time adjusting to it, I have so many questions, and...now I re-question everything..", He pulled the hoodie over his head some more, "I guess I just...I wanted some answers...I've been waiting to talk about this with him ever since he left and now he's here and we can talk about this without worrying about his father and..". "You started with asking about me?", She sighed, "Marco, Tom just came back from a rough time, now isn't the time and place to be hammering questions from him, we don't know what'll happen after today. Tom's safe but...where he ends up isn't your choice...". "You figured he'd be moved away from earth forever too?" "Well, Tom's not in your custody anymore since he left, he's....he's more moon's responsibility and stuff while his parents are being put in their place. I mean, I had a feeling this could happen but hey anything was possible. But, it's cool, at least he won't be in danger anymore right? Even if you see each other once a month, at least he's not hurt or anything." "Yeah...", the human removed his hood, "I'm just going to miss him.". Jackie rubbed his back, "Change is hard, and Tom being well....in someone else's care is a big deal. He's right, he was allowed to stay with you cause his dad permitted it, now that he's no in the dude's care, Tom could ed up anywhere till he's 18." Marco grumbled, " Jackie, if you're supposed to be making me feel better it's not working, i just had a fight with my best friend and he might never see me again and uggghhh..". She laughed, "You really like him don't you?". "I-I just, i can't imagine my life without him.....", the human sighed deeply, "I-I'm happy we saved him and everything, that he won't be going through this anymore but, what if we won't be friends anymore afterwards? He just grows up someone where and forgets me?" "Well, he's probably gonna have a hard time getting over someone whose hoodie he owns, and whose bonded to him apparently, not to mention who gave him one of the best experiences of his life. Dude, he's so happy hanging out with you, you don't think anyone is gonna top anything you two've been through?" "I mean, I guess not...", the human looked to his side, "I gave him his first real birthday party, he got to see a mall, movies...we fought monsters together, broke his friend out of princess jail, listen to love sentence together on bus rides, cuddle....". Jackie elbowed him, "See, he's not going to forget you, you're still his best friend. No matter here he goes none of that is going to change..". "You're right...yeah", Marco hugged her quickly, "Thanks, I-I needed to hear that, before it's too late..". "Well, You better both go talk, whatever happens, you both need to work out and be on good terms..", Marco nodded, "Yeah, I'll go do that, but you might need to help me find him because I don't know where he is or where to go from here...". She grabbed his hand, "He's not that far, I'll take you...". "I-I messed up....I just...", He needed to talk this out with Tom, apologize for going too far, and they could talk about it more later when both of them were comfortable. "Marco, it's ok, Tom will forgive you y'know? He's not gonna leave you without speak-". Just then a portal was cut open and Janna plopped out of it, she looked really beat up and weak, burn marks on the side of her face and bruises on her arms. She looked awful, or worse then she normally did on most days she got in trouble, and Marco didn't like where this was going one bit. The humans stopped in their tracks and Tom came running from the hallway holding his rabbit, he ignored both humans to look at Janna. Tom had been heading back to the infirmary, and the sounds of a portal being opened up caught his attention immediately. He'd been hoping for Star's return, but the sight of Janna sure didn't make him feel any better, even if the girl would probably be excited to have battle scars later. "Janna....what happened?", he didn't sound as if he wanted to know the answer. "Star and her Mom, that guy is one heck of a fighter, knows all the right spells. But first...can I get a doctor cause this REALLY sucks!", Tom helped her up, trying to avoid the places where she was in pain to lead her back to the infirmary, with Jackie and Marco behind him. Tom didn't say anything to Marco as demons helped patch up all the places she was hurt, even as Marco tried to speak, Tom clearly didn't want to hear any of it right now while another one of his friends was in great pain. Marco understood though, this was a bad sign, no Queen Moon or Star made it worse. Janna waited till the doctors left before speaking about about anything, although she was clearly still in pain, too much to move at least. Jackie took a seat next to her, wanting to make sure she was ok herself. Tom and Marco were leaning against the wall together, Tom was eyeing Marco slightly, as if he wanted to say something. But Tom didn't say anything, petting his rabbit and worrying about Janna. "Tom...we-". "They're in trouble Marco...", Tom said softly, "Moon and Star should be back by now, Janna is hurt, and my Dad is nowhere in sight. What if he escaped or something? He's never going to redeem himself for attacking Star and her Mom, he's going to get away and...he's never going to pay for...everything he did to me." "The high commission....",Marco said, "They'll find them, they're still there right? It's only been a few hours since we got here.....they....they can handle it. Better then then us....we...we came to break you out but...none of us are in much shape to take a king down...". Tom looked down at his messed up hands and recalled how he escaped, magic he never seen used before, and magic he certainly never did before. Maybe...maybe he could do it again? His thoughts of going back in must have shown on his face because Marco looked freaked out. "Don't you dare..." "What do you care Marco?", Tom snapped back, "If I die, you won't have to worry about the stupid bond ruining your life..". Marco felt his heart tug a little, "Tom, no look, I never meant to sound like I hated being bound to you-". "Really, then what did you mean?!", Tom said back, Marco flinched. "I never said I hated being bonded to you! It's just that being bonded with magic for the rest of our lives is something you should have told me!! I had to find out from a BOOK that this happened to both of us! You knew! And you never once thought to tell me!". Tom was quiet, softly stroking his rabbit's fur and not making eye contact, he looked like he was going to cry. Marco's voice became soft, "I just...I want to like you, because we like each other, not from a spell or out of pressure, I feel like I have to question everything because we're linked now..". Tom was still silent, moping and being how he always was. The human wanted to wrap his arms around him and hug him, but Tom didn't look ready for that yet and Marco respected his wishes. "I-I i'm sorry for asking about Jackie and -". "Marco, stop....look it's...I don't need your sorry....but I do need your understanding. I can't help how I felt about Jackie for awhile, I just...I did, I feel the way I do because of everything I've gone through and it's not something you need to feel bad for.  Lot happened today, I've been terrified, happy, hopeful, lonely, in pain, and miserable all in one day. I know you want to help make and make things easy for me, but I can't be a baby forever, you aren't always going to be able to understand me and you know that. I say things I don't mean when i get upset....I get angry. " Tom closed his eyes briefly to hod back his tears, "I-I...yeah, i should have told you...you had every right to know we were bonded together, I-I just didn't want you to worry about that. I just, lot has been happening recently and i'm stressed and...I shouldn't have snapped at you. You weren't entirely wrong to be upset with me...about...how i was acting,  we were both....kind've big jerks back there." He looked at him, his red eyes looked somber, "But I know....I know after the commission cared so little about me, what should I ever expect to go back to earth? It's not that simple, I just...after tonight I don't think anything will ever be the same....". The prince looked off into the distance, "Marco, I'm...I'm sorry I yelled at you. I shoved a lot of feelings on you, stuff I've been keeping mostly to myself. You didn't deserve to have me shove out all my feelings at you, I just...I understand, If you like Jackie more, I don't...I don't want to be that friend who wastes their life crying about it. I-I want you to be happy, even if that means you don't want me or can't have me in your life anymore after this...". Marco looked at him with his own sad expression, "I'm not....I'm not gonna give up on you...er...us...we'll figure something out, like we promised..". Marco grabbed his hand before he could protest and squeezed it, "I came this far to bring you home after all, we're not going to let them separate us after this. I want you to be apart of my life Tom, no matter what, i want you, and Jackie, and Star, and I guess Janna....to still be hanging out with me. I know things might seem hopeless sometimes, and it's ok to feel sad about it, but it's not the only option. St Olga's didn't stop us, that monster assassin didn't stop us, those bullies never stopped us....as far as i'm concerned, our friendship can survive anything.." "Marco, I-I know you want to make me feel better...b-", Marco bumped his shoulder, making Tom give him a weird look. Marco bumped him again and he swore Tom smiled a little bit as Tom bumped him back, Marco elbowed him again. He missed this, missed this more then he should. "When you two lovebirds are done making out over there, this human was up and up with some crazy mewman king!", Janna called from the table, Jackie laughing a bit at her comment. Tom and Marco stood up and made their way over to her, losing at bit of joy they had. she looked bad, but at least she was fixed up to the best of the doctor's abilities. "What happened?", Tom asked immediately, "How did you get hurt?". I mean Tom had a pretty good idea how she got hurt, but some context would be nicer then him having to imagine it himself. She sighed, "Me and Star were kinda exploring the caste trying to find you and might have come across your dad's office or something? I dunno but I went looking through his junk, tried to snag some spell-books while Star was looking through his weird collectibles." She hissed a bit, moving didn't feel too good right now. "Then our thingy buzzed so we assumed you had something to say but apparently it was Star's mom looking for us and Star got all freaked out cause she thought you got busted and hung up immediately. Then of course the freaking king bursts in cause I guess he heard us and Star immediately grabs an axe he had hanging up there and flat out attacks him. Like geez Tom? Why did you break up with someone who can flipping fight like that?! It was epic!". "She broke up with me...", Tom grumbled, "But just continue." "So she had a good run on him for a bit and I tried to help, but this magic dude really knew what he was doing, and blasted us against the wall, then Star's Mom entered in and got him in the back since he didn't see her and was busy with us, oh it was so cool!!! Their eyes were all glowing and man i wish my cell wasn't busted during that fight-". "And then what happened?", Tom was getting impatient, every moment they wasted here was another moment where Star and Moon could be in trouble. Janna rolled her eyes, "Look the commission dudes came in, and the king flat out turned into a big bug or something, grabbed moon and star, and vanished. I pickpocketed one of those commission dude's scissors when she wasn't looking and came here cause I'd rather not die....they went out to go find them..". "They...vanished?", the mewman blinked a few times, almost unsure whether to believe what she said was true. Janna nodded, "Yeah, in like a bunch of light they all went poof, it was super weird, I don't know where they went but it's freaky..". Tom's heart sank, how was he supposed to find them all now? Marco caught on, and looked relieved Tom couldn't risk going out to find them right now, but his worry was there for Star and her mom. He looked at Tom, "Do mewmans teleport? Can you guys really just....vanish like that?". "No....I-I don't think so..." Tom stared at his feet, "Janna, did my dad say anything before he vanished, a spell? like do you think he did anything magic related?". The girl shrugged, "My ears were ringing and everyone was talking, so if he did I sure couldn't hear it..". He nodded, "We have to do something, I don't know what but...", Marco took his hand to try and clam him down but Tom yanked it away. Tom was still a bit upset from everything earlier earlier, and it was clear he needed a bit of space after everything happening in his life with his father and the commission. "Tom, you're not going to-" "I gotta try, I might not have my wand but i can still perform magic...I think, if I can just...", Marco then took his shoulder, "You're hurt Tom, you're not in any shape to be going out there and you're already in enough danger, Star is strong, she and her mom can handle it..". Marco wasn't entirely sure if he believed those words himself considering Janna's state, but losing faith in Star was out of the question. He had to figure wherever they were they could handle it right? Tom walked off to the counter, and picked up the scissors Janna had taken with her, he stared at them for a really long time. "Jackie, stay here with Janna and look after her, Marco, come with me....I-I need you to help me.". Marco was about to interject when Tom handed his rabbit over to Jackie, "I-I want you to also keep an eye on Marshmallow for me, he kinda means a lot to me and If something happens I don't want him to be hurt....". The bunny made small noises and Tom smiled, "I think he likes you..". Jackie smiled as well and pet the small animal, "Just be careful dudes, and bring those two back in one piece ok?". Tom nodded, and Marco silently agreed to follow him as he cut a portal into the air to the mewni castle. Marco looked at his companion, who looked very nervous about going through the portal, considering he just wanted to be over and done with this. Not to mention how hurt he was, or how uncomfortable those surroundings were on him, it could easily trigger him. Tom was having second thoughts based on how he was just looking at the portal, and Marco had to make sure he was ok first. "Tom, a-are you sure you want to do this?", the human asked his companion. Tom was silent, "I have to go try, without my wand i'm not as skilled but..", he looked at Marco with those red eyes staring straight into his soul, "You're my catalyst, you are what brings this magic out of me, I can't do this without you...". Tom held out his hand, "C'mon, just like old times right? Going on dangerous adventures together against forces of evil?". Marco smiled meekly and grabbed his hand, "Yeah, just like old times, one more adventure together around good.." The two walked into the portal together hand in hand, still tense after the fight but willing to save their friends. Marco gulped as he stepped back into the hallway that he had only been in hours ago. This was a bad idea.
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octocrocktopot · 6 years ago
I’m morbidly curious and afraid that if i’d play around with the snapchat filter thing I’d get like. a sign or something.
a friend of mine has a full body mirror mounted to the wall and whenever i’d come over and catch a glimpse of myself, i’d just feel my stomach do a kick flip. like i’d just look at myself for minutes on end trying to figure out why the fuck i felt so uncomfortable. I’m usually okay in distancing myself and dissecting what made me feel like shit, but that moment was a fullblown mystery and stuck with me ever since. I kinda realized that i felt like that even before then, but never as strongly as in that moment. Like my image never really. fit?
I’m pretty sure it’s just body dysphoria cuz i hate most if not all parts of me and my sense of self is next to non-existent ha ha. but something in me. wouldnt be surprised if it was related to gender???
i remember reading a trans coming out experience, the realization of struggling w/ gender and this particular person’s description of their assigned gender being “bearable” rather than something inherent, hit home so hard even though i was never fully aware of it. Like it wasn’t as if i wasn’t aware of nb folk and I have read/seen some similar things before, but never did it resonant so deeply and i still dont know why that comic specifically. Like all this loose vague uncomfortableness i never really understood, solidified into something that made sense. but also scared the absolute fuck out of me.
I dont like thinking about it at all, cuz it’s this whole fucking can of worms that im not ready to open, but fuck it’s been bothering me a lot lately. For now im just a cis boy, but jezus each time i think abt it i go into a panic sprial. Which funnily enough also alligns with that coming out story. 
So for the lack of a better phrase, gender is fucked y’all.
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